Chosen…I love that word. I don’t know a heart that doesn’t long to be chosen?
Yet the disappointments of life and the deep pain of broken relationships can cause us to forget that we are – chosen, loved, and sought after.
“You are a chosen [woman], a royal priesthood, a holy [daughter], a [woman] belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of HIM who has called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9, NIV
Yet, broken hearts and broken circumstances can make us doubt we are valuable, that our future relationships can be healthy, or that anyone would ever want us. Without even realizing it, we begin to see ourselves as disposable. Easily replaced. Not good enough.
As I shared in Chapter 6, this happened to me after my fiance broke our engagement – twice.
I had always believed I wasn’t good enough and now I had proof.
But God…used it to show me a deep place in my soul that would only be complete when I realized that in His eyes, I was just right. Forever loves and chosen.
“It wasn’t until He was all I had that I realized He was all I needed (really needed). Recovering from the heartbreak of being unwanted and rejected, I started to discover my identity and permanent value in who I was in Christ for the first time. The promise of God’s nearness and the fact that He chose me as His own was the only assurance I could hold on to.” (Chapter 6)
{I have a song that I know without a doubt God picked for me to share with you…and then He led me to this version of the music video. How do I know? Because there are photos in it that I’ve used in different ways over the years, but I didn’t know they were in this video until I watched it. Please take time to listen and let your heart respond to these truths – let this words remind your heart that you are secure, significant and accepted. You are CHOSEN and your heart is spoken for.
Oh sweet friends, I pray you would let these words soak deep into your heart. Watch it again and again until your soul knows it’s true!!
Today’s Giveaway: Click here for my Chapter 6 – AM/FM Thoughts Download to print and post, and also share with a friend!
And the winners are:
- Last week’s randomly yet prayerfully selected winner of my “Living Loved” give-away is… Rita Walters.
- This week’s winners randomly and prayerfully chosen from over 885 of you who participated in ACH Online Study roll call are:
- Kimmie – who will receive a year’s subscription to the P31 Woman magazine
- Stephanie – who will receive an exclusive P31 radio CD with 40 0f our favorite shows
- Kathy – who will receive a $10 gift card to Target or Starbucks {you choose!}
PS> I know it’s disappointing to not win, and I think it might be as disappointing for me to not to be able to choose every single one of you!! That is why I take forever choosing a winner. But I also know you’ll be thrilled for each other ’cause that’s just the kind of women you are. I love that about you {and I”m telling you – Iam seriously enjoying reading our roll call!! It’s so amazing to see where we are all from. In fact, I’m compiling a list to share with you all next week :-).
Time to Connect: Ok, let’s all share our answer to #7 in the questions at end of Chapter 6. And any others you feel comfortable sharing, too. {I now know you all know how to leave a comment 🙂 – after 885+ of you participated in our “roll call” here! What a blast I’m having reading all of them!!}
Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. I’ll be here reading and praying and commenting too. LOVE you guys!!!
My am is myself i am torn between two jobs one pays more and causes me grief the other pays alot less but would make me happy( i dont have it yet) my fm is with out a doubt the lord! He is always there when i need him, thru a song with just the right words or a phone call from just the right person
Hi Renee,
Thank you so much for the song. It was so beautiful and encouraging. The words and the pictures.. I love how you said, “to remind our hearts that we are secure, significant and accepted.” I have not finished chapter 6 yet, haven’t touched the questions, but I really relate to the chapter so far. I have said, “What’s wrong with me?” many times to myself and brought back memories of one significant time, when I even questioned what God thought of me. How awesome to be reading this book and see exactly what God thinks of me. God is so amazing how He could bring this study into my life at just the perfect time.
By the way, thank you Renee and to everyone who prayed for my family last week.
Wow, Just got to read the post and to listen to song. That was great it made me cry.I don’t know what else to say but wow. Thank you for posting it. God Bless you for all that you do.
Thank you, Renee for the beautiful video! An AM thought I have struggled with is “I am too shy to do…” and I am replacing it with “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13 I must share that I have felt the heaviness lift off my chest since I have been doing “A Confident Heart”. There is joy in my heart. Praise God! It is a minute by minute journey to turn my thoughts to God’s promises as He begins to transform me from the inside out. His promises are healing balm. I also praise God for the work He is doing in and through you Renee in reaching so many many ladies who are struggling.
Your words are very encouraging. I can relate to what you wrote. Thank you for writing.
Thank you V for your kind words. I know how to pray for you!
My life has been plagued with depression, dispair, rejection, abandonment, hopelessness and feeling unloved and unworthy. I have been a christian for over 30 yrs. and still have a hard time believing God’s words and promises. I can believe them for somebody else but not me. This study is helping me to put God’s word into my life. I love the concept of the AM vs. FM ~ which one am I going to tune into more? I am finding when I start personalizing God’s word by inserting my name and say it out loud it has a stronger affect within me-so I am now trying to do this more when I read HIS words about me. One of these days and hopefully soon it will ring true for me where I won’t hear the “AM” station anymore where there will be no more signal to pick up. I will only get the “FM” station coming in and no more static.
1. (AM) I am not loved or wanted. (FM) Before I was formed in the womb {Cindy} I knew you. Before you were born {Cindy} I set you apart. Jer. 1:5
{Cindy}, I will never leave you or forsake you. {Cindy} you are mine, I have adopted you into my family. You are the King’s Daughter. Eph. 1:4-5
2. (AM) I’m not good enough, I am a failure. .(FM) {Cindy} you are fearfully and wonderfully made; all His works are wonderful and {Cindy} you are one of them. Ps. 139:14
3. (AM) I will never change, how can God use me I am hopeless. I will never measure up to anything (FM) {Cindy} I have a hope and future for you, plans to proser you {Cindy} and not to harm you {Cindy}.. See {Cindy} I am doing a new thing in your life. {Cindy}, do not look to the past , forget the former things. I am taking you {Cindy} out of the dessert and am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
my life also has been fullof hurt people leaving and lieing im going thou it now and i try hard to remember god/jesus loves me and is there will never give you more then you can handle but i also end up saying why me alot why cant i have some good luck.
My AM thought recently has been that I’m not acceptable or good enough. I am a single 41 year old woman who actually has never once even been on a date because the world cannot see past the outside. According to the world there are visible things about me that are not acceptable. I know that my experience has been very different from most and it makes me think there is something wrong with me. I know that God made me with a plan and purpose and that people who judge and jump to conclusions based on what they see don’t know the real me.
Thank you so much for sharing. Although my story is different, in ways I do relate. I have thought before that something is wrong with me, but as you wrote, God does have a plan and purpose for each of us, we are perfectly created by Him, our creator.
One AM thought that I have had before in the past is, who cares what I want? I have felt rejected many times in my life but, this was actually said to me by a loved one recently. I know that without the confidence I am gaining from this study I really would have been very hurt. Instead I recognized it immediately as being from the enemy and I have replaced it with FM thoughts – 1 John 5:18 I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me. Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
I did not respond in any way to the person who made the remark only to forgive them in my spirit and know that I have the Word Of God in my heart and mind and for that I am thankful. I thank you Renee for sharing the wisdom that God has given you to help people like me to live knowing we can trust in Christ to be all we need. For He cares for me! “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit”. Psalm 34:18 I Praise Him!
I know doubting the Lord, His work, His ways are not smart. Trust (confidence) is where it is at. Sometimes it is VERY difficult for me to do it. I plan to watch the video (song) over and over. Thank you!
Thank you soo much for the encouragement ..i am very broken from past and present hurts ..sometimes its all i can do to just breathe..i am thankful for the Lord in my life..
I felt this way after my first husband died. We were only married a little over a year and it really was taking life moment by moment, to just breathe. I will pray for you.
I just can’t stop crying…
His love is SO AMAZING…
humbled I be His.
My AM it is so very hard to find patience.
My FM I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me. Philippians 1:6
The song is so reassuring!!!!!!!
I’m so thankful for the power of this book and study. They are speaking to all the issues I’ve struggled with for so many years. I know God is using these words to reinforce the truth that He alone is my judge. Other people’s opinions, no matter how close they may be to me, are not what’s most important; God’s is. He is my “audience of one” and he loves me regardless of how many times I stumble. I am His beloved daughter and I am so grateful.
What a great video! Not only the words but the pictures as well. Really need to work on the AM & FM thoughts. However this is one I definitely need: When doubt comes against me, saying I shouldn’t get my hopes up because I’ll only be disappointed, I’ll remember God is for me! He has plans for my life that are filled with purpose and hope (Jer. 29:11).
Holly I feel the same way!! I go day by day wanting to believe that when things are going well and I feel I have finally reached a place where there is no going back, I know now who I am in Christ, doubt comes and life happens and I feel alone and the evil one whispers it will never change, it will never be that you feel that love all the time. I claimed Jeremiah 29:11 as a life verse over 20 years ago as a new Christian…I keep saying it and I have to believe it! Then that doubt comes…Lord help us to know that we can believe your promises, that we can trust your love for us never changes like our emotions do…God Bless you my sweet sister…
The song is perfect for this chapter. The pictures are beautiful and go perfectly with the song. It was so peaceful to listen to and watch good way to end a day at work. Thanks for sharing it.
I love the song! Thanks for choosing it!!
#7 AM – I will never measure up. FM – John 1:12 I am God’s child!
AM – I cannot please my husband.
FM – Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Now to truly claim these and live them.
What amazes me is that HE knew my end from my beginning and all the mistakes and twists and turns and lies I would beleive and yet HE STILL CHOSE to walk and wait with me and to PURSUE me with all His heart and love. Praise the Infinte Eternal Loving God!!! I am His daughter!
Loved the video! I loved the words and esp. the cloud heart in the sky.
My answer to question 7 was When doubt comes against me, saying that I’m not good enough for a certain role or position, I will remember that God is for me! He says I am His masterpiece, created to be new in Christ so that I could do good things He planned long ago. and the other one is When doubt comes against me, saying I can’t do something because it’s too hard, I will cling to the truth that God is for me! He says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
The printouts have been helpful to a friend as well as myself:)
Love Love Love that song! And today it made me cry because I know what he has done for me…I feel his love surround me like loving arms He always know what I need He is so Amazing!
Beautiful reminder that we ARE chosen. Spoken for. Loved. Beyond anything we can imagine. As a mother, I think we learn to some extent what unconditional love means, but we sometimes loose it and don’t deal with things in love. To be loved – absolutely no matter what – is such an amazing thing!
Beautiful video really enjoyed it!
I’m new to the blog and to the website, just purchased your book, and I LOVE IT. I would like to ask that you add me to your prayers, I have just recently lost my son and I have a huge void in my heart, I struggle daily with grief, some days are worse than others, I miss him greatly. I have found great comfort in the Lord and I pray to him daily to help me through this difficult time.
Praying esp. for you Lisa, I pray God would wrap you in His loving arms. Know that He still loves you! You are still His child. Read the book of Lamentations in the Bible. it might help you process your grief.
Michele S.
Hi Lisa,
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I will pray for you.
Thank you for this song. I need to watch the video, and watch it and watch it! This idea has been in my head for most of my life, but I am having a really hard time getting it into my heart and soul, and I NEED to get it!
Praying for you Mandy!
Michele S.
Thank you, Michele! Blessings to you too.
Feelings of rejection and feelings of change is a struggle, but I am working on it more each time.
Remembering 2 Cor. 3:18 transformed into his image with ever-lasting glory
This is what is in my heart :
Change me, Lord
Change me to be more loving and kind
Change my heart to be a servant’s heart
Change my attitude to full of worship and praise
Change my thoughts and help to trust in You
Take all of me, Lord
and Help me to change to be more like You. ~joyce
This song…is timed for today….
“I am my Beloved’s…
He reaches out to me in His LOVE
I cringe…and hold my breath, fearing the pain will increase
But His love is warm and tender
Not like the love of others
His is pure and holy
wanting nothing in return
His love washes me
The grime of the world is rinsed away
I am clean again
Cleansed by the Love of God
My Lord
My Savior
My Redeemer
The One Who Loves me Best
Jesus Christ.”
cjs -2*24*12
Awesome! Thanks, Carta, for sharing!
Thanks Renee! This self doubt plagues all of us everyday…….sometimes making me soooo weary! I find strength in you, Proverbs 31 devotions and the comments left by other women sharing. We are not alone in this daily battle. I had the opportunity to share with a 17 year old girl yesterday that the mind is a powerful thing and satan will use it against us if we don’t focus on God’s truth about us! I soooo want her to see the truth, grasp it, use it, and let it sustain her into womanhood. It is so much harder to do when you are in your 40 somethings! 🙂 Thanks again Renee and thank you God for loving me inspite of myself!
Hallelujah!!! Child of the Risen Lord….tears of joy are flowing here. thank you Renee for sharing this song. I have always loved this song but it seems it means so much more now. Praise God!
“To hear you say, This ones Mine” makes me feel so loved and accepted by my Heavenly Father. I am chosen by Him and by Him I am saved, forgiven, loved and healed. Thank you my Heavenly Father for loving me and for this book and study group. Thank you for your most perfect and wonderful gift. Thank you for chosing me and say that I am yours!!
There are just so many touching comments today that spoke to my heart. Sometimes my head knowledge is out of sync with my heart knowledge but when their together beautiful music is made. Everyone have a great weekend.
Please continue to be in prayer for us. For husband a better paying job and to get bills covered. Thanks so much for praying.
Jeanie, I pray just as you have requested and more. Our Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills. (In my area that would translate, “My Daddy is a big cattle rancher”.) I have been where you are for a long time and it is amazing the different ways God has worked this through. Sometimes He has worked through me trying to take the ‘bull by the horns’, and that is the hardest of all.
I pray for your peace as God works with your husband to supply for his family as God has commanded him to do. A picture of a bird in a nest, in a storm. That is our peace. God has his hand on us and will give us peace as He works through our storms.( I looked on line and this was the only bird in a storm I could find. ) Maybe you could find a different one, but know HE cares for you.
Chapter 7 Am/Fm is powerful to me. 2Tim.1:7 I do not live with a spirit of fear, but of power ,love and sound mind. I lived in fear for so many years I can’t remember what started it, but I know WHO ended it. After struggling, sharing my fear and getting prayer to no avail, I just waked out of it one day. I don’t know the day, I remember saying to myself the tree and sky are so defined in the color contrast. From that time one one I feel fear and depression I look to the sky.
I was raised in the place that had wide open gray sky. Now I live in a place that has that, but also has the contrast of green on blue in the winter. I praise God for a sound mind through His love and power in my life.
“I can’t do it. God says: I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me. Phil 4:13
“I don’t know what to do. God says: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
Wonderful Song.
These beautiful lyrics express clearly the message of chapter 6. The ladies in my town who are doing this study with me have been such a blessing to me and to one another. Thank you for writing this book and doing this study.
I love the song very much. It made me feel like I can do all things and now I know I can. I have been going through some tough struggles but after listening to that song made me realize that I am not going it alone. Thanks for your encouraging words. I have bottle up so much of who I am inside because I don’t think anyone understands but my God does. I can’t even discuss the bible with my spouse because he likes to argue it when I would like to know more of it. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.
Thank you so much for this. I have been in a big struggle recently with this exact thing. I feel that I am not good enough and nothing I say or do has been helping. So, I started down the road that I used to always go, of isolating myself from everyone. I know this is nothing more than my way to protect myself. At least this time I have found this is a good time for a deeper connection with God. I keep reminding myself of His promises and what He says about me (from your chart in chapter 12 – Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence). So – thank you for helping me get through this!
Thank you for the video. I need the reminder that God chosen me.
God bless you all..
Praying this song will play again and again in your heart and in your thoughts this weekend!
I wish I could just believe it…I have gone back into a deep depression after months of working on coming out of it…I am home alone most of the time and can’t get out of my head that speaks evil to me…I have no purpose and I don’t know why I cannot get out of this…It seems all the good I am trying to do means nothing…i have no joy and I am fighting hard to break free and know in my heart all these truths…Maybe it is not good for me to be doing this study…I have worked through so much in my life I am tired and weary of falling back into these places I am in…I know it all in my head, tell my heart Lord, tell my heart….
I love your name by the way. Joel Olstein’s mom was faced with some type of cancer, I don’t remember which but one that is not commonly cured. He speaks of how she plastered all of God’s promises of healing around the house and how would continuously focus on them and declare them out loud. I believe she is still doing it today. I wonder if you took today’s download of “Against Me/For Me Thoughts” and plastered them all over the house where you could instantly declare the “For Me” Thoughts as soon as an against me thought entered your head. I know I am not that good at memorizing so when there is a major attack I just find a phrase such as “if God is for me who can be against me” that I say repeatedly so no other thought can enter in, even if it makes me sound like a babbling fool. I understand how thoughts can take control and I think you can use God’s word as a weapon against unwanted thoughts and his words eventually reach your heart. My prayers for God’s peace, comfort and reassurance are offered for you. May God Bless you!
I am speaking Scripture all day…Thank you…for caring, for helping, for reaching out…I have to be OK, and get this…I have worked to hard not to…My Counselor tells me to just be Peggy…That I am intrinsically good…I have to start the work, and live it…I am trying to hard on my strength…God is my strength and i have to believe He really really loves me…God Bless you my sister…
Also, thank you for showing me the AM/Fm’s i missed that after the beautiful song that spoke to me…I do need to listen to that over and over and believe!!! I printed them out and will post them….Your a blessing Nancy…
Yes, peggybythesea, I agree with what Nancy said about quoting those verses over and over, listen to the Holy Spirit as you are quoting those Scriptures….preferably quote those verses out loud…so that you not only see them, but that you are hearing them too. For our faith grows by hearing the Word of God. And remember God’s Word does not return void!!! It accomplishes exactly as His Word says.
I know there are times when I have gotten on a roller coaster and felt I couldn’t get off….but a friend reminded me to read out loud (and really listen to what God is telling you) Ps. 91!!! And there was breakthrough, I was no longer confused, but was in peace!
And just because it happened for me on first try doesn’t mean it will. What I mean is I’ve actually gone to this passage many times over the past 4 years. The more we meditate on a certain passage the more it fills us and we believe God’s Word. So I’m just saying read, read, and read again!!! And listen to what the Holy Spirit tells you. Personalize the passage. Say it as a prayer to God. If the Holy Spirit leads you to another verse…ponder on that out loud for a while…then pick up where you left off on in Ps. 91. And continue in the same manner all the way through Ps. 91.
Keep your eyes focused on Jesus and His finished work. He must increase, we must decrease!!! (I think that is in John chapter 1). Do not think about yourself, but Jesus. Remember these truths: Jesus loves you with an unfailing love. He cares for you. He thinks the best of you! You are His beloved. You are in right standing with God, not because of who you are, but because of Whose you are. You are made the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus!!!
There are many more truths you can remember…I’ve only listed a couple!
God bless you, Peggy! I’m praying for you! I really know how tough it is to get out of that depression! Hang in there and keep Jesus before your eyes! He is the only way to get out of it!
Love ya,
Thank you my sweet sister….God Bless you for helping me on this journey we are all on!!!
Dear Sister in Christ,
You are a child of God, and God knows you. God loves you, and as my sister in Christ I love you too!
Let God bring you peace. Let His love be stronger than those bad thoughts. You are stronger than you seem, and for what you mentioned in your comment, you are way braver than you think. I wish you could go outside for a moment and feel the love of God on the sunshine, or the grass, or the snow, whatever in the nature that reminds you of all His wonderful creations. Sometimes when I feel unloved or unworthy, I try to focus on the wonderful things and/or persons around me that remind me of how much God loves me. Give yourself a chance to enjoy God’s love. I’ll be praying for you and for peace in your heart.
God bless you!
I did that today…I had to work and help an elderly lady…As a Caregiver to them I always feel so much better after being with them…I just dont do well alone and that is where I have to trust and believe…I took some pics of the sky and the Palm trees before work, funny you said that…God is faithful….Thank you my sister for reaching out….God Bless…
I love that God led you to do those things. He’s already working and leading your heart to see Him as you seek Him. He loves you Peggy!!
Dear Peggy,
I’m so sorry for what you are feeling. I know how overpowering our emotions can be. I have sunk into a deep pit before and thought I’d never get out. I wanted everyone around me to reach in and take my hand and pull me out. But none of them could. Oh I wanted them to but no matter who I looked to, I was always disappointed.
Only JESUS. Only His words. Only me talking to Him and listening to HIm through His promises began to rescue me. I put scriptures all over my mirrors and my mind. I would even look in the mirror and tell myself the truth. I would literally look in the mirror and say: You are loved. You are chosen. You are pursued. You are beautiful (even when I didn’t look so great).
I didn’t “FEEL” thes things at all – but I said them, I chose to actively think them out loud if silence was ineffective. And I would claim them. Over time the patterns of my thoughts changed. But it took practive and time. It didn’t happen quickly. It took years. I had a lifetime of lies and old message to replace with God’s message and words. But now I have more time on this side of my salvation – 23 years verses the 22 I had on the other side.
I know I might sound preachy but I’m just passionate about your freedom!!! Please take action. Move through the emotions and do what Karina and Nancy have encouraged you to do. No one can do this for you – but YOU CAN DO THIS FOR YOURSELF!! Think of all that Jesus went through to redeem your life from the pit and give You His power. It was because HE LOVES YOU!!! You are worth the work it took Him and you are worth what it is going to take to fight the enemy and believe God instead.
Emotions are a direct result of thoughts – but sometimes we need to think outloud to out shout the devil. Say God’s promises out loud. Preach them to yourself — and one great thing to do is to turn on contemporary Christian music and surround yourself with praise . That way your heart and mind will be lifted up and your focus will turn to Him instead of your feelings of doubt and sadness.
I know you can do this. Jesus believes in YOU I believe in you. We believe in you.!!!We are praying for you and cheering you on!!! In Jesus Name we claim progress and victory over the darkness in your home and in your heart!!
I thank you Renee for speaking to my heart…i am and have been doing all these things…Some days i feel like I have finally gotten it and some days I don’t…I am probably no different than a lot of women, I just get tired of the battle and I have to keep fighting…Thank you for your time…God Bless you for all you are doing…
Please forgive me if I sound preachy. I’m so proud of you for working through this and pressing into Him. I just hate the enemy and want so much for you not give up on yourself. LIke your counselor said — just be Peggy – you sound like you are a wonderful person!!! I know God is using you in the elderly’s lives and you must be such a blessing to them!! Love you and send hugs!!! << renee>>
You do not sound “PREACHY” Renee…You are speaking the truth in love!!! I just wanted to say that this past November and December i went through sort of a mental breakdown…So good to be able to share without family and friends knowing what i am saying. It is my heart and soul I speak with…Anyway, I had left my husband and drove home to be near my grown sons and the home I lived in all my life. I left Florida and drove to CT and stayed with a dear friend in the town we lived in. It was a huge lesson of “Failing forward”!!! God was in the whole thing and I was lost…I am 55 and I have had a hard life but god has been faithful throughout, i just don’t always feel Him…I have huge trust issues from childhood and that is where my problem lies I think…Trusting God!!!
Anyway, after 7 years, The year of completion in the Bible, I had to realize my boys had their own lives and my life was no longer there. I had driven alone all those miles frantically searching my heart! I also was addicted to pain medication and took an awful chance driving all that way. I came home to Florida and my husband , he welcomed me back with open arms, after almost 30 yrs married. I have been very fragile, healing, off the meds and trying to accept me and the dream that will not be…That is what I have been dealing with, without many more details I went through i have to keep pressing on. My dreams of a happy family with my grown sons and their families all around us and me being a hands on mom and Grammie are just not God’s plan. He has other plans for me and that has been my life verse for the 23 years I have been a Christian. 32 years after being raised Catholic and that being all I knew…I was always a bad little girl…So like you my journey to Christ has been long but still I search…still I haven’t figured out the plan God has instead of the one I had. I miss my boys so much, I was a stay at home mom and they were my life from the time I was 18 on…Soooooo, thank you for letting me write all of this…I love the lord with all my heart and soul….Before I left I had post its , scriptures and mirrors filled with his truth!! I took them all with me and that memory is in the past, I threw them all away. Now I have printed out each of your pretty downloads and have them in my bathrooms and my kitchen…I am speaking them and working at being God’s girl and accepting my life and who I am in His image…Thank you for being here at such a time as this…love your sister in Christ….Peggy
My hubby and I need prayers today.
We are going through a rough transfer from the Air Force to the Coast Guard and since nothing is decided we have been totally stressed out and our marriage is suffering.
This song is a blessing today.
Jeana, I am praying for you right now. Lord help my sister, Jeana through this tuff time. Minister to her you plan and your peace. ~ Amen
I’m going to pray some of what I prayed for Natalies family over you and yours:
Jesus, surround this precious couple and wrap them in your comfort, grace, and wisdom. We pray in the power of your Name that you would protect their marriage and give them one heart, mind and soul as they go through this difficult transition. Help them draw near to you and each other. Help them fall in love again and remember that they have an enemy but it’s not each other.
Anoint them and their marriage with Your Holy Spirit and pour out the oil of gladness, the spirit of unity and lavish them with Your grace and mercy. In YOU all things hold together (Col 1:17) so we commit this couple to You. I pray You would make yourself so evident to them today that they would know YOU ARE NEAR!! In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you so much for this…my heart is so broken from a personal betrayal and I am only just beginning to grasp that God is truly the only source of my strength, my joy, my comfort…I am His!!!!
I’m praying for you Tricia – that you will remember and say these truths to yourself from Chapter 6:
I am accepted…
Ephesians 1:3-8 I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
Colossians 1:13-14 I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins.
Colossians 2:9-10 I am complete in Christ.
I am secure…
Romans 8:28 I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances.
Romans 8:31-39 I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love.
Philippians 1:6 I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.
I am significant…
Ephesians 2:10 I am God’s workmanship.
Ephesians 3:12 I may approach God with freedom and confidence.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
In Christ you are!!! Amen!!
I have No doubt who I am now I am looking at myself through God’s Eyes I am not here to be judged by others but by the Judge Himself I will stand before one Glorious day. I Have been Accepted by His Mercy and Grace into His Kingdom.I may not be Perfect but Praise God I have been forgiven.I just have to listen for that still small voice and Trust Him and I am Nothing on my own but to My Heavenly Father I am His Child I am Loved and Adopted into the Family of God.That is Something to Shout About!Thank You so much Sister Renee for all you Encouragment your Faithfulness in all you do to help women as myself see ourselves as more then Conquerors in Christ Jesus.And there is Nothing we cant do or accomplish in this Life if our Hope and Trust is in God.I Pray more of Him and His wants for my life and less of myself.I have been bought with a Price and it was a high price Jesus had to pay for me to be able to Spend Eternity with Him and for that I will be Forever Greatful.I Love the growing grace we are Put through to make us more like Him.Thank You again for all Your Wisdom Words to Live By I am Praying for you and all the Women of God doing this online study. Your Friend and Sister in Christ Betty.
Amen — preach it sister!! Thank you for sharing and praying boldly!! We claim these truths as our identity in Christ — individually and corporately as a group! We are so thankful for you, Betty, and for your prayers!!
First when I saw the title of today’s blog post, I thought about Mercy Me’s song Spoken For right away and was so happy to see the video later in the blog post. Wow. I have this cd and love every song but this song has always touched my heart. They are an amazing band with an holy message. So happy that you used it here today to remind me of Who I belong too and Who is in control of this crazy life called my life. Thank you Lord.
So thankful Jesus blessed you in a special way through it. It’s one of my favorite CDs too!! Love MercyMe!!
Girls, I need prayer & I didn’t know where else to go. Yesterday, I received a phone call that I never expected. After 30 years of marriage, my Dad has asked my Mom for a divorce. She obviously is completely devestated as are my brother and I. Please pray for my Mom that she would receive the love and comfort the Lord has to offer and please pray that my Dad will return home. Thank you all
Natalie, I will pray right now for you and your family.
Please know that you (and your family) are in my prayers. In this time of complete turmoil, hold tight to God’s truths.
Oh Natalie, my heart is so broken for your mom and your whole family. I am so sorry.
Jesus, surround this precious family and wrap them in your grace, comfort and wisdom. Jesus we pray in the power of your Name and through the power of your blood shed on the cross that you would stop Satan in his tracks as he seeks to bring division and destruction in this family. Bind up the broken places we pray and pour your oil of healing, restoration, truth, unity, forgiveness, grace and mercy over them and their relationships with one another. For You, by You and through You all things are made and in YOU all things hold together (Col 1:17) so we commit this all to You and for Your Honor and Glory we pray YOU would turn hearts back to you and each other. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank you all so much! I have felt God’s peace all day & I know my Mom,Dad & brother have also. Please continue to pray. The Lord is already working at restoring our family & I believe that He can Heal all of us. Thank you all again.
Natalie- no matter what our age hearing our parents struggle is never easy. Praying for you to have a confident heart to face uncertain times.
Oh my, this is so moving and touching for me. Just to finally realize after soooooo many years, that
I am his that he choose me, and loves me, and I belong to him.
Its something most women need to hear and be affirm of, this empowers us to move foward more excited to word for Gods kingdom
Thanks Be Blessed ( yes God is really using you)
Yolanda, so thankful for how He works in and through us to minister to us and to others. Thank you for sharing how much this song/video ministered to you!
Beautiful song. Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I might have to listen to it a few dozen more times today. It’s been a rough week and this song is very comforting — telling me the things I need to hear and remember. Thanks! Have a Blessed Day!
Praying for you Celia – that these truths and assurances would sink deep into you!! It’s a song I’m listening to again and again today. So good for my heart, mind and soul!!
How do I know God meant for me to see the video? 1) I usually do not click on those because I am not much on music videos. 2) My daughter had sent me a card this week with one of the images in the video. 3) I chose one of the pictures earlier this month as image for summer mission trip design. Okay God, I get it! YOU ARE IN CONTROL and YOU know my needs before I ask.
Well that is just amazing and so GOD!!!!
As I shared with Jennifer, what else is that is so HIM is that I had planned on playing another song but He just kept playing the words of this one in my thoughts. So, when I went to find a music video to share, this one came up. It has a lot less hits than others that are on YouTube, but the images and design in this one were so perfect, I just knew it was the ONE.
And then to hear you say that the images were so specific for you, too – well that is just nothing but a gift to remind us just how personal and tenderly acquainted the Creator of the universe is with us – little ole us just hanging out together seeking Him and His heart together!!
I absolutely love this song! It always speaks His peace to my heart when I need it the most
and today I sure needed it! Thank you for sharing it and reminding us that Yes ….He has chosen us and our hearts are spoken for….Lord …take this world from me because I dont need it anymore, all I need is You…fill me and cover me with Your precious love! Amen
I so agree. It calms my heart and gives me such peace!!!
Covered by your LOVE Divine, child of the Risen Lord. To hear you say “This one’s mine.” My heart is spoken for!!!
Wow!!! Thank you for sharing that song I have song this song since I was baptized in 2009. Which is when I became a single mom over the last 3 years my relationship drew closer to god. In this video that you posted there is a waterfall in it that is punch bowl falls and I went on that hike just after Easter 2011 and I had asked my boyfriend whom I’m with now to find me a heart rock… As I was praying to god to show me a sign that he is the one 🙂 he found the biggest heart rock it was standing in the midst of the stream o that song you chose just spoke to me big time… Thank you so much Wow!!! God is awesome
Wow, that is amazing that God would choose that song and make it so powerfully personal to you today. And you know what else is neat, I had planned on choosing another song but He just kept playing the words of this one in my thoughts and when I went to find a music video to share, this one came up. It has a lot less hits than others but the images and design were so perfect, I just knew it was the ONE. And then to know that the images were so specific for you – well that is just nothing but AMAZING how personal the creator of the universe is with us – little ole us just hanging out together seeking Him and His heart for each of us!!
Oh How I LOVE Him!!!
God tends to speak to me through music a lot and I feel his presence through rare birds… In July 2005, I was making a big life decision I had asked god for a sign of his presents and also asked if I was making the right descion. Within that next week a dove came out of no where I was inside the store checking a customer out The dove landed on me. I thought it was the strangest thing. I then released the dove back outside he perched itself in a magnolia tree. I prayed god is this the sign the dove… I said to god if the bird is waiting there tomorrow when I return that is my sign, lol. The dove was there perched like a magnolia blossom in the tree, Wow I said I was so excited. After work I took the dove home and called her my new pet since she almost got attacked by a hawk. The dove rode on my shoulder in the car with the window down all the way home ( it was a summer day). I got home and my father on law got the dove to start laughing it is the funniest thing. I have the dove till this day 7 yrs now it’s my testimony I tell to everyone when I can. There is more to the story I left out. So when I attend a church and I see a dove symbol I know god has me there for a purpose. So with the rare birds when ever a feel a strong urge to look up and I see a bald eagle, blue harron, ofsprey, egret, hawk, owl, doves. I know god is giving me a sign of his presents 🙂
Boy, I need this song today. It’s a rough day in our house…deep breaths and prayers!!
Praying for you Heather! We had a deep breaths and prayers kind of night yesterday evening. He is there. Breathe deep and ask Him to help you and fill you with all you need – peace, calm, wisdom and comfort. He sees you and treasures all that you are and all that you do! Hugs!
Timing is great feeling like wha what’s next,the song is beautiful so true Lord help me to keep my mind on you love you Jesus!!!!!
Thanks so much Renee! Hugs to you too! 🙂
Heather, I had one of those “deep breath” days yesterday and now I feel like I have a hangover (like after a migraine). The blessing is I did not have the migraine, just the crazy day. Today I will be resting and you will be in my prayers. Rest in the Lord my sister.
Shalom, Deena
Thanks Deena! I appreciate the prayers and will pray that God is giving you a day of rest to recover as well. 🙂
I never really paid attention to the words of this song before until now. I love the thought that I am chosen and my heart is spoken for by God. Thanks Renee for this study. Chapter 6 really resonatied with me. It reminded me again of the disappointment in looking to others for our expectations. God does not want me to look outside of His promises and provision for what I need. Other peoples’ opinion of me may change, but His thoughts toward me never will. I like this statement from pg. 115:” The truth is, when we belong to Jesus we are loved and accepted forerever.”
Karen C
That should have been “resonated” above.
Karen C
I knew what you meant :0)
Everytime I listen to this song and soak in the reality that my heart is spoken for – by the One who spoke this world into existence – He has spoken for me and chosen me to be HIS!!! Breath-taking truth!!!
Thanks for sharing this video. I have always liked this song but it goes perfectly with this study.
It’s amazing to think that, way back eons ago, at the beginning of time (is there such a thing to God?) the Father chose me to be one of His children! It has been in place for all time. Yet, I had free will to decide whether I wanted salvation or not. I am so very grateful that on that pivotal day in my own personal history,
I chose Jesus as my Lord and Savior. And in doing so, I fulfilled the prophesy of being chosen by God. I am chosen! It’s so hard for me to wrap my head around that concept! All I can do is accept it, and fall on my knees and thank the Lord for the reality of choosing me. I am so unworthy. So undeserving. So blessed.
Amen Leslie!! It truly is AMAZING!!!
“Long before he laid down earth’s foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.” (Eph 1:4-6, The Message)
I do#7182n&;t know if Pryor is a good idea for Washington because he’s going to need a long time and a lot of commitment from a stable coach and front office. That ain’t Washington under Snyder.