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Sometimes I wonder how I can go from being in such a good place with God … feeling peaceful, loving and patient.. but then something happens that sends me into an orbit of aggravation!!
It happened just the other day…
Things were going well. I’d had a lovely afternoon working from home. Alone. Life was peachy.
But then school got out and kids came home. Within 15 minutes of arrival, one of my boys did something and said something that wasn’t so peachy. Then he did NOT do something I’d asked him to do and let’s just say… I lost all my peace and patience right there in the middle of my kitchen.
I was not happy.at.all. And I let my precious boy know it in a not-so-nice kind of way.
Then I felt GUILTY and like the WORST MOM on the planet.
For a few minutes I was pretty sure that’s exactly how God wanted me to feel ~ so I wouldn’t act so ugly the next time.
But finally, after I’d almost convinced myself that I was the worst mom and had no business in ministry, I remembered something a pastor said about the difference between conviction and condemnation. He explained it like this:
Condemnation sweeps across our thoughts with generalized statements such as, You’re such a failure, You’re so hypocritical, or You can never be counted on. That is the accuser. His tone is condemning, questioning, and confusing. His accusations lead to guilt and shame.
But the Holy Spirit’s conviction will be specific. He will reveal a sinful action or attitude and instruct us on what we need to do to right the wrong: whether it’s restoring a broken relationship or returning something that isn’t ours. He’ll give us steps we need to take to change our behavior or attitude.
• Instead of You’re such a failure as a [wife, mom, daughter, friend], the Spirit might say, You were really critical the way you talked to _________ (your husband, child, parent, etc). You need to say you are sorry and ask for forgiveness. Then tell them something that will build them up instead of tearing them down.
• Instead of You’re so hypocritical, the Spirit might say, You judge others for gossiping, but you are doing the same thing when you talk about your neighbor at work. Tomorrow at lunch break, apologize for what you said and share a few things that are positive about her.
• Instead of You can never be counted on, the Spirit might say, You didn’t keep your promise to go see your mom today. Call her to apologize and maybe set up a lunch date for this weekend.
Satan condemns accusingly, to make us feel guilty. God convicts lovingly, to lead our hearts to repentance. {tweet this?}
Jesus’ convictios draws us away from destructive behavior that hinders our relationship with Him and with others. His goal is to bring us out of the darkness of sin and back into the Light, so we can walk with Him in the freedom of forgiveness and the confidence of His love.
The next time we blow it or lose it, let’s ask Jesus to replace our guilt-induced doubt with HIS grace-infused confidence, as we hold onto the promise that His grace is sufficient because His power is made perfect in our weakness.
If my P31 devotion or blog post resonated with you today, I hope you’ll ENTER TO WIN a copy of my new Confident Heart Devotional. I truly believe the stories and truths in it will change your life {like they have mine}!
Based on honest struggles we all have with comparison, self-doubt, fear of failing, and the life-changing lessons God’s taught me and ten other women, {whose stories are in the book} you will discover how to change the way you feel by changing the way you think – which will transform the way you live!
Expanding on what readers of my first book LOVED most: “When I say … God says …” statements, I’ve written 60 new devotions and new {WISGS} statements to equip you with a new a thought map and a promise – to live in every day!
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Wow! what an awesome read to start my morning off. I’m always told that I’m too hard on myself and my children, even for the tiniest of things. I’m not new in my walk with Christ, but I always felt that I wasn’t where I
needed to be” in my walk; that I wasn’t as strong in my relationship as others around me were, but the more I prayed for my confidence to be built up, for the Holy Spirit to lead me, I would get subtle reminders of what I needed to work on. In dealing with my children: I wanted to be a better mom, I wanted to speak life into their lives and not cut them down, and I wanted to stop telling myself that I didn’t deserve to be a mom.
The kids wanted to paint, I didn’t want to clean the mess up afterward, so I said no; the kids wanted to ride their bikes outside, I didn’t want the kids to miss their nap time in 15 minutes, so I said no; the kids wanted pretzels for snack, I already washed an apple, so I said no… The Holy Spirit led me to start saying “yes.” The joy in their eyes at hearing such a little word, soon replaced by confusion was priceless! Mustering up what little energy I had left to spend even more time with my children was worth every little three-letter yes that I could manage.
instead of struggling to put the children down for bed so that I could have my quiet time with a cup of tea, the children were cooperative in the bedtime routine, falling asleep almost instantaneously. My quiet time seems to be coming along routinely now, whereas before I would have to wait almost until 10 every night before i could crack open my bible to focus. I find that in being led in the Holy Spirit, those subtle thoughts that once condemned me for being a horrible, undeserving mother have now turned into “see, you did well today. We’ll wake up earlier in the day to plan more activities. We’ll work through nap time and the late afternoon boredom. You’re not alone, and you’re doing wonderful. Think of all the memories being made.”
Prior to reading this article, I asked God for reassurance that i was doing a great job as a mom… this is exactly what I needed. 🙂 God Bless!
I just wanted to say Thank you and give you my personal testimony. The Lord is moving mountains in my life. I am a Veteran who is 80% disabled due to PTSD from MST. This has left me with anxiety, low self esteem, and a great amount of self doubt. Your writing has helped me so much and through this and God’s Grace I am proud to announce that today (the day I finished your book) I am conquering my fears and doubts. Today I will go to a meeting of local veterans organizations and share my idea of RISE.
RISE will be a group that comes together to run or walk in formation while shouting out encouraging christian choruses and songs. This will promote a cheerful view of life and duty, which will combat depression and fill souls with Hope and Joy, shifting the focus from self doubt to seeking and believing in God to give them confidence.
Your writing has led me to rely on the Lord, and listen to this idea that is almost constantly on my mind. I think I have finally found my purpose. So happy to see where this faith driven life will lead. Thank you again and God Bless
I would so love to win this book. Having quite a time recently of not feeling good enough. So enjoyed your devotional today. Awesome! Thank you for your input into my life.
This is just what I need to read! I’d love to win it!
I would love to read this cause I struggle with my self conscious ! I want to be strong but when it comes down to it I am scared I will say the wrong things! Thank you for this devo.
I love this idea, I love your emails I get. The always inspire me and alot of times I send things to my friends. Thank you so much for all your heart felt time.
It is often easy to feel like the failure, rather than letting the Spirit of God send conviction towards changing the wrong behavior. What an amazing truth that His grace is sufficient to change us, even our sin!
Hi Renee! Thank you so much for the email! I carry guilt around for the bad things I have said to my children and my husband. Thank you for reminding me to make the wrong right. I have to pray daily for God to “guard” my mouth and tongue.
Hi Renee! Thank you so much for this post! The hardest thing in my life is this guilt I carry around for the bad things I have said to my children in my moments of weakness. They are so precious, and sometimes I say the wrong things. Your post has helped me to understand that I just need to be convicted to make the wrong right, and try to move on.