Sometimes our hearts get to hurting and we don’t know where to turn. When our emotions are bleeding it’s easy to forget we have a Healer. It’s easy to run from the pain. My friend Suzie Eller is here today to remind us that we don’t have to run away. Jesus is inviting us to […]
for I AM {with you}
Nothing comforts me like God’s promises. Nothing calms my heart the way He can. And on those days when I need to be brave and know I’m not alone, I remember the first time He spoke these words into my fearful heart and it made all the difference, over 25 years ago: This beautiful scripture art and more […]
He works {all things} together for good?
“I need extra praying power. I had a biopsy Thursday, and now I’m waiting for results. Having a tough time, both because of the pain and the unknowns.” As I read Michele’s text, my heart ached. Why God? Why now? Why this? Why Michele? Hasn’t she been through so much already this year? Michele’s reaction has been a lot […]
When We Belong To Jesus
We had what felt like a storybook Christian romance. Mike was tall, dark and handsome. He had a successful business and he loved Jesus. But to top it all off, instead of asking me for a date, Mike asked if we could “court.” Our lives were connected on so many levels. We lived on the […]
The Things We Do {For Love}
I’ve got 10 MORE BOOK GIVEAWAYS this month! To find out when I have a giveaway, sign up in my sidebar where it says “Receive Email Updates.” “What a [woman] desires is unfailing love …” Proverbs 19:22a (NIV) I had everything I wanted yet felt empty and confused. My life was full of relationships and accomplishments […]