I know you sometimes feel ordinary but you’re not.
You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.
You may feel invisible … like you’re just one of millions of others.
But there’s no comparison. God sees you friend.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
Listen as He whispers…”You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.” Is 43:4
He also sees someone He knows.
“You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” Ps 139:1
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves the way He made you, I’m confident He wants you to feel the same way. Watch, listen and let Him sing these truths over your heart today. {And if you’re reading this in email, click here to watch it online.}
You really are…
You are His!
May God’s sweet affirmations replace all those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying that like the psalmist, you can learn to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
Want to find out more about who God created you to be?
Here’s a link to a FREE Spiritual Gifts Assessment to see what your gifts are!
It’s FREE for everyone!
Today’s GiveAway: I’m giving away 5 copies of the personality assessment that I talk about in my book A Confident Heart, In chapter 8, I share an in-depth section about personalities and how our unique traits play a key role in our God-given purpose. Today’s giveaway is called Wired That Way Personality Profile and includes a time-tested profile with definitions, instructions to eliminate confusion, a detailed explanation of your scores, and a handy team-building chart that shows how the different Personalities interact.
Enter to win: Share a little bit about what God is speaking to your heart or showing you today through my P31 devotion, this blog post and/or music video. Can’t want to hear from your heart. Simply click “share your thoughts” below. {And if you’re reading this in email, click here.}
Read my Encouragement for Today devotion The Comparison Trap.
I have compared myself to others my entire life! And have finally come to realize that I am who I am and I love it. My strengths have always been caring for children, I was a licensed in-home day care provider for 25 years, my husband was the one who opened my eyes and showed my the years of care I gave to others was indeed what the Lord gave me to be and to share, and in the last 4 years I have been blessed with two ‘beautiful’ grand-daughters whom I get to care for 2 days and over-night each week! God is good! I no longer compare me with others, I know we are all wonderful individuals who are different and need to be different to fit into His plans……
I wanted to share a “God-incidence” with you about the music video. I had told my study group last week, that I was making a playlist of songs that reinforced what I was learning in the study. One friend brought up the song “Beautiful” and suggested I add that to my playlist… now you featured it on your blog today! I think that is God’s way of telling me to get that song and use it in my quiet times 🙂
Thank you for your wonderful study and I thank God for the way it is working in my life!
So needed the reminder today. Trying to shake off the dust and “fail forward.” Thanks for the “beautiful” reminder, Renee and everyone.
That was the first time that I have heard that song and it is amazing. I have forwarded it to several of my friends, especially those that I know are going through a rough time. It certainly brought a smile to my face after an already long, rough morning.
I Loved the video, I get so excited to share I forget some things I want to say….Thank you Renee for all you have shared……
Thank You Lord for Renee and this book. I am your Masterpiece and I know that you love me. I surrender my all to You and I want to use my gifts, which you blessed me with to help others. I have a physical disability which :satan always told me, I would not be able to help with anything”….But I know now that he is a liar!!!!!, I just say that everyday…The Holy Spirit has laid several things on my heart, and I can help!!!!!….in small things I can do to help in church, like bake for Sunday morning service….Listen to sisters who need to talk, I crochet, why not create beauty for others..Im excited!!!! God is good.
It’s never to late to be the beautiful women God created us to be!!!!!!…..Sisters, there is no limit to what we can do…AMEN!!!!
God is working inside me, and I’m struggling to hear what He has for me. Each day is a journey in Christ.
As I watched this video just now my thought turned to all the young girls and women that should really see this video and I began to try to figure out how it could be incorporated into some of the contact that I have with them through my life…and then I went…”wait, I NEED to listen to this video for ME!” I find myself at that time of my life where I’m thinking of all the things I have never succeeded at and looking ahead with fear and doubt of ever being able to do anything more then what I do now (and wondering if what I am doing now is even the right thing to be doing.)
I’m going to take a second look at this video with the sole purpose (which to me seems abit selfish) being to hear what it is saying to me and not think of others at this moment but I really need to hear from God today that I am HIS and precious to him. That he has a plan for my life that everything that has taken place up to now has been training me for.
I’ve just re-entered into our family owned business full-time and will be working with my husband. This has not proven to be easy in the past but I feel that God has always called me to support my husband in his efforts to provide for our family. Not sure if it’s right or not but In my heart I am looking at this as the final attempt for us to work in the business together and if it doesn’t work out this time then God will have the next step for me to take in the future outside of us working together.
I absolute love chapter 8! As I read through it carefully, God has opened my eyes to things I struggled to understand for so many years. My mind was clear and I could feel God’s whispers from the pages of this book. Wonderful! Last night I got my husband and my son involved in helping me figure out “who I am”. It was fun to hear their perspectives. They saw in me so much more than I allowed myself to see. I know “Wired that Way” would be a great resource to have to finally know who I am, know my strengths and weaknesses, know my emotional needs and kiss goodbye to constant burnout and insecurities!
Lord, I thank you for journeying with us through our healing as we read this book together. Thank you for lifting us out of the pit and giving us a firm place to stand. Ma we be forever bold in proclaiming what you have done for us!
May we be…
I’m just getting started in Chapter 8, but this book has been wonderful for me. I’m always trying to compare myself to others and still haven’t figured out what my dreams/desires are. When talking with my husband about this chapter, even he says that’s about where he is. So together we will walk through this chapter and see if we can truly feel what God has planned for us and our family. We’ve been so focused on what we “think” He wants for us but it’s either been within our comfort zone or that door closes on us. Thanks Renee for your book and your posts. Perfect timing for me!
I am praying that God will reveal “the desires of my heart”. I have never thought about my desires just trying to take care of others desires as any wife and mother would. Also thank you for the song this am.
As I was driving to work this very morning, I was thanking Him for making me just the way I am….. I have a tendency to be a perfectionist and very hard on myself, comparing myself to others, wishing for or regretting this or that. Such a vicious trap the liar of all liars sets for us. Thank you for this beautiful reminder! And thank you God for putting on these women’s hearts the Truth!!
I need to have my husband look at these – I see several characteristics in each one that would describe me, yet some that are not me at all. Maybe it’s because of being older & God has softened my heart & the relational challenges aren’t that great – typically. Some insecurities came out this weekend as we spent time with the in-laws – maybe now’s the time to ponder the list again. I’m going to take the spiritual gift assessment as well. Thanks for challenging us to look at our “desires:.
I have so often felt like I don’t have any talents and gifts, or much to offer. I have lived my life thinking that I have never really developed myself. I have taken the spiritual gifts test in the past and have come up with service as my number one gift. At the time I was kind of discouraged because I wanted something a little more than that. I do know that God knows what is ahead for me and that He may open opportunities up for me to do much more than service and I have also come to realize that service involves a lot of areas within the church. At our current church my biggest desire is to get better connected. My family is military and we move around a lot and we are currently in a church where everyone is related in one way or another and if they aren’t, they at least grew up with each other. I really love our church and I know God has my family there for a purpose. i have grown so much closer to God through this time and so has my husband and children. I am trying to step out in faith when God tells me to do something as opposed to stepping back in fear, especially in ways to get connected. Now what God has really been talking to me about during this study is that I need to complete my testimony and share it. I don’t do well putting thoughts to “paper” so please pray for me to be able to complete it 🙂 Thanks and have a blessed day!
I will be turning 60 years old in July. I have worked in banking for the last 20 years with my current employer. While I’m so thankful for my job, it does not fulfill me like it use to. I have become more involved in my church. I volunteer for more ways to help, but I still feel this restlessness. I tell my friends I have this restless spirit in me that I need to do something other than what I’m doing. I hate going to work each day. I have to push myself to go. I am not focused when I’m there. I think as if I’m wasting my time and I’m missing out on something else. I can retire, but I just keep holding off, but yet I’m so unhappy. I keep asking God to give me a sign of what I’m suppose to do with my life. I’m searching for something which will put my uncertainty to rest and help me find what God has put me here to do. I just feel I was meant to do more than I am, but what is it?
Blessing to you and my other Sisters in Christ all around the world
Right now I am struggling if God really wants to use me as a women’s speaker for Him. Sometimes I feel that the answer is yes but then I feel that I am so far off the mark of where I shoud be.
I would love to find out what my gifts are and more of how I can use them for the Kingdom of God. Right now I’m having a lot of depression and anxiety and having been participating or volunteering as I have previously. Thanks for all the Goodness you and Proverbs 31 do.
This chapter has been the one that has really hit home for me. I constantly compare myself to everyone and I never feel like I measure up. I beat myself up all the time. I suffered from clinical depression for years and even attempted suicide as an adolescent and spent time in serious therapy because of it. I still struggle with comparison and feeling inferior to everyone around me even though I’ve grown up in church and know I am created by God. I am really trying to take this chapter and this whole book to heart and make some major changes this time. This song has always spoken to me, but it does so even mroe now. Thank you for writing this book and doing this online Bible study. It has helped me more than you know.
“Beautiful”, Renee these written words will forever be engraved in my heart: “(You are) God’s masterpiece. He has created (you) anew in Christ Jesus, so (you) can do the good things he planned for (you) long ago.” Eph. 2:10 You do things the way you do because it is part of your unique, God-shaped purpose. I too have compared myself to others, and when I do by asking why or what if, I feel insecure, confused and discontent just like you stated Renee. This has been part of my week, I found out that I have another adopted sister late one night after a ladies church function. During the next few days all I could hear and think about was how I had been robbed from growing up with my 2 sisters that had been placed for adoption. My thoughts where: why, what if, why now 8 years after finding out about the 1st sister, needless to say: satin had stepped in and I was focused on me. After a few days of much crying and praying, my thoughts turned to “Wow” I have a bigger family and I began to think about what my mom had endured all these years especially the pain. We have talked heart to heart and I now know that this too was all in Gods plan and His timing. As I told my mom, that I will love her and my sister forever, we are family no matter what, and it is not my place to hinder hard feelings or judgement. This situation of why or how come is between her and the Lord. Even though I did have questions she was truthful with me with her answers and for this I love her even more if that is possible. I also shared with her that this is a great testimony of how life is and how God works in our lives and in the end it is all for His purpose. I have peace not that I have looked at the situation in another light, and I pray that both my sisters will also open their hearts to the new journey in life that we all can become one family especially in the family of Christ, to include forgiveness and unconditional love. God Bless
I love that song. I need to put that on repeat and listen to it again and again when I’m feeling like a hot mess failure of a woman, mom, wife…
The Confident Woman Bible study is confirming things God is speaking to me. I’ve been broken and abused, but that is not my future. I am God’s chosen treasure, He loves me, wants me and has a beautiful future planned for me. I can’t compare myself to someone else’s outside, I don’t know their inside. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Psalms 139:14. God designed me, formed me in my mother’s womb, He doesn’t make mistakes. I am a one of a kind original who can’t be compared to anyone else.
The statement about how when we compare ourselves to others we will never measure up because we are comparing our insides to their outsides rang so true for me. So often I am comparing myself to an idealized image that I see without noticing any of the other person’s challenges or imperfections. I want to learn to live a life free from comparison!
I played the comparison game last night listening to moms at my daughter’s softball game. This one has her daughter on the swimteam, this one is sending her daughters to camp, this one seems to have her children disciplined well and then there’s me, thinking I do everything wrong. I should have had them in swim lessons constantly since they were little, they should listen better, I should be more organized, I should be able to “let them go more” and send them to camps to give myself a break. Not to mention the fact that I am out of shape, disorganized and always full of worry. Yes, anxiety rules my life. I realize I have been missing God and am being ruled by fear. Help!
Renee, the part in your book, Uniquely You, made me realize the love God has for us~~~we are precious and honored in His sight and He loves us, we are Gods prized possession and a valued treasure of great worth~~~~~~~WE ARE BEAUTIFUL ~~~ as the song says, loved the song, to think that Jesus died so we could spend eternity with Him in heaven is something to just wrap your mind around and should bring joy to our hearts and bend our knees in honor to HIm. As to the comparison trap, I also get hooked into that one too, so when you mentioned to look at what you have and not at what you don’t have, and I think that thanking God for what you do have brings you closer to the One who cherishes you so much, and our thanks to HIm is music to HIs ears!
Sometimes I don’t think that I can endure my circumstances at work anymore, but then God gets through to me with a song that reminds me that I am so much more than I think I am in Christ.
The song Beautiful brought tears tI my eyes! Sometimes I don’t feel worthy of His love. I’m learning through this study that He adores me and wants to use me, even if I don’t feel usable at times. I am so thankful to have God in my life!!