Sometimes our hearts get to hurting and we don’t know where to turn. When our emotions are bleeding it’s easy to forget we have a Healer. It’s easy to run from the pain. My friend Suzie Eller is here today to remind us that we don’t have to run away. Jesus is inviting us to run to Him. Here’s an excerpt from her new book, The Mended Heart. And… there just might be a way for you to win a copy at the end of this post.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me. He has put His hand on Me to preach the Good News to poor people. He has sent Me to heal those with a sad heart. He has sent Me to tell those who are being held that they can go free. He has sent Me to make the blind to see and to free those who are held because of trouble.” Luke 4:18 (NLV)
“Why can’t you get it together?” “If you would just try harder.” Have you heard any of these statements? Maybe you’ve even said them to yourself. Perhaps those who stood on a hot hillside in Nazareth were asking themselves the same questions. Many tried hard to follow all the religious laws, but knew they fell short. Would Jesus give them more rules to follow? Imagine their surprise as Jesus spelled out His personal mission statement: I’ve come to open the eyes of the blind. I’ve come to set the prisoner free. I’ve come with good news for the poor in spirit. I’ve come to heal the brokenhearted. The crowd must have been shocked by His words, for they expected a warrior, not a heart surgeon. Jesus Himself was setting the record straight. He came so that we might be made whole … through Him. For those who had been trying harder, striving more, it was a transforming message. They were accustomed to following rules or meeting expectations of man, rather than resting in the power of their almighty God. When I became a believer, I didn’t understand Jesus’ mission statement. I was dealing with untended brokenness and trying everything to fix myself. When I grasped the power of Luke 4:18, this truth changed me: The power of the cross is not found in what I do, but in what has already been done for me. Jesus didn’t mean for us to do this alone. It’s not our strength or power that will transform us. Yes, we make changes. Yes, we open our broken heart to His tender touch. Yes, we allow Him to move us in uncomfortable directions to discover new paths — and leave old ones behind. But we are in a partnership with God … and He’s bigger. I also discovered I didn’t have to earn God’s love. Maybe, like me, you thought God would love you one day, when you had it all together. Jesus’ mission statement proclaims that He loves us today. With our baggage and hurting hearts. When we grasp that kind of love, it changes us. It compels us to return that love, and to trust Jesus from our hearts. This trust helps us listen for His voice. We sense when He is teaching or redirecting us. We weigh temptation in light of our love for our heavenly Father. This relationship helps us discover our “true selves, [our] child-of-God selves” (John 1:12, The Message). Last, Luke 4:18 reminded me that I didn’t have to run away just because I felt broken. A hurting heart can send us running down paths we may regret, searching for something or someone to ease our pain. Jesus’ mission statement invites us to stop running and rest in Him, expectant that our true selves will emerge with His healing touch. The truth of Luke 4:18 is ours today to hold close, for Jesus came to heal our hurting hearts. Dear Jesus, for the longest time I’ve been concentrating on my efforts, but today I expectantly rest in You. Thank You that the power of the cross is not in what I do, but in what has already been done for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Isn’t it such a relief to know you don’t need to fix yourself, or earn God’s love or run any more. In fact, the more we don’t do these things, the more we live in Him; the more we build a foundation of rest and trust; the more joy we rediscover in our faith and in our lives. What will you not do today? Click “Share Your Thoughts” below do just that to enter to win one of 5 copies of Suzie’s new book, The Mended Heart. If you are reading this via email, click here to return to my blog and be part of the giveaway. {Your comment has to be left below this post to enter. Thanks!}
Something terrible happened to me and my husband last year at our former church, where he was the worship pastor. I have been in depression since then and find I’m unable to trust people or feel any excitement about anything anymore. I am learning to forgive and let go of what happened to us. My prayer is that as God heals my heart, I will learn to trust people again and enjoy life again.
I need to run to Jesus to heal my broken heart. How many times have I run to anything but Him. So reassuring to read this, thank you.
wow to be able to rest totally in Jesus sounds so wonderful to me. I feel I am always chasing something to get a quick fix. this blog was such a sweet blessing. thanks
I just started working for the Department of Social Services..where there is definitely a lot of brokenness. ..would love to have a copy of this book!
I can’t wait to get this book. Truly a need after coming through a truly tough year.
I would love to receive the book, for a broken heart needs mending,
Sounds like a book I need to read.
My 20 year old left home one night angry and hateful its been 6 months she wont speak to me. I don’t know what I did or why she decided to destroy a normally extremely close relationship. Of course a boy is involved.
The more I try to fix it myself I’ve begged, I’ve cried, I’ve been angry the further away and more angry she gets with me. The more I try to fix it the worse it gets. I want to leave her alone so much and just let God fix it but I just miss her so much my heart is literally broken.
This sounds like another awesome book for me to have as I continue to let God but my pieces back together again.
sounds easy enough but will do my best to go to God with things instead of worrying about how I am going to handle them. My husband’s mom passed away on Saturday. We all were very close. My husband is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for almost 2 years. He already deals with depression so praying that God will be with both of us and rest of family and lead us the direction he wants us to go.
Wow, this encouragement is so timely as I struggle to understand that it’s not my efforts that will win God’s love but resting myself on the Cross of Jesus that will. Thank you for reminding me!
That is such a great reminder-that the power of the cross is what Jesus did! I am so thankful for these devotions and that the LORD never gives up on us and nothing can separate us from His love!
The excerpt was very thought provoking and calming! I would love to have a copy of this book.
Having been hurt recently, it was nice to hear these words; especially that I can move on even if others don’t move with me. God’s grace is sufficient to handle all my hurts.
We all have brokenness in our lives. It is what we do with the brokenness that defines us. Brokenness leaves scars but scars heal. Our scars are our reminder that we survived. Trusting and seeking God can turn any brokenness into a full and joyful life. Would love to read your
This is spot on for me today, thank you, thank you
I have had to overcome very unexpected and hurtful events over the last year…without God’s presence and guidance, His being my peace…got me through…Amen
Today I will NOT feel discouraged that I did not complete my to-do list. My worth is not based on my accomplishments!
Wow, could I ever use this book right now. Thanks for your generosity!
I am so impressed with God that I just cried out to him today and then I see your post and it has a book on healing a broken heart. I have been though so much in my life and I was saying God why do I still hurt? Why am I still angry that my ex walked off and left me after he knew how I felt about marriage. I am angry Lord and I still hurt! God help me. Its been 3 years but it seems like the anger and the hurt just keep coming and going and no matter how hard I try to let go its still there. Just knowing I was deceived hurts so badly. It seems as if I can no longer talk with my friends about it and even though I have been through counseling I still hurt. They quoted scriptures at me but I am still wounded at times. I don’t understand how somebody didn’t take their vows seriously and knew that I have children that I didn’t want to see hurt yet he came and he went like it was nothing. Like I didn’t matter and nor did our marriage. I keep asking God why did I have to go through that? I know there are lessons to be learned but I feel like my heart and the anger I feel will be a part of me forever. I thank you just for allowing me to share and the words you wrote really hit home. Jesus is there and I know it but I just want to get over this and get on with my life. I have gained weight from all the weight that I carry. It hurts to be broken hearted.
Thank you for this reminder. Sometimes we feel we have failed Jesus to often and there is no hope of getting it together so we run or shut down or simply go through the motions. That’s where I’ve been lately.
Today I will not carry the burden of trying to fix myself by myself. Thank you sharing this message and for the opportunity to win the book.
WOW! The timing of this is such a God-incidence! Mighty powerful entry! Great reminder!
I NEED this book! I need to mend my heart!
I just returned from a Compassion International trip to Tanzania and I could not believe the joy & happiness on the faces of the people, especially the children, at the project centers we visited. It was so humbling. Several of us discussed how we were the ones in poverty – spiritual poverty. I’ve been so blessed by the goodness & grace of God.
God ALWAYS leads me to the exact book(s) I need for healing…. this is surely one of those books. God Bless.
This post made me cry, and ask my heavenly Father for help. Struggling to mend pieces of my heart. This book would be a blessing.
Feeling Broken..Overwhelmed..Consumed With Anxiety..I Know Only God Can heal.
Well, I would love to read this book…I really sounds like God can use the broken and redeem us.
I just finished “The Beauty of Broken” by Elisa Morgan and it sounds like your book goes even deeper.
I would like to get past the brokenness of rejection. I really wish I did not hear some of the negative remarks or the things that hurt others.
Your words are very comforting with so many things are pulling me in different directions. I need to be reminded to stop so I can understand what direct God is trying to lead me.
I’m willing to let go of trying to fix myself because I know that I can’t heal myself anymore. I say I will stop being negative and complaining but I have found that I can’t. I’ve tried again and again but it just keeps coming back at me and out of my mouth, comes my disappointments and frustrations, instead of my gratitude for what God has already done for me. I run everyone away and feel guilty when I can’t stop the pain of regret for my attitude. The only way this can stop is if I give it up to God and pray and truly believe that he can heal me. Maybe I don’t listen to my Holy Spirit enough. So God I am confessing now that I want my heart healed and all negative and complaining attitude to be gone in the name of Jesus Christ. Instead of asking for a copy of the book. I want someone else to receive the book, I would rather have prayer for me, my family and my disabled daughter who we are having a very hard time finding a sitter for.
LOL Janet Daniel
Father, thank you for Janet. Thank you that You are her healer. Lord, you are effecting change in her as she surrenders — her thoughts, her words, her hurts that she’s hidden and never revealed to anyone. You go deep inside to the core of the hurt and as you gently scoop it out, you fill those broken places and gaps with newness.
Lord, it’s not going to be about her efforts from this point forward. Yes, you’ll lead her to change. Yes, you’ll lead her out of her comfort zone. Yes, you’ll ask her to see life and people in a new way. But she’ll rest in your love for her, right where she is. No more worrying about whether she is loved or accepted by You, but assurance that she is valuable right where she is. Lord, I also pray for this family and this daughter. May you open the door to provision. Bring the right person at the right time to support and comfort this beautiful daughter. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Looks like a great book. I look forward to reading it.
This book would be a great reminder that I don’t have to try to fix myself – God created me the way He wanted me to be. It’s so easy to forget that when there are so many negative comments being thrown at me.. Please help me to be steadfast in my faithfulness to Him.
I could write a book myself about brokenness in life and how GOD and only GOD can mend a broken heart–my father left the family when I was 13 and I didn’t see him for 16 years but GOD brought us back together long enough before he died and gave us time for forgiveness and healing and for him to say YES TO JESUS–AMEN -I wasn’t saved till I was 23 so sinned and became pregnant before marriage–then married the father and went thru years of abuse cause of his alcoholism and unbelief cause after I was saved we were unequally yoked–he left me after 26 years of marriage for a friend of mine from church who had a wonderful Christian husband–I had 2 daughters who had children before marriage and suffered abuse at their husbands/boyfriends hands –long stories there-the one daughter was married 5 times, -2 to the same man–another daughter went into drugs and alcohol and became bipolar after a brain surgery at 27–2 of those daughters died in their late 30:s –the youngest daughter almost died last year but God spared her for His glory–she had been rebelled against the LORD and been away from HIM for many years but came back to HIM several years ago and her 2nd husband came to the LORD as a believer for the 1st time in his life and GOD led them to a Baptist Seminary cause he feels called to preach–I have grandchildren that are saved and walking the right paths with GOD and I have grandchildren that need to be saved and are far from the LORD–for those I am terribly burdened and the lives of their children, my great grandchildren are at risk cause of it–2 years after my first husband left and we divorced GOD gave me a good CHRISTIAN HUSBAND and we have been married almost 25 years now– this is the short version of it all to show how GOD does bring ‘JOY OUT OF ASHES’ and can ‘RESTORE THE YEARS THAT THE LOCUSTS HAVE ATE” AMEN–
Thank you for these words-I will have to stop and seep in them again!
For a long time, starting in my early teens, I thought God loved me because he had to -he’d set up the plan of salvation and was following it, letting me in because I was following the rules he’d set up to give salvation. But that was a lie! I can’t work for it, he just wants to love me! What a relief!
What I will “not” do today??? I will not tell myself that I am such a failure or ambitious enough or smart enough or energetic enough to go “pursue that perfect job/career” because He must be so disappointed in me that I’m “not” doing more to get ahead. Today, I will listen for His voice to know the way and “walk ye in it” as that perfect job may not be what I had envisioned at all, but what He had seen all along.
Oh my goodness!!! I am going to have to read this book!!! When reading the facebook post I thought that’s me!!!! Trying to fix my own brokenness!!! As well as my broken marriage!!! And it has been a disaster!!!! Can’t wait to read it!!!
When you have run all your life, it is hard not to run. But I am tired of running.
Then stop today, Rebecca. You don’t have to run anymore. He’s searching for you and always has. It’s not going to be about what others think about you that determines who you are, or your value to God. He meets us right where we are, and He leads us up and out of the “sick crowd” to find a new way of living. It’s not easy. It’s not overnight, but it’s an adventure with God to discover who we are in Him. So, I’m reaching with a huge hug and asking you to stop right where you are. No more running, sis. God’s got a new path for you. <3
I have tried several times just letting go and casting all my worries, and anxieties on the Lord, yet my past comes back to haunt me and I find myself in the midst of a battle that I am not good enough. I am reading the bible faithfully so I can get to a place of understanding and comfort to dig deeper and truly study and understand it all. I am a work in progress and I have hope that one day the “not good enough” syndrome will not plague me ever again.
Amy, PLEASE join me in The Mended Heart study on my blog. We are in week four, but I want you to go back to week one and let the words soak in, sis. I want you to rest in the three things you don’t have to do as you begin to heal. Will you do that today?
I would love to have a copy of this book, I’ve been standing for my marriage for 16 months and this book sounds like it’s something I truly need right now
This sounds like just what I need!
sounds like a wonderful and needed book.
This book sounds like it would be a great reminder of God’s love. Brought up in the church and having lived through 2 divorces now, some of my mistakes are visable while others are hidden. I have always tried to live the best life for God and am constantly asking His forgiveness. I know there is a great need for women and I pray that in time, my life will be a testimony and strength I can share with others. But for now, I am still healing and need daily reminders that even though I may have made mistakes here, God still has a good plan for my life.
I need to get this book for me and my three adult girls! I free copy would be awesome!
My husband and Ineed to read this book but more pressing our neighbor needs it cause they lost their son to suicide.
I know only God can mend a broken heart. Only He can change my life and turn it into something beautiful.
It is a relief! A truth I seem to need to be reminded of often!
I will not succumb to what others say about me that isn’t true. I am His and I do matter.
I need this book too! Learning to let Go- Let God!