Sometimes our hearts get to hurting and we don’t know where to turn. When our emotions are bleeding it’s easy to forget we have a Healer. It’s easy to run from the pain. My friend Suzie Eller is here today to remind us that we don’t have to run away. Jesus is inviting us to run to Him. Here’s an excerpt from her new book, The Mended Heart. And… there just might be a way for you to win a copy at the end of this post.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me. He has put His hand on Me to preach the Good News to poor people. He has sent Me to heal those with a sad heart. He has sent Me to tell those who are being held that they can go free. He has sent Me to make the blind to see and to free those who are held because of trouble.” Luke 4:18 (NLV)
“Why can’t you get it together?” “If you would just try harder.” Have you heard any of these statements? Maybe you’ve even said them to yourself. Perhaps those who stood on a hot hillside in Nazareth were asking themselves the same questions. Many tried hard to follow all the religious laws, but knew they fell short. Would Jesus give them more rules to follow? Imagine their surprise as Jesus spelled out His personal mission statement: I’ve come to open the eyes of the blind. I’ve come to set the prisoner free. I’ve come with good news for the poor in spirit. I’ve come to heal the brokenhearted. The crowd must have been shocked by His words, for they expected a warrior, not a heart surgeon. Jesus Himself was setting the record straight. He came so that we might be made whole … through Him. For those who had been trying harder, striving more, it was a transforming message. They were accustomed to following rules or meeting expectations of man, rather than resting in the power of their almighty God. When I became a believer, I didn’t understand Jesus’ mission statement. I was dealing with untended brokenness and trying everything to fix myself. When I grasped the power of Luke 4:18, this truth changed me: The power of the cross is not found in what I do, but in what has already been done for me. Jesus didn’t mean for us to do this alone. It’s not our strength or power that will transform us. Yes, we make changes. Yes, we open our broken heart to His tender touch. Yes, we allow Him to move us in uncomfortable directions to discover new paths — and leave old ones behind. But we are in a partnership with God … and He’s bigger. I also discovered I didn’t have to earn God’s love. Maybe, like me, you thought God would love you one day, when you had it all together. Jesus’ mission statement proclaims that He loves us today. With our baggage and hurting hearts. When we grasp that kind of love, it changes us. It compels us to return that love, and to trust Jesus from our hearts. This trust helps us listen for His voice. We sense when He is teaching or redirecting us. We weigh temptation in light of our love for our heavenly Father. This relationship helps us discover our “true selves, [our] child-of-God selves” (John 1:12, The Message). Last, Luke 4:18 reminded me that I didn’t have to run away just because I felt broken. A hurting heart can send us running down paths we may regret, searching for something or someone to ease our pain. Jesus’ mission statement invites us to stop running and rest in Him, expectant that our true selves will emerge with His healing touch. The truth of Luke 4:18 is ours today to hold close, for Jesus came to heal our hurting hearts. Dear Jesus, for the longest time I’ve been concentrating on my efforts, but today I expectantly rest in You. Thank You that the power of the cross is not in what I do, but in what has already been done for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Isn’t it such a relief to know you don’t need to fix yourself, or earn God’s love or run any more. In fact, the more we don’t do these things, the more we live in Him; the more we build a foundation of rest and trust; the more joy we rediscover in our faith and in our lives. What will you not do today? Click “Share Your Thoughts” below do just that to enter to win one of 5 copies of Suzie’s new book, The Mended Heart. If you are reading this via email, click here to return to my blog and be part of the giveaway. {Your comment has to be left below this post to enter. Thanks!}
I would like to read your book. Four months ago I lost my mother and it was a very heart breaking for me. I felt it was my fault because I allowed her to have a operation that basically took her away from me and my children. It was not easy for me but I prayed day and night for God to mend my broken heart and He Did. I love reading your posts and I believe I will enjoy your book. Thank you
Thia sounds like something I have been waiting for!!!
Loved the post today. What I will not do is to keep holding on to regret that has taken place. It is in the past so I need to leave it there. I also need to begin letting things go. Continuing to hold on to these things only make my life more harried and wanting to hide in a shell. Thanks for sharing.
learning to run to God and not from God……a lot of changes and challenges in my life lately and sometimes I play the “blame game”. I need a mended heart 🙂
I will not walk in fear and will be more intentional in my relationships with people.
This post was a great blessing to me. Currently i am so impatient that i too try to take matters into my own hands. Father help me to truly rest in you and beauty of what you did for me through Your perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. In His name Amen
This the book for me. I have been working on my brokenness for so long. Would love to win a copy but if I don’t will buy a copy. Thanks for posting
Hello, I am a huge fan of your readings! It would be a blessing to receive this awesome new read! Thanks for the opportunity
I have tried too long to fix myself. I know I have to let go and let Him work in me. It’s just difficult to let it go and have faith sometimes! Would love to read this book!
Would love to win this book, I have just been diagnosed with heart disease and I am working a very difficult and physically demanding job too. Love reading the posts here. Thank you very much. Mary
Growing up in a very dysfunctional family that thrived on drama, I started reading self-help books by age 27. I have gone through four marriages and finally discovered about 5 years ago that my relationship with Jesus has given me more comfort, and peace in my heart, than anything else I have ever chosen. I have discovered that developing a true personal relationship with Jesus is everything.
After walking with the Lord for many years, experiencing joy and comfort from his presence, even now I find myself going through times of emotional emptiness and brokenness. I think to myself how can this be? When I know the Lord and have this close, intimate relationship with him, how can I find myself in this state of discontent in life? and trying to figure out what I need to do different. So I hear God speaking to me through your blog here that I need to rest and trust in God’s power to transform me and to heal my brokenness and fill my emptiness.
A mended heart is what I pray for everyday. Mending from things I do to myself and things and hurts from the hearts and hands of others. I do believe in the healing power of Jesus and the constant maintenance of our hearts.
I would love a copy of this book. 🙂
He Loves Me! What freedom and what joy to know I am thoroughly utterly loved- and that nothing I do or have done can change that! His heart NEVER changes!
What a blessing your reminders have been!
I would love a copy of this book!
I am currently walking through a deep, dark valley of depression and it hurts. Any help would be great.
This blog post made me cry. I need mending.
Lord, thank you for sweet Shannon. Take those tears and turn them into hope. Thank you that there is no person beyond help, beyond healing, and beyond wholeness. Thank you for infusing hope into her heart today, and walking with her day by day. Thank you that she is loved and of value to You. In Your mighty and amazing name, amen.
Sounds like a beautiful book!
This Truth is so freeing – when my heart began to understand it & not just my mind – it was a HUGE aha moment I’ve been living in for the past 20 years – that no matter what I do or don’t do, God cannot love me any more nor will He love me any less – such freedom in choosing to walk in the Truth of what He did in sacrificing His life for mine! I am blessed to serve a risen Savior! Would love to have a copy of the book!
I could so use something like this besides praying for friends to come into my life.
I’ve had so much heartache/stress happen in the last 6 years. I need healed.
I’d love to win one of these copies to begin that journey.
I have been blessed by your words. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Hugs and Halos
I suffer with depression. Some days it feels like it ids going to eat me alive.
Lord, I pray for Diana. I pray that she senses your love and compassion for her right where she is, but also that she knows that you will walk with her step by step out of depression and into life. Give her wisdom. Give her strength. Surprise her with moments in her day where she laughs in sheer joy and understands that it came from you. Remind her that things do and will get better and today is only one day, not her entire life. I pray that you will lead her gently to the source of depression, whether it is something within her chemistry or due to events or circumstances and lead her to wholeness and help. I thank you that you are so in love with Diana as your daughter and you cheer on her courage, her faith, and her tenacity as she honestly shares her struggles and her hope.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
For the last 3 years I’ve been at odds with my daughter. I have a beautiful grandson whom I’ve only seen twice in his short life of 2 years. After daily tears and heartache, I gave this situation over to God. There are times when I visit this situation and grieve but, I can’t let it get me down. God knows when the time will be right. When times are tough, as they are now, and things seem out of control it is not always easy to just put my hands up and say, “here God. You take this because I can’t fix it.”. It’s hard but I have to do it. It’s the only way things will get fixed. Would love a copy of this book for an extra bolster of faith.
This is so true. When I got divorced and was devastated everyone told me you are so strong, put on your big girl panties and you will be okay. Only four years later, I still feel broken. I pray all the time. What a wonderful book. It will benefit many.
Would love to win this book. I am going through a valley right now. Feel broken inside due to the sudden death of my mom. I would love to read this book and would definitely pass it on to the next person in need. Thank you.
All this week we are talking about healing in the midst of grief. Will you join me at
This would be a great book to read up – to learn to live free and learn to help others be set free too.
Sure could use this book, not only for myself, but for some friends I am working with also.
I am hosting an online study with this book at my blog, so join in with me. I’d love to see you and your friends there.
I subscribe to “A Confident Heart” page on facebook. This message came exactly at the time that I need it. I have been in an intense period of unearthing the wrongs that have been committed against me as a child and how that led to a broken adult. I developed some coping mechanisms that have prevented me from being the wife and mother that I want so desperately to be. In speaking with my husband just today I didn’t realize that the I’m still affected by the abandonment of those from my past. But……I’m not discouraged, I am ever hopeful that God will point me towards the people and tools who will help me on my journey towards healing….
Definitely could use this book since nothing else seems to work and I’ve lost all hope and the phone line to God keeps getting disconnected cuz it seems like he doesn’t hear my cry…
Will buy this book if I don’t win one, I need it.
Amen! What a blessing to others that you share these wise words. I, too, was broken for many, many years. Some days I still find myself breaking from time to time – which is why I’m so thankful to now have Jesus in my life. For too many years, I thought I could fix things on my own. An abusive relationship, meet everyone’s expectations, the list could go on & on. But I never could. It wasn’t until I trusted Jesus – and surrendered my heart and life to him – that I realized that trying to do things on my own wasn’t just my personal failure, it was an impossibility! We aren’t mean to rely on our strength – we aren’t meant to fix things on our own. We need Jesus, and I am thankful for his presence in my life every day! I truly am. Things aren’t always easy, but the older I get I wonder if they ever were meant to be. The more things that send me running into my Heavenly Father’s arms, the more love I feel and the more lessons I learn – and the more I move forward in my journey of faith. And that’s what life is about. Jesus making the difference, in and through me. Thank you again for your words. They truly touched my heart.
I’ve been trying for years to “fux” myself….maybe I’ve been going about it all wrong!!
I did some things years ago out of grief and anger. Those words and things cannot be changed. Although I have apologized several times, apparently I haven’t worded it just right…or done it in person (I sent a letter because a visit face to face just doesn’t happen no matter how hard I tried). I still am sad things are like they are.
I’ve been where you are. I’ve made the mistake of saying something I shouldn’t have, and no matter how hard I’ve tried and prayed….things haven’t changed in the situation. However, things have changed in my life, because I’ve seen God work in the situation….I think twice before I say something, I can’t take back…and I’ve learned to love this person, even if they don’t love me back. The Bible says that God will work all things for the good of those who love him…..and I believe that is true…..we just have to look for the good in a situation, the devils number one trick is to get us to focus on what we don’t have “friendship, job, house, etc..” and if we focus on those things, we don’t focus on the most important thing….Jesus! He has created you for a purpose….don’t let satan steal what God came to give you “an abundant life”. Jesus Loves You!!
What a powerful response and so filled with wisdom!
I would love to receive the book!!! I am sorry but can’t share all that God has mended and I know there is more to go!!!
I would love to read this book. I have been struggling with feelings from my past regarding my dad and how he treated me when I was growing up.
I would so love to read this book. Any inspiration is so helpful to me as I have been struggling with anxiety brought on by trauma. My faith is pulling me through and I’m getting stronger every day thanks to God!
As someone who was raised in the church, I always thought I knew what it meant to be a “good Christian”….I knew the verses, prayed the prayers, went to the services, was polite and well-liked by adults…I thought it was my by my own goodness that I was the way I was. I had no need for a real Jesus or a real savior because I honestly didn’t think I was all that bad. As I got older and realized I could not handle the balancing act of pleasing everyone in my life on my own, I have up and rebelled. I ended up pregnant my senior year of highschool. My boyfriend and I got married and he later left for the Army. It was during that time God really started showing me the brokenness in my heart, and that I was not good…at all. No matter how hard I tried, I would always be a sinner…and I needed a savior. So praise be to God he has radically be transforming our family for the past three years and working in miraculous ways! There are still times when I realize the “religion” I was raised in has left serious damages on my heart and many lies that I have believed to be absolute truth that aren’t so. This post was a wonderful preview of what sounds like a wonderful book for me! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 Morgan Massey
We talked about this all last week at — I’d love for you to slip over and join me and others.
Very interested! I would love to win this book. I need to experience God’s healing more in my life. I wrestle with a past of guilt and shame. Thanks for the chance to win!
Hey Emily, I pray that you’ll consider coming over to the blog where I’m taking women step by step through a Mended Heart study. The first step is to rest in what has already been done for you, and resting in His love, in His healing, in His view of who you are is key. It’s foundational as we heal, and as we partner with God to discover what it is to live whole.
Come join me at
This is just the encouragement needed while I’m walking through a difficult situation.
Reading these words is such a comfort and a reminder! A friend recently wondered about ‘why people with mental illness don’t get treated with the love and encouragement and comfort that someone with a physical illness does’?! I KNOW that feeling.
People are usually great at first, but if they don’t see you get better after they pray for you and hug you, or don’t know how to relate to you, they will create distance.
It can seem like you are trying SO HARD but not having a break-through. The result is that it can make you feel like giving up!
To not just hear it once, but to learn it and KNOW that I can Trust in what Jesus has Already done for me… Wow. Breakthrough!!! I would love to read this book, and pass it along to others!!
I hear your heart. My prayer is that every person will see themselves as loved, but also treasured by God as He heals the broken places. Jesus never looked at anyone and said, “So sorry, she’s beyond help,” but rather He saw what could be, with His help.
I love nothing more than watching God at work, and seeing women discover who they are.
This sounds like an awesome book !
We all struggle with many with things from the past and many don’t know how to take this pain away from their heart that rips it from time to time especially if it’s something from the past and the enemy comes to bring those fearful moments back to their mind. This book seems to be one that can help and teach a person how to trust in God Almighty from what His Son has already done on the Cross and how many people can stand in the Authority of the Lord to conquer the enemy and free many from the fear, pain, rejection, low-esteem, and just begin to heal those that are broken-hearted. Only God who created each person can mend that heart back up again like He made it to be and be transformation in their lives.
I really, really need this book right now!
Would love to win a copy. I’m learning to let go and let God fix me.
I would like to enter to win the book. Thanks!
This is such a freeing message…. One many of us never get!
I would be honored to receive a free copy if your book
God bless for all you do
Never knew such freedom existed until I started to learn to stop “fixing” myself and others!
I suffered for many years with deep depression,until Feb.04/1997,thats when Jesus` light shine down into my dark pit;) I`m so grateful for His amazing grace that HE gave to me and gives to this day.Thank You JESUS.
sounds like a great book!
My wonderful husband, Ron Smith and I have faced so much tragedy throughout our lives, it has allowed us to learn how to embrace the current things we can do in life. We’re emb…racing our life together because we don’t know if God may call us home at any time. As long as we’ve got one another, we’re going to enjoy our life together. Life can end at the blink of an eye, so it’s good to tell those you ♥ just ho much they mean to you as often as you can. “Brokenness happens. Tragedy, sin or the painful choices of others all have the ability to disrupt an otherwise contented life. And as a result of our heartache, we often attempt to fix our own brokenness—with disastrous results.
If you’ve tried to heal, but keep ending up in the same place—whether the battle is in your heart or out in the open where everyone can see—The Mended Heart is for you. In this book, author Suzanne Eller tells it like it is: people throw quick fixes at you, or tell you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps (whatever that means). More important, though, she shares the powerful truth of Jesus’ mission as outlined in Luke 4:18-21: He came to set free all those who are oppressed and in need of mending.
You don’t have to fix yourself—Jesus loves you right where you are. In fact, He has already completed the work that needs to be done. The Mended Heart will encourage you to trust Him, to give and receive grace, and to move ahead even stronger than before … even if others don’t move with you.” ~The Mended Heart
I know that I have attempted to fix what has gone wrong in my life on my own. Ultimately, I can’t reverse what has already happened to me. Only God has the ability to do that because he’s all powerful, whether we realize it right away or not. God can walk me through my spiritual journey, no matter where I may currently be in my knowledge of Him. “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me. He has put His hand on Me to preach the Good News to poor people. He has sent Me to heal those with a sad heart. He has sent Me to tell those who are being held that they can go free. He has sent Me to make the blind to see and to free those who are held because of trouble.”~ Luke 4:18 (NLV)
I ♥ how this verse is so encouraging. No matter what we may be going through, God wants to let us know that He’ll be with us all the way. I ♥ how God can put people in our lives who can encourage us, no matter what we may be dealing with in life.
“”The power of the cross is not found in what I do but in what already has been done for me.”~Suzie Eller Whatever others may think of my beliefs is their business; however, I firmly believe in the power that God has to help me overcome so many trials in my life. Nevertheless, I know that Jesus died on the cross to give me a life without any bondage whatsoever.
I love reading your books Renee1 Would love to read this one, also!
I love that you have found hope and healing, Marilyn. What a beautiful testimony. <3