Sometimes our hearts get to hurting and we don’t know where to turn. When our emotions are bleeding it’s easy to forget we have a Healer. It’s easy to run from the pain. My friend Suzie Eller is here today to remind us that we don’t have to run away. Jesus is inviting us to run to Him. Here’s an excerpt from her new book, The Mended Heart. And… there just might be a way for you to win a copy at the end of this post.
“The Spirit of the Lord is on Me. He has put His hand on Me to preach the Good News to poor people. He has sent Me to heal those with a sad heart. He has sent Me to tell those who are being held that they can go free. He has sent Me to make the blind to see and to free those who are held because of trouble.” Luke 4:18 (NLV)
“Why can’t you get it together?” “If you would just try harder.” Have you heard any of these statements? Maybe you’ve even said them to yourself. Perhaps those who stood on a hot hillside in Nazareth were asking themselves the same questions. Many tried hard to follow all the religious laws, but knew they fell short. Would Jesus give them more rules to follow? Imagine their surprise as Jesus spelled out His personal mission statement: I’ve come to open the eyes of the blind. I’ve come to set the prisoner free. I’ve come with good news for the poor in spirit. I’ve come to heal the brokenhearted. The crowd must have been shocked by His words, for they expected a warrior, not a heart surgeon. Jesus Himself was setting the record straight. He came so that we might be made whole … through Him. For those who had been trying harder, striving more, it was a transforming message. They were accustomed to following rules or meeting expectations of man, rather than resting in the power of their almighty God. When I became a believer, I didn’t understand Jesus’ mission statement. I was dealing with untended brokenness and trying everything to fix myself. When I grasped the power of Luke 4:18, this truth changed me: The power of the cross is not found in what I do, but in what has already been done for me. Jesus didn’t mean for us to do this alone. It’s not our strength or power that will transform us. Yes, we make changes. Yes, we open our broken heart to His tender touch. Yes, we allow Him to move us in uncomfortable directions to discover new paths — and leave old ones behind. But we are in a partnership with God … and He’s bigger. I also discovered I didn’t have to earn God’s love. Maybe, like me, you thought God would love you one day, when you had it all together. Jesus’ mission statement proclaims that He loves us today. With our baggage and hurting hearts. When we grasp that kind of love, it changes us. It compels us to return that love, and to trust Jesus from our hearts. This trust helps us listen for His voice. We sense when He is teaching or redirecting us. We weigh temptation in light of our love for our heavenly Father. This relationship helps us discover our “true selves, [our] child-of-God selves” (John 1:12, The Message). Last, Luke 4:18 reminded me that I didn’t have to run away just because I felt broken. A hurting heart can send us running down paths we may regret, searching for something or someone to ease our pain. Jesus’ mission statement invites us to stop running and rest in Him, expectant that our true selves will emerge with His healing touch. The truth of Luke 4:18 is ours today to hold close, for Jesus came to heal our hurting hearts. Dear Jesus, for the longest time I’ve been concentrating on my efforts, but today I expectantly rest in You. Thank You that the power of the cross is not in what I do, but in what has already been done for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Isn’t it such a relief to know you don’t need to fix yourself, or earn God’s love or run any more. In fact, the more we don’t do these things, the more we live in Him; the more we build a foundation of rest and trust; the more joy we rediscover in our faith and in our lives. What will you not do today? Click “Share Your Thoughts” below do just that to enter to win one of 5 copies of Suzie’s new book, The Mended Heart. If you are reading this via email, click here to return to my blog and be part of the giveaway. {Your comment has to be left below this post to enter. Thanks!}
December of 08 2 days after Christmas I lost four fingers on my left hand mortgage Scamed in 07 lost. About 150,000 fighting it police escort 2014 out of my house Of 15 years. Went to 3 fatality accident come home the next morning my partner of 15 years. In are new house 4 months she pass away in my arms 45 years old I’m 54,Will it help me Dec of 2014 dating scam try to get back in being active just to get scamed again off meet me dating site I’m at the end of my rope what is there to do
I have been suffering since the death of my husband. I really need this book.
. My eyes are wet with tears that have not stopped since Feb, i’d just awaken from a nightmare to the reality of a broken heart, humming a tune I couldn’t quite place. When I remembered the words, it was something I had made up & recorded for myself, that the devil’s going down & he cannot be the end of me. Then I found this page looking for something else entirely, with stuff I’ve been searching scriptures for. Now I’m curious about this book. Just reading about it was encouraging, Lord be praised!
God knows just what we need to see and hear so we can help others. He brought me to this for a reason and have to say I love what your doing for and through him Suzie!!! Would love to read and share with the ones he has placed in MY life to do so!! GOD IS SO GOOD TO US…Much Love <3
I feel as if I can never gain any ground, or any gain is very slow. I was saved at the age if about 15, and I am now 46. It took me years to have confidence in my salvation, to truly KNOW that I know that I know that I am saved. Since then I have been battling knowing who I am in Christ, trusting, and still doubt everything about me. I would love this book! Emotions about kill me.
Thanks again for another opportunity to win a book. Thanks for your heart!
I always need reminders I can’t do it myself and need to rely on Jesus and His grace.
I just got back from spring break. Luckily I could go and have had alot of stress lately so thank God I got a little rest. This book sounds like a God send. I love the Confident Heart and was in the bible study.
Thanks to you ladies for your great work!
…….”isn’t it such a relief to know you don’t need to fix yourself, or earn God’s love or run any more. In fact, the more we don’t do these things, the more we live in Him; the more we build a foundation of rest and trust; the more joy we rediscover in our faith and in our lives.”
These words run so true in my heart.
As Philip Yancey has said… “Grace is not about finishing last or first, it is about not counting. We receive grace as a gift from God, not as something we toil to earn.”
The cry of my heart to live off the grace of God, free as birds of the air and splendid as lilies of the field, storing up my treasures in heaven as the abiding place in my heart. The more I sit before the dining table of God’s word the more I am aware of God’s relentless pursuit of a bride who will be gathered from the ends of the earth to join together in such an abundant life, forming a community of love and grace that is more extravagant and glorious than all the kingdoms of this world.
How I love to live in and understand the need to rest and trust in the plan of God. This is relational intimacy ~ a divine Dance in the waters of Life, radiating outward like ripples on a pond until the entire surface is transformed by the movement at its CENTER! Jesus!
Christ life has become ours ~ signed, sealed and delivered by grace. It is signed in the “definition” of grace: the reality of God’s action in human lives. It is sealed by the “manifest” reality of grace: God’s life is infused into human lives. And it is delivered by the “accessibility” of grace: it is open to ALL in Christ.
Be Blessed,
Hope to receive a copy 🙂
just got home a few days ago from psych inpatient for depression/anxiety. It’s so refreshing to read the words that I can rest and be free in Christ’s power and healing. I’m still struggling some but have a great husband, family and church family praying for me and loving on me. Praise God for His church body – I may not be here now if Jesus did not build His church!!!
Thanks for your post . It really made me see that Jesus’ message is simple. He does not come to condemn us but to show us the heart of the Father and what He wants to give us.
I thought the depression was gone. After struggling 40 years at last freedom but the enemy has attacked with a vengeance. Migraines are back as well. I’m tired of the struggles and know Jesus is with me or I would give up.
Thank you so much for sharing this. This was such an on time word for me and God has given me this scripture many times so this was confirmation in my spirit. I thank you for your wonderful devotions and would be honored to have your book.
I will NOT give into negative thoughts
I will NOT let my emotions and or stress control me:)
Instead I WILL
Take a deep breath and say a prayer when I feel any of these and I will praise my GOD:):)
I am withered from trying. I feel this book may bless me. Blessings and thank you. What I won’t do today is..give up.
God holds me but sometimes I need flesh and bones to hug
I am disabled. I take lots of meds. I get depressed easily. Negative thoughts pop in my head real quick sometimes. I have two teenage boys. I have to live with a friend b cuz i dont make enough to live on my own.
I trust in God. I have Faith. I know God loves me. But i still forget. I need help. Gods help. I need to heal. I been thru so much since 2008. Level 1 cancer, hyterectomy, by pass surgery, 4 back surgeries. I dont get around good. Or the way i use to. I want to jave fun but there is so many things i cant do. I feel so lost. Please pray for me.
I’m reading The Unburdened Heart. It is life changing. I cant wait to finish it and start this next book.
I NEED this book. So timely. I’ve been crying off and on lately.. the Lord has been revealing some deep, penetrating, wounds in my heart. Things I thought for sure I had gotten over. Experiences and memories I compartmentalized in my heart and mind. I don’t know how to heal. I’m unsure of where the mending begins.. if it can begin. But I realize, without a shadow of a doubt, that these untreated wounds have been dictating my life for most of my adolescent/adult years. Pretty severe bullying that went on in Kindergarten and lasted all the way up until seventh grade. Sexual abuse. Substance abuse. Abandonment. Verbal/emotional abuse. When I said “yes” to Jesus Christ, I marked these things off as “the old me”. I never truly addressed any of it.. but rather suppressed it. I need healing. My life simply cannot function properly without it..
God is still working on me concerning my identity in Him, which is basically what you are writing about here. Must know what Christ has done for us to understand our freedom in Him…this is a work in progress!
I truly need this book