Welcome friends! Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit. If you found your way here through my P31 Encouragement for Today devotion, “Living in the Hear and Now,” I’m so glad you stopped by. I hope you’ll stay a while and make yourself comfortable.
One of my deepest desires is to be a woman who listens to God. But, I don’t always get it right. Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s God talking or just me thinking. Ever wondered that?
I also I admit, I’m not always crazy about what I sense God telling me to do. Yet I’ve learned over the years that when I listen to God, I discover His best for me. And I grow in my trust in Him.
I’ve seen again and again that His ways lead to His goodness. And when I follow Him, His mercy follows me.
As I shared in my devotion today, I went through a season of learning how to really listen closely so that I could experience a day by day abiding in God’s presence and plans. I thought I’d been listening to Him all along, but my prayers reflected that I wanted to know where to invest my efforts. In a still small voice God showed me that He wanted my ears more than my efforts.
He was more concerned about character than my calendar. I realized that many times I’d sought God for the larger plans in life, convinced that if I figured out what He wanted me to do I could become the person He created me to be.
Have you ever thought, “If only God would show me what job to take; what man to marry; what church to attend – then my life would be complete and I could serve Him with my whole heart”?
The problem is sometimes we get a glimpse of where He wants us to go and then assume we know how to get there. I’ve made that mistake many times and then wondered why I wasn’t getting anywhere.
Jesus depended on the Father for the large and fine print written in His life plan. He listened closely and obeyed quickly. John 5:19 reflects His absolute dependence: “The Son can do nothing by Himself; he can do only what He sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son does also.”
Like Jesus, we will discover God’s purpose for our lives through dependent hearts that seek to listen to His. We will find out what’s on God’s calendar and part of our calling when we live in the hear and now – listening for His voice and obeying it each day, in every here and now.
Questions to Consider
- Do I read my Bible so that God’s words and ways are familiar to me?
- Do I intentionally listen for God’s voice or do I assume I know what He wants me to do?
- If God were to speak to me, would I recognize His voice?
- Is my mind so full of worries that my thoughts drown out the possibility of hearing God’s thoughts?
Steps to Take
- Take time now to quiet your heart and your thoughts.
- Be still and acknowledge that God is God and you are not.
- Tell God your desire to hear Him today and then ask Him to speak to your heart.
- Share with Him your plans for the day and then ask Him to show you His.
- Give God permission to interrupt your thoughts and agenda and lead you in a different direction if He wants to.
- Get ready for a day filled with adventure and companionship as you walk hand in hand with your Maker.
Verses to Ponder
1 Samuel 3:10, “The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
Psalm 119:16, “I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.
John 14:31, “But the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.”
Isaiah 55:2-3, “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare. Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live….”
Isaiah 50:4, “The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.”
If you want to become a woman who listens to God, and discover the adventure of faith He has for your life, you will want to read Lysa TerKeurst’s book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.
I’m giving a copy away to one of you this week! It’s one of my all time favorite books and it kept me inspired to keep my promise to God that I will live in the hear and now! To enter to win, click on the word “comments’ right below this post and share your thoughts or questions about listening to God. Please include your email so I can find you if you win. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Anything. Just talk to me…I’m listening :0). I love reading what you have to say!
And be sure to come back tomorrow! I’ll be talking more about listening to God and offering a great free resource to help you discern His voice from your own. If you’re new, I want you to know there’s a place for you here and I’d love for you to join us! You can subscribe to updates via email in my sidebar, link up in the Google Friend Connect box or become a friend on Facebook!
Hello – I love your blog and get so much encouragement from it. Thank you for being here for me. 🙂 I am in a "not so happy" marriage with a husband who drinks entirely too much, so we don't get to spend quality time together as a couple or as a family. I love my husband and I am committed to keeping my vow to him, but his drinking makes it so hard. I am trying desperately to listen to God's voice today and during this season, to see what I am supposed to be during this time for him and our family. Is it fair, that I have to be the one to step up? NO Is it fair, that I have to parent by myself sometimes? NO Is it fair that I don't get the husband I so desire? NO – BUT I am here for a reason and will do what God has planned for me! I would love to be able to discern in many of these situations, whether or not I am hearing God or relying on my own will – I like to think I am living out his plan and not being selfish, but am afraid that there are times that I do live selfishly. Please add The Buchanans to your prayer list and pray for the day that I get to see my husband saved….I know that it will happen, I just pray for me to be there to see it. In Christ Love!
I've spent most of my life praying, listening, then dragging my feet to comply. Mostly because I tend to second-guess and analyze things to death. Wondering if it was really God speaking or just my own thoughts. Sometimes that feet dragging has resulted in not so good consequences. I try now to think less-because I find that the more I think things over, the more my own selfish, worldly thinking distorts what I've heard from God-and I try to move more, trusting that God is in control. Nah—you know I don't always jump up and do what God has told me to do…I wish I could say I never let what others think or might say scare me off from doing things, but more and more I am choosing to live God's way, not mine. And there is no greater feeling in the world than knowing that you've just done something for God, especially when no one else knows about it!!
I too stuggle with listening to God and being obedient. Trusting Him to know the path and following without "seeing the map". I ask for help in being still and knowing He is God but the ME part tries to take the control back. Then He gently reminds me that I asked for help by a message, scripture or devotion, or a friend's comments. How great is that? That He loves me enough to remind me without nagging:) [email protected]
I read through alot of the comments and realize that I am not the only one having a hard time telling if it is God or just me. I know that my Pastor says alot of the time, if you are led to minister to someone you better make sure it is God leading you and not you wanting to give your
thoughts on the issue. Which leads me to always question myself and in doing so I dont go to that person and say anything. Our pastors daughter is going through depression now, and that is something I went through about 20 years ago. I feel like I should go and encourage her to exercise and stand on God's word which is how I got through this myself. But because this is his daughter, I feel scared to go, in case this is not God talking to me. How do I learn to hear God's voice. HELP!
I do not have a google account, but my email address
[email protected]
Thanks, Denise
This message seems like it was sent right to me, just for me this morning. I am trying hard to listen to God and hear HIM not my own thoughts about my stumbled marriage to a man I know God made perfect for just me, but I can't reconcile to my own idea of perfection. I am desperate to hear God in my finances where I struggle to let go of control and the I can do it myself attitude. I need God to grab me and gently (or maybe not so gently) nudge me back to who He made me to be. A mighty woman of God! Thank you for your message. God truly knows how to use everything for HIS good..and to bless his sheep.
Hi Renee,
Thank you for your sharing of "Living in the Hear and Now" of Nov. 16. Just like you…I worry of not doing the best God wants me to. Through your word of encouragement. I now know God want us to live in obedient moment by moment and day by day. And when we are faithful in the small things, then God can entrust us with the big things that He has plan for us. Your word of encouragement come at the right time when I am at the cross road to wonder whether do I really listen and obey to do what God had desire for me? Thank you so much for your word of knowledge. I will quiet myself down before God and listen to Him moment by moment and day by day to fulfill what He has for me. Thank you…
[email protected]
Ok, so I was soooo hoping you would be giving me a way to identify if it's just me thinking or God speaking to me. 🙁 I'm sure I need to read more and pray more. I would love to win the book also. [email protected]
I am having a hard time really listening to what God wants from me right now. My husbands company has presented him with a promotion that will take us away from our family, friends and hometown. I am struggling with what is Gods will and what is our own. I do not want to leave my loved ones but I also would love the financial security that will come with this move. I am torn as to what is best for my family. I know that I have to just be patient and listen for his words but I have always had a hard time with this part of my faith. I like to be "in control" and know what is coming around every corner. Guess I am not much different than most women but sometimes I would love for God to just show me the answer in bright flashing neon lights… in other words make the choice so clear to me that I cannot mess it up.
Thank you for your inspiring words this morning… it is just what I needed to hear!
[email protected]
Daily Encouragement hit the nail on the head for me today. Thank you!
You could have started the devo off with Dear Jeannie, as much as it spoke to me. I know God sent that message for me this morning. Thank you!
This has been my prayer for some time. I feel like I'm so all over the place, and lately just going without any thought that I just don't even stop to realize it is God speaking to me…or realizing I'm not hearing Him speak to me. Thank you for this post so that I can continue to listen for it and pray that I stop to recognize it, thank Him for it and follow it!
Connie [email protected]
I just flat out don't hear Him. Especially on the little day to day things. I am too busy trying to find the 'right' way to pray and study His word. I spend way too much time doing that and end up never really hearing Him at all.
Your devotion so touched my heart today. It seems I want God to hand me a schedule and calendar for when He wants me to do things. I love the phrase "Live each day in the hear and now". Thanks for sharing it today.
Penny Whitley
I learned from the mouth of my Pastor this past Sunday, that God's will is always something you WANT, whether you realize it or not. He has placed the gifts already inside you, you just have to discover them! He said, "The creator plans it and the creation discovers it."
I love how when we are finally listening to God, He is so faithful to guide us into His plans! And at just the pace we need!
I just came back from our churches District Ladies Retreat this weekend and I came away with an even greater desire to listen… just be still and listen. As a working wife/mom of 4 teenagers, it gets really easy to set my day to auto-pilot just to get through, but I know if I just slow down and listen, really listen, God will have so much more for me & my family. Thank you for this devotion. It was exactly what I needed TODAY!!!
What a great reminder. Thanks for your encouragement. I love the statement and challenge that God is more concerned with my character than my calendar. Guess I should start praying about that one because it seems like my calendar is packed with me, myself, and I and every once in a while others. Thanks.
I often wonder if I am hearing God's voice or my own ideas. But I have found that when it is God's voice, I have a definite peace when I heed his direction. In my busy life, I always need a reminder to be still and listen for Him!
Sometimes you just know it is God speaking and then again sometime I am not sure. I guess it all comes with keeping on going everyday in God's word and "obeying" Him.
We've been talking about this very thing in our small group. I love when God does that! Thank you for the reminder that my agenda isn't necessarily God's and that I should be flexible enough to change mine if He is calling me to do so. Thank you for reminding me to be a better listener and not always just a "doer".
[email protected]
I've read a lot of the other comments and it's reassuring to know we struggle in some of the same ways. It's easy to get complacent and lazy if I let my guard down. Once this happens God's voice seems so distant and so hard to distinguish among all the other voices surrounding me. I want to be a "yes" woman as Lysa says, but fear so often sticks his ugly face in the way. Lord, I want to see You, to hear You, to know You, so I can follow hard after You. I believe, help my unbelief.
I also second guess if I am hearing a word from God or is it just what I want to believe to come true and telling myself that it is of God. I am new to the time alone thing with God so I am really unknowing to if it is just my desires or God confirming His will in my life. I would appreciate any feedback on the difference between the two. How will I know it is of God? I have prayed that the Holy Spirit reveal it to me but then I am still unsure.
I am so thankful to have come across this today. This year has been horribly difficult for me, and though I know God has me right where he wants me for this season, I've struggled to even keep my head above water. I pray often that God will give me strength to endure today and change so I can enjoy tomorrow, but I worry that I won't recognize God's voice if he tells me to jump.
I'm working on filling TODAY with him instead of waiting for tomorrow to come, and it sounds like I'm not alone.
Sometimes i hear Him and continue going the opposite way caught up in my own frustration or pain. Sometimes I hear Him and follow. it is then that I experience peace and joy. Why don't i follow all the time? I'm selfish and therefore i pray……
oh I struggle with this. I see the big picture but don't let God control the small things. I take control instead. I want to be free of this and hear his words daily!!
Thank you for this offer.
[email protected]
Your post today speaks to my heart and is an encouragement (and conviction!) that I need to stop worrying about tomorrow and live in today, tuned in to the voice of the Almighty! Thank you!
I too tend to listen to God for the big things of life, and think I can handle the little things on my own. But reality says that I need God in all the little things too! YES – I want to live in the hear and now!
Blessings to you and yours,
Maureen F.
ferguson 5 @ sbc global . net
I to find myself wondering "Is that God trying to tell me something?" My husband surrendered to God to work full-time in missions at the age of 51. Many don't understand our life now (including me at times). He is away more than he is home but we believe he is following God's plan. I wish I felt that confident about my own life! Your devotion really gave me something to think about. Thank you
hearing comes from the word, right? Thank you for the reminder to stop and listen. To be still. This is a constant struggle for me, yet I desire to follow God and please Him.
It is unbelievably awesome when God hears women pouring out relational concerns from their hearts. Two days later at a Bible Study He ministers to these same women about loving them and having plans for them. God did that for a friend and me last week. We were both amazed how He listens and ministers! Thank you Lord for Hearing and loving me. [email protected]
Thank you for this! I lost my uncle in a drunk driving accident 9/15. Drove by his house and he was outside in a lawn chair watching cars go by 2 days earlier. I honked and waved but didn't take the time to stop despite God saying "Just pull in and say hi." I didn't get the opportunity to say hi again. I am working on listening. Thanks again!
Amy M – [email protected]
Sometimes I get caught up in the busyness of the day and forget to "be still and know." I need to give the details of my worries to God and listen for His direction. Your devotoinal was a blessing today and much needed reminder. Mary – [email protected]
I know that God is listening to me, but I like you wonder if it is my mind talking to me or if it is actualy God. I want so bad to take my ministry a step further but don't know where to begin. I want to go on a mission trip. I want to save children from poverty. I want to be more than I am. but see the problem with this is every sentance starts with "I want"! What does He want of me? I know I have got to take the time, be still and listen. This is the most difficult thing for me to do. Why? It should be the easiest! Everyone likes to stop and rest or take a breather, right? I can't seem to. I'm always in a hurry. Oh Renee, I know I need your prayers. One day all my questions will be answered. Thank you for the beautiful blog to stir all those emotions within my mind, again! Hugs my friend!
I'm a military wife and a homeschooling mother of four great kids. My life can get pretty busy, I'm sure many moms would know that feeling. We have once again moved in the past year. I find it hard to just slow down and try and listen to what God wants me to do, and easier to just do what "I want" to do. I'm sure selfishness plays a big part in my wanting to listen or not. I keep praying that God will show me and guide me in this walk of mine, so that I can help guide my children as well. It's been a struggle. I just keep finding myself ignoring my "spiritual gut", not sure if it's God or me, and later saying "I should have listened!"
Now, I consider myself to be a very blessed woman and thank God for His blessings daily, I just desire a better ear for Him, so that I can stay in His will.
Thank you for this ministry. it's a wonderful start to every morning.:-)
I must admit for quite a long time I've been a little afraid to listen to what God wants me to do incase im too afraid to do it, but your blog has shown me that God's paths do lead to goodness, His ways are good, acceptable and perfect and I know He has plans to prosper me 🙂
I just wanted to say that I love Proverbs 31 and the ministry is so helpful to me, I live in England so I really hope you know that God is using you on more than one continent 🙂
It is really hard to listen to God when my life gets so complicated when taking care of my husband (hurt on the job) taking on the job of head of the household; the kids and being the only one that works and so on. When a mom doesn't have time for herself and I know this sounds like a pity party and maybe it is, but it really isn't. I'm tired. But I know i have to keep going for the sake of my sanity; my kids; my husband; my kids i teach in the 4 and 5 years old in children's church. I can't let the devil get the best of me. It is hard, but I'm an overcomer and God will make a way. I hope you have a Blessed Day!
My favorite verse is "Be still and know that I am God". I try to live by that verse daily. However, in my busyness, I sometimes forget to "listen". God has had His hand in some many things in my life and the ones that I love. His voice has helped prepare listens for the children in the church when I felt I had hit a wall. His voice is a soothing, loving and sometimes gentle nudge. I am so thankful for a living God who wants to see us succeed for His kingdom so that one day we will be with Him forever! Thank you Father!
Sunday, the congregation we encouraged to take a 10 day challenge based on Daniel requesting vegetables and water for 10days and the blessing of God that followed. I comitted to spending more time in the mornings with God. Yesterday I was lead to read Psalm 119 as the benefits of being in the word were revealed. Today, I learned about being in the "hear and now". I am realizing God's blessings already.
Thank you!
Wow – what encouraging words. I have read Proverbs 31 devotions for a long time, but never managed to visit your blog – what great stuff!!!!! I'll definitely be popping back in for great encouragement! Would love to have Lysa's book. I have not heard of that one!
Staci ([email protected])
Good Morning. In my earliest morning prayers today I was praying right along these very same lines!! I love when our Lord gives me confirmation like this. I'm hearing His voice. I am excited about today's adventure with Him. Thank you for your encouragement. Praise God from whom all blessings flow…..especially the sound of His voice. Karen ((*_*))
God being more concerned about my character than my calendar really spoke to me. I want to truly listen to God speaking to my heart so that He can change me and use me moment by moment. I need to learn to live in the "Hear and now" for God.
[email protected]
This devotion really spoke to my heart as I have questioned, complained and wondered why do I have to do all the work…..Martha came to my mind so many times during a very hard week and family emergency, where I was glad and thankful I could go and be there for my family in every way needed, yet I was crying out to God and complaining about how hard it was and I was so tired. I have really had a difficult time forgiving myself even though I have prayed and asked God to forgive me for being so selfish and not focusing or listening to him I know HE has forgiven me. It is so hard sometimes to slow life down and quieten it so I can hear God's sweet voice whispering to me. Thank you for your words of wisdom and some knowledge that maybe I am not alone in my thoughts. I pray God will let me hear him today as I seek HIS wisdom for today. I want so much to hear HIM and do what HE wants for me…. thanks again
There are times I feel did He really say that. Sometimes He speaks the simplest things, I don't always pay attention to them. Not realizing till later He did say that. Why is it hard to pay attention to those little simple things. To see those little or simple things are what He is asking. Thanks for reminding
Your words today were definitely meant for me. Recently I have been feeling so far away from my Father, I know He is there but I just feel alone and empty. And the Devil is sure having a field day. I have not been finding time to read my Bible, my prayer time in the morning seem to disappear before I get to spend the quality time I need to spend in His presence. I need your help with focusing on reading the Bible – at this moment I am feeling vulnerable, my children just acquired a stepmom and she has begun giving expensive gifts to the eldest – things I can't afford – please guide me – I need to feel that I am in His presence. Thank you for the resources you provide they help me daily.
i listen but i dont really hear anything then i get frustrated and start thinking that there is something wrong in my walk with God thanks [email protected]
What a great reminder-to listen!!
I really enjoy and look forward to your daily encouragement. I start my day by reading it and applying it to my daily life.I enjoy forwarding them to my family and friends.Todays reading really hit home because I always wondered how I can slow down in my busy life and just listen to what God wants me to do for any given time or day. Instead of just trying to live my life as I see it.I will open my heart more and have more quite time so I can reflect on his calling on what He wants me to do and I will listen and obey. Thank you for sharing everything with people like myself that need decipline in our lives.
I feel have that my issues is taking time to actually listen to God. I always heard and was always told to pray to pray to pray. But no one ever told me to listen, listen to God. I always thought by praying to God and recieving the blessing from him answering my prayer through wonders, communication through someone else, a word that I read out of the Bible, or a message that I hear from a sermon that was God speaking to me. I never really thought of actually hearing his voice because I never thought of that being so except for me answering my own questions in my voice..smh.. I also feel that I have a problem with talking to much trying to get my point across and I feel that this is what I have been doing to God. I think that I rush my time with God and I don't take the time to listen and I feel that I don't know how I should listen. But I again God is working with this issue with me and is trying to help me become more personal with him through different resources that he has set fourth in front of me so I can be a better spirit filled individual. This is one of my many blessings that I thank him for he always allows me to obtain peace through any challenges that I maybe facing.
Wow….love it when God wakes me up to "hear" His voice. I spoke at a women's conference for our church about a month ago and shared this same concept and similar verses. Following that event I felt like God was asking me….really? do you really hear my voice and listen to me??? I went to Haiti last week and spent a week with the people and children down there…what an amazing time! (This was my first mission trip and I listened to God telling me to go.) And of course I came back with ideas of what God wants me to do next, yet I wonder am I hearing His voice and listening to Him or is this just me wanting to jump in and change the world. Thank you for your comments….I really need to be reminded to sit and listen, stay connected to Him and do what He is calling me to do…daily, hourly. This is the first time I've read your blog….amazing how God speaks to us, if we only listen.
Thank you!!! [email protected]
I try not to so much, but actually I do it a lot. IT being second guessing what I am hearing from God, kind of lilke "heidiforward" said. There are those raaaare moments when I hear something and KNOW that I heard what I heard. Those moments give me hope.
I find myself "second-guessing" when I am hearing something that could be from God..I wonder if it is God, or if it´s just me hearing what I want to hear. I struggle with this daily and actually pray that he will let me hear Him. I think I definitely need to quiet down and "listen".