Our Word for the week is TRUST
Trust: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety of a person or thing; confident expectation of something; hope.
Download and print our word for the week in a PDF or in MSWord.
His WORD for us this week: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
Let’s Connect:
I would love to know what one or two things you’ve read so far in Chapter 10 that you feel God is speaking to your heart about. Are there verses or sentences you’ve underlined or highlighted? Click “share your thoughts” just below this post and do just that. {If you are reading this via email please click here to return to my website to connect with us!}
..just getting into the chapter…looks like a good one to relate with..and as with this whole experience of doing an online study..it was challenging at first and to you, Mary….I so encourage you to take your time..don’t rush..as Renee is so “real and understanding”…..seek the Lord to help guide you into the time to meet with us all, and be open to the Holy Spirit to teach you all the wonderful ways God desires to draw closer to you….we are all so loved!
I am glad to be reading this book, however, I feel worse now than before I started reading it! I am not feeling confident or uplifted. Not sure what to make of it all.
This chapter has been the most powerful for me and brought forth many tears. They were happy tears, tears of thankfulness. As I read, I vividly saw moments over the past few years of my life where God was cnsistent with me. He saved me from an unhealthy relationship and carried me out of the rubble. During that time I truly learned the meaning of the “Footprints in the sand” poem. I underlined multiple sentences, but the one that really stole my heart was “Remember, God is not looking for a woman who is perfect. He is looking for a woman who wants to walk with Jesus and find her confidence through her daily dependence on him.”
The names of God touched my heart because I have been struggling to walk by faith. I love God and know that he has plans for me, “to prosper …” and to give me hope. The Jeremiah Bible verse was perfect for what I was feeling these last few months and it kept running through my head. Reading the part of Ch.10 about trusting God meaning really getting to know/trust Him sums up for me talking about faith vs. then walking in faith. Jeremy Camp’s song by that same name has become a life anthem for me to sing when I need to walk strong and confidently!
I liked this video from Renee Swope. The closing thoughts said: “Gideon learned to follow God more consistently by depending on God’s strength instead of his own. He shifted his focus from doubting himself to believing his God. More than just helping him conquer the Midianites, God also helped Gideon conquer his personal enemies of doubt and fear. And He wants to do the same things in our lives. Oftentimes God will use our doubts to build our confidence by calling us to face our fears and do something we would never choose to do on our own. But when we depend on Him, we experience victory we never thought possible! I know how that feels, because with all that has been going on with my severe health challenges I never thought that I could handle it, but I can! God is the one who has me by His right hand and He is leading the way for the victory! He is going to get the glory in all of this and I know without a doubt how much He loves me! Why can we rise again? Because we have a God who promises to be there to take our hand and help us up again. In Psalm 37: 23-24 says, (insert your name in the blanks) “The steps of _Kimberly_____ are established by the Lord, and He delights in _Kimberly’s___ way. When _Kimberly_________ falls _she____ will not be hurled headlong, because the Lord is the One who holds __Kimberly’s__________ hand. (NASB). He will be there for us and when we do fall He will pick us up again. I hope you like this video as much as I did and to know the promises He gives us.
Your book has been such an encouragement to me. I love the Names of God list and especially El Roi. It is amazing that God could even see me amongst all the people in the world and care about the intimate details of my life. I appreciated the words on page 191 in Chapter 10:”Instead of changing our circumstances, often God uses our circumstances to bring us closer to Him, make us more like Him, and help us find our confidence in Him.” I also underlined the words “God is not looking for a woman who is perfect. He is looking for a woman who wants to walk with Jesus and find her confidence through her daily dependence on Him.” Wow! When I depend on God’s strength and truly believe Him, He definitely does amazing things. Thank you so much for depending on God and sharing your book with us. I am forwarding the e-mail to my daughter.
Oh a prayer request for myself ladies. have had a bad tooth over the past couple weeks with a root canal yesterday. Please pray for the healing of my mouth and tooth, I may end up having to have it pulled here and really do not want to go down that road. Praying for specifics right? Thank you all.
I got a revelation about independence and how we need to be “in dedentednt to God. When I first started the book I had read through your story about with your mom, and just laughed. That was so me, I having to have control of everything to work. I have gotten much better with that in letting go and let God, but I needed to have reread that before this week end. No one liked me in my family including myself, and I was just lashing out. Why.. just insecuriites and fear. and not trusting God. As I started talking to my husband while I’m breaking down in the grocery store he told me to go to Psalms 51 and Psalms 1. I have had to pray for this trust to start on mu end. I know it is there from God.
I haven’t read the chapter yet, will be starting it in a little while. However, want to thank you, Renee, for “permission” to skip ahead. For some reason, I needed to be told it was okay to do so.
My Wimp to Warrior moment came on September 6, 2003 – a date I’ll not ever forget. That was the day I handed over the control panel of my life to Jesus Christ because I had made such a mess of things. Since then, he’s walked with me through many storms and although there were times it got pretty scary and I thought I wasn’t going to make it. I’m still here on the path He set before me! Praising God each day that it’s by His Grace I get to do what I do, and not by my strength but his. I’m so very grateful for the loving care he’s shown me and has allowed me to share the Hope I’ve found in Him with other women. I get to be a Warrior in His Army each and every day, so I proudly Armor Up and head on out to meet the challenges. I know that nothing is impossible with God, he’s shown me that as long as I keep the compass pointed directly toward Him, surrender myself to him each day, he’s with me always! He and I talk throughout the day about all things, and I know he see’s my shortcomings, I’ve asked him to remove them, so he’s working on me; I’ve learned to ask for forgiveness to give it and to make amends to those I’ve harmed. Doing a daily inventory of my behavior helps to keep me on track or in step with my Savior.
Thanks again for listening. I’m enjoying the book. God bless you richly!
As a young bride at the age of 20 and not having dated but a couple of guys, I felt if I didn’t marry this one, no one else would want me or love me. Now here I am 24 years later and still feel all those insecurities. I don’t want to upset anyone or have them mad at me….I want to take care of everyone around me, but let myself sit on the back burner if not still in the cupboard…LOL..I was raised in church and been a Christian since I can remember but until recently haven’t absorbed what He has in store for me. Through a new preacher at church, and this bible study, my heart is softening allowing me to believe what I have “known” for so long. I must quit searching for love for fear of not being loved, and let God fill those places in my heart that I have shut Him out of. I know it is going to be a long process, as walls have been built around my heart over and over. My prayer is that God and I can knock them down brick by brick and not only allow His presence into my most intimate thoughts but my husband as well. I must let go of my fear that if my husband only knew what was in my head and heart he would not love me.
This Chapter is relly reaching out to me. I have massive anxiety in my life 24/7 over things that I have absolutely NO CONTROL OVER! This chapter will be read over and over again. It really is tugging at my heart. Renee- you continue to be an inspiration to me, thank you so much!
Slowly I am opening to the fact that whilie I have always loved God, I have neglected to trust him. Thank you for helping me along the way!
I know this week’s chapter is about trust, but when you – renee were relaying the story about the incident that happened with your husband and your mom said – and you call yourself a Christian women’s leader – I was wondering why do we use those words to get at people? I have heard it, Im sure many others have heard it – and you call yourself a Christian…
Does being a Christian give you anti human super powers? Like how do you answer that? My christianity for today has not kicked in just yet, so you got a taste of human me. enjoy. I mean I dont know. Besides saying sorry I guess. How do you answer that statement. Some people don’t give an iota about what you just said or did – it’s just like they want to ‘catch’ you, and use your failing as a reason why they cant be christians or to prove to you that you arent..
Lilly this is exactly how I feel too. My husband and the OW are always using this tactic on me when I stand up for myself and not just go along with their doings. I don’t know how many times I have heard, “I thought you were a christian? You need to be nicer to her.” Well I really don’t want to be nice to the woman who helped destroy my family, I have forgiven her and I pray for her salvation, but I don’t feel like I have to be her friend.
I try my best to be a good example to everyone around me, but like this chapter says I am only human and I make mistakes like everyone else. I feel it is what you do afterwards that separates you from the world. I am a work in progress, just like everyone else. You won’t see me casting any stones anytime soon.
I underlined so much in Chapter 10 that I am not sure I can pick out one thing to share. I have gotten behind in my reading so I was hesitant to jump into Chapter 10 but I am so glad that I did!! This book is such a blessing!! Thank you Renee for being so open and honest!! I am also going to sign up for April’s study and go back through the book.
Renee, thank you so much for letting God speak through you. Your book has changed my life. All my life, I have wrongly believed that, if I was not perfect, I must not really know God or have Him in my heart. I have doubted my salvation when I failed. So, you can imagine the lack of confidence and low self esteem that resulted.
Over the past year, however, God began revealing to me (and I finally began to pay attention) that Perfection is impossible, and that if we had to be perfect to have a relationship with God, then nobody would! He lead me to Proverbs 31 ministries, then to your A Confident Heart study. I have emerged from it a new creation. :). I am confident in myself & my salvation. I am confident that when I fall – and I know I will – that God will help me up. I know that I am His.
Thanks again, and I am going to sign up for April’s study and go through the book again with you. 🙂
I recommend your book & online study in person to friends and will also share today’s post via Facebook.
Every day I feel like a failure as a parent. My daughter tells me everyday how many days it is until she turns 18 so she can leave this house. My guilt is that I raised my children in the church but have not been a great example. I cry out to the Lord and when I do what I think He wants me to, I seem to push my daughter farther and farther away. It is so hard and I am hurting and I know she is hurting. The more I read and try to follow God’s word, the more I feel my daughter slipping away. Any words of wisdom would be most appreciated.
Very uplifting and helpful video message today. thank you
Hi Cindy, My heart aches for you. It is one of the hardest jobs anyone can have being a parent (especially today). But, it is so worthwhile and a blessing for sure. I was thinking back on what we have been learning from Renee’s book and chapter 7 might be a help for you to re-read and there is an abundance of wisdom. I will be praying for the two of you.
thank you Katy!
Thank you for the word of the week! “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart..” I have been having issues trusting in GOD. For example, last night I woke up at 3am worrying about finances..taxes…home improvements. The same worries I have had for years. Now you would think that I wouldn’t worry anymore. There are days that I still do. How do I get over this?? One of the many things that spoke to me in chapter 10 is: “Many times it’s our fear that keeps us from following God consistently”. That is 100% true for me. My fears of failure as a mom, wife, daughter, finances keep me from “following God consistently.” Its funny, I know what I need to do (to give all my burdens to Him), but how do I ALWAYS do it?
Love this chapter so far! So many times I feel like I am the only one who blows it. It get so frustrated with others not allowing me my quiet time with God. Then I say or do “stupid” stuff and get frustrated with myself. After LOTS of apologizing and trying to make it up, I start wondering if God really forgets all my sins and am I good enough to share Jesus with others.
I love the way you share how you stand on God’s promises. “…approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that [I] may receive mercy and find grace to help [me] in [my] time of need. (Heb. 4:16).” “I learned that when I confess my sins and receive God’s forgiveness, my hear is set free from guilt-induced doubt and I can find grace-induced confidence (1 John 1:9).” (page 186)
Your devotion today really hit home. I can’t wait to get your book and start the new study in April.
So overwhelmed at the moment, I’m not sure what to say. God Bless
‘But what need has God of us? How can we possibly enrich Him? Does He not have everything – wisdom, power, grace and glory? All true, yet there is something that He needs, yes, needs, namely, vessels. Just as the sun needs the earth to shine upon, so God needs vessels to fill, vessels through which His glory may be reflected, vessels on which the riches of His grace may be lavished.’
Comfort for Christians by A.W. Pink
So no matter where one is in life…no matter their situation…no matter what they are doing…God can always use us…we are His vessels.
Amen!! Thanks for sharing Marcia!!
Thanks, Renee. I haven’t yet finished the chapter, but you’ve just had me in tears with your sharing of the story culminating in your friend’s words to you, which tonight were a gift to mine as well. “If you don’t need this message as much as the women attending, then you are not qualified to teach it. But because you need it as much as we do, you are qualified. You have been appointed and you are anointed to do this.” (p. 185) I’m not leading a retreat, but I am writing a blog and working on a book. Today I’ve been struggling with fear about starting a new medication for my chronic illness tomorrow (What if it works? Will I lose the intimacy with Christ that I’ve gained in these years of being quietly pulled aside as I move back into the busier world?). I’ve been needing to soak again in the truth I’ve been writing, wondering whether I’ll ever learn to live in it, and feeling utterly inadequate for what lies ahead. Perfect timing for the reminder that God has called and will enable!
Oh Carolyn, your words tugged on my heart as I read them. I understand and I’m so grateful He’s speaking to you through this chapter. I encourage you to set boundaries on your time and protect your intimacy with HIM!! {{Don’t be afraid, HE will be with you!! Is 43:1}
My experience when I rely too heavily on my own understanding is that I come up short-sighted. The benefit of trusting God is He sees the big picture and I know He holds my future in the palm of his hand(like the photo above we are all spiritual infants in God’s hands)
Amen, I couldnt agree more Rebecca. Thank you for sharing and I’m glad you liked the photo. SO thankful for the neat things we can find on the internet to make God’s word more memorable in our hearts!
Wimp to Warrior!! “By seeking to know and choosing to trust God, a wimp became a warrior!” I can be and I am a warrior!!!. That one sentence was a huge point of transformation for me. By making that first choice to seek to know and totally trust God opened my heart to a whole lot of choices …. good choices! I love simple! And to be able to choice with my heart and my head simplifies a whole lot of “stuff” in my head and in my heart. One of my new favorite words … Choice and or choose! I have the choice to believe that I was worth dying for. I have the choice to believe that God keeps His promises. I have the choice to believe that God loves me like no other. I have the choice to live in faith or fear! I choose FAITH! And these choices that I make are choices that are available to me 24/7/365! And I must make these choices all day long. Some days, I do make the right choices… and some days … not so much! But I love the fact that the bad choices occur less and less in my every day living as I depend on Him more and more! I love that correlation! My favorite Chapter!!!
Mine too. Thanks for sharing Donna!!
When I was reading this morning, I highlighted several sentences. The first one that really jumped out at me was on p. 187. “Some people ask if grace is a license to sin. A confident woman knows that it’s not. Instead she realizes grace is the security of knowing God’s love is guaranteed for her because she trusts in Christ.” I have been on a mission to become who God wants me to be, despite what my husband or anyone else thinks. It has been an uphill battle and I still have different things that keep popping up or irritating me.
Even though this is my second time to read through this book, I am learning new things every week!!!
I love hearing that Heather. Thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life – the second time through the book too. Praying for you!!
I love this chapter! It speaks to my heart and it says “I am loved just the way I am,” even when I do take that step backwards. Am I still growing in Christ, absolutely. I also believe that those difficult times come along for our growth so we will learn to trust God completely in every situation. There have been so many times that I would want to just go in and fix the situation the best I could, and sometimes I did try too. Gosh, that usually ends up in a big mess (my step backwards). And its usually fear or business that keeps us from going forward or being consistent and then we get off track and off on our own path. We just simply need to trust Him in all situations and lean not on our own understanding so He can direct our paths.
Linda, this was my favorite chapter because God reminded me and taught me more about His grace. I need these truths about His grace and patience every day. So thankful He’s speaking to you through them too. His love is patient and kind – never fails, never gives up on us!! Let’s keep leaning on Him and watch Him direct our steps together! Glad you shared here today!
Hey girls,
I’m not part of this study, but I was thinking of you all when I wrote my latest blog post. I post a Scripture prayer each Tuesday on my blog. I call em Prayer Gifts. I hope this week’s prayer gift will spur you on in your pursuit of a confident heart! Love, Lee http://prayergifts.net/2012/03/20/prayer-gift-tuesdays-a-confident-heart/
Thanks Lee!! Can’t wait to read it!
Very nice Lee…I subscribed to your Emails and posted it on my FB page Create your Own Rainbow!!
God bless you my sister….
We’re starting chapter 10 a little later again this week to make sure we can all meet there together in case some are still catching up!
“If you haven’t already, be sure to visit my blog for a FREE download God’s Names from Chapter 10” :
Where do I find the list to print it?
It’s on Wednesday’s post :0)
That’s exactly what jumped out for me as well, especially being more of afraid of disappointing people than we are of disappointing God. I know God’s approval is all that matters but I constantly find myself worrying about what other people think and feeling as if I don’t measure up because I’m not doing the “right” things. God has set me free from many strongholds and I’m praying that He will deliver me from this one as well.
I was talking about Nicole’s post when I wrote this. 🙂
It’s normal to struggle with this – and it takes time to learn how to long for God’s approval over the approval of people. I’m praying He will increase your security in Him. Ask HIm to give you more and more of a desire to seek His affection and affirmations over others – He will increase your thirst for Him if you ask Him too. He loves that kind of prayer!!
The part that spoke the most to me is that we can’t trust anyone we don’t know. I want to know Christ more. I also have issues with trust. This lesson is speaking to an area in my life that needs to change so that I can grow and move forward in my life. Changes are coming – my youngest child will graduate from high school. There are upheavals at work. Personal issues. Christ is showing himself trustworthy. I am needing to get to know Christ better to trust Him in all that is happening in my life.
Be sure to read Weds post, watch this week’s video and download the printable of God’s names. All of these will really help and encourage you!! Praying for each of you tonight!!
I’ve underlined a lot but a few things that stuck out at me the most was…on page 195 “Many times it’s our fear that keeps us from following God consistently”. I’m always afraid of people’s judgement & rejection. I think that I don’t know my Bible as good as someone who has been a Christian longer than I. (even though I grew up in church, I walked away for awhile & didn’t read the bible).
But what I have learned in this past few weeks & attending bible study at my church…that we may think we don’t know what to say or the right words to comfort someone BUT GOD WILL equip you to help someone. So in that way…I have become more confident and less worried about judgement.
I have so enjoyed this study so far & have recommended the upcoming one to friends. Thank you Renee…praying God’s promises daily is comforting to my soul.
God does not call the equipped but equips those He calls.
Hello Rebecca,
I like that. I am a firm believer that the Lord will give you ( equip ) what you need at the time that it is needed. so many times we say we can’t becasue we feel unworthy but God’s word equips us and as we grow deeper in his word we learn that because of his will and not our own we can climb any mountain, defeat any gianats, quelch any fears , We just have to stay connected to the power source and let him direct our path
I agree too. He will equip us for what He’s called us to – Im such a picture of that. Believe me I had no idea what I was doing when I wrote this book but God showed up each time I did – and over time (it took almost a whole year) I wrote this message — straight from HIS heart to yours. I pray that encourages each of you to know – He will be faithful to complete the work He has begun in you – too!!
Wow! This is so powerful. Just a few minutes ago I recited this very line that “God does not call the equipped but he equips the called”. This is certainly encouraging to someone who feels inadequate and insecure.
I ordered this book online yesterday and can’t wait to read it in its entirety. I read Chapter 1 and Days 1 and 2 of the Doubt Diet and I feel fortified and purged of my negative thinking.
I praise God for Renee and her anointing and will definitely recommend this book to my friends.
Best wishes to all.
Thank you for sharing Nicole. I so appreciate you being so real. Praying for you tonight. God will give you what you need to do what He’s called you to do – each and every day – in big and small ways!! He is so faithful and so worthy of our trust!