Her small hands peel back the covers to see if my eyes are open. Gently, I feel her fingers against my cheek as she loudly whispers, “Time to wake up mommy!”
I smile {with my eyes closed} and roll over. It will take more than her sweetness to convince this tired mama to get out of bed. Hours of driving, sitting on wood bleachers, shouting and cheering for her big brother’s basketball games at a tournament the day before… has worn me out!
I tell Aster it’s still dark and that she needs to go back to sleep. Disappointed yet determined, she walks her little self over to the window, feels her way along the curtains to find the plastic wand so she can pull them back and show me it is NOT still dark.
Not only is it NOT dark, it is time for breakfast and she knows just what we can eat!
“Look Mommy!” She says, as she points her finger to the parking lot. “Wake up and eat popcorn. Seeeeeeeee. There’s a popcorn tree. When you shake it, popcorn falls off!”
Ahhh. Motherhood. It doesn’t come with much sleep, but it does come with popcorn trees! And so many other surprises.
Aster is one of God’s biggest surprises so far in this motherhood journey of mine. Only He could know how much I needed this girl of mine.
God birthed Aster in our hearts and brought her into our family four years ago, just as our boys crested the waves of teenage manhood. Obviously I needed a little more adventure, a lot more carpooling and a huge dose of unconditional love.
And God made sure I got it! All wrapped up in pink bows, giggles, snuggles, sleepless nights, developmental delays, sweet kisses, celebrations, questions, fears, happy tears, laughter and memories. So.many.memories.
Today I have a surprise just for you! Im giving away five copies of my new favorite book for the heart of moms, and those who mother in other capacities: “Surprised by Motherhood“ written by my friend Lisa-Jo Baker. I’m reading it now and it’s so much more than a book; it’s dessert and friendship for my soul! Today, Lisa-Jo’s publisher has offered to give away 5 copies to five of you!! But first {this}! For days when you wonder if what you do matters, when it feels like the same thing stuck on repeat 365 days a year! Let this be your reminder: you are braver than you know because you mother!
Whether you are a mother, have a mother, or have mothered in other capacities and felt inadequate for the job… this is a needed reminder that there is nothing ordinary about being a mother.
Enter to WIN: Simply click “Share Your Thoughts” below and do just that, or share your biggest “surprised by motherhood” moment or memory. We’ll randomly choose five winners and announce them here next week.
I had a bit of a rough time with my last pregnancy. My husband and I separated and it was just me my kids and this new baby growing. God kept me going becausr I know this baby has a purpose. When I delivered him earlier this year it was my most difficult birth but when I saw him it was all worth it. It didnt matter that his father was bot there God was there and had made him whole. They told ne at my 5 month ultrasound that he could had a brightspot in his heart that there was sonething in his brain and that he may have down syndrome but I rebuked all that in the name of Jesus from the moment I heard it I kbew God would bless my child. Today I claim my child is a miracle made whole by our Lord.
All I can say is that my 4 boys fill my heart with love and happiness each and every moment of the day.
Am so blessed to have a wonderful adult son, Brandon. Am looking forward to this summer to be a first time Nana to little Zoe.
Motherhood, still a surprise almost 20 years later! But I’m glad that he still trusts me enough to tell me when he’s afraid and to share his tears with me!
Oh my! I have to laugh because it was not even 2 hours ago that I called a friend and passionately said,”I just am so tired of doing the same thing every single day. I am so exhausted with having to say the same things over and over again I am just going to start making signs for them to read!” Looks like a refreshing read. Homeschooling mom of 6, soon to be 7… refreshing reads that make moms feel valued are always so encouraging! Thanks!
What a precious story! Thank you for sharing. My sweet babies are grown and living on their own. When I start to miss them horribly (which is often) I’m reminded that God misses me when I don’t “check in” with Him on a regular basis. I can’t imagine loving anyone like I love my children and it’s incomprehensible to me that. God loves me more.
One of my biggest Motherhood surprise was when I was told that in April of 2010 I was going to be a Mother again, what? at my age (45)! after my youngest of 3 was 17 years of age at that time and then God was not done with my surprise He was not only entrusting me again with a child, He will let him be born on the same day that his twin brother were born on January 1. You see one of the twins was called home in April 2006. It is challenging at times having a three year old running around and keeping up with although it just brings me joy when he reaches for my hand, and hugs and kisses me I just melt. I always say that there is never a dull moment in my house.
I Read the title and knew God wanted me to read this blog. We have been blessed with a newborn coming in August. We have a daughter who is a Senior in high school and will graduate in May. She will start college this fall. A little boy who is graduating pre-k in May and will start kindergarten in August. So we are starting all over. The title was perfect because yes our baby girl will be a surprised but oh the blessings that will come. God has decided He is still in control and knows what is best.
How just when I think I’ve figured everything out, it all changes again and again and again. God has grown me more through Motherhood than any other area of my life!
Love. The overwhelming capacity to love them. And not just unconditionally, but how it keeps growing and growing. I guess I never thought it was possible to love someone so much. I love my husband a ton, but this is different. I imagine it’s just a glimpse of God’s love for me and all of us. So precious
I agree!! I cried when our firstborn came home. I loved him so much it hurt, and it scared me that I could feel that much love for my son, knowing there were no guarantees in the days ahead. It’s overwhelming to think God loves us that much and then some!!
I am a mother of 15 year old twins. (Boy, girl) my husband is a workaholic and not home much lately. My son needs his dad and because of his absence, my son and I butt heads frequently. One night after my son and I had ill words I went to check on my son and apologize for my behavior. What I found was my 175 pound son, feet poking out the bottom of his bed, sleeping while listening to KLOVE. A local Christian radio station. I gently kissed him on the forehead and knew he was in good hands of The Lord. I went to my room in tears and prayed that God would be there for my son in his fathers absence and that my father, Jesus Christ would be there for me.
Praying for you both. Fifteen was the hardest year for me with both of my boys. We butted heads a lot!! They want to be men, we need to still be mom but they feel like being the mom means they still have to be a boy. It’s a transition year and a new season for you both. But you will get through. God will be there with you both every step of the way!!
I have no idea why this thought came to me, but after watching the video i feel like motherhood is the portrait of the best laid plans not going as planned – but it’s all good because the needed plans were the ones that got played out.
Amen! We need to plan, but with open hands!! 🙂
I am surprised by how hard it is to parent teenagers. Sigh! God is faithful and He is always by my side. “I can do all things (even parent teenagers!) through Christ who gives me strength.” 🙂
Amen. It really is hard but don’t give up! We’re in that season too and it’s an every day seeking God and listening to His Spirit’s lead to know what to say, when to say it, when to just listen, affirm, encourage or lay down the law. 🙂 Grace and truth, grace and truth!!
All of my kids are grown now, but God has blessed us with another little one. My 4 year old grandson and he would say, “you are my MaMaw but you are my Mom, too. Love this little guy. It is fun once again to hear the laughter of a little one and be involved in pre-school activities.
My mom says that grandparenting is so much better than parenting because you just get to love them and then send them home 😉
Our kids are 18 and 21. I remember after our first was born, thinking and asking, “why didn’t anyone tell me how wonderful this?”. Nothing like that adorable baby whom I fell in love with, upon first sight! Then another adorable baby 2 years later.
Ah now they are freshman and sophomore in college and it was been so difficult.
However Proverbs 31 devo about “emptying and filling my nest” helped me see that God had more for me. It has taken almost a year but I have found comfort and ” mothering” in helping young couple with their 4 foster kids. Then at a recent ladies’ retreat, I volunteered just to hold a sign, not knowing what it was. The word for me was “matriarch”, no longer barren, helping come alongside other moms and families.
We still love and parent our own 2 young adults but thankfully, the Lord is helping me to not feel or be barren.
Thank you
I love that you are filling your nest with others to love. I know how much it means to me to have women a little older, wiser and more experienced in life and parenting to come along side of me and pray, encourage, mentor and just help me. I bet their nest is blessed because of you!
My kids are in their 20’s now but today my daughter surprised me with an early Mother’s Day gift. She bought tickets for just us two to go to a Detroit Tigers Game on Mother’s Day. I love the Tigers and am so excited.
I would love to read this book, but more importantly I would pass it on to my niece who is pregnant with her 1st child. So excited for her. Thank you!
Happy Mother’s Day to all!
Well that sounds like fun. Have a great time!
What a great book for mothers. Thanks for the opportunity to win one! I will definitely pass it on after I read it…as I am a GRAND mother now. 🙂 My biggest surprise of ‘grandmotherhood’ is how God puts a HUGE love in our hearts for grandchildren! They are my biggest joy! I have 3 children and each have a boy and a girl – oh, the humor of God. 🙂 They are all so special and so hard to leave, when we visit them all!
Blessings to all mothers – and grandmothers! 🙂
I love motherhood; but it can be very challenging at times. The days of heartbreak seems to out weigh the days of joy at times. But when you receive a hug or a big smile or a daughter telling you I’m sorry for being upset with you. You have to stop and say, God! Thank you for my lesson in humility. And say back I’m sorry we had a misunderstanding. When my daughter comes to me crying and tells me her problem it’s a blessing to know God gave me the wisdom to stop, listen, and tell her, I understand, hug her and tell her this shall pass, but it will make you stronger. When my daughter came to me for the first time ever and asks me to pray for her because of a problem; that is when my heart melts, and I remember why God made Moms. We are wise, we are compassionate, we know when they need a hug and when to discipline. He knew that we always love our children no matter what, and that we will always pray for them to follow God. We keep going no matter how long it takes; kind of like the energizer bunny that never stops. I believe being a mother is the greatest honor God gave us although most challenging. It teaches me over and over that I never stop learning and that I can never stop leaning on God to continue on my journey. I would love to receive the book to hand over to my children one day. I so happy I will be able to honor my Mom on Mothers Day!
Thanks! Renee
Hey Renee,
First of all, I have to say how much I love and adore you. We share the same name 🙂 my middle name is Renee! You have always been an inspiration to me with God’s truth & also real life challenges for us Moms. Mothering is hard, yet wonderful. Exhausting, yet nobody screams or claps louder at my daughter’s softball games 🙂
My surprise has been that even though I spent all of my life around children, teaching, etc. Nothing & I mean nothing prepares you for mothering your own children. The wee little ones that we are entrusted with BY God are also the sweet reminders that we are to always LEAN on Him too. I’m so headstrong that I easily forget I cannot do anything without His guidance and grace. I too would love this book for a million reasons. Whether I am chosen or not, please just know you and all the other women who love & encourage us Moms are greatly loved, appreciated & prayed for. I love how you minister to us all. Thank you for your tender heart sweet lady! Much love to you & your beautiful family! XOXO
Although we didn’t have biological children, God gave me a Mama’s heart & I had the blessing of loving on nieces & nephews & having a daycare in our home. It was a sweet time of investing Jesus’ love into them. Some of them have/are making bad choices & it breaks my heart – I keep praying, trusting God to draw them back to Himself. It’s a joy when they call & want to spend time with Aunt Deb! Recently, several young women have ‘needed’ a Mama & God is, once again, giving me the opportunity to love ’em & point them to Him. I’d love to have a copy of the book! Thanks!
Thank you for the reminder of the great moments that are never forgotten. Out of the mouth of babes. They often remind us that we need to be more like them. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy
I was a single Mom for years and have two wonderful grown sons. I remember the struggles and the good, times. God has blessed me with a beautiful Great Grand Daughter that I get to spend time with and remember how precious it is. Blessings to you.
My surprise motherhood moment is when my 11 year old son asked me to be a foster parent. When I asked him “why do you think we should become a foster family?” He said, “because you are the best mom ever, and I want other kids to know how great of a mom you are!” It made my heart leap.
Having my 2 daughters was blessing as I was told I could not ` actually should not… I believe with my heart God made for me, that being a mom was the exact purpose meant for me … they are grown now have their own little ones but this heart still has full ability to love those babies … I thank God daily …
I knew I would love my kids but nothing could prepare me for how much!! The love I have for them is a little glimpse of the love god has for us 🙂
My motherhood surprise was having children at all….then six in a matter of a few years. Wouldn’t change a thing about it…loving every moment.
Oh how I would love to received this book. I am the mother of 5 beautiful children. At times they try to pull me in 5 directions and there are times when I can’t believe that God blessed me with these children. He trusted me to be a wonderful mom to them. They all have their own personality, all different but at time a little alike. My children are ages, 13, 12, 7, 6 and 3 years old. From volleyball practice, to baseball practice, girl scouts, my full time job outside of the house….this mommy can barely breath at times. But, I keep telling myself one day these children will be all grown up then I will have time to breath and will probably find myself longing for those over full days. Thanks so much for considering me for this give away you will do next week.
I think the biggest surprise of motherhood for me is the tremendous amount of joy they bring me. Not that I didn’t think it would be joyous. Even the little moments just fill my heart, such as when I hear them laughing at something. The random hugs & kisses that occur when I need them most. I am overwhelmed, and so thankful to God every day for giving me the gift of motherhood.
Lovely, sweet reminder. Just what I needed while struggling with purpose and guilt.
My biggest surprise has been how God has taken me from being a threatening, repeating, screaming mom to one who can remain calm in the most difficult of circumstances. I have had some very challenging mom moments, from finding out my son was spending hours each day considering suicide, to trying to care for 3 small kids while my husband was deployed to Iraq for a year. God always gives us what we need, and I have been able to see how he has matured me in those difficult times. I wouldn’t trade them for anything!
Motherhood is challenging at times, but very rewarding. I am thankful for my children and grandchildren every day.
When one of my three boys (I don’t know which one) ranging from 8yrs old to 4 years old actually put the toilet paper roll on the holder! I mean one time is on the sink… The other it’s on the holder. 🙂
The biggest surprise of motherhood is how fast they grow up!
There are so many sweet & not-so-sweet surprises for me as a mom of 4, I can’t pick one. I have to say what I love the most are the ‘random’ (God-planned) compliments and “I love you”‘s every day.
As the mother of 3 children I’ve learned that it is the parent/parents, not the child/children, that are most blessed by adoption.Our world to be turned upside down with the addition of each child in a wonderful and positive way. I can truly say that my life that would have been extremely empty and much poorer without our son and daughters. They opened our hearts and home to an indescribable power of love.
I think the thing that has surprised me the most in my quest to become an adoptive mom is my unwavering commitment that this is the right thing to do. Do I have doubts, fears, anxieties? Of course I do. But I am steadfast in my belief that God is calling me to this vocation. So many times in my life there have been things I have wanted to do and I let my insecurities stop me but about this, nothing can stand in my way.
being a mom was great but being a grandma is awesome!! my surprise was just how much more being a grandma means.. the world stops when my grandchildren are in my care, no laundry, phone calls or fussing- just loving and enjoying my time before the world resumes and their parents return.. thank you, Renee and if I don’t win the book I surely will buy it!! may God continue to bless you and your work.
Love the popcorn tree!
It reminded me of when my daughter held her arm out the window going down the freeway and feeling the wind on her arm she said it felt like God was hugging her.
Next time you need a hug try it. Blessings to all.
Being a mother has been the hardest job I have ever had. However, it has also been the most rewarding. And being a grandmother has been a wonderful blessing!
I was 35 when our first precious child was born. The most beautiful, dark-haired, red, wrinkled bundle of sweetness I had ever seen. As the first grandchild on my side of the family and surrounded by so many ‘grands’ and ‘great-grands’ she never lacked for attention. Madison was four and a half when the twins were born. At 36, I wondered many times in those early years of sleepless nights and chaos, why God chose ME to carry twins to 39 weeks (and then still have to have labor induced!). Needless to say, Madison loved her brother and sister while they were in the hospital. It was after we brought them home and she realized that they were there to stay that her lip poked out! She did not like sharing the attention AT. ALL!! It was only 14 years later when this wonderful, Christian, cheerleader, beauty queen, college honor student died from injuries sustained in an automobile accident that God’s plan came into such clear focus for me. You see, I did not stop being a mother on May 22, 2009. I had two 14-year-olds who needed their mother more than they ever would, to help them navigate their grief over losing the big sister they adored. And I needed these two precious children to remind me again that in the end, God’s plan is perfect, even when we don’t see it at the beginning.
I wold LOVE this book. We also have two girls who were born from our hearts. My husband and I participarted in the Foster to Adopt program in our home town. What an abslolute joy our two girls have brought to us. Claire is now 10 years old and Emily is 8. I love these girls so very much, but love to see God working in their hearts! They are going to be wonderful women after God’s very own heart!!
I forgot to share my surprise – a bouncing baby boy after 10 years of having our daughter. What a wonderful journey in the waiting of having a beautiful daughter to share our lives for nine years before her brother arrived. As for mama, it’s been the most tiring, rewarding blessing I’ve ever had!
Amen! It’s the best kind of tired I’ve ever been!
I would love to get this book for my daughter-in-law. Both she and my son were definitely SURPRISED by motherhood when she recently discovered she was pregnant and had been taking birth control! She was just over 8 weeks pregnant when she found out. Everyone was stunned but joyous.
Oh she would love this book!
You always melt my heart with your Aster stories! Thanks for always sharing her.
Love ya and Aster too!
Telling her stories and sharing her photos just makes me want to squeeze her!!
It is one of the most unpredictable things in life being a mom, you don’t ever know what you children are going to say or do. Or if you will get to sleep through the night. Really grown me in my faith, that I know and I love every minute of it, even when I feel at the end of my rope! 🙂
Every day with my boys is a joyful surprise, even when I am at my busiest I remind myself that these moments don’t last forever!
So wise. They don’t last long enough do they!? The days can sometimes feel long but the years go by so fast!
My biggest surprise in motherhood is how much I want to be home. I was the one, growing up, with dreams to work for National Geographic and travel all over the world writing. But motherhood has changed my heart. Nothing makes me more happy, more at peace and energizes me more than being at home after work with my hubby and two boys, playing balloon hockey in the living room, rearranging furniture for a game of “don’t touch the floor,” or having a water fight in the backyard and hearing giggles from over the fence as I stalk them with the hose. This is my happily ever after. I’m living my dream. Thank you Jesus, for my life.
Well you sound like a party waiting to happen! I wish I could come over and play at your house! Your kids are blessed and Im so glad God’s given you such a love for your family. I feel the same way. There is no place I’d rather be than with my husband JJ and our three kids.
After 2 kids, we decided that we were a perfect family. God had much different plans for us! We ended up with our third little surprise during a time we would NEVER have chosen ourselves, but of course, God provided for our every need!
Love that!! Only He knows. I would’ve never thought I’d have a 5 year old at the age of 47! But I am soooo glad I do!
Wanted to read this book and forgot the title….God, as always, reminded me through you!
Thank you!
Motherhood is sure a surprise and nothing can prepare you for it 🙂 We are a third unexpected surprise. Another boy for this sure tired mama. Thank you for your post and reminding us how great motherhood is.
Lisa-Jo’s book has helped me remember the gift of this time as a mom, and see even the hard things through HIS eyes of grace. To celebrate the craziness and chaos and call it good because it’s all a gift from Him.
I can remember times when my little brother and I used to wake my mom up early on the weekends. My mom loved to sleep in on the weekends, as she didn’t have to get up early fo…r work. My brother had a habit of waking her up early, especially on special occasions like Christmas. Nevertheless, my mom smiled and enjoyed the time she had with us as little ones. “Her small hands peel back the covers to see if my eyes are open. Gently, I feel her fingers against my cheek as she loudly whispers, “Time to wake up mommy!”
I smile {with my eyes closed} and roll over. It will take more than her sweetness to convince this tired mama to get out of bed. Hours of driving, sitting on wood bleachers, shouting and cheering for her big brother’s basketball games at a tournament the day before… has worn me out!
I tell Aster it’s still dark and that she needs to go back to sleep. Disappointed yet determined, she walks her little self over to the window, feels her way along the curtains to find the plastic wand so she can pull them back and show me it is NOT still dark.
Not only is it NOT dark, it is time for breakfast and she knows just what we can eat!
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“Look Mommy!” She says, as she points her finger to the parking lot. “Wake up and eat popcorn. Seeeeeeeee. There’s a popcorn tree. When you shake it, popcorn falls off!”
Ahhh. Motherhood. It doesn’t come with much sleep, but it does come with popcorn trees! And so many other surprises.
Aster is one of God’s biggest surprises so far in this motherhood journey of mine. Only He could know how much I needed this girl of mine.
God birthed Aster in our hearts and brought her into our family four years ago, just as our boys crested the waves of teenage manhood. Obviously I needed a little more adventure, a lot more carpooling and a huge dose of unconditional love.
And God made sure I got it! All wrapped up in pink bows, giggles, snuggles, sleepless nights, developmental delays, sweet kisses, celebrations, questions, fears, happy tears, laughter and memories. So.many.memories.
Today I have a surprise just for you! Im giving away five copies of my new favorite book for the heart of moms, and those who mother in other capacities: “Surprised by Motherhood“ written by my friend Lisa-Jo Baker. I’m reading it now and it’s so much more than a book; it’s dessert and friendship for my soul! Today, Lisa-Jo’s publisher has offered to give away 5 copies to five of you!! But first {this}! For days when you wonder if what you do matters, when it feels like the same thing stuck on repeat 365 days a year! Let this be your reminder: you are braver than you know because you mother!”~Renee Swope I would think that parenting is difficult work. I don’t have any natural children; however, I do have a leopard gecko. I consider him my child. aring for him is difficult work, though, which is why God gave me the very best husband in the entire universe.