I noticed something different as soon as Andrew walked in the door. One evening, not so long ago, my 16-year old came home from working-out at the Y and told me a custodian had stopped him in the hallway and said he “looked like a champion” after working out. Andrew said he felt like giving the guy a hug because it made him feel good someone noticed his hard work lifting weights. Then he felt kind of awkard so he just told him “thanks” and kept walking.
But, when he got to the exit door, Andrew decided to drop his bag and run back to thank the guy for encouraging him.
The next morning as we were heading out the door for school, Andrew was still thinking about what had happened. He said he was tired of thinking about himself all the time and he’d decided any time he gets a sense in his heart that he needs to encourage someone, he’s going to follow through.
I did everything I could to hold back the tears. And with his permission I want to share why.
We have been on a hard part of Andrew’s journey this past year. A journey filled with doubts and hard questions about God, compounded by frustration and uncertainties about his purpose in life.
A journey that has broken my heart and brought me to my knees.
And while praying for my son, I’ve heard wisdom that could only come from his Heavenly Father.
- Wisdom told me not to react, but to listen closely as Andrew vented words that were hard to hear.
- Wisdom told me to keep my mouth shut, and let my actions speak louder than my emotions.
- Wisdom helped me breathe deep and look for ways to affirm unique gifts I’d seen in Andrew that he could no longer see in himself.
I have admired Andrew’s natural tendency to notice and encourage others for years. But it had disappeared. So, I’d been praying 1 Thessalonians 5:11 for him, asking Jesus to help this boy I love remember what brings him joy and purpose.
And God had answered, using the kindness of a stranger to stir up that life-giving gift in my son. That day, a ray of hope broke through the clouds. And each day it gets a little brighter as I stay on my knees and in God’s word on my son’s behalf.
Parenting is hard. It can leave a mama feeling worn out and weary from the battle for the hearts of her children.
If that is you, please keep reading and enter today’s special giveaway. I’m excited to introduce you to my new friend, Brooke McGlothlin. Brooke knows what it’s like to want to wave the white flag and give up the fight but she also knows God has called mothers to get in the battle. So how do we do that in the most effective way? By coming alongside them in prayer.
Brooke just released a new book, Praying for Boys: Asking God for the Things They Need Most, And I love it! So I’m giving away a copy today!
From fun boy mom humor, to insightful biblical wisdom, Brooke helps mothers of boys discover their value and power as praying moms. In Praying for Boys Brooke teaches us to discover delight in the chaos of raising boys, and helps us have more peace in our hearts and homes. {Disclaimer: If you have a daughter, don’t worry I’ve got another friend whose written a book for you and I’ll be giving away one soon!}
But if you are a mom of boys, I want to tell you a little more because this book is a praying-boy-mom’s treasure chest!
Praying for Boys will:
- Help you stop hovering, and start covering.
- Give you permission to wave the white flag, while empowering you with the tools you need to keep going.
- Help you recognize your value and power as a praying mom.
- Overcome feelings of failure, and walk in confidence as a mom.
My favorite part is that Brooke includes over 200 topically-organized, Scripture-based prayer prompts for 21 areas in which boys struggle the most.
Brooke McGlothlin is Co-founder of Raising Boys Ministries, where moms and dads come to discover delight in the chaos of raising boys. You can find her writing about fighting for the hearts of her sons at the MOB Society blog. Brooke is also a homeschooling mom to her two boys and happily married to the man she’s had a crush on since the third grade.
ENTER TO WIN: Click “Share Your Thoughts” below this post and tell me about the boys you pray for.
I’ll choose a winner Sunday night, and announce it on my blog Monday, along with the 5 winners that will be picked from Wednesday’s Giveaway.
Thanks for sharing your story!
I have a son who is 8 and a stepson who is 9 and a stepdaughter who is 6.
I am continually praying that I am the nurturing mother these children need. To me, it’s a balance between helping them learn to do things on their own and doing things for them. My stepchildren are with my fiance and I one week and then their mom the next so that adds more complexity; just different rules and expectations!
I’m certainly not perfect but continually ask the Holy Spirit to guide me in raising these children.
My 8 year old has such a big heart already and it melts mine when I see him give up things so others can have them.
I love to read and this books sounds amazing!!!!
Thank you for the encouragement. I have 2 sons, my oldest entered the Lord’s Kingdom at the age of 17 yrs (will be 7 yrs this month) and my youngest is 22. He misses his brother and looked up to him. He was a godly example to his siblings.
This week I have been praying for my son, that the Lord would fill him with His knowledge and wisdom. Praises to the Lord that my son has stayed on the path and that he would continue all the days of his life.
The Lord has revealed so many scriptures in just this week and then I read your devotion, all God’s timing.
He is amazing!
Love you Lord!
Blessings to all mothers praying for their boys.
I am praying for my son who is 9 and his sister who is 12. They are in such a critical time of nurturing and guiding. I pray that I am the mother that they need. I want my children to always know that I am on their side and I have a listening ear without condemnation. Just last night my son did something that wasn’t bad but he thought he was going to be in trouble with me and his dad. We showed grace and I could tell it made a difference. His countenance and attitude changed.
Love to read books that lead me back to Christian principles for raising my children. I would love to receive a copy of the book! Thanks.
I am praying for my 25 year old son who needs the Lord.
I just saw this book in a ad my grandma received in the mail yesterday and thought to myself I need this book because I have a 5yr old son. God works in the most ironic ways because today you mentioned this book.
Renee for the last 6 months it has not been an easy road with my son. I left a relationship that was not based on God and my son has taken his anger out on me because I took him away from the only Dad he knew. Praise God in the last few weeks he is starting to listen to me and not attack me. This book will be a tremendous help and resource for me and my son!
Renee, your story is really touching. A mother never stops worrying over her children, and this book sounds like the perfect gift for my mother, who raised three sons. She often comments, have I done the right things where the “boys” are concerned. My brothers are awesome men, but a mother’s heart is always towards her children. My brothers and I are blessed to have our mom, she is amazing.
My husband and I have 5 sons! We have always said we are raising an army of boys for God but it sue isn’t easy. Ours is a busy chaotic home at times, that’s for sure! I would love to have a book about raising godly boys to help encourage us through! Our oldest is almost 17, our youngest is 5. They are truly a joy! 🙂
As any mom of grown children know, you are always a mom, and though it is different, still raising your children. I have raised/am raising two young men… one who right now has really taken a wrong turn off the right path, and the other who volunteers for missions,and actively works in the Youth Ministry field…I remember the exciting, tearful, and fun times when they were young,and am looking forward to the exciting, tearful, and fun times ahead as they continue on their journey. I would love to read this book and share it with my daughter who is now on her own adventure raising her sons, 4 and one soon to be 1. I believe you need to do alot of praying and have a positive attitude to go on our journey with God.. and he will never leave you and make a way where there seems to me none sometime!!!!!!
I pray for my 4yr. old grandson & his parents as they are raising him. He is at the age where he is curious about different things around him and asks a lot of questions. I would like to give this book to his parent .
My husband and I just recently found out that we’re pregnant with a boy. We have been praying for him since we found out we were pregnant. We want to make sure he is grown up as a Godly man, even though it is so hard to do these days.
I am a grand mother of 2 grand sons… and their mommy is a new Christian, tho raised knowing about GOD… she made her choice with God in His perfect timing : )
I know she is living this exact part of life as I live next door, I am welcomed into their life…I am so blessed… But mt daughter is so thirsty for all she can do to be a better mom she exceeds any thing I ever did… I think this will be so helpful and encouraging for her… One of those little gifts from God…
My two sons (ages 5 and 3 right now) and I pray every night before they go to sleep, and my prayer is always “Lord, please help me to raise them up in the way they should go so they’ll never depart from it!”
I have a twelve year old boy, and middle school is taking its toll on him. He doesn’t play sports; he prefers to read a good book or play video games. This makes him a little different from the “in” crowd. He’s having trouble making friends and feels he’s doomed to be socially awkward. I could certainly use advice in praying for him and shepherding his heart in the right direction.
I have a 16 year old who questions everything about God , and Religion. He has stopped going to
church as he gets nothing out of it. Struggling and very sad. Sure could use this book.
God Bless
My son is a young adult and I have an excellent relationship with him. However, while he is successful in terms of the world’s definition of success, he is not walking with the Lord. As a result he has, unfortunately, engaged in many unwise worldly activities and relationships. I pray for him every day. I know that nothing is too hard for God and that His will is that all come to repentance. That is what gives me hope.
I have 5 boys. Ages 12, 9, 5, 3, and 2. Life with boys is hard and sometimes I am all around grossed out by them. I do pray for them. Right now I am at a lost about how to pray. My 12 is so sensitive to what he hears and what goes on around him. He has a caring heart but gets annoyed easily by the 9 yr old. My 9 yr old thinks he’s so funny in his agitation and what he says. I don’t like what comes out of his mouth at this time. My 5 yr old has been diagnosed with ODD. Which is a whole new world altogether. And the littler ones give me a run for my energy and my attitude. But I keep asking God for direction and wisdom. Mother in law is no help asking advice. She can’t remember or wasn’t around much when her boys were growing up. I only have a sister so this territory is all new to me.
Thank you for the encouragement that I needed to hear! I am a mother to two boys and a girl. It has been fun and challenging at the same time. There have been many times where I always ask my husband if it’s “normal” for boys to fight this much. I want to show them how to love, but am tired. Through your email, I’ve realized that I need to let go and trust them to The Lord for His love. Thank you!
Yes, Sister Renee: I would have loved this book 42 yrs ago, however, God’s message is the same then and now as “Praying Boys.” Thank you as my son & granddaughter live with us and my prayers are still being answered just like you shared about Andrew. I have a 14 yr old grandson and would love the refreshment of “praying boys”. Thank you.
All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too. (2 Corinthians 1:3-5 MSG)
I am praying for my youngest son. He has had to become a man way too young. 3 1/2 years ago, at 16, he and his 16 year old girlfriend became parents to extremely (4 months early) premature twin girls. The doctors had told us all that the second twin would be stillborn due to stunted growth and a rapidly failing heart beat. The first twin (Kileigh) was born at 2 pounds 2 ounces and one minute later the second twin (Hope) was born, alive and crying at only 12 ounces.
The girls spent 3 1/2 months for Kileigh and almost 5 months for Hope in the NICU. The mother didn’t want to be a mother, so my son (wanting the girls very much) dropped out of highschool to stay home and care for these wonderful blessings. He has devoted his future to them and has given up many things a teenage boy would normally have. He is a wonderful father and is searching for the God he knew as a young child. His faith was strengthened during the NICU days with his girls as God defied every decree the doctors had as to the potential for severe handicaps. We have seen God perform miracle after miracle with each of these girls. However, as we all know, the day to day of raising children can wear away at our faith. I just continue to pray that God will show him the way home to his Heavenly Father and that the faith and trust will truly be doubled. I know that God has a special plan for all His children and I continue to pray that my son finds his.
OH…how is WISH I’d had this when my boys were younger. I was/am a single parent from the time my boys were 5 & 7. It wasn’t easy to raise and teach, care for and be the right example and not fall asleep in the middle of praying from total exhaustion. I thank God we made it and I have two fine Christian sons who married precious Godly women. BUT…they are still my sons and still need guidance, encouragement and prayer. One is expecting his first child now and if I find it is a boy I will certainly order this book for his parents. My daughter has a son and this would be perfect for her. God bless you, Renee…I feel the joy of your heart! It is so thrilling to me when I SEE answered prayers. Praise the Lord!
My husband, 4 grown sons, and 4 grandsons. It is such a privilege to raise sons. A gift from the Lord.
I am a single Mom praying for my 13 year old son. It seems like lately we are speaking two different languages and everything is a confrontation. It’s amazing because our church family doesn’t believe I’m speaking of the same child when I say what is going on, our latest battle. My prayer partner and I having praying about a way to connect to him. How do I get through the hormones that clearly know how to reach him?
Don’t give up, Karen! I also am the single parent of two sons and a daughter. We had some very rough times but God is faithful! HE will take care of your boy and draw you closer. Boys go thru just as many rough times as girls do in their teenage years. I am very thankful to share that my boys are now in their early 30s and married to precious Godly women. Wishing you the best…..
I am an old maid retired school teacher. I never gave birth, but I have many boys. I have four living brothers, two brothers in law, eight nephews, eight great nephews, my church boys and many precious former students. I pray! I pray for two brothers who were elders in their churches and no longer attend, for the husbands of my nieces, ESP. the one who used drugs. I pray for the boys at church whose parents don’t attend. I pray for my brothers in Christ. This book sounds great. I would love to give it to my sister who has a 14 year old ADHD son and a brain damaged husband.
I am praying for my 20 year old college son and my prayer partner’s 15 year old son. Another friend has a son who is 21 and struggling but what encouragement about this book, after my conversation with her yesterday. This encourages me to be stonger and more confident in my prayers, when it does seem very effective. Thank you and thank God.
I was really moved by this. My heart is so poured out for my Killian. He is 12, has some autism spectrum, but worse–has a Dad who discourages him from loving the Lord. Even before he was born I could feel the Holy Spirit pouring off of him, but now it is that God must work in him in other ways. He is kind unless he’s bullying someone, he’s a great reader & a good student, unless he doesn’t like the subject or the Teacher, he will say grace but rebels when it’s time to go to church.
I pray for him, his brother & all the men in my life. God seems to send them to me lately & it’s an honor to pray for them. Thanks for everything!
My 12-year-old who is struggling with Type 1 Diabetes and ADHD. He’s smart, but hates school. He questions his purpose in the world. Such heavy things for one so young. Also for my 31-year-old who watches his friends get married and start families and wonders why he hasn’t found his “the one” yet.
Diabetes & ADHD…I know you face your daily challenges! I just want to pray for you that God will work in your boys’ hearts & lives! GBY!
I have two boys. The oldest is married and has a good job, loves his family and attends church.
The youngest is in Afghanistan. He is married but the marriage has problems. We had a few rough teenage
years and words and hurt happened. He is doing better now and he reads his Bible daily. I pray for both of my boys!
I so loved your story. Thanks to both you & Andrew for sharing it. I have 3 sons I’ve prayed for since before they were born. Zach is a married 27 year old, Jordan is 25 and Tyler is 23. They are amazing men. They have each had struggles and we have recently seen our middle son come back to God after 5 years of being a prodigal. It is so so so hard not to hover, try to control and sit in fear. God is good, I know He loves them more than I do. I’ve struggled with the prayer peace in that I know God tells me to pray, prayer matters but I don’t understand how, why and have sometimes used prayer as a “gum ball machine or lucky rabbits foot”. I’d like to grow in my faithfulness in prayer. I’d love to win the book. I also have a friend struggling with her 18 year old, I would like to have her read Brooks book too. I am excited to read Brooke’s book.
Thank You~
Annie M
I love my boys. I have two, 15 and 8. Both at different stages in life. Both with different concerns that I pray about. God has blessed us!
My son is 16 years old. My son and I were separated for almost 10 years because I decided in my past wrong way to think that I was the correct person to make the plans in my life and my sons life so I came to the United States to offer him a better life. “The american dream” but I lost too many days and years being separate of the biggest blessing of my life not knowing the big damage I was doing to my own son. I’m a single mother and Glory to God in this country I started to knew who really is God. I gave my life to Jesus 2 years ago and I finally surrender to Him. My son came to live with me 3 years ago and it has been really a challenge for both of us but my trust is in The King of Kings. I really think mothers prayers can change the life of our kids but we need to know how to pray and ask God for His perfect will for them. Sounds an interesting book. No doubt to buy it. God bless you all!
As a Mom of 2 grown sons and 3 precious grandsons I have varied issues to pray about. I look at how the world and society has changed since we raised our sons and fear for our grandsons lest they get drawn into the snares the world has to offer that weren’t there even 25 years ago. It’s an awe inspiring responsibility to lift them up and to hold my tongue when I’d so like to offer unasked for advice to my son and daughter-in-law. The book sounds like a wonderful resource and encouragement.
Oh gosh this is what I’ve been needing to read, thank you thank you thank you! I just told my husband the other day that ” I couldn’t do it anymore” so frustrated waving the white flag. We have 2 boys 14 & 11. It’s our 11 year old that is giving us a run of worries anxiety and grey hairs 🙂 already. He is disobedient , tells fibs, and isn’t motivated in school at all until we are on him ( and take away all privileges ) then it’s crunch time and do better. It’s very draining and causes friction in our home with everyone, I am at loss for words things to do etc, so with that being said I am so grateful to have read this devotion this morning and being reassured their is hope and to keep praying and Let God do his miracles.. Thank you for writing and knowing of a book to help with this. Enjoy you journey
April 🙂
I have a 6-year old boy and this book will for sure help me to be the godly man God has called him to be. Raising boys seems so challenging. Thank you so much for sharing your story! God bless.
I have been busy raising three daughters who are 23, 19, and 15. However I also have a son who is 5 years old and he is SO different from my girls! I feel like I am learning to parent all over again. I am greatly enjoying my little man but could definitely use some words of wisdom to help me through this process. I also have two grandsons who are 10 months and 3 years old and I would love to be able to share words of wisdom in raising boys with my daughter!
thank you for the encouragement to keep praying for our children even when we think it is getting us no where. I look forward to reading this book. I pray for both of my sons, my son-in-law and my brothers, but for my youngest who is 14 gets angry quickly mostly at his family and I keep attributing it to his father passing a couple years ago. Even though he was saved and baptized when he was 9, I know this is eating away at him. Please, if you remember, keep my Michael in your prayers. Thanks again for your inspirational post and knowing that we are not alone, and need to pray for all the boys of this world.
My son is now an adult with a wife and children of his own. I find that I need to pray for him now more than ever. I am thankful that we have a God that hears our prayers with no limits, no boundaries. We mothers must have the wisdom, guidance and direction to pray for our sons in a manner in which God wants us to. Our sons never outgrow the need for their mother’s sweet prayers.
The boy I pray for is my son, who is 4 days away from being 13 years old! Thank you for the encouragement!
I pray for my 4 yr old son, Noah and my husband. I would love to receive a copy of this book! I pray that God gives them wisdom and a heart that seeks the Lord in everything they do!
I am a single mom raising two amazing teenage boys. Like any mom, I worry about them & the choices that they make. I put a lot of pressure on myself to be the best mom that I can be for them. My heart’s desire is for them to be godly men someday. I would love a copy of this book – praying for my boys is the most powerful tool I have in raising them.
I have one daughter – almost 21, and four boys. My boys are 18, 15,14, and 12. As a mother, I sometimes find it hard to relate to my boys. I try to understand and advise them, but I know that women and men think and see things differently and sometimes that gap is hard to bridge. It is a blessing to be a mother and to be given the gift of sharing our lives with these wonderful, lovely people, but being a mother is hard sometimes, too. The best gift we can give to our sweet families is the gift of prayer.
I have two boys 11 & 9 . I really want to be more proactive in praying for my boys. I want them to be better than me in their relationship with Jesus.
**Tears** My (5) nephews…..
As I read your article tears filled my eyes because I feel were your coming from. I’m the mother of twin 11yr. old boys. It’s truly been a blessing to experience Gods creation through their eyes, but it’s also very difficult raising boys . I can see their heart for God, but I also see the enemy battling for that heart on a daily basis, SPIRITUAL WARFARE. I know my boys are ultimately Gods boys not mine and want to please him in raising them and how I handle each challenge in there life. This books looks like a must have for a mother of boys.
I have a 6 year old son and I have been having such a hard time with him for the last year or so. His Daddy took a job where he travels a lot, sometimes up to 3 weeks out of the month. My son is a very sweet, loving, kind little boy but when his Daddy has to leave, his entire personality changes. He has such separation anxiety and sadness over his father being gone that he becomes angry and defiant, sometimes crying over nothing, sometimes being very argumentative and disrespectful. He has problems concentrating on homework and what should take fifteen or twenty minutes at most can take an hour or more to complete. I’ve tried everything from stiff discipline to just hugging it out and it has gotten some better, but it still gives me so much anxiety when his Dad has to leave that I have begun to dread it almost more than my little boy. I’ve prayed and I’ve cried and I know God has helped me, but it’s been a long road and I think it will continue to be difficult in the years to come. I’m determined that my sweet little boy not grow up to be an angry, trouble-filled teenager but I know that it isn’t all in my hands. I have to give some of it up to God, but some days I don’t know how?
This book would be very beneficial to me. I have 2 sons, ages 16 and 8. Please include me in this drawing
This year has been one of those years. My son has come home from his 5 years in the military so discouraged and bitter at God as well as family. I have been praying he will be reminded of all the verses he has learned and turn back to God
My boys are 8 and 4. My serious, football stat loving, mop head B, and my silly, kiss giv’in, war cry yell’in, PJ lover, Ty. They are as different as night and day and I love them with all my heart. I pray they grow up to be Godly men like their Daddy. I actually just purchased this book and can’t wait to dig in. But I would love a copy to give away to another Mama of 2 boys. We share quite a bit, how to do life with our “wild things.” I praise God daily that he chose me to be just the mom they need. Me. Not my task list or accomplishments. Just me. Lord, help me to do a good job introducing them to you!
When I read “Help you stop hovering, and start covering”, I smiled because that’s me sometimes. I am the lone female in the household with my hubby and 9 year old son, Jacob. Sometimes, I have so much difficulty in relating to my son. I grew up with an older brother with cerebral palsy so there are does when I just don’t “get” my son. But, with the Lord’s help, I’m trying 🙂
My nephew worries me so much i pray to God to show him the way he needs to go. when he was a Young boy he used to sing for the Lord with passion its sad to see the path he is taking.
I have a church member that is a young unwed mother of two little boys that I would love to give her a copy of this book to help her as she tries to raise these little boys on her own. I know today it is harder to raise children with all the distractions they have at their finger tips.