I used to be afraid to trust God. And it bothered me.
I wanted to slip my hand in His and let Him lead.
I wanted to put my concerns in His capable arms
and believe He could take better care of them than I could.
I wanted to have more faith.
But I didn’t. And one day I realized why.
It’s hard to trust someone we don’t really know.
Therein was the reason for my hearts hesitancy to fully rely on God.
You see, I knew a lot about God but I didn’t really know God.
So I decided to start spending time with Him like a friend, getting to know Him.
Talking to Him with simple-sentence and conversational prayers
listening to Him through promises in His Word
depending on Him in different circumstances
relying on Him in faith as I struggled with different fears.
Over time my “knowing” and trusting God got stronger and stronger.
And my depth of dependence grew as I depended on Him and found He is dependable.
What about you? Do you ever struggle with trusting God, like really trusting Him and fully relying on Him to meet your needs like I have? One thing that has really helped me get to know God and push through my fear of dependence is remembering the names of God and giving Him a chance to show me the faithfulness of His character through the power of His names.
The truth is we can’t know God as Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, if we aren’t in need. And when we are, we can learn to trust Him as we depend on Him to meet ours needs. The more we do this, the more our trust will deepen and our relationship with Christ with be strengthened.
Our confidence in Him will grow as we live in the powerful promise of this beautiful verse: “Those who know your name trust you, O LORD, because you have never deserted those who seek your help” (Psalm 9:10). Let’s pray: Lord, I want to know You for who You really are. I desire to trust and follow You more and more each day.
Knowing God By Name – printable
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ENTER TO WIN: I Know His Name by Wendy Blight
My friend, Wendy Blight, has written a five-session Bible study about discovering power in the names of God. This study is for any woman who wants to move beyond simply knowing about God to really knowing God in a very personal way. This study will help women to:
- Realize their infinite worth as they explore the nature of the God who created and formed them.
- Live with bold assurance that their God is a personal God who sees them, hears them, and knows them by name.
- Walk confidently in knowing both who they are and Whose they are.
- Arm themselves with seven tools to pray more confidently and effectively in any situation or circumstance.
- Transform their walk with Jesus as they discover how He fulfills the Old Testament names of God.
ENTER TO WIN by sharing why you’d like to study this topic and have a copy of Wendy’s new book. Simply click SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS below. One winner will be randomly selected on Friday and notified via email.
I want to re-focus on the truths of who God is not only to enhance my faith but also as a tool to use as I seek freedom from the severe depression I have been walking through for years now. I want to train myself cling to the character of God even as I walk through the dark valleys of my life.
I recently started a study on the names of God. As I sat one morning meditating on the 23rd Psalm, I paused after only the first two words: The Lord. Here, it is Jehovah. It created a hunger in me to know more about His names because His names reveal more of who He is. As I discover more of His attributes, I can say with the Psalmist, “THE LORD is my Shepherd.” I would love this book to help me in my studies.
I daily to have faith and trust in God’s will and not my own. Sometimes it’s hard.
Thank you for your encouraging words. Can u sendme a copy of praying for your husband download. Its a great priviledge to be able to pray for my husband. They need to know we r praying for them. May God bless our husbands bountifully.
Can I get another copy sent to me of the FREE Praying For Your Husband download please?
I’d love to grow in my relationship with God and I know that understanding who He truly is, is key.
On my journey to strengthen my personal confidence level by living God’s will and becoming closer to God each day, I would like to read this book as an inspiration for my journey. I know God is there leading the way every day and helping me discover inspirational and motivational support such as this!
I heard something beautiful. We can all read the same verse in scripture but each get a different revelation depending on where we are at and what God wants to tell us. It is the same with God’s names we discover a new revelation of and about God. He has so many things about him we dont know yet. An amazing journey we are on getting to know God. It sounds awesome and exciting study And our ladies group would love it. Marg
I need to deepen my relationship with God and truly intimately know Him so I can fully trust him
Oh my goodness!!! Reading this brought tears to my eyes. It could’ve been me writing this. For the past couple of years I have been praying for the Lord to increase my Faith and forgive me for my unbelief. What an amazing truth you have shared with us. Thank you!
To realize the Jesus has a name for our every need. Because everyday can be a different situation. But, the name of Jesus heals all. We really have to believe and trust.
I’ve felt distanced from God for a while. I’ve read multiple devotionals & just felt like I needed more intimacy with God, to know who He truly is (as much as we can possibly know Him). Since around Christmas time I’ve been interested in learning about the different names of God in order to know Him better. This book would be a great tool in delving deeper into my relationship with God.
I have been struggling in my prayer life. I feel like my prayers are very mundane and I don’t hear His soft whispers like I once did before walking away for a while. I long to understand Him and know Him..even more so than before. Even if I don’t win. Please pray for me Wendy. I need prayer. I’m a totally single momma of a precious 8 mo baby girl, Piper Grace. and want to not only know Him for myself but so I can therefore pass Him along to her so that she may have a better life than I did. A godly mom. Thank you.
I love studying the names of God. I never gave it much thought about why I get excited to find out what the names mean, but I believe it is because it does bring me closer to God, it’s nourishment for my soul and a way to worship our Most High! XO
I want to know God deeper!!!
I know God is calling me to draw nearer, to really trust Him, and this book would be a blessing in that endeavor.
Oh there is much to learn. And we can know facts and testimonies of all our God can do and what he has done but If we never experience his love, his mercy his grace and discipline. We can’t say we know him. I’d rather know Him that about Him. A must read for me.
With every study I have done I learn more how to pray and listen. I missed the sign up for Wendy’s study and would like the book to do this on my own.
I want to know his so much deeper. I love learning about him every day. This is an apportunity to really concentrate on him and discover him more.
I struggled with believing God knew me or loved me for many years. I am beyond that now, but I see many young women struggling with this same issue. Would love a fresh word to share with others. love teaching the truths ofGid’s word.
I am thankful that He knows my name and I know His name. I praise Him and give Him glory for all He has done.
The names of God are life-changing!
I would love to know God’s names and get back to the deeper love for HIM that I had when I was first saved. I believe this study would help me to do that. Thank you
Hi. I would really like to win and read this new book. I have been studying about prayer and want to really know God and not just read about Him.
I am excited to learn different names for God!
I’m studying the book of Revelation through Bible Study Fellowship and to know the names of God would help me to understand how to praise and worship him more deeply. It will help me understand how his justice and mercy are compatible as it was displayed on the cross.
I am so excited to get closer to God and to know Him on a more personal basis.
Learning about the names of God is something that has always been on my heart but I’ve never taken the time to study. I have had a very rough couple of years and have drifted away from my walk with God and really want to draw closer to Him again.
I have recently started loving God by obeying Him. I would love this book because knowing his facets, his names would help me know and love Him more!
I really do feel like God deserted me! Feel being the operative word… After our daughter fighting a long, twelve year, battle with leukemia He took her home. I truly feel like I had plenty of faith, not believing the doctor as he sent her home to die… I had faith, nothing which he comes close to understanding. But I guess my “feelings” aren’t all that! So I’d love to read this book in hopes that it may enlighten my relationship with the Lord.
I want to know God deeply – forming a relationship with him and trusting him to work out all things for His good. When things go well I seem to have this solid faith in Him, it’s when things don’t go well (illness, sin, pain), my faith is shaken and I start to question him!
I think this would be a great study to work through with a handful of friends. Knowing about the names of God would further my understanding of His character and love for me.
I love studying all the beautiful names of our Father God. I agree that the better we know him, the closer we can grow in relationship with him, lean into him, and trust him to guide and protect us. Wendy, I’ve so enjoyed your teaching on First 5…what a blessing this study will be to every woman who works through it. Blessings <3
This is a revelation for me and a topic that is rarely brought up! It is completely interesting to me! So excited!
My husband recently left this world for heaven – My heart grieves deeply. Our marriage was deep and good, relying on our loving and merciful God together. Now I’m learning to rely on God on my own and learning that I was quite dependent on my husband in many areas including the way we knew God as a couple. I need to become reacquainted with the God I love.
I have studied some of the names of God over the years. I would love to lead my small group in this study!
I am anxious to start this study because I have always wanted to know His names, and what they mean. To have them taught by Wendy Blight is a big plus! Renee, I did A Confident Heart Bible Study and I just wanted to thank you for that. You come to mind often. And Living So That by Wendy also makes me stop, and think, and pray. Thanks to all of you and P31OBS, you have changed my life!
I’ve started this study and am using the Kindle version. The actual paper version would be so much nicer for answering questions! I love this study so far because it helps me to see that there is so, so much more to dig into with each verse and sometimes each word in the Bible. I know I often skim over the words as I read, so this study is helping keep my mindful and accountable.
It’s ‘interesting’ that God is laying this subject on my husband’s heart, then, voila – this opportunity comes to me from you! I’d love to have a copy of the book as I come to know my Father’s heart!
I have thought of studying the names of God over the years but never seriously pursued it. Recently the Lord has made me aware that I know a lot about Him, but don’t know Him with my heart. Learning more about the names of God would give me more heart knowledge of God and enable me to trust Him more quickly and fully.