Freedom. We long for it. We fight for it. We will do anything to get it.
Yet sometimes we forget to live in it!
This weekend while our family celebrated the freedom and independence of our country, I was reminded what freedom means and how easily I take it for granted, especially as a Christ-follower. Yet Jesus said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.“John 8:36
In Christ we are free!
- Free from guilt that weighs us down and sin that holds us back.
- Free from labels that define us and doubts that limit us.
- Free from grace-less expectations and obligations.
It was for freedom that Christ set us free. (Galatians 5:1). Let’s take hold of this truth, and LIVE #FREE in the power of HIS promises and the purpose of His plans for our lives!
FREE Books & Conference Calls GIVEAWAY
I’ve been given FREE books and conference calls to give to you!
Just leave a comment under this post and share which one you’d want to win. And if you’d like to enter to win either giveaway, just say “EITHER” and let us know what area of your life you feel like you need to grow the most in {living} free.
FREE to Live a Limitless Life in Christ
Ready to live in the freedom of knowing God isn’t limited by your limitations? If so, ENTER TO WIN {one of two sets we’re giving away} of our new extremely powerful and fun “Limitless Life” conference-call series, hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies team.
In this 5-part series we learn how to get rid of labels and limits that hold us back so we can live fully in God’s purpose for our lives!
This series’ topics include:
Part 1: “You’re More Than Your Past When God Holds Your Future”
Part 2: “From Mess to Masterpiece”
Part 3: “Losing My Religion, Gaining My Relationship”
Part 4: “Crafting a Life Vision Plan”
Part 5:“Living a Life Without Limits
*Derwin Gray, Author of “Limitless Life” and Paster of Transformation Church
*Renee Swope, Author of “A Confident Heart” & P31 Radio Co-Host
*Leslie Nease, Christian Speaker, Author & Season 15 SURVIVOR China Contestant
*Lisa Allen, Proverbs 31 Executive Director of Ministry Training and Christian Life CoacENTER to win one of two sets of CALLs or you can find out more and sign up for the calls here.
FREEDOM from Mommy-Guilt
Do you look at other families who seem so “put together” and wonder why your’s doesn’t isn’t? Does mommy-guilt over your child’s “issues” ever keep you from enjoying motherhood and where your kids are in their journey of growing up?
There have been times when I could answer “yes” to both questions. And during those days or weeks, or months, I miss out on what God has for me as a mom.
One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is GRACE to have an imperfect family and be an imperfect mom. And one of the best gifts we can give our children is to set them FREE to be all that God has created them to be—not forcing them to live out our dreams or comparing them to our friend’s kid.
Jill Savage and Kathy Koch have written a guide to help parents truly appreciate their kids. One thing I love about this book is their goal to teach us how to study and become an expert on our children, knowing that we cannot fully embrace them until you truly know them.
- Identify and remove the Perfection Infection from our parenting.
- Really know each child so we can fully embrace their unique design.
- Release our children from unrealistic expectations.
- Answer the questions our kids are silently asking in a way that gives them the courage and freedom to be themselves.
Written in a passionate, candid, and personal way, the authors will instill within you hope and contentment. You’ll be inspired to apply the practical, realistic, and relevant ideas and tactics Jill and Kathy share. (Leaders Guide included in back of book.) And thanks to Jill and Kathy’s generous publisher, I’ve got 5 copies to give away!!
Just leave a comment under this post and share which giveaway you’d want to win and why. If you want to enter to win either, just say “EITHER” and let us know!
Either….. I think I need to take the limits off today!!!! Loved the post.. thanks..
Dear Renee,
I’d love to win the “FREE to Live a Limitless Life in Christ.” I’m a 28 yr old woman learning how to live a life of recovery from my depression, anxiety, eating disorder and self harm. I want to live Free and I know that can only come with help from God. I think this 5 part series would be so helpful in my desire to grow & to fight for my recovery. Thank you for putting this giveaway together. I would like to thank you in advance for even taking the time to read this and I wish everyone Good Luck!
By His Grace,
Conference call. The area I need to grow in is trust and faith. So much is going on right now and I need to trust and have faith it’s all for a reason, but it’s so hard when I see people close to me suffering w/health issues.
EITHER that I would have the courage to be my authentic self !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m so excited. I would love to win the “FREE to Live a Limitless Life in Christ” book. I am struggling daily to stay connected to Christ. Everything seems to pull me away on a daily basis. This set would really help me to focus and reconnect in my relationship with Him. Thanks for the chance to win.
Either; I loved the book by Derwin Gray. I am a Mom of four daughters – I wanted to be the “Perfect Mom”, but I know I did the best I could most of the time.
Either-I am currently working on gaining freedom from my emotions. Learning to let my emotions be an indicator rather than a dictator! And as I grow in this area I hope to be able to model and teach my children appropriate ways to manage their big emotions!
BOOK – Freedom from always having the weight of trying to take care of everything on my own.
Conference calls. I’m struggling with some issues and decisions now and am working on listening for God’s direction to Live a Limitless life for his glory.
Book please!!! I want to learn to kick the guilt monster off my shoulder!
I would love the blessing of limitless life. I am 30, when I was 22 I had 11 months of tragedy that turned my world upside down. My husband committed suicide, 2 months later my mother died from missed diagnosed lung cancer and then my father suffered for 8 months from a broken heart/heart disease ending in a massive stroke ending his life. I am not writing this for a my problem is bigger then yours rant or a pity party. I would just love to have a tool that could help me stop living in fear and start living the life God wants me to have. Thank you Renee for your inspiring words everyday.
I would like to win the book. Two of our three children are grown and out of the house, and the third is 13 going on 30. I think this book will be a great companion/follow-up to “Am I Messing Up My Kids.”
Either, need anything desperately right now
Book please! Areas I’m struggling in my life right now are in my marriage & parenting.
I would love the conference call, things are really feeling heavy in many different areas of my life right now.
It has been hard to see God at times. thanks
Book. I need the freedom to forgive myself and lose the guilt.
I would like to win a book. I read quite a bit and learn from what I read. I am reading your book “A Confident Heart” and we are studying it in a small group at church. It really is so true. We do have to remind ourselves of God’s promises. He is always there for us! Myself and a few ladies are trying to get a church-wide women’s group started and would welcome any ideas or tips that you might be able to give us. I signed up for the 7 day doubt diet and somehow missed the 6th day. Would it be possible to receive it again. I have e-mailed them out to ladies I know so they may bless them as they have blessed me. Renee’ , Thank you so much for what you do and how you serve God! A few of us ladies came to the 91.9 pajama party promotion that you spoke at last November. It was awesome! My desire is to serve God and live for Him so close that His presence is ever so shining through me! Pray that I can always discern the path that God has for me.
Either,Ivhave to stop living in a shell,I need to break out an be who God has called me to be.To trust God completely.I need to read but the conference calls will be great as well.
Book because I love to read.
Limitless Life, please!
Book so I can help others.
I would love to win A Confident Heart Devotional. I love your words with the scripture.
Free book Please! Thank you for sharing! Gives me hope. Jennifer Chapman
Free book please!
Dear Renee, I have struggled with graceless expectations since I have been saved and came to know the Lord. It’s about 30 years. I have had my ups and downs and in and outs with God and our relationship. He has always been with me through these situations. Guilt is a big factor and not really understanding the real meaning of grace in Jesus. Satan always throws my past in my face…but I have gotten better with this, by quoting scripture and talking to the Lord about Him and his goodness and forgiveness. Limited Life would be very helpful with my daily struggles of guilt and grace. In Christ, Rebecca
I would love the conference call series…Limitless Life…that is what I am striving for right now and am very sure you ladies have great information I could use. Thank you for always sharing.
1. LImitless Life – Financial struggle and caring for aging parents seems to make me see my life as boxed in and very limited.
Encouragement for changes I can make and things I can do to change my perspective would be helpful.
2. No More Perfect Kids – I would like to win for my daughter who is raising three preschoolers and is a very conscientious mom.
Thanks for the offer!
Live a Limitless Life in Christ.
This sounds perfect for my Waypoints Women in the Word. WE are a group of women of varying ages looking to become more transparent to help mentor the other women in our church community
I would love to win the conference call! Being in a very difficult marriage and caring for my children and live-in mother-in-law I feel very limited and discouraged at times. I know God wants me to use my experiences to help others someday so I would greatly appreciate learning new information and advice. Thank you! Christine
#4 Crafting a life vision plan – My husband has Alzheimer’s and I am very uncertain about how the rest of my life is going to look like
Book please!
Either will be a blessing
I could use both, but right now I would rather have No more perfect Kids. Thanks for the daily emails and the ministry you guys provide.
Please enter me for either. Thank you for your ministry and service. Your messages are always so timely
I would love to get my hands on the book! I am a single mom and trying to do the very best for my kids and I know I mess up a lot!! I always try to remember that no one is ever perfect but it is a hard one to learn.
Thank you!
Either. I would love to grow in either area.
The book would be amazing! I am always striving to be a better mom and to do it God’s way. It is so hard to remind myself that perfection is not the goal and grace is abundant. Still working on this one. . .
Book; love your books. U are such an inspiring author.
I would love to win a copy of limitless life because I am a single mom and this puts soo many limits on me, I feel like…please pick me!
Either! Both are insightful and inspirational and would be an asset! Thanks!
Either! 🙂 Freedom from guilt, fear, self-doubt – all of it would be lovely. And it’s a promise – God promises us that He is our security. Any tool that would help me to remember and apply that truth would be such a blessing.
I would love to win the conference call! I’ve put God and myself in boxes before and desparately need to learn to let God have all of me in every moment!
I would love the conference call series. I need to let go and let God be in control more. I also need to trust Him more and be patient and wait on Him.
I have been struggling with an unsettling feeling that keeps plaguing me. I need to find that perfect peace that the Lord promises us!
Either . Working with our ladies ministry and reminding myself constantly I can not do this apparent from God is key to staying in His word and getting all the extra insight that God continues to give Ptoverbs 31 Ministry . Your resources have been key to helping me in this area . I thank God for you .
I would like either….I am dealing with a daughter In A homosexual relationship ..Our relationship is worsening by the day..would really like some guidance and some encouragement on how to maintain my relationship with her and continue to share the truth about what God says is truth…also dealing with a son that is having issues with finding his purpose . And why he is here….I lost my husband to cancer and it hasn’t been easy raising them alone.. Boyd need a father…
I would love the conference call. I struggle with living what I believe is true. Who I am in Christ and living that freedom. I know that God can bring a message through my messes and living a limitless life will enable me to share my story. Thank you for sharing yours!
Conference Calls. God is dealing with me about my mouth, attitudes, and holding on to things – mullig over hurts, confusion and frustration. I thiink these messages would be quite helpful. Thank you for this opportunity! God continue to bless you all richly!
The conference calls would be better for me. My children are both grown and it’s too late to change the way I parented them now. 🙁
I would love to win the “Limitless Life” book. I am working on a huge goal right now in my business. With all of the set backs and discouragement that I am facing I need words of encouragement and reassurance that God wants the best for me.