Freedom. We long for it. We fight for it. We will do anything to get it.
Yet sometimes we forget to live in it!
This weekend while our family celebrated the freedom and independence of our country, I was reminded what freedom means and how easily I take it for granted, especially as a Christ-follower. Yet Jesus said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.“John 8:36
In Christ we are free!
- Free from guilt that weighs us down and sin that holds us back.
- Free from labels that define us and doubts that limit us.
- Free from grace-less expectations and obligations.
It was for freedom that Christ set us free. (Galatians 5:1). Let’s take hold of this truth, and LIVE #FREE in the power of HIS promises and the purpose of His plans for our lives!
FREE Books & Conference Calls GIVEAWAY
I’ve been given FREE books and conference calls to give to you!
Just leave a comment under this post and share which one you’d want to win. And if you’d like to enter to win either giveaway, just say “EITHER” and let us know what area of your life you feel like you need to grow the most in {living} free.
FREE to Live a Limitless Life in Christ
Ready to live in the freedom of knowing God isn’t limited by your limitations? If so, ENTER TO WIN {one of two sets we’re giving away} of our new extremely powerful and fun “Limitless Life” conference-call series, hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies team.
In this 5-part series we learn how to get rid of labels and limits that hold us back so we can live fully in God’s purpose for our lives!
This series’ topics include:
Part 1: “You’re More Than Your Past When God Holds Your Future”
Part 2: “From Mess to Masterpiece”
Part 3: “Losing My Religion, Gaining My Relationship”
Part 4: “Crafting a Life Vision Plan”
Part 5:“Living a Life Without Limits
*Derwin Gray, Author of “Limitless Life” and Paster of Transformation Church
*Renee Swope, Author of “A Confident Heart” & P31 Radio Co-Host
*Leslie Nease, Christian Speaker, Author & Season 15 SURVIVOR China Contestant
*Lisa Allen, Proverbs 31 Executive Director of Ministry Training and Christian Life CoacENTER to win one of two sets of CALLs or you can find out more and sign up for the calls here.
FREEDOM from Mommy-Guilt
Do you look at other families who seem so “put together” and wonder why your’s doesn’t isn’t? Does mommy-guilt over your child’s “issues” ever keep you from enjoying motherhood and where your kids are in their journey of growing up?
There have been times when I could answer “yes” to both questions. And during those days or weeks, or months, I miss out on what God has for me as a mom.
One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is GRACE to have an imperfect family and be an imperfect mom. And one of the best gifts we can give our children is to set them FREE to be all that God has created them to be—not forcing them to live out our dreams or comparing them to our friend’s kid.
Jill Savage and Kathy Koch have written a guide to help parents truly appreciate their kids. One thing I love about this book is their goal to teach us how to study and become an expert on our children, knowing that we cannot fully embrace them until you truly know them.
- Identify and remove the Perfection Infection from our parenting.
- Really know each child so we can fully embrace their unique design.
- Release our children from unrealistic expectations.
- Answer the questions our kids are silently asking in a way that gives them the courage and freedom to be themselves.
Written in a passionate, candid, and personal way, the authors will instill within you hope and contentment. You’ll be inspired to apply the practical, realistic, and relevant ideas and tactics Jill and Kathy share. (Leaders Guide included in back of book.) And thanks to Jill and Kathy’s generous publisher, I’ve got 5 copies to give away!!
Just leave a comment under this post and share which giveaway you’d want to win and why. If you want to enter to win either, just say “EITHER” and let us know!
Marsha Lehan says
I would like to win FREE to Live a Limitless Life in Christ.
My first 1 yr and 7 months since my husbands death my faith was strong and I talk to god several times a day. I went to church when I did not have to work , and I worked with seniors to give back. Now I have quit my caregiver job because I need to make more money to save my house. When I have large expenses God always provides a way for me to survive. The problems I have face have made me weary and although I pray that God will stay with me I have drifted a bit. That is not to say I have lost my belief . Igo to a church that really does not make me feel welcome, even though I love the message, therefore have miss church allot lately. I really need a new church. I read my bible but some nights I feel I do not understand what I have read. These confrence is just what I need. Thank you!
Christina says
I would love to read the book. I often fall into the trap of perfectionism which affects me as a mom and my expectations of my child’s behavior.
Sara Grivas says
Would love to win the limitless life one! It seems to fit right where I am stuck since the deth of my father. Thanks for the chance.
KimV says
Book please. I was looking back through my prayer journal this weekend and noticed that since 2007 I have been praying/struggling with the same thing. Taking/finding time to enjoy being with my kids. I feel like its always a battle with them and never any fun…..part of it is me and my attitude…which I know and pray about…and have been since at least 2007.
Kris Hoskyn says
Limitless Life, need to release myself from years of bad labels!
Paula Lloyd says
EITHER!! Both are powerful messages! I would be blessed to win either.
Kathy says
I”D love to WIN the LIMITLESS LIFE. Great stuff.
Tammy Dye says
Anita C says
Renee, I am a mother of 5 and Grammy of 18 who was brought up Jewish: I found Jesus almost 7 years ago, and have been so close to the Holy Spirit in my walk with God, and all of your books and publications have been so endearing to me. I still have 2 daughters who have 7 children between them who are non-believers who I need to help “find their way” to the beauty of Lord and His Word, and I would either love to get your books or attend your conferences to assist me in that quest. Either way, your assistance is greatly appreciated, and I will seek them on my own if I do not win! God bless you, Renee!
Katie says
Oh how I would truly appreciate books!)
I need help I all areas, how do I pick just one… my spirit, my lack of teaching capabilities, patience, family growth…
cindy says
thank you for your encouragement and either have a great day
Chris says
I am having open heart surgery in 5 weeks, a book would be a blessing to pass the recovery time and keep me going.
Cindy says
I would love to receive the conference calls. I am a wife, mother of two very busy sports kids (on the road constantly), full time accountant, photographer by hobby, and the list goes on…
Always trying to find balance and let God rule and reign in my heart and in my life. What we put into our mind and hearts, it comes out in our lives.
Gennie Griffin says
Book! It would be so freeing to not worry about anyone’s expectations except for what God wants from me and my parenting.
Gina says
Book please 🙂
Ginnie says
Either. Would be a blessing.
Janet says
I would feel blessed with either, but I think I struggle more with mom guilt.
Chantle Uthe says
Either. The area I struggle the most in is making God my first decision in everything!!!
Gaylene says
No More Perfect Kids please! With soon to be 3 and 5 year olds and my oldest a VERY strong-willed child, I need guidance on how to give them AND myself more grace, and accept that “less than perfect” truly is ok.
Karen R. says
I would feel bless to win either. I want to be free of expecations of others and also expectations I put on myself. Thank you
Laura says
I would love the book!!
Twila Suwyn says
Amy C. says
I would love the book. I am struggling with this very issue right now.
Courtney D. says
Conference call. I need and want to live my life for God. I need help getting past myself!
patricia says
Either, I would love both, I have struggled with this guilt and also feel like I have passed some onto my daughters, I would love to feel free from this and know God is gracious enough to do this for me. I always go back and forth, I would love to feel the freedom.. Thank you for your ministry I love to be apart of this program…
Mary Davidson says
I would love to win the book, and learn more about letting go of perfect expectations but live free in motherhood to love my children as they are. (I also already have the conference calls) 🙂
Jenny Humphrey says
Hi. Thankyou for these amazing online Bible Studies you have provided. I would love to win The Limitless Life Conference Call Series…… I tried to be part of the study but due to extenuating circumstances I missed great chunks of it 🙁 Im a missionary in Africa) At this very time….. I need to learn to drop all the labels that I have allowed to ‘stick’ to my heart & be patient & still to hear God’s voice.
Michelle Renee says
Book, please. As a ministry wife, sometimes I feel like we’re all under the microscope. My kids (and us parents) are just typical people – far from perfect. I need to be reminded that it’s ok.
Melinda says
Limited Life!
Susan says
Conference call. Freedom from unforgiveness.
Marilyn says
Bonnie says
I would love the books. I love to read and the books encourage me and help me to be more confident in Christ and not in others. Thank you for all you do. God bless
Dawn says
Book No perfect kids please. I am in the midst of three teenage boys all different and need help to raise them the way God created them to be. Thank you
Robin says
I love reading, so books are better. I need help in on my guilt areas and spiritual growth
Debora says
LIMITLESS LIFE! God has turned my life upside down…from my broken childhood of self-doubt…to now being called to love and to mentor collage-age young women. This series would be a direction and a hope for many young ladies who see what the world is calling them to but they are choosing the higher calling…Jesus Christ! Proverbs 3:5-7
Courtney J says
Hi Renee! I desperately NEED any and everything from Limitless Life. I want to live in freedom, however, I keep holding myself in bondage from all my mistakes and my past. I feel as if I have messed up my life to the point of no repair and I am a waste of space.
Jodi Grubb says
The book sounds like something I desperately need to read! Thank you for the opportunity!
Melissa says
Either. Thank you for being you and thank you for sharing your ministry. You have no idea how you have blessed me and my family just with your devotionals. I am looking forward to reading other material you have. God bless you!
Lisa B. says
I love to read so a new book would be great.
Brittany B. says
EITHER, I could use both. I have a feeling my expectations for my child are really high but I keep thinking “I dont want her to have to go through what I went through”. Help haha
Lesa Fletcher says
I’d like to win anything from Limitless Life. I’ve just completed the book with a P31 small online study group. It’s my prayer to share this life changing study with others. God bless you in your desire to share the Word~Blessings
Renée Cornelius says
I need a Limitless Life. I limit myself by listening to the devil’s lies about how I am not worthy or capable even though I know the truth. He always brings back my failures and plays on my weaknesses. I want to experience freedom and be able to live a limitless life.
Beth Koerber says
I would LOVE the book, please! I have 2 young boys (5 & 8) and already I am feeling like I have no idea now to parent and raise them to be Godly men!
Tami says
I would love the Limitless Life series. Upon reading the first two parts, I knew that was the one I needed. I have trouble forgiving myself and moving on from my past.
Paige says
BOOK – I would love to get my hands on that book. This parenting thing is a lot tougher than I imagined it. But I also find that most of the time, when things feel really complicated, its me making them that way. Will my kids still learn to love Jesus if I can’t get myself together for family devotions? If I compromise with my 5 year old about not wearing collared shirts to church, am I letting him be the boss too much? If I force my boys outside to play and they hate it, am I trying to make them into “little me’s” and not allowing them to be themselves? What if I can’t afford private school, or home school? What if I can’t stick to a chore chart? How do I balance wanting time with them after work with not always being their source of entertainment so they can learn to play on their own? Ahhhhhh!!!! Jesus, let them just see YOU in my life. Please take my failures and somehow use them to bring us all closer to you. Fill the many many gaps in my parenting. I love those boys with all my heart. Thank you for choosing me to be their Mom. Amen!
Jodi Grubb says
You just took my exact feelings/concerns and put them into words! Praying God fills both our hearts with peace and joy each day as we journey through this parenting thing.
Jesse Haley says
Anita says
Limitless Life series – I definitely need help in this area!
Novella says
Either, the area I need growth in is letting go!
Dawn says
The book! I feel that Mommy guilt all the time!
Heather says
Limitless Life! 🙂 This is definitely an area where I need to grow!