Freedom. We long for it. We fight for it. We will do anything to get it.
Yet sometimes we forget to live in it!
This weekend while our family celebrated the freedom and independence of our country, I was reminded what freedom means and how easily I take it for granted, especially as a Christ-follower. Yet Jesus said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.“John 8:36
In Christ we are free!
- Free from guilt that weighs us down and sin that holds us back.
- Free from labels that define us and doubts that limit us.
- Free from grace-less expectations and obligations.
It was for freedom that Christ set us free. (Galatians 5:1). Let’s take hold of this truth, and LIVE #FREE in the power of HIS promises and the purpose of His plans for our lives!
FREE Books & Conference Calls GIVEAWAY
I’ve been given FREE books and conference calls to give to you!
Just leave a comment under this post and share which one you’d want to win. And if you’d like to enter to win either giveaway, just say “EITHER” and let us know what area of your life you feel like you need to grow the most in {living} free.
FREE to Live a Limitless Life in Christ
Ready to live in the freedom of knowing God isn’t limited by your limitations? If so, ENTER TO WIN {one of two sets we’re giving away} of our new extremely powerful and fun “Limitless Life” conference-call series, hosted by Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies team.
In this 5-part series we learn how to get rid of labels and limits that hold us back so we can live fully in God’s purpose for our lives!
This series’ topics include:
Part 1: “You’re More Than Your Past When God Holds Your Future”
Part 2: “From Mess to Masterpiece”
Part 3: “Losing My Religion, Gaining My Relationship”
Part 4: “Crafting a Life Vision Plan”
Part 5:“Living a Life Without Limits
*Derwin Gray, Author of “Limitless Life” and Paster of Transformation Church
*Renee Swope, Author of “A Confident Heart” & P31 Radio Co-Host
*Leslie Nease, Christian Speaker, Author & Season 15 SURVIVOR China Contestant
*Lisa Allen, Proverbs 31 Executive Director of Ministry Training and Christian Life CoacENTER to win one of two sets of CALLs or you can find out more and sign up for the calls here.
FREEDOM from Mommy-Guilt
Do you look at other families who seem so “put together” and wonder why your’s doesn’t isn’t? Does mommy-guilt over your child’s “issues” ever keep you from enjoying motherhood and where your kids are in their journey of growing up?
There have been times when I could answer “yes” to both questions. And during those days or weeks, or months, I miss out on what God has for me as a mom.
One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is GRACE to have an imperfect family and be an imperfect mom. And one of the best gifts we can give our children is to set them FREE to be all that God has created them to be—not forcing them to live out our dreams or comparing them to our friend’s kid.
Jill Savage and Kathy Koch have written a guide to help parents truly appreciate their kids. One thing I love about this book is their goal to teach us how to study and become an expert on our children, knowing that we cannot fully embrace them until you truly know them.
- Identify and remove the Perfection Infection from our parenting.
- Really know each child so we can fully embrace their unique design.
- Release our children from unrealistic expectations.
- Answer the questions our kids are silently asking in a way that gives them the courage and freedom to be themselves.
Written in a passionate, candid, and personal way, the authors will instill within you hope and contentment. You’ll be inspired to apply the practical, realistic, and relevant ideas and tactics Jill and Kathy share. (Leaders Guide included in back of book.) And thanks to Jill and Kathy’s generous publisher, I’ve got 5 copies to give away!!
Just leave a comment under this post and share which giveaway you’d want to win and why. If you want to enter to win either, just say “EITHER” and let us know!
Shiela says
I would prefer the book.
Tricia says
First of all, thank you so much for this opportunity and offer, and for sharing your ministry with us. I always look forward to reading your blogs in my email inbox! As for this offer, although they are both awesome gifts, for me I would love the “No more perfect kids” book for a few different reasons. As a mom who is still struggling with her own perfectionism (or lack thereof), and now have been so very blessed by the gifts of raising our boy/girl twins, I find it a constant struggle to not project that perfectionistic personality trait onto them…especially because for me anyway, ever since they were born I learned to parent in such an organized, structured way. I want to truly LEARN each of my children… Learn what they love, who God created them to be, nurture their passions and creativity… I don’t want my anxieties to squelch the fire that God has placed in their hearts or spirits. I want us all to enjoy this time in our lives and have pleasant memories, while I leave room for God to continue molding the beautiful masterpieces that my children already are.
Thank you again for this opportunity and God bless you and your ministry!
Sandy Moore says
Just as carpenters use measuring devices to mark sure each pieces fits, we measure ourselves by our own self-induced standards. Thank you for your reminder that the Cross frees us to live by only one standard – our loving, holy God’s!
Can’t wait for book/seminar.
Thanks for sharing.
Karen says
Limitless Life is the book for me! I so need to Let go and let God! I struggle as a Christian mom, needing everything perfect…
Jackie H says
I’d love to win the books! I need to live in the freedom of Christ and not continually live in the shadow of last sins.
Debbie says
I would like the book to share with my daughter. I feel it will help her deal with the struggles she is going through with her children. Thank you!
Heidi says
I am interested in the conference calls. I struggle with guilt and shame from my past. It has taken away my freedom to live without fear and anxiety.
Melanie Sparks says
I would love to win the parenting book, the stress we put on ourselves to be “perfect” moms is crazy..
I need to learn to let go of mommy guilt!
Kendra Seaton says
Book please. I need more freedom in following what God wants me to do instead of other people. Loved your no more perfect moms book – can’t wait to read no more perfect kids ( have 3 kids, 6, 8 and 11) thanks!
T.K. Floyd says
Either – I would appreciate either giveaway! As a single mom who’s also an entrepreneur, I understand the challenges of wanting to have a “perfect” child while also figuring out your purpose in life… I am learning each day that God speaks to me in a variety of ways – and through different channels. Should He chose to use either channel to reach me (the conference calls or the books), then I am open… Speak Lord, Your servant is listening… Blessings!
Deanna says
Limitless Life
Rebecca Rodriguez says
I would like to win the book. I gave four kids and feel like I could do better or am I to hard on them. Reading books about children are great. I am also a teacher and wondering maybe this will help in both done how. I am always praying to be a better mom. And being a pastors wife you think your kids need to be perfect. Lol Thanks I hope I win this book. It would mean a lot.
Anne says
Theresa Cloe says
You are more than your past..
Deidre Davis says
I would love to have either. I have a 15 year old with downs syndrome and a 19 year old who keeps me on my knees praying. So both books would be a blessing to me.
Brenda says
My heart crys for books, books and more books. I love to read and I love to share the books I have read. The books would be ideal for me. Thanks for considering me for this give away.
Jodi says
Either would be wonderful! I’m struggling in many areas. I would love to learn how to live without doubting myself and to experience freedom from guilt and anger. Thank you for your books and online encouragement. Your transparency and wisdom help many women!
Annette says
I would love to bless my sister with some great summer reading.
Anita Stone says
Angelina Glass says
I would love the book. I have ADD, so I definitely need something I can go back to for the info!!! 🙂
In having ADD, this book would definitely be a FANTASTIC resource for me!!! I struggle with this more than I can begin to explain. THANK YOU for the great giveaway!!!
Diana Muckelrath says
Either! Both will be A BLESSING!
Gina says
Katherine White says
Either. As my oldest is getting married this fall, I have been reflecting and questioning my walk and my parenting. What are my stumbling points? Do I hold unrealistic expectations of myself, my husband, my kids? What legacy am I passing on? Is it one of freedom or bondage? Am I a chain breaker or a chain maker? With 4 young ones still at home these have become very important questions in my mind. I would love some help and direction.
Kathy says
EITHER — I would love to read both of these books.
Lee says
Either book would be an amazing blessing! I am so thankful for Proverbs 31 Ministry for me and for my older daughter. God is a God who knows our needs. Thank you!
Deb says
Either – always eager to be better equipped for battle! Thanks so much for this opportunity!
Kelly says
Either. I become a first time mom to our son in 5 weeks-God is always working on my heart molding it into who he designed me to be.
Mary Beth says
No more perfect kids. Who doesn’t welcome some positive advice on raising these kids we love so much, but sometimes have such a difficult time understanding. Thanks for the opportunity.
Chandra Smith says
Michelle says
I would love this book! I am both blessed and challenged with a blended family… I constantly seek Godly wisdom and insight on how best to raise all of my kids.
Jennifer says
I want a Limitless Life!!
Jill Bass says
I would love to have either!
Jacinta says
My sons are kind of old grown ups, I wish I had these resources when they were little and teenagers. I don’t want either. Reading makes me feel bad, I only read devotionals on the computer. I am living by myself and feel very alone, the only friend I have around is the computer.
The Lord bless you and your loved ones and your ministry
Peggy Cooper says
We do serve an awesome and amazing God and His Grace is sufficient for us. But it seems we so often
Forget that very thought. Love your bible studies on line. May God continue to Bless your ministry.
Would love to win “Limitless Life” conference series.
Becky says
Either. Although my children are grown, I am sure the books would be helpful to me too. I still struggle with labels, and with judgment. My heart knows God’s word, but I am still working on letting go of all the years of feeling that I would be punished every time I messed up. I have been taught so much about God’s grace, I thank him each day for what I am learning.
Michelle D. says
Book. I would like growth in my spiritual life and freedom from “mommy guilt”. Thanks for all your insights- such a blessing in my life.
Josephine Blassingame says
I would love to have a BOOK! That way I can go back over and over and find new things that God will reveal to me. Also gives me something that I could bless others with. Book please! God bless and thank you!!
Latisha says
I would love to win the conference calls. I have been feeling quite trapped lately and have been thinking on how Christ has set me free, but I feel like I can’t get to it. Maybe this would help me to have a clearer perspective. Thanks for the opportunity!
Christine Hunsucker says
It would bless me to win either. Thanks for the opportunity:) As my children are in middle and high school now my hearts desire is to prepare them for God’s plan for their future , not the worlds and discernment to know Him. As my children’s needs change, my life, my ministry changes too. To dive into God’s plan for my future and leave my insecurities behind will be a blessing!
Christine says
Either…I need help remembering God is in control and turn to Him when I have anxiety over my life as well as for my children. Either will help guide me and speak volumes to me so i can become a better mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend.
Tawana says
Conference calls and I need growth in my spiritual life
Sherry Potter says
Thank you for by your insights! I would love the parenting book!!
GInger M. says
Book, please. I would like to feel less obligated and be able to say no.
Tia says
Hi Renee!
I feel the place I need to grow the most is letting go of my fears. It holds me back from everything, even enjoying life and family to the fullest. It’s becoming a hindrance and I am praying everyday for deliverance. I feel the conference calls will be a great blessing to start me on my journey! Thanks!
Mimi says
Either! 🙂 What a wonderful gift!
Christina says
EITHER. The area of my Christian walk I need to examine is my Faith. I need to understand and constantly rember that walking in Faith is first an obedience to God. Then after you have that obedience, then the understanding will come!
Pam says
I would love to have either. I have two beautiful daughters with my oldest leaving for college in a few weeks. This transition will be difficult for the whole family but hardest on the youngest as she and her sister have been inseparable these past two years. My goals are freedom from anxiety and worry and growth in my spiritual life. God bless you!
Carrie Vallee says
Ilove books. I cannot get enough reading – now to just find the time. 🙂
Kristine powell says
Either : )
Chasity Spotts says
Either and the area where I need I more growth in is my spiritual life; being patient, hearing from God, impacting the lives of others, effective praying.
Trish Woodson says