UPDATE: Hi sweet friends! You moved me with your response to my devotion and your stories, questions and more. I’ve been praying for you as I read your comments. So many thoughts rush into my mind – things I’d love for us to process together. Please know I haven’t forgotten to come back and write more. Unfortunately, I caught my 2yr old’s cold and it slowed everything down. I’m better now but I have a project due to my publisher today for my book. With the weekend coming, let’s plan on meeting here Monday. And I’ll announce the winner of the book then too! If you haven’t entered to win, read this post and you’ll know what to do!
I’ve got a devotion today over at P31 and Crosswalk about becoming a woman who listens to God. If you’d like to read it, click here. In it, I shared how I used to wonder if I was hearing God’s voice or just my thoughts. Does that ever happen to you?
Well, before we jump into our talk about listening, I first wanted to “welcome” any new friends who are visiting for the first time from Encouragement for Today. We’re glad you’re here and hope you’ll stay a while! There is always a place for you.
One thing that helped me listen to God was learning how to capture my run-away thoughts that caused me to doubt my ability to discern God’s voice. Several years ago, I came up with a few questions I ask myself when I sense God is speaking to me, whether it be through scripture, an impression on my heart, circumstances or through His spirit in me. I always look for Biblical consistency:
- Is it consistent with God’s Word and God’s ways?
- Is it consistent with wise Biblical counsel I’ve sought?
- Is it consistent with God’s leading through doors He’s opened and closed?
- Is there a consistent theme I’m seeing in my life or hearing during my personal Bible study time, through sermons, Christian songs, conversations, etc?
There is a little more I wanted to share about increasing our confidence in our ability to recognize and respond to God’s voice, but I’m having technical difficulties as I try to pre-load this. So I’m pasting in the give-away I promised below, and will work on the rest behind the scenes. I’ll try to have it loaded later on Weds. Aster is home so I never know how my plans will go :-). Be sure to come back for more encouragement. I’ll add to this and leave the post up until Friday when I announce the winner!
If you want to become a woman who listens to God, and discover the adventure of faith He has for your life, you will want to read Lysa TerKeurst’s book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.
Today, I’m giving a copy away to one of you! Enter to win by clicking on the word “comments‘ right below this post and share your thoughts or questions about listening to God. Please include your email or friend me on Facebook so we can let you know if you win.
After you’ve entered to win, click here to download a great FREE resource from Lysa’s book with more ways to hear and discern God’s voice.
**To find out when this post is updated and to see if you are the winner, be sure to link up in the Google Friend Connect box orbecome a friend on Facebook!
I have read so many comments of God talking to people that were already practicing Christians, but He has been talking to me, He has been leading me and I wasn’t reading the bible, praying, I was just living. I didn’t really know what was happening until I heard the voice in my head that wasn’t mine, not an audible voice but more like a memory of a conversation from the past. I thought maybe I was losing it and even my own mother called me bi-polar but I’m not and my faith is strong.
Appreciating the time and effort you put into your blog and in depth information you offer.
It’s awesome to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same outdated rehashed material.
Great read! I’ve saved your site and I’m including
your RSS feeds to my Google account.
I never know when God is actually talking to me. I never know when it’s just me or if it is actually Him. He has told me to do so many things that I just don’t want to do. One of these including being a youth pastor when I am older, which is really not in my interest of things in what I want to do when I’m older. I would much rather work with little kids, or babies. I feel like I could serve Him so much better that way. I am a teenager, and I feel so guilty that I don’t want to follow this path. Everyone that I have talked to says that I need to just trust Him that He will prepare me, and I know I do, but it’s just not what I want to hear. When people tell me that, it doesn’t reassure me that everything will be okay. I know we have to follow what God says to do but this is really difficult to explain to people and for them to comprehend. Doesn’t God give you a calling that you should be excited about, and something that fits your strengths and abilities? This has been weighing on my mind so much lately and I don’t know how to handle it. This same thing reoccurred during the summer and I kept praying and praying. Soon enough He told me that it was okay and I didn’t have to worry about it anymore. I was so relieved that I wouldn’t have to deal with this again, and now I feel like it’s coming back. Is God just testing me so that I can trust Him and not worry about this and that He will give me a calling I’m excited about? Or what is happening here? I am just so confused.
Renee: I thank God for you and Lisa Turkeurst. I am at a point in my life (59, almost 60) and I feel God pulling me into a new field of ministry. I have been a church pianist since I was about 12 and taught Sunday School, Primary Church and Bible School most of my life until after my boys grew past the ages of being involved. A couple months ago, our pastor asked me to lead a lady's study group. While I have attended many Bible studies and know what seems to work and what doesn't, I am scared to death. As I was searching on the internet for something that would be relevant and meaningful to the women of my church, in today's fast paced world, I assumed I would use something from Joyce Meyer, whom I love and have listened to for years. I happened about Lysa Turkeurst' dvd and book on Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl. I started reading from reviews and Lysa's website and was so excited by what I had found. We have had two sessions and the third one will be this Wednesday. My pastor tells me that they were praying for me before I ever visited their church. He said they need people who are willing to take leadership roles and he said I fit that bill. He's not just saying that because he gave us spiritual gift test when we were taking membership classes. I study and feel so inspired when I pray and study with the Lord at home. I feel paralyzed with fear and aggravation that I don't feel I can properly share the truths and insights that the Lord is filling me with. I feel called to do this but my self confidence asks me who do I think I am that could teachsomeone else? Sometimes I ask the Lord if He is giving me this knowledge to hide under a proverbial bushel? Why do I feel so unworthy to lead others? In my vocatiion, I have to speak and have verbal interchange on my Board. As long as I can research and have documentation up the kazoo, I feel safe. I want to freeze up when it comes to taking responsibility for teaching others. I feel so inept and unworthy. I am loving reading the words that you girls have written. I would love to get away with other Christian women and learn from them how to transmit the wonderful thoughts that God gives me. The women in the class say I am doing well, but I want to see them grow closer to the Lord and I want to be used of God and not be afraid. Thank you. Deborah
I just found you (all) and I have two words … THANK YOU! You always have just the right words at just the right time 🙂 God Bless You!
I so need this today…yesterday was praying for God to speak to my heart…need BIG answers, my eyes and ears are open to YOU Lord…I will wait patiently on you…Amen
I so need this today…yesterday was praying for God to speak to my heart…need BIG answers, my eyes and ears are open to YOU Lord…I will wait patiently on you…Amen
I would love to win
"How Do I Know if it's God Speaking to Me?"
I'm trying to draw closer to God and thing this would be a helpful resource.
Thanks, [email protected]
The more I listen to God the more that I hear His voice. The more tuned I am to Him,
This is a question I have been asking all my life…My daughter also struggles with the same question…..I really have to read your book and I also find the comments from others helpful….I will pray for all of you that you find the truth……I am so glad that I have found all of you and the websites.MAY GOD BLESS US WITH HIS ANSWERS……
This is SO what I need to know right now! Any help is greatly appreciated! I fear I don't wait long enough for God's answers sometimes, or I guess at what I think he's telling me! I need HELP!
Wow………what a Mighty God we serve! How timely is this? I found Proverbs 31 while looking for ideas for a Women's Ministry in our church. Like so many others have said, I am not sure at times if God's is speaking to/leading me or if it is my strong will. I am truly searching for God's will in my life. I have failed so miserable many times doing things my way and in my time…..putting the cart before the horse. I want so much to hear God speaking and know without a doubt that it is Him and not me. I am having our first Women's Ministry meeting at my house on Saturday night………so I need to hear God's voice for direction in how he wants me to lead this group of women. Please join me in praying for God's wisdom and discenment. I want to be so in tune with Him so that His will can be accomplished. Thank you so much for obeying God. He is so good and always right on time! I pray that God continues to bless you and Proverbs 31 Ministries!
Hi Renee, thanks for you devotion on Proverbs 31. It really convicted me. I am exactly what you described – someone who asks God for general directions and then tries to get to the destination on my own. I have remember to consult God ALL the time.. Please pray for me.
Things I've learned: It's hard to hear God when I'm full of fear or resentment, and I know it's God when a firm calmness comes with God's message. Hearing God requires effort on my part. And yes, many times I wonder if it's God or my own thoughts. And yes, I get impatient.
Quieting my thoughts when I am trying to be still is hard for me. It is good to know I am not the only one.
I sit here and see so many of my friends flourishing and hearing from God and being sure of their path in life. I have felt so discouraged and alone.I realize that I have been asking God to give me what I want, not for Him to reveal to me what He has planned for me. Oddly enough my favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11-13. It talks about the plans HE has for me, not the ones I have for myself. What He has in store for me is far bigger than I could ever have imagined for myself. We have to not be selfish, and put away our own desires, and seek Him for direction. For what He has in store for us will never disappoint. As we dive deeper into His word, and stay in relationship with Him, it will become easier to discern His voice from our own. Now if only it were as easy to do as it is to say!
Great comments here! So wonderful to teach and learn from one another!!
Wow – so happy to have stumbled over here today. You bring up some great points to consider. Thank you for this.
God Bless,
I am reading "Made to Crave", listening to the dvd's and doing the workbook. There has to be a "want to" in every area of our Christian walk. I am learning to listen to the Spirit speak when I am faced with the wrong kind of craving. God is speaking to me through His word and I am so much better for it. His word never lets us down even when He is asking us to give something up, do something that is out of our comfort zone, step out in faith. Always faithful.. always. I need to get more of His word IN my so when I hear a small voice I KNOW it's His voice I am hearing.
Good Morning! this is my first time at your blog and i am really enjoying it. I hear you all the time on the radio and am so inspired by your thoughts and comments. Thank you! Although I would love to win the book, I am commenting more because this topic is so timely for me! My daughters are home but pretty much on their own so now I am finding myself with time to really care for my spiritual health – not that I didnt before, and being able to discern God's voice and presence in my life is a priority for me – it has to be. I can't tell you how many times a day I think of or repeat 2 Cor. 10:5. It is a struggle every day to stay "Christ minded" as the distractions of this world are many. It's sad to me that after being a born again spirit-filled christian for 35 years and I still cannot definativly say that i have either heard directly for God or that I know His voice every time. I so wish I was more in tune with Him. it is my heart's desire and I pray that I can now devote the proper time to Him that He deserves. I look forward to being apart of your ministry at Prov. 31. keep up the good work for the Kingdom!
I am not sure when God is speaking to me. I am not sure how to listen to him. When I am at church during praise, worship and service his presence is there I can feel him. I know he is with me 24/7. I know his is listening to me. But how do I listen to him. My hearts desire is not only to know he is here with me but to be able to listen, learn and obey him. Just like I want my children to do. I know my kids know I am here, they know that I love them, but are they listening to me. There seems to be that void and I need to understand and listen to God. I hope this makes sense.
Thank you,
I too do not know how to discern when God is speaking or when it is my thoughts. I have been praying so hard about this because in the past year and a half I have messed up so many times, by thinking I am following God's voice. But then afterwards I have so much self doubt. If it's God speaking shouldn't I be filled with peace after I act on something? I know God will work everything out for His good even when I get in the way. But it hurts so much to feel this way – to question myself and wonder if I've hurt others or made things worse. But I turned in a prayer request this week to my radio station – asking fellow Christians to pray for me to trust God and be able to discern His voice in a certain situation in my life. I know this devotion and blog is one of the answers to my prayer request. Thank you so much for letting me share. This has given me much encouragement and peace. God Bless all of you at Proverbs 31 Ministries.
I just want to do the will of God and seeking him daily is a goal of mine. The closer I can get and grow in Him is what is important and understanding ways to know Him more would be great. [email protected]
I also have a difficult time distinguishing between God's voice and my own voice or thoughts. I'm also aware that sometimes the enemy even tries to interfere. I am jobless going on 2 years and have been giving my time helping my best friend with Wednesday night Bible Study class at our Church. I am really asking the Lord for direction but I get so much entering my mind that I struggle with God's will. I don't have money to invest or adventure with regarding for my passion for prison ministry. I have been involved in this ministry 6-7 years and would love to help rehabilitate ladies released from prison. Especially help them before they are put back into the same environment they came from. I just can't seem to discover my mission from this point. I have been still for about 2 years now and can't wait much longer. I would love the Lord to open a door for this passion. I don't have a college degree which is a hindrance to counseling girls. Any suggestions or words you receive from our Father God after reading this, I will openly welcome.
Grace to you and for you,
I'm just beginning to really listen for God speaking to me. What I've noticed so far is He speaks to me often by hearing the same thing or verse through a few different sources within a couple days time. I'm learning to recognize those times as times I believe God is trying to speak to me about something. Would love to win Lysa's book. thank you for the chance to win.
[email protected]
Thank you for your words of wisdom. I've walked with the Lord for many yrs. and I still struggle with hearing His voice. Looking forward to reading the excerpt from Lysa's book.
God Bless,
Day by day I am listening and learning from God. I have learned that if I am trying to figure everything out and control the outcome that things don't go well, and are probably not God's will. I am asking God for wisdom and discernment and trying to slow down and relax. If I can stay in the present moment, work on forgiving others and just do the next right thing, my heart is usually peaceful. I am an avid learner and I am paying attention to teachers like you who are leading the way. Thank you for all you do to help women like me find their way to God.
While I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it's somewhat of a comfort to know that I am not alone in my struggles of "listening". I'm trying to listen to the Holy Spirit and be guieded by Him to the right church home for me and my children.
I'm still learning to know when it is God speaking to me and not just my thoughts or desires coming out. Learning to discern God's voice would be something that I would like to study more.
I always question whether or not I'm hearing God when He speaks to me. Thanks fo much for your thoughts! Encouragement for Today and Girlfriends in God both help me on a daily basis and I've very thankfurl I have them both.
I'm looking forward to the rest of your entry as I wrestle with this issue daily.
This is good stuff!! God wants my ears not my efforts. Love that!! It goes with what Lysa said Mon. night, God's will is a place to live not a thing to do. So freeing!!
Love you!!
Discerning God's direction and will has been an area of my life I've been working on for quite some time. As mentioned in P31, I pray about it, and then go about my business. I may not always spend the time 'listening' as much as I do talking. Thanks for the reminder.
This devotion today met me right where I am! I'm so desperate to hear God's voice these days. With my husband out of work and me a stay-at-home mom, we are absolutely at a loss as to what to do and where to go. Hurts run deep, and I'm struggling with anger and bitterness as the months wear on. Especially after following God's clear call to ministry and then having it all taken away, I'm wondering how to go forward out of the wreckage. I keep waiting for God to speak and am wondering about His silence – or am I doing too much talking and not enough listening? Being in a place of complete desperation is causing me to (hopefully) deepen my faith and decide if I truly believe what I've always said I do. All this to say, I'm still waiting to hear God's voice. For now, I think He's saying, "Wait." Thanks for this today! I really needed it!
I am starting week 3 of a Danial Fast. I am newly saved and working hard on listening for Gods voice.
God speaks to us in many ways. As we engage him with our thoughts and prayers, he speaks to us. Many times in my life he has answered me by bringing another person into my life who delivers a needed message. As a RN, many times I have the opportunity to take care of a patient and/or their family who I learn the answer to a question or problem that I am facing in my life. I learn from my friends about their life experiences; it is amazing how God's plan involves interactions with other people. His light has opened my eyes to many opportunities. When I try to force things to happen on my own, it usually does not work out. Times when I really need an answer to a prayer, he speaks.
Hearing from God. Something I am always striving for. Growing up I learned about the wrathful side of God. I never knew into well into my adult life that there was the loving side of God, the grace and mercy and a God that wanted a personal relationship with me. So, learning to hear God speaking has been a continual challenge for me. But I claim Matt. 6:33 and know He walks with me when I seek after Him with all my heart.
Thank you for your sweet heart and teaching ministry to us.
I have often wondered if God is speaking to me or if it is just my own thoughts…glad to know someone else does. Sometimes I hear an answer before I finish asking the question or while I am thinking about something.I don't think my little brain could think 2 thoughts at the same time…I am like you in that I don't always want to do what I'm told to do! As for Lysa's book, I would love to have it. I got "Am I Messing up My Kids" for a Christmas gift. It was a requested gift…unlike the Dave Ramsey book I got…haven't started that one yet…oops,hope my big sis doesn't read this! I love reading your inspirational words. They always seem to be right on target! Blessings, jody (a siesta)
That's it – I need to spend more time listening to God and less time talking. [email protected]
Hi Renee,
I cringe when someone says, "God told me…" Perhaps it's because I've seen that phrase used as a chisel to lean into the clay of impressionable younger Christians when one in authority wanted to stand above scrutiny.
But when someone whose life has shown the fruit of righteousness says "God has spoken His word into my life about…" there is a different reaction in me. God's word still speaks? How exciting. How timeless. God speaking truth to his child. He said we'd know His voice. I like the voice of His word.
Thanks for your website and ministry. I just stumbled upon it today via crosswalk. I plan to subscribe and become a fan. I'm a teacher and don't have much time. I miss being in bible study but it's so hard now working full time. Perhaps your subsription tool will link me to a community of sisters. THanks, Renee. I'll look for your book when I get a chance. Have a great (soon?) spring!
Myra @ [email protected]
Hi Renee,
I cringe when someone says, "God told me…" Perhaps it's because I've seen that phrase used as a chisel to lean into the clay of impressionable younger Christians when one in authority wanted to stand above scrutiny.
But when someone whose life has shown the fruit of righteousness says "God has spoken His word into my life about…" there is a different reaction in me. God's word still speaks? How exciting. How timeless. God speaking truth to his child. He said we'd know His voice. I like the voice of His word.
Thanks for your website and ministry. I just stumbled upon it today via crosswalk. I plan to subscribe and become a fan. I'm a teacher and don't have much time. I miss being in bible study but it's so hard now working full time. Perhaps your subsription tool will link me to a community of sisters. THanks, Renee. I'll look for your book when I get a chance. Have a great (soon?) spring!
Myra @ [email protected]
WOW!! What a timely message! How I wish I could clearly know what and when God is speaking to me! I feel like I am never "in the know" when I should be. Others seem to breeze through this! So glad I am not the only one struggling with this. I just keep trying to be still and listen – but to be honest, sometimes even that is hard. Thanks for your encouragement! What a blessing Prov. 31 is to me and others!
Great post. I was meeting with my mentor today and we discussed that, except we posed the what does it look like to be obedient when you are not exactly sure what God is saying. I love the questions that you said helped guide you.
Jenn Hand
I have a difficult time discerning my thoughts from God's leading. I also struggle with slowing my thoughts down,as my mind is always racing. I am once again purposing to take my thoughts captive, and make them obedient to Christ, but it is a never-ending battle. I desire to have sweet fellowship with the Lord all throughout the day, to hear His voice even in the busiest of moments, which is most of my day, as I am a homeschooling mom. Slowing down is key for me, but getting to that point has been a life-long struggle. Thank you, Renee, for your encouraging words today!
For Him,
A few years ago God really got my attention. We were and still are struggling financially. I woke saying okay okay okay I got it out loud. God was talking to me in my sleep and I listened. I still struggle not to undermine my husband about our finances but I am a lot better than I was.
I love the times when you've read a scripture and then someone references it in conversation or a situation comes up and that same scripture is applicable and then when you show up for Sunday service, it's preached from the pulpit. I love those moments!! I do believe God uses those moments to enourage and build our faith in him.
I am so happy I came across this on your blog. Today is my first day visiting Prov. 31 website and I am always questioning if I am hearing from God. I deal with a lot of racing thoughts and my attention span is almost non-existent but I love the criteria you listed as ways to determine if you are hearing from God. I will use those for myself. Thank you.
I am not sure if you received my comments. Absolutely wonderful, honest and encouraging. To fall in love with our Lord and hear his voice is such a rich blessing and can help this very lost world. Thanks for building his kingdom with encouragement and grace.