I am so eager to hear/read about the way God spoke to women at She Speaks this year. I know not all of you were at She Speaks, but if you were will you share your story with us?
What was the highlight of your weekend? How did God show up in your life? What will you carry with you this week and in the coming months as you hold on to that for which He grabbed hold of your heart this past weekend? If you have a blog where you have shared your story, please list the link in your comments.
I will share how He spoke to me and some of my highlights soon. I still need to finish my end-of-chapter questions for my book, and they are due Monday so I need to do those first. Can’t wait to hear from you!
The moment I received my confirmation and registration information, the insecurities began to creep in. I knew without a doubt He was sending me, but I didn't know exactly why. He still hasn't revealed the details, but I am trusting Him in the days of small things.
After one of the classes I attended, I was emotionally in pieces and overwhelmed which prompted a visit to the prayer room. I wrote about my experience on my blog, Beyond Sunday Morning at http://beyondsundaymorning-amy.blogspot.com/2010/08/right-where-im-supposed-to-be.html
He is always right on time with His words and confirmations and I will never forget my experience at She Speaks.
Amy Dotson
I know it's a bit premature, but have the dates for 2011 been set? I would love to attend the next one!
I am a friend of Stephanie Garneau's (Oxford, Mississippi) and was NOT at She Speaks. But I can't tell you how much HER stories of how God worked at that conference really spoke to ME, strengthening MY journey as well.
So, I can't imagine the hundreds of people like me, who were so blessed by your conference without even being there!
Keep up the good work!
Renee, I was so thankful that Kirsten introduced you to me at the conference. It was wonderful to meet you and Esther!! God did so many miracles in my life at the conference this year. I thought I was attending to pitch my bible study curriculum and polish my speaking, but God had other plans. He revealed stony places I didn't even know existed and provided a healing balm through the many Jesus girls that touched my life. He set me free. He also confirmed His calling on my life through the encouraging words of the women in my speaker eval group and requested proposals at publisher appointments. On the last morning of worship, God told me to get on my face before Him. I was kinda embarassed but obeyed! He told me that He wanted me to share what He had done at She Speaks with my entire congregation (~1000 people) and corporately repent of the bitterness I had long been struggling with. I felt like I might vomit, but when I went to lay down my prayer at the cross, the promise I picked up was John 14:15-16 "If you love me you will obey my commands. And I will send the Holy Spirit to help you." After hearing all God had done, my pastor gave me time to share this past Sunday morning. And you know who God had ordained to be in the audience– my unsaved Catholic parents who were in town from Louisiana (7 hours away)!! I ended my time of sharing by asking if the Jesus I was speaking about was the Jesus they knew. I know my parents were stirred in a mighty way! I am chronicling the many miracles God did at the conference on my blog at http://www.thegemsministry.blogspot.com. I hope you all will join me and meet some of my new She Speaks girlfriends along the way. If any of you would like to be guest bloggers and share your stories about the confernce let me know at [email protected]. Blessings to you all!
I'm still in the afterglow of She Speaks! and just published my blog post about what an awesome experience it was. I can wait until next year!!! Ya'll just out did yourselves and of course God was the center of it all. Thank you so much for such a wonderful experience.
Here is the link to my blog:
P.S. Your sweet precious daughter was the star of the entire event. She was a pure joy to watch and I had the awesome pleasure of getting a leg hug.
Oh my! What an amazing thing God has done in my life through this ministry. Everytime I try to define how God spoke and at least some of what He taught me during the conference, I get a bit overwhelmed. I mean, I learned so much! He used each of the general sessions to speak deeply to my soul. And He used each of the break out sessions to teach me skills. But mostly, He molded my heart and made me ready to stand right inside of His calling and help make Him famous. In whatever way He wants me to. Here's the link to my post: http://andthensomore.blogspot.com/2010/08/he-speaks-she-speaks-i-speak.html
Yaaay you and a big Praise God!! Today's the day… have you turned it all in yet? Praying for you and with you.
Oops! I forgot…or chickened out…to share my blog link. God wouldn't let that go. I told Him that if no one else had posted before I checked back in I would add it. Yes, sometimes I bargain with God.
If there's anyone else out there who experienced days of doubting that God could possibly call you, you might want to take a peek.
The weekend was full of wonderful delights…precious moments with friends old and new!
A highlight that will linger in my memory is of Jennifer Haynes sharing in sign language as we sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" at the final session on Sunday.
I met Jennifer on Friday night as we were placed in the writer's critique group together (along with Terri Gake, who has the cutest hair ever!!!) I didn't realize (because we were all seated) until I started reading Jennifer's article that she has Cerebral Palsy. Her testimony…and her writing talents…are amazing. God has such incredible plans for that young woman! In her article, she likened her journey through life…and her desires to be "normal" to a dance, with God in the lead…so beautifully written, so profound.
As I went to tell Jennifer good-bye and what a lovely job she did with her signing, she said, "Today I got to dance with God." I'll never forget the smile on her face. Precious.
Thank you to all at P31 for the your part in the many blessings that flowed from the Fount!
Like many others, I am only just now beginning to put words to all that God did/spoke/showed me at She Speaks. I love that He wrapped my whole experience with His "I see you's" from the moment I got off the plane in Charlotte up to an including my flight home. He was remarkably near every moment.
The first of my posts on it can be found here: RefreshMoments
Thanks to all of you who had a part in organizing this opportunity to show up and meet with God in a completely unique and personal way.
Mary Hampton
Here's the content of my own blog post on how He spoke at She Speaks.
This was a truly incredible weekend. I traveled to Concord, NC, with Debbie and Ruth, two of my Olathe Bible Church cohorts, to the "She Speaks" conference with no expectations and a sore neck. I came home with loads of information and tools to use in our Women's Ministry from the breakout sessions. I came home refreshed by Cheri Keaggy's worship times. I came home with the utterly unexpected gift of a prayer partner who lives in North Carolina. I came home completely broken and at the same time renewed and encouraged and challenged by the God-messages given by the keynote speakers.
I also came home with lots of great memories and the knowledge that because of this shared experience, my relationship with my cohorts has been moved to a new and deeper level. We laughed together, cried together, and prayed together. (Laughter = Debbie telling me she should have brought her scissors so she could cut my hair – I just got a haircut! And Ruth admiring my flat toes.)
I still have so much to process. But I am struck by the notion that the term "she speaks" means something different for each of us as women. We are not all "speakers" in the traditional sense, although some are. Some speak to God on our behalf. Some speak mercy and compassion into our lives. Some boldly speak truth to us even when it hurts. Some speak by hugging us and wiping away our tears. Some speak by holding us accountable. Some speak through writing, music, art. Some speak by teaching. Some speak by not speaking at all, only listening. But hasn't God given us all a way to "speak" His glory and love and realness to each other? Do we hold back sometimes because we don't speak the same way as those we admire? Are we willing to let God speak through us in the way HE planned all along? Or do we resist, feeling unworthy, unwise, unmerciful, unequipped, or some other "un" label we give ourselves? When we speak according to His will for us, He moves.
One of the most powerful takeaways for me was the challenge to remember my "first love" for Jesus. How did I think? How did I pray? How did I act, in private and in public? How starved I was for His word and teaching. Life happens. I grew and learned and changed. And I drifted. Not too far – I can still see the shoreline. But I realize that I've been focused more on my ministry than on my God. Time to return. My ministry is only effective when my eyes are on Him. Not just in the quiet space each morning with my Bible and my journal, but in all the moments of my days.
And he serves. Who? My husband. I received so many encouraging and loving text messages when I was gone, the last one asking "what will you need when you get home?" I walked into a clean house, a pantry full of groceries, and the arms of the one who hates to be separated from me but loves me enough to send me out. He speaks – straight to my heart, a human reminder to me of the God who does the same.
Renee, I appreciate your post and the opportunity to read others comments! I wasn't at She Speaks, but He did speak to me through the conference. About a week before I found myself a little down wishing I was going though I know He said wait, anyway He put it on my heart to really pray for all of you those 3 days. I put that out there to some blog friends I knew would be attending and 3 of them responded with specific requests. Deb even kept me updated with a few messages during the conference. So during the conference as I was praying and seeing comments and pics on FB He reminded me of all that took place last year. And even blessed with some precious time with my kids as they prayed with me, even for Kimberly's girls (they figured they'd miss their mom…just like them!) Though I wasn't there I felt part of it and as prayer for Rise and SHine has really been on my heart He showed me what a privilege it is to really pray for others! Now I'm looking forward to asking others to join us in doing that! Through it all He also reminded me HE always has us right where He wants us!! And just Tuesday, Teske (a scholarship winner from IA) called with questions about R and S and I was able to hear about She SPeaks directly!! His ways are amazing!!
Little Aster looked like such a princess; I'm sure she enjoyed the deserved love and attention!!! Praying for you as you wrap up the book!! ~ Jill
Whooweee! I had a blast! And I got to meet you and your sweet family!
After sharing with my husband and daughter all that went on, my husband said…"Man, you're glowing!" I said "Its Jesus! I'm so high on the LORD!"
May I never lose it!!
Here is the 'first installment' about sHe Speaks!
Renee, I am still mentally unpacking all that I learned at She Speaks, but I just want to express to you how grateful I am to you & the She Speaks team for such a wonderful conference. What spoke to me most was the focus on God and what He wants for each of us individually. I have written my first of many blog posts on the conference here (about the Prayer Room!): http://titaniumwoman.blogspot.com/2010/08/entering-prayer-room.html. Thank you again for your willingness to serve us.
I came by on the run earlier today. Know that I have been praying for you with your finishing touches on your book! 🙂
There are so, so many moments from She Speaks that I have tucked away in my heart. I think one of my favorites was our time of worship in the last session…singing "Come Thou Fount" and going to the cross. I pretty much came unglued…me and my heart that is prone to wander.
I posted about the conference over at my blog…
And, of course, getting to meet YOU face to face was SUCH a delight! You RADIATE the love of Christ, Renee. Truly.
Cannot wait to read how God blessed your heart at the conference.
Love and prayers,
She Speaks was a blast and a blessing!! It was a pleasure to meet with you…glad my sweet friend, Kimberly, had an "in" heehee! You are about the sweetest Jesus Girl ever!!
I wrote about my She Speaks experience on my blog this morning. I am still floating like a teenager in love from all that Jesus did in my heart and taught me! Thank you for all the prayers and love that went into every detail! They were felt!!
Hello Renee! I just posted one blog titled "Hushed and Humbled" about SS 2010. I could write hundreds of posts. God is so good.
This is just my first and I had to stop before I went on and on and on:
Renee: I am excited to write about something you said from the main stage that blessed and humbled my heart…and God has already been doing it in my midst…but He used you to confirm it. I will let you know when that post is up. (I am in "slow" mode right now…so it may take a few days.) 🙂
Hi Renee, My blog http://www.myfaithfulliving.com describes the over whelming experience I had at She Speaks, however, I wanted to share just a little bit here. I have never been around 600+ sweet women that were all there for the same goal, to minister the word of Jesus Christ to others! It was not a competition of who wrote the best, whose speech was the best, who dressed the best, who was the prettiest, etc. No, not your typical women’s get-together!! We laughed together, we cried together, we prayed together. I met (in person) girls I had prayed for, chatted with, followed their blogs, and girls that followed mine! I was blown away when I just happened to sit next to a girl namned Shellyin one of the sessions. I had no clue who she was! I just took a seat! Shelly had MY name in her notebook! She prays for me and follows MY Blog! She assured me that I ministered to her on a regular basis! WOW! No doubt God was there when I took that seat in that classroom! And the wonderful stories go on and on. Thank you Proverbs 31 for giving me that opportunity! Love you Renee!
I was so blown away by this conference! Thank you so much for all you did to make it possible! My life is forever changed.
It's hard to find the right words to express all the that Lord did in my heart but I have attempted to sum it up on my blog. Here is the address:
Look forward to hearing your highlights!
I think I take away how big God is; how omnipresent He is working in the lives of all of us in such uniquely beautiful ways. I love that there were 608 stories told this weekend, and yet our amazing God writes the lives of billions every day and cares profoundly about everyone.
I appreciated the value of telling the story of Jesus in my life to one in an elevator or 50 as a speaker. I am humbled that He would use me in either place. I also feel overwhelmed, as I realized just how much work ministry is and how much responsibility it carries; then I remind myself that my family is my first and most important ministry and should feel that weight as I live life before them. I am thankful that you all reminded me of that very important fact.
I loved Angela Thomas saying she was a bible teacher. It spoke to me for many reasons. I'm sure there are tons of other things that impacted me…I'm still waking up though 🙂 I did leave there TIRED!
Thanks for all you all did to put it together, it was truly a blessing!
God showed up and showed off at the She Speaks Conference! He filled me up and kept filling me up to the point that I had to go outside for a bit so that the gift of this conference could settle a bit within me.
She Speaks was exceeding abundantly above all I could have imagined and then some. God just confirmed His call on my life and I left feeling equipped and that not only was I called to speak, but that it was possible.
Thank you to you and the Proverbs 31 Team for an amazing event. Everything was great from the hotel to the food to meeting you and some of the team to the new friends I made.
I will definitely be back next year for more!
Be blessed!
Renee, praying you get those questions finished!! God, will lead you. You already have the words and I pray they come out just as He would have you write them!!
I have already posted two posts from the weekend and I think I will have to post a few more. One post could never contain all that God did!
And… I can't find Vern's blog or her info anywhere… Just whenever you get a chance, forward it. I am praying for her and her sister daily.
love you xoxo
There were so many moments of feeling God's presence & love, I could write a book,ha,ha.
The moment that will be tucked away in my heart forever is being witness to God in His full glory through Wendy Pope.
Wendy stopped dead in her tracks, dropped to her knees,right in the middle of the hotel hallway,to scoop up my daughter from her wheelchair and display the most heartfelt love & affection for a girl she had never met. God's love shined in her and this moment & I was truly blessed to be witness to such love! AMAZING!
Oh My,I know God loved this moment too and there were so many more that He orchestrated. For me another one with Wendy at the cross Sunday morning. I have never had a moment in prayer like the one I had with Wendy! It was me,Wendy & Jesus. AMAZING!
My heart will treasure these moments forever.
To experience more from that moment with Claire, see Wendy Pope's video blog (August 2 post) she explains it so much better,tears will flow!
Claire's story:http://www.carepages.com/carepages/babyclairespage
PS. Renee,Claire & Esther greeted each other in the hall in toddler fashion for one brief moment,pretty cute! Thank you for sharing her & your story,touched my heart.
I wanted to be there so bad this year but God had different plans. This post brought back my awesome memories of last year's conference though! here is a link to that post- that time still lives strong in my heart and I so hope to be there next year! http://www.multitaskingmama.com/2009/08/outstretched-arms/
I have heard from many of my friends that attended that it was an amazing weekend!