Welcome friends! I have some awesome giveaways for you, and a beautiful FREE printable bookmark packed with God’s truths about you! Keep reading to find out more…
Do you ever compare yourself to other women and feel like you don’t measure up?
Maybe you feel think you’re not as smart, pretty, fun, organized or as good at _______ as they are.
I’m sharing my heart over at P31 today about how easy it is to think that if we had more or knew more, we’d be secure. But the truth is, even people who have it all still struggle with feelings of insecurity. The Bible opens with teh story of a woman who had everything but it still wasn’t enough (Genesis 2).
Even though God established Eve’s worth as His child; the crown of His creation and lavished her with gifts of intimacy, beauty, security, significance, and purpose – it wasn’t enough. Satan convinced Eve to take her eyes off what she did have and focus on what she didn’t have.
Have you also heard Satan’s whispers, saying you’re not all you could be — or should be?
Just like Eve, you and I have an enemy. The Bible calls him the father of lies, and tell us there is no truth in him (John 8:44). Interestingly, the meaning of the word lie is “a falsehood with the intent to deceive.”
Satan doesn’t just lie. He has intends to deceive us by getting us to take our eyes off of who we are and what we have in Christ. It’s exactly what he did with Eve:
“Then the eyes of both [Adam and Eve] were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’
He answered, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.’” (Gen. 3:7–11)
In response, God asks who told them they were naked. In other words, “Who told you that something is wrong with you?” By asking this, God made sure they knew someone was casting shame on them—and it wasn’t Him.
The enemy whispered lies into their hearts, causing them to move away from Him and from each other.
Satan’s intent for us is exactly the same as it was for Eve. He wants us to believe his deceptions and fall into the distraction of feeling inadequate, insecure and like we’ll never measure up. But we don’t have to go along with him. Instead we can pray, “Lord, help me recognize Satan’s lies, refuse his temptations and rely on Your truth about me instead.”
If we have put our trust in Jesus as our Savior, we can stand on the promises of who we are in Him. And when we are tempted to measure up, we can choose to focus “up” instead as we rely on these truths to remind our hearts of who you are in Christ.
I am accepted . . .
- I am God’s child. John 1:12
- I have been bought with a price and I belong to God. 1 Corinthians 6:19–20
- I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child. Ephesians 1:3–8
- I have direct access to the throne of grace through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 4:14–16
I am secure . . .
- I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances. Romans 8:28
- I am free from condemnation. I cannot be separated from God’s love. Romans 8:31–39
- I have been established, anointed, and sealed by God. 2 Corinthians 1:21–22
- I am hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:1–4
- I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me. Philippians 1:6
- I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
I am significant . . .
- I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit. John 15:16
- I am a minister of reconciliation for God. 2 Corinthians 5:17–21
- I am seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenly realm. Ephesians 2:6
- I am God’s workmanship. Ephesians 2:10
- I may approach God with freedom and confidence. Ephesians 3:12
- I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
- Want to receive a weekly gift of powerful prayers and God’s promises from my inbox to yours? Enter your email in this box below and you’ll be added to my “Promise & A Prayer” list. {PS. I promise not to share your information with anyone else.}
- Click here to download and print these beautiful Who I am In Christ verses.
ENTER TO WIN the “Contagious Confidence” Give-Away!
One winner will receive a copy of my book A Confident Heart and a beautiful 8×10 “All Things Through Christ” canvas!
Plus 3 more winners will be chosen to receive either a set of Confident Heart postcards, a set of 32 Confident Heart scripture cards OR my new 100-day Confident Heart HeartLifter, created by my friends at DaySpring and inCourage!
ENTER TO WIN by clicking “share your thoughts” below this post and simply share the truth from today’s post/devotion that spoke to your heart most OR which “Who I am in Christ…” promise you’re holding onto today! Your comment will place your name into the drawing to win!
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Thank you Renee for sharing your heart of God with me and other women just like me! I am good enough because I am a child of God!!
This devotional really hit home with me, im 25 and have 4 kiddos. I have been struggling for years with insecurity. I tend to judge my life of other people my age who go out do what they want when they want, or the people who are sucessful business people already and are buying their own houses and all sorts of stuff. Yet here i am stuck in a rut of having to rent and watching my husband struggle to find a job cause of oilfield. I envy the people who ” have it all, or have it all together. Then theres the world throwing pretty tiny girls around or celebrities who just have kids and already have six packs and no stretch marks. Im 25 with stretch marks and a c section scar, i have a little tummy from 4 c sections that will probably never go away. Half the time i look in the mirror, I hate the woman i see or become. I hate seeing my own shadow. Why can I not be like the other girls who have kids and have no stretch marks or who get abs like nothing. I just wanna be that gorgeous in shape girl like you see everyone always posting about. I want my husband and others to just see gorgeous not what I see. Then I see mothers whose kids you wouldnt believe arent perfect, makes me think well why arent my little ones that well behaved or my house always spotless like others with kids. This devotional showed me that all my thoughts about myself and the thoughts i think that others have about me are satans lies. I need to learn to see myself as god sees me and not listen to the lies.
I am struggling with worth in light of financial circumstances. For me the battle raging is that while I KNOW who I am in Christ (thank you Jesus), every single thing I’m going through is finances related. Thank you for this precious list of Gods reminders of His lovingkindness to me.
LOVE LOVE LOVE todays devotional. I am Gods child, that alone, Ah-mazing! We are so much more in his eyes and isn’t that really all that matters?! YES! Lord help me see myself through your eyes not the worlds view. Amen.
Thank you very much, Renee! I really appreciate this, especially, “You are beyond comparison in HIS eyes, hand-made by the creator of the universe. Im praying we recognize that comparison isn’t just a bad habit, it’s a strategic weapon of the enemy.” I will surely try to remember to pray the prayer.
Love, hugs and prayers,
Because of Jesus,
I am reading through each of your comments and praying for you by name. I wish so much I could leave a prayer for each one of you. I’m asking Jesus to lead me through the scriptures listed in today’s post to pray over your comments and stories. You are beyond comparison in HIS eyes, hand-made by the creator of the universe. Im praying we recognize that comparison isn’t just a bad habit, it’s a strategic weapon of the enemy.
Every time we catch ourselves comparing our lives or our __________ to someone else, let’s pause and say THANK YOU JESUS for __________ in my life. That’s what I’ve been doing and it’s making the biggest difference!! xoxo Renee
I so relate to your posting! I do it all the time and usually find myself getting more and more depressed which makes me eat or buy more! I eventually find my way out of that rut and it’s by recognizing it and using God’s word against it. It’s getting easier and easier to recognize it and fight against it sooner. Thanks for the scripture passages. I will work on reading them to myself out loud as a reminder of who God says I am. Thanks again and God Bless!!
Hi I am glad you posted this today. I needed to read it and get that reassurance. I know this and know the truth that Jesus did for me. But the devil tries everyday at work to get to me, and I let him. I need to listen to the holy spirit, and stand strong in the Lord…
Thank you Renee for sharing this inspiring article about what most women have issues with today: comparing themselves with their peers or celebrities.
I’m holding onto that promise in Romans 8:31-39 which states that I am free from condemnation and that I cannot be separated from God’s love. Many times we feel condemned by the enemy with his lies and deception but it’s good to know that this can never separate us from God’s love. God bless!
This is such a perfect reminder for me today! Thank you for letting the Lord use you to help me refocus. 🙂
I do struggle with this behavior. I question myself worth all the time. So I try to be like someone else because they appear to have a better life than mines. I ask myself why is it that I go through all these things. What did I do to deserve this. So thank you for these promise so now when I think so negative these bring me back one with God.
Thank you for sharing this devotional. It is just what I needed to hear today. I struggle with feelings of doubt and insecurity. I sure would love to read your book and share it with my daughter too.
Thank you, Renee. That’s a good point from Dr Neil Anderson. I’m going to remember that I’m chosen, holy and dearly loved (Colossians 3:12) and I am hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). Bless you.
Thank you for sharing I new to this site and your words are so encouraging .Thanks for the down load of Who I am In Christ.!
Thanks, Renee, for these uplifting words. I needed to be reminded that I am God’s workmanship and that He will continue the good work that He’s started in me! I am working on not comparing myself to others, although it is, admittedly, very difficult. This devotion gives me the strength that I need to resist making comparisons.
Thank you for this reminder. Comparison is the thief of joy.
Thank you for such an beautiful reminder. I pray my children will grasp this knowledge and allow it to transform the way they see themselves now, rather than later. I only wish I had understood this sooner in life, as a lot of heartache could have been avoided… but Romans 8:28.
This was the perfect message at the perfect time! Thank you so much for your wonderful insight into Eve’s doubt and temptation through comparison – satan is truly the evil deceiver.
I need this reminder, I often feel ALONE with no friends ogle family around…. Everyone is too busy for relationships!
I definitely needed this today. For years I’ve battled feeling insecure about my relationship with God. Whether I was “spirit-filled” as much as others were. Some days, I’m perfectly ok and amazingly confident! Then those other days come around where I literally feel like I’m not enough as I am. My take-away statement is definitely going to be “I have been given a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind.” God has given me everything I need in order to live a life full of purpose, love and joy. He’s given me everything He’s wanted me to have. I can go back to looking Him in the eye and give up silently suffering with “what if’s” being tossed around in my head. Let’s keep fighting the good fight, ladies 🙂
So very touching, spoke to my heart. Great reminders in the verses. Thanks so much.
Today’s devotional really spoke to my heart! Thank you for being real! I love the scriptures – I downloaded the bookmark and am sharing it!
Today I am clinging to the promise that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Renee, thank you so much for this timely post! I struggle in this area! I hold on to Philippians 1:6.
Thank you for sharing this devotion. Something we always need to be reminded of.
Thank you so much for this timely article today. I have been feeling like I do not ‘fit’ it in anywhere, that I am invisible and that I do not matter or have any purpose. This has been very encouraging and I will hold onto both Philippians 1:6 and as a very independent woman I Love the verse 2 Timothy 1:7.
Thank you for this truth. I often forget as I look at other people in movies, magazines, on the street, at church, or wherever it may be that God made me EXACTLY how He wanted to. I will definitely save this devotional for the times of doubt.
This was a word that was sent from God for my healing. As a child, adults compared my beauty to my cousin’s, teachers compared me to my older brother’s behavior, my Earthly father compared me to my sisters. The need measuring was engrained in my brain. I have been freed by your words and by the word of God. His love makes me perfect in His sight, not the sight of this blind world! Was blind but now I see!
What a great reminder-I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Comparing myself with someone else brings so much discontent and is very wearying, thanks for the reminder to be what God has made to be.
I feel like I need these truths tattooed somewhere in my brain where I can always refer to it irrespective of where I am as I fall into the trap of comparison too often and I can feel my mood go down once I focus on the things I don’t have yet instead of the many things God has blessed me with!
Lord Jesus, help me.
Many times a day I do just this comparing myself to others. Ask myself many what ifs. I just realized the what ifs are satan trying to get me react. Thank you for the reminding me I am a child a God and through him I have all I need.
Just as I was about to write a comment I went back to start to compare what I thought about saying to what others where saying! The struggle is real y’all.
This devotional struck down so deep for me today. I couldn’t fall asleep last night because I didn’t believe I was enough, that I could be enough! Even with my husbands strong arms around me reminding me that I am enough for him, and I am for God too. And it’s not always I compare myself to others, I compare myself to how I think I should be. And the scars I have on my arm remind me every time I look in the mirror that I’m not enough for myself. I wear long sleeves even in this Texas heat so others wouldn’t be ashamed of me as I am in me.
BUT there is truth in God’s word. Truth that trumps my expectations of myself. Truth that kills my deep desire for it all to be over with. Truth that breaths life into a very tired weary soul. I am accepted as Child of God! I am secure in my relationship with Jesus Christ my Savior! I am significant in the eyes of my God!
Thank you for sharing Lindsay. That last paragraph really speaks to me. Whew! I can talk about truth, pray for Truth to prevail in others’ lives, but do I really believe what you have written here? I am especially asking just how secure am I in my relationship with Jesus Christ my Savior – when I continue to play this comparison game, and give in to temptations and more – not run to Him!? I read His Word, pray, but still struggle. I do know I am human, but it doesn’t seem like it should be quite this way. Does that make sense? I am also thinking seriously about your statement, “Truth that kills my deep desire for it all to be over with.” Wow! Am I really trusting God and believing He knows best and wants what is best – really? It would seem not, too many times, especially if I am too often wanting it to all be over with. What about the growth that comes from plodding through with a loving Savior Who does know what He is doing, what He wants to come of it, and sees the big picture for all it’s worth. What about how he wants to use things in my own life and from my life in the lives of others? I hope this is making sense. I am sort of thinking as I write. Praise God! May God continue to bless you richly, Lindsay.
Oh, this is so me! Thank you for this beautiful lesson. I did not even think about the fact that I was doing this and letting satan win! No More!
Thanks for this reminder today. Be blessed!
Whether I realize it or not, I am constantly comparing myself to others, even you! “If I only applied myself like she did, maybe I could be an author too.” Thank you for pointing out that I don’t need to do that, that the Bible says it isn’t wise, and giving us truths to hold onto of who we are in Christ.
What spoke to me most from this devotion is how the enemy whispered to Eve to “be” more and “have” more when she already had everything from God, he made her doubt God and herself. How easy it is for us as women to fall into that because of society and even because of comments from those we love. I will learn to focus on the truth of God’s acceptance, security and significance. Thank you Renee for sharing this, I needed to read this today, helped me to realize that I need to see myself as Christ sees me and not compare myself to others, because I am unique and created by a very creative God.
God has already given me everything I need. Now to get my heart and mind to stop comparing. It’s a hard struggle but I continue to try and with His help can be victorious!
I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was checkmy Facebook. Immediately I felt jealous as I saw pictures of my friends doing something fun without me. I so quickly compare myself to other women in so many ways, and Satan knows exactly what to do to make me feel insecure. Thank you for this lesson, I needed it so much!
I am a child of God. He is for me nothing can be against me. He loves me and knows the disires if my heart. Thank you Lord for your unconditional Love
Having a hard time today and this message was in my inbox! Perfect timing. Holding on to Who I am in Christ………”I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me”. Thank you for your perfectly timed message.
This was a good reminder today. I continually have to remind women in our ministry to quit doing this and that they are perfectly made.
My struggle that satan continues to nail me with is that I am in the shadow. I get to hear what a great job my husband is doing, but rarely hear those words to me. I am proud of how God is working through my husband, but continually have to remind myself that God is using me too, just in a different way.
We may not see the fruits but the seeds are still planted.
Thanks for a timely reminder.
Love today’s devotion! I often struggle not to compare myself to others, because I know I will only end up feeling like I’m not good enough. Turning to Scripture is the best way to remember who we are in Christ. Even with all my faults, God loves me!
I love this devotion. I’ve struggled with comparison my whole life but it’s only intensified since I became a wife and mom. I would love to be free from this toxic thoughts. Thank you for this lovely devotion. My favorite promise is remember I accepted. It’s hard to believe God chose me but I’m so glad He did! !!.
This devotional spoke to me and I am going to share it with a group of teenagers this Sunday. It is very easy to compare yourself to the worlds standards. I am a much happier person when I keep my identity Christ centered and focused.
This has been a real eye opener. I am bad about comparing myself to others or feel others are comparing me in a bad way. I know I am a child of God and will complete and compare myself only to how I can be whole in Him, who strengthens me!
I am standing firm on the word of God, I am His child and Jesus died for us so we can live freely for our Father in Jesus name Thank you for reminding me that we are God’s children and He loves us and made us a image of himself, and God don’t make no junk!!!!! <3
I was blown away by this devotional this morning!! It really hit home for me when you used Eve as an example of not measuring up. For Eve to feel this way at the beginning of creation as Satan tempted her and got her to believe his lies…this is just so powerful to me. I just can’t allow Satan to have that kind of power over me – I refuse! I will arm myself with these wonderful verses you have given us and say them as I feel Satan tempting me. Thank you so much for this encouraging message!!
Thank you! Any time I start to compare myself to others I will repeat to myself that “I am confident God will complete the good work He started in me.” Philippians 1:6. With that in my heart why I would compare God’s work to His other beautiful creations?
The good Lord provided these encouraging words in the midst of near despair in my feelings of inadequacy. Thank you Renee for providing nourishment to get me through today. Printing and posting the verses as soon as I’m done typing!
This is my personality in a nutshell. I am always comparing how I look, how my home looks, how my faith is not as strong as the person sitting next to me in church. I can go on and on. Whenever I am now tempted to compare myself to anyone I will remember your words – I will commit to measure UP by focusing upward on Christ. Amen!!