Day 4: Sometimes Worry Makes Me Wonder
Taken in part from Chapter 9
© 2011 by Renee Swope with Revell Publishing. All rights reserved.
Food for Thought: She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” (Luke 10:40 NIV)
When life gets overwhelming, do you ever start to wonder if God notices and cares about everything you have going on—like how hard you’re trying to take care of your family, pay the bills, find time for Bible study, your marriage and the ministry He’s called you to while working two jobs, caring for your aging parents, commuting to work, and carpooling your kids?
Several years ago, I was having a hard time balancing my life, and there were days when I wondered if God noticed and cared about all I was doing. I didn’t understand why He wasn’t taking better care of the details in my days so things would run more smoothly. Sometimes I felt like He might be expecting too much of me.
Looking back now, I can see that I was expecting too much of myself. The truth is, I was doing a lot of good things, but not all of them were God’s things for me during that season of my life. I had ended up in a place where I was serving God more than I was seeking God. Finally, I came to a point where I was exhausted and ready to resign from just about everything.
Eventually I ran out of fuel. I didn’t have enough energy to handle all of my roles, relationships, and responsibilities. I also ran out of faith, which made me start doubting my ability to manage my life, to hear God clearly, and to do all I assumed He wanted me to do.
My life was out of balance and so was my heart. I had taken on too many commitments, and I worried about all of them all of the time. I knew I should trust God more, but I was secretly afraid that if I stopped worrying about everything and everybody He would too. And all that worry started making me weary.
One day, while reading my Bible, I noticed how Martha’s worries were making her weary, and making her wonder if Jesus cared that her sister left her in the kitchen all by herself to do all that work. Listen to how Jesus responded: “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41–42 NIV)
How do we choose what is better? How do we find confident peace and assurance that God notices and cares? First Peter 5:7 tells us: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” (NLT).
The apostle Paul tells us how: Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6–7 NLT)
It sounds so doable, but why is it so hard? I think it’s because Satan whispers the opposite. He says, “Don’t be calm about anything; instead worry about everything. Tell God what He should do. Then take control if He doesn’t listen.”
The enemy wants our concerns to consume us like acid in our hearts, eroding our confidence with worry and doubt! I say it’s time for us to stop listening to him and start listening to and living in God’s promises instead. When our concerns become consuming, let’s commit to:
Stop worrying—Press the pause button on our consuming concerns.
Start praying—Talk to God about all we’re doing and ask Him if there’s anything we need to cut back so we have time to seek Him as much as we serve Him and others.
Keep thanking God—Thank God for what He’s done in the past and will do in the future. This helps us remember how good He is at being God.
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts. When concerns consume me, remind me that You are with me, holding me by my right hand and guiding me with Your counsel. I want to seek You as much as I serve You and others. Help me balance my life and give my burdens to You, knowing with confidence that You care about me and are good at taking care of me! In Jesus’ name, Amen. (See Psalm 139:23; 73:23–26)
Doubt Diet Tip: Lose the weight of worry by “giving all your worries and cares to the Lord because He cares for you!” Write your concerns on an index card and give them to Jesus. I have a tabletop cross by my bedside where I lay my “concerns card.” Maybe you could get one too. Then, when you start worrying, go back and write your worries on your card, and commit once again to cast your cares upon the Lord. Also, write a promise on a card and carry it with you today. Here’s a link to More Peace-Giving Promises
Let’s Talk: What is one concern you want to lay down at the foot of the Cross today? I’d love for us to pray for each other and bear one another’s burdens.
Please return to my website (if you’re reading this via email), then scroll to the bottom of today’s post and click on “Share Your Thoughts” so you can let us know how to pray for you. If you’re not comfortable sharing details, just say “Pray for me please.”
Laying it down: My biggest concern is my mom. While I was flying home from speaking all weekend in IL, my husband was rushing mom to the hospital. She’s in ICU with large blood clots in both lungs. One is very close to the main artery that leads to her heart. We’re praying and trusting God is not surprised by any of this – although we were. Today’s devotion had already been written – just for me (wink!). And my closing message on Saturday was about Jesus calling us to come to Him – when we’re weary and burdened with worry – so that we can find rest for our souls (Matt 11:38-39), rest in His presence, rest in His plans and rest in His promises. He’s gone ahead of me and left gifts of peace and reminders of His promises along my path. I pray you see His hand in the timing of today’s devotion and His heart for you, too.
I have been in this place, laying my burden down but it is difficult because problems in the situation rise up and force my eyes to go on the situation, at least for a while. It’s complicated- but for 23 years I have had a commercial property left when my first husband died. Due to legalities the losses do not carry over but I have had to put life insurance and other money in because the loan was against our personal assets. I could not sell because of environmental issues not disclosed by the seller.
If I do not sell it before Sept I will lose the property and about $300,000 of my share of the worth of it. I have never made a cent but have had to deal with it for 23 years. Praying for God to do a miracle, releasing me in victory, setting a table before me in front of those who have deceived, lied, cheated etc. Hoping that the enemy who has tried to destroy me and bring discouragement and despair does not win. My God is greater !!
This devotion was truly meant for me. I really failed as a wife last night and this morning I read my RESPECT devotion and it truly convicted me. And then reading this made me feel like it’s going to be ok and sometimes when I make a mistake as long as I remember the lesson then I am ok. Thank so much for you inspiration on this morning. It was a Godsent! Be blessed!
Today’s message resonates with me very deeply. I’m currently separated because I asked for it because I felt my husband wasn’t giving me the things I needed. I love my husband very much, and miss him with all my heart. I have talked to him and admitted that I was wrong on my things and I want out marriage to survive. It’s true I still want certain things, but I’m willing to work together. My husband has depression and I’ve tried so hard to help in any I can, and I also begged for us to reconcile. With a friend’s help I am reading daily devotions and trying to connect with God every day. It hurt so bad to keep calling my husband asking for time with him because I feel he really didn’t want to be with me. The wall was always there. I must trust that God that this wall is meant to be and as of yesterday I needed to start helping myself. I was being needy and I felt my husband no longer wanted the connect with me so I am not honoring his request and not contacting him. I pray this is the message I’m suppose to honor and let go and let God take the wheel. My heart is broken and I’m alone. God please give me the strength to push on and trust in you. This was my 4th marriage and I was all about commitment and honoring our marriage and working through it together. Now that things in are out of control all I can do is believe in God. Any and all prayers to heal our relationship would be appreciated. Thank you!!
I received the devotional today and i know that I have problems with self doubt. I have been divorced for 12 years. I did not realize until I recently met a man that is interested in me that i doubt why tath anyone could be. My marriage ended because he left me for another woman. I had thought I had gone beyond this.
I needed to hear what you are saying , I need your prayers please. Thank you.
I just realized why i have been anxious all day today is because I have not laid david down at the foot of the cross. I have been very merciful to a homeless man named david who suffers from schiznoprehenia. i am confused by some things how people tell me to not go looking for him and to stay away from him. He can be very aggressive and cusses at people. He has not been that way towards me yet. I am just scared, and confused. I know being merciful to others is the right thing to do. I am really in need of peace and I would love for y’all to lift david up in prayer. He is a very unique and wonderful man who can not help that his mind is different than ours. He talked to me about the bible last night. I do know that God is working in the situation.
I also had tears in my eyes when readying today’s message. Thank you Renee for these uplifting words because I for one really do not know where my life is going. After 2 failed marriages & trying to learn to be on my own has not been easy & I feel like a total failure & that nobody will ever want me. I have put my trust in Jesus to show me the way & open up my eyes.
God Bless you & your Family.
Thank you Renee, as I sat here reading today’s message through a cloud of tears it made me feel like God was looking into my heart and speaking directly to me through you. I don’t know who I am and what makes me happy, I have always tried to do what others want and make them happy. Thank you for opening my eyes and making me look at myself in the mirror and ask God to show me who he made me to be.
Thank you and I’m glad to hear the your mother is doing better. God Bless!
I am so despondant i read all the blessed woman who are struggling so much I have some of the same comcerns no job no money no husband no friends no talents no skills I failed at raising my children and cannot go back and fix anything I cant seem to grab hold of any promises from god Why do all these bad things happen to women who love him and trust him why doesn’t he answer their prayers. are we not righteous enough are we not seeking him When will he start to answer prayer. Im 55 years old. im running out of time to start to have a life or a purpose.
Please pray for me to cast all my worries on the Lord and
trust him with my family and friends.
Also pray for comfort and healing for Renee and her family in
this challenging time,
I have gained great comfort and understanding to ask God to
overcome my doubt with Renee’s book.
Thanks be to God for gifting her with this blessing.
I also praise Goo for all his blessings each day
He does not spend a lot of time at home and when he is here, he’s in his room. I get afraid to speak to him and then he says I don’t care. I try to reassure him – he says “don’t put me on a guilt trip”. On Sunday I spent the day with my husband at the hospital – he had a tight chest and an irregular heart beat
I am so thankful for the online bible study and 7 day doubt diet. I have been divorced for 2 years and I have been struggling financially, working 2 jobs sometimes. So I ask for prayer for my finances. I also need prayer for my 24 year old daughter. Our relationship hasn’t been the best since the divorce. She was raised in church but after leaving home she hasn’t been going to church or living for God. I have been praying for her and tried to encourage her the last 2 years. Well, a month ago her boyfriend moved to Arizona to go to college for a few months and she still lives in Illinois, they had talked about marriage but nothing serious, the distance has took a toll and some things have happened that could destroy their relationship but through this my daughter has been praying and crying out to God for help. I heard about Renee being at the Refresher conference in my area so I asked my daughter if she would go, it took her 3 weeks to commit….and wow…we attended last Saturday and my daughter cried almost through the whole event, God was moving on her and I was crying, we were both taking in everything Renee spoke about and taking notes. An amazing thing happened when we broke off in our different groups, my daughter and I were in the same one, the group was good and after it was over there was a woman kneeling by my daughter and she was saying she didn’t know why but felt that it was meant that she and my daughter were to be there together that day and that my daughters first name was her maiden name and she felt so strongly to talk to her, so my daughter shared her boyfriend situation and the woman started crying and told her that she shouldn’t settle for any guy, that she should make sure the man she marries loves God more than he loves her and she shared some more things and that was just such a God moment…I had been telling my daughter some of the same things this woman told her but sometimes children don’t want to listen to their parents. But my daughter took to heart what this woman shared and knew it was God speaking right to her through this woman. But since this past weekend my daughter is still struggling with her faith since she has been away from God so long and she is struggling with something she has to tell her boyfriend and it may mean losing him. She is so stressed out and I talk to her over and over and sometimes & I feel I am not getting anywhere. So I ask prayer for her and for wisdom for me to know how to help her to stay living for God. But I am praising God because through this she and I have been able to grow closer and have a better relationship. If anyone has advice I would appreciate all. I am praying for all of you as well!!!
I was saddend to hear of your Mom’s condition, praying for you and your family. This is a stormy sea that we will need to have a strong rudder for, the Captain knows where He going though. We are going to be studying with your book in January, that will be a year since we’ve seen you last at our conference.
Luv ya lots!
I’m praying that God will touch your mom in a very special way! Thank God for U. I pray that he will strengthen you and continue to encourage & motivate you to share your self with others.
Thank you for this devotion. It is perfectly timed for me. I need to lay down the worries about my son. I pray that he would surrender his life to the Lord and follow him. There always seems to be a crisis in his life that he calls and asks me and his dad to help him fix. We are growing weary and pray that he would take on these concerns and trust in God to lead him to do the right thing in his own circumstances. Thank you for letting me share this heavy burden.
pray for me
Thank you so much for your invitation – that you will pray for me. I need to lay my concerns about parenting at the foot of the cross. We have 2 sons, but especially are concerned about our youngest who will turn 19 next month. He does attend a church (different from ours, but a Christian church) and participates in Bible studies. Tomorrow he will volunteer at a Food Bank. However, Jeremy is very disrespectful and rebellious at home. I try not to sweat the “small stuff”, but the little that we ask of him is met with angry looks and nasty comments. One comment so reveals his thoughts: “If you only followed my rules, things would go much smoother at home.” He does not spend a lot of time at home and when he is here, he’s in his room. I get afraid to speak to him and then he says I don’t care. I try to reassure him – he says “don’t put me on a guilt trip”. On Sunday I spent the day with my husband at the hospital – he had a tight chest and an irregular heart beat. He had a heart attack 5 years ago, and since then has radically changed his diet (he lost 60 pounds) and has taken up exercise. The attending doctor at emergency said that yes, the problems could be caused by stress. I wrote Jeremy a letter on Monday, trying to reassure him of my love and how I so desire to have a relationship with him. He appreciated the letter but again this morning, it was my fault that he had no socks and that he was late. His room was a disaster as I looked in drawers for clean socks. I did not mention the dirty ones strewn about on the carpet. Needless to say our home which should be a “haven” from the outside world, is a place of tension and sadness.
Please help pray for my daughter, Angela. She has been seeking employment in the Asheville/ Hendersonville, NC area since June. She has finished her master’s degree and is looking for a counseling postion. She is now living on savings and it is low. She has had two interviews for two different positions and is waiting to hear. She has done well waiting on the Lord’s timing but there are days that she is depressed and doubtful. I pray for her trust in the Lord to remain strong and she waits on Him she draws closer to the Lord. She has no health insurance at this time and yesterday, she was running a fever. I lift her to the Father daily and ask for his care for her. The Lord has always taking care of her in all aspects of her life. I know he is taking care of her now. I pray for peace and joy in her life and the Lord will provide her with the position he desires for her to have; where she can bring His light into the sight of others. I pray that the Father, if it is time, to let this happen soon. It is a comfort to me that others will be praying for her, too.
I also have a good friend whose husband is dying. His heart is failing bit by bit ; as she put it. She is right by his side and both know the Lord. He is ready for his journey home to the Lord and she is confident that she will join him there. I pray for their time together that is left and that the Father will carry them through the days ahead with his loving arms.
He, the Father, will be with us all through whatever is in our lives. Help us, Father, to help one another. Thank You, Father, for Your provision and Your loving care of each of us
Renee, I am praying for your mom, but more than anything I am praying God’s strength for you. Isaiah 40:29 echo this. It says, He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. You might feel weak like the grasshopper, but if you trust the power of God, you will be like an eagle. In the emergencies of life,God help you soar; in the daily routine of life, He helps you patiently walk (Warren Wiersbe). My one prayer concern: clarity for my life. I think I want to pursue graduate school -professional counseling. I have been accepted. .But I don’t have the funds. My husband and I are both unemployed. I have a son in college, my husband and I are on a fixed income, living off of 40% of our gross income. I am seeking God for scholarships/grants. Trusting His will for my life.
Thanks for post today. Between you & Tracie Miles Proverbs 31 devo, I feel that God is really speaking to me today. The main that I worry the most about is financial issues. Right now, I am close to $2500 in debt due to overdue medical bills & other unpaid bills. I’m really struggling living paycheck to paycheck & the more that I try to save & get ahead, it seems the more I get behind. I know that God doesn’t want me in debt & I don’t want to have to borrow from family because I already owe them money as well. I’ve been praying about this for sometime now & the Lord keeps giving me Phillipians 4:19, so I’m hanging on to that promise, because I know God keeps his promises. So, I’m really glad I got o read your post today. I love your idea of a “concerns card”. I think I will start one for myself as well. I already have the verse posted near my computer at work & on my bulletin board at home where I can see it. Thanks so much for letting us share our concerns for prayer & I will be praying for your mom as well.
I will be praying for your precious Mother… and also for you and your family. Thank you for your message reminding us all to look up to our Heavenly Father. We don’t have to understand or reason everything in our lives. If we will keep a grateful heart and worship and praise the One who has given us the very breath of life this day.
Praise God!
Thank you so much for sharing this today! I need a concern card. My little(30 yr old) brother has pancreatic cancer that has spread to his brain and I feel like all I’m doing is worrying these days. If I text and don’t get a reply right back, I worry that he’s dead. It is so hard. I know God is walking through this with us. I just need to trust!
Ya’ll are some of my favorite people in the whole wide world!! Do you know how much I just love you? And how much you remind me of Jesus – the way you love each other , leaving encouraging notes, one after the other, praying for each other and loving on me and my family? I’m so blessed to have you as part of my life. Thank you for gathering here with me!! <>>
Also, mom is getting better. She’s in good spirits, too! They took her off bed rest today. Waiting on some tests to see how her heart and lungs did after she’d done some walking around. Thank you for praying!!
That was supposed to say: Thank you for gathering here with me!! <<>>
And I want you to know I”m reading through your notes – each one – and praying for you too!!
This is the second time going through this study. I have some of the same struggles, and some new ones. I am overwhelmed with responsibilities at home, wit;h my parents and I recently started a new job, one I’m not sure if I am working out. The timing was God’s timing so I’m praying he’ll show me where I belong. I struggle with where does God want me, and I’m trying to figure out his will for my life, not mine.
My mother has been having health issues, just discovered she’s had a fractured hip for well over a month now. Please pray for healing for my mom and the doctor’s to get it right this time. Thank you, this is a wonderful experience to share online, I am trying to find a good Bible study group. Again, Thank You!!
I am so sorry about your mother, I know the worry and fear that comes along when parents are hospitalized. I will pray for you and your family. Your devotion today hit me right where I am currently. Worry, doubt, fear, lack of confidence, are all things I am dealing with right now. Aging parents, new position, changes at work, trying to keep all the bills paid, etc… all wear me out. Thank you for the reminder of GOD’s promises.
I’ll pray for you, I know exctactly how you are feeling. We do need to remember God’s promises that He’ll never leave or forsake us and he wants us to prosper. He is faithful; I struggle with the timing of things.
I’m a single parent raisng two teenagers. My roof had been leaking with no money to fix it praise god my brother inlaw took time out of his day to do this for me although I think until I get paid I may have checks that bounce I pray they don’t I also need to pay the rest of my mortgage and don’t have those funds either I keep telling myself god has my bills it has been very stressful. so if you could please pray for me I would appreciate it. Thank you =)
Hi Diane
I hear you and I want to take this time to encourage you. I too am going through a financial trying time at present due my ex-husband putting me in debt but as I encourage myself in the word I encourage you too God WILL supply all of your needs. I use to struggle with the WILL factor but thank God not anymore, he WIll supply all of your needs, he will work things out in your favour, he will perfect the things that concern you, hold on and don’t let go of his promises. I have written a cheque before once and praying that it does not bounce and everytime God has covered it and it has never bounced the money was always there. God is faithful and he will provide no matter how things look and in the natural it seems that there is no way out, you calculate it this way and you calculate it that way and the figures still come up short but let God do the maths, let God do the working out and you will constantly be in credit not in deficit. Just hang on in there my sister I am hanging on in there with you and I lift you up in prayer and I wil be praying that God will do something supernatural for you by the end of the month. God said in Jeremiah 32 v 27 I am the God of all flesh is there anything too hard for me (KJV). Be encourgaed my sister God has not forgotten you.
Renee, that you for your word today. It is what I needed. Sometimes as we go through life it is so hard for us to remember that there is no need for us to worry because God is there for us and He will take care of us. Please pray that my children make the right decisions in their lives and that my husband and I will be good financially. Without getting into specifics we have made some bad financial decisions in the past and now we are paying dearly for those mistakes. Please pray that things will get better. Renee thank you for your suppport and prayers.
I ordered your book through Proverbs 31 Ministries would love to win a copy for my daughter. We don’t spend much time together and seem to have lost our closeness since she graduated from college. I am finishing a degree as well and cannot spend a lot of time socializing but at least I hope we would spend an occasional moment or so together. My greatest wish for her is to find a God fearing loving husband. I have struggled as a single parent and feel very disappointed in our relationship.
I am a new leader in the recovery ministry and because of the women I see each week I understand the importance of time spent in the Word and in prayer, BUT it’s not the easiest thing to start throughout my day. I was used to focusing on God and church for 9 months and a new job a little over a month ago changed that. I want to stay on fire for God not just when it’s convenient, but all day long. I want to want to seek out time with him even when my business overwhelms me. It may sound silly to you, but I don’t ever want to turn into someone that is okay with where they are and relaxed in their relationship with the Almighty! Thank you so much for caring enough to read this and keep such a simple prayer raised on my behalf. It means so much!!
Thank you for reminding me that I can lay my worries at the foot of the cross. Please pray that I trust God to tell my daughter how to make the best choices for herself & her 2 precious children. I need to write that on a card as well as my depression ,to hand over to our sovereign Lord. Thank you !
I need some prayers;( my family n I are going through some financial problems, I’m going through a lot of health issues and my boys behavior has become increasingly difficult! I have been struggling with depression n anxiety stemming from my parents divorce when I was 8( I’m now 31!) I have forgiven my father n we speak regularly, but I still have issues with anger over the whole situation, n feeling afraid of being abandoned;( I’ve been praying a lot n I have a very strong newfound faith in God! I’ve been saved since 2002, but have always believed in Him, but in the past I always questioned if he was really there for me since I’ve been going through tough times! I now believe that He is my rock and He will give me strength n many blessing through all these hardships! I’m at a point in my life n my Christian walk that I’m trying to find my way in life! Trying to have God show me what His will is for me and how I can do His will for me in my life! Renee, at your conference in Illinois, I was truly blessed by everything u said at that conference;-) I was truly blessed that I went that day thank u for being a blessing to us all;) keep me in your prayers
Also I wanted to say that I’m praying for you, your mom, and whole family! U r a terrific and strong woman Renee n u will b in my prayers;-)
Praying for you, your family and your Mom. Please pray for discernment in how God wants me to move forward with a ministry for teens that I have been serving in….There is trouble with spiritual authority where we were meeting, so Laurie and I are venturing out on our own looking for a new home to continue “Jesus U” with our group of teens and God willing, many more teens that we haven’t reached yet.
Please Pray for me! God knows. Praying for you all as well.
Sadly I have been overwhelmed by worry through much of my life. (I can understand what Darla said…when you feel that even God has let you down before, it makes it difficult to know what trust looks like.) I think worry is a false sense of control. The enemy lies to us and tells us that if we think about it and pray real hard and think some more and maybe try to tweak some situations (manipulate) then maybe it will be okay. But then we find that life isn’t like that…and either we will trust God’s heart or we will be burdened with worry…sadly many times I have taken the burden instead of the trust…) I am so thankful that He does not quit on us…the Author and Perfecter of my faith!
But what is on my mind right now is that I am going on a ladies retreat…and I have been feeling ill. I am worried that I won’t feel well enough to get from it what I would like to, that I will be a burden to my roommate. That I won’t be able to relax and enjoy the time away. Thank you for your prayers. I will pray for you and your situation with your mom…that is tough, for sure. God is faithful.
Hello Renee,
I’m worried about so many things its hard to pick just one. But I’ve come to the realization that my primary problem is a lack of faith. I’m so scared to trust God completely because I don’t want to be hurt again for believing and trusting and then it does not happen or goes very, very wrong. Please don’t misusnderstand, I’m not putting time limits on God, I’m just plain old scared. I’ve been through so much and have felt so unprotected that it’s just hard for me right now. So, my request is simple, please pray with me through this. I so desparately need to move forward, this is paralizing me and I can’t seem to break free on my own and I need support. Thank you so much for your posts, they have shed light in very dark areas and given me renewed hope and insight.
Praying for you, Darla….I think I can relate to your worry problem….May He grant you the support you need to move ahead.
Once again, you are talking about me and my life. I can relate to being burned out and feeling like I’ve lost my faith, knowing full well that’s not the case. In fact, God is the one constant I can truly count on. One of my children is going through things that he just shouldn’t have to deal with and I can’t help him other than to be there to give him advise and listen. I know that sometimes that’s all we can do, but it tears me up when I can’t do more. There is turmoil at church and things are broken. I don’t even feel led to go anymore because it overwhelms me. It’s my church home and I know that God still wants me to be in that body, but there are times I feel as though I should stay home and not listen to what others are saying. It takes away from the focus of Christ. I still have no job and the money is tight. I do know that God has had me home for awhile to help my children who have needed me to be there for them. I used to be able to put all my financial burdens on him, but I’m finding it harder to do lately. I do trust his promises to supply our needs, I just am so weary of the fight. I have changed over the past two years since I had a full time job and things were going well. I don’t seem to handle change or stress as well as I used to and I don’t know how to fix that. I know that I seem like I want to control things and sometimes I feel that if I don’t do some things that I will lose it. Please help me to give things back to God and get rid of this controlling spirit that has taken over in my life. Please pray for my church. So much is wrong with the way that things are handled.
Hi Renee — so sorry to hear about your mother. Praying for you and your family….
Please pray for me. I am going through a difficult time in my life now. I can’t seem to feel content. I love my husband with all my heart, but sometimes I feel like he is my whole life. I don’t feel like I have any girlfriends, and sometimes that bothers me. My husband is so supportive and encourages me to have friendships, but I’ve never been good at making friends. I find myself wishing I was in someone else’s life, which is silly. I find myself struggling to find balance in my life. Full time job and a long commute don’t seem to allow me to get the housework done. I take short-cuts just to get dinner on the table. I’m struggling to connect with my step-kids. I feel like I don’t have time for anything but work, and I don’t even like my job. I find myself wishing I could be a housewife and quit work alltogether (even though that is financially impossible right now). I have never ever wanted that in my life, but my life has also never been this hectic. I feel like the weight is too heavy, even though I know that many women take on WAY more than I do. I feel like a failure in my own life, even though my head tells me that can’t be true — but I can’t seem to tell my heart that. I’ve been trying to do Melissa’s study, but I’m weeks behind on that too.
I was touched by your post. First, I want to say, “Don’t be too hard on yourself!” You are doing a lot of good things. Second, as a mom who works full-time with 2 teenagers, I feel your pain of trying to “do it all”. There have been times where we are so busy that I don’t know how we’ll make it–yet things always relax at some point. Third, can you take one area and work on small improvements?
Like maybe you could take a personal inventory to see what you can make the most change in first. Can you find a different job with less of a commute? Can you find a job that you like more? Is there an interest you have that you could use to meet people of common interests? Could you spend some time with your step-children doing things they enjoy–even once a week or once every other week?
Don’t try to do it all at once. Sometimes the job area is easier to change and sometimes it’s another area. Please give yourself a break and don’t expect too much–little changes. Some things just have to wait or need done at another time. One thing that works for us is to put together a crockpot meal at night. Then, we have it on a timer to cook for the desired amount of time. When we get home, it’s ready (or maybe we make rice or noodles to finish it off). It’s been a real life-saver for us.
I’ll be praying for you. Please know that you are not alone!
day four really hit home with me; my husband and i farm so this is sometimes an overwhelmingly busy time of year. our daughter came home for ‘fall break’ and i feel guilty that i can’t spend more time with her but instead i need to be in the fields harvesting. my body is in the fields, my heart is longing to spend the afternoon with my daughter, and my mind accuses me of failing both my daughter and my husband. with the busyness of harvest, trying to keep the housework up, paying bills; it can be difficult to find time to seek God.
praying for your mom, last may a suffered a saddle pulminary embolism due to a trauma to my foot a month earlier. i thank God that He let me be a member of the ‘survival group’ instead of a statistic!!
Hi Renee,
I would appreciate prayer for my focus… I was deeply wounded by a couple of women from my church who talked about me behind my back… continued a relationship… and treated me like I was crazy. I know that I have forgiven them…but I am often still left wondering “why” and it is hard for me not to obsess on it at times… I want to move on, and continue to heal, but often I feel anxious about it and sometimes angry too… I just get stuck. I want to live free in what Christ is saying and doing in my life and not bound up by them, their actions, etc. They never apologized…which has made me wonder what is wrong with me… that people would do this to me. It hurts and I want to move on. It has affected my confidence tremendously… this study is very helpful, bu this under the surface pain sometimesfeels unbearable.
Renee I am praying for your mom and your family at this time. Fellow sisters in Christ I am praying for you
I am asking for prayers please,I am about to get married in a month time now,but me and my fiancee we fighting a lot about small things and happens to be the big issues.As we speak right now we don;t talk to each,we sleep in a seperate bed.Please pray for me.
Renee, thanks for the opportunity to share my worries with you. My husband lost his job six years ago, up till now he has been working form our home to earn some money. But now there is now money left and we have to move out of the house because we can’t afford to stay here any longer. We have lost everything and I don’t know what to do. My youngest son is writting his Grade 12 exam and his brother is studing at university. My salary is not enough to pay for everything. My husband has depression and I am afraid that he dont have the couracy to look for work,
Please pray with me that my husband will get better, let God into his life and will get a new job and please pray for my two sons – it is such a difficult time for them. Thank you Renee, for your devotions, it realy means a lots to me. May God bless you and the work you are doing. I am praying with you for your mother and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I am lifting her up in my prayers.
My husband has been without a job for 6 months now and would like prayer that God would provide a job for him.
Pray for me please I have a problem in my life which seems as if I have reached the dead end, am in the wilderness sometimes fear strikes me and I feel God Might not rescue me . I have been praying about this for a long time I am like Daniel in the lion’s den. Please pray for me for God to make a way for me and to rescue me.
Gertie knew what you are going through and I will pray that God will answer your prayer and open doors that would not close again. Blessings for you.
dear Renee
i am praying for your mum’s toatal recovery.
my worries are about my teenage son.
he is disbedient….which rubs onto my 6 year old daughter.
this all stems out from my husbands disability to discipline them.
i have decided to give them up to God and let Him deal with them,but being human it tends to always hit back at me.
please pray for mu ability to let go and let God have His way.
Been there Rhoda. Hold on to Gods promises Rhoda, He is with your son and He’ll take care of what he needs, keep giving him to his “Daddy”.
Reading all of these requests has humbled me. I have lifted each one of you in prayer.
Renee, I have also prayed for your mother and for your family.
As for me, I am worried about running out of steam (as Renee described). I know that I am trying to do too much and I don’t know what/where to cut. Please pray that I will receive insight from God.
Thank you Renee – this has been a wonderful series. I am so grateful. Have already said prayers for your Mom and daughter – my thoughts are with them and you too. I appreciate your praying for my healing. Love in Christ, Grace
Please pray for me . Thank you for having a Christian circle of friends just like this.
God Bless you all.
My prayer need is financial. I homeschool and my husband was cut back $2/hr. on his check and now they are also cutting hours. We are struggling to make ends meet. We need a miracle! The reason I’m homeschooling is that we felt called to go on the mission field. We are also struggling to raise our support there as well. We need guidance! Thanks for your prayers.
I’m praying for you and your Mom. I also ask prayers for my parents. My mother is experiencing Alzheimer’s and being a caregiver is really wearing on my 83 yr. old Dad. I would also like to ask for prayers for my daughter on an issue and how I should respond.
I’m praying for you and your family, Twila. My parents’ situation is almost identical; my mom (81) has Parkinson’s and my dad (82) is her full time caregiver and it’s taking its toll on him. We do all we can but must continue to work full time also. I am so thankful that God knows every detail of our lives and cares for us. Please know that you are not alone and this too shall be used for good.
Thank you Angie. I’ll be praying for your family as well.
I love reading the 7 day doubt diet, please pray for me.