Day 5: But I Don’t Have Anything Special to Offer
Taken in part from Chapter 8 of A Confident Heart© 2011 by Renee Swope with Revell Publishing
Food for thought: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Ps. 139:13 NIV))
I sat in the circle praying we’d run out of time before it was my turn. The facilitator of our team-building activity had asked our group to answer two questions: What do you love to do? If finances were unlimited and failure was impossible, what would be your dream?
I didn’t have any answers. But just in case I had to say something, I listened to everyone else describe their dreams, hoping to get ideas. One wanted to be the first female president of the United States. Another friend said she’d always wanted to sing in a Christian rock band. I knew I was in trouble.
I was thirty-two at the time and didn’t know who I was or what my dreams were. When everyone eventually looked to me for a response, I stumbled over my words. Then I finally admitted I didn’t really know what I loved to do.
Immediately self-doubt whispered, “That is because dreams are for confident people who have something special to offer, and you don’t.”
I’d never taken time to think about or answer those kinds of questions. Instead, I had tried to be who others wanted or needed me to be. But honestly, I wasn’t very good at it. I often had this uneasy feeling of just not being happy. And I was a constant candidate for burnout.
I realize now that I wasn’t living out the truth held in our key verse today: “[God] created my inmost being; [He] knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Ps. 139:13 NIV).
That day in the circle, after I fumbled around looking for an answer during team-building time, our facilitator encouraged me to ask God what His dreams were for my life. I took her advice and started the process of becoming the “real me” who had gotten buried in the busyness of life and people-pleasing.
As I read books that talked about discovering our passions, gifts, and personality traits, I started to identify what I liked. I recognized strengths that came natural for me, and learned what I needed emotionally to encourage my heart.
For the first time, I realized there was an important reason I was who I was—with my passionate preferences and mixed bag of emotions. Instead of wanting me to be like women I knew and admired, I sensed that God wanted to use the unique way He made me. And I started to discover that I did have something special to offer, after all.
Isn’t it easy to neglect ourselves to meet the needs of everyone around us, and call it self-sacrifice? It sounds godly. But in doing so we risk shutting down a place in our soul where God’s dreams and gifts are waiting to be revealed. The truth is: you and I were not designed to be whom others expect us to be, or even want us to be. We were created to become all that God planned for us to be.
So, how well do you know the real you? Have you ever taken time to think about what you like to do? What personality traits, abilities, or experiences do you have? What would make your heart come alive if you had the confidence and resources to do it?
Although it might feel self-seeking, it’s actually God-seeking to take time to get to know the woman He created you to be. Remember God had a plan in mind when He made you. He shaped you with purpose. When you surrender your unique passions, gifts, and personality to Him, God will use them to guide you toward His dreams for your life.
Lord, I want to know the woman You had in mind when You created my inmost being and knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful and I am one of them. I pray You would help me become the woman You created me to be. I don’t want to grow old and never know Your purpose for my life. Show me Your dreams for me so I can offer what You want to give to those around me. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (See Psalm 139:13–14)
Doubt Diet Tip: We all have a natural body shape. I’m shaped like a pear; always have been, always will be. In the same way God gives us a natural body shape physically, He also gives us a natural “body shape” spiritually, to equip us for His purpose in the body of Christ.
In chapter 8 of A Confident Heart, I share what happened next in this part of my journey and how God walked me (and now I can walk you) through process of discovering my SHAPE by showing me what makes me unique and gives me something special to offer those around me. One of the first steps was identifying my spiritual gifts. Here’s a FREE Spiritual Gifts Assessment I’ve downloaded for you to take so you can discover an important part of your God-given shape!
Let’s Talk: Do you ever feel like you don’t have anything special to offer? How did today’s devotion speak to your heart?
Please return to my website (if you’re reading this via email), then scroll to the bottom of today’s post and click on “Share Your Thoughts.” I can’t wait to read your comments and encourage one another!
I can’ t begin to tell you how much your writing reaches in and touches me to the core. It’s as if your words are coming from my heart and pouring out onto the pages through your hands. I’m almost 50 now. Seems strange to see that in print, I have spent amost of my life trying to be who others wanted or needed me to be as well. I never felt “enough” . Having a gift to share with others, well, like you, I felt that was reserved for other people, not me. But, through God’s great grace and love, I now have the chance to see my gifts and know myself – a gift he has been whispering to me all along. I am so glad for God’s patience and love. Keep writing – your work is wonderful. Many blessings and love to you.
greetings ladies, it is something special when you see ladies from all different areas and backgrounds posting comments on a web site….it makes my heart smile in a time when life has been a bit burdensome for my family and myself….the economy has hit hard where we live and money is scarce, but we continue to have hope and strength in the ONE who knows and understands our every need….thank you for sharing your hearts and allowing me the privilege of reading and praying for all the needs of precious women….our Lord bless each and every one of you…….it truly does boost my confidence to know we are in this together.
my prayer is that you continue to be encouraged, delivered, and restored by the WORD of GOD and His promises…i thank you for your prayers and intercession on our behalf, ladies
peace, susan
I want to thank you for writing a book that i can sink my teeth into. Its inspirational,purging and leaves feeling like there is hope for the unconfident woman. I thought i would never meet anybody that comes close to what i was going through all my life. It is just good to know that someone has gone through some of the things i have gone through. I am 42 years old and it took me this long to realize that i had issues that needed to be worked on. My thing is you can go through your whole life and not know that there is something wrong or you do know and ignore it and just dont know what to do about it. I think i always knew but just wouldn’t take the time out with God so he can help me fix it but nevertheless, i thank God. I have finally arrive at the starting point
Hi! You who are in your 40’s and 50’s don’t despair if you don’t know your calling yet. Perhaps you are already doing it and just are not aware.
I am 72 years old, retired, and now have the time, if not full energy, to jump into what I call my “mission”. I am called upon to be a clown and make people smile and laugh. I do karaoke with Special Populations and that led to dancing and dressing up once a month for holidays. I met a guitar teacher volunteer with visually impaired persons in a Hope Chest buying tapes. Not being gifted musically, I can still encourage and support their gifts. Thru them I discovered a group of visually impaired women who get together once a month to attend “events”. I meet with them and can help them by explaining what I see that they can’t. Recently we went to a butterfly estate locally, and though some couldn’t see the butterflies, they said they experience a sense of peace being there. With all my costumes, I recently did a little talk for Girl Scout Leaders and some Brownie leaders took me up on my offer to play Juliette Lowe on her birthday. I didn’t know Mrs. Lowe , founder of the girl scouts, was deaf, so I used that as a jumping off point to encourage girls that they can do everything. The leaders have asked me to accompany them to Christmas Caroling at a local nursing home as Mrs. Santa Claus. One activity has lead me to another. Our library has a program called community conversations. It only takes one day a month to go into the elder community and reminsce with seniors – so much fun!
I encourage anyone (with or without talent!) with limited time to keep your eyes open for what you can do. You will be surprised………..
I too have been asked the question, what my dreams are, and I had no answer, I too get busy meeting other peoples needs, and don’t even know my self,,, I lost myself somewhere. Your devotion is encouraging me to take the time to look at myself… and see who God created me to be!
Hi Renee,
I haven’t read your entire book but I have read up to chapter 3 and I have to say I found it hard not to cry even having read only that much. I struggle to believe I have any worth much less something to offer even in the body of Christ. I, almost daily, ask the Lord what my purpose is in His kingdom because I can’t see it. It wasn’t until years after I became born again in my late 30’s that He showed me how broken I was. I believe He is walking me through the healing process, but still I sometimes don’t know how to let go and just believe Him and His word. Being raised among so much favoritism (I wasn’t the favored one as you can tell) did not make it easy growing up. However, there was plenty of ridicule and humiliation. And it’s sad but there is too much favoritism even in the church. Also, growing up around people with strong and harsh personalities has really damaged me. Their personalities against my timid, insecure and withdrawn personality was no match for me. What made matters worse is that those who should have been defending me just allowed it. I let these people give me my worth! As a child, I did not know any better nor did I have anyone to teach me. Even now whenever I have expressed what my spirit is hearing, I have been treated with hostility by some of my siblings who claim to be born again. My reaction is that I shut down and now I find myself unable to be who I am in Christ around them because of how they have treated me. The Lord showed me a couple of months ago how no one can silence me but myself. That was a painful truth I had to see. But knowing the truth is one thing. It’s the walking it out that I struggle with.
I find it sad that even women calling themselves christians are damaging already broken women even more. That may be because they themselves are still broken in areas of their lives. One particular christian woman I know is really big on making women feel like the princesses they are to Jesus, however, this same woman will turn around and destroy another woman. You cannot pick and choose who deserves to be treated like Jesus’ princess for God is no respector of persons. That is not agape love.
For as long as I can remember, I have been bound to these lies of the enemy and I long to be the woman He made me to be, which is a powerful and confident yet gentle woman in Christ. So in His name and strength I am going to continue seeking Him and asking Him to make me whole. Recently I was having to deal with an issue with a fellow christian involving sexual immorality. I went to my Pastor and asked for prayer and he told me something so powerful that made me think. He said, “When you confront them, do not fear their countenance.” I thought to myself, “WOW!” Does the Lord know me or what?. That makes so much sense. I was not the one doing anything wrong but people will react as if you are the wrong one because they know they are guilty. I saw how that has been the case with those who I have let silence me for speaking truth. But they will make you feel like you are the problem.
I want to say thank you for your much needed book that the Lord has used you to write for Him. So many women (and men) are broken but we pretend we are okay. I don’t have women in the church I feel I can come to and confide in but I know there has to be one out there. May the Lord send her to me. Please pray for me.
In Christ,
Thursday’s devotion was so refreshing. It offered hope and encouragement for my life. It was a neat reminder that God does indeed have a plan and dreams for my life. What that is, I am not certain. Sometimes I feel embarrassed when others ask, “what are my dreams.” At times, I feel as though my dreams are covered under fear like Gideon. And yet at the same times, I glimpse an ray of what I think God’s dreams are for me. I want so desparately to become a confident woman after God’s own heart.
Thanks you Renee for sharing your heart:)
In Him,
I teared up when I read the title this morning. God has been patiently guiding me to a place of healing over the last few years. I have taken a few personality assessments (at my husbands nudging) and felt awesome about what I saw because it described me so well. After that doubt swooped in and said ” it’s not enough, it’s not the gift your friends have that really moves things” and I felt useless again. God is reminding me of all the things my gift of connection has launched and painting a picture of what it could be if I let myself reconnect with people again. I have started reconnecting and have started feeling better about the future. I so appreciated the reminder to keep seeking His will for my life. Thanks Renee!
I’m not really even sure where to start. I feel like I need to just print this devotion and glue it to my forehead. I myself struggle terribly with self image and self esteem. I have no confidence in myself anymore because I seem to base that confidence on my outward appearance. I constantly feel burdebed with this. I feel like I can’t get away from it. If its not a beautiful woman walking by or a magazine cover or whatever else, I can’t get away from it. I know that satan (the big jerk) uses this to eat me alive. I just can’t seem to get away from it. I read this devotion this morning and it really really hit me that I am made by God. Put together special by Him. If that is the case then I am the most beautiful person in the world to Him. (Hmmm…maybe i shouldnt say it that way??) If I can get myself to remember that, I can get at the business of being who God made me to be. I tell people all the time that working with kids is just part of how God made me. I can’t not do it. I happen to be a preschool teacher and so I am blessed to work with 17 kiddos. I bet I could be more effective if I could just get past this self confidence and self esteem problem. I have tried everything I know how to in order to get past it, I just can’t seem to beat it. I so desperately want to be rid of this burden of depression so that I can be happy again and be Gods girl. One place I will start is to meditate on that verse…. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Even as I type this I get a feeling in the pit of my stomach that says that I will never measure up to all the beauty out there in the world. Guess I have a lot of work to do.
Oh Jeanette, I am right there with you! When you said you have no confidence in yourself anymore because you base that confidence on your outward appearance I almost jumped out of my chair – that’s EXACTLY where I’m at. My self-image and self-esteem are so low that I have pretty much isolated myself completely with the exception of going to work and going to church on Sunday morning. I have stopped participating in small group and bible studies at church because I’m so self-conscious. I so want to get past this also so that I can be wholly available for God.
I am praying for you and I thank you for responding so honestly; you have made me feel hope knowing that I’m not the only one dealing with this issue.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Ps. 139:13 NIV))
I am requesting prayer for my daughter to safely deliver her first born soon. She is in the hospital in labor for over 24 hrs now. I know this is in Our Fathers hands, but, still this has been a difficult to watch this process and still nothing. Please pray for strength for her, and for a safe arrival for baby. Thank you, Pat
Hi, this really resonates with me. I’ve always been a people pleaser. I still have trouble knowing what my gifts are. I take the test, then I say “no, I don’t really have that or do that very well.” I’ve always felt that I don’t have anything special to offer. There is always someone who can do it better than me. I need lots of prayer and healing in this area especially. Thanks for sharing.
This was absolutely beautifly and timely!! Thank you and be blessed!!
Renee, thanks for the opportunity to share my worries with you. My husband lost his job six years ago, up till now he has been working form our home to earn some money. But now there is now money left and we have to move out of the house because we can’t afford to stay here any longer. We have lost everything and I don’t know what to do. My youngest son is writting his Grade 12 exam and his brother is studing at university. My salary is not enough to pay for everything. My husband has depression and I am afraid that he dont have the couracy to look for work,
Please pray with me that my husband will get better, let God into his life and will get a new job and please pray for my two sons – it is such a difficult time for them. I am teaching at a school for learners with special needs and I thank God for giving me the opportunity to work here.Thank you Renee, for your devotions, I can’t afford to buy your book so it realy means a lots to me. May God bless you and the work you are doing. I am praying with you for your mother and your family.
I am praying with you for your family. I want the Lord to open a door for your husband that will testify to your husband of His faithfulness. I speak blessings over you and your household. My husband and I have found ourselves in situations where we could trust no one but the Lord. All the doors felt like they were shut close. And we are here almost 2 years later and God has brought us through each trial. May the Lord strengthen you and your family. You keep being obedient to the Lord no matter what and continue to sing His praise for who He is. Someone spoke a word to our congregation about a year ago and said, ” Praise Your Way Out Of Your Situation.” The enemy would love nothing more than to steal our praise to God. Let Him know that won’t be happening in your life.
It was like you were writing specifically for me today. I know God has a plan for me but sometimes I feel like I’m not sure what it is. I do know one of the things I love to do so that I believe is a start. Thank you so very much. 🙂
I think I am doing what God wants me to be doing most of the time. I have the gift of compassion, and have been helping several friends and family members while they are ill or hurting, and have even had the blessing of walking many family members out of the earthly realm and handing them over to the angles to escort the rest of the way on their journey home. Yes this is truly my calling, but sometimes I feel as though it isn’t enough, and begin to doubt myself. I have found great encouragement in the Confident Heart book, and this online study. I am learning to trust Gods promises and know that He is leading me. What a friend I have in Jesus!
Isn’t it amazing how God gives us the messages we need to hear? Just this morning I was beating myself up because I’m 46 and don’t really know what to do with my life. I thought to myself–‘You never finish anything!! You never follow through!!”.
I went to school to teach because I thought that’s what I should do. I love kids and knew I could teach. But I didn’t enjoy all the politics that went along with it in our school district and quickly became burnt out. I enjoy crafts, but I never stick to anything because I seem to get bored with it. I can do lots of things, but I don’t really want to do anything. I enjoy my job when I get here–not teaching anymore–but I lack motivation to get ready and get to work. It’s takes everything I have to actually get out the door and get here. I’m so disgusted with my inability to feel a passion for anything. I pray that God will lead me in the direction he wants me to go, but I don’t know how I’ll know what that is.
I could have written that! I have a degree in education, taught for a couple of years in small private schools that had as much politics as large districts. And we won’t even talk about the sticking with crafty things. I really thought working with kids was where I belonged, but having done it both before and after being born-again, I realize God has other plans for me. I don’t really know what they might be (and I’m closing in on 50), but that’s starting to be alright because they’ll be shared with me in His timing. I like my job, although many days I feel very under-utilized which brings the doubt stuff back up. The question Renee was asked in her group was asked in my summer bible study. Without even thinking, I blurted out that I’d write. Nothing has been done towards that as of yet, and it’s because of the voice of doubt inside my head. While I know it’s lies from the accuser, I still have yet to take the first step toward writing anything. As for knowing the direction God’s leading you, I believe you’ll know it in your spirit. Sort of like when Elizabeth’s baby lept in her womb at the news of Mary’s pregnancy, your spirit will know and in its own way communicate it to your head and heart. Just keep yourself open to hearing, and He’ll be faithful to speak.
Nancy, thank you for being an encourager today and sharing your gifts of words with a few women here! I so appreciate that and your words are so encouraging!! I’m speaking at all 4 services at my church this weekend and mom just got out of the hospital to I’m needing to focus on getting ready for that. But, I”ll be hopping back on this weekend to pray with and share some encouragement too!! Let’s keep checking in here with each other :-). Love ya’ll!!
Nancy, thank you for your kind words. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my struggle for purpose. I, too, have always thought I’d like to write. I love to read and even have a Master’s in literacy and writing. I think I have the skill, but I lack the courage to try. I’m afraid of failing yet again. I feel as though I’ve failed in so many areas of my life that I just don’t think I could survive another failure.
Of course all this brings on depression and anxiety which I’ve struggled with all my life. I am taking depression and anxiety meds but I think if I were really trusting God, I wouldn’t need medication. So I just start beating myself up over the fact that I can’t seem to even handle daily life–must less decide on a new direction.
I love Renee’s Confidence book. It has helped me and encouraged me in so many ways. But as soon as I put it down, Satan finds his way back into my head. I’m so tired of struggling. I want to just give up, but I know that’s wrong-not only for me but also for my family.
I also seem to lack the courage to completely follow up with the exercises in Renee’s book. It’s like if I delve too far into my confidence issues, I’ll find out I’m a total loss or I won’t follow through and finish!!! Pray for me that I can take it one lesson at a time and stick with it. Thanks!
You can do it Samantha!! One chapter, one question, one application at a time. It’s taken me 20+ years to get to where I am today – but each day has been a sweet step with Jesus and it’s not so much about where I am even, as much as it is about the Oneness and intimacy and confidence I’ve gained as I’ve learned to live in absolute dependence on Him. And once you read it through, we can start on it again together. I’m going to do a book-study online here – starting in January after we all settle from the holidays. I’d love to have you join me/us then too!! Praying and sending you hugs from NC!!
Renee, I agree with you. Change is a process. Nothing happens overnight. It is one day at a time and sometime it is one hour, one minute and even one second at a time. Trusting God’s word that what he says is true not because of what you and I might be feeling. Feelings change but God’s word never does. He is so sovereign and he is faith to complete what he has started in Samantha.
Samantha, I know how you feel. That big jerk gets in my head so bad and I’m so so tired of it. I often just feel like giving up. I thankfully then remember that I can’t give up because that’s not what God wants me to do. He has a plan, He know my struggles and He cares! I just somehow have to get myself confident enough to believe and remember that for more than 10 minutes at a time. We can win this battle with Gods help. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get Renee’s book yet, it sounds as if it is full of help.
Hang in there!!!
Samantha – You can do this! I have found that when I let life get too busy the enemy will slither his way back into my head. We have to make a choice and that is – do not believe these lies. Take these thoughts captive and cast them out in the name of Jesus. The enemy cannot stay in the presence of our Lord, so keep the thoughts and written words from our Lord in your heart. I know it’s hard, I struggle everyday – but just think of the Mighty Warrior we have to fight these battles for us. Take refuge beneath His wing and watch Him run the enemy off the battlefield. May you find peace in His persence! And – start writing, I’m sure Renee went through these same doubts before she started writing. Don’t let past failures or doubts stop you, that’s probably why the Lord allowed you to walk through them – so you would have something to write about. 🙂
I was in this rut at one time. Since I was in high school, I wanted to be an Elementary Special Education teacher. However, I realized when I started college in 2008, I just wanted to be an Elementary Teacher at either the Kindergarten or First Grade level. Now, 2008, was the time I started to live like a Christian. I ALWAYS believed in God/ Jesus, but never lived like his daughter until 2008. For such a long time, when I was an, what I like to call, an “infant” Christian, I was struggling to find my place in his kingdom. However, not until the start of this year have I recognized where he wants me to be. I believe my calling is children. My heart sings when I am around them. I am still pursing my degree in Elementary Education. 9 months away from graduating with my Bachelors. And will start to student-teach in the fall of 2012. I do the children’s classroom at my church and now have a longing to volunteer at a orphanage. I am planning ot take a missionaries trip to Thailand next summer. I have felt god leading me to visit an orphanage while I am there. Something I would LOVE to do if I am able to do this missionaries trip!
WOW! It is nice to know that I am not alone. There are times when I feel like I’m the only one who feels this way and I know that is not right. Thank you this forum for us to share and grow.
I have a 21 in Discernment and 19 in Faith/Wisdom. What do you believe that his means? Do I just go with the 21 or the 21 and 19? My other scores are 16 and below.
This post really spoke to my heart! I absolutely HATE talking about myself in small group settings because I never know what to say about myself (i.e. likes, dislikes, something special about me, etc..). I figure I have nothing interesting to say or it doesn’t measure up to what everyone else is sharing. I guess I never realized until after reading your post that I had been living my life under everyone elses expectations instead of knowing who I am. I have just realized I have been “alive” but not really “living”. I appreciate your spiritual gift assessment you shared. I can’t wait to take the assessment and really start “living” my life the way God designed me to. Your book and posts make me feel as if I’m reading about myself when I read them. Thank you for being real so you can help other women be confident in God. God bless!!!
Renee – This spoke to me in so many ways! Thank you for being obedient because I know this had to come directly from Him. It was only yesterday that I was emailing with a friend who was trying to help me out of this valley that I’m in. As I told her, here I am 50 and don’t have a clue who I am or what I’m supposed to be doing. In the past year I have felt that the Lord is calling me to women’s ministry, but at this time with -let’s just say a lot of junk going on in my head, I can’t imagine how in the world I could even think He would want to use me in the ministry. Of course we do serve an awesome God, I was given the opportunity to pray over another younger friend last night who is dealing with the same issues.
I’m loving the book and thank you so much for sharing this!
Just reading the title today made my heart skip a beat. This is exactly what I’ve been dealing with the past couple of weeks — finding God’s purpose for my life. It has seemed self-seeking, but for the first time, while reading your post, I began to understand that it’s not. I’m definitely going to take time over the next few days to pray and answer the questions you asked. Thank you again Renee!
Thank you also for the spiritual gifts test. It’s been a few years since I’ve taken one and am looking forward to seeing what God is doing in my life!
This really spoke to me. I have been unhappy in my job and feel like I’ve been “floating” through life. I have no idea what I want to do, and I really do need to ask God to show me. I plan to take the Spiritual Gifts test. Maybe that will help. One of my biggest struggles is feeling that I have nothing to offer or I am not good at anything. I so wish I was caught up on Melissa’s study, but I’m afraid I’m a few weeks behind. I feel like I’m running on empty these days.
Thanks for this. I think I really needed to hear that today. God made me with a special purpose in mind. I just need to let Him show me what that is….
Stephanie, I’m behind on Melissa’s study, too, so know you aren’t alone. I think the good thing about how that study is structured is that it allows us each to go at our own pace. The theory and the reality of our lives seldom mesh — in theory we can stay caught up, but the reality of home/family/job/etc don’t always allow for staying caught up. I think that sticking with it, and finishing is the key.
Lord, I lift Stephanie up to You right now. Wrap her in Your arms and fill her up, Lord. Renew her spirit within her with Your spirit, God. Give her everything she needs to complete all the she has before her. I thank You, Lord, for placing the right people in her life’s path at the right time to keep her more full than empty. Amen
This is right where I am in life…turning 54…I spent my early years feeding my self hatred by starving…finding more freedom in God’s love and who I am in Christ…it’s a journey…
Thanks for the encouragement…
My heart is comforted in the fact that I’m not the only one who has continued living for others and their dreams. I don’t know what my dreams are anymore. I don’t know if I ever did. As I read your post I still have a hard time “knowing”. I have many things that I enjoy, but I don’t know if it is burnout or boredom. They seem to occur in random patterns and don’t last. I do know that I want to own my own business. I have felt that for years. The question remains…what kind of business? I don’t want to start something only to “change my mind” because I want to do something else. It is very frustrating and depressing at the same time. Thank you for your honesty and your book has helped me “think for myself”. I know God has a plan for me.
Thank you Renee, today’s devotion really spoke to me!
I often see my personality traits in a negative light but God has been opening my mind to understand that these traits, in and of themselves, are not negative; it is only the way I use them that may be negative. I don’t know if that makes sense or not but as an example I am naturally highly organized (which is a good trait because God made me that way) but when I try to force people to do things my “organized” way that is not good. Does that make sense?
The following statement jumped off the screen at me:
“Remember God had a plan in mind when He made you. He shaped you with purpose. When you surrender your unique passions, gifts, and personality to Him, God will use them to guide you toward His dreams for your life.”
I love this!!!
I don’t know exactly what I have to offer, but God does and I want to be fully useable so I need to remember to surrender to Him always and in all ways.
Boy, this sure did speak to my heart this morning. I am 56 years old and have spent my entire life pleasing others and never taking the time to ask the hard question of what God and even I really wanted from my life. Some of what I have done has been out of necessity but if I could do anything I really wanted with money no object and success guaranteed, I would still have a difficult time figuring it out because I’ve never allowed myself to dream big dreams.
I’m, reading your book and getting so much out of it – I think you are a kindred spirit. God bless you for sharing your life with others.