Do you ever wish you could just slow down and discover who you’d be if your life wasn’t filled with so much rush?
The other day my friend told me she felt lost: lost in the hurry of carpool and kids, deadlines and dirty laundry… and she was tired, and I shared with her some things I’ve been learning through my friend Bonne Gray’s beautiful book Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul to Rest.
In, Bonnie shares how “underneath all of the stress and expectations we put on ourselves, and the ones that others put on us, our souls long for space to breathe.” Bonnie calls it “soul rest: a place where we can rest, not in what we could be or what we should be, but just as we are. Jesus invites us to come to Him when we’re struggling and carrying heavy loads, so He can give us rest.”
Today I’ve invited, Bonnie to share a peek into her heart and inside the pages of her beautiful book, Finding Spiritual Whitespace.
“I once felt lost and tired.
Even though no one could tell. By looking at my life from the outside.
But, deep inside, in my secret heart of hearts, I’ve always wanted something I could never quite keep a hold of — not long enough to make it my everyday home. For my soul and for the me that wanted to be free.
I’ve always wanted to know who I really could be — if I was free to rest.
Do you ever wish life could be different? That somehow you could just rest?
Underneath all the stress, the expectations we put on ourselves and the ones others put on us, we all long for space.
Space to breathe.
Space to just be me.
Where we can be real.
To take care of our hearts, with the grace and kindness we often pour out to others.
We don’t want to be numb anymore.
Just doing. Coping. Surviving.
All the while, there is a part of us that longs to come alive.
The part of us who longs for beauty, even though the daily road feels rough. Or even broken.
The part of us who remembers what it’s like to have desires is hungering for quiet. For rest.
Who wants to feel more intimately connected with God.
To our dreams.
To our stories.
To who we really are deep inside.
Who doesn’t want to hide.
Who longs to be known.
With others.
A Deeper Part
There’s a deeper part of us who longs to uncover the stories we’re living in our everyday lives — hidden — so that they can be shared.
We don’t want to journey alone.
We don’t have to.
What we all long for is deeper rest.
Real conversation.
As is.
What we all long for is soul rest.
Soul rest is a kind of rest we can savor — not as we should be. Nor as we ought to be.
We can enjoy rest for our souls — as we are.
This ache for soul rest is something Jesus longs to touch.
It is an ache that Jesus himself must have also felt as He journeyed in-the-the-skin through the realities of daily life.
Jesus invites us to experience this rest — by offering us an invitation.
If we dare to take the journey.
“Are you tired? Worn out?
Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.
For I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Jesus’s invitation, Matthew 11:28-30
Will you dare to rest? Will you dare to be real?
To whisper —
I am tired.
But, I still carry dreams. Desires. A story.
I want to be happy.
I miss the quiet.
I want to feel.
I want to let go of who I’ve been — so I can discover who I can be — when I take the time to rest.
I want to be present.
I want to love. And be loved.
Jesus invites us on a new journey.
To pause.
To draw close.
To come into an intimate special space.
The rest we all long for really can be found.
Dare to take a new journey.
Create space in your life.
Feed your soul.
So you can care for what’s tender.
Because behind your most tired moments lie the deepest parts of who God made you — longing to be known and restored.
You’re loved.
You’re cherished.
You’re worth it.
The real you.
If you dared to rest — to uncover the real you God made — what would you want more of? What would you want less of? What can feed your soul today?”
How many of us find ourselves running on empty with no time for rest, no time for ourselves, and no time for God? Bonnie Gray knows what that’s like. On the brink of fulfilling a lifelong dream, she saw her plans shatter into a journey through painful memories and anxiety. In her search for answers, she made an important discovery: we all need spiritual whitespace.
Infused with biblical encouragement and thought-provoking prompts, Finding Spiritual Whitespace shows us how to create space in the everyday for God, refreshment, and faith—right in the midst of our stress-frayed lives. And it couldn’t have come at a more perfect time in my life personally. I’ve loved reading this book {more than once}, and I know you will too!
Order a copy here.
Enter to WIN:
What is one way you could carve out time for whitespace and rest this summer? Let’s take time this summer to let our souls be breathe. Click “share your thoughts” and leave a comment under this blog post to enter. Two winners will be selected and announced next week. {if you are reading this via email, please click here to participate in the giveaway on my blog!}
Bonnie Gray is contributor at, Relevant Magazine, and DaySpring (in)courage. A UCLA graduate, Bonnie has been missionary, ministry entrepreneur and Silicon Valley high-tech professional. Bonnie blogs at in Northern California with her husband Eric and their two sons.
I am so tired and stressed beyond words from work. Hubby is retired, but time never seems the tight time for me. The real me is so lost. Not from the Lord but from who the real me is.
Oh how this is me! The rut, the what next? Thank you for digging deep to support us all!
Could really use this book right now. Really going through a lot.
Whitespace is what we all need, so we can truly understand how God loves us and we can enter into the kind of relationship He wants with us and we lo g for.
There is so much busyness in my life that I find myself shutting out what I desire most – that intimacy with Jesus.
I am thinking that since I live in a lake community that I should walk to the lake and spend time by the water before alot of people are at the beaches…nature seems to soothe me and I have been spending most of y time in the house and stressed for a few years now.
This sounds like I book that I must read. It’s on my read list. I really would love to win a copy of this book as my heart and soul longs for this kind of rest. Thanks for the chance Renee and Bonnie.
Thank you. I so needed to read this today. Am so tired of being so busy and doing multiple tasks for almost everyone but myself. It seems like the more I do, the more there is to be done. My to-do list seems endless and never seems to be enough hours in the day. My soul needs the rest you talked about. I often feel like I am not enough and have no purpose…God used your words to speak to me. Thanks again
I have been wanting to get up early in the morning to accomplish quiet time with the Lord. I have yet to actually get up though!
I would love to win this book. So hard to find the quietness in a house full of boys.
I made a summer bucket list of things to do. I try and do 1 thing on the list a week or a few during the month.
Thank you for sharing this post. Sometimes I think as women we get so overloaded but don’t know how to get out of it. We may know what we need to do but getting there is hard. Thank you for the reminder that we all need to find those places and that we will not completely get there without our Lord and Savior.
This came at a perfect time! I’m struggling with health issues and major overload at work. Everything has me overwhelmed. I’m ready to have a joyful life and my soul longs for the “white space”. I believe scheduling on my calendar my “white space” along with the help from this book will give me the rest & connection to Jesus I’m needing right now. Thank you for bringing this book to us. I appreciate the opportunity to win a copy.
Thanks so much for this gentle reminder of Jesus calling us to His rest! We’re so caught up in ‘doing’ that not only do we forget to ‘be’ but, sadly, we don’t know what/how to. Would love to have a copy of the book to read and share with family/friends.
This is me! My goal this year was to go to bed before midnight. I’m failing so I need this book!
First, being able to sleep would help; then I could wake up earlier and feel more rested.
I got of schedule, when I went on a mission trip, to Costa Rica, with my daughter and our youth group. For whatever reason I have had trouble getting back into the groove, and back on schedule. I am praying, for God’s help, in this area.
I want to give myself permission to STOP and drink in the little sweet moments ,rather than continue to drive myself to FIRST complete all the tasks that i “think ” have to be done , AND THEN i will slow down for those moments of relaxing with my family ,and even with God . This is such a struggle for me.
I too am among the many other women that get caught up with the many responsibilities of being a wife/mother. I have just recently attended a youth camp with the youth of our church. In one of our sessions we were asked the question as to whether we would come back as a different person as to the person in which we came to camp. I was very convicted of this and I am praying that each and everyday I grow in Christ. It is my goal to start each and everyday with him and let him prepare the day ahead. I believe that if we as women can do this, we will better equipped to do the tasks that he has called us to do.
The idea of white space for my soul speaks to my heart. It has been almost a year since we lost my dear son Sean to an accidental heroin overdose at age 29. I am still trying to grapple with the circumstances of his death. My church/friends have been a great comfort but as time goes on- the care lessens and people think you should be moving on. I know that he was a believer which brings comfort but my mama heart still longs to hear his voice call me and give him hugs. This has forced me to slow down, look at my priorities and cherish my family- husband/ 3 sons/ 2 dtg in laws/ and 1 grandchild. I understand how Jesus felt as he wept at the tomb of Lazarus. But my soul still longs for that deep rest
I need to let go of the “shoulds” and just be – enjoying this precious summer with my babies, and trusting God to provide what is necessary, and having faith to let go of what He assures me is not. Praying to receive, release, and rest. 🙂
IThank you for this. It resonates deep within. I seem to always be on the go. Whether it be working, volunteering or helping friends out. I try to find a time for solitude, but never seem to be able to sit at Jesus’s feet long enough to be completely filled up by Jesus. I need to do a better job at this
I like the night time to have total quite. I love devotionals in the morning but to much busyness and talking for me. Even if I get up early they somehow manage to magically wake up early too.
Sounds like an excellent book and just what I need! Whitespace!
Don’t “make” the time, TAKE the time. Our jesus at the top of my to do list
I need to breathe. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by the expectations. Not just from others, but from within myself.
With everything I feel that I am responsible for, there is just no time for me. I am a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, employee, confidante, sole caregiver to a mother with dementia, and the list goes on and on. Most days I feel so overwhelmed that I want to escape. I know that I need to escape to spend more time with the Lord. When do you get to the point where you learn to totally depend on him?
I often feel so overwhelmed, and I tell God, I am NOT ignoring you, I cant find time.. I pray, but I dont get that close deep connection because of constant interuption.
Wow, this is exactly what i need “Whitespace”. I can relate to feeling overwhelmed because i feel like I’m always trying to fill everyone’s expectations of me. (((Which is exhausting and impossible))) I like to be led by the holy spirit not the pressures of the world; therefore my first step is to fast so God can lead, guide and direct me on how to get the whitespace i long for. Thanks, I look forward to reading your book!
Thank you for the post. Someone was just sharing about stopping for rest and here it is again. Nothing I thought I needed but maybe God is talking to me?
So need to read this book…just surviving.
Wow….I really need this book. This blog describes exactly how I feel….lost, going thru the motions of life, just surviving but with no real joy. I can’t wait to read this book.
This book sounds likea great read that anyone can relate to! I have been making an effort to sit down and read my bible and devotions every morning, even if the kids are awake. It’s important to me that they see how much of a priority it is to me, to have that time before I start each day and the chaos begins!
I would definitely rest better and have less stress if I wouldn’t over-think things. I would have more time to strengthen my relationship with God. Thanks for the giveaway, would love to win this book!!!
Rest… Yes and please Lord! No special place needed.
At the end of the day, often the house is quiet and I have some time to myself. This time is open for prayer, reading, catching up on email, etc…but it could be my white space if I let it be! 🙂
I struggle with this, and even though I have always carved out time for me, I have recently allowed the pressures of life, work, family, to override my need for space, or what I call, downtime. For me, this is usually time to create something. Creativity feeds my soul! I can pray for others, listen to worship music, or just be silent. Yesterday, took this time and enjoyed the day in my sewing room. Restful, expressing my innermost self with my hands.
Thank you for a nice giveaway!
So here in my life. I am blessed to taking the courage given by Him to leave a successful carreer and begin with a blank page everyday, working to the margin, not from the margin. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Wanting to make a note of every blessing every day, his gifts. Cannot wait to read the book.
Wow! This speaks to my heart! I need to take the time to spend with Jesus each day, not doing that right now. I know when I spend that special time, my day goes smoothly and I seem to have more time.
Finding who I am in Christ is my mission the next few months. My husband and I are both hurting people. We are doing a “reset” of ourselves then together to allow God to work in us and restore our marriage. He moved out today and we will start counseling in a week. We have tried unsuccessfully to heal while living together so this was suggested by his counselor. I guess it could be called marital white space.
So we are both seeking healing and desire to be restored. Praying for God’s will in all things. May His Word fill my soul as He walks beside me during this time.
I am going to restart my Vitamin D supplements so that I will not be so tired and then I will be able to getup early in the morning so I can start journaling in my quiet time.
Time in the morning? Ridding myself of “shoulds”.
I would love to have this for my amazing daughter-in-law. She is such a strong woman and has just started her walk with Christ. She has had a very tough life growing up and we are truly blessed that God brought her into our lives. My son, who claims to be an atheist, brought her to meet us 3 years ago and the were married 6 months later. They have tried for 2 years to get pregnant and then in February they received the wonderful news that she was pregnant. Pregnancy was going amazing. Baby’s heartbeat was very strong and she was moving and jumping all over the place. At 4 months (18 weeks 6 days) Sophia Angel Grace was born into our lives. Unfortunately with being so early, she did not survive. My fear was by losing their baby it would cause them both to pull further away from God. But our God is amazing. Daniella has turned to God in every way! She has been a leader of encouragement and faith. Sharing her belief with my son and encouraging him to turn to God for strength during the weeks since Angel Grace was born. This Sunday, July 5th, Dani will be baptized and I know she will continue with her search and love for Christ.
I just read a story where the U.S. is in danger of losing it’s “AAA” credit rating as well. So if, eventually everyone loses their credit rating who has the advantage? Gold makes sense to me, because it’s not involved in the currency race to 0. (I’m not sure who’s in the lead for the race to the bottom of the toilet; but I would think with the U.S. &#l;u02stimu82s” packages, bailing out everything and everyone in sight, that they would ultimately be the winners/losers.)
I’m going to mountain hotel by myself Aug 4th
i am spending time on my deck in the early morning with my bible and journal. We have had a year full of change, disappointment and loss. I want a reboot, a fresh start – to really recover the joy of my first love with Jesus.
As a mother of 3 plus all those under my wings in our family ministry at church I help oversee I feel like I’m forever being pulled, pushed, listening, heart breaking for my students or plain busy with life!! Love reading this excerpt & looking forward to the rest of the book! Now how to find that space
I want to make sure that I don’t put too much pressure on myself in regards to my to-do list. It’s ok if I don’t get everything done on that list and it is also ok to relax!!
My 22 year old daughter just told yesterday she was trying to find a bible study she and I could do, separately but the same study. She is an ER RN working 12 hour shifts and I am a full time Secretary. I had just recently t told her we both need to make more time to spend resting with God. Although this is not a bible study it sounds like something I could use. I am trying to find more time every evening just to sit outside and listen to the birds, resting. Would love a copy of your book.
i want what you described. I.Am.Tired. I’m not sure how to make that white space happen. I’m praying.
This sounds like a perfect on time book, the Lord always directs me to the book in the season I’m in right now… I find myself struggling more to find this place of resting in Him. With a full house of guys, (two teenagers and a husband and a dog that demands a lot of attention.. Kinda like a baby.) I need the rest that He can only give… Spiritual rest!
With college and post college sons home this Summer, working long hours and opposite schedules and sharing cars, life feels a bit chaotic. My morning time with the Lord makes all the difference with how my day goes and my perspective on it!
Rest…peace…We all need this, and I am eager to read this book!