Welcome Confident Heart Online Study and Encouragement for Today friends!! If you’re new here, welcome!
On Sunday, I started an online study of my book, A Confident Heart and I’d love to have you join us! (Click here for more details).
One of the first things I learned, when it came to overcoming self-doubts and living in the security of God’s promises , is that we have to recognize and listen to God’s voice. It’s also the topic of my P31 devotion today. Here’s a little more about where my “listening to God” story came to a turning point. At the end I share “How to Discern God’s Voice” and a give-away.
I sat on looking out the window, wondering what the future held. My excitement, mixed with the fear of getting over-committed, ignited a rapid firing of thoughts: What would I say yes or no to? What was God calling me to do? How would I figure out His plans and purpose for my schedule?
Wondering and worrying wasn’t getting me anywhere, so I wrote questions in a notebook: “Lord, what should I say yes to? Where do You want me to spend my time? Will You please show me Your plans for me this coming year?”
I wanted a sneak peek into God’s calendar so I could adjust mine. Instead, I sensed Him telling me not to worry about tomorrow but to live each day in the hear and now. {And He even spelled it that way.}
I did okay when it came to obeying God in the obvious things. It was selfless acts of obedience that challenged me most. But that day, I made a commitment to live in the “hear” and now.
A few weeks after, I noticed my husband’s side of the closet was a mess. Immediately I thought about how J.J. enjoys “order” although it’s not his natural inclination. Then I sensed God whispering, “One way you could really love J.J. would be to organize his side of the closet.”
I wish I could say I obeyed. Instead, I argued: “He’s a grown man; he can organize his own side of the closet. I have two kids, two dogs and myself to keep up with. Have you seen our garage and attic, Lord?”
“Did you hear Me? Are you going to obey Me now?” God’s Spirit nudged.
How did I know it was God? you might ask. Well, I knew it wasn’t my idea.
Just that week I’d read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, and recognized myself in the third servant. He hadn’t been entrusted with much so he buried his talent in the ground. I always assumed since he wasn’t faithful with it because he thought his Master wouldn’t notice.
Sometimes I saw my role as a wife, mom and friend as “average” one-talent kind of assignments. Plenty of people have the same responsibilities, I thought. Without realizing it, I let myself slip into being selfish and impatient here and there. But God wanted my willingness in every area of my life – hear and now – acting on His promptings throughout my day.
Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV) And the more we listen to and obey God, the more familiar His voice becomes.
Obedience means exchanging our will for His.
So, why does God wants moment-by-moment, day-by-day obedience? Because He loves us and wants us to trust Him.
God is so patient as we learn to trust Him. And we discover over time that it’s in our relationship with Him, we find the purpose, direction and meaning we’re looking for. When we live in the “hear and now” our calling and our calendar begin to reflect our love for Him, and His love for us — not our need for fulfillment or the desire for others’ approval and acceptance.
Dear Jesus, am I living and listening the way You want me to? Sometimes I fall into the trap of waiting for a better tomorrow or an easier assignment so that I can be faithful. Help me trust You. I want to but sometimes I’m afraid. Give me courage to listen and follow You with all my heart! Amen
PS. I reorganized JJ’s side of the closet ,and I’m almost sure I heard God chuckle and felt the warmth of His smile. May He smile on you today as you commit to live in the hear and now – acting on what you hear and living it out now.
Discerning God’s Voice
Here are a few questions we can ask. When I sense God speaking, whether it be through scripture, an impression on my heart, circumstances or through His spirit in me, I always look for Biblical consistency:
- Is it consistent with God’s Word and God’s ways?
- Is it consistent with wise Biblical counsel I’ve sought?
- Is it consistent with God’s leading through doors He’s opened and closed?
- Is there a consistent theme I’m seeing in my life or hearing during my personal Bible study time, through sermons, Christian songs, conversations, etc?
Recognizing God’s ways and God’s will comes as we spend more and more time in His word. All of us have different things that draw us closer to Jesus, and here is one practical thing that helps me: watching the Gospel of John movie on DVD. It makes Jesus, His words, the people and the stories He lived in come to life in a powerful way. After watching it, when I read my Bible I can see Him and hear Him. Which makes me want to spend more and more time with Him, which helps me know Him and recognize His voice more clearly.
So, what is one thing you could do to become more familiar with God’s voice?
Let me know by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and you’ll be entered to win my “Listening to God” gift pack which includes a copy of the Gospel of John movie on DVD, my book A Confident Heart and my message on CD, Rest Assured: How to Rest, Be Renewed & Remain in God’s Promises and Plans .
Also, if you want to join my online study, please click here for more details. I just found a deal this week for those who can’t afford the book and shipping. Amazon has the Ebook for $8.99 and they offer FREE Kindle for your PC software! So, you only have to pay $8.99 and the book downloads onto your computer! Email [email protected] if you want more details about that deal!
(If you are reading this post in an email, click here to return to my website to enter your comment into the drawing.)
Being “present” when in His word.
Allowing the spirit to speak to my heart.
Thank you for the encouragement.
what works for me is getting in his presence first thing in the morning, my prayer closet is the best results.n
No t.v on and no radio turn off the telephone as well pure Peace………Have A Blessed Day ……SHALOM SHALOM…….
thank you norma for sharing!! this is something that god want me to do is get in to his presence!
Good Morning I’m so glad to have so many of you feeling the same way I do about listening for God’s voice. I believe he hears me but wants me to be still a wait on him. I have patience but so many things are happening in y life right now i don’t no which way to turn. I see that Renee says that book can be purchased for 8.99 at this moment I don’t have that would love to have the book to continue reading and understanding God’s purpose for my life, I just need so help. I really enjoy all of the stories and blessing you offer they lift me up and gives me hope and courage. Glory be the God.
I’ve started listening to God’s Word read to me on biblegateway.com. Not only am I learning how to pronounce all those OT names and places, I really getting a whole new perspective of Him and His Word by listening to it being read. I read along and plan to start taking some notes on what God is saying to me and what I have questions about for further study.
Thank you Rene for offering this study, I am especially thankful for the pace and daily emails of encouragement. God bless you today!
One thing I could do is to read the Bible to get to know Him, having myself quiet before Him, expecting and believing Him to speak to me in His timing. Many times fail doing so because I am afraid if I never understand and know Him speaking to me… Big fear and doubt is blocking. So, I need to remind myself not to listen to those lies but to focus on the God’s words. and never give up!
My hearts’ desire is to a “woman who listens to God. But, sometimes I’m not sure if it’s God talking or just me thinking”. Soooo many times in my life I thought God was talking but it was just me thinking and I acted on my thoughts and really messed up alot and hurt alot of people in my life because of my decisions. Then I became extremely fearful of making any decisions!!! For the last 20 years I have been living in this fear and paralyzed to have hope or make any decsions because I doubted myself, not trusting God.BUT, praise God , He never gave up on me…He has brought me to a place of hope and trust. I trust you Jesus is my mantra!!
I’ve never really shared my story. I would like to share what happened the night before last. My 18 year old daughter came home stoned or so I thought. She said she wasn’t, but I know what I saw. Also, yesterday my husband found some alcohol in her car. As you might imagine, satan was doing his no goods. Because of this I “know” that I am walking closer to GOD than ever before. I do not like what she is doing. She told me last evening that she didn’t want to talk to me and she had nothing to say to me. HA! Her reason? I always have a GOD verse to tell her. AMEN!!! I am going to continue to pray for her. She said stop send her text bible verses. THANK YOU JESUS! I am going to send the verses. I am thankful to God for bringing her home safely. I have had some much happen to me before I saved 8 years ago. I live in a small town and in this town they have groups. I have been here since 1983. I am still an outsider. It is family groups in the churches and of course “experience” counts as well. For some reason people think that they can ride on the skirt tails of the parents and grandparents. GOD is in control, not peopel. In saying this, it is very hard to tell people here what is going on at home. I am learning to talk to GOD, he won’t spread it at the local school and city offices. It was hard to find a mentor here. I recently found one that I trust and she gives me so much support and helps me with my daily walk. So today I want to share what God has laid on my heart and what I have learned from Renee’s book. I was able to implement yesterday. I stayed in the light! woo hoo. He told me to read Jer. 29: 11-14. I listen to KLove. I kept humming This is the Air I Breathe. I admit I was running on 3 hours of sleep. God is good. I am on my way to this Confident Heart. God Bless y’all.
I have to be careful when listening for God to speak to me, sometmes I confuse my own ideas with His. I like the questions, especially “Is it consistent with God’s leading through doors He’s opened and closed.” I am guilty of opening doors myself out of impatience. I plan/desire to seek God more diligently and really listen and not step out without His guidance.
Im learning everyday that its not about me but about God and my obedience to him. Im nite to worry about what everybody is doing. Im learning to give my best to Him regardless how my day is going and the frustration i my feel at times to my children n husband. i need to please the Lord more and love more w patience and gentleness.
I am so very thankful to be a part of this study. I’ve been a christian for many years, but I still struggle with some selfish choices I’ve made in my life. I know that I am forgiven, however I struggle with trusting God. Therefore, I try to rely on my own self confidence which is fragile. What a relief to know that my confidence is not in me, but in God.
One thing God has really been revealing to me lately is to spend time with Him quiet, just listening. I have my quiet time every day but God has been getting me up earlier so that it can be longer. In recent days, in addition to praying and reading my Bible, I have spent fifteen minutes each time just trying to quiet myself and think on Him. I hear God in other ways throughout the day and, so far, my fifteen minute Times of Quiet haven’t yielded anything that I can tell. But I know God wants me to do this and He is going to honor that I am trying to improve in this area. God bless you, Renee, and everyone! So grateful for your book and this study!!
I have been a Christian since I was four years old, but grew up in a very judgmental and hypocritical church. After high school, I did not go to church for 18 years, then went back when my children were little. Since then, I have been struggling with how to draw closer to God, and how to learn to really pray outside of my shallow, rote style prayers. I struggle with really feeling that God considers me special or worthy to be with Him. I have read part of the book already, and worked through the questions, because I got it before I knew about the study, but am finding it helpful as I work toward finding true closeness with God. I look forward to truly feeling close to Him and learning to discern His voice and will in my life!
Kathy, I have your same story. I am trying to find my voice with Christ, and to pray with my own heart. Worthiness has always been an issue for me, too. I’m glad you are here and, We will learn together.
Praying for you and your daughter!
I think that if I would spend time during my quiet time actually listening and not just doing all the talking and reading, then I would hear His voice more clearly.
I find God speaks to me most through Bible verses deep in my memory from over the years. At a time of need I will at times “hear” a relevent verse I hadn’t thought about for a long time, and I just know the Lord is speaking to me into my present situation.
The same thing happens with me. Although, I am always seconding guessing myself and ask, “Lord, is that really You speaking to me?”.
I could possible just lay still a couple of minutes before my feet hit the floor and say good morning Holy Spirit I need you to bring on the confort, as I will be doing my Father’s will today and not my will but His will, bring only the task that will give God the Glory. Amen and Amen!
Great idea!
How can i hear Gods voice? this has always been my number one question. As i meditated more on he’s word i sense him more. I feel he is telling me , he needs sometime alone with me , in the morning! early morning lol befored kids are up and life starts rolling for the day. Second this question brings my child like cartoon picture to mine, good angel vs. bad angel lol good action God bad action umm not God. Also thanks for sharing about your husband closet that was confirmation for me. I have been hearing lately in my spirit these words “ministry starts at home” as i asked the lord what do i need to do for ministry Woa’ he does have a sense a humor!lol .
So i will put into action waking up early befored my kids get going, to spend time alone with God. i will minister in my home with my actions as the Lord guides me! please please pray for me!!!
It amazes me that for someone with so much fear of rejection who wants i can be so stuborn and selfish, prideful at times? Refining process right?
God bless u all
p.s. thank u again for this study and honesty
Thank you for this post. The “ministry starts at home” comment really hit home for me. It is too easy sometimes to be kind and patient to those around you for fifteen minutes or an hour. (ie at church, work, and in other public places) It is much more difficult to maintain patience and kindness and MERCY/GRACE for those we do life with all day every day.
I’m a little behind in the study, but I’m looking forward to this adventure with God and all of you.
Wow! Thank you so much for those words. Believe it or not, I needed to hear someone else say that today. I was journaling this morning and this was the very focus of my writing. It is amazing how God works because I was writing and then my kids woke up. I wasn’t finished yet but I came downstairs to get their breakfast and opened this devotion. You picked up exactly where I left off and continued for me. It was like looking in a mirror at myself and my own issues. The bible study I am in now has really caused me to take another, harder look at myself and how well I listen. You and I have a great deal in common and I thank you for sharing your story and, even more, I thank God for telling me to open this devotion. I am glad I listened. Thank you again.
Yours in Christ–
One thing that I could do to become more familiar with God’s voice is to speak less and listen more. Lately, I’ve been struggling with finding my purpose in life. I tend to ask a lot of questions and one friend told me that I say “I” a lot and that I should trying saying God instead. When my friend is trying to explain something in the Bible to me, I often say, but “I this…” and “I that…” She told me to keep praying and really listening to what God wants and not what I want. What I like about this study group so far is that I am keeping up with it every day, and that helps me to talk to God daily. You see, I said TALK, not LISTEN. I’m having a hard time having faith and turning everything over to God. I’m hoping this Book will help me feel confident enough to put all my trust in God.
The one thing I am doing is meditating on His word and then spending alone time with God and tuning everything else out. This bible study is just what I need at this time in my life. Thanks for the opportunity and for all you do.
I know that when I am close to the Lord, regularly in His Word, I feel closer to Him. I also feel like my eyes are opened and my ears attentive to subtle nudgings from Him…like a verse I come upon in my reading, words in a song, a book I am reading, a conversation with a friend…they all seem to take on an intertwined feeling…like God is using all of them to make sure I don’t miss His point! But He is a gentleman…he doesn’t cram it down my throat…it just envelops me…knowing He’s there always and that he can turm even the most meaningless moment or situation into an areana for His glory and splendor.
I absolutely love the prayer from the Proverbs 31 devotion today.
Dear Lord, I want to become a woman who listens to You. I come to You today with a seeking heart, asking not only for direction but for discernment, humility and dependence on You — each step of the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
I am divorced now, but when I was married I kept a prayer journal & I would pray that I would be a good wife, one that would make my husband happy. It wasn’t until I was divorced and I read back on some of those journals that I realized I was praying the wrong words. I should have been praying to be the wife God wanted me to be. Sometimes it isn’t about what we want but rather what we need. Only God knows what each of us needs and He is good about providing it for us. He provided some things I needed that were quite painful and horrible to deal with but it was definitely a testimony to all things work together for the good of those who love Him.
I am thankful to have been led to this bible study and excited to live more confidently in Christ.
I am so grateful to be apart of this study and group of Sisters in Christ. Its wonderful to know that im not alone, hearing the voice of God and knowing that its His voice and not my own. I also grew up in churchs were people always have a word for you so that kept me confused. Thank you for this message to my soul today and thank you ladies for sharing your journey!
I hear the voice of God best when I am in the Word and prayer through out the day. Not just starting my day off but having a God awareness all day. Refocusing my thoughts on Him when I get distracted by the world. Also when I feel His leading, not shrinking back but stepping out of my comfort zone in whatever He is asking of me. And being available to encourage others when the opportunity arises. These are times when I feel the closest to Him and feel His presence and strength work through me. I just need to work this into a daily habit. I have experienced all this and I get frustrated with myself that I still shrink back into my shell of fear and doubt. Thank you for this study that is helping me to get out of my shadow of doubt and put my trust in Jesus, knowing full well that He is more than capable of helping all of us move past our fears and walls that we have built up.
I know that one way I can become more familiar with God’s voice is to journal about our time together in His Word and prayer. That way I can more easily see consistencies between His thoughts and what I’m hearing. Plus, it will help keep me faithful in meeting Him daily as I look forward to what He is going to tell me each day!
First, I want to start by saying that I am absolutely excited for what I will have learned through this study! God is really equipping me at this time in my walk….with the current teaching at church on praying, and not only praying but BOLDLY praying, and then this part in our study on hearing God’s voice.
One thing that I have really learned to rely on when listening for God is His peace. I usually get an overwhelming sense of peace from Him when I have been praying about an issue or seeking guidance or wisdom in areas of my life that I am such a need for Him to lead, and when He speaks to me on what I am to do or what steps to take, He also adds a peace to His words.
But, to answer the question on what is one thing that I could do to become more familiar with God’s voice, it would be to spend more time in His word. I know how important it is to spend time in His word, and I need to make it more of my daily schedule.
I agree with you, Kimberly! I, too, want to know God’s plan and then go ahead on my own to do it. I struggle so often with doubting myself or what I feel I “heard”. I need to take each day one at a time and seek to live “hear and now” and seek his voice each step of the way. Thank you, Renee, for all of your great insights!
It is amazing to me right this moment that you mentioned watching the movie The Gospel of John. I have had that movie sitting here on my desk for a 1 1/2 years and never put it in to watch it. I had forgotten about it until I read today’s message. I know it’s no coincidence that the first Bible study I ever did was on the book of John. I can hear God’s voice in this. Thanks for this very practical suggestion. Thank you for taking time to write to all of us.
What Brought me closer to God was when I had to go to the Hospital for a stomach ache, they did an exam and did some testing, I was told that they found something in my Uterus which could have been cancer. I started praying more and started getting closer to God, I started putting all my faith in God. The Dr.s told me I had to get a biopsy done, at this point I wasnt fearful but I continued to pray. When I went for the biopsy I had my sisters there praying over me, as I laid on the bed I wasnt scared, I could feel Gods presences there with me. I placed everything in Gods hands. About a week later I went back in for the test results, everything was negative and I remember the Dr. telling me it wasnt cancer. I had put all my trust in God, I felt a sense of relief. I am so greatful to know God, he is my father, I praise him everyday and give thanks.
I’m afraid that I’ve said no to much lately out of weakness and can’t hear Him much anymore. I trying to get it back – the recognizing of His voice. You challenged us with what are we going to cut back on or give up for this study. I’ve committed to getting up at 7 (which isn’t working) and no TV online – that one I’ve kept. I just want to hear Him speak to me. Thank you Renee for leading and for your time.
I just know!! He is always speaking!! Mostly I catch it because of like Renee said:: repetitive themes throughout. The things I read and here from Pastor Brian, And just things I run across: it sticks out!! I can’t help but to just “know” it is from Dad 🙂
I need to do less talking. I have the tendency to talk and talk and I need to ask God my questions and then actually take the time to listen.
Love your devotion AND what you have here at your site today. “Hear and now.” That is so good. I am SO guilty of wanting Him to let me know the main plan and then I try to get there on my own. Not asking for His direction ALL along the way. Not taking it day by day. Step by step. But right now I am in the midst of a season where it HAS to be day by day. Step by step. I have NO idea how get to where I think He is leading me. 🙂 And I guess that’s a really good thing. I need to realize that when I think I know the way and stop asking Him questions and waiting for His voice, that is actually a dangerous place to be.
Love you bunches.
K 🙂
To help me hear God’s voice, I need to be in a quiet space. While I know he talks to me throughout the day, I seem to listen the best when I am without distractions.
Discerning God’s voice has been on of my biggest struggles. I was excited to see questions that I can ask myself to help me see if what I’m hearing or feeling is God speaking to me or if it’s my own voice. I have to adnit that I felt guilty at first because I dont feel that I have any authority to “question” if God is truly talking to me and I wonder if I’m just not walking in faith. But after reflecting on the topic and praying, I don’t feel as bad or as guilty about going through a series of questions. I want to deicern God’s voice and I NEED to hear his voice at times. Some situation are too important not to make certain it is God’s voice and not mine.
Stay in His Word and be quiet… not always be thinking of what I’m going to do next, but pause to let Him lead me. Thanks, Renee!
This is a struggle of mine right now. I constantly pray for God’s guidance & for Him to take the lead, but I don’t think I ever actually sit still to listen. I jump too fast at things & I just need to live in the “hear and now”. I believe God is speaking to me right now through you! Thank you!
For me hearing God speak to me takes silence around me and in my mind. My mind is always running around and saying there are more things you should be doing than sitting here trying and waiting to hear God’s voice.
My best time of talking to God and waiting for him is: in the carpool line….I know people think I am crazy cause I will talk like someone is in the car next to me not to mention I sing His praise !!!
Be Blessed
Yes! I want to recognize when and how God is speaking to me. I want to depend on Him each day. I do meditate on His word. I want to deepen my faith and I desire to be used greatly in His kingdom. Writing draws me closer to Him.
Thank you and I do want to complete the Confidant Woman Bible study!! Please enter my name to win the Listening to God packet. Thank you.
A way for me to be able to hear God’s voice is just being still sometimes. Other times it takes me getting active and taking a walk in God’s creation to settle my heart and mind. This is besides having my time with Him every morning!
A way for me to hear from the Lord is to sit and read His Word and meditate upon it. Also singing draws me closer to the Lord as well.
I felt clearly the Lord pursuing me through this Bible study. See, I lost my dad last year and through the grieving process, I think I lost a lot of will to read/study His word. As a true daddy’s girl, it was just all I could do to function like normal after that loss. A result of this has left me complacent and somehow not very confident in myself, just when I need Him the most. So I felt the tug of the Spirit moving me into some sort of bible study. I then “happened” to come across the Proverbs31 website where I found the link to this study.
I will say, one thing I have learned in this situation is to be open and honest in my prayer life with God. I can truly come to Him at all times in various moods, for any need. I believe my prayer life was very formal or something before. I think the one thing I could do to become more familiar with God’s voice is to stay in constant communication with Him. I think also stopping to listen, instead of me, me, me. I am learning patience, to wait on His move/word.
I am truly excited about learning in this Confident Bible Study, for the first time in quite awhile.
A sure way for me to hear from God is to sit down with paper and pencil in hand. Then He and I have a conversation. Actually, He is speaking ALL the time. I just have to be sensitive to listen and follow with obedience.
mixing faith with the hearing
I am consistently distracted–by demands, by worries, by technology, shiny objects (not really!) But seriously, it seems that when I try to pray or commit my thoughts to the Lord fears or worries or to-do lists creep in. I am convinced that Satan is present in these distractions. While I realize that God wants us to be faithful in our time with Him, I feel like He is also showing me that we all “do” our faith differently. For instance, I am much more likely to be disciplined in reading a scripture-based book like A Confident Heart than I am in trying to read the Bible in One Year (that was last year’s project. I still have two year’s worth of reading to do!) Similarly, prayer–I gravitate toward writing, and am a much faster typer than hand-writer. So God has really impressed upon me the need to write my prayers. Since I have started doing that regularly my relationship with God has been stronger and more consistent, I have been more likely to pray the more “traditional” way, and I feel like He is much more present in some battles I have been having. So I am thankful that He has given each of us our own ways of connecting with Him, of listening to and hearing his voice, and also that we have this platform for sharing. Your stories and observations have been a true encouragement this evening!
Sometimes it’s through God’s Word that He speaks and sometimes it’s just before getting out of bed that an idea or thought comes to mind and it is so clear and perfec,t it can only be from God. Then there’s those times of silence and waiting and wondering, He trusts me in those times and I need to trust Him and His timing. Just waiting to see the unfolding of His plan can through me right off, doubt and concern tumble in like a tidal wave, then the PDF gets thrown once again.
Renee, this is my second time through your study, I did the one with Melissa. I felt so empowered the first time through and acted on what I thought was God talking to me and it didn’t work out and I am left wondering if I really heard God or myself. There were two things, one was re-uniting with my husband and the other was a job offer that I really felt came from God but I didn’t take it. I felt as though I let God down by not accepting a position that He brought to me. And with my ex husband, I felt that although God was leading me, my heart was not in it and the reconciliation did not happen. I am so confused right now. I love your book, and carry it with me all the time, re reading each chapter and trying to grasp the confidence again. I am on my knees constantly. Thank you for the blog and the chance to vent.
I need to learn to still my self and am doing so with the help of this reading each day.
I am enjoying your daily posts, they keep me motivated.
I need to spend more time in the Word and more time in prayer. Thanks for reminding us how important it is to listen to God’s voice.
The question that has stuck out at me is from the first day of the study…What do I need to let go of to give You more? I need to designate time after my young 3 kids go to bed to spend time with him and let go of the TV! Use my tv time to be with Him and listen for His voice. Use this time to pray and study, to be still before Him.