Welcome Confident Heart Online Study and Encouragement for Today friends!! If you’re new here, welcome!
On Sunday, I started an online study of my book, A Confident Heart and I’d love to have you join us! (Click here for more details).
One of the first things I learned, when it came to overcoming self-doubts and living in the security of God’s promises , is that we have to recognize and listen to God’s voice. It’s also the topic of my P31 devotion today. Here’s a little more about where my “listening to God” story came to a turning point. At the end I share “How to Discern God’s Voice” and a give-away.
I sat on looking out the window, wondering what the future held. My excitement, mixed with the fear of getting over-committed, ignited a rapid firing of thoughts: What would I say yes or no to? What was God calling me to do? How would I figure out His plans and purpose for my schedule?
Wondering and worrying wasn’t getting me anywhere, so I wrote questions in a notebook: “Lord, what should I say yes to? Where do You want me to spend my time? Will You please show me Your plans for me this coming year?”
I wanted a sneak peek into God’s calendar so I could adjust mine. Instead, I sensed Him telling me not to worry about tomorrow but to live each day in the hear and now. {And He even spelled it that way.}
I did okay when it came to obeying God in the obvious things. It was selfless acts of obedience that challenged me most. But that day, I made a commitment to live in the “hear” and now.
A few weeks after, I noticed my husband’s side of the closet was a mess. Immediately I thought about how J.J. enjoys “order” although it’s not his natural inclination. Then I sensed God whispering, “One way you could really love J.J. would be to organize his side of the closet.”
I wish I could say I obeyed. Instead, I argued: “He’s a grown man; he can organize his own side of the closet. I have two kids, two dogs and myself to keep up with. Have you seen our garage and attic, Lord?”
“Did you hear Me? Are you going to obey Me now?” God’s Spirit nudged.
How did I know it was God? you might ask. Well, I knew it wasn’t my idea.
Just that week I’d read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, and recognized myself in the third servant. He hadn’t been entrusted with much so he buried his talent in the ground. I always assumed since he wasn’t faithful with it because he thought his Master wouldn’t notice.
Sometimes I saw my role as a wife, mom and friend as “average” one-talent kind of assignments. Plenty of people have the same responsibilities, I thought. Without realizing it, I let myself slip into being selfish and impatient here and there. But God wanted my willingness in every area of my life – hear and now – acting on His promptings throughout my day.
Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV) And the more we listen to and obey God, the more familiar His voice becomes.
Obedience means exchanging our will for His.
So, why does God wants moment-by-moment, day-by-day obedience? Because He loves us and wants us to trust Him.
God is so patient as we learn to trust Him. And we discover over time that it’s in our relationship with Him, we find the purpose, direction and meaning we’re looking for. When we live in the “hear and now” our calling and our calendar begin to reflect our love for Him, and His love for us — not our need for fulfillment or the desire for others’ approval and acceptance.
Dear Jesus, am I living and listening the way You want me to? Sometimes I fall into the trap of waiting for a better tomorrow or an easier assignment so that I can be faithful. Help me trust You. I want to but sometimes I’m afraid. Give me courage to listen and follow You with all my heart! Amen
PS. I reorganized JJ’s side of the closet ,and I’m almost sure I heard God chuckle and felt the warmth of His smile. May He smile on you today as you commit to live in the hear and now – acting on what you hear and living it out now.
Discerning God’s Voice
Here are a few questions we can ask. When I sense God speaking, whether it be through scripture, an impression on my heart, circumstances or through His spirit in me, I always look for Biblical consistency:
- Is it consistent with God’s Word and God’s ways?
- Is it consistent with wise Biblical counsel I’ve sought?
- Is it consistent with God’s leading through doors He’s opened and closed?
- Is there a consistent theme I’m seeing in my life or hearing during my personal Bible study time, through sermons, Christian songs, conversations, etc?
Recognizing God’s ways and God’s will comes as we spend more and more time in His word. All of us have different things that draw us closer to Jesus, and here is one practical thing that helps me: watching the Gospel of John movie on DVD. It makes Jesus, His words, the people and the stories He lived in come to life in a powerful way. After watching it, when I read my Bible I can see Him and hear Him. Which makes me want to spend more and more time with Him, which helps me know Him and recognize His voice more clearly.
So, what is one thing you could do to become more familiar with God’s voice?
Let me know by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and you’ll be entered to win my “Listening to God” gift pack which includes a copy of the Gospel of John movie on DVD, my book A Confident Heart and my message on CD, Rest Assured: How to Rest, Be Renewed & Remain in God’s Promises and Plans .
Also, if you want to join my online study, please click here for more details. I just found a deal this week for those who can’t afford the book and shipping. Amazon has the Ebook for $8.99 and they offer FREE Kindle for your PC software! So, you only have to pay $8.99 and the book downloads onto your computer! Email [email protected] if you want more details about that deal!
(If you are reading this post in an email, click here to return to my website to enter your comment into the drawing.)
For me it’s not that I need to become familiar with God’s voice. It’s that I need to actually listen to him and take action (even though it may be hard to do so).
Keep my committment to daily time with God–reading His word, praying and being still and listening.
Thank you so much for your devo’s. I struggle with hearing God’s voice–is it His voice or my voice? I agree that knowing someone is one of the keys. I am trying very hard to be in the word more, to get to know Him.
God Bless You
To become more familiar with God’s voice I need to be aware of the “hear” and now moment(s). Then follow by obeying Him.
The thing I do to listen for God is, during my prayer time after I’ve read my devotional and my Bible and jouraled my prayer, I have a listened to God time. It’s not easy to keep my mind from wondering so I pose a question to listen for the answer to. Usually it’s “what can i do in your service today” or “What do I need to hear today” If I’m having trouble focusing on hearing the answer I say Praise the Lord” over and over in my mind. During this time the Lord will bring things to mind for me to do or think about.. Sometimes it’s an encouraging email I need to send to a friend or family member, or a commitment I need to not forget to fulfill, or something I’m trying to decide wheather or not do. Sometimes I can sense the Holy Sprit within. Sometimes I seem unable to connect, especially if I’ve been very rebelious with my commitments. Sometimes i’ve overslept and my mornig quiet time has been lost. I wish i could remain close and not rebelious all the time.
I think if I stop and be still in his presence that will help me hear him a lot better. Lord, help me to be able to be still in your presence and listen for your voice.
PAUSE~When we want to hear or listen to someone fully, we pause to listen~Why don’t I do that with God?!
One way I have found that I hear the Lord’s voice is when I am journaling my prayers to Him. When I journal prayers I feel like it helps me to stay more focused on Him and helps me to get my thoughts out. After journaling some of my favorite moments with the Lord are when I sit and am quiet before the Lord. Just spending time quality time with my Savior have been the times when I hear Him the most and the most precious and intimate times with Him.
I agree, I think that journaling my prayers to the Lord is very helpful. Thanks for the reminder that it is always good to just sit before the Lord and be quiet before Him 🙂 God bless you, Christy H.
One thing I could do more of in order to hear God’s voice more clearly is to spend more time on mu knees, talking with him and sharing my concerns and praises.
I’m not one to make comments very often, but this time, it feels necessary. Thank you so much, Renee, this is exactly what I needed to hear today. Reading the comments of other women, it’s encouraging to know that I am not alone. I struggle with anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, purpose… you name it. I have a lot of life-altering changes that may or may not be coming up in my life, depending on God’s plan for me. I’m struggling with patience to understand God’s timing. So, I woke up this morning after not sleeping well last night and knew that something had to change this morning. I felt that I needed to spend time with God because how I am supposed to know what he has planned for me if I don’t spend enough time with Him? Then I read my Daily Encouragement email and wow, it really spoke to me. I also had signed up for the Confident Heart online bible study, so it fits in more ways than one. Hearing God’s voice has always been a struggle for me. The questions that I can use for discerning God’s voice is very helpful. I am going to try to make it a point to do a devotion and journal as many days of the week as I can. I need to get through this difficult point in my life with God right where I need Him – in my heart and by my side.
I need to be still and hear God’s voice and be patient with my plans.
The biggest thing I need to focus on is what seems to be the simplest…”be still and know that I am God” With 4 kids (2 teens, 1 tween, and 1 preschooler) I tend to get so caught up in doing that I forget to take some time to just be with God. I need to start putting it on my schedule rather than trying to fit it into my schedule!
One thing I can do is provide more time for just listening.
Wow! I am doing Discerning the Voice of God study right now too and it gives exactly the same message. I think my circumstances are confirming I need to listen to God’s voice! I have to say over the last couple of years I have tried so hard to be still and hear him. And the more I obey, the more I hear him. And the more I want to hear him! It is amazing that the God of the universe takes time to lead each of us personally. I can’t even begin to understand it all, but I am so grateful.
One thing I can do is to start journaling to God again. I did it years ago and it made me feel closer to Him. I have let life get in the way and keep me from spending much quiet time with God, my bible, and a journal. It’s easy to say and doesn’t seem so easy to do, but I need to get back to it.
Thanks for your message today Renee, I really needed it!!
This is something that I have been meditating on lately. Sometimes it is hard to discern between your own voice the enemies voice and God’s voice but if we are children of God His voice is our voice because He is in us and we are in Him. Just as all negative thoughts come from the enemy all positive thoughts come from God. We make things harder than they have to be sometimes instead of just letting go and letting God. We must renew our minds through reading His Word and doing his work so that we can have confidence that our voice is his voice and that His desires are our desires. Having confidence in God and who you are in God makes a big difference.
Thank you,
Jalisa Ray
COO Innov8ion Ent.
DMV Area
Intenionally petition the Lord to hear His voice and be given the wisdom to know
When it is truly God speaking. Dive into the word and pray scripture back
to the Father. Talk to the Lord as you do your friends or family…
Do this consistently then you will know His voice.
It never fails, when I REALLY listen to His voice, and follow His lead, He always fills me with His peace, so that I would know which direction I should take.
I just love your “Hear and Now” – so profound. I am always looking it seems for the “Big” obedience in my life – like breaking a bad habit, watch what I eat – but you make me see obedience can be found in the little acts throught out each day – to our loved ones and always to our enemies! The obeying part has always been so hard for me – maybe as “if I obey in the little things, I will obey in the bigger struggles and challenges of life”. Thanks so much for your insights!
One thing I could do to become more familiar with God’s voice is to slow down and actually listen to what He is actually speaking into my heart. I tend to want to hear HIs voice right away. I want an immediate answer or vision about my next steps, future, etc. However, in doing that, I side step the intimacy and courtship of establishing a relationship with God. Thankfully and prayerfully, I have begun to invest more one-on-one time with the Lord. As a result, I have more peace because I know his voice and I am able to move forward assured that I am walking in the will that He has for my life.
I read from the Bible everyday and try to stay open to any message He is trying to send me rather than just reading to get through a chapter. Sometimes I am led to write a verse down and come back to it during the day. Within a few days, a situation will come up that brings me back to that verse.
I am blessed and say hallelujah for this day and the time spent with God. Just this morning I had a deep conversation with a friend and one thing that stood out was that “I have to Listen to God not just hear him. There forth with the study and daily emails has been truly a blessing. Knowing God has a plan for my life. As I grapple with everyday life (world) I no God’s way is the right way. I have to be patient “Be Still and let God” do his will. I am looking forward in listening to GOD speaking to me. I say thank you for your encourage words each day.
i need to start LISTENING! just the possibility that He is really speaking to me is astounding; a whole new concept really, so i just want to focus and listen! and like you said, a common theme is a really good way to realize that we Juuuusst might be on to something 🙂
I had to laugh when I read, “How did I know it was God? you might ask. Well, I knew it wasn’t my idea.” That is probably the best answer for me when I’m wondering if that is what God wants me to do. I’m quite withdrawn and happy to stay at home. I feel safe there. I must admit when I am out at church or work I’m content with being there but sometimes it is just the process of getting up, getting ready and leaving that I find difficult. So when God wants me to go somewhere or even call someone, I have to know it is coming from God because I know in my heart that it wasn’t my idea! So I guess a better way of listening to God is by discerning that fact that what I’m being told is surely not coming from me when it is taking me away from my comfort zone. Thank you for your insight and helping me see a new way of hearing God. 🙂
I like the consistent theme. It seems that is the best way for God to get through to me. I have noticed if God is trying to tell me something i will here it over and over in class or a sermon and see it in an email or hear it in a song. Sometimes its like i am being knocked upside the head.
I have been struggling with my purpose over the last few weeks, feeling anxious for God to define that and light the path. However, deep down I know I am being very impatient because it just isn’t time for my purpose to be revealed. I have a lot of listening to do, some hard things to work through and I too need to live in the hear and now. God has been faithful to give me my daily bread each day. I am fully aware of what my will is but seek His will above all else praying that my will will be covered by His as I listen to His voice each day and follow Him. I do sense a consistent theme in my life as I seek the Lord and fill my life with things that glorify Him. Those themes are listening, patience and seeking the Lord to bring healing into my life before His purpose is revealed to me. Thank you for your words today Renee.
This is so hard for me to do. We do adopted a precious angel almost two years ago, from China. Things have been so very busy in lives with medical and transitioning, a job lay off, major move and keeping our teenage son grounded as we home school him. I have not been good at the ‘listening” and as a result, have had much unconsistency and do not like who I have become, impatient and not quick to listen. I pray God will help me to stop and be still enough to listen. I need to be still.
One way is to always be in the Word and searching for truths. Pray for wisdom;God to show us.
A very timely subject for us and where we are in our spritual growth. My husband and I begin our day together reading a daily devotional and praying together. Chief among those things we have been praying over is hearing God’s voice in a clearly unmistakable way so that it leaves no doubt that is it the voice of God. Than having the faith and trust in the Lord to not only hear his direction but to obey and put it in to action in our lives. It’s a marvelously scary journey but our God is an AWESOME God and we know the plans he has for us and we rejoice in that knowledge.
The one thing that I myself can do to be more familiar with Gods voice is, read my Bible more. This is something that I am working on. Making time for just me and Him.
We can hear and not listen like Renee said. Listening is obeying. I have learned that GOD speaks in the present. Remain in today for tomorrow has it’s own worries, a verse I don’t know fully. Also, that Satan attacks by wondering thoughts, to pull our focus off GOD, therefore, what I need to do is keep my thoughts from wondering all over the place. Setting aside a time for meditation to hear, followed by listening would help me grow in knowing GOD’S voice.
I’m constantly in a struggle to really discern God’s voice. I try to quiet myself enough to hear him above my everyday distractions but I’m often discouraged because the more silence I need, the louder everyday life becomes. As funny as it may sound, the most peaceful and quiet place that allows me to truly hear God is my bathroom. My husband. And son both laugh but they have come to realize that if I’m having one of those days, leave me to my bathroom for just a few minutes and their life is also more peaceful. Its funny to others until they try it. Once they try it, they totally understand. I’m also quite grateful that my life has become filled with the “busyness” of a family that I have always prayed for. Busyness that requires a lock on my bathroom door allows me to unlock my heart.
God speaks to me. God’s word is for everybody, but when I read them it is addressed soley to me. I read the gospels, the letters, and ( finally) can project myself into their world. I see Paul in a jail with someone sitting outside the bars as he dictates his letters. I see Jesus in the garden when he prays for the disciples, and the believers, and the future believers that have not been born yet. Yes, He knew me then. God has been hammering me with something since Feb 2011. Renee is right. I can’t ignore what he is telling me any longer.
One thing I could do to become more familiar with God’s voice is to slow down and listen more carefully, then consult with God in prayer and His word. Instead of doing this, I have a bad habit of throwin up popcorn prayers because I don’t slow down! I just need to make time to spend with my wonderful Father! Bottom line, Nothing can take the place of time spent with God. I need to be sure I take time to confirm what I think God is asking me or telling me to do instead of just rushing forward on my own! Afterall, its what our walk with God is all about, listening, trusting and following what he says!
Thank you for taking time to address this!
This is my second time around doing this online bible study. I didnt finish the first one so I am hoping that I will get through this one. I have a problem with never finishing anything I start. I get so confused as to know when its God talking to me or when they are just my own thoughts. Everytime I try to be still and try to listen to God my mind wonders. I am excited to go through this study with you. Thank you so much Renee for offering this study again.
One way I can practice hearing God’s voice is to stop and consider the thoughts that come to my mind. Rather than brushing them aside and moving on with my day, I need to ponder them and see if they may be the Holy Spirit prompting me. There have been many times that I had a thought, but dismissed it only to find out later that it was the Lord trying to help me. If I had recognized that it was information from God instead of just a random thought, I would have saved myslef some trouble. I want so much to become more sensitive to the Spirit of God. The Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing. The only way to do that is to have constant open communication with God. It’s like realizing He’s right beside us all the time. Anytime He needs to speak to me, I’m right there and He can turn to me and speak, and I will turn and listen. If I need to speak to Him, the same is true. When He hears my voice, He will turn to me and listen. Wow! What an awesome privilege we have – an open ear from the God of all creation. I want to always have an open ear for Him as well. Praise God for His patience with us as we learn how to hear him more clearly!
I have really been thinking lately about the things I “supposedly” do for the Lord. I do want to help people but I sometimes think that I am doing some things for acceptance or approval, wanting to feel needed, or to feel like I matter to someone I guess. I do need to ask Him what He wants because I so easily see a need and jump in to do it and many times I get overwhelmed by all I try to do.
To be still and listen during prayer – not just spouting off prayer requests. I also like listening for God’s words through music.
Wow! God is wanting me to learn to discern hearing His voice better! I just heard on the radio this morning that satan pushes and condemns but God draws and encourages….this is so true! I am learning that the encouragement I hear is from God and He wants me to grow, but if I am being discouraged, you betchya its the enemy not wanting me to listen to what God has to say! My husband and I have 5 boys and we have always said we are raising an army of boys for God…..I believe the enemy is going to do all he can to destroy that army….including trying to get me to hear to him instead of God. I plan to use the quiet moments I find in the day to listen to the tone of voice so that I know its God speaking!
Thank you – that was so what I needed to hear. That’s something I need to do more of – hear, listen, and stop talking. I’m good at coming back with something – like I’m trying to tell God what He needs to do – when what I need to do is stop and listen. Just hear the voice of my master talk to me. Thanks again.
The thing I learned that was most beneficial in knowing God’s voice was the word “selah” in Psalms. Selah means “to pause”. If I just pause, listen, keep my mouth and brain silent I hear Him speak to me, most of the time it is a gentle whisper to my heart and I just know that I know it is Him.
Your words really struck home with me this morning. I am having a bad day, really struggling with some issues with my husband. I know that I have had an increasingly hard time listening to God’s voice. Sometimes I don’t always hear it at first and sometimes I do and choose not to listen. Either way, I desperately want this to change and know that the one thing I can and need to do is continue to spend more time in the Word. Being able to hear him comes with familiarity too I believe and I need to focus on this.
I feel the biggest thing I need to do in order to hear God and become familiar to His voice, is to quit drowning it out with negative, doubting, habit-forming self talk. I am realizing that when I engage in negative self-talk, I place limitations not only on myself but on God as well. When I catch myself doing this I need to repeat Phl. 4:13 and Jeremiah 29:11.
I so needed this today! Thank you, Renee.
“So, what is one thing you could do to become more familiar with God’s voice?” How about this, as quoted by you!
“God has taught me that He wants my spiritual ears MORE than my spiritual efforts. God wants DAILY dependence, interaction and intimacy with ME. And God is MORE concerned with MY CHARACTER than what I schedule for Him on my calendar.”
“Dear Lord, I want to become a woman who listens to You. I come to You today with a seeking heart, asking not only for direction but for discernment, humility and dependence on You — each step of the way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Both posts deeply touched my heart today! Thank you sooooooooooooo much Renee!!!
I need to really be still and hear God when I am praying with Him. Sometimes I feel like if I’m not actually speaking then I’m not praying but I’ve learned that there are times when I need to be quiet and listen for what God wants me to hear from Him!!
I’ve come to learn that it is so very important to spend time with God everyday. I cannot breathe air once a week and survive – it is just the same with spending time with God, you can’t spend time when you remember and expect to hear Him. I started to understand that if I wanted to become familiar with God’s voice, I’d actually have to see it by reading His word, meeting with Him in prayer, hearing it in the wonderful uplifting songs I love to listen to, through keeping a prayer journal where I can write letters to God, and note His answers to me, and strangely enough through the few conversations I have with people I love and trust, but I can’t forget to just have some plain old quiet time in order to hear Him. Some times, just being in silence preparing dinner for my family brings some of the best “face time” I have with God.
My problem is that instead of listening to God, I argue with God trying to get him to give me something easier, better or bigger. I also find it hard to listen to him, instead of my own fool hardy voice and sometimes, I get the two mixed up. I need to be quiet and stop talking and listen with my heart and not my head.
I adored this passage today, you are an inspiration!
I either have a hard time hearing or listening for God’s voice. I need to slow down and quiet my thoughts.
One thing I can do to become more familiar with God’s voice is to try and refrain from becoming so totally consumed with my job as I am prone to do. Make time to listen is my goal.
Sometimes, I worry that I’m going to make a decision that’s outside God’s will for me, and then everything will fall apart. I pray for God to reveal what he wants me to do, but I get anxious that he’s asking me to do something, and I don’t hear it; or that he’s warning me against a path not to take, and if I head down the path anyway, then I’ll make a huge mess! I read about women that hear God speaking to them, calling them to do something, and I think I must be spiritually deaf. I’m still; I’m listening! What’s wrong with me?
Recently, though, I was reading about Jacob, of his deception in taking the birthright, the two wives and two maidservants…and a moment came that I KNEW God was saying to me that I just needed to relax. God used every poor decision Jacob made for His glory. These stories of the Bible aren’t stories of people who made the right decisions all the time; they aren’t even stories of people who always did what God called them to do right when he called them to do it (uh…Jonah didn’t just NOT do what God called him to do, he flat out went the opposite direction.) And yet, God’s glory signs in each story. What a relief! The story of God in my life isn’t dependent on my hearing His every whisper. His grace is more than enough to cover my poor decisions.
i have committed to reading the bible through this year and i am so amazed at the realization of the great men of god and their weaknesses from abraham on down Some if the things they did and how they tried to “help” god are laughable until i realize i do the same thing and then i realize im not in the sot God intended now I have to learn to wait for him to bring about my mistakes for his glory ugg!
i need to BE QUIET and LISTEN thanks for all the comments I too am unemployed and wondering what Gods purpose is for me.