Welcome Confident Heart Online Study and Encouragement for Today friends!! If you’re new here, welcome!
On Sunday, I started an online study of my book, A Confident Heart and I’d love to have you join us! (Click here for more details).
One of the first things I learned, when it came to overcoming self-doubts and living in the security of God’s promises , is that we have to recognize and listen to God’s voice. It’s also the topic of my P31 devotion today. Here’s a little more about where my “listening to God” story came to a turning point. At the end I share “How to Discern God’s Voice” and a give-away.
I sat on looking out the window, wondering what the future held. My excitement, mixed with the fear of getting over-committed, ignited a rapid firing of thoughts: What would I say yes or no to? What was God calling me to do? How would I figure out His plans and purpose for my schedule?
Wondering and worrying wasn’t getting me anywhere, so I wrote questions in a notebook: “Lord, what should I say yes to? Where do You want me to spend my time? Will You please show me Your plans for me this coming year?”
I wanted a sneak peek into God’s calendar so I could adjust mine. Instead, I sensed Him telling me not to worry about tomorrow but to live each day in the hear and now. {And He even spelled it that way.}
I did okay when it came to obeying God in the obvious things. It was selfless acts of obedience that challenged me most. But that day, I made a commitment to live in the “hear” and now.
A few weeks after, I noticed my husband’s side of the closet was a mess. Immediately I thought about how J.J. enjoys “order” although it’s not his natural inclination. Then I sensed God whispering, “One way you could really love J.J. would be to organize his side of the closet.”
I wish I could say I obeyed. Instead, I argued: “He’s a grown man; he can organize his own side of the closet. I have two kids, two dogs and myself to keep up with. Have you seen our garage and attic, Lord?”
“Did you hear Me? Are you going to obey Me now?” God’s Spirit nudged.
How did I know it was God? you might ask. Well, I knew it wasn’t my idea.
Just that week I’d read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, and recognized myself in the third servant. He hadn’t been entrusted with much so he buried his talent in the ground. I always assumed since he wasn’t faithful with it because he thought his Master wouldn’t notice.
Sometimes I saw my role as a wife, mom and friend as “average” one-talent kind of assignments. Plenty of people have the same responsibilities, I thought. Without realizing it, I let myself slip into being selfish and impatient here and there. But God wanted my willingness in every area of my life – hear and now – acting on His promptings throughout my day.
Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV) And the more we listen to and obey God, the more familiar His voice becomes.
Obedience means exchanging our will for His.
So, why does God wants moment-by-moment, day-by-day obedience? Because He loves us and wants us to trust Him.
God is so patient as we learn to trust Him. And we discover over time that it’s in our relationship with Him, we find the purpose, direction and meaning we’re looking for. When we live in the “hear and now” our calling and our calendar begin to reflect our love for Him, and His love for us — not our need for fulfillment or the desire for others’ approval and acceptance.
Dear Jesus, am I living and listening the way You want me to? Sometimes I fall into the trap of waiting for a better tomorrow or an easier assignment so that I can be faithful. Help me trust You. I want to but sometimes I’m afraid. Give me courage to listen and follow You with all my heart! Amen
PS. I reorganized JJ’s side of the closet ,and I’m almost sure I heard God chuckle and felt the warmth of His smile. May He smile on you today as you commit to live in the hear and now – acting on what you hear and living it out now.
Discerning God’s Voice
Here are a few questions we can ask. When I sense God speaking, whether it be through scripture, an impression on my heart, circumstances or through His spirit in me, I always look for Biblical consistency:
- Is it consistent with God’s Word and God’s ways?
- Is it consistent with wise Biblical counsel I’ve sought?
- Is it consistent with God’s leading through doors He’s opened and closed?
- Is there a consistent theme I’m seeing in my life or hearing during my personal Bible study time, through sermons, Christian songs, conversations, etc?
Recognizing God’s ways and God’s will comes as we spend more and more time in His word. All of us have different things that draw us closer to Jesus, and here is one practical thing that helps me: watching the Gospel of John movie on DVD. It makes Jesus, His words, the people and the stories He lived in come to life in a powerful way. After watching it, when I read my Bible I can see Him and hear Him. Which makes me want to spend more and more time with Him, which helps me know Him and recognize His voice more clearly.
So, what is one thing you could do to become more familiar with God’s voice?
Let me know by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and you’ll be entered to win my “Listening to God” gift pack which includes a copy of the Gospel of John movie on DVD, my book A Confident Heart and my message on CD, Rest Assured: How to Rest, Be Renewed & Remain in God’s Promises and Plans .
Also, if you want to join my online study, please click here for more details. I just found a deal this week for those who can’t afford the book and shipping. Amazon has the Ebook for $8.99 and they offer FREE Kindle for your PC software! So, you only have to pay $8.99 and the book downloads onto your computer! Email [email protected] if you want more details about that deal!
(If you are reading this post in an email, click here to return to my website to enter your comment into the drawing.)
I had to laugh a little when I read the story about organizing your husband’s side of the closet and knowing that it must have been the Lord’s idea because it wasn’t yours — I can relate to the scenario! I am excited about learning to listen to the Lord and being able to discern his voice/ideas/plans for my life.
Thank you! I guess this is a Holy Spirit moment…as He is speaking through this…I have a hard time sitting and listening. I have been wanting to be in the Word more…to hear Him more clearly. Sometimes I do not become “like a weaned child” but more like “a child who just ate a bunch of sugar!”….so hard to sit still and listen. It takes discipline and humility (believing that God knows better than I do)… Thank you for the reminder. I printed off your post so I can re-read it…and learn to listen to God…He is so dear… God bless you!
There are times I’ll have a thought that seems to come from nowhere. It’s not something I was thinking then or even recently. When I realize that the thought has calmed me down, usually when nothing else has settled me, then I know it was from God. I suppose I could question, “Was that from you God?” but I choose not to. If He’s giving me peace and guiding my thoughts, I’m going to grab hold and not let go!! 🙂
I read and led a study on A Confident Heart last fall and found it to be a blessing. Thanks Renee!
In Christ,
I often pray for discernment, but have realized lately I rarely am still long enough to listen for God’s answer. Health issues have recently meant that I have more time to spend with God in the mornings when my house is quiet before everyone else gets up. In these moments God is pulling me into a closer relationship with him. I praise him for that and know I need to continue to draw nearer to him.
I really needed to hear this today – THANK YOU!
This really hit me this morning because I am reading the Made to Crave book & trying to “listen” to God. Trying to change my habits & becomed empowered to change through Christ.
When in bibly study I am going to really pay closer attention to what God is saying, why He is saying it. This year I am really focusing on studing scripture- slowing down – their is always the goal to complete the study in however many weeks it is design for- I am moving pass this belief and I am going to stay with a day/scripture until I get what God has for me there- I want His word to take root in my heart- we have a tendency to move through the word so fast- to finish, it never has the opportunity to take root in my heart. It has not been easy but I am still in week one of the study I begin at the beginning of the year-I’m still here because I am hearing God speak and He is sending me to many scriptures so I can learn His voice. Blessings and thanks
Thank you Renee for listening and acting NOW! Everything you wrote resonates with my heart and soul today. First, God nudged me to do something very similar and help my husband last week and I was blessed–not cursed to obey right then! I also felt His nudge to speak to an elderly man in a wheelchair at the grocery store and watched as my toddler brought a smile to the frail old man’s face. I’m hearing this theme of listening to His nudges this week and volunteer my time and write, supporting the efforts of Girlfriendit Radio and their radio show this week is titled, “Are You Listening to His Nudge.” http://girlfriendit.com/?p=3709.
My pastor is also teaching from the book of John and we are studying it in our small home group Bible study with other couples right now–would so love to share this DVD with them!!! Great idea:)
God has rearranged my schedule for me–taken some things away and brought some new things…for such a time as this!! Choosing to focus on Him…lean into Him, relying on the love He has for me and walking confidently…I’m choosing it…I am!!! So thankful for this experience online…Let’s keep going!!!
I seem to do all the talking in our conversations. I need to slow down, be still, and listen.
I’m trying hard to do better at having my quiet time with the Lord. I know this will help me to better
know when hes speaking to me. We recently started the bible study “Experiencing God” at our church and just after a few days into it I already feel my relationship with Him deepening. The enemy is well aware of it too in light of situations that have popped up this week. Its amazing how things happen when your getting closer to God. He may have won the battle but the war is mine with God on my side!
I will not give in!
Janet W.
One thing I could do is spend more time reading God’s Word. I don’t spend near enough time doing that. Then I would have His Word to compare the thoughts that come to me that I think are coming from Him. I would know if it is my sinful nature if it dosn’t follow God’s Word. Thank you for your daily devotion. I have often asked myself that very question, “how do I know if it is God asking me to do this or just me?”
I too have trouble discerning when He is talking to me. At times I think I need to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer to hear it. That is where the doubt thing comes in. I want to live in the hear and now, and become more of a doer of the word and not just a hearer. I have set aside daily time for the reading of the Word, which I did last year going through the Bible in one year. I often wondered if I followed through on all I read each day. It most certainly opened my eyes in a new way. My greatest desire is to hear and follow Him in all I do each day.
Thank you Renee for this great study.
I agree and appreciate the points you listed about when you hear God, you check it to make sure it’s biblically sound etc…. But my question is what if you think God is telling something different? Something that doesn’t make any sense? I know he has asked his children some strange things (Abraham to sacrifice his son, Peter to go find money in the mouth of the first fish he would catch etc…) this is where I’m sometimes frustrated. I have surrendered and told God ‘I will obey… I will do anything… I just need to know it’s YOU asking… Not in my own flesh or other things, people, spirits etc…’
You have taken the words right out of my mouth! I, too, would surrender to and do anything for God. I just need to know it is Him asking. Thank you for helping me to express my doubts as well.
When I am focused and have a consistent prayer life and when I study the Bible and hear God’s word on a regular basis, I believe I will sense God’s leading and direction.
To become more familiar with God’s voice I am going to read His word; then be still and quiet in His presense and acknowledge Him in everything that I do and say and how I live. God inhabits the praises of His people, so when I worship Him in my daily life by how I walk and talk and live, I know that He will show up every time!
In order for me to hear God more clearly I need to carve out more time to be in His presence. Lately it seems that even as I am reading His word or praying the things of the world creep into my mind. My quantity of time with Him is low but sadly so is the quality of my time with Him. I am so excited to have this study to help guide me back into that focused, devoted time that is needed to truly hear God.
I am one who is still learning to keep still….Oh so hard to do! I have always been an anxious soul and a very emotional one to boot w/ not so good self-esteem. My anxiety has been through the roof lately, esp. at my job. Dealing with an aray of personalities with the clients and with the people that I work with day to day. As time goes on, I know that I am here for a reason…that God has placed me here to fufill His purpose. There are days that I struggle to understand why I am here (a lot of the time), and other days it is clear. It has been even more difficult, with my husband being in the ranks of the long-term unemployed and having to move back “home” close to my family (which has been a blessing there). I feel many times that I am never good enough, esp when I get barked at for something wrong or whatnot and then trying to be the ‘good-girl’ to correct the situation. I am so trying to learn not to take it personally and to be confident in what I do.
It has been very difficult for me to internalize and live it…the Christ Confidence. I am a very visual/audio learner. I have been doing my prayers on a visual level too, because my mind wanders too much. Inspired by Sybil MacBeth (Praying in Color) and Visual Prayer (Michelle Pindergrass).
I am so glad to be a part of this study so I can grow further into the person God wants me to be. ~ Thank you Renee 🙂
Bits and pieces of the journey: http://www.hopeintheclouds.blogspot.com…sorry I am not a “regular” blogger.
On another note: To Martha, I sent you an e-mail regarding the book you were sending me, was checking to see if you got my address via e-mail or not. Please let me know – Thanks!
On my blog link…copy and paste in the browser and delete the word…sorry, not sure why when I linked it it took that word with it too.
This really changed my perspective because I was basing most of my decisions on things that might happen tomorrow or in the future. Instead, I can focus on just living today and not concentrating on tomorrow. Then I will not be as quick to ignore the little things that God wants me to do right now (even things I think are insignificant but God thinks are important). One step at a time.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for adding clear, how-to detail to your message today! I’m that busy wife that runs through the day “fitting God in” through anxious whispers and quick glances up saying, “Please help me”!
One thing I can do differently is dedicating that 10-15 minutes to quiet listening and seeking His will for my day in the morning. I’ve felt God nudging me toward more discipline in this area. Thanks again for sharing your practical ideas to start listening for God’s plan.
Don’t be too surprised when your 10-15 minutes turns into 30 minutes.. or your 1 chapter of reading turns into 3! 🙂
I need to be more in His word and stop talking long enough to hear him. I am constantly on the go and sometimes I am so busy that I don’t even realize God is trying to talk to me. Sometimes someone else has to point it out to me after I have a conversation with them about what is going on in my life. My husband is usually the one. I struggled with organizing and leading a Christmas cantata and couldn’t even figure out why I would consider something so time consuming but it was God leading me in that direction I was just to busy to realize it. My husband finally said that I needed to stop running from God and allow him to use me. This all goes back to confidence in God. I certainly don’t have the training to be able to do what we did at Christmas but this was a God thing and He made it happen when I finally said yes.
You definitely said some things that helped & confirmed some things for me but I have already start striving to spend me time with God by reading his word. I read a couple chapters every morning, I’m reading out loud (as someone else has mention). I get daily scriptures sent via e-mail & daily devotions but I think I need to study HIS Word myself. Praying that once I hear His voice, that I will be obedient to it.
Just hear recently I can remember God telling me to do something but instead of doing right then I questioned the thought, text my friends & ask their opinion. Then like a day or so later I did what God told me to do but I know I missed the blessing because I didn’t do it right then. When God speaks to us, timing is everything.
I am knew to you website… I love the message is just what I need to learn and listen to what God
wants for me. I have been unemployed for over 3 1/2 years now and it has been tough.. Like you
I wish God would show me his plans for me this year.. Thank You for Sharing.. Have a blessed day.
Like so many others, I’ve always struggled discerning God’s voice. Living in the “hear and now” is something I will strive for as I am always looking to the future and wondering what I should be doing to get there (all the time not knowing exactly where “there” is).
Thank you for the devotional and your wonderful on-line Bible study.
When I put pen to paper… or fingers to keyboard… it seems so plain and obvious the things that I can do to become more familiar with God’s voice – read His Word, spend time quietly with Him, spend time in prayer. It’s so hard for me these days as I wear so many different hats: Wife, Mom of 2, Full-time Employee. It almost seems “simpler” to put Daughter of Christ there in at the end. However, I need to put that at the beginning – Daughter of Christ, Wife, Mom of 2, Full-time Employee. THEN will I be able to hear God more. Even if it means getting up at 4am just to have some quiet time with God and take care of my body – His temple… I’m going to do it – but only through His strength.
I like how Renee said “How did I know it was God? you might ask. Well, I knew it wasn’t my idea.” This reminds me of specific moments where I’ve felt inclined to do things that were just – not me. I knew that they were God and I knew that I had to do them. I want more moments like THAT!
I pray that He will help all of us to accomplish the things that we need to in order to be closer to Him. May His will be done – not ours – but His.
Hearing God speak has been a struggle for the last 3 years. I owned my own small business and it flourished. After about 7 years, I strongly felt God leading me away from it. So I laid it down, waiting for what great “next” thing God has for me. But God has been quiet. I have not sensed a direction, I have not sensed a purpose, I have not sensed a command-for 3 years. Often, I’ve told God that I would obey…if I just knew what to do!
I am a wife…but that’s it. Not a mom, not a business owner anymore. Nothing. When Renee said, “Sometimes I saw my role as a wife, mom and friend as “average” one-talent kind of assignments. Plenty of people have the same responsibilities, I thought,”-well, that’s me to a “T”. And I don’t even have the “mom” part! I feel like the “best years” of my life are slipping away with nothing “great” to show for it. Do you know the hardest part? When I meet people, and they ask me what I do for living. Do you know the answer? “Nothing. I don’t do anything. I don’t go out to work, I don’t own a business, I’m not a mom. I’m nothing.” This is the hardest thing because it reinforces the fact that I’m nothing special. I don’t DO anything that is something only I can fill. Sure, I know I’m a child of God, but that’s a little awkward to answer: “Hi! My name is Melissa and though I don’t do anything here on Earth, I am a valued Daughter of God.” How I wish that the Lord would yell down from the sky, “CHILD! THIS IS WHAT I HAVE FOR YOU!”…but I would also settle for an email.
Melissa! Take heart! God is doing a great thing inside of you! Someday you will look back and this will be a part of your ministry!
I feel the same as you at work sometimes – people ask me “What do you?” and I reply “Emergency Management.” Then they ask what that means… what do you actually DO? Often times it really feels like nothing. God is telling me, however, and I know that He feels the same for you, each moment that we spend doing SOMETHING is a time to be thanking God for our abilities. If you’re washing clothes or dishes – thank You, Father, that I can wash clothes and dishes because they mean that we are warm and not hungry! If you’re cleaning house – thank You, Father, that I have this house to clean!
I pray that He will fill your heart with all of the greatest desires and doors that you deserve. He knows that you are waiting and He will fill you up with more than you can ever dream as long as you persevere. He loves you and it is BIG to be a Valued Daughter of God – don’t ever think it’s anything less than stellar, spectacular, wonderful, the BEST and most IMPORTANT “job” there ever will be!
Seek Him, just as you are, and you will find Him.
Thank you, Leah. Bless you, for your wise words.
Melissa! I don’t know if you will see this since I am a day late reading these, but what struck me immediately is to reinforce that you do plenty and are called by God already. A wife is a precious thing to God and his design for marriage. Being your husband’s helpmate, his confidante is a significant role in your success as a couple. This world needs strong marriages and couples who model that. If you are not working outside the home then I assume you take care of the house, groceries, laundry, cooking, errands that are a daily part of running a home–even for just 2 people. I do feel your frustration–if you ran a business then you are used to being active, useful etc. These online studies are powerful, but if you have the free time, why not join a women’s Bible study at a local church? Pray about it. Listen. He will speak to you!
I need to be quiet and listen. I am so blessed by reading His word. I have committed to reading His word every morning and praying, BUT the next step is to be quiet and listen to His voice, to trust and wait in expectation. That is hard for me.
The one thing I am learning is to discipline myself to keeping my focus (thoughts, inclinations) on the LORD
One of the things I have been learning to do is going into my prayer closet first thing in the morning with my Bible, pen and journal and sit quietly and listen. At first it was hard for me but the more I’m consistent with giving God the first morning hours the easier this has become. I love being in my prayer closet because there are no distractions like phone, computer, family, etc.
Thank you Renee for this study.
For me, it is simply spending more time with Him and reading the Word. If we don’t know the Word, then we can’t accurately judge if the thoughts coming to us are Godly or not. As a homeschooling mom of 3 that is not always easy. My 4 year old will come in right in the middle of a prayer or if I lock my door he stands and knocks and says let me in mama! He is getting better as I’m trying to explain to him that I need to pray to Jesus. I think the more time we spend with Him and His Word, the more easily it is to discern His voice, Now the obeying part, that’s another thing. I need to promptly obey. I have missed numerous opportunities because I didn’t obey. That’s what I want to do.. Trust and Obey!
Michele S.
I need to listen. I need to extend my quiet time past the prayers and Bible study, and just sit and rest in His presence. And listen with heart and ears open, eager, and willing. He can speak to me. I need to believe that too. I am His child and I am important to Him.
Thanks for your words today. Be blessed.
First I want to thank you so much for blessing me with you devotional today! To be honest with you I’m not quite sure I know how to determine if God is speaking to me or not…I have the urge to wake up every morning to spend quality time with Him and in His word but something always comes up. I want my relationship with the Lord to grow and become stronger for two reasons…one because I know I need it to live a life that is pleasing to him and two because in todays verse it says, “What ever the Father does the Son does.” To me that is saying that my children see what I’m doing and eventually the things they see me do, they will also do. So I want to live a life pleasing to the Lord so that my children will also live a life pleasing to the Lord! Thanks again Miss Renee!
I seem to have gotten away from my worship time with Him and have sensed Him drawing me back. I also, tend to want to spend so much of my prayer time talking that I fail to just BE STILL and wait for Him to speak. I know when I’m trying to carry on a conversation with someone, be it my boss, a friend, a relative, or when I was married, my husband I feel unnoticed if they never let me say anything. Very frustrating! And last, but definitely not least, is get away from Facebook! I take away precious time from Him when I spend any time at all on Facebook. It can be a wonderful thing, but we have to learn to put it in the correct place of our priorities. Believe me, I’m definitely speaking to myself here! It’s something I’m having to learn!!
Have a God kissed day!
Tina Marmolejo
Praise God for a head cold! I got up to drink some tea, put more wood on the fire, cozy up with a blanket and the doxie dog, and start my Bible study. I look forward to my time spent with the other ladies in this study in the days ahead
Thank you so much for this devotion today. I often ask my self too is that God speaking? I am going clear my mind completely and sit quietly after devotions, reading and prayer to listen for God’s voice and for direction just for that day. I no longer need to worry about today or tomorrow, because God is with me holding my hand every step of the way if I just stop, listen, and feel his presence. Thank you again very much. Blessings April
Wow I didn’t realize how many people struggle with this… just knowing I’m not alone is encouraging! Probably the best thing I could do is to truly listen for God’s voice. Sometimes I’m just too impatient to wait for a response. The more I’ve felt a desire to be close to Him and know Him, the more I keep talking! Now that I’m thinking about it, lately I’ve been pouring my heart out and when I’m out of words to say it’s like I just get up and get busy. Maybe some quiet time is long overdue… and sounds like I definitely need to invest in this book!
To make sure to be in quiet time everyday with the Lord. And to be “expectant” to hear from him!
The insights that you wrote about are so helpfull, thanks Rene. One of the ways I want to hear God’s voice more clearly is in my journaling time, I read his word almost every day but seem to run out of quiet time before I can really listen to his voice speaking to me. And then when I do have time to journal that doubt creeps in about whether this is Jesus’ voice or mine. I have a new baby and three other beautiful children, so I really need to stay on my game with my quiet time, but it’s not always first thing in the morning and it’s not always uninterupted time. I’m going to pray to God to give me that extra strength to get up early in the morning to spend time with Him and when it just dosen’t happen I’m going to pray that I can abide in Him and Him in me and that I can still hear His voice as I go about the business of the day. I can record the little things I hear from Him in my journal, as I go through the day and reflect on them at night when everyone is asleep. It’s a pleasure to post this comment and read what other women have written. Got to go baby is crying. Blessings sisiters!
Hi Renee!
Thanks for the reminder that I know God Himself speaks to my heart – I just haven’t been listening like I should! I just need to BE STILL. Why is that so hard? It’s what I need to do, and I am starting today!
Thank you!
One thing that I am being reminded of lately, over and over again, is the need to abide. To be so closely connected to God on a moment by moment basis that it only makes sense to hear His voice and discern His direction for my life. I can get so busy doing, that I simply forget to be like Mary and sit a Jesus’ feet. Thanks for the reminder today to listen to God!
The best way that I have been able to draw closer is to shut out the noise of the world. The Lord has given me a block of quiet timw early every morning and it is such a precious gift! I was a get up and get on the computer person for a long time and when I finally took it to Him life has not been the same! Thank you Renee for the wonderful book and the blessing that it is becoming in my life!
I lost my job the Monday before Christmas. I have never had a problem in the past with finding a new/different job when I needed to look for one. However, this time has been VERY different. I had worked in the banking industry for almost 10 years. We had just moved In May 2011 because my husband had lost his job and had been unemployed for 3 1/2 years and was offered a job that required us to relocate. It would require relocation to an area where we had no family, knew no one…our kids (11 and 8) would be required to move from what they knew all of their lives as “home’…leaving friends, schools, teachers, etc and move where they knew NO ONE but since Dad had been unemployed and we had lost our house and several other material things, we felt this was where we were being led.
Since losing my job, I have applied for SEVERAL jobs (cashier positions, customer service, lead cashiers, etc) and not only have I not gotten a job offer, I haven’t even been invited for an interview. Talk about feeling discouraged!!! I have made a commitment to spend time with God daily…to set aside time for me to get in His word and talk to him out loud sharing with him my insecurities and asking him to guide EACH step not just my path towards finding a job. I am struggling on how to know the difference between a door that God is closing and knowing when he wants me to :”insist” a little more…..as you know, 99.9% of the jobs available require you to apply on the company’s website so your application is mixed in with all how ever many thousands more are out there. So…I decided to go to the companies after I had applied with a hard copy of my resume and to “introduce” myself to the hiring manager so they would have a face to put with my name. Actually received response from two people who said they would be calling the next week for interviews and they would be contacting me to set up a time…and still I heard NOTHING. Is this God telling me this isn’t the right job for me???
There have been several situations with my children that I have been able to drop what I was doing and go to school for one reason or another to help them that I would not have been able to do had I have had a job and for that I am thankful. The finances have been stretched as far as I can stretch them and I am wondering what is God trying to tell me that I am missing>?? I have so enjoyed the Prov 31 daily devotions and the encouragement I get from them daily. I am also reading Micca Campbell’s book An Untroubled Heart and appreciate the encouragement from that as well. Please pray for me and my family. My husband commented “we survived one round of unemployment, I don’t know that we can survive another.” Thank you for your love, care and compassion. May God continue to use you for His service.
Dear Sweet Lord, here is one of your children who needs your presence, your guidance, and your love. Light her way as she looks for work. Help her to find a job that will bless her and where she will bless them. Fill her husband with trust in You and the strength to support Cyndi as she struggles through these challenging days. We know you love us…all of us. Let Cyndi feel your love in the ministering from friends and the angel-strangers you send into our lives. Build a hedge of protection around their family and let their love for one another grow. Bless them with good humor and fill them with hope. This world is a hard place sometimes, but we know you have overcome the world. Bless them as only you can. In Jesus name, amen.
HUGS my dear Cyndi!!! I so understand in a way what you are struggling with. My husband has been unemployed for almost 3 years. However, he is working in the school systems as a sub teacher, it is something but not SOLID employment….. not looking forward when the schools are on break in the summer. I am underemployed and I have to commute for about 1hr to my job cause we had to move out of the city we were in – had to leave friends, stuff to do, faster internet, etc to go to the country. I wonder where God wants us to be other than close to family in the grander scheme of things. Both of us are dealing with anxiety and depression, esp my husband who has a Masters Degree and is so frustrated the way things are.
God had provided for us, but we are still skating on thin ice with the financial things….
May the Lord give you and your hubby strength to go through this and I hope that you will both find the right jobs for you both.
Hi Cyndi, we have been through what you are going through. We had to sell everything we owned to pay our bills. My husband couldnt find work, i didnt earn enough to cover our basic bills, so after much prayer and desperation we moved country. It has been the hardest 6 years of my life. We left our family, our church, our friends of +30 years. Its been really tough. I lost confidence that God even cared about me as an individual. I know He loves me because He loves everyone, but i dont think He likes me. I fight these negative thoughts all the time,which is why i signed up for this course. God has been good to us. We both have jobs now which i am so thankful to the Lord for. We are determined to hang in there until we stand before God face to face. God knows what He is doing. Turn to Him and the Word in those times of panic and despair. My heart and prayers are with you.
One of the ways that I want to be more intentional in hearing God’s voice is to memorize scripture and surround myself with more of God’s word (hearing, speaking, listening) My husband has started playing audio recordings of the bible before we go to sleep at night. This was all his idea and has truly blessed our family 🙂
The only way to begin to recognize God’s voice is to get to know Him, spend more time with Him, have a two-way conversation. I find myself praying in the car, praying to fall asleep at night, praying as I put my son to bed, but I have not set aside a real quiet time. And when I’m praying I’m doing all the talking and none of the listening. I ask Him to fix things, then refuse to listen to what He wants ME to do. I find myself afraid of listening to what God wants of me for fear it will be too difficult.
I know I need to spend more time in his word and in quiet prayer time so I can learn more of his promises and get them stamped in my heart. I want his best interest in my life and know I need to make changes in my life career wise, but it so hard for me to get out of that “norm” and my fear to make change holds me back. Thank you for your devotion today and I want to take this so I can move forward to hear the direction he wants me to go next.
This post came at a perfect time for me. I’m struggling in discernment. I so want to do God’s will and try to listen for direction, but find myself in the same struggle again and again, because I end up doing it my way. My son is in a severe downward spiral in his life and it’s heartbreaking to watch. I’m struggling with how to help him…..I try to give him to God, because I know from my own experiences that sometimes we have to go through pain to get to the other side. I end up realizing that once again, I haven’t helped him, but only enabled him to go further down his destructive path. I’ve believed I was supposed to help my son, but maybe God’s will is for me to let go and serve him in other areas. I will keep working at trying to listen and keep my own ideas out of his plan for my son and I.
Debbie i am going to pray for you right now! I have been living your pain for a few years now. Thank the Lord, we finally are seeing to light. I have 2 sons that were on a destructive path of drug addiction. I struggled with the “God, they are all yours. I’m out.’ Only to run and help them again. Its the WWJD that kept me going back. I can only say prayer kept me sane…..we mostly sane. I pray that you hear Gods voice in your decisions concerning your son. I pray for support for you, that your son hears Gods voice as well, and that you find peace in your decions. That is the hard part. Letting go and being able to feel peace. I pray you can find that. It took me a long time, but I finally did it. After going thru this, I have often wondered how God is going to use this experience in my life. I never asked Why, i just ask what? what do You want me to do with this? I’m still waiting to hear
I need to consistently, daily, spend good quality time with God, reading His Word, being quiet and listening. Life gets in the way and it only gets worse the less time I spend in His Word. Thank you for this Prov. 31 post today! God Bless you!
God seems to place a “focus word” on my heart each year, and this year it is “discipline”. I am endeavoring to be more disciplined in giving Him the first fruits of my day, spending as much time with Him as He desires in order for me to hear Him. Today’s devotional and the questions you posted at the end of your blog were very helpful, Renee. I will utilize those questions to help me discern my Father’s voice and live in the “hear and now.” God bless you and your ministry!
It is amazing how God works. At the same time I am seeking his guidance for something very important in my life I began your study. I’ve felt him nudging me to spend more time just being with him and I was reminded of it again in your devotional. I love the practical steps you offer to help me with this process. You have been a true blessing in my life. This is the second time I’ve done your A Confident Heart study. I can’t wait to see what I learn this time.
I read your devotional on Encouragement for Today and then popped over here to read more. I am a stay-at-home mom and I have struggled with my selfishness and impatience, too. It’s hard to be giving of yourself all day. But this area is exactly where God is speaking to me lately – doing what he wants me to do in the moments. I have definitely been on a God-journey this year, and I am looking forward to what I will look like when He has worked this out in me. I know I need to take more time to hear God’s voice, and then I would recognize Him speaking to me more quickly. That has been one of my long-term struggles. Thank you for the encouragement!
I just got done talking to my husband last night about hearing God sometimes I just to follow him then other times I brush it off later reget it. I really need to read this today. Cause I am very confused on what I am to do and where God wants me to go..Thank You Renee for sharing this God BLess