Welcome Confident Heart Online Study and Encouragement for Today friends!! If you’re new here, welcome!
On Sunday, I started an online study of my book, A Confident Heart and I’d love to have you join us! (Click here for more details).
One of the first things I learned, when it came to overcoming self-doubts and living in the security of God’s promises , is that we have to recognize and listen to God’s voice. It’s also the topic of my P31 devotion today. Here’s a little more about where my “listening to God” story came to a turning point. At the end I share “How to Discern God’s Voice” and a give-away.
I sat on looking out the window, wondering what the future held. My excitement, mixed with the fear of getting over-committed, ignited a rapid firing of thoughts: What would I say yes or no to? What was God calling me to do? How would I figure out His plans and purpose for my schedule?
Wondering and worrying wasn’t getting me anywhere, so I wrote questions in a notebook: “Lord, what should I say yes to? Where do You want me to spend my time? Will You please show me Your plans for me this coming year?”
I wanted a sneak peek into God’s calendar so I could adjust mine. Instead, I sensed Him telling me not to worry about tomorrow but to live each day in the hear and now. {And He even spelled it that way.}
I did okay when it came to obeying God in the obvious things. It was selfless acts of obedience that challenged me most. But that day, I made a commitment to live in the “hear” and now.
A few weeks after, I noticed my husband’s side of the closet was a mess. Immediately I thought about how J.J. enjoys “order” although it’s not his natural inclination. Then I sensed God whispering, “One way you could really love J.J. would be to organize his side of the closet.”
I wish I could say I obeyed. Instead, I argued: “He’s a grown man; he can organize his own side of the closet. I have two kids, two dogs and myself to keep up with. Have you seen our garage and attic, Lord?”
“Did you hear Me? Are you going to obey Me now?” God’s Spirit nudged.
How did I know it was God? you might ask. Well, I knew it wasn’t my idea.
Just that week I’d read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, and recognized myself in the third servant. He hadn’t been entrusted with much so he buried his talent in the ground. I always assumed since he wasn’t faithful with it because he thought his Master wouldn’t notice.
Sometimes I saw my role as a wife, mom and friend as “average” one-talent kind of assignments. Plenty of people have the same responsibilities, I thought. Without realizing it, I let myself slip into being selfish and impatient here and there. But God wanted my willingness in every area of my life – hear and now – acting on His promptings throughout my day.
Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” John 10:27 (NIV) And the more we listen to and obey God, the more familiar His voice becomes.
Obedience means exchanging our will for His.
So, why does God wants moment-by-moment, day-by-day obedience? Because He loves us and wants us to trust Him.
God is so patient as we learn to trust Him. And we discover over time that it’s in our relationship with Him, we find the purpose, direction and meaning we’re looking for. When we live in the “hear and now” our calling and our calendar begin to reflect our love for Him, and His love for us — not our need for fulfillment or the desire for others’ approval and acceptance.
Dear Jesus, am I living and listening the way You want me to? Sometimes I fall into the trap of waiting for a better tomorrow or an easier assignment so that I can be faithful. Help me trust You. I want to but sometimes I’m afraid. Give me courage to listen and follow You with all my heart! Amen
PS. I reorganized JJ’s side of the closet ,and I’m almost sure I heard God chuckle and felt the warmth of His smile. May He smile on you today as you commit to live in the hear and now – acting on what you hear and living it out now.
Discerning God’s Voice
Here are a few questions we can ask. When I sense God speaking, whether it be through scripture, an impression on my heart, circumstances or through His spirit in me, I always look for Biblical consistency:
- Is it consistent with God’s Word and God’s ways?
- Is it consistent with wise Biblical counsel I’ve sought?
- Is it consistent with God’s leading through doors He’s opened and closed?
- Is there a consistent theme I’m seeing in my life or hearing during my personal Bible study time, through sermons, Christian songs, conversations, etc?
Recognizing God’s ways and God’s will comes as we spend more and more time in His word. All of us have different things that draw us closer to Jesus, and here is one practical thing that helps me: watching the Gospel of John movie on DVD. It makes Jesus, His words, the people and the stories He lived in come to life in a powerful way. After watching it, when I read my Bible I can see Him and hear Him. Which makes me want to spend more and more time with Him, which helps me know Him and recognize His voice more clearly.
So, what is one thing you could do to become more familiar with God’s voice?
Let me know by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” below and you’ll be entered to win my “Listening to God” gift pack which includes a copy of the Gospel of John movie on DVD, my book A Confident Heart and my message on CD, Rest Assured: How to Rest, Be Renewed & Remain in God’s Promises and Plans .
Also, if you want to join my online study, please click here for more details. I just found a deal this week for those who can’t afford the book and shipping. Amazon has the Ebook for $8.99 and they offer FREE Kindle for your PC software! So, you only have to pay $8.99 and the book downloads onto your computer! Email [email protected] if you want more details about that deal!
(If you are reading this post in an email, click here to return to my website to enter your comment into the drawing.)
Ms Renee,
I have been searching for an answer to this question. I was reading certain questions and answers on got questions.org. And was reading how the arc of the covenant was kept at Abinidabs house. I had read that the reason the arc of the covenant was touched by uzzah(and struck down dead) thinking it was a good deed but in all actuality
it was not trusting God. And that was along the lines as it was put that sometimes we become to familiar with God.
Can you tell me Renee how can we avoid becoming to familiar with God?
It had said that when you become to familiar you lose the perspective of God’s actual Holiness..Then you end up not revering God as he should be.
So i was wondering if by any chance you had any ideas?
Many Blessings,
Wow I love all uyour encourageing comments. I have read all of them in this section becoming a woman who listens to God. We are all at different places in our lives, but we all identify so much with each other. I posted my coments under the first section blessed and I read all those comments. Now, I want to say here that it is so good knowing I’m not alone in my struggles. I struggle with listening to god, I do all the talking. Now God is really challening me to take this confident heart study and he’s challening me also when I have been reading all the comments, I really sensed God speaking to my heart. I’ve been hearing a lot of great ideas and I know that God is speaking to me as I have been reading all your comments. For instance, I have trouble sleeping and I’ve read a couple of great ideas from a couple of you. one woman said about sitting up in bed and having quiet time before she’s ready to sleep. another woman said, about listening to sermons to help her drift off to sleep. I’m going to try sojme of these. I’ve told my boy friend my favourite bible teacher is dr. charles stanley he has such a calming voice, whenever, I’m stressed, i put a sermon of his on. Renee what a great study you have! and as I said God is really challening me with this to spend more time with him. also, I love watching TV since last night, it’s not working. I’m having a hard time giving him control as Toy was talking about I’m with her so many of your comments as I read, i find myself saying “I’m with you! it’s so nice to have this! Thank you Renee!
Thanks so much for a wonderful study. I am always looking for ones at home as I live in chronic pain and go out of the house very little.
I know one of my problems hearing God, is I don’t read his word enough.
Just to get my mind clear and at rest to hear and know it his him.
I take a lot of medication and my mind isn’t too clear. I always enjoyed bible studies but since I haven’t been able to go, I don’t have the fellowship, or any frendships, which is probably what I ask God for more then anything.
God has blessed me, I really need to read and listen to his word more, I just have a very hard time remembering what I read.
Thank you Renee!
I listen to music. God often speaks to me through songs.
Keeping the negative thoughts out of my mind and focusing on the postive. Studying his Word in the quiet and solitude of a quiet place so I can totally focus on His Word.
Definitely something I struggle with. Pain meds & NSAIDS don’t get along with me, so have to such a topical med which takes about 1/2 hour to dry. I have started using that time to read through verses, pray, etc. Can definitely tell a difference if instead just read a novel during my first application of the day.
I have really enjoyed being a part of this study. I bought the book on my Kindle sometime around Christmas,and I was so happy to see this study starting at such a perfect time for me. I felt it must be a nudge from God to really listen as I read. I realize now how much of my life I have wasted listening to my own self-doubt and others negative comments. I must stop that now if I am to live my life according to God’s purpose. I’m so excited to see where my life can go now that I’m putting my trust in God instead of myself or others.
Hi Renee!
One big thing I need to do is to just stop and find a quiet place and listen. Find quiet and be quiet and still and have communication with Him. I don’t do it anywhere near enough and maybe that’s why I’m so confused much of the time.
Thank you so much Renee for this particular part of our study. This is a question I have ALWAYS had ever since I came to the Lord. I always hear voices sort of in the back of my mind, telling me when something is right or wrong, or what I should really do..but I always thought it was just me telling myself. Obviously if it was me telling myself, then i’d already know what to do and wouldn’t have to wonder what I should do you know? Now after reading this, I realize it was always God speaking to me. I realize now that everything that has happened to myself and my family ever since I was born, all happened because it was apart of his plan to bring me to Him. I could sit here all day and type all the events in my life that have happened, that I now believe WAS and IS God’s plan for me. During the time, I always wondered “why me?”, why does this happen to me, but I don’t have to say that anymore. He always stayed right beside me even when I hadn’t realized it. It’s truly amazing how God brings you back to Him. This study is such a big help to me, so thank you Lord for Renee doing this, and thank you Renee!!
“When we live in the “hear and now” our calling and our calendar begin to reflect our love for Him, and His love for us — not our need for fulfillment or the desire for others’ approval and acceptance.” This statement is something that I have struggled with for as long as I can remember. Every time I think I am passed it then it rears its ugly head.
For me, the most important way that I will begin to focus more on my Lord is putting aside the thing that waste my time…Facebook! I have De-activated my account and it feels really great! This is just the place for me to start.