I shared a few of these thoughts here a few weeks ago but wanted to share them and a few more here again this afternoon. You see, in just over 15 days, I’ll be doing something I’ve never done before. And I planned it with you in mind.
You…the woman who senses God has more for her but just isn’t sure how to find it, hold on to it or live in it.
I wish we were meeting in a coffee shop so I could look across the table and say this, because if I could I would!! Will you go on a journey with me – a journey of finding out just how much God has for you? A process of uncovering lies that hold you back and truth that can set you free.
Free to see just how significant you are to God.
Free to live in your God-given purpose, passion and personality!
Free to walk away from guilt-induced doubt and live with grace-induced confidence!
I’ll be hosting an online study right here beginning next month, and I’d love for you to join me! It’ll be you, me and women from all over gathering here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
And I have a few books to give-away!
Click on “Share Your Thoughts” below and let me know you signed up. From your names, I’ll do 3 drawings for a FREE book. Also, be sure to invite friends/family to join us! Share a link to this post via Facebook, Twitter, email or on your blog and each time you do, leave a comment and you’ll get extra entries. (Winner will be listed here next Monday.)
Let’s learn how to live in the assurance, transforming power and confidence of God’s promises – together!!
I just signed up and I am so excited to share in this study with other women whose heart beat with a passion for God’s word and will!
I’m looking forward to the study! I love hearing Proverbs 31 on the radio!
To think of all the women you will minister to by sharing what the Lord places on your heart – amazing!
Love ya, girl.
Thank you so much for offering this study. I participated in Melissa Taylor’s online study but I can’t even describe how much this book has affected me. I signed up for this bible study as well and pray that several of my family members and friends will be able to do so as well. So excited to delve into the book for a second time and to share that experience with a friend to encourage each other. She needs this bible study soooo much now…I won’t share the specifics but she is spiraling downward based on doubt when she is the strongest and most-Christlike individual alone. If I were to receive a copy of the book, it would not go to myself but to my sweet friend and/or my mother since finances are tight. However, I have found that this book is can be placed in your purse and has strengthened me in my faith. Thank you Renee. I can only hope that all our stories will act as a ripple in a pool. I’m soooo excited for your study and can’t wait to share this time with others. God bless.
I signed up! I am looking for ways to develop my relationship with God and I believe that this is just the start. Thank you for sharing your time and energy in doing this event. I am looking forward to it!
I see that I’m not the only one who started Melissa’s study and didn’t keep up. I haven’t given up on that one, and have the intention of finishing it, although maybe not before this one starts.
I have a close friend who has been going through a very difficult time recently. she has had a extended stay in the hospital because of the stress. I feel your book can do her good and that the Lord can touch her heart and life through it.
I signed up. I started Melissa’s Bible Study on A COnfident Heart while I was away and was not able to keep up. I am half way through the book and I want to redo this. Thanks for offering another study on it.
I’ve signed up and I’m lookinng forward to delving into God’s Word with you and all the other women of this group. Thank you for starting this study!
Signed up and looking forward to it. May God use you to encourage and richly bless the lives of others! Thanks, Renee.
I canNOT wait for this! I LOVE your book. It has been a HUGE blessing at just the right time for me!
Why can’t I be confident in myself and believe in God’s promises? Each day I receive emails from you, they hit the nail on the head – exactly. The one a few days ago about marriage really spoke to me. Why is it so hard to show respect to your husband? I printed out the prayers and plan to start changing that aspect of my life… I ordered the book and signed up for the Bible study… Really wanting to take control of my confidence!! Thanking God for you, Renee, for being an open and willing vessel for God to use to reach hurting women. Preach on Sister!
Hi Renee,
I’m signing up once again for the online study. I’ve signed up twice before and can’t seem to stay on it. Perhaps, 3rd times a charm and I can never thank God enough for you and His constant favor, and for giving me chance after chance.
I just signed up for the study! I am so excited and can hardly wait to begin this journey!!! This comes at just the right time! : )
Looking forward to this study and getting your book. I’ve looked at it before and considered getting it but put it off. Perhaps this study is God’s nudge to get started!
I have your book, Renee. I have been reading it the last few weeks. I have been led by God to start a small group study with A Confident Heart next semester. I am really excited about it! Doing the online study a little ahead of when my small group meets will help prepare me for my small group. I can never be too prepared! Thank you so much for offering this online study!
I signed up! it’s going to be big challenge for me.
But I’m expecting God!
I can’t tell you how much this is needed. Right here, right now. Thank you.
I’ve signed up! Would be an blessing to receive a free copy of the book and conference calls. I’m financiall-challenged at this time but in much need of this study. Either way, I trust that God will make a way! God Bless.
My name is Autumn and I have signed up for the Bible Study! This is so awesome and came at the right time. I have chose your book for our woman’s group at church. I have been teaching them for some time about confidence through Christ and was astounded when I found your book and just had to get my hands on it. I am excited to start our women’g group today and we will be reading the book together and going through the Reflection at the end of each chapter together!! I am excited to see God’s transforming power in these women as they read A Confident Heart!!! God bless you and your ministry!!
January will be a good time for me to participate with this study. We are moving 6 hours away from our current location during the Christmas break, So I hope to be settled and ready to give myself this gift of a little “me time” to recharge my batteries! Thank you for your ministry to women!
I just signed up and i am very excited about it. I did the 7 Day diet and it was really fulfilling. I am really looking forward to starting this journey. I don’t have the book yet so I hope I win it! 😉 😉 😉
Thank you so much for writing this book. This is just what I need in my life. I’ve struggled with confidence issues all my life. And now God has blessed me with two beautiful daughters. My mother has issues and so do I. I don’t want my girls feeling the way I do about themselves. I enjoyed the 7 Day Doubt Diet. It really opened my eyes to many things I’d never seen in the Bible. I signed up for the bible study. I’m so glad that God lead me to the P31 Encouragement for Today Bible Study, and eventually to you. You are a wonderful and inspiring lady. Thank you for all that you do.
I’m looking forward to January!
I have signed up and am looking forward to a wonderful time together with other woman. From what I have read of your book it speaks volumes to me! Thank you for being so honest.
This is a wonderful book. When I first picked it up I read over half before I could put it down. Your writing style is easy to read, just like talking to a friend. Proverbs 31 has meant the world to me. I began by getting the devotionals, and then ordering books, and Walking through the Word with Wendy. It has been an amazing discovery. I am so thankful for the Women’s Conference that connected me with Proverbs 31. Every month I look forward to the magazine. It is so nice to see a group of ladies who are not afraid to be real, and this makes us finally feel normal as we struggle daily with walking in the spirit. Sometimes it is easy to think you are the only person who goofs up daily when trying so hard to do the right thing. Thank you for your honesty. I can easily identify with the lady who posted that by the time she was 50 she was hoping to have these things figured out. That is my goal also, I will be 50 in one year. I have a feeling that by the time I am 50, I will be saying the same thing about 60. Keep up the good work, I can’t wait to see what will happen in 10 years!
Have sent emails to all my Bible Study group and have actually shared the link on my Facebook page. I am really hoping that some of my friends will get as excited as I am about this study. Going tomorrow to try and find a copy of the book that I can afford. When shipping is added in any forum I looked at it makes the book well over $20 and I just can’t afford that. God will make a way and I am counting on that.
I signed up! 🙂 I’ve actually already read the book and am reading it again because its so deep and totally ministering to my heart…thank u soo much Renee. Can’t wait to do the online study with you 🙂
I just signed up, and I am so excited. I have already started reading the book, and I am anxiously awaiting what God has in store for my life through this time.
I’ve signed up and I think I have talked my mother into signing up as well. So grateful that you’re having an online study. As a single mother I’m not always able to participate in the ones at my church. Thank you for doing this. I’m so excited!
Signed up and can’t wait!!! I think 2012 is going to bring a lot of change into my life and I’m not one who loves change.:) So I go back and forth with all of the uncertainity…some days are good and some others I’m so frightened of what’s to come! So this is just what I need:)
Thank you so much for providing us with all this information. I heard this from my sister Hilda. Can’t wait to get started. I already read most of your website and can’t wait to hear more.
Renee, I’m all signed up! I have been blessed by your words many times in many ways and I am looking forward to this new adventure. I would love to win a copy ot this book and asking for that blessing.
i am so excided i can’t wait
I have signed up because I have been dealing with not having a Confident Heart. I also would love to win a copy of your book. Thank you so much for this free book study.
I signed up and can’t wait for the study to begin and I would be delighted to win a copy of our book!
God bless,
I’ve just signed up! Looking forward to learning some new things to help me “get out of my own way!”
I just signed up! Can’t wait to learn some new things to help me “get out of my own way”!
looking forward to starting a new class…
I’ve signed up and forwarded the link on to my daughter too. Thanks for an opportunity to win the book! 🙂
I have signed up and looking forward to the bible study !!!!
This will be the second time I have done this! I got so much from the first time through that I wanted to do it again to see if there is anything I missed. I can see myself doing this for as long as it takes! Thank you for your wonderful book and your talent for helping women become who they are meant to be in Christ!
I have signed up for the book study of A Confident Heart. Thank you for your special interest in this subject. I need more of God in me and God’s wisdom working through me. Blessings to you and all the women who are signed and will sign up.
Definitely signed up and I have already bought 3 books, 1 for me and the other 2 for my friends who I have been getting together with to do your 7 day doubt diet. It’s been such a blessing to get to know these ladies better and to get to know myself and God in a deeper way. The wisdom and understanding that has come from the study makes me excited to read the whole book, I just got it, but if I win one I will be happy to pass it on to someone else and will really look forward to the free conference calls.
Thank you for helping me in sooo many ways : )
I pray your Christmas is blessed and the study in January will not be a burden on your time but a blessing as you will be a blessing to us I’m sure.
Don’t know you but love you for your heart, Mair
I’ve signed up and am expecting the Lord to use this book to bring a new level of confidence in Christ. It seems I have been full of expectations in the past which never were met. The Lord has been showing me that He wants me to gain Christ and not trust in my abilities. I am sure I will find this study to be one that uplifts and inspires me to trust only in the Lord…and lean not on my own understanding.
I’ve signed up. I’m ready to be all that God has created me to be.
I’m signing up! I’m also going too see if anyone at my husbands clinic (staff) is interested. I know when I shared this book at a morning reflection last week and how it has helped me and changed my thinking and my confidence my husband said I have a gift. My gift was sharing the memory verses your struggles Renee and mine. God is so amazing! Do you give discounts if I buy the books in bulk? I’m looking forward to this.
Hi Renee I have signed up. Thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading. I know you will find all the rest and family time you need because you are putting Him first! God Bless you! 🙂
Signing up. Need a miracle in my life……..in our marriage. Trusting God to do a work in me, maybe it will be this study. The time is now. Thank you, Judi
I’ve signed up to do the book study. After going through a painful breakup, I think this is something that I need right now. Thank you for making this available to us!
I’ve signed up for the book study! So excited for this, the book is wonderful. 🙂
I have signed up for the book study. I am going to ask my daughter in law who lives many miles away to do it with me. Her husband is deployed and she has 2 small children. It will be a great encouragement for her! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to do this together!