I shared a few of these thoughts here a few weeks ago but wanted to share them and a few more here again this afternoon. You see, in just over 15 days, I’ll be doing something I’ve never done before. And I planned it with you in mind.
You…the woman who senses God has more for her but just isn’t sure how to find it, hold on to it or live in it.
I wish we were meeting in a coffee shop so I could look across the table and say this, because if I could I would!! Will you go on a journey with me – a journey of finding out just how much God has for you? A process of uncovering lies that hold you back and truth that can set you free.
Free to see just how significant you are to God.
Free to live in your God-given purpose, passion and personality!
Free to walk away from guilt-induced doubt and live with grace-induced confidence!
I’ll be hosting an online study right here beginning next month, and I’d love for you to join me! It’ll be you, me and women from all over gathering here beginning January 16th to read through my book, A Confident Heart. We’ll walk through each chapter together and discover how we can overcome self-doubts and strong or even subtle insecurity by learning how to to live in THE security of God’s promises! I’m so excited about all God’s laying on my heart for our study, and I’d love for you to be part of this special community where we’ll share encouragement, prayers and stories of all that God is doing in and through us!
To join us, enter your info and click Sign Up..
To find out more details about online study, click here.
And I have a few books to give-away!
Click on “Share Your Thoughts” below and let me know you signed up. From your names, I’ll do 3 drawings for a FREE book. Also, be sure to invite friends/family to join us! Share a link to this post via Facebook, Twitter, email or on your blog and each time you do, leave a comment and you’ll get extra entries. (Winner will be listed here next Monday.)
Let’s learn how to live in the assurance, transforming power and confidence of God’s promises – together!!
I have signed up and can’t wait to begin! I agree with Jill…God always knows exactly what I need and has such perfect timing! I am looking so forward to this. My heart needs this!
I have signed up…..thank you for doing this….God always knows exactly what I need and has such perfect timing…..
I’ve signed up bought the book for a friend and I and have talked my sister into joining in. I can’t wait I know it is time for God and I to get serious about me getting a new attitude. I want to have God-fidence instead of the low self confidence I currently have.
I checked and neither my local library nor my church library has the book. My local library is Williamsburg Regional Library and the address is 515 Scotland Street Williamsburg VA 23185. My church is Williamsburg United Methodist Church and it would be for our church library. Our address is 500 Jamestown Rd Williamsburg VA 23185. Thanks so much for any generous donations to our local libraries.
Blessings, Tennille
I mentioned this in an earlier post, but it bears repeating. My library also did not own a copy and could not get one through their inter-library loan program. However, they allow patrons to complete a “Request to Purchase” form and will purchase the book. It takes about six weeks, but by requesting this now I hope to have the book in time for the study.
Maybe your library does the same – it couldn’t hurt to ask 🙂 Of course that won’t help for your church library.
I am really looking forward to this bible study. I need change in my thinking about myself and I am just in a rut right now. I am confident that God will do some work in me to change my thoughts. I love your website and your books. You are so helpful. Thank you.
I have been having a very difficult time lately. I am really looking forward to this study. I feel so strongly that I should be doing something different with my life and I feel that there have been so many obstacles to fulfilling my purpose. Thank you for all that you do.
I signed up and cannot wait to what God has planned for all f us.
I signed up and looking forward to God transforming me some more.
I just signed & looking forward to it!!!
I have signed up. Thanks so much for doing this study.
Thank you for your invitation to join you for the study. I have signed up and hope to encourage other women in my church to join us. I also saw that your book is on sale and have bought copies for Christmas presents for friends and relatives. I began reading your book but have gotten side-tracked. I need to pull it out and start reading it again because it was speaking to me right where I needed it to. Thank you for being a blessing to so many women who need a Confident Heart.
I’m signed up and can’t wait to start this study!
I read your book while on vacation and am planning on doing the online bible study. I stuggle with lack of confidence and doubting myself so much. I was married 25 years and my husband divorced me. I have been single for 9 years and am 50 years old. I want a partner in my life and feel like such a reject because I haven’t met that special one yet. I fear I am not pretty enough. smart enough, skinny enough,etc. I am looking forward to building my confindence my Abba Father who loves me and promises to be my husband!
Hi Renee,
My library does NOT have a copy of A Confident Heart. Their address is West Bend Community Library, 630 Poplar St., West Bend, WI 53090.
It would be great to see it there and be able to recommend it. Thanks, Marjorie
I mentioned this in an earlier post, but it bears repeating. My library also did not own a copy and could not get one through their inter-library loan program. However, they allow patrons to complete a “Request to Purchase” form and will purchase the book. It takes about six weeks, but by requesting this now I hope to have the book in time for the study.
Maybe your library does the same – it couldn’t hurt to ask 🙂
I signed up! I have not purchased the book as of yet. I will be sure to pass the word to my friends and family about the bible study. I think they will be just as excited as I am! Thank you Renee
I just signed up and I am so excited that I am able to start my New Year in such a fantastic way!! Thanks so much for offering your time on such a wonderful topic! I also hope to get others from church and from my MOPS group to sign on.
Hi Renee,
I signed up! My library does not own a copy and their address is:
Montgomery Free Library
133 Clinton Street
Montgomery, Ny 12549
Thanks 🙂
From one Janet to another – my library also did not own a copy and could not get one through their inter-library loan program. However, they allow patrons to complete a “Request to Purchase” form and will purchase the book. It takes about six weeks, but by requesting this now I hope to have the book in time for the study.
Maybe your library does the same – it couldn’t hurt to ask 🙂
Renee-I read Chpt. 1 of your book to see if it would be an online book study which will interest me…well, let’s just say that I printed out Chpt. 1, underlined what jumped out and intrigued me, encouraged me, challenged me, spoke to my heart and I KNEW in my heart-soul-mind that I can’t wait for this study to begin!!!!!!!!! I promptly called the nearest Christian bookstore to order in A Confident Heart for me and I have it waiting on my shelf for the study in January.
What a soul-searching, cleansing study this sounds to be and my soul is ready, willing, and able to be searched, cleansed and renewed! I want to be empowered to ward off doubt and discouragement from the enemy, Satan, and become empowered to grab and hold onto all that God has for me.
God bless you and strengthen and empower you as you follow His guidance for the study!!
Hi Renee
Count me in for the study. I have your book but if I won a free one I would give it to my friend at church so she could do the study with me. Im so excited to do the study. Thanks and God Bless…
Kathy M in Illinois
Just shared on my FB!
Signed up and ready to dive into God’s Word! What does He have in stored for me? I can’t wait to see!
Signed up & feel excited!
renee, hi! It was nice to hear from you. I just signed up for your study.I would love to join you for this study.
Hi Renee’ I’ve signed up for your free bible study, I so need this. My mom died 10 days ago and my younger siblings (they’re in their 40’s) have been trampling over me & I’ve withdrawn from talking with them since all they want to do is scream & argue. I have been praying for wisdom & courage & strength to deal with them & the situation my mom left behind (the bank will be repossessing the house, she was a hoarder, & had 3 elderly cats that are still living in the house while I try to find homes for them). Thank you for your generous offer.
Debbie – I want to offer my sincere sympathy for the loss of your mom. It has been just over a year since my mom died so I know how difficult it can be. I am praying for you and asking God to continue to be with you and give you the “peace that passes all understanding.”
I have signed up! Thank you so much for your ministry. I have been blessed! I loved your 7 day doubt diet and really need to go on a doubt fast! Looking forward to the new study.
Thank you for the invitation. I have signed up! I have placed a hold on your book at my local library. Hopefully I will get it in time. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly be chosen to get a book for my own. Pick Me Pick Me!! LOL! God bless you Renee!
I signed up. I’m definitely looking forward to the study group. I’m going to invite my sisters and best friend. I know God will do great things!
God bless you all!
I just signed up fpr this dynamic study , i know that God is going to do some extravagant healing & empowering through us all within the weeks to come, im excited about being apart of this group study.
God bless each & every one of us
I signed up. I’m excited because this has been the biggest strong hold in myself. I lack God’s confidence in myself and just want to be free to live how he has created me. I’ve missed so many opportunities in life due to low self confidence. I want to be able to do as the Lord has created me and not be held back any longer. I did the 7 day doubt diet and am excited that the bible study is being offered and can take me deeper. I can’t afford the book, but would really like to do this study.
my husband and I participated in extreme counseling our church sent us to. Our ongoing theme, as we left, was a new song. Psalm 40 being our chapter. More for me. My quest is to change my thought pattern to improve my contributions in this marriage. Immediately upon returning home from our intense weekend, I received the information on your 7 day Doubt Diet. Just what I needed to kick start a forgiveness and healing toward my husband. A friend joined me and she two was totally blessed. I would be grateful to go deeper in the healing the diet offered as we continue healing and growing our marriage/life into a new song!
I’d really like to join this. Confidence has been a huge battle for most all of my life.
I am taking a leap of faith and signing up today! After a year of unemployment, I became homeless on November 1st. It appeared that I would be sleeping in my car, but at the last moment God provided. So, I am singing praises to God for bringing a compassionate, complete stranger into my life!!! I have no idea when I will secure a job or find a permanent place to live, but for the moment I have a roof over my head and food in my stomach.
The woman/angel that I am temporarily staying with has internet so even though I have no money, I am trusting that God will continue to provide and will allow me to participate in your Bible study. Please prayerfully consider donating a book to a library in my town. Blessings to you!!!
Looking forward to starting the year with you.
Oh this looks just like what I’ve been needing. I am signed up and ready to go…just need a book, pretty please.
I am so excited that you sent this invite out. I need this in my life so badly. Thank you for all you do for all of us women and young ladies.
I’m signing up right now. I’m actually taking a break from leading a women’s small group Bible study and looking forward to spending some much needing personal time in God’s Word. Thank you for offering this, Renee!
Thanks SO much for doing this!! I have been putting it off, But no more! I’m gonna do this! I need this!!!
I bought the book when it was first published and I love it! I have been following an online Bible study using “A Confident Heart” and I will definately be signing up for this one. My spiritual growth has been incredible using this book as one of my tools.
I have really enjoyed doing this study with Melissa online and I can’t wait to do it again with you in January! I’ve got my Monday School ladies excited about doing this with you too. We ordered more copies of your book and will meet on Mondays…hence “Monday School,” to go over the discussion questions together.
I have no doubt that once word gets out about our study, our numbers will start to soar!!! Hmmmm….I think I’ll need a bigger place to meet…..
<3 Heather
I am so excited about your study. I have already done the study with Melissa. But you cannot get enough of “A Confident Heart”. I am going to do a group study with my church starting in January and I know that your on-line study will help me. This is a book you can read over and over. I reference it and go back and read over again and again. Thank you Renee for writing this book. I am still struggling, but I am getting closer than I ever have been. Your book is a blessing from God. I look forward to the study!
I just signed up and am SO excited! Attended your conference on this topic in September, and purchased the book at that time. Was intending to start the study on my own after the Holidays, and am so excited to have received the e-vite this afternoon and now be joining the group! Thanks for the opportunity!
God bless you,Renee for following God’s leading and teaching this study!!! I just signed up for it and I am really looking forward to what the Lord will do in my life thru it!!! I had signed up for Melissa’s study, but was not able to do it…what an awesome God we have that he would have you offer this study again…He knows I really need it!!! I have more time in the winter too, so that works out better for me. Finances are also tight in the winter, so I would really love to win the conference calls…I already have the book and if I win would like to bless someone with it who can’t afford it.
I’ve signed up! I think this journey starting in January may be just what I need.
Thank you!
So psyched! I got the book at the She Speaks conference…and I have the Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence sheet on my desk at all times. I am looking forward to going on this journey in January. Sure seems like the perfect way to start a new year. Blessings, Elise
I will be signing up as soon as I can get the book. Your email with the invite hit home on so many levels for me. I read the sample chapter and would love the book. We have had layoffs in our family and money is very tight. I would love to win a copy to be sure that I can join. If not, God will provide a way. I live in self doubt and question everything I do. I need to be a part of this wonderful journey. Thanks for inviting me.
I’m so glad you’re doing this…I’ve signed up! I can’t wait to get started.
I signed up….I can’t wait for it to start…..
Hi. I just signed up for the Bible study and look foward to this journey! ~Peace & Blessings~
Renee, I am signed up! I am sooooo excited about your online bible study starting in January. I can’t wait to get started. I am looking forward to God doing above and beyond anything we can ask, think or hope for. Bless you, girlfriend:)
I just signed up and am excited to see what God has in store as we seek Him together to more accurately view ourselves in Him. Thank you for what you are doing, Renee. Being unemployed, and job searching has shown me I need Jesus; He is my hope.