Have you ever had a friend whose words felt like a hug? It is a rare jewel, but one I have found in my friend Holley. Last week she released a book I’ve been eagerly waiting for because I couldn’t wait to share it with you! I’ll share more of my thoughts about it, but first I wanted you to hear from Holley’s heart:
Photo Credit: Sara Torbett
Her shoulders slump as she slides into a chair in my counseling office. Her eyes and face speak volumes before she ever says a word. “I feel defeated,” she whispers. I nod. It’s understandable. The battles she’s faced. The way she’s fought. The war waging in her world. I dare to smile just a bit and say, “You may have lost some skirmishes, but that’s not who you are. You’re still an overcomer.” She leans forward, smiles back, shakes a little of the tension off her shoulders. She looks stronger already. When we have a weak moment, a bad day, a tough year, the enemy of our souls taunts us. “You’ve lost,” he hisses. But that isn’t true. The reality is, we can’t lose. In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Rom. 8:37) Oh, we get knocked around in this life. We have bumps and bruises. Even our Savior left this world with scars. But that doesn’t mean we’re defeated. This matters because it changes how we fight. Imagine being a soldier who’s going into battle. Your commander tells you, “We have already won. All you have to do today is go in there and obey my commands. Victory is sure.” You would fight with less fear and more faith, less hesitancy and more certainty, less regret and more intensity. This is what’s true of us. Even when the disease returns. Even when our spouse decides not to stay. Even when we relapse after promising we won’t ever again. I don’t say that lightly—oh, how those blows hurt. We ache. We feel the pain. We are human, and that is inescapable. Yet we don’t have to let our wounds define us. What happens to us is not who we are. Even in those moments and circumstances, our identity remains secure. What has happened to you that has made you feel defeated? Now add God’s perspective to your answer above. In all these things, even in ________________________________ (the answer you just gave), I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me. Defeat is not your destiny. What we are called to do is simply this: to stand {Eph. 6:10-17}. Not to conquer the world. Not to be the greatest warrior ever. Not to never feel weak or afraid. Just stand. Stand on God’s promises. Stand on faith. Stand on the hope that victory is sure. You have already won. You can’t be defeated by anything in this life or the next. You are an overcomer. XOXO Holley Gerth
On the back cover:If you need a friend to walk with you through the hard stuff in life, to cheer you on with encouragement, to help you find strength and joy in the midst of life’s difficulties – this book is for you! God writes love and assurance on the canvas of hearts through the hands of Holley Gerth.In each chapter you will learn how to hold onto hope, hold on to who you are and hold on to all God has promised – knowing and believing that no matter what, “You’re going to be okay!” ~Renee SwopeENTER TO WIN (This giveaway has ended, but I’d still love to hear from you!) a copy of Holly’s new book, “You’re Going to Be Okay” by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” under today’s post. You can share your heart or simply fill in the blank: In all these things, even in ________________________________, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. {I’ll be praying over you by name today!}
As a widow at the age of 42… Raising my three children alone. Sometimes working four jobs to meet the bills… I have always leaned on Phil 4:13…. It is only thru HIM that I have not only survived lonely nights, tough days and many other obstacles!! Thankful and blessed!!
In all these things, even in illness, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
When I feel like I am insignificant, I still have hope. Even when I feel like I don’t matter to anybody, I still have hope. If I lost hope, I don’t know where I would be. Praise God that He gave us His Son to be our Hope!!!
I could really use this right now. I am going through extremely hard times with extended family & I just pray that my husband & I are sources of God’s Light & love throughout it, and that we shield our young kids from it all effectively. Thank you! God bless all you do!
We all tend to be our own worst enemy – women, that is. I’m so thankful for words of encouragement from other women who strip away the masks and get down to the heart of who we are to God. That is all that matters – in this busy world, we all need to encourage each other more.
Renee, you are a tremendous encouragement to me and women everywhere!
Thank you!!!!
Women have been given a gift of encouraging other women like most Men cannot. I so look forward to reading this book. Father has blessed me with the gift to encourage others and I can use this read as another resource in my tool box 🙂
This post was very encouraging today! I was especially encouraged by the reminder in Ephesians that I only need “to stand”. By the amount of friends who posted replies today, Holly’s book will surely be a blessing to many. And thank you Renee, for praying for us!
Just really needed to hear these words. Thank you. Would love to read the book.
I lost my husband after a surprising and quick battle with lung cancer. My constant companion. My best friend. My quiet strong man. It has been a little over a month and it seems to get harder. While I trust God and His plan I ache for what is gone. And I can’t see true happiness minus him. Yes, I have faith and am working on receiving peace, but missing him is hard to handle. Grateful for so many who lift me and our 14 year old up.
Awe so sorry to hear of your loss. My husband just died three and a half weeks ago from lung cancer as well. The enemy tries to discourage but we are more than conquerors. Fill every moment of your life with God’s Word, Christian music, Christian friends, and prayer. Try the amazing and beautiful klove music app and the “Jesus Calling” devotional! I pray and put God’s Armour on every night because Satan likes to make me doubt that God cares by causing me to have disturbing dreams and thoughts which create anxiety. Putting on God’s whole Armour prevents him from getting control. I’m still in the stage of disbelief that my husband is actually gone and it seems I will never get past this and I’m so lonely but I KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL AND CAN HEAL THIS AWFUL PAIN AND BRING ME THROUGH!!! God loves you so much!!
In all these things, even in the darkness of depression, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Another disappointment today, but I will rise above because He Lives in me! I am never lonely, never on my own. I praise you Lord!
Great blog post!
I have just recently been dealing with some major life changes due to health issues. I am having to quit my job and apply for disability and I am only going to be 36 yrs old in 8 days. It has been so hard to admit all that is happening to me. It has been hard to see myself as an over-comer. Although I do know that God has His hand in all this now, because I have seen it happening right before my eyes. Your prayers are greatly appreciated!
In all these things, even these health issues, the anxiety, the depression and having to quit my job, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. I am so thankful that nothing can separate us from the LORD!
Amen!! Hallelujah!!
In His Love, Crissy
Even in my overeating/self esteem struggle I have dealt with my entire life I am a conquered through Jesus who loves me!!! I am an overcomer!!!
Thank you!!!
I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, but holding to God’s hand as best I can. I know He’s holding me and He’s in control – but I still struggle. Have been reading The Confident Heart – what a blessing at this time! Would love to read your book! God bless you!
In all things…even in all my money problems trying to rob peter to pay paul…I am more than a conqueror through HIM who loves me…problems and all!
May the Lord bless each and every one of you…lean on Him for He will make our paths straight!
Smiles & Blessings, Robin 🙂
In all these things, even in my imperfect messed up state, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Craving God more than food.
Even in the midst of some of the greatest loss I’ve endured in my life and a seeming inability to move forward or get past my losses, I know that God is there somewhere.
Awe so sorry to hear of your losses. My husband just died three and a half weeks ago. The enemy tries to discourage but we are more than conquerors. Fill every moment of your life with God’s Word, Christian music, Christian friends, and prayer. Try the amazing and beautiful klove music app and the “Jesus Calling” devotional! I pray and put God’s Armour on every night because Satan likes to make me doubt that God cares by causing me to have disturbing dreams and thoughts which create anxiety. Putting on God’s whole Armour prevents him from getting control. I’m still in the stage of disbelief that my husband is actually gone and it seems I will never get past this and I’m so lonely but I KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL AND CAN HEAL THIS AWFUL PAIN AND BRING ME THROUGH!!! God loves you so much!!
Spent the day fighting back tears of pain, fatigue and defeat. I have fibromyalgia but continue to teach full time in a first grade classroom. I love my job and know that God has placed me here to be a light for many children. The fatigue and pain of my disorder, along with the increasing pressures and increasing challenges of curriculum and the politics of education are wearing me down. It’s harder every day to get up and go into the classroom. I lean heavily on our Father and know that He will guide and sustain me. Hearing the comforting words “You’re Going To Be Okay” were definitely a blessing today.
I would love to win this book! I’m going through a terrible divorce. I’m practically homeless and penniless. I need to know I will survive this and come out of this a conqueror.
In all these things, even in the loneliness and the waiting for my very own Boaz, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. Thanks for praying for me, especially during the Valentine’s Day, romance, jewelers, flowers, and all that romance stuff season :-/ This time of year is really hard..
I would love this book. I am desperate for some encouragement in my life right now! Thank you.
Enjoyed reading your blog today. hollys book sounds great! thanks for sharing it.
I’m in a second marriage after loosing my first, dear husband to cancer. Second marriage and a blended family is HARD. My step daughter who is a true part of my heart has been acting up these past few months and it’s been very hard as my husband struggles with depression and not able to deal with kids/family life well. Confrontation is not his strong suit. We’ve been to marriage mentoring through our church, individual and joint counseling, etc. It is in God’s hands..
In all these things, even in the extreme sadness I feel that my marriage is not what it could be, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
In all these things….and there are many. I have so many things to be thankful for and I don’t want to dwell on the negative but I struggle with a lot. As I have read the posts, I realize that we ALL have struggles and I pray that each woman on here be covered in that peace that transcends all understanding. I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me! Thank you for the sweet reminder of that today. 🙂
Even in all my mess, I’m still a conquerer!
I could really use a book of hugs and promises! Looks like this is the perfect one! Thanks for sharing Renee!
I am learning everyday that even through the darkness (clinically known as Depression)that God is with me . He will not fail me.
In all these things, even in my broken home, I am more tan a conqueror through Him who loves me.
Even through having a wound on my heal for four years, Jesus heals!!!
In all these things even in my financial mess I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
In all these things, even in my work, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. Thanks for the reminder that Victory is sure!!!
This last year has been very rough on our family. Without God and His love and grace I know we would not have made. We were hit hard with the government shutdown we ended up losing 1/4 of our income for the year and we up until very recently lived on a one income salary with 4 kids. I, despite my better judgement went back to work to help with the financial loss. But the cost is my health. I have debilitating migraines and Fibromyalgia very bad and some days can barely walk or use my hands because of the pain. I know that God has given me the strength to go about my daily work and has blessed our family by providing for us when we couldn’t afford my medicines or groceries. God truly is my refuge and my.strength!
Would love to win this. I would share it with my study group at church.
Even if I feel weak and unable to persevere, I am more than a conqueror in Christ!
In all these things, even after the loss of my job of 25 years and trying to find another job after soon to be a year, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
I have lost my job after 14 years and do not have a clue what I am going to be doing…I feel lost and need t know it is going to be ok…
What a timely post!! Sure needed that today! Thank you!!
All the chaos of the last month, a fire that totally destroyed our garage, our daughter wrecking our car, my husband wrecking his work truck, (thankfully no one was hurt in any of these) all within 3 weeks, now my husband’s dad is having dementia issues out of the blue.
Sounds like a great book. I would love to win a copy.
I needed to hear this today. I needed to hear that I’m going to be okay. So many days I’m just not sure if I can make it through. I lay in bed at night and dread the next morning. I just need to remind myself that God is in control, He’s got this, and he has already overcome what the next day has in store.
I so needed this today… As the winter drags on and my heart grows heavier… As a mom wife nurse homeschooling mom autistic son…. I chose the word OVERCOME for my year 2014! Thank for the answer to my prayer today… A prayer I was too weary to even say…..
Soo enjoyed reading through this blog!!!!
Divorce and many deaths.
In all things, even in running a business and struggling to keep my staff on a positive path, I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me.
In all these things, even when being selfish in sharing my emptynest, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Praise God we don’t have to walk alone!
I’d love to win Holley’s encouraging book! I believe we as Christian women just need to BELIEVE EVERY PROMISE GOD HAS GIVEN US IN HIS WORD. His Word is the key. Holley is such an encourager! I am thinking this would be a great women’s bible study book! 🙂
Thanks Renee!
Love this blog!
Wow, this would be such an inspirational and encouraging book to read and have. Great to puck up when going through those difficult days and when a friend needs to be encouraged and feel God’s love and joy again. Thanks Holly for writing this book. I can’t wait to read it. xxx
In all these things, even in finding Truth and God while raising two teenage boys while living with an alcoholic husband/dad, I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me.