Have you ever had a friend whose words felt like a hug? It is a rare jewel, but one I have found in my friend Holley. Last week she released a book I’ve been eagerly waiting for because I couldn’t wait to share it with you! I’ll share more of my thoughts about it, but first I wanted you to hear from Holley’s heart:
Photo Credit: Sara Torbett
Her shoulders slump as she slides into a chair in my counseling office. Her eyes and face speak volumes before she ever says a word. “I feel defeated,” she whispers. I nod. It’s understandable. The battles she’s faced. The way she’s fought. The war waging in her world. I dare to smile just a bit and say, “You may have lost some skirmishes, but that’s not who you are. You’re still an overcomer.” She leans forward, smiles back, shakes a little of the tension off her shoulders. She looks stronger already. When we have a weak moment, a bad day, a tough year, the enemy of our souls taunts us. “You’ve lost,” he hisses. But that isn’t true. The reality is, we can’t lose. In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Rom. 8:37) Oh, we get knocked around in this life. We have bumps and bruises. Even our Savior left this world with scars. But that doesn’t mean we’re defeated. This matters because it changes how we fight. Imagine being a soldier who’s going into battle. Your commander tells you, “We have already won. All you have to do today is go in there and obey my commands. Victory is sure.” You would fight with less fear and more faith, less hesitancy and more certainty, less regret and more intensity. This is what’s true of us. Even when the disease returns. Even when our spouse decides not to stay. Even when we relapse after promising we won’t ever again. I don’t say that lightly—oh, how those blows hurt. We ache. We feel the pain. We are human, and that is inescapable. Yet we don’t have to let our wounds define us. What happens to us is not who we are. Even in those moments and circumstances, our identity remains secure. What has happened to you that has made you feel defeated? Now add God’s perspective to your answer above. In all these things, even in ________________________________ (the answer you just gave), I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me. Defeat is not your destiny. What we are called to do is simply this: to stand {Eph. 6:10-17}. Not to conquer the world. Not to be the greatest warrior ever. Not to never feel weak or afraid. Just stand. Stand on God’s promises. Stand on faith. Stand on the hope that victory is sure. You have already won. You can’t be defeated by anything in this life or the next. You are an overcomer. XOXO Holley Gerth
On the back cover:If you need a friend to walk with you through the hard stuff in life, to cheer you on with encouragement, to help you find strength and joy in the midst of life’s difficulties – this book is for you! God writes love and assurance on the canvas of hearts through the hands of Holley Gerth.In each chapter you will learn how to hold onto hope, hold on to who you are and hold on to all God has promised – knowing and believing that no matter what, “You’re going to be okay!” ~Renee SwopeENTER TO WIN (This giveaway has ended, but I’d still love to hear from you!) a copy of Holly’s new book, “You’re Going to Be Okay” by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” under today’s post. You can share your heart or simply fill in the blank: In all these things, even in ________________________________, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. {I’ll be praying over you by name today!}
I would love to win this and read it from cover to cover. I could use encouragement as my husband and I raise 2 teen girls.
Wow, how true our these words! Would live more insight in the book!
In all these things, even through moving away from all of our friends and our home of 14 years, I am more than a conqueror through Him who LOVES ME! 🙂
Adrienne Maples
Even in the midst of much change: the daughters I homeschooled now gone to college, a cross-country move, financial uncertainty, spousal betrayal, and loss of purpose, I can be an over comer with Christ’s help. Thank you and your ministry for the daily reminder to keep looking up to the One who loves me unconditionally and lavishly! Who will never leave me and has redeemed my life and wants to heal and restore all my broken places.
God has perfect timing! For the last 18 months, I have been fighting for the restoration of my 13 year marriage and family of 3 children, the youngest being 5 months old when my husband left. I have been waging war against Satan but really felt like I was losing. But then I saw your post about this book. This divorce does not make me a bad wife or mom. It doesn’t make me a failure. I’ve made it through this far, with God, I can overcome. Will be getting this book for sure
I have been having this statement come up multiple times the last couple weeks! I AM AN OVERCOMER! I have been fighting four terminal illnesses and I’m only 41 I am tired but do not believe that my mission is complete I love your book a confident heart and I would love this book too!
In all these things, even in financial crisis, loneliness, feelings of hopelessness, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Oh! Did I just need to read that today!
I become so tired of my struggles, I am wearing myself out today just being who I am.
In all these things, even in my husband’s unemployment and abandonment by friends, I am more than a conqueror.
even in ___learning of our precious, 21 year old granddaughter’s 2nd unwed & unexpected pregnancy, & her low self-image/mental state right now, through the torrent of tears, I turn her over and my feelings over to my Savior _____________________________, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. {I’ll be praying over you by name today!} looking forward to this book.
In all these things, even in the loss of my beautiful daughter, and an abusive marriage I’m trying to find my way out of, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me!
Although Im finally in a calmer season of life (today anyway), I find myself surrounded by friends snd lived ones who are deeply hurting. I could use some help reaching out to encourage them.
In all these things, even in job loss, financial despair and loss of confidence, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
Hello, my name is Debora and I have a disabled husband. He was in a bad accident years ago and he almost died. He was on dialysis for almost two years. The doctors had no hope but I knew God was going to heal him. He is now Not on dialysis but only has one kidney. They said he wouldn’t walk but now he walks. He has also died eight times, had one outer body experience and he got to see heaven once during the eight near life deaths. He is a walking miracle because we never lost our faith in God. Even today, him being disabled and depends on me for our survival and we are about to lose our house, we still believe that God has a plan and we stand strong on that belief. Sounds like an awesome book and I look forward to being able to read it someday. Everyone stay blessed and stay strong in your faith.
so thankful for your post. even with an abusive husband . God is still bigger an I can be a conqueror through Him
Even in the sudden loss of my mother and the diagnosis of my 15 year old with cancer, I am more than a conquerer, through Jesus Christ the ultimate overcomer. Our lives are but a moment in His time. Each person a blessing to us for how ever long we have them. His love and presence in my life are the only sure things. I am learning to need Him more.
Even in the midst of tremendous debt and worry over my baby brother who has stage IV cancer, I know that the Lord is the one constant in my life, He will never leave me nor forsake me. With Him, come what may, I will be okay. I’m so very thankful for His endless love and mercy.
Even in grief
In all these things, even in the end of my marriage with my husband leaving and saying he no longer loves me, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Thank you for this post today. It really touched me and encouraged me.
In all these things, even in a failed first marriage and doubts, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. I did find a man of faith and will celebrate our 35th anniversary on the 16th. Praise God for leading me in the right direction.
I love this post. I am a new mom with a one year old, i have been really struggling with my past and my ability to be a mother! how can you be a good mother if you had no one to model what that means! my mother gave me up, did drugs and mentally was troubled… how can i escape that! but i feel like the lord has been showing me lately that i am not destined to repeat her mistakes. i am me, and i am new in christ- i will make my own mistakes ( i wish it wasn’t so!) but at least i am trying and i have Grace from my father. i am not my mother- i am an overcomer and i will be anew!!!!
Even in my best friend and roommate moving away to get married, even in breaking up with my boyfriend, even in health issues and anxiety and depression and panic attacks and overeating and a crazy messy house and other things, i am more than a conquerer in Christ. I needed that reminder so much right now. Thank you.
I am struggling like so many others. I am not special or unique but my heart hurts. My marriage is desparate and I have lost hope in restoration. But, I continue to stay thinking one day it will change and I will be acceptable. Does that make me a door mat?
Coming up on 6 years since we have seen our granddaughter who we raised as a child for her first 16 years. But even so, God is good. And I am grateful for Sustaining Love.
Thank you So Much Renee for yours and the Lord’s perfect timing!
I need this book in the worst way. Have been in a season of no close friends for a while. I’m dealing with feelings of extreme hurt and rejection and how to handle that while hanging onto how much God loves me – no matter what!
In all these things, even in fighting against all the negative voices that try to entrap me again and again, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
I love Holley’s books. You described them so appropriately, Renee. Her words feel like hugs. 🙂
In all these things, even in the midst of battling cancer, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. At times I begin to think of all I have already been through: radiation, multiple surgeries, chemotherapy; what I’ve already lost: income, my job, my sense of self worth; and what I see it is doing to my family: the worry on my husband’s face, my children’s sense of security, the fear in their eyes. Yet, I know God is going to take care of us. He already has in so many ways. God is so good.
Stressful moments. I am a girl on the
Go!! I have a hard time saying “no”.
In all these things, even in working through all the abuse I have endured, I am more than a conqueror through Him who Loves me.
I love Holley Gerth’s work she is so uplifting.I got her book and desk calendar You’re Already Amazing for Christmas. I have thoroughly enjoyed the calendar and Book.
I am praying that the Lord heal all my past hurts from family, church people, and others for some things I felt the Lord tugging at my heart to do. I truly desire a Samaritan’s heart too. I have 4 children and married for 28 1/2 years and I give God all the glory! He is faithful. His grace is sufficient….And His mercy endures 4 Ever!
I sure would love a friend like that ! Until that happens I pray I can be that kind of friend to those who need that confident reminder they are ok and they don’t have to compromise for anything less.
I just can’t seem to get out of this valley. I so want to be happy and laugh and love again. I will keep believing that with the help of the Lord I will conqueror these feelings.
What encouraging words! Sounds like a great book! Even through suffering and loss, and financial insecurities, we are more than conquerors through Christ!
I would love a copy of this book – I am a Christian counselor and I think the book would give me some helpful thoughts to share with my clients. We all need hope and helping someone hold on to hope is huge. Thanks for writing this!
In all these things, even in my lack of follow through, I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me.
Probably the biggest decision I have ever had to make towards my future (God’s Way!) The fear I feel, because I have a long background of not finishing, or even begin consistent in anything!
I have been praying for a GOOD friend to come into my life. Someone I can always depend on.
I live by Jeremiah 29:11–some days it is easier to trust and believe than other days.
the past. Even in the things of the past, I can trust you God. Mistakes I have made do not need to define me.
I would love to win a copy of this book.
I have been struggling to keep my head above water for so long that I forget what it feels like to just be ok. I am beyond exhausted and I long ago lost my grip on the end of my rope. I feel more conquered than conqueror.
Such a treasure for the days we live in…
I am also ending a 16 year marriage, but am feeling very blessed, right now. Although money is tight, my husband Left 5 months ago,has paid 25.00 Child support, I know God is there for us.
I can’t wait to read this book and think it would be a great gift for a few friends of mine 🙂
In all these things, even in the fight for my marriage and my health, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
In all these things, even in these health issues and the extreme anxiety that has come with it and all that is going on in life, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. I am so thankful that nothing can separate us from the LORD!
In all these things, even in dieting, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. So enjoy your encouraging words as I do all of the women of Proverbs 31. What a great ministry and what I love so much is that you all show God in everything you do. Thank you and blessings to all of you.
In all these things, especially financial difficulties (trying to remain debt fee) and constant pain from arthritis, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. One of my favorite verses: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
I need prayer for my circumstances! I need to feel God walking with me and showing me the way.
As soon as I saw this post, I felt encouraged. Last week I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Granted , I don’t know what the Lord has for me but I’m going to be okay with His help. This is where you find out what your faith is resting on. I can lean on His promises knowing that He is for me! Have any of His promises ever failed…..NO! Thank you Rene for your ministry to women and to all the others at Proverbs 31 who give of their time and themselves. I was pleased to be able to meet you last year Rene and also Melissa. With Christ we can have “A confident heart”. Blessings to you!
What an amazing blessing to read today! I needed to hear this…from stories in my past and present! Things that happened from childhood, young adult, and now in marriage! Thank you so very much for sharing with us. I will write some of this in my journal so I can read it again! xoxo