Have you ever had a friend whose words felt like a hug? It is a rare jewel, but one I have found in my friend Holley. Last week she released a book I’ve been eagerly waiting for because I couldn’t wait to share it with you! I’ll share more of my thoughts about it, but first I wanted you to hear from Holley’s heart:
Photo Credit: Sara Torbett
Her shoulders slump as she slides into a chair in my counseling office. Her eyes and face speak volumes before she ever says a word. “I feel defeated,” she whispers. I nod. It’s understandable. The battles she’s faced. The way she’s fought. The war waging in her world. I dare to smile just a bit and say, “You may have lost some skirmishes, but that’s not who you are. You’re still an overcomer.” She leans forward, smiles back, shakes a little of the tension off her shoulders. She looks stronger already. When we have a weak moment, a bad day, a tough year, the enemy of our souls taunts us. “You’ve lost,” he hisses. But that isn’t true. The reality is, we can’t lose. In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Rom. 8:37) Oh, we get knocked around in this life. We have bumps and bruises. Even our Savior left this world with scars. But that doesn’t mean we’re defeated. This matters because it changes how we fight. Imagine being a soldier who’s going into battle. Your commander tells you, “We have already won. All you have to do today is go in there and obey my commands. Victory is sure.” You would fight with less fear and more faith, less hesitancy and more certainty, less regret and more intensity. This is what’s true of us. Even when the disease returns. Even when our spouse decides not to stay. Even when we relapse after promising we won’t ever again. I don’t say that lightly—oh, how those blows hurt. We ache. We feel the pain. We are human, and that is inescapable. Yet we don’t have to let our wounds define us. What happens to us is not who we are. Even in those moments and circumstances, our identity remains secure. What has happened to you that has made you feel defeated? Now add God’s perspective to your answer above. In all these things, even in ________________________________ (the answer you just gave), I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me. Defeat is not your destiny. What we are called to do is simply this: to stand {Eph. 6:10-17}. Not to conquer the world. Not to be the greatest warrior ever. Not to never feel weak or afraid. Just stand. Stand on God’s promises. Stand on faith. Stand on the hope that victory is sure. You have already won. You can’t be defeated by anything in this life or the next. You are an overcomer. XOXO Holley Gerth
On the back cover:If you need a friend to walk with you through the hard stuff in life, to cheer you on with encouragement, to help you find strength and joy in the midst of life’s difficulties – this book is for you! God writes love and assurance on the canvas of hearts through the hands of Holley Gerth.In each chapter you will learn how to hold onto hope, hold on to who you are and hold on to all God has promised – knowing and believing that no matter what, “You’re going to be okay!” ~Renee SwopeENTER TO WIN (This giveaway has ended, but I’d still love to hear from you!) a copy of Holly’s new book, “You’re Going to Be Okay” by clicking “Share Your Thoughts” under today’s post. You can share your heart or simply fill in the blank: In all these things, even in ________________________________, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. {I’ll be praying over you by name today!}
In all things in the mist of anxiety and fear of the future I will trust. My job change and changes in our home with a young girl trying to stay sober and start a new life. I know he is there!!!
Family garbage and not being supported by ones who claim to love me
In all these things, even in WEIGHT LOSS, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. {I’ll be praying over you by name today! I am so tired of fighting this battle!
Please pray that I will know that I am going to be ok, and that I will be ok — eventually. My husband left me, 6 years ago, after 29 years of marriage. We were divorced, and then he came back 3 1/2 years ago, and then left again 2 1/2 years ago. I still love him, (I continue to pray for the healing of our marriage) and no matter what I do, the loneliness, and still loving him – is so very painful.
When I saw the title of this book by Holly, a friend of mine immediately came to mind. She is young and has her whole life ahead of her. She is an optimistic person who has plenty of support from family and friends at all times. She makes decisions that might take her out of her comfort zone and yet does them because she knows it is right and is the Lord’s will. Recently she suffered something she and most of her family and friends totally unexpected to happen, it was a shock to all and yet she is something battling through with support and of course the Lord. I feel this book would be of amazing benefit to her as of course she has down days and wonders why this happened to her and how she will get through. It is amazing to be reassured that we have already won whatever life throws our way because the battle is the Lords!!
In all these things, even in having to struggle through my bones deteriorating and waiting on a transplant list, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
This is from a very simple bicycle accident 6 months ago, that resulted in a open compound fracture and has been going poorly ever since. I AM more than a conqueror though!!
In all these things, even in my Lymphedema, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. So many days I feel so trapped in my body being almost bedridden and homebound. Praying…
This is wonderful reassurance for us all. Yes, please enter me. I would love to win her book!
N all these things, even in my darkest times of defeat, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. Be blessed
“In all these things, even in my deep sorrow of losing my 13 year old daughter, I am learning to conquer thru Him who loves me.”
I would like to have a book for my new daughter in law . She has found out many hurtful things in the 6 weeks she has been married. She needs to be in contact with mature Christians because otherwise these problems just become gossip. I know my son is already angry at me because she confided in me . He has always avoided excepting resposibility for his own actions.
In all theses things, even Joell-drama, I am more than a conqueror through HIM who love I cannot lose!
Thank you …another perfect God-fidence timing. Assurance.
In all these things, even in parenting a wonderful–but sometimes rebellious–teenage daughter, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me!
In all these things, even in the mistakes I have made as a mother, my negative thinking, extended family issues, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
Greetings! I really like the statement, “…we can’t lose!” Wow! That really is true! Praise God!
In all these things, even in _personal relationships I am more than a conqueror through him who loved me I cannot lose!! .
In all these things, even in this betrayal, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me
In all these things, even in this difficult relationship with my husband, I am more than a conquerer through him who loves me.
“bone cancer”
When I read today’s post my mind was flooded with thoughts of my mom (also named Holley) who was recently diagnosed with an extremely rare bone disease that is akin to leukemia. Most days she does feel extremely tired and discouraged, waiting for the disease to progress enough for her to need treatment (3 months in quarantine while undergoing chemo and a bone marrow transplant). I’m so sending her this post and hoping to win the book for her. I know it will be an encouragement! 🙂
I feel defeated, discouraged and depressed daily as a single mom. Praise God because helps me overcome life’s many obstacles and I couldn’t make it without Him! I love to hear someone say, “you’re going to be okay.” I would love to be able to read this book and apply it to my life.
In all these things, even in my husband leaving me for another woman and the divorce i did not want, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
In all these things, even in {separation} I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Overwhelmed, tired, frustrated, after 5 long hard years of struggling in a lost marriage. I have been married 23 years 6 months to a man who claimed to be a Christian. Only this man was a deceiver a wolf in sheep’s clothing. My family and I have been devasted destroyed and struggling to overcome the betrayal of his sexual addiction. Every woman, girl who entered our home was devoured in my husbands mind so he could lust over them. I did not know he was sexually addicted until 5 long hard years ago. We have been through counseling, Celebrate Recovery etc. He needs a heart change, his heart is hard and in selfishness. I am so tired of fighting for this marriage of staying committed to my marriage vows that I made to God. In sickness till death do us part. Addiction is a sickness of extreme selfishness of narcissism. I pray each day to make the right choice not to go against God’s will. Please keep me in prayer. My husband tries but the brutal truth is he has to decide to love God more than his addiction, to preserve through pain of dying to the flesh. I have compassion on him as it has to be tremendously hard to experience pain of dying to the flesh versus his pleasuring of the flesh. I pray God reaches his hardened heart to set him free. But all these choices are my husbands and I have no control over his choices. I cry out to God each day for His strength, courage and wisdom to do His will with this marriage. Please keep me in your prayers as it is hard some days to know that I am an overcomer in Christ.
I am praying for your strength and peace. Your post really hit home. My son just married a wonderful lady on Christmas Eve. She has found out he is addicted to porn and spending money on it. They can’t afford this. It is awfull. God answered my prayer and brought him a wife and mother for his children and the destroyer is trying to kill. We have Power thru the Blood of Jesus to take back what the enemy has stolen. Take back your peace and joy and trust God to get you through this storm. Keep your eyes on Jesus, I love that song.
In all theses things, even in hopelessness and despair, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
In all these things, even in the struggles of helping my teenage daughter through being bullied, anxiety, experimenting with illegal drugs & my young adult daughter stay safe with a boyfriend who tries to control & manipulate her, I am more than a conqueror through HIM who loves me.
Never ceases to amaze me that as the words of one of my favourite songs “My King chose to die for me”
Struggling with my weight, the ability to remove the excess pounds (70-90), and the terrible body image I have of myself. In the grand scheme of things it isn’t a big deal, especially when compared to what others here are struggling with, but it’s my struggle nonetheless.
: In all these things, even in illness & job loss, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Trying to encourage my Mom who lost her husband, brother and cousin in a 4 month time frame. I am working on being better organized at work and changing my eating habits, I want to Crave Jesus more than foods.
Reading this blog brought to mind my son who is in Jail and is struggling. I want him to know he is an overcomer. I love him but don’t want to love him to death so I too will stand on GODS word and promises
Today is one of those mornings that I just needed to read ‘You’re going to be ok” Life seems tough today. Thank you!
In all these things even in my overspending and past anger, revenge, and animosity, unfaithfulness, not turning to God when I needed Him most, wanting to blame others for my problems, letting fear stop and control me, wanting to leave my husband instead praying for God to be part of our lives, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.
Thanks! Renee! LOL. Janet
I have a friend who could really use this book and learn the truth that she is “More than a Conqueror” and “highly loved” in her marriage even as satan is trying to destroy it! Thank you ladies, I love you all! God bless you!
As I was reading the words from Holley’s heart, my daughter’s beautiful face came to mind. She is walking a road that no mother wants for their child.
In all things, even in the stesses of work/home balance, I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me. It is so hard to be a working mother. I work full time and many weeks we work more than 40 hours. Then you are told to seperate your homelife from your work life. I can’t shut off part of my brain just any time and my family is always on my mind. I just thank God for loving me so much to help me conquer anything!!
In all things, even in my struggles in my marriage, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
Struggling to “get back up” from three year battle with family illness which has taken it toll on my own personal health, spiritual relationship with home church attendance and friends, family life and well being. I know that I know God is with me and I’m still standing only because God, my Heavenly Father is holding and keeping me. I want my parents and great-aunt to be here with me physically but know they are with me in my heart and God has gone before me and the battle is won, but physically I need a hug.
Wow, I wish I could be there to give you that hug! I pray God will send someone to do just that. I miss giving good hugs .Everyone at church would just feel Gods love when I would hug them but have such weak bones now, I have to be careful of not breaking anymore vertabrae. But, the time Will Come Again because God is a man that cannot lie. He has healed us of all our Pain. Bless you and you are in my prayers right now.
I have finally devided to resign my position at work for many medical issue I have been dealing
with for several years.(that was a hard desicion) I have struggled with. But now I have more time for church activites and most important for my family. I rest more so I feel better. I prayed a lot and God finally helped me make the decision.
In all these things, even in difficult job situations, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me
In all these things, even in this battle with food, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me. Everyday is a battle to eat the right food, make the right choices. Most days I fail. I know what I need to do but i give in to the cravings and regret the decision afterwards. I can lose 30 pounds but never keep it off. I am so tired of the battle that most times I give up and say this is the way God made me so why even try? I know in my head God didn’t make me this way I just try to make myself feel better I guess. Thanks for the encouraging devotion this morning. It was just what I needed to read. I pray all these thoughts that are shared are heard by our Lord and miracles start happening for each of you!
In all these things, even in my weaknesses/lack of confidence, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
After my husband passed away in 2005, I have been living in a fog. I had never been alone before. We got married right out of high school so I went from parents to a husband. I had never had to “do” things on my own. Even after 8 years I was in that “scared” state. Afraid that I wasn’t “doing it right”. Luckily I was helped along by someone who told me about your book “A Confident Heart”. I was truly amazed. It was like you were talking directly to me. I felt this giant weight lift off my shoulders. I am now a member of the “Overcomers Club”. I am filled with God-fidence. I can truly make it now. I am an Overcomer.
Thank you for these reminders! Even in the midst of dealing with family issues, I am clinging to the hope that I am not defeated and this is not the end of the story. God will and does fight the battle/s and thank you for reminding me to trust Him!
Overcoming my negative thoughts about myself or the situation I’m in. I’ve come s far in this but the enemy still tries to get a foothold and it’s so hard sometimes. I grew up having to be”perfect” in whatever I did and this created so much bondage and shaming and pressure on myself to live up to someone else’s expectations. I brought all that into adulthood and just over the past couple of years have I realized the impact it had on me. How I haven’t been the person God designed me to be. I’ve had to learn to accept myself for who I am, imperfections and all.
Even in this financial trial I believe God will direct me and guide me path
I’d love to give this book to a friend. This post gave me some words of encouragement to share with her. Thanks so much!
In all these things, even in my health, I am more than a conqueror. For the past year I’ve been going to a heart specialist because during pre-tests for rotor cuff surgery it was discovered I have enlarged heart, irregular heartbeat. They are monitoring to see if the size of my heart remains the same or continue to enlarge which will mean open heart surgery. I know by His stripes, I am healed! I am an overcomer!
In all these things, even in this job, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
In all these things, even in these family situations with my in-laws, I am more than a conqueror through him who loves me.
In all these things, even in overcoming my anger with a husband who micro-manages everything, I am more than a conquerer through Him who loves me!!!!!!
In all things enemy in MONEY. I make good money but don’t have a cent. I overextended myself helping a family member. Now I an to the point I can’t pay my stuff. I feel so defeated and depressed.
Money is not our enemy. I understand how you can get down about being without. We are going thru the same thing right now. Just remember what God has done in the past . He dosen’t change. He will bring you through. We gave our son thousands of dollars to buy home and now he is blowing his money on ungodly things but I don’t regret giving it because I know that God wanted me to give. Please pray before you give anymore, sometimes we sow into bad soil if we do not seek Gods guidance. But He is faithful to restore. I would say don’t be upset anymore move on past this and try to work out a plan to pay what you can today and tomorrow do the same. Have faith, God will bring you through.
Thank you Mildred. Your words mean so much.
I am finally leaving my abusive marriage. Yesterday I went to look at possible places to live. I almost cried. The options for a woman who has been a stay at home mom for 15 years are very limited and extremely humble, if not kind of gross and dirty. I know I need to look at this as a half full and not half empty kind of situation. I know that God is leading me where I need to go. I know a house is just a house and I also know I am blessed that I get to have a home to live in. Somehow though, it can get discouraging. This post helps me remember what truly matters. I can clean and paint and create. This is just a battle, not the whole war. I need to fight through this overwhelming time and rest in the knowledge that through my faith, I am a winner.
Look at it as a brand new canvas and you get to create the picture. Not sure why I am responding to you. I could just hear the desperation in your post and thought you might need a little encouraging into stepping out on Faith and letting God be your guide. I applaud your strength to step out of your situation. Just know God does not intend for you to remain in a situation that is unsafe for you. I pray that as this situation unfolds God will be right there showing you little signs that you are doing the right thing. Lean on Him and and He will never steer you wrong. God bless You!
As I read your post I heard The Lord saying ” Be still and know that I am God’. This battle belongs to me stand and you will not have fight it!
I really applaud you for your precious, and strong thought. I have used “Be still and know that it is God” to calm my nerves, thoughts, and emotions. Try it—it works.
Reading your post took me back to six years ago when I was at the same place you are. I too left a 31 year marriage. I would not have made it through without the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is still working on the restoration of my heart, but I know that I know I am conqueror. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit I am now thankful for the experience because God is preparing me and strengthen me for where he wants to take me. Trust me, it is not an easy journey, but I stand on God’s promises that he will never leave me nor forsake me because he is my provider. Keep trusting in God and stay strong. I will be praying for you. All God’s Blessing.
It takes courage to leave an abusive marriage I know because I too left mine just a few months ago. It is very painful when you love someone and you don’t want to leave but you do it for your well being. It is necessary and I too felt that God was opening a door for me and that was to leave and I took it. It is discouraging at times I have not caught up on my finances yet but GOD is good. HE has supplied all my needs. I had to refurnish completely my whole house. I may be alone but I am not lonely and I am finally at peace I can rest at night. Peace of mind is priceless. If you are in an abusive situation you know what I mean. You will be just fine lean on the Lord ( no matter what happens), he will strengthen you and get you through this difficult time. God bless you! I encourage you to seek out counseling when you move even if its a local church pastor. You need to heal through prayer, counseling and time.
I’m proud of you. I’m trying to find the way out of mine too. I’ve also been a stay at home mom for 14 years. May God have his hand securely on you, show you the way to go, and meet your needs.
You can do this! Yes it is overwhelming & will be a major adjustment. It will take time, but it is so worth it. I finally left (for the last time) 7 years ago. Still struggle with confidence, but even within a couple of years, had people who hadn’t known me when I was married, say they could tell a difference just in the time they had known me. It doesn’t pay much but Teacher’s Assistance is something you would definitely be qualified for. Look at what you have been doing at home (cooking, cleaning, “taxi service”, child care, etc.) and then see what paying jobs are available. It may not seem like much but you have made a huge step just by leaving. If you want to, you can contact me at [email protected]