I know you sometimes feel ordinary but you’re not.
You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.
You are God’s prized possession, a valued treasure of great worth.
You may feel invisible…like you are just one of millions of others.
But God sees you.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
In Isaiah 43:4, God says, “You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.”
He sees someone He knows.
David said in Psalm 139:1, “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” God knows you, too.
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves you just the way He made you, I have no doubt He wants you to feel the same way.
He’ll do whatever it takes to help you get to a place of accepting and embracing your His heart for you so you can become the woman HE created you to be!
Here is the song I feel like God chose for you this week. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch, listen and let Him tell you just how beautiful you are! {If you are reading this via email, click here to watch it since it’s not viewable thru email.}
You really are…
You are His!
May God’s sweet affirmations replace all those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying that, like the psalmist, you’re learning to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
To celebrate God’s heart for you — my friends at DaySpring have graciously given me 5 sets of “God’s Heart For You” giveaways to share with 5 of you!! {{so excited!!}}
To enter the “God’s Heart for You” GiveAway share your answer to one or more of the questions at the end of the chapter 8. OR if you haven’t read that far yet, share your thoughts about today’s music video or blog post. Can’t want to hear from your heart :-).
A few years ago, one of our local residents,
Mac Vorce, who is also a bicycle enthusiast petitioned for the development of bicycle
paths and trails. his comic roles in movies like Hungama, Waqt:
The Race against Time, Malamaal. These surgeries are a matter of personal preference,
peer pressure from fellow entertainers and the need to maintain an
unrealistic image that is associated with them.
Wow! I love, love, love this song and video. Thank you for sharing!!
My favorite part:
“Of all the earth and skies above
You’re the one He madly loves
Enough to die…”
Questions 3 & 4 helped me to spend some time thinking about my desires and dreams and my abilities. Like many people, I am not very good at identifying and talking about my strengths. And like some others said in comments earlier this week, I don’t ever feel like I have the time to just stop and think about my dreams, about my desires and the longings of my heart. I am committing to spending more time exploring these things and also talking them over with my husband and others who can help me identify things I may not be able to see.
Question 5 – The servant viewed his master as not worthy of his time and energy. Yes, at times I have felt like why does got not trust me with other gifts. I have the gift of serving and yet at times I feel that I am tired of serving and don’t give it my all. When I have pulled out of serving, I felt lost. Then God showed me there are many different ways to serve. He is preparing me for greater things.
Question 1: In what areas do you tend to compare yourself with others and feel like you don’t measure up? What did you read in this chapter that can help you break free from the comparison trap? In my health situations, in being the perfect daughter, wife and mom. Many times I feel everyone else has it so easy! But do they or does it seem that way?! The only way I can break free from the comparison trap is to embrace the reason I am who I am. I am God’s masterpiece! He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things He planned for me long ago. (Eph. 2:10). I do the thing the way I do because it is part of my unique God-shaped purpose.
I truly love that song. And I think that it is important to remember that God always loves us even when we feel unlovable and His love is unconditional. We really are beautiful to Him! Thanks for sharing this!
Praying for you, My Online Sisters! So blessed to be going on this Confident Heart journey with ya’ll!
Chapter 8…I think I could spend 3 weeks or more on just this chapter! I have read and read this chapter. (Haven’t done the end of chapter questions yet.) I am still trying to unwrap my spiritual gifts as well as discover my abilities. Still trying to discover the God-Given desires of my heart… Identifying my personality traits has been a challenge too! I can’t say that I have ever done this much soul-searching on myself before.
Gotta love Mercy Me! Thanks for posting “Beautiful”…What an awesome reminder it is that we ARE beautiful, loved, cherished, chosen, treasured, sacred, and are His!!!!!!!
This is the second time I am reading your book and I love Chapter 8 because it helps me to remember that God does have a plan for my life. Right now I am struggling with the decision to continue being my daughter’s troop leader with Girl Scouts. It’s a tough job and pretty much I’ve been on my own all year. My husband desperately wants me to relinquish my duties, but I just am not sure. So I prayed for God to show me His will regarding this part of my life and He worked it all out so now I have an awesome co-leader to help me. Praise God for answered prayers. Keep seeking God ladies. He’s always faithful!!!
LIke many have said here, I’m running a bit behind on Chapter 8 myself. I have finished reading it, but haven’t gotten the end of chapter questions answered yet. I did highlight the spiritual gifts section, and it is such a good reminder that God gives us each gifts he has in mind for us to use for HIS purposes.
Love the video too. I don’t comment on the blog as often as most, but I am enjoying your book Renee, and this study. Trying to get caught up……maybe by the end of the book! lol
I am running a bit behind in the study, but did just scan Chapter 8. I’m so looking forward to absorbing the discussion on spiritual gifts. We are preparing to start an American Heritage Girls troop for our daughters and hopefully you’ll have some inspiring words as we try to match our talents and gifts to the mission at hand. Thanks so much!
I had a rough night with my kids and felt like a failure. I went to turn on the tv and God prompted me to go to your blog instead. I cried through the videos but feel hope and know in my head I am loved. That knowledge is slowly working to my heart. Thank you
….and if the truly saw your heart they’d see too much.
This line in the song really made me think. If people truly saw what is in our hearts could they even handle it? What a relief that we know God can!!!!
Thank you Renee for sharing that great video! I really liked it because I have been struggling with questions of self-worth and wondering how He sees me because I don’t really see myself as beautiful. I’ve never been in a relationship, so sometimes I think, what is wrong with me, I’m not pretty, not good enough..etc. I especially liked the pictures of Jesus holding children and the hands holding the globe.
Love the song, love the posts, love the comments, love the word of the week!! Regarding question5, at 36 years old, not fulfilling my God given purpose has prevented me from not only experiencing the blessing that comes from serving a loving God, but has also prevented those around me from witnessing and or experiencing that same blessing. They miss out on seeing the Christ in me. What a shame. What an important chapter this is. Thank you Renee for your faithfulness and candor!
I love the video ans also have learned alot from your book… The work Masterpiece for this week rally opened my eyes. I had just recently went on an Emmaus walk…which was amazing, but when I went to my church service this morning I was even more amazed at Gods work in my life.. Our Pastors opening statement was…”You are Gods Masterpiece” I was overwhelmed how the Holy Spirit knows when he needs to be present.
God Bless,
I learned something this week. Its been a struggle for quite awhile now, this battle of trying to understand how God treasures me and thinks that I am special, beautiful, etc. It’s been quite the spiritual battle, thinking that other christians are better or that God loves them more and so on.
This week I went on a cruise and my struggle with anxiety reared its ugly head. I have pretty bad travel anxiety, aka attacks from satan. But I learned something through this struggle while traveling to Miami. I don’t have control. I don’t need a security blanket in any form. I have the Lord and He is watching over me and protecting me every step of the way. The realization that God who truly and desperately loves me this way really hit me this week. To show me this and to teach me that I am so protected, when theres no one or nothing else, only comes from Him. And He would do this because He loves me and values me as His child, no matter what. Wow, what a realization! I truly believe that He has been opening my heart to this through this Bible study and it has helped me so much!
Isn’t it wonderful to find that freedom! God allows everything in our life for a reason, strengths and weakness. If the weakness or the hurts were not there, we would not grow into who he wants us to be. Everything has its reason and its season. Your sister in Christ, Linda
Yes, I am beautiful! I finished reading the chapter and I read the first question……I believe I have really quit comparing myself to everyone else. Oh, I still have those moments that my mind wants to fall down in the pit but I have also found at that moment I can tell myself that I am just the way God wants me to be. He loves me just the way I am and he can’t even begin to make changes in me until I surrender my all to Him and let Him do His work in me. I am so thankful and it feels so good to just be content and know that God will complete me. I so want to serve Him and I just realized I can’t really be serving Him as He would want to use me when I am trying to work everything out through me instead of letting Him work in me. Gosh, no wonder we get so tired trying to work it all out ourselves so now I am resting and waiting in and on Him.
Why is it so hard to believe that about myself sometimes, a lot of times?!?!
I’ve heard that song many times before but watching that video and really listening to what is really saids really touched my heart. Its the kind of reminder that I need everyday. BEAUTIFUL….
“You are beautiful” – these are 3 words I pray my children never forget! That they are made for so much more – that they are truly God’s treasures!! Thank You!! I love hearing my kids sing along to this song and pray it never leaves their hearts!
Couldn’t agree more!
You are made for so much more than all of this…. you are beautiful! I love that line.
This is Answers for Questions 4-5 in chapter 8.I Believe my Abilities are in taking care of Children and the Elderly.I helped Raised four Grandbabies and also at one time was a Activity Cordinator for an adult daycare center.I just always Pray God never let me be A Slothful Servant.As the one that is talked about in The parable of the Talents.God gave each Servant a talentThe first one 5 went to work at once and doubled his to 10;Second one doubled his.But the trird one was given one talent with the Expectation he managd it well,But he was not capable of doubling his as the two before him.He was afraid and hid his and the accused his Master of beoing a hard man to work for.The Master called him a wicked slouthful servant.And his was given to the first Servant that had 10.God wants us Ladies to use those abilities we have been given and he will multiply them if we use them wisely.We are to Glorify Him in all we do.I Long to hear these Words as was told to the first Servant.Well done good and Faithful Servant.Ladies your treasures are stored in Heaven and it depends on what you been given by God if you will recieve them.I Pray Blessings on each and everyone of you.And I am Thankful and Bless to be a part of this eye opening Experience.
This si Answers for QUESTIONS 6-7 In Chapter 8 Spiritual Gifts:Every Christian is given Spiritual gifts.Each gift is for the Edification of the Body of Christ.The moment we recieve Salvation others may be given when we get stonger in our walk with Christ.We have all been called to Witness and We have been called to be God’s Disciples.At least one of the Spiritual gifts are given to help build up others Faith in the Church.And If God gives you one or more of these Spiritual Gifts He will equip you in how to use them.[1 CORINTHIANS 12 ]Word of Wisdom through the Spirit.Word of knowledge through the same Spirit.Faith even the Faith of a Mustard seed shows our Faith. Gits of Healing.Working of Miracles Prophecy Discerning of Spirits diffrent kind of tongues Interpetation of tongues one and the same Spirit.God gives to each one Individually as He wills.Tongues are also known as Heavenly Language.We all have one body with many members we all have different gifts according to the grace given to us.God requires us to talk to him in the Holy Spirit if weve been given this gift when we Pray.There are Apostles,Prophets,Evangelist,Pastors which is the Shephered over the Body of Believers.Teachers.Service Ministry,Exhortation ability to motivate.Giving Leadership.Other God’s Messengers will come to us and say You have been called to be a Prayer Warrior.A Childrens church Teacher or they may say Are Spirits have a connection these have happen to me through God sending His Messengers to me I knew then that it was from God because I felt the Holy Spirit all over me.I even was told by a Mighty Warrior of Christ that I am Covered.My Husband will join me on my pew one day many other things God Confirmed to me.And He saids you will know them by the fruit they beare.Praise God for His Spiritual Gifts they help us to help others and help build His Kingdom.
Question #1 talks about breaking the comparison trap. I found two statements in the chapter that really helped me accept who God created me to be.
You do things the way you do because it is part of your unique God-shaped purpose.
God deliberately gave you the personality he wanted you to have so you can impact certain people through your life.
It is freeing to know these things because I can accept the parts of me that I wish to change . . . who I am is a part of God’s plan. Knowing this truth allows me to accept all of who I am.
#1 I tend to compare myself to others in my marriage and in my being a mom.
God never intended for us to compete with each other; He wants us to complete one another.
When we compare we are measuring our insides with someone elses outsides.the way to brake free from the comparison trap is to embrace the reason I am who I am I am the person God chose me to be.
Am I doing what God may be calling someone else to do
#2 My personality types are betwwen two of the four: Sanguine and Melancholy these two stood out to me the most although the others have parts that can also apply. I feel I know why this is as well so I can do the works of God for many types of people and to understand many type of situations people tend to go through. It is a special gift from God to be able to relate to so many about so much
Love this video! I recently shared it with a gal I met through this study, and it’s led her to start a study of her own, called “Do you think I’m beautiful?” (based on Angela Thomas’ book). Every woman wants to be considered beautiful, it’s just the way we’re built…and so we need to turn to God and we will discover the One that truly does think we’re beautiful. No wonder we get so frustrated when no one is noticing us, we’re looking in the wrong direction! But once we do realize that we are, indeed, beautiful, we gain confidence and that can make us more beautiful to the world, too.
I love the video by Mercy Me. It is true,but hard to take to heart sometimes. We are beautiful in God’s eyes, but not in the world’s eyes. I think of the abused children I have worked with in the past and how long it takes for them to see they are beautiful in God’s eyes.
What a beautiful reminder of how much God loves us and how beautiful He thinks of us… We are His masterpieces!!! It makes me feel very special and very loved. I loved the images of the children hugging tight to Jesus, and all the written words of affirmation across the screen.
I think the most profound thing for me in doing the questions for Chap 8 was not feeling condemnation when I was reading over the personality types. I have completed these in the past and have always cringed when I realized where my strengths were. Isnt that ridiculous? But I allowed my eyes and heart to look to what I was not as more valuable that what I was created to be. Is God a liar? Did he make a mistake? I repent Lord for not believing in the beauty that you created in me, just for me!! This time I celebrated as I read through them. I was able to look at my personality types and say — yes Lord –this is who you created me to be. This is MY part of the body of Christ that no one else can contribute. Thank you Renee for sharing your walk. It is transforming lives. I am one of those you have impacted . . . thank you.
Dear Renee,
Thank-you so much for sharing this music video. It made me think of the many ladies (both young ‘n old) in my life that I want to share this with.
Personally for me it reaffirmed what I already know but never tire of hearing–that my God loves me and chose me. I am special in His sight so for me that means I don’t need to put so much stock in how others see me because I can tend to do that (people pleasing) and it’s not healthy.
thanks again,
So… I have been doing this study and this week I along with the others I have been wondering how God could think I am beautiful or his masterpiece. I can read His words that you have placed on the website, in the Bible and so on. What I don’t understand is if not one person in my life thought I was enough not to hurt me, how can God look at me and not think I am disgusting and think I am just a waste of time and breath. I cannot wrap my head and heart around it. How am I worth it to God if no one in my life thought I was worth it?
MH, I’m so sorry for your hurts. I totally understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had failed relationships, that left me wondering, what’s wrong with me? Why can’t I find someone who will cherish me? Or is there something wrong with me — my choices, I’m too independent, what? How can I ever trust someone again? Now that I am getting closer to God, and really just surrendering to Him despite my lack of trust and always feeling like getting hurt or disappointed again is just around the corner…well, God has not let me down. Yes I have had a couple of guys disappoint me since then, but since I had already had the conversation with God — is this guy right for me? God I will let you lead, I know that You know what is best — then I was not let down when I realized that the guys were in fact not that interested in pursuing me…and lo and behold, after that my eyes were opened and I realized each one’s flaws, and yes, God knew what he was doing by not letting the relationships move forward! So MH, I ask you, please BELIEVE that God really does love you and think you’re beautiful, and when you ACT like you believe it (despite any doubts — just do it!), you will see life start to change. Try it, even if just a week at a time…just keep walking with the Lord and you will be convinced! Keep watching the video over and over until the words finally sink in! They’re all true! :^)
God says and we say you are worth it! I understand all too well. God wants us to know that even when people do bad to us He will turn it around for good. You are beautiful in His eyes. In chapter 8 Renee says that God can use our brokenness to do something beautiful, because the cracks allow His light to shine through and His living water to pour out. Paul describes how this works: “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:6-7),
Joyce Meyers this week demonstrated this with two clay jars. One was cracked and the other was not. She then turned on the lights of both jars. The one cracked you could see the light but the other one you couldn’t. Shen then told everyone that God wants us to be the cracked jar and show others the light to God. When we don’t we don’t show others the light because they can’t see the light. I want others to see the light in me.
God wants us to also come to Him to heal us of what has happened to us in the past. He uses these past hurts to show us that we are truly beautiful and beloved in His sight no matter what others say. He also wants us to show others the way to Him so that He can heal their hurts. I know that God has us all in this Bible study to help each other.
In Christ love, Kimberly Stiver
Thank you Kimberly and Suzanne. I guess I just can’t believe that someone loved me so much to die fir me. That someone sees the beauty. That my mistakes are buried in a sea of forgetfulness. God is truly amazing.
Thank you so much for this post Renee. My week isn’t going so well and it is an encouragement for me to know that God still thinks I am beautiful, even when friends fail and I fail.
Beautiful song. I passed it on to many friends.
I haven’t finished reading ch 8, so I’ll comment on the video. I downloaded this song a few weeks ago on Amazon. I play it on the way to work or anytime I’m in a dark place and need to be told what I already know but let life make me forget. I love this song so much that I also bought the rest of the music on that cd from Casting Crowns. Now they are one of my favorite bands. Their music really gets me in the heart and soul. This video with lyrics was also beautiful. When I first heard this song, I really needed to hear it. I was in a dark place and had let life and other people get me completely down. It was exactly what I needed to hear and it was beautiful. It fits so well with our studies. I hope it makes everyone else in this study feel beautiful too.I know we all need to be reminded of it at times.
thanks for this wonderful message.i am a mother aged 42 ,but literally thrown out of my husband’s house .i asked my Lord why i am alive for who ,and the answer is there as a mail from you .i pray for my family to be filled with the holy spirit .
In Christ ,
I am so sorry Preetha…I pray God will minister to your heart and that you will find that perfect place He has for you…Jesus will never throw you away…I won’t either…God Bless you my sister…i will pray for you…Your sister in Christ, Peggy
I too will be praying for you.
Kimberly Stiver
Praying for you Preetha. Know that God has you in his arms always!
I love this song and it makes me feel sooo good when I hear it-like a masterpiece!!
Thanks Renee!!!
A BEAUTIFUL REMINDER … I have health issues that keep me homebound alot. I have a beautiful 12 yr old son who is so sweet and patience when it comes to my illness. But for me it gets sooo frustrating because I feel I can’t be who I want to be, especially the mom I want to be. So I struggle with feeling inadequate compared to other moms that get to go and do freely with their kids. Well this morning, as I was canceling plans with my son due to my illness and apologizing to him for not being the kind of mom that can go and do. He came over to me, gave me a big hug and then told me ” mom you may not be the mom you want to be….. but you are the mom I need you to be….I know you love me so much, you take care of me and daddy, teach me, you love to help others and most of all I know you love and carry Christ in your heart. God will use all things bad for His good and even though we don’t understand how or why He will use this. ” I sat there motionless, and my heart overflowed with peace and joy…. I thanked him for reminding me of the TRUTH through his eyes and God’s. I told him I was grateful for my issues today because it allowed an opportunity for me to experience an even deeper look into his compassionate faithful heart……. God is good……I am learning so much from this study, Thank you Renee
You and your husband have raised a wonderful boy! He is wise beyond his years! Yes, like he said remember the TRUTH through his eyes and God’s.
I understand what you are going through. I am praying for you.
Love in Christ,
Kimberly Stiver
Thank you for this awesome study. Your transparency and teaching
are amazing.
You are loved and appreciated.
I remember when you posted way back before you wrote this book on how good it is to find out more about who God made us to be by taking personality tests. How thankful I am I listened to you!!!
For YEARS I felt like something was “wrong” with my personality. But I took the personality tests, and as I read over the results, I was actually kind of shocked at how spot on they were about me. It was like someone had been hanging out with me for years and written a brief essay on Kimberly. And it hit me…melancholic me…I am NOT the only one. I mean, for them to describe me so closely, that means there are other gals who are prone to some drama, who desire to be authentic, who can be heavy on the introspection, who long for purpose (and approval), and who can be a tad bit uptight and perfectionisty. Okay, that last words not a word. But you know what I mean! Yes, I am unique, BUT there are others out there who can also “get” me. And that is super nice. 🙂
So thankful Ephesians 2:10 tells me that I am God’s workmanship, His masterpiece. And this masterpiece is melancholic, with all of the strengths and weaknesses that come with that temperament. And He wants to fill this melancholic masterpiece with all of His fullness and use her for His glory…even if she does get kind of uptight about it from time to time. Wooo-hoooooo! 🙂
Holly Good shared something on Facebook at one time, and it blessed me so. Goes along with all of this…”When God changes a life, He does not take away personality characteristics, but puts them to effective use in His service.” Love it! He didn’t change my personality when I surrendered my life to Him…He just filled it with HIM!
Love you!
To one Kimberly to another Kimberly,
I too have the same tendencies and like you, I know that God made me this way. I like Eph. 2:10 also telling me that I am also God’s workmanship, His masterpiece. Mine is melancholic, sanguine, and phlegmatic.
It still awes me when I see God at work in my life. Today my husband and I went to our Road to Recovery class. Before we went to our small groups we had a video testimony. The guy who was speaking of his recovery over and over that God was working on him to show him that he was God’s masterpiece! God was waiting on him to come to Him in everything and to heal him.
I know this wasn’t an accident that I am behind on this class and just now working on chapter 8 questions this week even though I want to be on chapter 9 with the rest of you. God planned for me to be working on this one so I could see also that He wants me to come to Him in everything and to heal me of my hurts. He wants me to see His masterpiece in me and that I can truly see Him working in my life.
Thank you for sharing this with all of us!
Kimberly Stiver.
In regards to question 6 in the chapter, i read all the scriptures in my Life Application Bible and one of the notes at the bottom of the page seemed to sum it all up to me. 1 Corinthians 12:17-20 states “If the whole boy were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, everyone of them just as He wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts but one body.” Note: Each part has a specific function that is necessary to the body as a whole. the parts are different for a prupose, and in their differences they must work together. Instead of comparing ourselves to one aonther we should use our different gifts together, to spread the Good News of salvation. So as i understand us we all play a different part in God’s plan, each of us having different gifts, but all together we are the body…without all the different parts..we would not function for His purpose.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
In Isaiah 43:4, God says, “You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.”
He sees someone He knows.
David said in Psalm 139:1, “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” God knows you, too.
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves you just the way He made you, I have no doubt He wants you to feel the same way.
He made me this way, and He loves me! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
As all of you know what has been going on lately. I have felt many times does God have a purpose for me? The answer is yes! As long as I am still here I have a purpose here.
This past week I have been told by many people I am very strong and courageous to what I am going through with about to lose my only remaining kidney and being on dialysis until (and I say until) I get my kidney transplant. Every time I heard people tell me that I am strong and courageous I at first thought “Me strong and courageous?!” That is when I could hear God whisper to me “Yes, you are through Me!” My purpose at this time is to show people who I am through God and who they can be through God. God is my strength in all things. He uses the bad to give us good! I love how He is showing me this! I am His beloved child!
Thank you Renee!!! (and Dayspring too and Holley Gerth)
First off, this is such a Godly appointed post and song not for me but for a very dear friend and I past it on to her. She had a stroke last September and today she shared a vlog that shows her honest struggle with this and not believing she’s beautiful nor valuable enough; so I know that this is meant for her from God. Thank you so much for hearing God and sharing this today so I can bless her with God’s love.
The song makes me cry but so does so many truths that I am discovering about myself by doing your book. WOW! Through all my brokenness and past hurts, I am so thankful
God sees me and knows me and I have the privilege to know Him and His Word, unlike the many humble women I encounter here in Mexico.
I am NOT caught up to Chapter 8 with having finished the questions and all because your book is in my Kindle for PC (and currently my PC is not working so I try to do as much as I can via Mexican public cyber and Cloud Reader). Yet I have wanted this book
from Holley for so long… but if I was fortunate enough to win, I’d want to send it to this cyber sister/friend in Christ. Chapter 8 is really packed with everything from our personalities to our spiritual gifts. I’m a sanguine… and I found out my spiritual gift because I was misusing it and I was so sure it must be “teaching” since I was a teacher.
I couldn’t have been more wrong!
Anyways, I have selected the final question of the chapter since I read it in the first comment by Deena, which got me thinking and to tell you the truth, I really needed to hear this message and this song today as I look at myself and aging (getting close to that 60 mark in a few years and let me tell ya’, it’s not easy)… but I have never been told or thought of myself as beautiful. I’ve generally accepted who and how I am and look, nothing special but not ugly… and looking a bit chunkier all the time. Or everything’s just dropping.
“Has God allowed you to walk through experiences that you can see Him working for good in your life or in the life of others?” Most definitely, more than once!!!
Because I shared this in a previous comment about having been raped twice in my life as a new budding teen and than 20 yrs. later in my home. I wondered how God would use this. Yet I clearly know that God brought people to me because of this experience.
However, what I want to share is that as I worked in a 24 hr. Christian (crisis or not) Prayer phone line, I was sure that God would bring me young women who needed to talk to someone that knew what this violation is like… but instead He connected me with the ‘rapist’ and I had to pray with the love of Jesus, for this person. Than one day, our director wanted me to appear on a program as one of the counselor with 2 guests. I was not aware of the topic. Being in MN, it happened on a really blizzardy snowy night, the taping or broadcasting of this program. Well, the woman guest could not make it but the male guest and the director(male) were there along with me. The director casually informs me that the female could not make it in the inclement weather and he nonchalantly asks me, “I don’t suppose that you know anyone who has gone through a rape”… and I told him, “yeah, me, why? is that the topic?” And it was, and the other guest, a rapist… I never even thought about my husband, children or others that know me, seeing me on this television program (how many people tune into this?)… it so happened that a beautiful ‘Sandi Patty like’ singer from my church was singing this evening so, wouldn’t ya’ know it… many from my church were tuning in to hear her.
Needless to say, that Sunday, I was not looking forward to finding out how many actually watched. Yet, my church family was very warm, receptive, loving and supporting; they even encouraged me by saying that the spirit of God was on me and forgiveness was such a key factor in whatever I said. I’m so thankful for this. There but for the grace of God… I only pray that someone struggling with this issue was touched by God’s healing power and whatever message they needed also. Very difficult to be in this position with a rapist (reformed) and covered by that same grace as I am. Only God! Only Our Lord!!!
And with as ‘old’ as I am, I have oodles of more ways that our Great God has turned hard experiences into good to minister to others hurting with an understanding heart. God knows just what we need when we need it, if we turn to Him with our pain, struggles, issues, heartaches… He has not disappointed me yet. Always turns it around…
Love and thanks,
Peggy (not the same as the other ones above)
Like in others sngs you need clouds to see the silver lining..and you sound like you have taken the time to allow God to do some major healing in your life and share it!! You are a masterpiece Peggy, thank-you..
Bless you LOU O… The first time anyone has responded to me and you have done so with such encouragement and truth in how seeing the silver lining in the clouds. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply. Thank you so much for giving God the glory for healing and years of it. My broken pieces do come together to become a Masterpiece of His… and I’m so thankful He’s still working on me and with me. I love that verse from Ephesians 2:10. You too are a Masterpiece, and a beautiful vessel for God to shine through and touch me with Jesus’ light. You’ll never know how much your words touched me this day and I needed to hear. I pray that God send you an angel to do the same. (((hugs))) Peggy
I grew up in a non religious home with alot of abuse (to us kids and substance abuse we witnessed). I later grew up in the same pattern that was taught to me by my parents. I grew up not trusting anyone, meeting all the wrong men, drinking….I was so broken. I believed all the things I heard form people around me….that I was no good, that Id never change and no one would ever love someone like me. It wasnt until I was introduced to the Lord at the age of 33 that I finaly realized that someone did love me and I was worth something….I gave myself to the Lord and was baptized 3 months after I first attended the church. My life instantly changed for the better (it wasnt easy mind you…somedays up and some down), that was 8 years ago this September. I followed Gods path for me and went into Social Work to work with women who were from broken pasts such as mine and this past September I followed God again and started attending at seminary to go into Family Ministry. There are so many women out there like I was and its my hearts desire to show them that they too can be and feel beautiful….God loves us all even at our darkest and most broken times in life….we are all beautiful in His eyes and the one he loves the most. To God each and every one of us are His favorie. I cry everytime I hear the song in the this post because its a reminder of who I was…who I am now and what I am working towards.
I don’t have the book, but this post was wonderful. I love everything about it. New follower, how encouraging!
Okay, the song…. I absolutely love it! It’s one of my favorites! 🙂 It means more to me than I can ever express in words, because I know that I am not what I thought I was since I was a young child – a stupid, gross, ugly, dirty, worthless nothing, but a beautiful creation of God, who is loved and treasured more than I can ever conceive! Amazing love! But I can’t give an explanation about that, because of the personal nature, so…..question 7 asks if God has allowed you to walk through experiences which allow you to see Him working for good in your life, and whether you’ll use these experiences to minister to others. I believe this has happened to me many times throughout my life, and it continues to happen over and over again. What a blessing to know that through a hardship, God uses you to bless others, and help others in their walk, as He brings you closer to Him. What love! There are countless examples of the Lord doing this throughout my life, but one way in particular that He’s done this is through the disease that I have. I have a disease called chronic inflammatory demylinating polyneuropathy. My body is killing it’s nerves, and as the nerves die, the muscles atrophy. It has progressively gotten worse over the years, to the point where it is now. It’s spread all over, and it’s in my organs as well. I use a cane, fall a lot, have a lot of pain, and wear leg braces. It took a turn for the worse, right as I graduated from college, and I was never able to use my degree in teaching. Thankfully, I have been able to use my teaching degree in ways that I hadn’t anticipated. I am able to teach Sunday school, and I tutor students at my son’s school. I know the Lord is using me there, because it’s a small Christian school, that can’t afford to hire tutors. It helps the kids to see that just because you are different, it doesn’t mean that you are weird. Almost every student I have tutored has walked behind me down the hall the first time, to get a better look at my braces. It always opens up the conversation about why I have them, and how God made us all different and beautiful, which every child needs to hear. I’ve also been asked more times than I can count how I handle it, how I stay positive, and many other things. This always opens the doorway to a conversation about God giving me the strength to carry on, and to do His will the best I can, in my sinfulness. It’s actually allowed me to share the Gospel as well. What a humbling experience and what a blessing this disease has been in my life. Yeah, I’d rather not have it, but I know through it, He uses me in ways I never even dreamed possible, and to do things I couldn’t do in and of myself! He is amazing! I love Him more than anything, and praise Him for all He has done and continues to do in my life, and I pray He continues to use me for His glory!