I know you sometimes feel ordinary but you’re not.
You are one of a kind ~ a unique and beautiful blend of all God wants you to be.
You are God’s prized possession, a valued treasure of great worth.
You may feel invisible…like you are just one of millions of others.
But God sees you.
And when God sees you, He sees someone He loves.
In Isaiah 43:4, God says, “You are precious and honored in my sight …. and I love you.”
He sees someone He knows.
David said in Psalm 139:1, “You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.” God knows you, too.
Since God knows you, has a purpose for you and loves you just the way He made you, I have no doubt He wants you to feel the same way.
He’ll do whatever it takes to help you get to a place of accepting and embracing your His heart for you so you can become the woman HE created you to be!
Here is the song I feel like God chose for you this week. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch, listen and let Him tell you just how beautiful you are! {If you are reading this via email, click here to watch it since it’s not viewable thru email.}
You really are…
You are His!
May God’s sweet affirmations replace all those comparisons. As you identify, understand and embrace who HE created you to be, I’m praying that, like the psalmist, you’re learning to say with confidence, “Lord, You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb, I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Ps. 139:13-14)
To celebrate God’s heart for you — my friends at DaySpring have graciously given me 5 sets of “God’s Heart For You” giveaways to share with 5 of you!! {{so excited!!}}
To enter the “God’s Heart for You” GiveAway share your answer to one or more of the questions at the end of the chapter 8. OR if you haven’t read that far yet, share your thoughts about today’s music video or blog post. Can’t want to hear from your heart :-).
I love being able to pure my heart out without the worry of being judged! While I am saddened to read about other women’s struggles, it is nice to know we are all in this together and are here to try to ease the burdens. I woke up the other morning feeling completely overwhelmed with life in general. Not being a morning person in general, getting out of bed was so difficult, especially with added burdens of anxiety. So, I took it one step at a time…got out of bed, trudged to the shower and just let the hot water soothe my aching, sleepy body. I then sat down in the shower, with the water at my back and prayed. I poured out my heart to God, telling him that I just can’t do “it” anymore…living with the anxiety, loneliness, depression and please help me! I try to stay “in control” while balancing it all, but I’d just had it! I stood up, a bit relieved after my little breakdown. Interestingly, I felt a fascinating sense of peace and contentment. Being a person who typically needs to be knocked in the head to realize when God is trying to each me, was overwhelmed with the subtleness that drastically changed my heart and mind. While I was not cured of my emotional stresses, and did not hop out of the shower a completely new person (I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me), I had a new sense of God right beside me, saying “Yes, life may be difficult, but I am right here” andI finally believed it! It’s amazing what can happen when we feel like we are at our lowest, and finally give it all to Him! While my day was quite ordinary, my changed attitude and outlook brought great joy and I had a fantastic day, enjoying the simple pleasures of everyday things! Thanks, my friends, for listening! I am truly blessed!
Renee, I loved the video and The scriptures on your blog today. The video meant so much to me because I could see myself in all the ladies in the video. I am a sad person and I am so thankfull god choose you to write the confident heart to help me see me in a different way . Thanks Renee and thank you my King and the one who loves me.You are wonderfull
I have a question for anybody who would like to answer. Is it possible to be Melancholy and Sanguine? I test high on both but they are complete opposites. Any input? Would appreciate it.
Hi my sister Cindy…It was the same for me…I strive for that Sanguine personality to override the melancholy in me, even though it to has it’s good qualities…I want to be that outgoing Sanguine filled with life and vigor all the time but find myself quiet, pondering and to much!! So I feel and Renee stated we can have two different types but to me they are exact oppsite also. That is why it seems I guess, I never feel balanced…I tend to feel one way or the other and it makes me crazy. Someday I am happy and positive and outgoing ready to take on the world, other days I don’t want to go out of my house…
I am not sure I helped but it is how I feel with these two personality traits…that is why i am not crazy about these “categories”…I am a child of the most High God and I strive to be like Jesus not go with a stigma of a personality type, I tend to analyze it to much…I guess that is the melancholy side…See…Thats what I do!!!
Love you my sister….
I tested high in both also. I even had some Phlegmatic points. Peggybythesea, I never thought about never feeling balanced, but now I can see that I have that tendency also.
One thing for sure is that I know that God made me this way and that when I am one or the other He still wants us to trust in Him. He loves us all the same.
He does…I just have a hard time feeling love…For today…love you my sister…
I too am behind in my reading – still on chapter 6. I have a question. (And this is from the perfectionist in me).
Is it okay to memorize Bible verses that are “altered”? By altered I mean like the following example..
Eph 2:10 NLT is:
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
An altered form of that would be:
For I am God’s masterpiece. He has created me anew in Christ Jesus, so I can do the good things he planned for me long ago.
The latter version is of course more personal. Which is correct? (Or is there no wrong way?)
Personally I’ve been told you can personalize them. make them yours, after all God is speaking to you. To me these help plant them in your mind and heart.
I say there is no wrong way. God spoke to you in this way and you have made them yours, like Debi said.
Authorine says March 9, 2012
What a beautiful song . The words just melt your heart. While reading this book I am looking at myself in a different way,realizing that God want to use me in the unique way He made me. I surrender my pereonality, heart’s desires, abilities, spiritual grifts, and experiences to God’s purposes…I delight myself in God,trusting God to shape the desires of my heart to match His. I want to seek and serve Jesus in all I do, .Renee I am so glad that I am reading and studing this book and I am praying for all of my online Sisters.
May God bless you.
I was driving down the highway a few mornings ago listening to a Christian radio station and thinking about this study. As I was looking out over the praries and fields, with everything looking dead, and I know to many ugly, God spoke to me that not all can see the beauty in His creation. He sees the beauty in those dry prarie lands that are dormant. But He also sees the beauty that will be blooming in the next few weeks as the weather warms the ground. I felt His promise to me was that he sees the beauty in me now but perhaps more importantly He sees the beauty of what I am becoming through pursuing Him and trusting in Him more each day. I hope this is a promise others of you can hold onto as well. Have a great weekend!
I love reading that God MADE ME, everything about me – He knows me inside and out! What a life changing realization that was for me. And, I love sharing that message with all my friends and my daughter and her friends. We are EACH special and loved!!
This is a great song and one that a friend made me listen too. She knew that I had some really bad things in my past and that I needed to hear this.
I have always liked the song. It’s helped bring me up many times. The video was superb. I cried more actually seeing it. In one of the pictures was a little girl with blonde hair held by Jesus that could be me. It’s hard though to believe that I am beautiful sometimes. And not just in appearance though that’s what most women look at first. I’m 5 ft and 225 lbs. so I know I don’t fit appearance beautiful. I am accepting of how I look most days. It’s more I have trouble with feeling beautiful on the inside. It’s really about accepting ourselves faults and all, letting go of the that to see the beauty in us.
I am treasured, sacred, HIS. WOW! I am learning to fight more than letting the hurt live in me. Thank God for HIS TRUTH that fights for me. Thanks for posting and writing!!!
Thank you, Renee, for sharing this video. The Lord knew I needed to be reminded at this very moment that I am beautiful in His eyes, created by Him for His purposes. He loves me unconditionally. I am not my own. I am His. Thank you for encouraging my heart today. May God bless you and your family, as well as your ministry.
I absolutely LOVE this song…I had not seen the video till today and it gives the song a whole new meaning to me. I have always thought of my son when listneing to this song. He has learning disabilities and has been made fun of by his classmates since grade school. His father and I continuously tell him how beautiful he is in our eyes and in the eyes of God. We tell him that God gave his this disability to use for his good and that he needs to let it shine through to show his beauty. He is now 16 and doing just that. He is using his disability to help others with more severe disabilities. God shows me beauty everyday in my son and brings me to my knees with all he is showing me through my son.
In my opinion, this is one of the most ‘beautiful songs ever written! On my way home one evening, after a lovely evening with a dear friend and her husband, a feeling of lonlyness hit me. Actually, it was much more than that. My heart was breaking. Mistakes made, failures, the consequences of sins committed by me and against me; coming at me full force from the enemy! My flesh wanted to turn to old ways. I literally prayed for Father God to keep me going straight (towards home), not turn left into town. Abba Daddy, in His goodness and mercy (and perfect timing) allowed me to hear this song for ‘the first time’ at this moment! It more than got me home, it helped me to continue with the healing of my heart I so long for.
This is what I got from Chapter 8 – probably the chapter that I appreciate most even though I love the whole book!
“Up to that point in my life, I’d never taken time to ask or answer those kinds of questions. Instead, I had tried to be who others wanted, expected, or needed me to be. I was fairly good at it. But I also suffered symptoms common to those with the ‘disease to please’. I lived with an uneasy feeling of just not being happy, whether at home, at work or in ministry. I was also a constant candidate for burnout and never felt like I measured up to other women.”
I couldn’t have written the above paragraph any better myself. When I read it (several times, actually) I was close to tears with the realization that this was me – just a few short weeks ago. God has been showing me this for a while and I just finally started seeing it.
A lady at church told me just recently that she had always wanted to talk to me but I seemed unapproachable. Talk about a blow to the gut. I told her that I was sorry she had gotten that impression but it was actually not so much that I was unapproachable but rather that I slid in and out of the church and tried to stay under the radar. If I didn’t get too close to people they wouldn’t see my faults, failures and short falls.
Just before Christmas, I realized that I was burning out. I couldn’t keep the smile on my face when it wasn’t coming from the inside. I had to do something but I didn’t know what to do.
God knew….and He did it. He brought me to my knees with the startling realization that He was all I could truly depend on in this life and that He was more than able and willing to meet my needs and be all that I need. He made me see that I belong to Him and that it doesn’t really matter what others think about me or how they think I measure up. It’s God’s standards that I have to measure up to and He isn’t nearly as hard on me as I am on myself.
So, today I stand with renewed strength and with a sense of feeling “good enough” because I know I’m more than good enough, I am truly loved and accepted by the One who made me. How could I not be good enough?!
I love the video and really needed that reassurance today. I am way behind in this study (chapter 2)and it’s really bothering me. Also, I struggle with self-esteem. I’m waiting for my husband to come back to the Lord. Sometimes when I sit at church and see all the other ‘pretty”, “slim”, “happy” women with their husbands sitting next to them with arms around them, I get jealous. Don’t get me wrong, I love my church and my church family very much. They are praying for my husband and me. It’s just that sometimes I allow my focus to slip off from the worship and the sermon and then “those thoughts” start creeping in. The they’re better than me, they have kids and I don’t, I bet their houses are spotless, ect. The video reminds me that God loves me just the way he made me and that just because of outside appearances, others lives aren’t perfect either. I need to be thankful for the life He has given me. We don’t need to be perfect, we need to allow Him to forgive us and to love us.
Thanks for the reminder Renee!!!
So I read this chapter today – really good stuff! The amazing thing is that my husband and I got talking last night about our purpose in life and what we should be doing. Then when I opened the book this morning….the chapter spoke directly to that! I hope to work through it with him this weekend. 🙂
What a blessing this post is for me today! It seems a constant struggle in my heart, where I can teach and help others understand their value and beauty, yet doubt it myself. I have an incredible husband who is so patient and reassuring to me; he is my “Jesus with skin on”. I’m so thankful for God’s unending mercy and gentle love that never lets me go!
I have really been enjoying the book, even though I am behind in the weekly readings. It doesn’t matter when I am reading, it always gives me the words I need at the time I need them. God’s timing is always so good. The song is just wonderful and it moves me to tears everytime I hear it. It explains so much going on in my life right now. This study came at the right time and has followed in line with what I am hearing from sermons and church too. Again, God’s timing is so perfect. Thanks for the study and all you do.
For I will worship the Lord thy God
He will lift me up and carry me.
He will mold me and make me.
He will mend my heart and take me from the wilderness into His presence.
He will take me from captivity into His freedom.
I offer my heart, mind and will to the Holy of Holies.
He will establish my steps and lead my coming and going
His words are precise and sketched as stone, written upon my heart
he will be my stronghold and keep me from sin
I will listen to His voice,
His hands are stretched out to me
He will delivery my soul
He will make me a testimony of His faithfulness
I will trust in the real and living God
He will protect me from the wasted highways of life
For I will fly on eagles wings
I will not feel ashame,
For I will cry out in His name
My joy will overwhelm me
For I know my God is great
He tranforms the los, comforts the hurting
He remembers me when I feel heartache
and fear takes hold of me
He satisfies my every need
He takes away my sins
And builds in me a sanctuary of blessing
I love my Lord! I am His child!~joyce
I am so sorry this posted twice and I did not mean for this to happen.
I don’t how to take it off here. I hope you can.
I fixed it for you 🙂
I’m a bit behind in the reading, too, but I loved the song’s reminder that we are beautiful, sacred, treasured. How often do we need to hear those words of truth, and yet much more often do we believe what the world tells us instead? I love your quote at the beginning of the chapter: “… what the world needs most is people who come alive.” Thanks for leading the way in helping us all come alive in Christ, Renee!
You have searched me and known me
You know when I sit down and when I rise up
You understand my every thought
You know the paths I will take
and the way I will go.
You know every word I say,
And You put a hedge around me
And cover me with Your love of protection
You knew me before I was born
You made me and formed me
Your thoughts are precious toward me
are for good and not evil
You know my heart and You keep me near You
I am the apple of your eye
I can cry out to you and You will answer
You know my voice, You lift up my soul
You are a merciful, loving God. I love you, Lord.
~in Christ Joyce
Wow, I have heard that song a hundred times and never realized exactly what it said. The pictures make it so much more meaningful. Blessings to everyone this Friday.
I am a little behind and just started reading Ch. 8 today. Thank you so much for this post…it is so refreshing to hear and read this–I am still struggling with actually believing it and applying it to my life each and every day, but I have made some progress since beginning this Bible study! I hope I will eventually reach the point where I can wake up each morning and confidently proclaim and walk in the promises God has for me!
I SO needed the words of this song today. I’m usually one that loves to write my thoughts, but at the moment this song is just washing over me and reaching the needed places. So thankful that God is letting that happen. I’ve heard it many times before, but it just seems to be REALLY reaching today. Thank you SO much for posting it! (I’m currently behind a week and a half on the book study, but I’m committed to catching up. I’m leading a Bible in 90 days group and I got behind on this study in the process.)
What a beautiful song! I have four daughters & this is exactly how I want them to see themselves . . . strong & beautiful women of God.
What a truly beautiful and uplifting song. One of my most favorite. I keep it n my phone with a few others to play in those trying times. We are strong women and we need to embrace that everyday in all the things we do, small and large as they are all to HIS glory. Blessings to all my Sister.
I heard someone on TV say: women worry too much about the outside, and not enough about the inside.
I love the song by Gunther: You make beautiful things, you’re making good things out of dust….
I have this song in my car– and I play it a lot!! I need to hear this over and over and over again.
I had a horrible day on Wednesday and was beating myself up am better today – but the timing of this song is great. My sweet husband says he thinks of me everytime he hears it.
Thanks for the warm fuzzy’s.
I had a horrible day, a few weeks ago— and I am trying to let go It is hard.
Question 1…What really hit me is that I am God’s MASTERPIECE!! I was created by Him this way. This doesn’t give me an excuse to not strive to be better, but it does give me a resource to guide me in the direction I should go! I need to allow God to show me my heart’s desires (His desires for me) so that I don’t spend my whole life filling the desires of others or trying to live up to or be like them.
WOW! As the tears roll down my face I’m overwhelmed by the words proclaiming my beauty to my Lord. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH!!! IT SPEAKS TRUTH!!!
This book has been a HUGE challenge for me, but in the lowest of times some of the truths now pop into my head shortly after the lies and that’s not by chance but God’s design… I AM CHOSEN, I AM BEAUTIFUL, I AM HIS BELOVED, I AM VICTORIOUS IN CHRIST. My struggles recently have been with my worth to others as multiple struggles within my family are occuring. Tough worldly stuff, but OUR GOD IS BIGGER! PRAISE THE LORD!
Thanks for listening to God’s heart for all of us and writing this book and taking the time to walk through it with us. Your insights are so valuable. May you be richly blessed today as well.
1) in what areas do you tend to compare yourself with others and feel like you do not measure up?
2) what personality type describes you best?
it is incredible how god gets our attention…. my husband and i have been taking a class at church which we have been learning the excat topics mention in ch.8 and just last week during class ( we are on class 5,its 8 wk ) i am sitting there thinking to myself ” i’m never going to get this god, we’re in our 5th class and i still do not understand the teachings” i felt like giving up, i was comparing myself to other student they were doing so much better than i, their answers sounded better than mine, i kept thinking to myself i never live up to that standard in chirst eyes. when talking about personalities i struggled, i was checking off all the things i felt i was good at or wanted to be. i thought to myself if i can be more socialable like so n’ so and more organized like mo n’ mo, i ‘d be a great christian too.
then i realized something GOD made me me and them them and you you for his own reasons and own purposes. he loves me just as i am cause that is how he made me. i have other great ares of my life where i am useful and needed just as others are as well. so it is ok that i am a phlegmatic, contoled, fun, perfection, loving women of god who needs to add balance in her life, be reliable to others, think she can solve all problems, lead naturally, love my family, friendly and works well by myself, while trying to be a planner who is well organized and be creative and fair all at the same time. oh i feel so much better! ty;)
Isn’t it amazing that as soon as you think you are finding your place and are starting to accept who you are in Christ that Satan just starts whispering those old familiar lies in your ears. He reminds you of all your weakness at every turn and tries to convince you that you are still not good enough. This Bible study has been such a good help to remind me that it is an every day battle but not one that I have to loose. It is giving us a battle plan to face the enemy (Satan). when Satan starts to tell me I am not good enough or that I may as well give up, I can stand against him armed with Scripture that tells me that I am loved, I am known, I am created beautiful. I am created with purpose. I want to draw closer to God and farther away from Satan’s lies.
I love that song!! Thank you for sharing. I’ve been down on myself because I’ve been I don’t have a lot of friends. Yes there are people at church that I talk to and stuff but there is no one that my husband and I do things with. It’s like the only time we are invited to do anything is if it has to do with a ministry and then we’re not spending time with the people we are working in the ministry. How do you get to know people if you’re always busy doing ministry work? I know I shouldn’t feel this way because God loves me and I am His handiwork. I am set apart but it seems like I am set apart from everyone even people in the church. Please pray for me and God bless you in all you do.
I am a new member of Renee’s web-site; watched the video today and it was truly beautiful. I recently went through a divorce, and my husband didn’t value me enough to commit to our marriage. This video tells me that the most important thing I need to hold on too, is what “GOD” thinks of me. I know, I am an image of him; and that makes me feel really beautiful in so many ways. Don’t let the enemy tear you down; “GOD” loves us regardless ! Even though it was a hurtful experience, I would not change it – because I am so much closer to “GOD”. He is beautiful too me !
I know its easy to forget this message when we feel misunderstood, unloved, unvalued, unappreciated. It doesnt help that we are so emotional as women…=)This message couldnt have come at a better time, for in the past couple days a darkness had been lingering around me telling me that i am not good enough, that i am too fat, that i am not pretty enough…So thank you for being an instrument of God, he is so very Amazing & Loves us so much…& thanks again for getiing me back on track.
Thank you so much for sharing the video! It was just what I needed to hear today!! Your ministry is such a blessing to so many! Thank your for all that you do! 🙂
Amazing, this song always brings me to tears. It is so moving and always makes me think about who I am.
LOVE this song and this video! Until now, it has honestly made me feel weird to listen to this song. I felt like I was being conceited or something. But through this study God has shown me that He would never talk to me the way I think about myself. I need to let my guard down and let Him encourage and love on me. So thankful for His love!
As a little girl, I was taught that when we get to heaven, all our flaws will be “healed.” God would make us perfect. Well, to me, that meant I’d finally be thin and outgoing. I would finally have a tan and be rid of these freckles. Silly, yes, but that’s the world of a young girl who’s different.
After hearing today’s song, I’m thinking maybe in heaven our bodies won’t change after all. Maybe we’ll just be given new eyesight. Maybe we’ll stay the same physically, but we’ll have that wisdom to know we are all beautiful. Just the way we are.
I love hearing from God through music.
I was tickled when I got to the part in the book that asked us to remember what we pretended to be when we were kids. The images were pretty vivid for me and made me smile. I do see remnants in my life now. I am excited to see how God will fulfill his purpose for me. I’m glad I’m his!
How can God use our experiences to encourage others? For years I dealt with a rebellious child who went through so very many things. I made some miserable mistakes in trying to mother her through it all, but as God walked me through that trial, He taught me so much. He taught me, more than anything else, how to love her without expectation and without exception – unconditionally – the way he loves us. Not that I am always able to practice that as I should, but I learned how not to condemn her, but love her and how not to fight with her, but love her and how not to be disappointed in her, but to lay her down at the feet of Jesus Christ. So, that said, those experiences I had with her for so many years were horrible. Not something you want to re-live when you deal frequently with police and probation officers and court dates. But, God walked me through that and taught me so very much and now one of my closest friends is walking through similar circumstances and I have been able to encourage her and tell her what I learned and she can be better armed to fight the battle because of the lessons I learned.
This video truly did touch my heart and soul. I can’t express enough how this song made me feel so BEAUTIFUL and LOVED. Just yesterday my husband said some harse words that made me feel so ugly, unloved, and worthless. I could go on but this song just lifted my heart and soul that made me feel so beautiful, loved, and worth more than all of this. As always thank you Renee for allowing my LORD and SAVIOR to work through you for so many women like me.
Hello my sisters…I have seen these personality profiles so many times…Every time I see it i try to place myself in a different place than who I am..That’s why a couple things besides and with this I have read things that have been helpful to me..On page 137…I guess what it could be is “Comparison leaves us, insecure, confused, and discontent.” I loved the way your friend Gina “summed it up’…”Every time I complare myself with someone else, I can never measure up because I am comparing my insides with their outsides”. ” Renee, you said ” She is so right. We compare how we feel inadequate on the inside with someone who looks like they have have it all together on the outside. then we try to polish our outsides, hoping that will make us feel better on the inside, but it never does.”
This is so true and must be what I have been doing, comparing, trying to be something I am not….My Counselor told me “just be Peggy” I have such a hard time with feeling I am good enough just as I am, just the way God made me…Sooo, i read on and you wrote “You do things the way you do because it is part of your unique, God-shaped purpose.” God made me, Peggy, this way…and then “God made us with a unique, personality, God-given passions, and abilities that can help others, as well as spiritual-giftedness and life experiences that prepare and equip me for His plan and purposes.” OK Peggy, this is where you have to focus, on yourself not on what others are or where your gifts will not be!!!
Also, I love Beth Moore, she is my Spiritual Mother and her quote makes me feel special!!!
You paraphrased what she said…”IF YOU WANT TO KNOW YOUR PURPOSE, PURSUE THE HEART OF GOD AND YOU’LL HAVE A HEAD ON COLLISION WITH YOUR CALLING” Wow…I feel like that is all I have been doing for 20 years!!! I have gone to the University of Life, never having college, I have learned over again through life and many times the choices I have made have set me back…I get weary…I am grateful today for the many things I am learning through this book and other sisters lives and struggles. We are not alone in our hearts and I have to remmber that…I want to make everyone else’s life good, it is what I have done most of my life, It’s Peggy’s turn and I pray I find out where I belong and have that “Head on collision” with God….God be with you all my sisters
totally enjoyed the video reminds me of one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. and I was just reading this before I got on the computer (Psalm 139); It was very fitting for my day and reminding me I am His and God knows me inside out and since the beginning and He uses every part of our lives for his good. Yes I’m behind in the Study ,but working on catching -up,in chapter 7questions. this study has been encouraging . Please pray I remain faithful to this study and i’m not caught in the every-day busieness.
blessings in Christ
Oh, how I needed this blog post! Thank you!!
I continue to struggle through this book… each week bringing me more and more to tears as I confront my insecurities and my fears by turning to God and seeing His truth about me. God is doing a great work in my heart, and He is using you as His messenger. Thank you for being willing to be used by Him.
I love that song by Mercy Me (I love all their songs), but this one especially. It’s so simple yet so profound. I love how much God loves me. And, amazingly enough, I’ve been reading so many other things this week and even heard a sermon series on being God’s beloved, that this just ties all in so beautifully. I feel very loved.
Great song! hearing those words again remind me how just when you need to hear encouraging words God provides. He loves us!!!
Loved your post & the song. I’m printing out your post & taping it to my daughter’s mirror in the bathroom. She’s 12 & stuggling. This is exactly what we try to tell her every day. Thank you.
I’m behind so I havent read Chapter 8 yet. I am still reflecting on 7! However, I did say to the Lord one day last week that I needed to be told that I am beautiful (reading Angela Thomas’s book, Do You Think I am Beautiful?), and He has obliged. This is about the 4th time I’ve heard it & how great to hear it here!! This is the first time I’ve heard the song since I asked, He’s obliged by people in my life saying it to me! My God is good to me!
I woke up this morning to the rain. I hurried around getting myself ready for the day. Then I moved about getting everyone where they needed to be. Now sitting her at work, I opened your blog from yesterday. Yes, I am a day behind! I feel like I’m always behind. I’m always rushing around and doing things for everyone else. Then I sat quietly listening to the song “Beautiful” by MercyMe. I cried watching all the words come and go reminding me that this song was for ME! Sometimes I forget that I have value. Being a wife, mom, employee, etc … can be exhausting. I forget how to just be ME! This song reminded me that I do exist in God’s eyes as just “Erin” … not someone’s Mom, Wife or employee. Just “Erin”! Thank you so much for this. You are truly a blessing to me! Thank you for reminding me!