Is God enough? It’s a question her circumstances bring her back to quite often. But over a lifetime, she’s come to the conclusion that not only is God enough, He has to be enough.
As a young child, she didn’t realize her need for God, but she did realize she had a need that wasn’t being met. She was sexually abused when she was seven years old. Her dad walked out on her family when she was eleven. Both left her devastated.
She didn’t understand how God could bring healing, so she spent years trying to heal herself. But nothing was enough to meet her needs. Nothing…
This is my friend Melissa Taylor’s story. Maybe you read her Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion today. This is also the Melissa I talk about in chapter eleven, and the Melissa who is hosting a P31 Online Bible Study with my new book, A Confident Heart.
It’s going to be life-changing. I’ve known Melissa for over 10 years – and love her! She’s the real deal and I’m so honored she chosen my book as her next study. She is an amazing woman and a great group leader! If you are looking for friends to walk alongside as you learn how to stop doubting yourself and start living in the security of God’s promises, please consider joining this online Bible Study group.
Today, I’m announcing a new give-away that will include a copy of my book and a FREE series of Confident Heart Conference Calls that are an optional part of Melissa’s online study. They include 4 calls with Melissa and guests (including me and other women who have a passion for this topic).They normally cost $15 – but I”m giving one of you the whole series for free!
ENTER TO WIN… simply let me know if you are joining Melissa’s online study or reading the book on your own or with other friends…by clicking on “Share Your Thoughts” below this post. (If you are reading this in an email, click on the title of this post to visit my blog to enter your name, please).
To find out more details about Melissa’s online study and her story…click here to visit Melisa’s blog.
I’m praying for you today, to know the assurance of His promise to meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 (NIV)
I just started reading your site and I am anxious to get your book. Seems like with all that I am going thru and the doubt I have about myself, I continue to be led back to Proverbs 31. I know all my answers are answered if I look to God. Thank you
Signed up for the online study and have my book ( sent from you). I’m reading it right now and loving it!
Boy, the more I read, the more your words jump off the pages… right at me.
In His Grace~Tammy
I have heard your short messages on KLOVE radio, and I always come away with something I can use. I just got on this site and would like to be in your bible study online but where do I sign up? I see that I can relate to the short insert posted at the top of this page about Melissa’s life. Please let me know how to sign up.
I received the P31 Woman magazine and read your article and I also saw on the pages so many doubts I deal with myself. I signed up for Melissa’s bible study and I know I will get so much out of this study and encouragement from you and Melissa. Thank you your sharing your heart with us through the pages of this book we will read 🙂
Just joined the new class starting in sept. Don’t have the book yet. Iam on limited income but hope to find a way to get your book as iam very excited about the class. Cant wait.
Can’t wait for the Sept. class!!! Also, I am so excited for this weekend. My sister and I will be attending the conference in Princeton, WV. I lookforward to meeting you!! You have blessed my life in ways you will never know. Thank you!! Cheryl Metzger, Spencer, WV
I just joined the online Bible Study A Confident Heart…signed up for the free book but just downloaded it on my Nook…know exactly who I plan on giving the free book to should I get it. I am excited for it to begin!!!
Lord, I lift up every woman who has signed up for this study. I pray that you prepare our hearts as the time comes for it to begin. Open our lives, our thoughts, our spirits to receive exactly out of it what you know that we need, even though we may not even realize it at this moment. Lord, protect this Bible study time so that the enemy won’t succeed in finding things to distract us from doing it…hold our time precious and a priority for the blessings that we will receive in doing this study. I don’t know who each lady is that has signed up but Lord you do and I pray that whoever reads this post knows that I have prayed especially for you…may we all succeed and grow in becoming the woman that you desired for us in our mother’s womb!!! You are an awesome Father, Savior, and the Abba I love so dearly!!! In Jesus Name, your loving daughter, Lori
Hi Renee –
I’m looking forward to the online study with Melissa and I’ve invited a friend. I have high hopes at this time in my life because I have spent far too many years living without a confident heart and all the fruit that condemning thoughts bear. I would love and appreciate a copy of your book and free series of the conference calls. There is so much i could say but I am poised to listen for now…
Just got your book from a friend, in Gods perfect timing. You see, I am entering a new season of trusting God, as I obediently say ‘yes’ to teaching a Bible study. The enemy knows my weaknesses but SO DOES MY GOD!!! This book about finding confidence in God is exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. Teaching this study isn’t about me, it’s about trusting God and seeing Him show out. THANK YOU!!!
Looking forward to doing the study. Have not the book yet though.
Thank you for your honesty and transparency…I once heard a pastor discuss the “forgotten beatitude” Matthew 11:6 “Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me” by paraphrasing it, “Blessed is he who does not get uptight about the way I do My business.” I even pray that paraphrase back to God, “Lord, give me a heart which does not get uptight about the way You do Your Business” (and it’s ALL His business) or as Steven Curtis Chapman quoted Martin Luther who said, “The only two days that matter are THIS day and THAT day … THIS day that we’re living in now, and THAT day when we see Jesus face-to-face. It’s what we believe about THAT day that will determine how we live THIS day.”
I may be too late to get in on the give-away but I’m praying I’m not. I would LOVE to win a copy of your book because I have already given TWO away and would LOVE to give another one away. I know just the friend I would give it to, also! I AM joining Melissa for the online study and can hardly wait for Sept. 19 to get here! I didn’t get to sign up for the conference calls because I can’t afford even $15 right now but what a blessing it would be to receive them for FREE!
Bless you again for writing this book 🙂
Hey Renee, I started reading, and loving, your book last week. I put it on hold so that I can read it with Melissa and her online bible study. Excited to get going!
I already got the book and joined the online Bible Study so I am just waiting to start with the group in Sept. I truly believe that this is is going to really change my life. I need something like this in my life.
Sincerely, Sheila in Colorado
I did Melissa’s last Bible study and so enjoyed it. Can’t wait for this one to begin.
Have the book, and am going to do the on-line study as a preview for my bible study group.
A friend told me about the online study and it sounds great. I’m signing up too. =)
Already signed up and can’t wait to get started!
This touches my heart because it is so close to my own path. Thank you for sharing vulnerably.
Giving thanks for your confidence-building ministry. Would love an opportunity to read your book.
Just received your book and Wow! I always thought I was afraid of things bu what I am beginning to learn lis that I was afraid of my ability to go over bridges or drive on highways. I did these things early in my life and all of a sudden I felt paralyzed to do them. Yesterday I wanted to go to my friend’s funeral for her son and my daughter took me and my sister bought me back because I felt challenged to drive over a bridge in a certain area. I thought I could do it but then I let myself get bombarded by thoughts of what would happen to me. I am going to go over that bridge one way and God will lead me and wants me to be a conqueror in this area.
God bless you for saying “yes” to His guidance.
I would like to enter & win a free copy of Comfident Heart & the series of Conference calls!
Everything I’ve read so far, speaks directly to me(do u have a video of my soul?). Thank you for your writings & the doubt diet!
Great book! Signed up and ready to go!!
I have signed up for the study…and I ordered the book just yesterday.. looking forward to getting started !
I have your book and am on chapter 4. I’m loving it. It’s like God inspired you to write it just for me!!
I have signed up for Melissa’s online Bible study of your book. I can’t wait to get started. I would love the chance to participate in the call sessions!!! Thanks for letting God work through you to help me and so many others!
I will be doing the study alone but will check in on Melissa’s blog for encouragement. I would love it if I could find a partner for the study.
I am so excited to do another study with Melissa. and will be joining on line. Conference calls are awesome and add so much. Received my book and had to read it. WOW ! ! ACH has put me to thinking. Love your devotions and messages, often speaking directly to me. Can’t wait to start.
Just received my copy from P31 today! Can’t wait to start reading it. I would love to win a copy to share with a friend!
Talking to the women at my church about this being our spring book study…we already have through Feb. planned out.
I just found out about the study and would like to do it on my own.
I plan to sign up and would love to win a copy of your book which I think will be a life changer for all women.
Hi. I just recently found you on Facebook and your website. I signed up for the Bible study. I just quit my job 3 weeks ago and plan on being a substitute teacher when school starts. Hopefully, I will have the money to buy the book by the time the study starts. Than you so much for being on here and sharing your faith.
I plan to join…so need to renew my mind!
I am joining the online Bible study with Melissa. I expect this one to be just as great as the previous ones I have followed with you, Melissa. God is so good and I am trying to stay on track but my schedule is changing again so I have to make some adjustments to be able to keep up with all I am trying to do right now but God is good and will help make a way. May God richly bless you and Renee as you do this study.
Dear Renee,
I’m joining Melissa’s online study, and I can’t wait. I am so encouraged by your devotions and your little nugget excerpts that you post on facebook. Every one of them seems to speak right to me. I really enjoyed the names of God that you recently posted. He is enough : )
My best friend sent me a message on FB asking me to join her on this journey. I was a bit skeptical since it is still pretty early after school starts back up. I was a bit concerned I would overload myself that early on in the school year ( I am a teacher with kids). I prayed about it and felt that God is pushing me towards this study so I signed up. Also, my BFF and I live about 4 1/2 hours away from each other and could only do this together via online. So I cannot wait to get started with her as well as with you guys.
Really enjoying your book & posts on fb, Renee! I am getting the support I need so badly right now from constant input from these sources…and I am so grateful and thankful to God for you & your message! The names of God are now my wallpaper on my phone and I repeat them several times daily. Thank you so much!!
God IS Enough. I painted a ceramic soup cup specifically for work and see it as a daily reminder. Yes, I signed up for the bible study with Melissa and looking forward to it. Thank you for listening and walking the purpose God has for you to minister to others like myself.
Sign me up!
I have just started reading your book but I also joined Melissa’s study group as well. I have been through your 7 day diet and really enjoyed it. Really cleared my thoughts and my vision. Thank you.
Hi Renee I would love to read your book & also join Melissa study. I was reading my email and found your 7 day doubt I have been really doubting God about every thing until about a month ago.I don’t have any friend that I can discuss the Bible with, so I just surch the internet to find different topic about thing that going on in my life.I been praying to God about to send me some prayer partner.I thank God for people like you.
This book sounds so perfect for me right now. I would love to be a part of this.
I have your book and was tempted to start it but really want to wait until Melissa’s study starts. I’m signed up and ready to go. I was so thankful for your 7 day doubt diet. It was wonderful! Thank you so much for writing! God bless!
Hi Renee, I am doing Melissa’s study and looking forward to working thru ACH again!! Once my little man gets a bit bigger I’m praying and planning on doing a study with our Sunday school!! So exciting to see all God is doing with this and through you…encouraging as well! It was so good to hear your interview the other day! Blessings to you, Jill
I went through the 7-day doubt diet. I really liked it. It spoke straight to my heart. Doubting is something I struggle with big time! I do not have the Confident Heart book yet. I did sign up for Melissa Taylor’s Bible Study with the Confident Heart book. Hoping I will be able to get the book before then!
Thank you for your daily messages on Facebook! I do not have your book yet but it is on my list of books to be getting. Your book was first brought to my attention via Facebook and then once again online through a Christian bookstore. I have read – and enjoyed – chapter one that was in PDF format. Thank You. God Bless.
I signed up for the study being hosted by Melissa. However, I have been battling exhaustion and have serious doubts about being able to keep up.
As far as your question, “Is God enough?” My question is more along the lines of this:
“God is so good, but I am so inconsistent.”
I struggle with letting people know I am a follower of Jesus, because I have such a hard time consistently following. I get distracted. Depression envelopes me when I am exhausted. I remember a verse in the Bible about always being ready to give an account of the hope that is in you. However, it is easy to let the raging storms of life overshadow that hope.
I also struggle with the verses that mention running the race with endurance. I have hit a big wall. I question my ability often to even walk. (and running is definitely out-of-the-question!) How many times will I have to ask God to pick me up? When will the crippling anxiety cease? Why do I have such little faith? I feel like a child waiting for a first-rate scolding for her lack of faith, lack of endurance.
I am praying for you right now….and I feel exactly as you described sometimes. I deal with the “crippling anxiety,” on a regular basis. I deal with my past, but more importantly my present that is a result of my past… and I feel like I am at a fork in the road, not knowing which way to turn, both ways difficult…but which way it right? Which way is the way God wants me to go? Is God asking me to give up everything to prove my faithfulness to Him? A million questions go through my mind, my mind is definitely running a race! I feel so unworthy, and terrified. What if I make the wrong choice, am I turning my back on God? I cannot sleep, barely eat, I just keep searching, searching for answers online, at home, with friends, in the Bible, and I just feel like I am in a fog. I know God loves me, but it is so hard to remember when I think about all of the people I have hurt badly in my life, I want to know “What now? I’m scared but I trust You…” I know that I am “under attack”, especially now that I am making changes in my life for the better, and trying to dedicate my life to Christ, but it is hard for me to discern my voice (or the enemy’s) from God’s. Sometimes when I read the Bible I just cry, because instead of insight, I hear countless ways in which I have already failed God miserably. I have started praying and asking God for protection when I am reading His word, to help me keep out the lies that surround me, even when I am reading the Bible. My dear Rhea, I will continue to pray for you, and I pray that the Bible study will open your (and my) eyes to the truth, that God loves us, and He has a plan for us. Throwing my arms around you in “hugs” and prayer…
Dear Emilea,
I wrote to Rhea above with you also in mind and hope you also will feel encouraged by what I shared with her.
Keep going. Don’t look at your failures – look for God’s love for you. He no longer sees your failures because Jesus became all of that for you. God sees the righteousness of Christ when he looks at you. Your tears are precious to God because He sees that you long to please Him…
Dear Emilea,
I had you in mind when I was writing to Rhea above and hope you will also find encouragement in what I shared with her.
Keep going. Don’t look at your failures because Jesus already became all that for you on the cross. Look for God’s love for you. When He looks at you He sees the righteousness of Christ. Your tears are precious to Him because he sees that you want to please Him.
Thank you Marla, you brought me to tears… I am definitely going to review the verses you recommended with a renewed heart and mind. Thank you so much again for your reply.
Dear Rhea
It doesn’t matter if you keep up…just decide that you want to keep going. Yes, the Lord rewards faith but if you will look at Isaiah 42:3 it states that “A bruised reed He will not break and a smoldering wick He will not snuff out”. Also if you read that verse within the context of what God wanted to show us through Jesus in Matthew 12 you will see that the Lord is full of mercy and offers compassion that is above the “law”. He is not standing over you waiting to “scold” you or punish you. My prayer for you is that you will begin to gaze upon the God of grace and see the one He loves looking back at you in the mirror.
I also want to encourage you to look into the Word to find out a little more on the subject of faith, God gave each of us the gift of faith. Do you realize that? It is within you waiting for you to exercise it. Simply speak out loud that you have the same spirit of faith as every other child of God as stated in 2 Corinthians 4:13. Notice the “speaking” part. And in Romans 12:3 it states that God has dealt you a measure of faith. You have also received a “spirit of power, love and of a sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7. Even as you begin to speak and practice repeating these words of God out loud you will begin to push through the storms.
Let’s look forward to the book and bible study as a gift from the Lord through Renee and Melissa.
God loves you just for you…and you know what?…. He loves your honesty! Girl, I have been where you are earlier in my life and still struggle with it here and there…we are human. The fact that you wrote this means you are enduring, the fact that you care…means that you are enduring…the fact that you joined the Bible Study…means you are enduring…wow..that didn’t come from me…must have been God 🙂 He loves you dearly and I guess He wanted to say that through my fingers on this keyboard!!!! Be blessed…isn’t He awesome!!!!!
Your Father and me, Lori
I signed up for the Bible Study. I am waiting to read the book until then. I don’t want to forget what I’ve read between now and then. Can’t wait, so excited to be a part of this journey.
Would love a chance to do the study. We are administering a 12-step Celebrate Recovery program and this study sounds like it would be a perfect fit for some of our participants.
I am doing the online study and I have finished the book. Honestly, it has changed my life! I finally realized what my spiritual gifts are and have surrendered them to God. I finally realize my personality traits and why I do some of the things I do, and why I don’t have to do them! It has been absolutely fantastic and I have been singing the book’s praises to everyone I know. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself!
I sincerely hope nothing will prevent me from attending A Confident Heart Bible study.
I signed up and will He will make a way…..because I’m confident in Him and He IS enough : )
May He continue to bless you and your ministry~