I wish we could sit in a coffee shop and chat today.
I’d love to talk with you about things that may be weighing you down. They always seem to lighten when shared with a friend.
I’d tell you about the year I let my problems pile up… and how all that pressure almost took me down. It’s all in chapter 9 of my book, A Confident Heart, including the story about the time I accidentally took my dogs medicine. Yes ma’am. I sure did.
At the end of every chapter, I also share a prayer – weaving my tangled thoughts and sometimes-consuming concerns with His Words and wisdom. Praying in this way helps me to take my cares to Him with confidence, knowing when I pray His Word I am praying His will for me {and others}. Here’s the prayer that was birthed out of my piling up and tumbling down year:
Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way. When concerns consume me, remind me that You are with me, holding me by my right hand and guiding me with Your counsel. Though my flesh and my heart may fail, You are the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Help me turn my burdens over to You, knowing that You will take care of me.
Because You are my shepherd, I shall not be in want. You promise that when I dwell in the shelter of the Most High, I can rest in the shadow of the Almighty. You are my refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the anger of my foes, and with Your right hand You save me. Thank You for making known to me the path of life and filling me with joy and peace in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen. {See Psalms 139:23–24; 73:23–26; 55:22; 23:1; 91:1–2; 138:7; 16:11.}
From A Confident Heart by Renee Swope, Chapter 9
© 2013 by Baker Revell Publishing. All rights reserved.
Over the past few years God has been changing me and rearranging me. He’s taught me how to use prayer to turn my worry into worship. He’s also given me a practical way to physically hand Him my concerns! Since we can’t chat in a coffee shop today, I’d love to share them with you through this short video message:
Message Notes: You can download my “Video Message Notes” in a PDF here or in a Word doc here. They include the points of my message, verses and blanks to fill in. {If you’d like to watch more FREE Confident Heart videos based on my book, click here.}
Download my “Printable Prayers Collection: How to Pray for Those You Love from Head to Toe.” Today, I’m offering “Praying for Your Husband from Head to Toe” {click here to download}YOU CAN also RECEIVE “Praying for Yourself from Head to Toe” and “Praying for Your Children from Head to Toe” when you sign up here to enter your name and email. Then come back so you can enter to win today’s giveaway below!
Share one thought or something you want to apply after reading today’s devotion, blog post or hearing my video message. Click “share your thoughts” right below this post and do just that. 🙂
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Update on My Mom:
Thank you for your prayers for my mom. She’s had ups and downs but her kidney pain is less and less each day. Ive been concerned she had gotten pneumonia because she started running a fever, coughing, has had pain in her lower lung and some breathing issues {plus she has a history or pulmonary embolisms and has been off of her blood thinners for surgery.} We’ll be seeing her doctor on Monday to check on her kidney and lungs. I think she’s okay but it will be good to hear the doctor confirm that. 🙂
God knows exactly what I need so He allowed me to join this Confident Heart online Bible study. Thank you so much Renee for this great opportunity! The Lord has greatly use your book to change the wrong thoughs/ the negative perspective I have on myself which in turn impacted my family in a positive way. I know there’s so much more to learn. A million thanks once again! Sweetest blessings!
Yesterday was a really bad day. Today my heart is heavy with worry and fear. I want to pray and hand my worries over to God but the words don’t come and the tears overflow. I know he is there and I know he will listen if only I could speak. The bad part of all of my worry is that today is our 20th anniversary and I want to be happy and express joy for this monumental occassion but yesterday was a really bad day. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
God knows the pray deep in our hearts, even we cannot express it with words sister
Praying for you dear Tracy! Sometimes we don’t have to speak…just sit or even lay at Jesus feet and let Him pour His love over you. He knows your hurts. He will guard you and keep you in perfect and constant peace as you keep your mind on him (Isaiah 26:3- a verse I’ve clung too) hang in there, your days will get better!
Hi Renee, coming across this blog of course is no “accident”. My life was changed in a matter of 5 minutes after arriving at my job. The person left in charge of the company wanted me out since she found out she would have to answer to me in regards to my position there. This woman is of an atheistic background and had been plotting against me for a while. She slowly started replacing others, with those she could control, and i was her next victim. it happened so fast my head was spinning! The center’s president, my boss, was called to another country for a couple of months and could only communicate via Sype and the internet. Well, it wasn’t always possible and so i never even got to talk to him. i was devastated to say the least. God made a way to vindicate me over this past month through the board of directors and i have my job back yet she still wants me out of there. Remee, my job is being stolen from me after 5 yrs of loyal service. i was told i have till the end of June to leave. i know God has His reason’s for everything so i really don’t know what’s going on. i have been reduced to 2 days a week and my finances are going down fast. i don’t know where to go or what to do so you can imagine how listening to you about not worrying was something i was desperate to hear. Now i have to apply it. i have a ceramic of Jesus praying in the Garden. i am now going to put my worries on cards and put them under it. Thank you Renee for caring like you do. God bless..
Renee: Thank you for your thoughts and words about praying. I struggle with that all the time. I never know if I am praying the right way or saying the right things. I worry so much about every little thing and your words of advice on just leaving those worries/concerns at the cross have encouraged me. I am going to start writing down my worries and just leave them at the cross. God Bless you and thank you. Rebecca G.
Pray the scripture, lay down your worries to God! I like the idea of writing down my worries placing on the nightstand under the cross. Great idea! Thank you so much!
I Found Your Blog Today After Starting To Receive The Encouragement For Today Emails. The Timing Couldn’t Be Better as i Have Found Myself Lately Relying On The Holy Spirit to intercede On my Behalf When i Couldn’t Even Begin To Pray. i Can’t Wait To Stay Praying Scriptures.Good is Great And Always Shows Us What we need, When we need it. Thank You, Thank You For a Wonderful Blog!!
I don’t know about you – but, having 1 Peter 5:7 posted to keep me focused helps – Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
What a great way that you worded : changing and rearranging me – loved that.
Also, you could make a decorative poster for your words: worry into worship.
We all have worries and I do plan to get the table cross and note cards – this would have to change the way you look and respond to things.
If I may, ask for prayer concerning an “unmentioned” prayer request. The Lord, already knows.
Thanks everybody for all the prayers and support that everyone’s comments help in some way.
Renee, if you read this – keep up the wonderful job you are doing and helping so many women!!
God Bless
Thank you! You ladies may never know his much you help, but God does and we do!
I LOVE this devotional today. It was written JUST for me. I have been letting things pile to the point.t that they are affecting my health. They are literally killing me. I was diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri in January. No one knows the cause but for some reason my body thinks I am tumors on my brain and no one knows why. I am trying eliminate stress, but it seems like the tinest things make me irrationally angry. I needed to pray that prayer today. I blacked out 3 times Sunday for no cause other than being too upset. Once I actually hit the floor. I am anxiously awaiting.g the download to pray for myself head to toe. I can’t thank you enough for this today. It was JUST what I needed! God bless you all and keep up the good work. It is helping us out here.
there is a reason that God tells us to bring our burdens to Him, and so often we just don’t do that. I am working on this!
Thank you Renee for giving me new insight on how to pray! I like the way you mix Scripture with your own words.
Hey ladies– Renee wanted me to let you know that she is in the hospital right now with her sweet mom. Please pray for them both and know that as soon as she is able Renee will be here to comment. Her mom is having some complications and will most likely be admitted to the hospital today. Thanks for your prayers and patience! We at Proverbs 31 appreciate you!!!
Thanks for letting us know. My prayers are with Renee’s mom and her family. May God’s healing touch heal and bless her.
Oh my! Prayers! We all here for ya!
I received a call from a friend who needs help. I am fairly new to my walk with Christ and I wanted to send her an encouraging word. I found it in your daily devotional. Which then led me to your blog regarding praying with confidence. This struck me because I feel I don’t know how to pray or how to use scripture to pray. I found encouragement that it doesn’t have to be perfect. The downloadable head to toe was just what I needed! Thank you!
Renee, thank you for this study. This chapter, devotion and video are just what I needed! Worries about my marriage have left me weary. After worrying and worrying, and trying every way imaginable (except God’s way) to fix things myself, I have come close to giving up. It’s only recently that I have begun to try to really turn this over to God and I am finding peace. It is still a struggle, because I’ve found that the enemy’s voice comes through loud and clear and tries to take me down a defeated and selfish path of destruction. I’m becoming much better at recognizing those times and turning back toward God in prayer. Those are precisely the times when I say to myself, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.” If I give my worries over to Him, I’m becoming more confident in His promise to use this part of my journey for good.
I love that you write down your concerns at the end of the day and lay them at your cross beside your bed. I have a cross on my bedside table, too and I am going to do that.
This was a great chapter. Thank you for that list in Chapter 12. After writing down all my worries, I research the verses corresponding to each one from that list. Now I can go to it whenever worry starts to creep in and retrain my mind to dwell on the truth of God’s word instead of the lies that Satan wants me to believe. Instead of stop, drop, and rolling in my worries, I am determined to boss my heart into obey God’s instruction to Pause, Pray, and Praise!
Hi Renee,
I really enjoyed listening to the message. It made me realize just because something is a good thing does not mean it’s what God called me to do. That is something I will have to pray about. I also am going to on purpose hit the pause button when I feel i am starting to worry about somthing and pray because God is in control. He already know the plan for my life and I know it’s for my good (Jeremiah 29:11). I am at a phase in my life that my daughter is about to graduate from HS and God has blessed me as a single mom with a chronic illness to be here for her and be used as a vessel for him right where I am at. keep me in pray about seeking God more than serving. I want to know what God really wants me to do because it is stressful trying to do everything and be everything to everyone. God bless you for your words of wisdom. I love the index card idea.
I never thought about using scripture to turn my thoughts and worries into prayers to God. I think this is an excellent tool for my prayer life. I found your blog through Proverbs 31 ministries and I am thankful for that! Waiting on God’s timing for some life changes and trying not to be anxious….
Thank you, Renee, for reminding us that if we seek his comfort, we will always find it. I find that when I’m most troubled, and I quietly pray, I’m instantly soothed. It’s just amazing when you allow it to sink in, and realize it’s GREAT BIG power! Blessings to you! 🙂
Thank you Renee for the video..I love what you suggested about the worries and the cross, My dad gave me a beautiful cross before he passed away, I’m going to take it from where it is and place it on my night stand…there I will place my worries, at the foot of the cross…Thank you, Thank you..I have hung on to Phillipians 4:4-7 for so long, I just love it, Your right the enemy whispers for us to worry, with this study I have started seeking God more thru prayer, I thank Him so much that I started this study with you, It has changed me as a person, mother and wife, the healing as a daughter is coming along. I still get weary, there’s alot to do, but, I want to be a Mary….. God’s does promise us peace, and rest…One thing I have really worked on that I do, is “rewinding” things going over, over and over again in my mind. That will be my first index card…I will do it after I post this. thank you for putting the scriptures on the message notes:
1Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
You are right. If I would do what I know is right and keep casting my worries, problems to Him and let them go I wouldn’t feel so stressed. Your idea of writing them down is great. I justtry to say it to Him but actually doing it will help me see Him work for me. I thank God that this was but on your heart to share. I know that He pomised nothing but goodness for me. This book and blogs help strengthn my walk with Him and blesses me daily.
Thank you for the words of inspiration. I struggle a lot about worries and concerns in my life. I need to let go more and give it to God. I can feel like so much a control freak from times because i want it to go just so. He has taught that i am not in control through circumstances in my life. I purchased a cross in November to put by my bed after suffering my second miscarriage. It has helped me through some days and especially nights, but i am going to try writing down those concerns and lay them by the cross. I believe that will heal more than i can imagine. Thank you.
It seems for the last ten years I have been struggling with exactly what you are talking about. Stress of divorce and an illness that will be life long struggle. I found Jesus during that time. But, feel, I need a deeper understanding. Bless you for your aticle!
This video really hit home! I find myself worrying about things and have been making a conscious effort the last couple of years to stop and hand the worries over to God. This has reinforced the fact that I am doing the right thing! I need to hide the scripture in my heart that tells me to do so; I’m sure that will readily come forward in my mind PRIOR to excessive worry! It is such a difficult thing to do, more so as a woman who is used to taking care of everything. The rewards that I have reaped by letting go have been amazing! Letting go has allowed me to leave horrible events from my past behind to find true peace and happiness in my present. It has also helped me communicate better, so there are fewer misunderstandings with others. Thank you Renee, for being so open with yourself and guiding us to the places we need to be with God. Many blessings to you!
Renee Thank you so much for this inspiring word this morning. I sit down to do bills this morning and was so discouraged and called my husband to tell him how much I had left to buy groceries and I was so upset. He said it will be okay, here you go with your worry again. When I hung up the phone I thought here I am doing a study about worry this week and I am not letting it help me. I need to cast all my care on him. I get overwhelmed and if I would cast it all to Jesus it would be so much easier. I really needed this, this morning. Thank you. Please add me to your prayers today.
The past 4 1/2 years have been really tough on our family with employment problems, and now my husband needs to have an emergency surgery. I know in my heart that even though I don’t always understand what is going on, it is God’s plan for us. I ask him to calm my nerves and trust Him that this path is His plan for us no matter how hard it is. Time is always a great thing to give you perspective on your past. I have a stronger relationship with God than I did 4 1/2 years ago, and my husband and I are also stronger in our relationship because we trust God more.
I love when people pray and you can just sense God’s presence in the room just by that person praying. I know it is a testament to their relationship with God but even when I feel like I am close to God I still do not pray like that. I love the idea of praying through scriptures hoping this can help me be more intentional in my praying.
omgoodness! i needed to watch that video blog today! i have been looking for an answer to everything that has been going on around here and when you gave the reading from Philippians 4 it felt like God was screaming in my head…”THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT!” This is what God has been wanting me to sit down and be still and concentrate on this particular scripture. I have read Philippians many times and dont ever remember this being in there. God wanted to save it for when I really needed to see it….which was today. This video has really opened my eyes…mind you I just had a fall out with my husband. Bless you Renee for the Godly woman you are because you are helping so many women (me being one of them) that feel out of place and don’t feel worthy or not good enough.
Renee, I love your bedside cross and how you cast your cares at the foot of His Cross by writing out your burdens/prayer requests and placing them under the Cross. I am going to copy your wonderful idea! Thank you, Renee 🙂
I have always found it hard to pray not knowing what to say..put it into words. Just clunky. I have recently started a journey of falling in love with Christ and a real relationship as I have never known before and I see a thirst for prayer I have never had before and I have heard that praying using Bible verses was a great way and I really understood how you explained it. Thank you so much! I am so excited to start using His Living Word to pray with in a more dynamic way of intimately speaking with my Heavenly Father.
Today’s video really impressed upon my heart the importance of not only serving God but seeking him. I need more of him and less of me. I am definitely going to try the index cards to physically give my worries to Jesus!
Renee, thanks for the cup of coffee and encouraging words! You reminded me that it is good to SERVE, but better to SEEK God. Sometimes I can get caught up in volunteering at the church, church on Sunday, and bible study on Wednesday. I have to remember to spend some time with alone time with God. I need to talk with him and thank Him for works that are done and for things to come. God is happy that I am doing things for him and spreading his words, but more importantly to give me my personal and alone time.
Also, something that I have been struggling with is how to pray. I pray all day everyday, but I am wondering am I doing it right? I just talk to God like he’s sitting in front of me and I tell him all my concerns and praying for people and situations. But I wondering am I asking right? Am I wording it right? Is there a proper protocol? I am sincere when I talk and pray to God, I just want to make sure its right. 🙂
Read today’s blog about prayer. Thanks so much for that. A very dear cousin is having surgery today for a possible cancerous thryoid. I will boldly pray God’s will in her life as he brings her through this surgery. Thank you for your guidance. I am looking forward to reading your book. God Bless.
I want to implement the prayers and specifically Bible verses prayed on my behalf. Thanks for making it real to me.
There is one particular area that I have given to God over and over…and it is our finances! We tithe and try to stay on top of our bills, and then BAM! something unexpected … like my daughter just got very ill and we were back and forth to the doctors, medication, emergency room, etc., and we are set back! We decided that God was speaking to us about regularly tithing…every single month. Now this month, with all of our unexpected bills, we are wondering how in the world are we going to pay our rent, food, utilities, let alone our tithe. So today I am going to be in prayer and giving this BACK to the Lord and asking for his wisdom and guidance! Thank you, Rene!
Praying scriptures is new to me, but I am finding a huge difference in the way I feel when I’m done. I actually feel like I’ve given my concern or worry away. Thank you for this Bible Study and the time you devote to it.
Blessings to you!
Praise God for you, Renee, and for this message. I wrote down concerns, as we were directed in Chapter nine. I listed three, I think. Seeking God’s face, staying before Him, has been a recurring topic of late for me. Be still and know He is God. Let Him transform us as we sit quietly, listen and converse with our loving Savior and God. What an awesome thing we are able to do. I absolutely agree that we need to set that “d. a. t. e.” 🙂 Thank you for being transparent with us and helping us grow thereby. 🙂
I have wanted to read this book and do a study on this for quite some time.
Thank you for the encouraging word today. 2 things jumped out to me that were a great reminder; praying scripture is so powerful! And to just talk to God instead of trying to find the right words. Thank you!
In the past, I had trouble praying and would get stressed out all the time. Than I went on an Emmaus walk and joined a fouth day group. They taught me to treat God as a friend and to have daily talks with him. So now, when I get a moment, I sit down and talk to him just as I would a friend. “Don’t worry, be happy” with the quote from Jesus to Martha is one of my favorite tee-shirts. God’s Peace.
So right on today!!!! God knew I needed this message soooo badly today!!!! I am feeling so overwhelmed and nearly broken by all my worries and concerns this morning!! I came into work seeking him and found him and what he needed me to hear through you! Bless you and thank you and please continue to minister to us through him!
I am a pastor’s wife, mom and work full-time outside the home, and can really relate to the overwhelmed, weary feeling you shared about. on top of everything else, my husband has serious health problems. one of the struggles I personally have with prayer is going to the Lord when I feel like i’m not “measuring up”. thank you for the reminder that he always hears us and has good plans for us. 🙂 praying Jer. 29:11 over my family today….blessings.
I struggle so with prayer and feeling confident in what I am doing, what I am saying and that God care’s about my thoughts and concerns. Thanks for the encouragement to stop thinking that I have to say the right things to be heard but to pray with confidence knowing His Word is “alive and active.”
What can I say? Like the Martha from the Bible I get involved in too many chores and I almost have to put my phone alarm to remind me that I have to spend time in the Word of God and then I have trouble concentrating because I’m thinking of all the things that I have to do. When I go to the Lord in prayer I have learned that I have to pray out loud because my mind will go to other way I don’t want and I always try to use Scripture as part of my prayers, especially promises…There are so many that we want to quote during prayer!
Thanks for reminding me to cast my worries to Him and to pray using Scripture.
Today’s post makes me feel even more like I need a lesson in praying the scriptures. I believe I’ve seen a book about the subject. It’s time to find that book and put together a study-group and really get a handle on this whole concept.
Thank you so much for the words of encouragement from today’s devotion. I know god does have a plan and he will protect my daughter and grandaughter.
I love that Psalm. Its been a prayer of my heart for a little while now.
The first thing that hit me after reading this was just how MUCH I let my problems pile and pile until I just can’t take it anymore (and then it’s as if I BURST w/ anger towards everyone!) It seems as if I go to prayer as a last resort instead of praying from the start (and not trying to take matters into my own hands!)
Thanks for the reminder!
I like how you started with praying about what you were anxious about, but then turned to show me if there be an hurtful ways in me. It turns out focus from the pain to showing us where God want to work in our lives. Knowing that He is going to be there to strengthen us as we become more like Him.
My devotion this morning was Psalm 55:22 (NASB) “Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.” It’s easy to read it and tell other people to cast your cares on the Lord but when it comes to me having to do it, it doesn’t come as easy. Pray for me that I will learn how to leave my cares at His feet and stop picking them up. God bless you and thank you!!
I am one of those people you spoke about who has trouble when I have to pray. Sometimes I feel as if I am just rambling, not making much sense. I know it sounds lame, but I never thought to use scripture to pray. I read it, meditate on it, write in my journal, but I have never really prayed it. As I write this I feel like saying: Duhhhh Paula, what were you thinking? Thanks for the reminder.