I have received over 30 emails today asking if I ever found the teacher and gave her the gifts. I just love that ya’ll care! I wrote the devotion over a week ago and I totally forgot that I didn’t tell you where the gifts are.
They are still sitting in my house…BUT I am still determined to hand them to her.
She was the most amazing teacher and even today I thought of her. It’s the last day of the first week of school and it’s been Andrew’s best first week ever. She helped him overcome so much anxiety and fear. She is also a Christian so she prayed for him and loved him into knowing he had a special role to play in that classroom. It was life-changing for him.
She moved that day we missed each other, but her wedding isn’t until September and she moved to a town near the same city where my sister-in-law lives. So I am still scheming to personally deliver them to her next time we are there visiting. Who knows it may be Thanksgiving or Christmas!
Maybe I need to pray and make sure God doesn’t want me to just mail them. Maybe I just need to write a really special letter and trust God with the personal delivery :-). What do you think?
Renee, Thanks for taking the time to let me know about those gifts. That teacher is a real blessing. I agree, send her a heartwarming note and then deliver them when the opportunity arises. God will make a way. your friend in Jesus. darlene
Dear Renee, thank you so much for your reply concerning “the gifts” That teacher is certainly a blessing. The world could use many more like her. I agree, send her a heartwarming card and deliver the gifts at your next opportunity. God will make a way. your friend in Jesus, darlene
Thanks for letting me know about the gifts! Mystery solved! I have learned throughout my years, that sometimes we don’t get things done because God has another plan down the road and of course only HE can see our tomorrow road! I firmly believe that the gifts will be delivered and words of love and praise will be shared at some point in time.
Just a note of an experience. I had a woman when I was younger who took me to VBS every year and that’s where I went forward and baptized in the creek etc. This woman was always VERY special to me and even sang at our wedding! I always wanted to tell her how special she was and one day in Sunday School we were challenged to write a letter to someone who had touched our lives.
I knew immediately who I was going to write and after I did she responded that the letter couldn’t have come at a better time because she had been feeling really down and it sure picked her up! God knew “when” she would need these words!
Thanks for your devotionals…I love them!
Hey Renee…
I know you are busy, but I decided to choose you for an award I was given…I completely understand if you don’t pass it on to others…but wanted you to know how much your blog ministers to me. And…I didn’t want to leave you out of the fun just because I think you may be too busy. 🙂 Check out my blog to see what it’s all about. Lee
I think you should write her a prayer letter of blessing over her marriage and put them in the mail. If you want some prayer letter ideas, go to my website at http://www.prayergifts.net
She would be able to hold that letter close to her heart forever…and be sure to give her the link to the blog so she’ll see how God used the situation for His glory.
Thank you Renee for telling us what happened with the gift. I would send a letter and set up a visit around Christmas. It is all in God’s timing. Maybe at that time she may be needing a visit from you. I love stories about happenings that involve God’s perfect timing. Please keep us informed of the outcome.
Be Blessed Always
Write her a letter that she can pull out and reread and show her mom. 🙂 Send her the letter now. Then write a glowing letter to her supervisor. When you are in her area (Thanksgiving, Christmas, whenever) you can deliver the gifts. According to one of those ancient advice columns you have up to a year AFTER the wedding to give the wedding presents and still be “polite.”
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Renee, I have been wondering if you would share who the interpretive dancer was, and who sings the song that you played after your Sat. night talk @ She Speaks.
I did recieve the dvd of that session, but have not looked at it yet. Is the dance/song on it?
Just my opinion… but face to face is the most personal, most thoughtful approach (Unless otherwise notified by the Big guy 🙂
As long as you pray, you can’t go wrong. This teacher sounds like an angel, Renee. Written words of affirmation will last her a lifetime, whether you mail the gift or hand-deliver it, I’d be sure to include that so she can pull it out from time to time…she’ll need it and it will bless her over and over again…
Write her a note telling her why she was so special to y’all. Then, don’t lose it or the gift(!), and make a plan to drop by and personally give it to her in her new town! Christmas works!
Have a great weekend!
Well, I’m glad you cleared that up because I was wondering too! I wonder if God has a reason, a perfect timing, that might be playing a part in why she hasn’t received those gifts yet?
Oh Renee… I clicked through your devotion to find out about those gifts too! You asked what to do and in my opinion – write her a wonderful, long, flowery letter and mail them. Perhaps the reason why the Lord did not allow your personal meeting was that she is a “words of affirmation” person and the best way you can bless her is to write something she can pull out to read and re-read whenever she needs encouragement! I am just such a person and I save all of those little notes of thanks and affirmation in a file I call “Happy Thoughts” for my down days. I just cant tell you how many days I have sat in the floor of my bedroom laughing and crying over notes and cards I have saved!! Blessings!