My friend Heather is a Word girl!! When she was in college she performed in over 14 plays and memorized hundreds of lines, so I’ve asked her to share some tips to help us hide God’s Word in our hearts this week. Here are a few she shared. I’ll post more each week.
Ideas for Memorizing Scripture
- Write the scripture on several index cards or post-it notes and place them in areas where you will see them frequently throughout the day. Examples: on the bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, in the car, at work, etc…
- Get a stack of index cards and on each one write one or two words from the verse, including the reference. Shuffle them up and see if you can put them in the correct order again. Save the cards and reuse common words found in other verses.
- Send the verse to friends and family by typing, texting, or writing it out by hand. You can look at the verse, but do not copy and paste! Try writing it at least once a day.
- Study with a friend, your spouse, or teach it to your kids! Quiz each other and keep each other on track. What a great way for families to spend time in the Word together!
- Change the wall paper on your computer to an image that has your Bible verse.
Word for the week: SATISFIED (Download in a PDF or download in MSWord). Please print it and post it everywhere so you can remember that God’s love can satisfy the thirst of your soul!
Verse for the week: “Satisfy [me] in the morning with your unfailing love, that [I] may sing for joy and be glad all [my] days…for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 90:14, 143:8b, NIV
Today’s Assignment: Start or continue reading chapter 3. Remember, take your time and highlight or underline sentences that resonate in your heart.
Personal Update: Thank you for praying for my mom. She has a small fracture under her eye but no internal bleeding. Her face looks horrible so I am praising God she didn’t have more damage. Also, thank you for your sweet and fun comments about my silly Saturday video. I love sharing real life with you and wouldn’t want it any other way. Speaking of real life, I’m getting sick and this is the week we release my first teaching segment in the series of six videos we spent months filming and editing. I’m so eager to share this message with you! I just need to finish the handout and we’ll be ready to go. Please pray I’ll feel good enough to get ‘er done Tuesday so we can launch it Weds as planned. :-). (All things are possible for she who believes!)
Connecting in Community: Let’s commit to memorize this week’s verse together! If you are in, leave a comment by clicking on “share your thoughts” and tell us how you plan to memorize it. Also, if you have any other creative ways to memorize scripture please share that too! Lord willing, I’ll be back Weds with our video that Im so excited to share with you!!
Renee…I am so glad your mom is okay. You and your family are in my prayers. I love this weeks verse. I am going to try to memorize it. I am still working on memorizing week one’s scripture because that one spoke to me as well. I also appreciate the ideas of how to memorize a verse. I use to have a wonderful memory then I had kids and since then my memory is not that good. So, we will see. I am looking forward to starting to reread Chapter 3. I just did not get a chance yesterday. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Many Blessing,
Jenny 🙂
In homeschooling my children, I have come to realize that memorizing can easily be done just by repeating whatever you’re trying to memorize several times each day. I have been amazed over the years at what my boys have been able to memorize. And some of those years they couldn’t read a thing! I also write out what I’m trying to memorize and that also helps. For this study, I’ve been printing out the word/verse for the week and taping it to my bathroom mirror. Seeing it everyday also helps me to remember it. I am BLESSED, KNOWN, and SATISFIED : )
Great words and verses for us all to remember! I’m in for trying to memorize them all! So far, with all the verses, I have printed out the pdf file with the word and verse of the week and highlighted it then hanging it on my refrigerator. So not only do I see, read and memorize, but it’s also got my husband doing the same thing. And even though he’s doing a different study right now, it gives me that competitive edge to memorizng before him…LOL. Also, I write it down on the Monday of each week on my desk calender, so while I’m working I can look down and read it through out the day. I love the idea of changing my wall paper and screen saver to the verse of the week. I’m going to start that today! And sometimes, I can be a little goofy, ok….well according to my husband and friends, I am always goofy, but with that goofiness I turn the verse into a song, just singing it, whatever the genre may be, it just comes out…LOL We all know sometimes life just sucks, but it’s awesome to know with his word and promises that it will get better and we will be stronger. Just be real! 🙂
PS. Can someone tell me how to put my picture on my comments?
So glad to hear the good report on your mom.
This scripture brought a smile to my face because I have been asking God each morning to let me feel His Unfailing Love.
A week ago on a Friday on my way home and to drop a co-worker off I ask God to let me feel His Unfailing Love in my financial situation. I had a desire to go to the movie but I did not have any money for a movie. I felt so strong to speak my request out loud to God.
Lord, I need to feel Your Unfailing Love today. I desire to go to the movie today and You know my financial issues at this point. Touch someone heart that You have blessed through me in the past and allow them to be a blessing to me today.
Before I could get the prayer out my cell phone rung and it was someone that God had allowed me to be a financial blessing to in the past. She desire to go to the movie but did not want to go along. She offers to pay my way if I would go. To God Be the Glory for allowing me to feel His Unfailing Love. God love me so that even the smallest things in my life He is concern.
I went home after the movie feeling like a millionare!
Renee, I’m so glad to hear that your mom is okay and that it wasn’t worse! I will continue to pray for healing for her and for you! Good luck today and tomorrow! Excited about this verse!
Have it on my desktop! Great ideas….I have a difficult time memorizing unless it’s set to music…but I will try some of these…I want have more of His Word accessible…in time of need. I also recall that He promised to send us the Holy Spirit to remind us of the things that He has taught us (in His Word)….I will depend on that promise!
I am in! When I was in high school, participating in a state spoken word/dramatic speaking competition, I used to write out my piece and take it EVERYWHERE. Once I took it in the dorm shower and stuck it to the wall so I could practice while I showered! Writing it over and over really helps me.
I love reading all of the comments. There seems to be an overall positive spirit among everyone and a joy that comes from experiencing God. He truly does satisfy our longing souls with a love that is unfailing. Praise His Holy Name! You can count me in to memorize scriptures. I memorize scriptures by posting them around my house, carrying them around with me in my purse, and also I use first letter aids. I will write the first letter of each word of the memory verse on an index card on one side and the actual verse on the other side. I use the first letter aids to help jog my memory. If I get stuck, I can always turn to the other side to see the verse.
Have a blessed day ladies!
Karen C
I love these verses. We memorized them years ago, but oh what a sweet reminder this morning! It is like visiting a long lost friend! I needed to be satisfied with HIM this morning! One way I memorize it to repeat the verse over and over starting with one word, then adding a word each time until you get the whole verse. Satisfy..Satisfy me…Satisfy me in…Satisfy me in the…Satisfy me in the morning… and so on. Thanks for this study Renee. Praying you will be feeling much better today!
I’m in for memorizing this verse. Index card style. This is truly a verse that I know in need to get in a very deep place in my heart.
This book is just what I needed. I could hardly get through ch1 for all the tears. Even decided I couldn’t do thisbut quickly prayed and picked it back up. Uplifting to be in this with all of you and thank you Renee!
Yes Praise God! So glad your mom is doing better and it wasn’t serious, but how scary! Also praying for you too that you will feel better.
I have been wanting to memorize scripture and this is a great way to start!
This is a wonderful verse to start and end the day. I was reading this scripture at the end of my bible study last night and then saw this is our verse for the day! Perfect! Thank you. And I am glad your mom is doing well, my prayers are with her.
I love reading everyone’s ideas for memorizing scripture. Ok, I’m in too! I have, in the past, used spiral notebooks of 3X5 index cards to record and memorize scripture for various studies. I have decided to start one for this study as well. I love these because you can keep all the scriptures together and flip through them all when you are in need of God’s word. I take this sprial with me everywhere, in the bathroom, propped up on the counter, in my car, at my desk at work, and in the kitchen when I do dishes. It’s small enough to carry in my purse, so it goes everywhere with me.
Renee, I hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for being so real, honest, and upfront about your experience and struggle with depression and need of acceptance by others. I can so relate to everything I’ve read in your book so far. As Abbie said in her earlier comment, I feel as though I am reading about myself. This was a big struggle when I was younger, and actually, I have found myself struggling again the past few years, trying to get over a painful situation that just left me realing. This study is helping me focus on what is real and constant, accepting, and full of unfailing love…God.
I use this method too. I have filled up several of these and find them helpful to go back and look through.
What a wonderful way to wake up in the morning knowiing God will satisfy me in the morning with his love and makes me sing for joy and be glad all day long! It is a big attitude adjustment for each day! God bless and so glad your Mom is feeling better.
Good Morning Ms Swope, First I want to say you are a major blessing in my life. I am so glad that God used you and your book to help me. Chapter 3 is all about me. How I used alcohol and drugs to fulfill the emptiness, pain. I cried so hard yesterday. The devil is really trying to break me down, but he is so stupid, he really doesn’t know how much my Father loves ME. I really connected with my father yesterday. He was really talking to me through that chapter. I thank Him for the strenght , patience and love to continue to be there for me when I just walked away miserable and afraid, not wanting to deal with any of it. But this is my time to grow up. Amazing things are happing to me. I have been waiting for this all my life. I have something to look forward to. Thank you for your prayers. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease continue to pray for me. I am taking baby steps and they still HURT so very much. I just can’t stop crying. I am keeping it real and true for once in my life. HALLA LUYA!!!!!!! LOVE YOU RENEE AND GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR MOTHER. 🙂
Tanya, continue to stand up to satan. Remember that he doesn’t have half the power of God’s words. “Find the gold. Whatever has happened to you in the past, and whatever is happening in your life now, look for the hidden blessing, the lesson to be learned, or the character trait to be forged. Trust that, since God has allowed these experiences, somewhere there is gold for you.” This quote is by Elizabeth George in Loving God with all Your Mind.
One of the things I have started doing since this year began, is spending quiet time with the Lord over breakfast. I read a little book called Living Faith, and then the three Bible verses for that day. After that I have a daily devotional book that I read called Grace for the Moment by Max Lucado. It has a devotion for morning and evening, and I read the passage for the morning and then respond to the question in my journal. I have found that it really makes a difference in my day to begin it with God. What a perfect verse for this week!!! Thanks for sharing it with us. I print them up, and then hang the verse of the week on the wall behind my desk at eye level. Every time I sit down at my laptop, I see it there, and read it. It has been such a blessing.
I have a smart phone. There is an ap called Evernote. I created a notebook titled Verse of the Week and created a note for this week’s verse. I will add the verses of each week from here on out to have these verses close to me always.
I am working on memorizing the verse. I have it posted on the wall in front of my exercise bike which I ride for 30 minutes. I usually use the 30 minutes in the morning for praying so am combining praying and memorizing. I am enjoying this study so much! Thanks for all your hard work. Praying that you will be feeling better and able to get what use need to done.
Each chapter in this book really touches my heart. I go through phases of my life where I feel empty and I know I need to fill myself with God and many times I try to do it myself instead of crying out to God. God is the only one who can satisfy us.
So glad to hear your mom is doing okay. I am continuing to pray for strength and quick healing. I pray this for you a well.
God bless you!
This verse is my heart’s cry. I want to be satisfied with Him. I have been convicted lately because I have been turning to food to satisfy me. The problem is that it doesn’t work and just leaves me feeling guilty. I am single and have a great desire to be married. Some of that is also trying to fill this void in my life. God keeps telling me that no thing or person can satisfy me. He has to be the one to fill me. Then I can have a healthy relationship when I do get married. I put my verses on cards and keep them on my bathroom mirror. When I get ready in the mornings I work on memorizing them.
Yes this verse speaks to me as well. I have been praying for God to show me how to live real Christian faith as I am in a situation I can do nothing about BUT God can. But I have been living in defeat and hopelessness. The chapters have been showing me that I am trying to find my satisfaction in THINGS AND PEOPLE. God has just closed all doors and He is leading me to the central issue in such a clear and beautiful way. I am praising for the answer and struggling Moment by moment to BELEIVE AND LIVE IN THE TRUTH. I am praying for us all to have our eyes wide open to God’s SATISFYING WAY.
It has been an Amazing Journey to be taking this Online Study,I have been so Blessed by A Confident Heart.I have Grown more Stronger and More Confident in who I am As A Women of God.I Love the Word of the Week we have to be Satisfied means We are to be Satisfy in God and let others know of Him and of His Mercy and Grace..I always Write Scriptures down and put them on My Refrigerator.Also I Put Prayers on there.Just whatever The Lord lays on my Heart.To God be All the Glory for it is because of Him and His Substaining Power I am Grounded and Covered I Thank God for Mighty Warriors as these Ladies.God Bless you one and all.
Renee, I just paused and prayed for you and your mom sweet sister! I also was stirred to pray that He would give you affirmation today wherever you need it! Thank you for your minstry & I loved the road trip video. It was so inviting and made you feel more like a girlfriend to us! Ok, so my sweet sister who I met here from the other side of the United States emailed me yesterday saying how much Chapter 3 was what she needed so I couldnt wait to get home, eat, run 2 miles, shower & get in bed with the laptop! I was in bed by 8 mind you so it was a race!! When I pray, read, journal, etc He just seems to speak to me more when I am cross legged in the middle of the bed!! One of my favorite spots….enough rabbit trail (LOL) so I was speechless and just wept! The silly things I have done, that need I have had.for years being filled by taking classes, Girl Scouts, ministry things……He also reminded me of 6 months ago I was riding in a church van through the NC mountains contemplating this incredible, godly man that He brought in my life for a very short period of time who decided that I was too far away to date – – and He said “Sherry, I want you to pursue me like that. I want you to want me that way.” Ok, Lord, I am getting it! No one can love me like you! Fortunately, with him, I didn’t do anything too crazy – I did text him that when God hits him over the head to call me! LOL, I guess that could be considered crazy!! And, I did text him at 3 in the morning and ask him if God told him to sell everything and follow him, would he & you know what…He said yes, I would sell everything and follow Him…Not even he, can love me like Him!! Thank You Lord God for loving us (me)!! Satisfied, I am loving that word!!
I’m in as well. I love reading all of the comments and words of encouragement. I will write mine down and carry it with me wherever I go. Blessings!1
I’m in!
My favorite thing to do is to write the verse on an index card and carry it around in my pocket. I pull it out frequently during the day and read it, and pretty soon I have it memorized and can just recite it when I feel it in my pocket.
I am in as well! Thank you Heather for your great tips!
I will post the verse in multiple places, and write it out at least once a day. It also helps to receive it from you, Renee, on twitter!
“I want to learn how to put my hope in you all day, everyday. Please help me stop searching for fulfillment in anything or anyone but you.”
This is my goal for the week. I will make the verse my “pocket” verse. After typing and praying it I will keep it in my pocket as I need the constant reminder! My daughter and I will challenge each other with its memorization.
God, please help Renee’s body heal, help her take time to rest, and may the plans for the release be a triumphant-exciting time!
I’m in for memorizing the scripture this week. I love the verse you’ve chosen. And I’m so thankful your Mom is going to be okay. Prayers are truly answered! I’ll pray for you and hope you are able to finish what you need to do. Take care of you.
All praises to God for your mom’s health report. I had just started the first week of post the scripture on index cards as a student you learn this in order to help with exams. So I will have all the weeks verses on index card for memory.
When doing Women’s bible studies my church weekly I use to get different color index cards and post the weekly scripture and they could write down any prayer request on the back or take additional cards for prayer request then we would swap them and pray for one another earnestly.
Praying for you health and strength!!!!!!!! Rest Jesus retreated in the bottom of the boat.
This is the perfect verse…i had utter underlined n my book when i came across it. i started memorizing more scripture this past year w my mom and sister who lives in different states…it really helped us through out difficult times and just to put his word n our hearts…i will share this verse w them. i like to write throug the verse on an index card and tape it on my counters above my sink so i can memorize it as i wash dishes and cook. I also write it on loose leaf n take that sheet where ever i go n memorize it if i have a few empty minutes here o there…it was my motivation at the gym when i was working out…good idea fir working out body n soul.
I am so excited about this chapter and couldn’t put the book down…God is already moving in me…i look forward to reading more of the blog tomorrow…as it is almost 3am and i just finished nursing my one month old…gotta get some sleep…Good nite my sisters n Renee i will b praying fir healing for ur mom.
I’m in for memorizing the verse. I’ll have my kids quiz me while I quiz them with their verses. Speaking it out loud many times during the day helps me!
To God be the glory! I am so glad to hear that your mom is doing fine! She was definitely in my prayers and so are you Renee. I am going to continue to keep you all in my prayers and I am so happy and thankful to hear that there was nothing too serious wrong with your mom. God is so good! God bless you!
Count me in!
Great to hear your Mom is doing so well. I’m in for memorizing this verse. I will say it out loud, write it and post it! Thanks everyone for continuing to share.
I agree that the sticky notes on the bathroom mirror and frig work. When I first came back to the Lord that is how I hid His word in my heart. I grew fast in the Lord that way. I use sticky notes from time to time now but not as much as at the start. I guess it is back to basics. Loved the road trip video. Thanks for the opportunity to lift your mom in prayer, so glad she is doing well and no internal bleeding. Praise the Lord for His loving kindness and satisfying our souls in Him!
Renee, Good to hear your mom is basically okay. I, too, am taking care of aging parents and am always on call, and never know when that call will come. Sometimes several times a week, any time of the day or night. But it also feels good to be able to do for them, since they took care of me for 20 years of their lives. 🙂 It is exhausting though. I just remember that God never gives us more than He knows we can handle. We might think it is too much some days, but that’s when I just trust Him (or at least try to)!!
This study has been sooooo good for me. Thank you for sharing with all of us.
Could you please post again the scripture references for all the names of God. I didn’t get to print it out, and now can’t find it. I want to print it out and look up all the references and dwell on it a while.
Thank you for providing this study, and for your “realness”. I hope you are able to get enough rest so you don’t get sick.
Blessings, Becky
So good to hear your mom is doing okay. I so enjoyed your traveling video. Looks like you had a ball. I am getting so much out of this study. Love the word and verse of the week. I like to tape the verses and then listen to them again and again as well as the 3×5 cards in throughout the house.
Blessings to all.
I’m in for memorizing this verse.
I work on learning a verse backwards. So I’ll start off learning “trust in you.” Then the next day, I’ll add “put my” – so it becomes “put my trust in you.” Then on the 3rd day I’ll add on to it so it becomes “for I have put my trust in you.” Something like that. (It’s hard to explain).
My daughter spoke at my mother’s funeral today. She said one of the secrets to mother’s abiding faith was greeting God each morning and carrying him with her through the day. When I read our verse for the week, my first thought was mother was living out loud(LOL) the scriptures.
How beautiful!
Wonderful thoughts.
Renee, so glad to hear your mom is doin ok. I will keep her and you in my prayers as well as your health. When I need to memorize something I like to use my phone voice recorder amd replay it throughout my day… Brushing my teeth, fixing dinner, picking up the kids at school etc. I am going to have to find some better time to do my reading because again tonight I got interrupted. But this time I did not let it distract me because it wasnt as important. However, I sense satan is pulling me away from becoming more secure in God’s word and he doesnt like the great work that is going on here. I pray that we all persevere. Much love, Mary-Beth
I pray that you, Mary-Beth, and all of us in the sisterhood, continue to stand up to satan. Remember that he doesn’t have half the power of God’s words.
Oh my goodness but today’s verse was so timely for my soul. I have been holding onto things that I should have given to God. I lost my joy for a time but reading that verse and speaking it out loud made me really stop and realize I have that JOY. I just need to put all the rest of it in God’s hands. He is more than capable and so much better at handling it all. I needed this today. Thank you Renee. You make me smile when I just hear your darling voice.
Renee and all you bazillions of online studiers in A Confident Heart study….this study is so good and I get so encouraged with Renee’s little words of wisdom and encouragement to us. Then when I read all you gals are posting in comments, I just get so blest and encouraged and tears fall over some of your lives….oh sisters, my heart goes out to those of you in suffering relationships whether it be single mom, wife, bad coworkers/boss, family, married mom or even feeling like you have no friends. Keep your focus on Jesus is all I can encourage you with…He loves each one of us so very very deeply and is watching out for each one of us. Remember that we are BLESSED and KNOWN by and so SATISFIED in Jesus..He IS our Rock, our Refuge, our Stronghold in times that we feel lost, forlorn, torn and weak. Hold onto Jesus…hold tight and don’t let go–He is always there with you, with each of us. He knows, He hurts and He cares.
I loved Renee’s using “Sam” the Samaritan woman in Chapter 2…I had read this on her PROV31 devotional just recently and was so ministered by it. Jesus knows all about us and yet still comes to rescue us because He knows that He is the healer for all that ails us and hurts us.
That word “satisfied” says it all about Jesus and life in Him!!!!!! Great word choice by Renee. Starting out in the morning asking to be satisfied and then just looking for ways all day that Jesus is fulfilling that request is going to be fun this week…..let us all pursue being satisfied in Jesus at the dawn of each morning (for me that is around 10:00 a.m. CST because I work 2nd shift and stay up late…). Seek to be satisfied by Him each day of this week………let’s GO!!!!!!!!!!!
God’s blessings on you all..
Karen, Thanks so much for your encouragement and blessing. You said it beautifully.
Such wonderful words of encouragement! Thank You.
Thank You for those Beautiful Words.I am Praying for You as well For God to give You the Strength only He can give you.Sisters in Christ Forever.
Beautifully said. I also will ask Jesus to satisfy me in the morning with His unfailing love and then look for ways all day that Jesus is fulfilling that request. This will be fun. 🙂
Karen C
Thank You!!!! God used you this morning. I am encouraged to pray the verses this week.
Thank you Karen,
Sounds awesome! God Bless
I feel so encouraged by your words today & the memory verse…I want to be more & more satisfied in Him instead of looking to the world around me to satisfy…My spiritual muscles are being strengthened day by day since I have started this study…Thank you!
I love what you wrote Karen and agree 100%. Thank you for saying it perfectly. I love this book and have already grown closer to Jesus.
Thank you for your words of encouragement.
Thank you for the wonderful words of encouragement, Karen. They are words I needed to hear so desperately. I have realized this afternoon that I am feeling myself spiraling down into a major depressive episode and it terrifies me when I feel this way. I am on meds to try and help, but there are just times that it seems like everything is so hard. I am one of the ones struggling to accept the fact that my husband walked out on me. He divorced me last May and Jan 9 would have been our 30th anniversary. I just don’t get it and have not realized the name for what I have been feeling until reading some of this study. It is rejection. I have realized that I am feeling rejected in so many ways. I have an 18 year old daughter with Down Syndrome. Days like today when she is just being so very obstinate, I can clearly remember the day we found out she would have Down’s. My ex promised me that I would never have to be alone in raising her. Yet here I am.
I am at a place that I have been many times before. I know in my head that God and His love is all that I need. I know that I need to hold tight to Jesus. It is just so hard sometimes to get that knowledge to my heart.
I am really going to work on memorizing this weeks verse, but it may take awhile as I am not focusing really well on much right now. Last weeks verse speaks to me so loudly and I have read it aloud so very many times in the past couple of weeks.
I know I am probably not making much sense, but I am so glad that I have a safe place to put my heart out and let people know I am hurting and it feels like it will never stop.
Please just be praying for me.
Through this time in your life I pray for peace, comfort, and healing to surround you and to fill your heart. Turn to God and he will direct your paths and bring peace that surpasses all understanding.
Ronda–as I was studying Psalm 143–the second part of our memory verse for this week, I glanced at the note for verse 7 in my life application bible. The note reads, “David was losing hope, caught in paralyzing fear and deep depression. At times, we feel caught in deepening depression, and we are unable to pull ourselves out. At those times, we can come to the Lord and, like David, express our true feelings. Then He will help us as we remember His works (143:5), reach out to Him in prayer (143:6), trust him (143:8), and decide to do His will (143:10). Thank you for having the courage to share your true feelings which is the first step as the commentary suggests. I am praying for you today.
Great encouragements…Thank you!
Thanks for sharing. Your words are so true and we need to be reminded of God’s unfailing love, faithfulness, and forgiveness each and every day. I am forever blessed to be known and loved by God. We need to trust and hope in Him.
Thanks for those chosen words of encouragement.
Every week I am so surprised how God is using this study in my life. I am already in tears, and not even through chapter 3. Just reading your story Renee, feels like I am reading my life. The verse spoke right to me too…oh how I get excited to see God work…this study defiantly is giving me a spiritual bath 🙂
What I do with verses, is write on all my mirrors in the house with a dry erase marker, so when I look at the full body mirror…its there! When I am blow drying my hair….I can focus on the words!
A friend of mine shared the idea of writing on my mirrors several years ago and I love it. Great way to see and remember God’s Word.
You spoke my words. I feel like every page I am reading in this book is like reading my own life on paper. God is really teaching me how He needs to be the one who satisfies my soul and not the things I have allowed in the past.
Oh Renee, I absolutely love this verse. God is so good, I have been praying for a hunger deeper and deeper for His word and feeling so drawn in close…worship time has just been more than I could ever ask for imagine lately as I spend late nights crying out to Him for a more and more obedient heart that finds confidence in Him and only Him. Thank you for this book…thank you for the continued impact is has on my life and those I am able to share it with…Blessings dear sister…
my favorite idea is to post an index card on around the house!!!
Such great ideas! Thanks Heather!
I hope they help Tera 🙂
<3 Heather
I really need to memorize this one, I’m in. I need to get it in my heart like Sam did. I will post the verse and use my index cards. Thanks. Glad your mom is ok.
So glad to hear a good report on your mom! Ptl!
A great way to learn a verse each week is to make it part of your signature in your email settings. This will help you to memorize it AND be a witness to your contacts! Blessings!
That is a great idea to use in your email signature!
great idea Angel.will do that also so i can memorize this great verse.
I third that! Great idea!!
I really like this idea!!!! Thanks!!!
I love this idea, will do for the rest of the week.
..nice idea..thanks!
I too have been using these words as part of my email signature. I have also written them out on 3×5 cards and try to read them on a daily bases. My mode of transportation is the public transit so i would bring my cards with me and read them aloud or to myself. I need to get back to that. I have slacked off a couple of days and I can tell the difference.
I have to say that this week has been very difficult for me realizing that I look to others, things and postions to bring about satisfing feelings. Guess what ?? It doesn’t work. I was talking with a friend today how my depression is taking me down a road I don’t like to travel. In my disscussion I realized that I am looking for my security and significance in the wrong areas. Like Rene All I wanted and want is to be loved. But as the word says I will only be satisfied in God’s love. I need to get my God dose of love in Him and Him only. He is the only one who can truely ” SATISFY” that Hunger that is deep within me.
Glad to hear your mom is doing better. I will pray that you will be well to continue your taping and such.
I just had the chance to read this weeks chapter and definitely identify with what u went through. I find myself in that spot often except when I focus on Gods presence in my life. It is so easy to look for what is here and tangible to fill us, yet the most satisfaction comes when I am freely allowing him to fill my voids. I also happened to be listening to Casting Crowns new album as I was reading and the song The well started playing. The words are powerful n emulate the message of this week. I recommend everyone take a listen.
Great idea. Will do this week. thanks for sharing.
“Satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love, that I may sing for joy and be gald all my days… for I have put my trust in you.”
Psalm 90:14, 143:8b
I love this idea! Mind if I add it to my list?
<3 Heather
I”m in for memorizing this week’s verse. I’m going to pray it out loud, and Im going to send it to friends and family by typing, texting, or writing it out by hand at least once a day. Im also going to review it with JJ and our kids and get them to quiz me. I love this verse and Im praying God will give me a thirst for His love that is so strong that nothing this world has to offer will come even close to satisfying me. I want to crave His love more and more.
Praise God for Your Moms Healing.And Thank You for all you do in Helping The Kingdom of God.Your truly A Blessing.I Pray many Blessings on you your family and The many Callings God has Place on you.Your truly A Warrior for God.Friends and Sisters Forever..
I am in another bible study and we are learning ways to meditate on God’s Word. Our first lesson was this week and talked about Pronouncing His Word meaning saying a verse outloud and each time you read it pronounce different words each time so you a different meaning of what the verse is saying. I have done it with a few verses already and it really has changed the way I think about His Word.
hear and see a differnet meaning each time
Oh Renee, I’m so excited about the verse for the week. I’ve been praying that verse for 3 weeks now! I already have it memorized! Glad to hear the update on your mom!
Love ya,
It was hard to contain myself when I saw this word SATISFIED! I was just having a bout of dissatifaction and discontentment. I usually read Ps 90 14-17 daily and when I read it this morning it gave me a different perspective. I’m, praying that He will help me get to that point where I am more satisfied nad content with Him and who I am and who He is creating me to be. I continue to pray for your mother’s healing.
I feel the same way Lisa…it’s good to have other spiritual warriors praying with us to help us defeat the enemy on a daily basis. 🙂 God Bless