Hi friends! I am so excited to start this “Confident Heart” journey with you!
We have just about 3500, from around the US and the world signed up! I’ve been closing my eyes and picturing us gathering together in small groups (cause I’m a small group kinda girl). Anyhow, it’s so amazing to be here with YOU learning how we can live beyond our doubts by finding our security and confidence in the power of God’s loves and promises for us!
The first thing I want you to remember is: This is YOUR journey.
You’ll be reading the chapters. You will be asking and listening for God to speak to your heart. You’ll be the one who takes time to highlight sentences, promises and quotes you want to remember. You’ll be looking for ways to apply and live what you are learning. You’ll be answering reflection questions and interacting with the group.
You’ll be doing the faith-work of not only believing in God, but really believing God.
I’ll be shepherding, leading, praying, encouraging, connecting and pacing us. I’ll be sharing more of my story – and inviting others who have to share theirs — so that we can see again and again that we are not alone in this journey and struggle towards a confident heart.
I’ll be praying for you, encouraging you, believing in you and challenging you – but you will make the heart investment and be the one who gets out pretty close to as much as you put in.
So, what’s my best advice?? Each time I do something new like this, I ask the Lord what I need to give up – so I can give more to Him. And this time is no different. I’m cutting back on checking emails all throughout my day (which I love to do) and saying no to some fun projects and other time-consumers so I can give more of me TO HIM and to you (for the next 10 weeks)!
Will you pray and block out at least 5 to 10 to 15 minutes every day to let HIM give you all that He has for you?! You are worth it….but more than anything…. JESUS is worth it, right? Are you ready? Here we go:
(Day 1) Assignment
Please Read the Acknowledgements. This will just give you a peak into more of my current personal life. I think that’s an important part of building community and I’ll be asking you to share more about you later this week 🙂
Please Read Chapter 1. Please highlight verses and sentences that grab your attention or tug on your heart. What is God saying to you though this chapter? Write down what you sense God speaking to your heart in the margins of your book and/or in a journal/notebook that you’ll use throughout this study.
Let’s Connect: What sentences in Chapter 1 connect with you or resonate with your heart? What might you cut back on to make time for Him and yourself these next several weeks?
Click “Share Your Thoughts” below and do just that. {If you’re reading this via email, click here to return to my website/blog and connect with us in community.
Please Check Your Inbox: Our first Online Study Email was sent and in it I explain how our online study will work. Just want to make sure you know it’s there. If you can’t find it, here’s a link to it online.
Are you on Facebook or Twitter? If so, be sure to join our Confident Heart Facebook Page and follow along on Twitter (@reneesswope) – using the hashtag #AConfidentHeart so we can find each others tweets.
All of you have already begun to inspire me. There is no doubt that there is strength in numbers. I hope everyone here will be blessed by the time this 10 week study ends.
On page 21 of Chapter 1, what called to me was “If God calls you to do something, shouldn’t you feel confident about it?” He has requested something very special of me and the first thing I thought was I am not qualified to carry out this request. Shortly after that, I happened upon this book. Within minutes I was signing up to participate in the study. God, himself, has helped me to begin creating time for this special project. After reading this first chapter, I realize that God has placed his confidence in me to fulfill one of his wishes. I am honored that he has called upon me. Thanks to Renee I am already feeling confident about carrying out this special request. Of course any prayers will be accepted.
Hu Renee, thank you so much for soing this online study of your book, it is what I just needed. I have struggled with insecurity since I was a little girl. I have a difficult time accepting that people find me lovable and I am good enough for someone. In past relationships I went through trials for not having God at the center of any of my relationships ahd have ended up getting hurt. I am currently in a relationship with a great man of God but we in the beginning had a rocky start which causes me to have feelings of doubt about his faithfulness. I also have fellings of insecurity when I have to speak out lous in class or even in the egroups I go to, so that part in chapter one where you said that you insecure about the faithfulness of your husband really relates to me too. I believe this book will help me get through my insecurities, thank you for offering this!
The part that stuck with me the most from Chapter 1 is that the voices of insecurity (lies) keep me from being the woman God created me to be. I have to believe His truth even when I don’t have that feeling of security. I have to be more diligent with reading and learning His Word, not just checking the box each day saying I’ve completed my daily Bible reading.
I am facing a real challenge this week and I know I need to impress on two teenagers that God is real and that trusting in Him is the only way to true happiness even through our trials. I’m not sure either of them even believe that the Bible is true. I find myself shrinking from encouraging them because I feel overpowered by the world and the work of the devil in the lives of our youths. And yet when He tells me “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed” I feel a surge of renewed strength.
I will pray for all of you, Mom. They need to hear the Word as often as possible. You never know when it will sink in or what will make it sink in.
What resonated with me in Chapter One of the book were the passages Renee chose as references. In her statement of thanks to her family for their support of her writing the book she mentions Jer 17:7. Jeremiah was chosen before his birth to be a prophet and God asked him to deliver His messages with confidence no matter what other people said. Renee’s book is asking us to “choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose (we) are and who “we” are in Him and to have a confident heart” WOW that’s a choice I want to make and renew each day!!! And then she reflects on scripture in Hebrews, Isaiah, Mark, Romans and John where so much is learned about the heart of God and what he asks us to do including praying God’s will and being confident to ask anything but asking according to His Will. Thank you Renee for being bold and teaching us about confidence in our precious Father. I have also completely enjoyed reading many many of the other posts from women who are walking through these lessons together.
God has brought me through so much. Struggled wiith a deep sense of rejection growing up that pretty much caused me to create my own fantasy family in my mind where I was always loved. Went to a Bible believing church as a teenage and met Jesus and the guy whom I hoped would lead me out of y make believe world into something better. But from the honeymoon on it was constant rejection. Thirty years later I traded my angry abusive husband for loneliness again. Was hit with a life threatening disease and God met me in the midst of it. I have never felt more loved or closer to God than during that time. Six years later I find myself farther away from him than ever. My kids are grown and gone. I struggle with severe chronic pain from the treatment. I feel so guilty for having a D on my forehead. I feel so alone. I hear God can meet my every need and yet the reality of my financial and physical struggles make it feel as if I am all alone in this world. Praying that God meets me on the pages of this study. I need him more than ever.
I just starting reading the book that was donated and I thank you very much it has already spoken really deep to my soul that i needed this right know in my crossroads of life. I’m reaching out and felt like drowning in self pity waiting for a life raft when all I had to do is ask, funny how things work when God is apart of it all. When I recieved the book today I started to open it and noticed a scripture written in there and I went to look it up and it’s been the same scripture I have been holding onto for weeks. I’m just starting this and I hope to catch up with the study before it ends. It found its way into my heart a week ago when I saw the video about filling our empty places with things instead of Gods love and I signed up for the online study not realizing you needed a book and in my situation right know i couldn’t do it someone stepped up and donated one for me and as I was reading the first chapter that was God saying no no no your not going to give up and back down again. He has a purpose for me I’ve known this most of my life, but right know at this moment his purpose is to get me back to believing in him and all that he is capable of doing. Again Thanks for beliving in me and when I can I will pay it forward as my kids say.
Joining in late. I have read this book twice and realize that I really need to apply it to my life. I am praying for stick-to-itiveness! I will give up some of my on-line time.
The sentence which struck me was on page 23: “Doubt keeps us from believing things can get better.” Too often I let my negative thoughts, which led to doubt, take control of me. I have written this Bible verse down in large lettering on an index card next to my bed: “All things are possible to her who believes.” Mark 9:23b. (I’ve written it large so I can read it when I first wake up; before I can find my glasses!)
I actually just finished reading this book, but I never took the time to answer all the questions and really APPLY what I read to my life. When I saw the online study, I felt as if it was my second chance. During this study, I will give up some of my time spent on the internet and spend more time reflecting on the Word of God.
The thing that resonated with me in Chapter 1, was Renee’s description of being afraid of being abandoned in different places. All through life I have always felt as if the people closest to me, tend to always disappear from my life, although sometimes it was not by their choice, but I didn’t realize that I had a fear of being abandoned. More recently, I’ve developed a fear of being forgotten at the airport when I go to visit loved ones, so I call them multiple times to make sure they will pick me up. I’ve also been having dreams of my friends leaving me in public places.
I will be giving up some extra sleep I’m used to enjoying and getting up a little earlier to spend time with Jesus! Yay!! I’m so excited about this book and to embark on this adventure with you all!
These next few weeks I am going to cut back on watching tv and spending time with God first thing in the morning.
I am so excited for this study and so thankful for it also. I have been receiving the Proverbs 31 Ministries daily devotionals for months now.
As many of the women have stated, this came at the perfect time in my life. God’s timing is perfect! I have been struggling with self-doubt and insecurity for a long time but most recently it has really, really hard and I have felt alone in this. It’s nice to see that I’m not alone. I am excited to learn and see how God will continue to use Renee and the ladies in the study to bring me out of the shadows of doubt. have shared this bible study with friends, a co-worker and bought my mom a book for her to participate.
One of the (many) things that stood out from me in this chapter was, “In the shadow of doubt, insecurity paralyzes us with statements like: “I can’t do this;” “Things will never change;” “My life isn’t gong to get better;” “I’ll never have the confidence I need.” Now I know that when these thoughts arise its because i’m in the shadow of doubt and I need to turn back toward the light – Jesus!
I praise God that Jody you followed God’s leading to do the study!
I’m giving up sleep to do this study. I know it will pay off! I thank God for Renee and all my sisters participating in this study! May God bless us !
I am thrilled to be doing this study with a great group of girls. This is actually my second time doing it, last time as a participant and this time as a facilitator. I am so excited about what God is going to do in the lives of the women in my small group and how this book is going to help transform them into women with confident hearts.
One passage is chapter 1 that spoke to me said this: “I mean, if God calls you to do something, shouldn’t you feel confident about it? Shouldn’t you want to do it? Shouldn’t self-assurance be part of God’s equipping?” I have definitely asked these questions and experienced this kind of doubt before. I am learning that yes, i should feel confident and that God wants me to be self-assured.
The sentences that stick out the most to me are the section in the beginning of Ch 1 where you realize that your shadow is bigger than you and that you need to turn toward the light. It was like a WOW moment for me definitely in more than one area of my life.
The line from Chaper 1, But I’ve found that when I chose to swell in the assurnace of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart…..All I can say is Amen. Blessings…Diana
Jeremiah 17:7 is what stuck out to me among other things in chapter one. Through this scripture God showed me that I must put Him ahead of everything. I must trust and hope in God. Mercy Lord! I often hear that verse in Proverbs that says, Trust in the Lord with all that heart and lean not unto you own understanding. I fail at this all thet time! I allow my though life to take me places and come to conclusions that are so off from what God is doing. Why doubt, No confidence and who know what else. Lord I need you!
The sentence that stuck out for me the most is “Yet, doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.” I want to spend more of my life looking at the “light” instead of being in the shadow of my doubts. Even as I am sitting here I am wondering whether or not I should even post anything, I shouldn’t be doing this, I will never change.. ENOUGH!! Please, dear LORD help my not to throw away my confidence; for I know it will be richly rewarded!! I will be using my quiet time more effectively, studying the word and building my confidence.
The sentences that stood out to me were: “As God’s girls, we need to know and believe that change is possible. We need to hope that life can be different. Otherwise, doubt will win every time and our hearts will be eroded by attitudes and emotions of defeat–but it is not supposed to be this way.”
I’m reading my book on my kindle and nearly every page has a highlight on it! I think Renee is saying that we ned to have hope.
I’m going to use my time wisely. No more wasting time on things that aren’t important like some e-mails and watching tv.
Like the others, I am thrilled to be a part of this study right now. A few things that stood out to me as I read in ch. 1:
1. Uncertainty and self-doubt are feelings, not facts! I need to rely on God’s words which are all true.
2. God’s calling may not automatically come with a dose of self confidence. Look at Moses. But his calling does come with His assurance, if we will believe Him and trust Him.
3. Renee wrote that “self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us.” Jesus loved to heal and help those who asked him in faith.
4. Renee is teaching us to believe God by relying on the power of His words. This reminds me of conversations I have had with my 11 yr old son. There are times I just want him to take me at my word and trust me completely, even though I don’t explain the whole big picture to him. That is sometimes what God wants from me as his daughter, too.
I got to start reading this about a month ago, then set it down for a while. Re-reading it a 2nd time and taking time to write my notes and answers as I go is a good thing. I am ready for a new attitude about what God can do in me!
Really insightful, thank you for sharing. You made very good points.
The sentence in chapter one that stood out to me was “…let His Word change the way you think, which will determine the way you feel, and eventually transform the way you live”. To change the way you live you have to start with changing the way you think – for me this means hiding Bible verses in my heart to have ready for the thinking otherwise I can’t change the way I live. I am always telling my daughters that it is important to memorize Bible verses so that God can remind us of those verses throughout the day so we know how we are to act and be. I am hoping this Bible study can help me change the way I think so I can be confident in Christ and change the way I live.
I highlighted that sentence too. Browsing through several of the comments this week has challenged me to think about how and where I can surround myself with those key verses so I am constantly reminded of them.
The shadows of doubt haunt me. I love Renee’s example of looking at the shadows instead of looking at Jesus. I have lived in insecurity since early childhood. I am ready to have God restore my confidence in and through Him. My battle verse this week will be – Isaiah 49:23. “Those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” Come, Lord Jesus into my insecurities and doubt.
Hello ladies. what ministered to me the most were the scriptures that were in chapt. 1.
I love the lord and try to live according to his word, but doubt does stick his ulgy head
in when situations get rough, or I feel like there is nothing I can do in my own strenght.
The when you call on the lord not letting waiting on the Lord distract you.
I’m so excited about Renee’s take on the Samaritan woman in Chapter 1. It’s as if I have fresh eyes to see see new things that I’ve never noticed or thought about in the countless times I’ve read this story before!
Perhaps Sam did not want just want to be around people for fear of their judgements and condemnation, but more specifically she did not join the women during their travels to the well. God is certainly stirring both conviction about my attitudes and judgements toward others, specifically women while setting me free from worrying about other’s attitudes and judgements about me.
Also, I loved Renee’s thoughts on the topic of “Surface Level.” I love how Jesus always took the conversation deeper, to the level of Sam’s hurts and where she needed healing, but she wanted to keep it surface level. That is so much like Jesus, getting to the core of who we are.
Lots and lots of fresh, new thoughts and it is only Chapter One!
I am so excited about this online Bible/Book Study! This is just what I need right now! At first I was a little hesitant because just as it is said in the book, I was thinking ” Maybe this isn’t for me, maybe I shouldn’t.” But I am so glad that I went against those thoughts of doubt and have decided to do this.
After reading the first chapter last night, I knew that God was in this 🙂 of course He is! After reading the key verse for this chapter Hebrews 10:35-36, I watched a preaching and can you believe that the key verse was the exact same one?! Tell me that isn’t God! Both the book and the preaching ministered to me lastnight!
I have been really struggling with doubts and lack of confidence these past few weeks. I just moved to Texas 3 weeks ago on what I believe is the Will of God and I have been having a battle in m mind as to whether or not this was the right decision for myself and my children. It was bad… But I know that God is speaking and I know that He is doing a new thing for us. I thought about this when I read on page 21″ The unknown is too scary. Although you’ve been miserable, at least the misery is familiar where you are now.” Thats how I was before moving to Texas. I was tired of going in the same cycle for so many years dealing with the same issues, the same drama from the same people and just wanted OUT!! But then here I am and I wanted to return to that. Being out of my comfort zone was not settling in too great for me. But after talking about it with a sister of mine and praying about it, I know that I am to stay in course and allow God to lead me. Because I know the promises and the Word He has given me and so I know that once I have done the Will of the Father, I will receive what He has promised! Wha a REVELATION!!
I could also relate with what is said on Page 23: “Don’t listen to those thoughts, my friend. God doesn’t want us stuck in a cycle of defeat or living in the shadows of doubt (I was stuck in a cycle! Self doubt, disappointments, broken dreams, broken promises…BUT NO MORE!) He reminds us in Isaiah 49:23 ” Then you will know that I am the Lord. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” Also that the scriptures on this page which state that God is working ALL THINGS together for good, because you (we) love Him! and are called according to His purpose.” and “ALL THINGS are possible to (her) who believes.” Hallelujah!! I am super excited! I thank God for this wonderful oppurtunity and CANNOT WAIT to see what He is doing for me….FOR US ALL! God Bless!
Denisse I can relate. My family had a house fire in last sept. I try to find God hand in everything that happens to me. I heard the Lord tell me once call those things that are not as though they were. Well I started looking arount as I was vaccuming my living room and thought to myself what could he be talking
about. Well it was the house, but it wasnt that house. We are now in a house that I feel the ways things happened for us to get it was of the Lord. I thnk we are being tested at this moment
(my husband and I) because we both are out of work with rent that is three times what we were paying.
although we both are receiving unemloyment God has still provided for us. I tell my husband as encouragement that we really need to just and obey God and He will get us through. He has blessed my family much in our lives.
Germaine and Denisse, I am praying for you both tonight! As for God, His plans are perfect! Hold tight to His love and provision for you in the uncertain circumstances you find yourselves in.
The part that struck me was about how the voices of insecurity stop us from being the women God created us to be.
Yes I agree, its llike it gives us a spirit of fear
Everything in the first chapter resonated with me but the story of what God told you when you saw the shadow, “look at the light,” resonated the most with me because with me too doubts lead to distortion. I should remember to look at the light.
Another thing that resonated with me was the sentence
“One way God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him what is already part of His will.” That tells me that I just have to find promises in the Bible for the things I want God to do in my life and then ask for the fulfillment of those promises.
I am planning to cut back on sleep so I can connect with God.
May God bless you.
“Thoughts started pouring through my mind and heart that no one likes you, what you posted was not good, etc. I am also struggling to let go of a friendship.”
Oh my goodness Jessica! I thought I was the only one who felt that way on boards like this, or in life in general when people didn’t respond right away, or I didn’t get a post! Seriously, I have become so insecure due to past friendships that I think I will never have any friends who don’t leave or betray me. I have so little trust in people now 🙁 It makes me sad to think that way, and I think it makes God sad too. I am just starting to see through Renee’s book how much more the Bible is in my life, and how much more personal the word of God is than I ever made it though.
I confess I envy you to be able to study for the ministry. I have always wanted to know more about God, and the languages, etc. To devote myself to study like you. I don’t feel called though, at least not yet, it’s just a desire to learn about Him I think. I think that is why I am here really. To learn about Him and help get to a place where I trust in Him more.
I can see how hard seminary is on you right now though. I am sure you were right about God calling you to it though. I feel most often when people think they hear the call of God after prayer, they are right. Also, even though you may not feel like you were right about the call sometimes, or have other doubts, just remember this. “God does not call the equipped, He equips the called.” So even if you feel you are not doing well in your studies, or doubting yourself, God will give you all you need! It is just that horrible doubt we are all suffering with that nags at us, and tells us something untrue! It’s ironic though that I can tell you all of this, and be so positive, but in my own life I have the very same doubt problem, and I can’t get myself to do what I am telling you to do 🙁 So just know I am not one of those Christians that has it all together, although I wish I did! Please know I am a broken vessel, but as one person here kindly reminded me, God uses broken vessels .
I understand your friend situation too. I had a friend for 15 years that I am no longer friends with. It was never a healthy friendship though, and I should have been as thoughtful about it as you are, and seen that much earlier on. However, the way it ended (I tried for a positive ending, but sadly she was angered beyond where I could even say anymore to her as to why it was ended, but I think inside herself, she knew) still makes me sad. I know though that she wasn’t a positive influence on my life in Christ, or my self-esteem. I tried to tell her many times how things hurt me, but it was ignored, and she was fading out of my life as well, just like your friend. I feel your pain, and although I can’t say it will be easy to end your friendship, in the end God will be your comfort, your strength, and the friend you really need. He was there for me during that very sad time in my life, and will be there for you too! I still miss my friend, but I think in all honesty what I really miss is just trusting in a friend. I had trusted in her, and she hurt me, and now I don’t trust 🙁
I will be praying for you about school, your friend, and trust. Please pray for me too. Take care. I am here if you need to talk (that goes for the ladies who have already befriended me here, and anyone that needs a shoulder too!). God is with you today, remember that, and let it give you peace.
Kyrie, this is a response to one of your comments above, but I couldn’t find it. AMEN on the ‘spiritual’ comments regarding depression. Although I will freely admit that it can be a facet of the issue, depression has so many aspects that it can hardly ever be pinned down to one thing. Know that I, for one, think no less of you as a Christian because you admit to being depressed. I think that Christian women in general have a hard time being open about depression, and as a result I am sure it is far more prevalent within the church than anyone knows. One of the MOST godly women I know has struggled with it. Prayer can help, yes, but sometimes you need counseling and medication to get you over a hump. I struggled in college and I remember my counselor telling me that medication helps to make the mountain a molehill, so you can deal with what’s really there. Sort of like Renee talking about the shadow being bigger than the object. I hope that some of the spiritual truths in this book lift you spiritually, and that you also will not listen to voices discouraging you from pursuing other avenues of healing if you need them (meds or counseling.) Praying for you!
Wow, talk about not opening up. You have done a lot of that on here. 🙂 One thing that I have learned is to pray that God will bring godly friends into my life and friendships that will bring him glory. I also pray that He will give me discernment of when to open up to people and when to not. Not everyone is safe to open up to. I have also been learning that it is important not to force friendships because it is very stressful on both parties. Something else I learned from doing all these posts and commenting on here is that it is very hard to comment on everyone’s comments. Another thing is that our worth does not depend on what man says. Our worth depends on what God says. 🙂
I think you have some very valid, especially in my life, points. I am far too trusting. Right away I think, Oh, we are getting along so well, and she goes to my church, she must be a Christian, surely I can trust her with this. So we talk about our lives and share things, and I think things are going well, the beginning of a new friendship. Then boom! I get hit with gossip, or it is used against me 🙁 I do need to remember not all are safe to open up to. I love being on here because I am using another name (I felt safer that way, well really it is a Latin phrase meaning, “God have mercy”), and can really be myself and open up. I so wish ‘real life’ friendships were that way. They never have been that way for me. I also want to do all things for the glory of Christ, so you had another good perspective on friendship there. I need to allow God to bring people to me, and not seek them out as much. Of course in a bible study setting, or something like that, you are always hopeful, and while not seeking people out, having hope that a good friend will come out of the mix. I confess though that I do move too fast sometimes, and that people may feel like I am “forcing friendships”. So it is good for me to hear all of these things. I don’t mean to do any of these things of course. I am just so excited when I click with someone that perhaps I allow myself to do all of those things which push people away 🙁 I like that you ended your post with reminding me of what God thinks of us as being most important, a wise thing to remember. Thanks for the great post Jessica 🙂
Hi. How are you? When I was doing my devos this morning, they both stood out to me, and I immediately thought of you. I just wanted to share them with you. Here is the websites to each of them. Hope they bless you. 🙂
@Jessica April 25, 2012 at 1:32 am, thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to me, on your phone even! All of the support and comments here are so wonderful. I only hope I can be as supportive and helpful to each of you! I think the idea of saying God’s promises over and over is a great one. I want to start praying those promises. Yesterday I took the prayer from chapter one in Renee’s book, and said it, and will probably say it everyday this week, and eventually I hope to remember verses and make up my own prayers as well! I also want to get a book called The Power of Praying Through the Bible by Stormie Omartian. A girl at church was talking about how praying through verses changed how she prays, and how she looked at God’s will for her. I know Renee’s book is already doing this for me too! Thank you for being honest about how you struggle with God’s promises. It helps me feel less alone in that area of my walk. I hope all of you who have responded to me will keep in touch (I know I’ll try 🙂 throughout this study. It would be nice to see how far each of us comes 🙂 Oh, and thanks for the recommendation of Renee’s other book! I got it free too! I haven’t read it yet sadly. I was afraid to, to be honest. I think this study, and people like you, and of course most of all Our Lord Jesus, will give me the courage to make it my next book though! Thanks for your e-mail too! That is so supportive and kind of you! God bless you!
You are so welcome. I have come a long way with God’s help. I have been reading a lot of books about finding my confidence in Christ. I have struggled to really believe the truths of God are for me too. The doubt diet book is super short. lol 🙂 It is only 7 days long. I have started doing it over again. Yes, only God’s word and truth can set us free. 🙂
The sentences that jumped out at me was ” You can only see the shadow because you turned away from the light. Turn back towards the light.” This is extremely powerful and so very true. I am hoping that through reading this book and doing this online study, I will re-train myself to only look towards the light and to overcome the shadow. I am excited to see how God uses this book and online study to draw me closer to Him and show me the confidence I have in Him.
yes that spoke load for me as well. Oh i cant count the times that i have turned away for God thinking I could do it my self.
good morning….this morning I answered the question,”What keeps me from living with a God confidence on a consistent basis?” honestly I can go to bed with God confidence and feel like tomorrow will be a new day. Then I wake up to a sassy teenager, demands that change my plan for the day or the phone ringing with some emergency only I can handle and my God confidence goes right out the door along with my attitude!!! Then I just kick into (what my family calls(cindi-drive) and start leaning on my own understandings. Before I know it it’s the end of the week and I’ve spent most of my days taking care of everything on my own… Can anyone relate?
Well this morning once again, God revealed His promise, of course after forgiving me for the 1000th + time:
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. There is hope for us all!!!! I choose to believe today that those who hope in (Him) will not be disappointed. Praying for a God confidence to be part of your day too!
Amen!! I could have written this post! I’m praying that God will stop us in the middle of our chaos & remind us to lean on Him, not ourselves!!
I’ll second the Amen!! I always joke that I know He’s at work in my life; if I’d just step out of the way and let Him work!…instead I try to step in and take over! Reading the words by Renee about looking in the mirror and things becoming so distorted. Life can get so busy and hectic. I love those moments when I stop and really listen…because he DOES reveal himself if I would just be still.
I’m working on taking a step back so that my focus in the mirror is not distorted. I’m trying to get to bed at a decent hour so that I can get up and do my devotion time in the quiet of the early morning. (I’m terrible about staying up too late after everyone has gone to bed, thinking that I’ll get so much done and I never do.)
This is a great study. I really am enjoying your 7-Day Doubt Diet too. This study has gotten me to recognize when I have negative thoughts, and try to replace them with positive, biblical ones. I am still working on the 2nd part. Just yesterday, I was thinking I commented on the confident study blog, and only one person responded. Thoughts started pouring through my mind and heart that no one likes you, what you posted was not good, etc. I am also struggling to let go of a friendship. It has been 2 years since the person decided she doesn’t want to be close anymore, but I still have to interact with her on a daily basis so it is really hard. To go from telling deep secrets to now just saying hello, and that is it. I am also in seminary, and feel God is leading me to get my Master’s in Biblical Studies, but the classes are really hard, and I am not doing as well as I usually do. I am almost failing my greek class, and the final will determine if I fail the class. I have noise in my head and from other’s about why am I doing everything that I am doing, and that it is not what I should be doing. I did not choose to do this degree on my own, but I believe it was the prompting of God, but now I am not sure. I am trying to stay focused on God, but I don’t even know what to pray about anymore. I feel like why even pray for myself, b/c I can’t usually hear God’s response anyway. I can pray for others, and I do see him moving in other’s lives. I just don’t see him moving in mine, but that is probably b/c I am too focused on praying for other’s, comparing myself with others, and listening to others instead of God. Hope you are blessed through this study as well.
Hi Jessica ~
I can so relate to your story. I am/have been in your situation. I sympathize with the friend situation you are in. I had almost the same experience except I do not have to see my friend anymore. I still hurt from our parting, but it makes it so much easier not to have to see her….especially every day.
I studied for my master’s degree recently and received it in Theological Studies in 2009.
I believe God called me to study and yes, I found it very difficult as well. Just because it is difficult and challenging, doesn’t mean God doesn’t want you to complete it…usually the opposite. Keep plugging away you are learning the most important material in life.
As far as what others say to you; stop telling them anything. Tell God instead. He is and wil continue to move in your life. It will not always be evident to you, but try spending more time with him in prayer. Listen; talk and listen….each day. I know it is hard to do with studies, but it is crucial. Studying about God does not replace time with God.
And definitely stop comparing your self with others. That is very dangerous…as Renee’s study will show you.
God made you to be you….you are unique…you are wonderfully made and there is no one else like you on this planet.
Continue to pray for others…also vital. Keep your mind off yourself. Have faith in you and above all, have faith in God.
I will pray for you. I hope you haven’t minded my “butting in.” I just feel we are so similar.
Hope I have helped in some small way.
God bless you as you continue to study His Word. And if you fail Greek, maybe you took on too much at once, maybe Greek is going to be a difficult subject for you. Maybe once you catch on….you will find it easier. Whatever the reason….He is listening to you and He knows what you are going through. Stay close to Him. He is right with you.
Thank you so much. Your reply was perfect. Thanks for allowing God to use you to minister to me. You have a lot of great points. Don’t feel bad for “butting in. ” I didn’t see it that way at all. I am grateful for your comment. Hope you are being blessed by the study as well. 🙂
Jessica, I think many women can relate to you with what you are saying. What a trap so many of us fall into on these ‘social networking’ type sites where we equate a lack of response to a lack of caring from others or lack on value in ourselves. But it is a LIE. As far as your difficulties with a friend, I have a good friend who is most definitely one of the most godly, grace-filled women I know. And yet she has gone through that same situation, where her best friend distanced herself and semi-ended the friendship. So PLEASE don’t think it reflects on you that your friend made that choice. This woman I am friends with is a wonderful friend, and I firmly believe that her friend just had issues in her life she didn’t want to be vulnerable about and shut everyone out. I will pray for you and Kyrie E. (I always wanted to name a daughter that!) regarding learning to open yourselves up again and trust. It takes time, and there is nothing wrong with you working through the process.
Thank you so much. I just saw your response. 🙂
What spoke to me most in this chapter is the power the doubt/insecurity has, how loud the whispering actually is to me, and the “paralyzing” effect it can have on me.
I’m committing to an earlier bedtime with my final moments of the day spent reading either my Bible or something nurturing and quiet conversation with God.
I am trying so hard to give up TV and internet time to draw closer to God. The statement that made me sit up and take notice was God whispering to Renee’s: You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light. That is what I need to do…turn back toward the light.
To Someone in Turmoil:
Protecting your son and getting out of an abusive situation is doing the right thing. God does not want you to suffer. You might consider making a fresh start at a new church. This will allow you to surround yourself with a new chosen family who has not been fooled by your husband about his character. I will pray for you right now. Blessings to you. You can do this!
My struggle is having confidence and trust in God. Yes I know he cares for me, loves, will never leave nor forsake me. I need to get this head knowledge into a heart knowledge. I have been living in the shadow of doubt long enough. This shadow is not only distorting my image, but also the image of God. My prayer is that I will remain in the God’s light.
Hi Terri
I know what you mean about knowing a thing in your head but not making it to your heart. I always felt like there was something wrong with me b/c I felt that way. My prayer is that we will both come to integrate our heads and our hearts where God is concerned.
I have seen this book available for some time now, and have been reading your posts on FB, now that it’s available on Kindle, I have purchased your book and am already so enjoying your thoughts and the truths that come from the Word of God:-) my family and I are missionaries in the City of Prague, C.R. books like this are simply not available in any book stores, Thank God for kindle!
I look forward what God will teach me about the confidence I can have because of his promises!
I am so thankful to the Lord for obedient servants like yourself Renee, and so thankful for HIS HOLY SPIRIT to minister to us.
Anticipating much growth.
I’m really enjoying this book. I think one of the best things about this study is knowing I’m not alone in this struggle. Its beautiful to read other women’s posts and know that the Lord is bringing us together and planning on redeeming past hurts and insecurities that have robbed us form knowing Him more fully.
The line that stuck out to me the most during chapter one was the verse in Hebrews at the very beginning. “So don’t throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.” -Hebrews 10:35-36-
This past year, I’ve been working at a job that has really shook my confidence to the core. I find myself worrying about what my colleagues think about me and worrying about whether or not I’m doing a good job. The past couple of weeks, I feel like I’ve heard God say “Don’t throw your confidence away.” My worth is from God, not the opinions of others. I just wish I could take that from a head level to a heart level.
Hello Everyone!
I am so happy to be doing this study with you. I look forward to the interaction with you and the knowledge I will gain over the next few weeks.
This study could not have come at a more opportune time! When I learned about it I was in the process of booking an appointment with a clinical psychologist because my confidence and self-esteem have been at an all time low recently. I decided to put that on hold and do this study instead and already God has been revealing so much to me, not only through Renee’s work, but also through so many other avenues. It is simply amazing. We serve a magnificent God!
One of the major themes that stood out for me in chapter 1 was doubt. I live my life in defeat thinking that this low feeling might be all there is to life; that this self-doubt will haunt me forever; that nothing will ever fill me up and I absolutely hate the thought of living like this for the rest of my life. My doubt makes me question my faith. I pray hoping that things will change but I say “amen” and still… nothing. That’s one of the reasons I am reading this book: in the hope that as my confidence builds so will my faith. I am leaving myself open to all the possibilities that God has in store for me. One other avenue reminded me yesterday to “Take captive every thought and make it obedient unto Christ” 2 Cor 10:5. In an effort to rid myself of this doubt, instead of downing myself and focusing on the negatives in a situation, I have resolved to acknowledge what I could have done differently and be proud of and focus what I did right.
I am depending on God to fill mine and your hearts with confidence as we study, dialogue and pray together and as we open up and surrender completely to Him
I am so excited to see God work through this book & bible study for all of us! It’s crazy to see how many of us struggle with the same issues. I never thought of myself as controlling, but oh have I learned over the last few years that I am just that. Even though it hurts, Praise God for opening my eyes! One of the first sentences that got my attention was “doubt was distorting my thoughts & overpowering my emotions…” I have let my emotions run way too much in my life. I’m just learning this as well – your emotions are will change in an instant & they are not to be trusted. The only constant that I can count on is my Abba Father. I’m not sure why it has taken this long for this truth to sink in, probably that control thing again! Another point that hit home was “He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him…” …wow!!! I have sat back & thought about how much I really believe His promises. I’ve read over many, but how many have settled deep within me that can carry me through…how much have I really believed what I read? Please Lord help me with trusting you in it all!
Thanks so much Renee for your book and this study! So excited to go on this journey with so many of God’s Girls! The part that struck me was “you can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light”. This reminds me that I am most doubtful when I don’t go to God as often and aren’t looking to the light as often as I should. I’m hoping this study will kick start me to having that quiet time with God and his word each day. I had done this years before but have gotten out of the habit. I’ve been doubting myself for years but am excited for the equipping process to begin!
Walking toward the light!
That line about not looking at the light resonated with me too. Like when Peter took his eyes off Jesus and looking at the waves began to sink, that is me when my focus is on things or circumstances rather than on God. I sink into doubt and worry. God’s promises from his word calm my shaken heart.
The sentences in Chp. 1 that really resonated in my heart were, “God doesn’t want us stuck in a cycle of defeat or living in the shadow of doubt” and “He’s led me beiyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of his words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.”
It is so easy to get caught up in the cycle of life and forget who can calm our fears and take on our “mess”! As I continue studying God’s word and really realizing His promises for me, I’m finding it easier to cast my fears upon Him in ALL things (big & small). When I release these issues/concerns and lay them @ His feet, I experience such peace! This doesn’t mean that I don’t have ongoing moments of doubt or defeat, but thank God I am learning to believe Him and His promises.
This leads me to Romans 8:28, sums it up for me! I’m looking forward to growing in this study.
Hey everyone. I’m still trying to figure out what to give up…I’m going through a tough time right now so giving up TV seems too difficult. But, Jeremiah 17:7-9 really spoke to me. Cursed we are if we trust in our fellow men, and , oh yeah, I guess that applies to trusting in myself, or even my husband too. Trust and confidence is in God alone. How humbling when I realize how much trust I still put in myself (with God’s help of course) instead of solely on Him. Confidence is my boys running at me and jumping even when I’m not looking, expecting me to catch them. I want to be that way with God.
I think I was born doubting myself. I too have wondered if I am good enough, have allowed my feelings of doubt to rob me of joy, and I don’t want to pass this legacy on to my children. I am so looking forward to learning how to really believe God instead of just believing in Him!!!
Ya’ll are amazing – seriously amazing!! It’s 9:30 Tues night and I’m reading through all your comments and praying. Once again wanting to send a hug and a little note to each of you but then how do I choose. As your shepherd/leader/friend I am writing this to each of you but want you to feel like it’s just to you – that I’m pausing and looking you in the eyes and saying : I am so glad you are here!!
Do you know how thrilled Jesus is that you are doing this?? That you are identifying what is going on – that you are letting HIM show you the destruction of the enemy’s lies and giving HIM room in your thoughts to speak of HIS Love for you – to banish the doubts and fears and remind you that YOU ARE REDEEMED. And in time as you trust HIM your hope will be RESTORED!!!
I’ll be back tomorrow (Weds) with our word of the week and a REALLY IMPORTANT video message I don’t want you to miss. See you then. LOVE YOU SO!!!
Thank you so much for doing this online. It is great that I can follow along, comment and be a part of it at my conveniece. Praying!!
The following quotes are the sentences that spoke the most to me in chapter 1:
These are the voices of insecurity that cast shadows of doubt over our perspective and keep us from becoming the women we want to be— the women God created us to be. Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.
As God’s girls, we need to know and believe that change is possible. We need to hope that life can be different. Otherwise, doubt will win every time and our hearts will be eroded by attitudes and emotions of defeat— but it is not supposed to be this way.
God declares with confidence that things can change— “See, I am doing a new thing!” “I am working all things together for good, because you love me and are called according to my purpose.” All things are possible to [her] who believes” (Isa. 43:19, Rom. 8:28; Mark 9:23 NASB).
These verses really spoke to me because:
I have battled depression and self-esteem issues since childhood, I have one ex-husband (who was verbally, emotionally and sexually abusive…no children with this marriage) and I am going through a divorce (one child with this marriage) currently due to verbal and emotional abuse that was on the verge of turning physical on me and had turned physical on my child.
I am battling feelings of worthlessness and feeling judged by friends and church members for my decision to get a divorce yet again. My first marriage no one questioned my decision because the signs of abusive when impossible to ignore. This time my husband is willing to give the shirt off his back to help anyone, goes to church and overall acts like a decent person in public. It’s the behind closed doors and in intimate setting with family and close friends so it seems that most people aren’t understanding my decision. The state I live in doesn’t have legal separation or I would have gone that route but I have to do what I am doing to protect me and my son. I keep praying that God will heal me, my son and my husband. I can’t concentrate at work, home or church. I find myself forgetting things and making excuses to not do things that I used to enjoy. I don’t feel like I can worship God or ask him for help because I am going to be divorced yet again. I know that I am not perfect and that somethings that were wrong in our marriage are my fault…but I can’t keep living with being told I’m stupid, ugly, dumb, unimportant, and worse that I will not post hear. I can’t keep living with my son being told the same things and getting slapped around. I feel like a failure though because I don’t feel like I protect my son or my marriage.
Reading those quotes from the book above and going through the prayer, bible verses and chapter one questions has helped to see that all those things are just Satan trying to keep me from having a confident heart. As I was going through them I finally cried and truly asked God to help me overcome these feelings and to show me His will for my life.
I thank you for your prayers and support in advance as we go through this study.
To Someone in Turmoil,
I’m praying for you and your family.
I’m glad to begin this Bible Study. The sentence in chapter 1 about the paralyzing power that doubt can have, really resonated with me. It’s funny how I can be confident in many of the other areas of my life, but when it comes to God and His plan for my life, I just get stuck, blank out…almost like I need a script on how to live my life in God, instead of trusting what I is in my heart, what I have learned from God. I’m looking forward to journeying through this and maturing from the process.
I have participated in A Confident Heart online study twice- the first time with Melissa Taylor, and the second time with Renee Swope. I am even starting to read through this book a third time, I love it so much. I was having an insecure week last week for whatever reason, and when I checked my email, my daily devotion from Proverbs 31 Ministries was written by Renee that day… The verse that was in it was Hebrews 10:39: “We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” This was exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded of… I wrote this verse down and have carried it with me as a reminder that I am a confident woman in and only through Jesus Christ who gives me strength every day. Thank you Renee for teaching me how to live in the security of God’s promises every day!!
I love the part of turning towards / away from the light. I got such a visual on that. I am seeking God to find places to pull a little more time out each day for Him. He is way more mportant and worth anything else I could be doing.
Lynn, I share the same thought about the turning toward/away from the light section. So often we can remain in the familiar darkness and never warm our faces with the light of God’s love. It is sooo beneficial for us to make time to pray and seek God.
It has been a long time since I have been in a bible study. I didn’t figure I would get much out of it. Boy Chapter 1 hit me like a brick!!! I will begin by answer the questions that were asked.
1) Earliest Memory of doubting yourself or feeling insecure? ANSWER: I suppose when I had to (with my brothers help) make all the Thanksgiving meal when I was a young teenager because my mother was drunk. (I had to call long distance to my oldest sister for advice on how to cook the turkey)
2) Has Insecurity ever kept you from doing something? ANSWER: All the time. I always feel not good enough. I always see myself as have failed before I even try to do what ever it is.
3) Describe How it makes you feel when doubt whispers:
“I can’t do this” ANSWER: I won’t do it right. I am not qualified. I must have been crazy to say I could.
“Things will never change” ANSWER: Aint that the truth!
“My life isn’t going to get any better” ANSWER: I made my bed, now I got to lay in it.
“It’s too hard” ANSWER: I don’t want to try
“I might as well quit” ANSWER: I deserve it anyway. (to not do it to begin with)
4) Describe what happens in your heart when you read Gods Words:
“Those who hope in me will not be disappointed” Isa 49:23 ANSWER: Not talking to me
“See I am doing a new thing” Isa 43:19 ANSWER: For someone else.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” Rom 8:28 ANSWER: I know this is the truth, but somewhere in my mind, this promise is set aside for an elite group of people that I am not a part of.
“All things are possible to (her) who believes” Mark 9:23NASB ANSWER: I know this to be truth also, but sometimes I feel that my mountains are SO BIG that God just doesn’t have time to help me or that He expects me to do more for myself before He helps.
5a) What do you think hinders you most from living with God-confidence on a constant basis? ANSWER: Personal trials that are with me on a daily basis.
5b) Is there a promise listed above that speaks to your greatest need right now? ANSWER: Not really. I’ve had so many needs for so many years, that I feel it is just my lot in life to struggle. Then I went back and re read those verses and the following touched me. Hebrews 10:39
6)How would you describe a woman with a confident heart? ANSWER: Extremely Blessed and Loved. (small amount of envy on my part, realizing that it is wrong to envy, but all the same, I am trying to be honest with my feelings, even if they are not in line with a Christ like spirit)
7a) Read Jeremiah 17:7 What does this verse promise and encourage you to do?
7b) Think of one situation where you could live in the power of this promise and describe what that would look like his week. ANSWER: I don’t know why I wrote this down but this is what I wrote, “But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”
The portion of Chapter 1 that spoke to me most strongly was God’s command to Renee to turn back toward the light, to focus on Him – it reminds me of the times in the Bible and times in my life when I turned my focus away from Him and was completely unable to keep going in a way that honored Him. I’m just not able in my own strength. But I can do all things in His strength — Abba, please change me and guide me to be focused on You and Your perfect will for my life – one baby step at a time. I have a game that I’m easily obsessed by on my ipad, and I commit to minimizing my time on it to make time to spend on this study, working hard to build a confident heart that honors Him. Thanks, Renee! 🙂