Hi friends! I am so excited to start this “Confident Heart” journey with you!
We have just about 3500, from around the US and the world signed up! I’ve been closing my eyes and picturing us gathering together in small groups (cause I’m a small group kinda girl). Anyhow, it’s so amazing to be here with YOU learning how we can live beyond our doubts by finding our security and confidence in the power of God’s loves and promises for us!
The first thing I want you to remember is: This is YOUR journey.
You’ll be reading the chapters. You will be asking and listening for God to speak to your heart. You’ll be the one who takes time to highlight sentences, promises and quotes you want to remember. You’ll be looking for ways to apply and live what you are learning. You’ll be answering reflection questions and interacting with the group.
You’ll be doing the faith-work of not only believing in God, but really believing God.
I’ll be shepherding, leading, praying, encouraging, connecting and pacing us. I’ll be sharing more of my story – and inviting others who have to share theirs — so that we can see again and again that we are not alone in this journey and struggle towards a confident heart.
I’ll be praying for you, encouraging you, believing in you and challenging you – but you will make the heart investment and be the one who gets out pretty close to as much as you put in.
So, what’s my best advice?? Each time I do something new like this, I ask the Lord what I need to give up – so I can give more to Him. And this time is no different. I’m cutting back on checking emails all throughout my day (which I love to do) and saying no to some fun projects and other time-consumers so I can give more of me TO HIM and to you (for the next 10 weeks)!
Will you pray and block out at least 5 to 10 to 15 minutes every day to let HIM give you all that He has for you?! You are worth it….but more than anything…. JESUS is worth it, right? Are you ready? Here we go:
(Day 1) Assignment
Please Read the Acknowledgements. This will just give you a peak into more of my current personal life. I think that’s an important part of building community and I’ll be asking you to share more about you later this week 🙂
Please Read Chapter 1. Please highlight verses and sentences that grab your attention or tug on your heart. What is God saying to you though this chapter? Write down what you sense God speaking to your heart in the margins of your book and/or in a journal/notebook that you’ll use throughout this study.
Let’s Connect: What sentences in Chapter 1 connect with you or resonate with your heart? What might you cut back on to make time for Him and yourself these next several weeks?
Click “Share Your Thoughts” below and do just that. {If you’re reading this via email, click here to return to my website/blog and connect with us in community.
Please Check Your Inbox: Our first Online Study Email was sent and in it I explain how our online study will work. Just want to make sure you know it’s there. If you can’t find it, here’s a link to it online.
Are you on Facebook or Twitter? If so, be sure to join our Confident Heart Facebook Page and follow along on Twitter (@reneesswope) – using the hashtag #AConfidentHeart so we can find each others tweets.
First I’d like to Thank all of you, just reading all the shared thoughts makes me feel much better about me being me, I am one of those women who feels I’ll never be good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough to fit in so I most of the time struggle with my confidence, Many times I get brave enough to get up and get out BUT only if I know who’s going to be there so I can already set myself up- sometimes to fail sometimes to succeed? Funny how DOUBT plays with your head. I believe that doubt keeps us from believing things can get better, Doubt convinces us that it’s not worth the effort!!! BUT after reading chapter 1 I know It’s not supposed to be this way. I love how Renee says “AS GOD’S GIRLS, WE NEED TO KNOW AND BELIEVE THAT CHANGE IS POSSIBLE.” I pray to continue to draw close to Him- and make time for Him daily!
Aloha-from beautiful Hawaii
I cannot live in the hope of God’s promises and hang on to my self doubt. I KNOW God’s promises are all true and are for me. I am excited to grow and learn HOW to find the confident heart God gave me, but is now over-laid with a blanket of doubt and fear.
Lord God, guide me through this study to reveal what I need to heal from past hurts and help me to uncover the couragous heart You gave me. Father bless me with the confidence I need to do your will, to become all You created me to be. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Isa 49:23 – Those who hope in me will not be disapponted
I am struggling to connect with my church family and often don’t go to church or bible study b/c it feels like it doesn’t matter if I’m there or not. I asked Jesus to be my Savior 10/13/03. The person who encouraged me to come to her bible study, my first ever, was the catalyst for becoming a christian. She became my best friend and we shared more than I have ever shared with anyone and I know it’s b/c of our God connection. She died Dec14 of last year and I feel lost . I’m hoping this bible study will help me find my way back to the arms of Jesus.
Christine It does matter if you are there with your church family. Just go and keep going. God loves you, He has his arms stretched out to you right now. He wants to wrap you up in His love. Go to church, pray cry out to Him, you are His, He will listen.
I think we are all Sisters in Christ here at the Study and I pray you will find a connection and feel loved by this online communtiy 🙂
Lord God I want to lift up Christine to you, let her feel herself blanketed in your love. Help her to find a connection with her home church family, comfort her heart Father for the dear friend who has come home to you Lord. Give her comfort and strength to go forward and live in Your Promises. In Jesus’ name Amen
Thanks Karen, I needed to hear that. I guess I forget being in church is about God and me and not anyone else. It’s hard to tell people face to face about my doubts. It just seems like all the women are so busy and have their own friends. Maybe God is wanting me to look to Him to fill that void . WOW that was a new thought I don’t think I would have had without this study and your kind comment. Thank you again Karen
I’m loving this bible study and am thankful for the circumstances aligned for me to want to participate. I love how this griup is encouring each other already.
There’s a song called “The Voice of truth and the 2nd stanza remindes me of what doubts tend to do:
But the giant’s calling out my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I’ve tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again, ‘Boy, you’ll never win!’
‘You’ll never win!’
But the voice of truth tells me a different story
The voice of truth says, ‘Do not be afraid!’
And the voice of truth says, ‘This is for my glory’
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
I’m planning on spending less time on facebook and reading other books. I think God is calling me to do more scripture memorization.
Great song- hadn’t thought of it in connection to this, but it definitely fits! Thanks for the reminder!
I am going to be working on a morning routine for me, I think if things are better managed then I will be able to be more productive and have more time set aside for God’s Word.
I connected with the sentence….I avoided some great opportunities beacause they brought the risk of rejection. I have always felt like this…..So reading this, I knew I was meant to be here in this study.
I forgot to add what I will be doing. I am going to do what was suggested in getting before God for 15 minutes each day. I pray often for others, but not enough praying and seeking what God has for me. I started today!
“But I’ve found that when I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart.”
This is so true. When I keep my thoughts on my Lord I can do anything. If I look around and depend on people to make me feel good, I am often disappointed. There are many people in my life and each one can have a different opinion. There is One God and He loves me! 🙂
Oh that is a big one, other people disappointing us – that was a huge thing for me too. It is so freeing to know that you only have to please God and that He does indeed love us 🙂 will be praying for you.
What sentences in Chapter 1 connect with you or resonate with your heart? What might you cut back on to make time for Him and yourself these next several weeks?
I highlighted several sentences that caught my heart …
“Doubt keeps us from believing things can get better. Doubt convinces us that it’s not worth the effort.” – This really struck a cord with me because it made me realize that when I don’t think things are getting better that it is probably because I have doubt that it will … That was very eye opening !!!
“He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” – I have read this somewhere before and it is so powerful. I can believe IN Him all day long but do I really believe Him … Do I really believe what he is telling me or that His word is true? I tend to rely on just my belief in Him and don’t focus on what He is saying to me !!!
“One way God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him for what is already part of His will.” – Pray for His will … Not what you want !!!
I am very excited to be joining this study and to be a part of this group. I have always been very anxious about everything and constantly worry and doubt my actions and decisions. I am looking forward to becoming a more confident Christian through this study. I saw a saying today that really stuck with me: Pray hardest when it is hardest to pray!
I feel the same way. I worry about things way to much. I need to learn to give it to Him and let him handle it. I too look forward to becoming a more confident Christian from this study. I pray that God uses this study to help us all grow and learn.
God bless!
The statement that stood out most to me was: “Turn back to The Light”! I had journaled while reading Chapter 1, this scripture – “I have no greater JOY than this: to hear My children are walking IN The TRUTH”!:)
3 John 1:4 I’ve had far too many ‘shadows’ dictating my past and I could SO relate to your honest ‘confessions’ in Chapter 1. I too am working hard to keep ‘turning back to the light’ and away from those distorted lurking ‘shadows of doubt’!
As I came to your comment blog, this was the very scripture I saw on your fb post!:) I thank God, and you, for offering this study and this book! Upon first reading the offer, I had committed to take the time to do this study with you and others, even tho as I’m certain with all of us, we are BUSY women! I’m not ‘giving up’ anything to commit my time to these ‘truth treasures’!…..well, maybe just a little housework!:)…that can wait…this can’t!:)
Blessings to you and your family, as you take the time to lead us on this ‘heart healthy-fit & active’ journey!:)
There is a line from chapter one that spoke to me. It is a little random but it explains what I feel like I have been missing. It is: “If you are looking for a friend you can trust with the things of your heart, this book is a great place to start”. As I have mentioned before I have very few friends and not any that are really very close (girl friends at that). This sentence spoke to me and I pray God will bring friends into my life who can be the friend I need; someone to be there for me, someone I can talk to; some one who will not judge me. And in return I will be that friend for them.
Once again I look forward to learning and growing with you ladies in this study!
God bless!
thank you for the opportunity to participate in this study. I have recently taken a step toward really having a relationship with the Lord and getting to know Him. I too, have struggled with insecurity and doubt. Its always a huge shadow over myself…whether I’m getting ready while putting on my makeup (that passage spoke to my heart…I hear ya girl…that is me totally). But, also with the doubt of “I can’t do this…I can’t walk with God…nor can I heal”. See, I’m in recovery to heal from the emotional abuse of my parents I have suffered and continue to suffer. I was never told to trust God…or even have confidence in myself because someone always knew better than I did (that was what I was told). So, this is a huge step for me. I know that some things need to be cut shorter right now so I can delve in this study and get to know some of the women here so we can interact together. Its been hard for me to get out and meet women who are believers given how intensive and exhausting my therapy has gotten. so, I look forward to walking with ya’ll as we move through this together. Some of my TV time at night will be given us, as will going to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier and spend some time learning God’s word and reading how Renee writes to us. I love her style of writing and how its just like she’s sitting down talking to me like girlfriends do. Bless everyone…we are in this together..and we will overcome insecurity and doubt!
Brooke, welcome to the study. I am so glad you are here and taking this step. And as for Renee’s style of writing, I can tell you it truly is just like she is sitting down talking to you. She is just like that in person, makes you feel that you are the most important person.
I will be praying for you throughout the study Brooke. I can’t thank God enough for bringing you here to us and having you participate in this study. We WILL overcome insecurity and live with CONFIDENCE!!!!
Whether we call it self doubt, fear or insecurity….God does not intend it for us.
I have read Renee’s book but have never done the online study. Her book has helped me: God is using her. I am so grateful for her obedience to him.
I look forward to this study and anticipate further great awakenings and freedom!
We were made in the image of God. The distorted image (page 7) is just that when we think ourselves to be any less than the miracle God created when he formed us in our mother’s womb.
We are good enough. Those who say we are not, have their own issues and we should be praying for them instead of allowing their poison to pierce our very souls.
We need to believe in ourselves….life can and will be different.
(There you have it….my pep talk to me….shared with you.) :0)
I LOVE your pep talk 🙂
I have let doubts push me so low I am on medication. God has been telling me to get that I am love and I need to start loving myself as he loves me. But there again My doubts. Why Bother cleaning up you’ll never get finished. Don’t try for that better job you are not qualified.
I will start loving myself. Thank you for this study to help me find my footing
Father God, I lift Kay up to you ask that you would feel her to overflowing with your promises and your confidence. Take away those thoughts that fill her mind that aren’t of you and fill her with your promises that we know and recognize to be truth. Cause her to focus her thoughts on you. With each turn of the page of A Confident Heart give her a deeper understanding of Whose she is and who you are in her. Let Kay see herself as you see her. Encourage her. Empower her. Fill her. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
I too am in that given-up phase. Except obviously I didn’t give up, because God didn’t give up on me. He led me to find first this free kindle book, and then the on-line study to go with it. Thank You, God! (And Renee!)
Several lines/verses spoke to me but the main one was like several others about moving from believing in Him to really believing in Him. I need to go from “reading” the Word to really studying the Word and meditating on it. I think this will help me to make that transition. I am such a task oriented person that I feel more accomplished if I can read through several chapters of the Bible instead of just focusing on what verse/scripture/story – whatever it may be and staying there until I really receive what God wants me to receive. I am going to try (really hard) lol to get up earlier in the morning to “ponder” one verse from something I have read the previous day.
Blessings to you all and I pray that each and every one of us gets out of this study what we put in, and more!
Kelly, i understand that. I have read the whole Bible cover to cover probably 5 or 6 times but I never really took it in, I didn’t let the Word speak to me. It’s hard for me to stay on a short passage when I really want to keep reading. I haven’t found the best way to go about this yet for me, I have tried different techniques but I still end up reading ahead. Good luck on your goal, I will be praying for you.
I think one of the passages that I most identified with was “Doubt keeps us from believing things can get better. Doubt convinces us that it’s not worth the effort. Doubt shouts from the sidelines:
‘It’s too hard.’
‘You might as well quit.’
“Go ahead and give up. Just close the book now and walk away.'”
Wow, that sounds like the voices in my head. I am so thankful for the free download on my Kindle. I had been wanting to get the book for awhile but this past year, we’ve had a lot of financial problems with my husband having two major surgeries and a job loss because of it. I do not make friends easily and two of my best friends have moved to different states in the past several years. I have a 2-year-old son and hardly any close, soul-sister friends in the same season of life as I am. However, I do have one friend (she has a 2-year-old daughter) who used to be in a singles Bible study with me before we were both married and we are wanting to start up a young mom’s Bible study this summer. I am thinking of using this book for the study! I know that most women struggle with doubt. I, personally, know that God can do ANYTHING but I doubt whether He’ll do it for ME. Not sure where I get that, but that’s a struggle.
I look forward to the coming chapters/weeks.
God, I thank you for Leann and pray that you would empower her in mighty ways. Remove her “stinking thnking” about herself that is not of you and replace those thoughts with your truths and promises. Guard her thoughts when the lies of Satan creep in. Cause her to throw away those thoughts that are not yours. Encourage her. Take those doubts that she has about leading a group and increase her confidence in you and in herself as she moves from one chapter to the next. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thank you, Donna! 🙂
So many sentences stuck out to me in chapter one. I think the concept of BELIEVING God rather than believing IN him is so key for me. Today as I answered the reflection questions of Chapter one…I decided to answer them in a way that was more like writing an entry in a journal…it seems like more “stuff” comes out that way instead of trying to give a flat answer. I ended up writing four pages in my journal…which was really good. Doubt and insecurity has been a way of life for me most of my life…and I have masked it, so well that people don’t see me as insecure. Boy are they wrong!! I know this journey will be word…it’ll be hard work…digging deep into the roots of my doubt and insecurity. However, I am ready!! I want to be the kind of woman I described in my journal who is confident!!
Awesome Cherie….so glad you are here in this study. I agree, journaling for me helps me to get so much more out of the chapter. I am glad I am not the only one who writes pages and pages when I get to writing 🙂 It will be worth every minute of hard work, I promise you that! Praying for you.
Veronica, I write lots in my journal, too. I love to write. I can’t wait to get “A Confident Heart” in my mailbx.
Sisters in Christ,
Laurie 🙂
It is so encouraging to know that there are other women out there who are dealing with doubt, depression, anxiety, etc. It feels so good to know that I am not alone. I do not have very many close friends. My best friend is my boyfriend to be honest. And while that is great, sometimes I miss having a girlfriend to talk things out with. I would love to make some new christian friends in this journey. I pray for each of you; that God will speak to you and help heal of you. If anyone would like to chat outside of this blog I will post my e-mail: [email protected]. I welcome anyone if you are feeling alone and just want to talk about life or would like to talk more about this study. I am so blessed to be involved in this study and I look forward to the next few weeks!
God Bless!
Kristen, so thankful that God has pointed you to this study. There are a lot of “me too’s” out there that struggle with the same doubts and same anxieties that you have. We just need to remember to pray for each other and never forget God’s promise that HE will never leave us nor forsake us. Praying for you and can’t wait to see how God works in your heart as the study continues.
What a great first chapter. Makes me excited to read the rest!
I know this is an odd sentence to stick out…but I highlighted “We’ll look back so we can move forward, and talk about how we got to his place of being SO HARD ON OURSELVES.” When you asked in question 5 about what hinders us from living with God-confidence, this is what came to mind. I am so hard on myself. I want perfection…right NOW! God is reminding me that I am a work in progress. So thankful He keeps working on me. I’m excited to see what lessons He has in store for me in this study. 😉
Oh yeah! Hi my name is Veronica and I am a recovering perfectionist!!!! I have to say that hindered me soooo much and I never realized it until this study. It’s still something I have to take to the Lord daily otherwise I get off track but I too love that I am a work in progress. Enjoy the study!! Will pray for you.
I am a single mom to 2 and 3/4 adult children. I have a son 29, daughter 24 and another son 17 (he’s the 3/4) :). At this point in my life, I’ve been single again for about 3 years and they have been filled with doubt, fear and a total loss of confidence in myself. I’ve questioned my ability as a wife and a mother. I look at my oldest son who was brought up in a Christian home, a leader in his youth group who is now claiming to be an athiest and is an alcoholic,is into self mutilation and I fear into drugs. My daughter raised the same way is not quite as bad, but is trying to ride the fence between the world and God. My 17 year old is about to graduate from high school and plans on going into the navy and work his way through to be a chaplain. All was going so well with him overall, and two weeks ago he seriously rebelled against me for the first time in his life. I should be thankful that it’s the first time and in a way I am, but it was so devastating. Looking at all of that began to make me question my ability as a Godly mother.
Now, I am embarking on this new phase in my life and to be completely open, at a risk, I’m scared to death and don’t know how to deal with being all alone. I know that I have God. It’s just that most of my other friends that are about to go through this empty nest thing have spouses and they just don’t get it. I’m afraid of so many things that come along with this. I’m going to have to size down from a four bedroom house in the country to a one bedroom government section 8 housing. I have physically limitations that make me wonder how I’m going to get through when I can’t get out of bed for days. And then what happens when I have to have my upcoming surgery and none of my kids are around to help. I have a church family, but I just can’t ask that much of them.
At any point, I find myself at the lowest point of my life. I used to be so free and confident in Christ and who I am in Him, but over the years of abuse and so on, I’ve lost that along the way. I’m praying fervently that this study will help me replant my feet upon the solid Rock that is higher than I!
hi there, maryjo. i am reminded of what paul wrote in 2 corinthians chapter 12: “three times i pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. but He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” therefore i will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. for the sake of Christ, then, i am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. for when i am weak, then i am strong.” we (moms, wives, christian sisters) so often place upon ourselves the burden of those around us. and so very often…there simply is nothing that we can ‘do’ to make the situation change. but we can always pray and intercede. and prayer is always effective because of Whom we are praying to.
i pray that, as God hears your cry, He will continue to reach to you with merciful compassion and grace and healing and deliverance. <3
Mary Jo, you certainly can ask for help from your church family! I believe that when we feel we are imposing or draining others, Satan is robbing us from an opportunity to experience Christ’s love in a tangible way- and we are keeping others from an opportunity to serve and to be obedient to Christ. Let yourself be vulnerable, and let others love on you in Christ’s name during this difficult time.
Mary Jo, Lydia G is so right. I am on disability and for the longest time I thought I couldnt ask for help from my church family. The reality was I was denying them the chance to be the blessing that God was calling them to be. Another lesson I learner was that it is so much easier for the person doing the blessing to know what I needed than to try and guess. I know it wont be easy to ask for help, but trust meit is worth it. And it is only a matter of Gods timing when you will be able to return a blessing back to someone who helped you or pay it forward to someone else.
Not asking for help is just another way we “hide our doubts” The Bible teaches us to Humble ourselves before the Lord. This has been very hard for me to do as well. I am praying that this study will help me grow in this area. I do not want to appear weak to others, when inside I am falling apart, but I can never admit it to anyone.
Mary Jo, I want to pass on, remember: God loves your kids even more than you do. He feels your pain – He also has you in His hands, and them in His plans.
And Karen, that is exactly my problem – totally falling apart inside, but no one knows.
This is a great study. I haven’t received my book I ordered yet so I went on Amazon and got the Kindle edition so I could get started. I like the sentence that says you can only see the shadow when you have turned away from the light. It’s like Peter taking HIs eyes off of Jesus who is the light. Looking forward to becoming a woman with a confident heart.
us, too, stephanie! <3
I am so excited for this study! Due to the very odd schedule I keep at work, I am unable to join in with my Ladies’ Bible Study at church. I was blessed knowing just how many other people are joining this online journey together. It doesn’t matter that I can’t see you…your words are amazing!
TRUST & HOPE are two words weighing on my heart lately. So this paragraph was impactful. “These are the voices of insecurity that cast shadows of doubt over our perspective and keep up from becoming the women we want to be – the women God created us to be. Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and TRUTH to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.”
I hear God calling me closer to Him but something is holding me back. Satan knows Christ can make a living difference in me and those around me. He’s trying to weave his way into my thoughts. It’s been a consuming thing these past few weeks. Thinking about all the negative and things that could go wrong. I’m tired of it. This study has come at just the right time.
Granted, my work schedule is gearing up these next few weeks. But I’m wanting to use the odd breaks in my day to work through this study and encounter God in a whole new way!
Oh…I absolutely love this statement: “…we can be confident we are praying God’s will when we pray God’s Word!”
Missi, We are so excited that you’re joining us for this study! God wants to free you from those “negative and what if” thoughts. I believe we can all find hope and joy as we keep our hearts focused on Jesus and turned away from the shadows of doubt.
Thanks for the encouragement Leah! Have a blessed day 🙂
I’ve been reading your comments this morning and love the way y’all are encouraging one another. It’s so wonderful to see Jesus’ girls supporting each other!!
I enjoyed this chapter a lot. One thing that really stood out to me right away was on p. 22 when Renee wrote, “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light.” That is SO true! When we turn our focus off away from God, that is when we are most susceptibleto attacks and hearing those voices of insecurity.
I enjoyed the scripture passages for this chapter as well, especially Jeremiah 17:7. I actually read Jeremiah 17:5-10 and that is a very powerful passage! God knows our hearts and the true us. We can put up fronts for other people and pretend like things are just great, but God truly knows all and sees all. Yet, I know that there are times that I try to put up a front with God – silly me! It is time to get real and time to let Him truly take the lead and use me as He wants.
I also really appreciated the prayer at the end of the chapter. I think I am going to type it up and put it by the door of my bedroom so I can see and pray it daily. Thanks, Renee!
I love your idea of posting the prayer on your bedroom door so that you can be reminded of God’s promises every morning before you start your day! Great idea 🙂
I am so thankful for this study. I purchased the book when it first came out and started reading it, but stopped and went on to another study. I believe this is the time God wants me to get out of the shadows of doubting my self-worth and my worth to Him. I have lived in that big nine foot shadow all my life, never feeling good enough to be worthy of anything, much less God’s love. He is bringing me through a journey that I’ve been on for the last couple of years with family problems, unemployment, battling my life-long weight issues, and now cancer. But I know He is in control and this is the time He wanted me to do this study. I pray that I will be able to have that confident heart that I desire and that I can believe Him, not just believe in Him. So many memories from 50+ years ago came rushing back when I read your fears of being left at the carousel or in the lake skiing. I am so thankful for you Renee and for the work God IS going to do in me and other women in this study. I am going to give up mindless time on the computer in my sewing forums and replace it with something that will give me eternal peace. Time with Lord. I want to be a woman who lives it and truly believes in my heart that I am worth God’s love. Thank you again.
Angie, We are praying for you, sweet Sister! Asking Jesus to be your Almighty Healer and to remove the cancer from your body. Oh, that He would be your Comforter when your heart is heavy and your body feels weak. Thank you for doing this study with us. We love that you’re joining us and choosing to walk in the confidence of God’s promises!
thank you so much. The prayers of Godly women has so much worth, much more than anything on this earth.
I will be praying for you. I am so glad you are here and doing this study.
thankful for your commitment to see this through, angie! also praying for you and for God to bless you and heal you. <3
thank you Veronica.
coleen – thank you so much for the prayers. God bless each woman who is taking the steps to get her confidence in Him.
MY biggest take away for me was the sentence…”to go beyond believing IN him to believing HIM!! I know Jesus is my Lord and savior but to rest in his promises and that they actually apply to me! that is huge for me.
as for what I will give up…I will commit to this every day, I will not do anything before I do my lesson each day is my sacrifice. To not do the housework or watch tv or Facebook etc..
There were several lines that spoke to my heart. I am going through a long and difficult divorce. I struggle with anxiety attacks daily. Here are the lines that spoke to me.
The unknown is too scary. Although you have been miserable, at least the misery is familiar with where you are now.
Take me beyond believing in You to truly believing You. Those who hope in You will not be disappointed
becasue You work all things together for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.
I will be giving up computer time to immerse myself in this study. I feel a hope in my soul that I have not felt in such a long time
I, too, have been dealing with anxiety recently. I will be praying for you. It’s scary.
And yet I found a new hope last week in the fact that God is using this to tell me I need to trust Him more. Odd, isn’t it?!
Connie I struggle with anxiety and depression. The anxiety came first, and then the depression. I have been suffering anxiety for over 15 years, so I understand how horrible attacks can be. I am so glad this study is giving you hope. I am feeling good about this study too. I will be praying for you, please pray for me too. I could really use prayer right now…
Kyrie, Connie, & Missi, I also struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. I am like you Kyrie, my anxiety & panic attacks came first and I have been dealing with them for about 20 years and for depression about 10. I feel good about this study as well. I will be praying for you girls. I have written your names down. Please pray for me as well.
I am a stay at home Mommy and lately I have been wondering about what I am going to do or what God wants me to do or be once my kids start school. I am constantly worrying about unnecessary issues and always think the what ifs of every situation so that I am always prepared! So I have been praying to ask God to help with these questions and worries I have and His answer this online book study!! I didn’t realize it was an answer to pray until I was reading and praying about it last night. There were many lines and verses that touched me but one in particular I liked was ‘As God’s girls, we need to know and BELIEVE that change is possible!”
Amanda, I am so glad God led you here. I used to be a constant “prepared” worrier too, funny thing is, it never kept me prepared it just made me exhausted. I was so exhausted I couldn’t deal with any of the real problems I needed focus on. One Scripture that helped me each time I worried is “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.” I would repeat that each time I started to worry. Good luck and I will be praying for you during the study.
Thank you!
The sentences that really impact me at the beginning chapter 1 is: “My uncertainty had created a huge shadow of doubt…. my doubt was distorting my thoughts and OVERPOWERING my emotions with CONFUSION and QUESTIONS.” After twenty plus yrs of marriage and serving the Lord with all my heart, a huge shadow of doubt, confusion,relentless misery want to take over my foundation in the Lord. Its been very hard because include my husband and children, one of the most precious posession God has allow me to have. through the Word , prayer, praising and the reading of this book, I know the Good Lord will empowering me again to have more confident in myself and all the strenght I used to have before this storm.
Julia, I feel your pain. I don’t know what started this “storm” but I do know God will get you through it. You used the word storm which especially struck me, because I just put a background on my iPad that says, “Though my heart is torn I will praise You in this storm.”
“He’s lead me to beyond believing in Him to REALLY believing Him by relying on the power of His Word and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.”
This one sentence spoke volumes to me. I have believed i God my whole life. I submitted to his calling when I was 15 years old, but I have never totally trusted Him.
After typing this, I have froze. Did I really just admit that? Will I actually hit post for others to read what I just wrote?
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 So yes I guess I am!
I am doing this study as I also do Windy blight’s “Hidden Joy” study. I am amazed daily how God uses both studies to speak to me right where I am. I have been struggling to forgive a particular person for six days now. I could not figure out why I just couldn’t do it. Well, now I know. i haven’t fully trusted God to keep my heart safe from this person after I forgive them. I also have not trusted Him to heal it if or when I get hurt again. No one has ever loved me unconditionally (another concept I have been studying in the Love dare Devotion). It is a concept I have a hard time grasping. I have never been good enough to be loved, but God wants to love me anyway. I just have to receive it.
I commit to less electronics (TV/Computer) for the next few weeks to spend more time with God and learn how to accept His gift of unconditional love and learn to trust Him completely with my heart. So now in obedience, I will post this so satan no longer has a grip on my lack of trust. I TRUST YOU FATHER!
Angel, I so understand your statement that you submitted to God when you were young, but never totally trusted Him. I gave my hear to the Lord when I was a teenager, and it seemed so much easier then. But as I got older, I kept taking little pieces of things back, thinking He needs my help. My prayer is that all of us will be able to let go of the worry and realize that only God can take care of all the issues we faith. That we can’t do anything about them other than turn them over to Him. God bless you and all of the women doing this study.
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
Well, this is no easy task. As soon as I post and promise to spend more time with God, all I do today is email and facebook. I am thankful however that I have a forgiving God who loves me in spite of myself. I will take another step forward and try again.
There were several things that resonated with me from chapter 1.
1. “Self doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” I am my own worst enemy!
2. “Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you knows the paralyzing power they have on your life.” I have gotten very good at hiding my doubts and “appearing” quite confident. However I (& my husband) know the true devastation that doubt has caused to my heart.
3. “Doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time. As God’s girls, we need to know and believe that change is possible. We need to hope that life can be different. Otherwise doubt will win every time and our hearts will be eroded by attitudes and emotions of defeat-but it is not supposed to be this way.” I know this to be true and believe it for other people but there are a few areas in my life that doubt is winning every time…year after year after year.
I love God’s perfect timing! He has me here for a reason!
Heather V, your post looks very similar to my very own journal entry! Right down to “being my own worst enemy” to “my husband and I both know…” and believing that it all sounds good for others but trying to work it in to reality in my day to day life has not been so successful.
The similarity is uncanny!
Wow…I am giving up being self-reliant. I am going to trust God to lead me to find His confident heart within me without my fleshy logic. The phrase/verse that spoke to me was Jeremiah 17:7. I now hope in the Lord instead of myself. Peace and every good ladies.
Alyssa, I struggle with this too! So much. I am my family’s breadwinner right now and everyone depends on me. As well, I depend on myself to “get the job done” wherever needed. But sometimes, I just need to let God do the work. Some of the situations God has allowed me to be in the past few years have really made me realize that He is trying to teach me to trust in Him and not in myself nor man. I think this study came at the perfect time. God bless.
I was feeling quite depressed a few weeks ago and came across this book and read it in a week and it really encouraged me and actually helped me pull me out if it (beginning stages of depression). Now I’m really excited about doing a more in depth study and actually digging it and fully dealing with the issues that were getting me down. Thank you for providing this opportunity.
Christina, We’re celebrating with you! It’s great to hear that those feelings of depression have lifted and that you’re ready to go deeper in your study of Scripture while you continue to claim God’s promises over your life circumstances. You go girl!
I just stumbled upon your website and am so glad I did. I’m needing a new devotional book and I think I may be just in time to jump on board with this group study! From the comments, it looks like it’s a great book.
It’s an awesome book, hope you will join the study!!! It’s a life changing experience.
The verse in Hebrews is what caught my attention. Especially the part about the need for endurance, to persevere. I have been walking with God for over 40 years. I know His word, I know His promises are true, but I have days of wanting to give up the fight. I often “do the right the things”, but I am empty if I don’t fill myself with Him. So, as I continue walking with God, I want to keep walking, keep pursuing, keep believing, keep pressing on toward the Prize. I want Him to be my focus, not the everyday circumstances I find myself in. And honestly, I know my everyday circumstances are 10 times better than most.:-) God has blessed me with so much!
I’m going to give up solitary game time. Frivolous games that I play alone on the Kindle.
Shelly, I know exactly what you are describing. Some days I just get so exhausted, but I have come to realize those are the days that I am trying to do His job and my job – just b/c I want to LOL. I have learned to let go and to trust in Him, have faith in Him and see the positives instead of circumstances. I pray that you will be completely filled up by Him during this study!!! Will be praying for you.
I didn’t put what I’ll be giving up, before, but now I see it will have to be reading all these comments.
During this study I am committing to Scripture memory…the verses that really jump out and speak to my heart. Beginning with Isaiah 49:23c “Then you will know that I am the LORD, and those who hope in Me will not be disappointed.” This study is coming at the perfect time. I know it has been orchestrated by God Himself!
Love that!!!! Great thought on how to let the Scripture verses really soak in!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
The line that resonates most with me is to turn back toward the light. Every day I become caught up in the swirl of “busyness” and forget to focus on the One who loves me more than anything!
It’s so easy to do isn’t it??? I have that problem too – I have been going more to God though lately asking Him to show me exactly what He wants me to do and what can wait.
Yes – too easy! When I remember to seek Him first it’s usually, “but hurry, please!”
I have been walking with God for 13 years now and recently began to see that I don’t trust Him with my heart. I have a hard time opening myself to Him. I can let Him show me what He sees that needs worked on, but I struggle to just let Him love me. My hope in this study is that I would learn to have confidence In Him and His love for me.
LeDena, God loves you so much and He wants you to trust that His love for you is real and personal. God loves you with an everlasting love that never fades. Trust Him sweet friend and know that you are forever His!
Thank you Leah!
I truly think I have suffered from self-doubt my whole life. Because of that, I have made decisions that were not of the best quality because I was trying to please the whole. The statement that most tugged at my heart strings and soul was “when I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart.”. It’s all about God and my relationship….that’s all that really matters. Pleasing Him.
The line that really stood out to me from Chapter 1 is, I believe in God, but do I really believe Him? I never thought about the difference before, but it is powerful. I can’t remember a time I didn’t believe God was there, but there are countless times I doubted Him. I will be giving up my TV time to do this study. I am using my daily devotional time in the mornings, but will need more time in the evenings, too:)
I have been thinking a lot lately how I need to make more time to read and listen to God’s Word. One of the things I am going to start is reading as soon as I wake in the morning. Before I even leave my bedroom I am going to take the time to sit in my chair next to my bed and read. I actually did tried this when I woke up this morning in preparation for this study. It was great. I really enjoyed the quiet and felt that I was ready to begin my day when I was finished. I have also started listening to scripture studies on my phone during my workouts. This way I continue planting those important seeds for the entire hour I am working out. It has been great! The sentence that really stood out for me in the chapter was as follows “Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so we can live with a confident heart”. pg.22. Although many passages in this chapter struck me this one really stood out for me. I often find myself filling my mind with these type of thoughts. I see that my own doubt hinders my hope and belief that things can and will change. Many times I have wanted to branch out and try new things, for example lead a bible study in my home. This is something that I have wanted to do for some time, but have backed away due to self-doubt. I am praying that by the end of this study I will be ready to open my heart to what God is calling me to do and do it!
I am so excited that this study is being offered a second time around….second time around that is what the Lord is so good at doing for us. When I completed the last study I was so alive and ready to face the world but slowly doubt has crept it’s way back into my thoughts and so easily I have found myself just throwing away my confidence,forgetting it is “God-Confidence” that sustains! The Lord has been tugging on my heart to insure that he and I have personal time together, time away from the cares and daily duties of my life. I am so excited that you have challenged us to do this, I pray that each us will receive just the measure that the Lord has for us during this study! Thank you Renee for being faithful!
I struggle with the fact that I seem to have to continually rely upon others and bible studys to sustain my time with God. It makes me feel weak and even hopeless at times. I keep asking myself when will I have enough faith to do this on my own? The fact is, that I know I CANNOT do this on my own. Satan knows that letting go of control and allowing others to help me is an area of vulnerability for me and he is playing that hand over and over again. Rignt now, more than ever, God is working in my life and calling me into areas of ministry where Satan does not want me to go. He is creeping into my self-talk “Kris, you cannot do this, you don’t have enough strength or stamina to pull it off. You can’t even manage what God has already given you. Really, what makes you think you can do that too?” “Kris, you aren’t worthy to minister to others when you have to constantly rely upon others to minister to you”. It is so easy to believe that talk, when God’s Word tells me that is a load of bologna. God wants us to be there to encourage each other, he made us that way. Those who are ministering to me is doing so through God’s Will and His power, not their own.
This morning I am claiming this verse “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” 2 Corin 12:9.
I just remembered the chorus from this song from Third Day that really ministered to me once, and still does
” Please take from me my life
When I don’t have the strength
to give it away to You Jesus
How many times have I turned away
The number is the same as the stars in the sky
But every time You’ve taken me back
And now I pray You do it tonight.”
This is my first online study where I have actually interacted, so this makes a major stepping out of the shadows of doubt step!! I tend to be the girl that has faith in everybody else, but not myself. I look forward to the weeks to come! I want to devote time to God every morning which means no more snoozing my alarm!
So many things stood out to me in Chapter 1 but the sentence that hit me between the eyes was “Doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.” I knew this but didn’t know it…..hope that makes sense! I will be giving up a some sleep during this study and changing up my morning routine. I have been looking forward to this since I signed up! Blessings to you!
Im ready to not just “believe in God, but believe Him”; the truth of His word. This was a powerful statement this week. I look forward expectantly to see what God does in all our hearts and minds.
Hi Everyone,
I am so excited to be part of this online Bible study. I having been struggling lately with many little things but none more so than just trying to stay in the Light. The statement in the 1st chapter that really spoke to me was, “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.” I can relate because it seems that when things are not going well I look for answers or comfort or strength in all the wrong places. Isaiah 2:5 says, “Let us walk in the light of the Lord.” That is my desire for this study that I would walk in the light of the Lord and grow to depend only on Him and see my situations through His eyes. One way I will do that is to spend less time reading Facebook and more time reading HIS word. Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a LIGHT for my path.” Thank you Renee, I look forward to getting to know you through this study. Praying for all involved in this study.
I lack confidence and have so much doubt that I wasn’t even going to leave this sentence because I don’t think I have anything to offer or add to the conversation.
Hi Michelle,
Please don’t ever think you have nothing to offer to the conversation. You do! You never know when what you are feeling is something someone else is also feeling but cannot put into words. Speaking up may make a difference in someone’s life, so please don’t ever hesitate to share your thoughts with us all!
God bless,
I feel inadequate @ times, too. Everyone in my former Bible studies seem to know so much more about the Bible than I do. I was raised Lutheran and baptized as a baby. Since then I have gone to probably between 15-20 churches. I finally found one that I truly feel welcome at and was baptized in Oct. of 2007. I will cut back on tv and reading all the comments on facebook.
I’m going to focus each day that the Lord gives me. One day @ a time. I am going to trust Him to give me everything I need not necessarily on everything I want. I have truly been blessed with 3 wonderful teenagers! I have a great husband, who has started going to church for about 3 months now and is volunteering @ the church house, called “Helping Hands” one or two days/week. God answers prayers!!!! I also like the sentence about not just beieving in God but, believing God.
I am looking forward to this study and can hardly wait for my book to arrive in the mail. God Bless you!!
Sisters in Christ,
Laurie 🙂
Hey all! This is B from East Asia! (I came to US about 4 years ago from East Asia).
So..I caught cold last Monday and I still have a sore and dry throat today. However, I am scheduled to lead worship at a fellowship on Friday night. Over the past a couple days, I was thinking about letting someone else to lead the worship partly because I am concerned about my sore throat, partly because I feel like i have a “busy” week ahead, don’t really have “a lot of” time to prepare for it. When I read the below sentences from the first chaptor, I know i can’t find any more excuses to not to embrace what God has called me to do. Like it was written in the book ” I mean, if God calls you to do something, shouldn’t you feel confident about it? Shouldn’t you want to do it? Shouldn’t self-assurance be part of God’s equipping?”
Yes. God. I like what you call me to do! I like to serve you! I am so thankful for the gifts you gave to me and I like to serve you with the gifts you gave to me! But…..God…I am so lazy, so selfish, so not confident in Your power to change my lazyness and selfishness…please help me to be the lady you created me to be! Let me the daughter you are “proud of”!
Oh..if it is your will, please heal me. I don’t like being sick…but I know all things work together for those who love you. No matter waking up tomorrow with a sore throat or not, i know you love me and you will never leave or forsake me!
I am excited to begin this study. My life in the last two years has been one of constant testing and struggle making me start to doubt about my ability to discern Gods word. My confidence was constantly being eroded. In the last month I have been onvicted about thanking God for what I have and not dwelling on what I don’t have. I will be praying for all of you. I would ask for your prayers as I have just gone through bankruptcy because of an accident I was in 2 yrs ago. I am partially disabled but God has been providing; we were just able today to rent another home as mine was given up in the bankruptcy. Time is going to prove to be a very precious commodity! Cindy
Hello Cindy! I am sorry for what you have been through..It must be very hard for you and your family. But as Romans 8:28 says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Thankfully, God is in control and He loves us!! Enjoy your new home Cindy. Have a joyful week!
Oh, Cindy. I feel your pain and struggle. We are in the same situation with my husband being partial disabled and having to file bankruptcy due to job loss. We have been tested over the past two years. But I’ve learned that God’s timing is perfect and He is faithful and we are still standing! I’m so glad you were able to find a home to rent. We were blessed to not lose our home (praise God!) but I still find the day-to-day struggle. I’m glad you found this study. Praying for you!