Hi friends! I am so excited to start this “Confident Heart” journey with you!
We have just about 3500, from around the US and the world signed up! I’ve been closing my eyes and picturing us gathering together in small groups (cause I’m a small group kinda girl). Anyhow, it’s so amazing to be here with YOU learning how we can live beyond our doubts by finding our security and confidence in the power of God’s loves and promises for us!
The first thing I want you to remember is: This is YOUR journey.
You’ll be reading the chapters. You will be asking and listening for God to speak to your heart. You’ll be the one who takes time to highlight sentences, promises and quotes you want to remember. You’ll be looking for ways to apply and live what you are learning. You’ll be answering reflection questions and interacting with the group.
You’ll be doing the faith-work of not only believing in God, but really believing God.
I’ll be shepherding, leading, praying, encouraging, connecting and pacing us. I’ll be sharing more of my story – and inviting others who have to share theirs — so that we can see again and again that we are not alone in this journey and struggle towards a confident heart.
I’ll be praying for you, encouraging you, believing in you and challenging you – but you will make the heart investment and be the one who gets out pretty close to as much as you put in.
So, what’s my best advice?? Each time I do something new like this, I ask the Lord what I need to give up – so I can give more to Him. And this time is no different. I’m cutting back on checking emails all throughout my day (which I love to do) and saying no to some fun projects and other time-consumers so I can give more of me TO HIM and to you (for the next 10 weeks)!
Will you pray and block out at least 5 to 10 to 15 minutes every day to let HIM give you all that He has for you?! You are worth it….but more than anything…. JESUS is worth it, right? Are you ready? Here we go:
(Day 1) Assignment
Please Read the Acknowledgements. This will just give you a peak into more of my current personal life. I think that’s an important part of building community and I’ll be asking you to share more about you later this week 🙂
Please Read Chapter 1. Please highlight verses and sentences that grab your attention or tug on your heart. What is God saying to you though this chapter? Write down what you sense God speaking to your heart in the margins of your book and/or in a journal/notebook that you’ll use throughout this study.
Let’s Connect: What sentences in Chapter 1 connect with you or resonate with your heart? What might you cut back on to make time for Him and yourself these next several weeks?
Click “Share Your Thoughts” below and do just that. {If you’re reading this via email, click here to return to my website/blog and connect with us in community.
Please Check Your Inbox: Our first Online Study Email was sent and in it I explain how our online study will work. Just want to make sure you know it’s there. If you can’t find it, here’s a link to it online.
Are you on Facebook or Twitter? If so, be sure to join our Confident Heart Facebook Page and follow along on Twitter (@reneesswope) – using the hashtag #AConfidentHeart so we can find each others tweets.
The sentence that touched me the most, The God of all hope is calling you out of the shadow of dought so you can live with a confident heart. I am ready, Iam so tierd of living in this huge shadow of dought. I will be getting up earlier to start my day in Gods word. I will be praying for you Renee and all those who are on this journy.
This is my second time starting this study. During the winter study, I got a little behind and my negative self-talk convinced me that I had failed and I couldn’t catch up- so I didn’t try. Ironic, isn’t it? This time around I am going to push through if I get behind…
I am a stay-at-home mother of two littles ages 1 and 3. Needless to say, I am busy! Afternoon nap time is a haven for me, and I usually spend that time sitting on the couch perusing the Internet or catching up on television shows. This is the time I will dedicate to this study, to reading, working through the questions, and the comments from other women on the journey alongside me. During round one my littles started alternating naps rather than sleeping simultaneously, and that is part of what got me behind. This time, I am prepared for that to happen mentally, and if it does (which it probably will since I know that this message is one my spirit needs to process and plant deeply within my heart) then I will also start going to bed earlier and waking before my babies.
Many of the quotes that women have been highlighting in the comments struck me in my first time through. It’s amazing how God can pull out a completely different message from the same words on another reading! What struck me today were several things: in the initial verse Hebrews 10:35-36, the words YOU NEED TO PERSEVERE stuck out to me like they were in all caps. Also, on the bottom of p.23 Renee mentions that she found confidence through “living DAILY” in God’s promises. Lastly, although there were so many statements that spoke to my heart, was at the top of 24 when Renee uses the words “when I CHOOSE to dwell…” All these things combined struck me that I tend to do a study like this and expect my life to be changed, and to not struggle again with the same issues. But that is not reality. It’s not a ‘one and done’ answer. My human nature and the accuser will continually bring these doubts before me. I need to be prepared to answer with the promises of God, as Christ did in the desert when He himself was tempted. I need to daily persevere and not allow myself to sit back passively; I need to choose hope and Christ daily. I hope I will be reminded of this in 10 weeks, when the study ends. That I need to continue to persevere… and that I do have a choice as to whether doubt or hope fills my spirit.
Thank you Renee, as so many others have said, you are blessing me through your words- words that I am confident God gave to you. During my first time through I literally felt a new peace when I read Isaiah 49:23 in the text- I had never noticed that verse before. Thank you for being a vehicle of Christ’s peace in my life.
What really pierced my heart was when you mentioned dreaming of something since you were a little girl and on achieving that dream the doubts that creep in. Here, I am faced with the same doubts as I dreamt of being a teacher from 8 years of age and now I have accomplished that I wonder if I am doing a good job of educating the minds of our youth. I also had to change careers in order to do this job I love and I don’t regret it, it’s just the doubts that make me feel insecure in what I am doing. I particularly liked ” You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light” mainly because I realized that I have turned away from looking at God and asking Him to guide me towards His will for my life. I realized that I have also done like Peter when he stepped out of the boat towards Christ and as soon as he took his eyes away from Christ started to sink and I hope that this online study helps me to refocus my eyes on Him and never take them away again.
Actually downloaded the book to my Kindle when it was free then today read about the Bible study. I know I need this study and accoutability. In the forward it talks about empty promises that sneek into our thought process and make us think IF ONLY i had—————-, I would be so secure and fulfilled, but what the world offers is temporary and will never fill the cup of a wounded insecure heart. I have used people places and things first for my security unstead of God for a long time (codependency) I am ready for the healing to begin
Like so many of you, this book and study couldn’t seem to have come at a better time. It is just one example of how God is good and wonderful and speaks to us hoping we will hear him. A few months ago I would have probably had a half dozen excuses not to do this study. Unlike that “usual” self full of excuses, I immediately signed up and have been anxiously awaiting the start. It’s like something was awakened in me that has been stagnant for so long. I too will be hiding my iPhone so that I don’t wake up in the morning to immediately check email and Facebook. I will also be getting up earlier for some quiet time with God before my kids are up. I know that these two small changes will make the very largest difference in my day-to-day life, including my interaction and love for God, my husband and my children.
I am thrilled to have a 2nd chance at doing this online Bible study. I did not follow through last time and put time aside. I have made a commitment to myself and God that I will take time for myself and Him. I too like many of the ladies am a perpetual worry wart! I let it consume my life and am not able to make rational , good decisions. I try to make them “myself” and don’t turn to Him . I know to that I should. I get stressed and just get myself down. I am pretty much a single mom as my husband flies 4 days a week, home school mom, and all the things that go along with being a mom. I basically run the house. I can’t be this way and need to turn my worry and stress over to Him and let him lead me. My self esteem suffers and I don’t feel confident which we all know causes worry and stress. I am a people pleaser too. I need to keep my walk with Him daily and let go all these “feeling” I bring upon myself. Thank you Renee for giving your time to us and Him. You are very appreciated. I will make time to do this Bible study. That is my commitment to Him!! I am really excited to start reading tonight INSTEAD of watching tv! This is my journey and I will prevail!
I do believe not just one sentence struck a cord with me. Everything I read just hit me again but it was a fresh read. To know that God loves me and wants the best for me is just amazing.
I know what you mean! I had 7 lines written down, but could have done a whole lot more! As I read these comments I’m thinking “oh, yea, that was good also and I didn’t write it down!”
I have the paperback and have read it…..it is an inspiring book, but I don’t think I was giving my whole self to the study and to God. When you were gracious enough to give it to us, I put it on my Kindle. I have access to it all the time, every where i go. Thank you! I so identified with may of the negative thoughts, but and learning that “when we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them in our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth as our faith grows and we are transformed from the inside out!” pg. 25 I pray that through this on-line study that I can come out with a fully confident heart and truly trust God! I am going to give up some of my nap time (I keep my grandson and am tired a lot) and some of my browsing time.
Thank youi again for doing this-
Have a blessed week!
My first thought when I started reading the first chapter was, “you struggle with self doubt? You who speaks to thousands of women all the time and you were doubting yourself where speaking was concerned?” It is so evident to me that you are a talented speaker that it took me by surprise about your doubt.
Part of me wondered if it was true and another part of me wondered if you struggle then how in the world can I make it through struggle? Then another part of me said, “yes, that is human nature. We all struggle with doubt and I am glad you are vulnerable to share that bit of information.”
I am glad you shared your heart and the truth from the word of God. I know I was encouraged from the first chapter and am excited about reading the whole book.
What struck me personally is how I get stuck in this pattern of self doubt that paralyzes me from obeying the will of God for my life. What impressed me more is that what I really need is to get to know God- to get to know His character and His heart like you said so I may trust Him and depend on Him and His heart toward us.
I get stuck in the “what ifs” of life that I forget that God is there for me NOW and that He loves me cares for me so much that I can trust Him to lead me and help me step by step and day by day.
I need this study to help me get out of the self doubt rut of life that holds me captive. Thank you for writing this book!
It was such a blessing to me to be able to download a copy of the book thanks to the free offer a few weeks ago. I really wanted to join the study before, but did not have it in my budget to purchase the book. God truly gave me the desire of my heart.
I had already started reading the book and was so excited to see that a new on-line study is beginning. I finished it and am now looking forward to starting over and taking the journey with other women.
The phrase that stuck out for me in chapter 1 was “insecurity paralizes.” I can definitely relate to that as I have had it happen to me in various instances, especially speaking in front of people or in large groups. The statement that encouraged me in this chapter is, “When I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in HIm, I have a confident heart.” I have really allowed that revelation to ministry to me and take root in my heart. That alone is a huge step to freedom. I also liked the part about moving from believing in Him to believing Him. That means I am who he says I am and I can do what he said I can do.
I am enjoying reading all of the comments from all of you. It puts the rest the lies of the enemy that I’m the only one who feels the way I feel!
Forgot to add that like many of you, I will be limiting my FB and computer usage as well as TV time.
AS I start reading Chapter one the first thing that stands out to me was the statement that says “I wanted to do something less risky. I am always like that now when something I’m not sure about ( or confident in ) presents itself. But As I look back that wasn’t me as a kid in high school. I was always taking a stand for someone or against the system in a way. Remembering back I and a group of friends met at lunch reading the bible and praying. I wrote speech’s to motivate the under dog or the disabled. But now, the only place those things or thoughts stay is in my mind, I wonder what happened where did it “go wrong” What got in my way enough to stop me? Where did my confidence go????
I’ve been looking forward to joining this study for weeks and have my book on my nightstand. Unfortunately, I took a nasty fall down a flight of steps late last week and have a slight concussion. It’s affected my sight temporarily so to read I need to close my left eye. I can barely read emails, let alone a chapter in the book! I’m praying my sight improves greatly and I’ll be able to catch up with you all soon. God’s Blessings!
praying for you, barb, and asking God to honor your desire to do this study as He heals you and gives you back your ability to read and see well. <3
I am just recently starting my journey and relationship with God and I am so excited to be doing this study! I bought this book months ago but never got around to reading it until now. I am sad to admit that but it is the truth. I think this book and this study will do wonders for me. I look forward to possibly develping some new friendships through this. I do not have but very few friends and none of which have a relationship with God. My sister has a very strong relationship with God and she has been such an inspiration and a huge help. I look forward to this journey with you ladies and may God bless each and everyone of you and help you along your journey.
God bless!
Kristen Barkdull
I forgot to mention what I would be giving up for these next several weeks. I do not have a job right now and am taking online classes for an associates degree in Business Management. I have quite a bit of free time so I want to spend as much of that as I can with you ladies and reading what you have to say. I pray that this study will help me become someone with a confident heart. I also pray that I will be able to finally figure out what His path is for me. I have felt so lost for a long time and I am just starting to feel like I am finding my way. One thing I do a lot of is watch tv so i plan to cut back on that to spend more time on this study.
I too would like to thank Renee for doing this!
God bless you all!
Kristen, I am also completely my Biz Mgt degree online. I know it is “off topic”, but may I inquire which school you are attending?
I am going through Liberty University, and I graduate in May.
I am attending a college by the name od Harrison College. It is based in Indiana. I was attending the school before I moved to Arizona so I have just continued my classes through them. Congratulations on graduating soon! I will put my e-mail address on here for any one who wants to chat about this study, God, or just life in general. I welcome emails and would love to chat with anyone who wants too. It is [email protected].
And not a problem about it being off topic I welcome any question as that is how we can get to know each other.
Have a blessed day!
I have completed degree in Business Management and would like to offer my assistance if you need any. My degree has offered me a stable job and I love staying current in the area of business managment. I recently completed some ed2go classes regarding Fundamental of Managment and Supervision. So please let me know if I can be of any help for either Business Management or The Confident Heart. I just recently started doing bible studies and I love new discoveries every day of verses and how they apply to our daily lives.
Thank you very much! Right now it will just be an associates degree but I am thinking of getting my bachelors degree. I pray that I will be able to find a decent job. I pray that God will lead me in the right direction. I too am just starting my journey towards a relationship with God and studying the bible. I am looking forward to this very much.
God bless!
Isaiah 49:23 “Those who hope in me will not be disappointrd.” I feel in a world of disappointment by the people I invest in. This is truth to hold onto. He is the ONLY one who will not disappoint. I also find myself praying Mark 9:24 often “Lord, help me overcome my unbelief!” I am also grateful for the free kindle version on Amazon. Your book has been on my list and I was inspired to see the study starting as well. I’m hopeful I can keep my life from getting to crazy to stay committed to this.
“shadow of doubt” that is the exact phrase I used in praying before I ever saw this book that God would answer me in such a way that it would remove all shadow of doubt. And what I am learning is that I have to do my part to!!
I too am going to have to refrain from checking my email throughout the day inorder to do this study and really beable to get all out of it that God would have me to, and be able to also focus on the other projects God has layed out for me to work on. I can muti task– but don’t want to miss anything throughout the day that would hinder HIS Work in me and what He would show me.
— Blessed journey ladies!
I’m struck by the enormous difference between believing IN Him and then simply (!!) BELIEVING Him. Imagine the world if we all, just in this study, believed Him…that is, knew, without question, that what He said was also our own truth. Sometimes I bounce around the house and claim the truth of Jesus’s words, but if I really truly believed Him….well, wow….I know I would be bounced to a whole new level of living in Christ.
I read this book about a month ago and I am very excited to do the online study! I have encouraged many of my friends to read it. The part in chapter one that spoke to me was ” Doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.” I feel Things are changing in my life and I have picked up this book many times since I have finished reading it.
At the time I am writing this over 100 of you have left comments and I want to reply to each one of them!! It’s so encouraging to read what God is showing you, to hear what you are praying about and planning on giving up (to give and receive more time w/Jesus), to know more about you and your lives AND to see YOU encouraging one another and connecting through our comments!!
This is one of the best parts of ministry to me – and definitely makes all that hard work and crazy spiritual attack we endured while I was writing this book – so worth it. You are the women I prayed for as I wrote each page. GOD led me to write these words for you and I”m praying you will hear Him speak to your hearts through each and every one!!
I have struggled with self -doubt for as long as I can remember. Always comparing myself to others and trying to please others. Never feeling good enough even when I did my best. I continue to try and rely upon my own resources and my own strength which will always fail me. Just finished Lisa T’s study on Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl and really began to feel the power of His promises. However as soon as the study was over, I started to fall back into my old pattern of self-reliance and defeat again. Just goes to show how much I need to stay in His Word. Just like it says in Chapter 1, I need to “rely on the power of His words and live like they are true no matter how I am feeling”. I don’t have to come up with the “right”words to pray, He already has those for me in His Word. I need to be praying His Word/His Will and do it over and over again so it sinks in and changes me from the inside out. I have realized lately that I spend WAY too much time on Facebook looking to others to validate my feelings and experiences, just as I have always done, but the technology has created an even more addicting habit that I need to break away from. I love the verse at the end Jeremiah 17:7 in context with 17:8. I can experience God fully and receive his many blessings only when I remain in him and rely upon Him. He will not only sustain me but help me to grow and to flourish through even my most difficult days.
So many parts of the first chapter struck me, I felt like I was highlighting all over the place. What struck me the most was your comparison of your shadow to confidence and turning back to the light. The visual and the feeling it gave me was so phenomenal and really hit home.
To participate in this study I am well aware that some of my casual reading and social networking time will have to take a backseat, and I’m completely ok with this. I think this is going to be an amazing journey and I am so glad that I chose this to be my first study.
Renee, God amazes me with his goodness and timing. Your book and timing is SO on target. You have no idea! I have tried to start a ladies encouragement ministry group for several years now and for whatever reason the doors kept closing and I thought I had failed. Without going into all the details I no longer believe that and believe it’s all about God’s timing. Man or woman may get in the way, but God always has the last word. Your book has helped me to see that.
A couple ladies leading Women’s Ministry at my church approached me to start up the encouragement group. I kept saying no. I would just say, “I’ll pray about it.” My flesh was saying no. I kept saying, I don’t feel it….I can’t do this. What if the anointing is not there? I can’t do this without the Lord’s anointing. I’m not smart enough! I’ve got this Senior thing called ‘short term memory loss’. Ha…not funny, but funny…ha! What if I start this ministry and I can’t do it? If I start this and quit, I’ll be letting all those ladies down? What if I don’t connect with the ladies? Fear…fear and should I say doubt…doubt. Somewhere around 4-7 weeks ago, I went to my pastor’s wife and told her to pray for me because I just don’t feel it. I know it’s not all about a feeling, but I didn’t feel the passion I once had. We talked about how I may have walls up from past hurts and pain. I told her I don’t want to have to stand before God one day and hear him ask, “why didn’t you do what I called you to do?” I continually kept questioning myself and I kept thinking in my mind, “I can’t do this!”
As I began reading the 1st Chapter I couldn’t believe what I was reading! The very EXACT fear and doubt whispers you were dealing with in that big shadow was me.. … right down to the very last whisper! Wow…I’ve been living in that BIG shadow!
Renee, I had so many, what ifs? Then while praying about it and seeking the Lord, I finally told the ladies, yes. But Renee, deep down inside I still had this fear. I was taking a big leap of faith in believing God will equip me. I kept thinking, “oh God, you better be with me or this is going to be a disaster!”
Then just a few weeks ago, I began researching and I came across your website and this book! God is sooooo good to me! I can do NOTHING without Him! When I began reading it I couldn’t believe it! This is me!!! Same exact fears and whispers! Without a shadow of doubt, I KNOW God placed you and this book before me for such a time as this! His timing is amazing!
Thank you, thank you! I’m looking forward to the rest of this study. :o)
The sentence from chapter one which most resonates with me is: “He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me” (p. 24). God used this particular lesson in another Bible study about 6 years ago, and it has transformed my relationship with Him. My past tells me I am worthless, damaged, stupid, unwanted, wickedly rebellious, mentally insane, and flat out dangerous to my children (not to mention some slang identifiers that are no longer part of my vocabulary). But God is bigger than my past, and His Word tells me that I am blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed, and forgiven in Christ’s love (Ephesians 1:2-7).
To participate in this study, I will be sacrificing my social networking time. In spite of the above, there are still many days where I spend far too much time online trying to ensure that others have the same opinion of me as God does. But as a student completing my degree in college, I will need to axe much of my social networking time to truly engage in this study.
To the lady who spoke of checking her emails and fb before time with the Lord — I can see this as a positive as this is where I learn of things, person, situations that need prayer. Therefore during my quiet time with the Lord, I can share with Him their needs. The problem would be if you checked them and never spent time with the Lord. My fb friends provide me with such encouragement, scriptures, and testimony that sometimes just reading them is worship time as we see God’s faithfulness, love, mercy and grace.
What caught my attention right away was the first seven words of Hebrews 10:35-36: “So do not throw away your confidence.” Seven represents perfection and these words are perfection for me to remember. I like to play tennis with a group of fun and feisty women. If I miss a few weeks of matches, my footwork is the first thing to go and I am off balance. This is the same in my spiritual life. If I miss out on my quiet time with God, then my footwork off the court vanishes and I am off balance in every area of my life.
What might I cut back on to make time for Him and me during these next several weeks? I am going to cut back on the amount of time I spend rethinking/overthinking/and second guessing what I do and the decisions I make.
I am really excited about this class, Renee, your book is wonderful!
Helen 🙂
I am so excited to do this bible study. I have stopped doing the womwns bible studies at my church becasue I feel so inadequate. I feel like I mightnot be wrighting neat enough. That I might spell a word wrong or just plain not good enough. When I read about this study I knew it was for me. This is my chance to grow in my faith, grow in confidence and just cry out for GOD to help me. I have had a very difficult year so far and really need some direction. I need that Christ focus! Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your group.
“Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” As a relatively new stay-at-home mom, I can totally related to self-doubt on a daily basis. Every day, I struggle with feeling inadequate and that I haven’t gotten enough done or crossed off enough of my to-do list. I found that my need to get things done was causing me to sacrifice valuable time with my children. I am hoping, through this study, to find some sort of balance to my day so that I can be confident as a wife and mom.
Amy, I am right there with you. I am a stay-at-home mom as well, and struggle with that ‘balance.’ If I have a day when I feel accomplished as a house keeper, I inevitably feel like a lousy mother because of the time it took. And vice versa- if I spend a lot of time with my kids, I feel like a bad wife because my house is not a haven for my husband when he gets home. Such a HUGE area of self-doubt for me! I’m encouraged to see I’m not alone, and I hope you are encouraged to know that you are not alone.
I want to add- I wrote your name up on my refrigerator so that I see it and can pray for you as I make meals. I also would encourage you to look and see if there is a MOPS group near you (assuming your children are younger) to find encouragement from other Mamas in your area!
One of the things that stood out for me is the reminder that “doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time”. That is so true! I confess, I’ve probably become more doubtful in my life than even I can stand, so as I came across this part in the chapter I “chose” to be hopeful and at that very moment noticed a change. It reminds me that some days it’s a choice and through prayer and reading the Word, it will become less of a choice and more of a lifestyle/GIFT from Him! I’m so EXCITED!
Yes! So often I think we women feel that the doubt controls us, or takes over us and we are passive victims. Yet there is a choice involved to let the doubt take hold. I missed that the first time through this chapter, but the emphasis on daily choice jumped out at me today!
I have just been in one of the best seasons of my life – spending quality time with God and really feeling led by Him and finding joy in service and starting to take step out of my comfort zone until 6 weeks ago someone in authority, who does not know me, unjustly criticized my ministry efforts and I have not been the same since. Other peoples opinions of me seem to carry more weight than what I am receiving from God and self-doubt sets in. I feel like I am just going through the motions. I am praying that this study will help me to keep my focus on what God thinks and break the cycle of perfection and approval addiction. Renee said something in chapter one that I believe is true and gives me hope…”When I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart.”. This is what I need to chose, but I hear Satan loudly whispering messages of doubt. I am looking forward to reading more of the book and learning from all of your comments – thank you for sharing your journey.
I hear you Cathy. One word of criticism and I lose focus. I like the line a little before the one you chose, “living like His words are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” It’s learning to reject the feelings and negative thoughts. Realizing they are from Satan and I don’t have to own them.
Right away in the beginning of Chapter 1 I loved the simple, yet profound sentence of: “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light.” Reading that whole first part of the book made me realize that I’m not CRAZY!!! I’m a woman who struggles with self-assurance and confidence. Reading your same feelings struggles makes me feel less alone. I’m only only chapter 2 and this book has already helped me immensely!!!!
As I read I was really struck by how God is really working on this my heart and journey with Him. I am not resting in or relying on God’s loving promises. I think I have doubted in His love because of my self-doubt and self-sabotage. “God declares with confidence that things can change!” praise be to God the author and creator, who isn’t finished with me, but is seeking to make me more and more like Christ;) I plan to cut back on TV and fb-ing, which is an all day event for me. I am so thirsty for others’ approval…and fb really feeds that in me. I need to fill up on God’s promises and loving approval that will ease my drought.
Looking forward to new growth and a deeper faith…
I am by no means a speaker, but I truly believe that we all have things to share and sometimes we stay quiet when what God wants us to share is just what someone else may need to hear. If I am asked to share, I pray about it, and if I feel God lays something on my heart to share, then I feel I am saying no to Him if I decline. BUT the closer it gets to the time to share, no matter how much I have prayed and asked God to give me the words, I still doubt and say “I can’t do this” or “who am I to think I have something to say” and then I remember that the thing I want to share is something the Lord gave me strength to get through. One thing that spoke to me from Chapter 1 is “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.” When I turn to the shadow of doubt and away from the light (Jesus), then Satan is in the darkness feeding more lies. I have to keep my focus on Jesus and stay in the Word. I lack so much confidence in so many areas, but I want to gain confidence throught His promises. I am excited about this study!
I’m right there with ya on the “praying for the words.” So glad you are here!
It never ceases to amaze me how God works in my life! I had purchased your book on your website before it was available, (I actually have an autographed copy!!) but had yet to read it or follow along the first time around. I have always struggled with self confidence but it seems that certain times are worse than others. Yesterday was one of those times. For no reason worth noting, I was assaulted by all of these negative feelings. Last night, I dug out your book. I was reading it on my lunch hour today and just as I had finished the first chapter, I received your email! God has perfect timing! I look forward to reading this book along with so many others and hearing their stories. It’s so nice to know I am not alone in these feelings.
This is just what I needed. I have been struggling with doubt. Not all self-doubt, but doubt in what God can do with my marriage and my family. I want so bad to see a change and I know that God is working in me and I will learn to trust that He will erase the doubt as I trust in His promises. I will be dwelling on the promises of God and holding on to the truths and getting them to influence my day. Thanks
Sarah, I also have been struggling with doubt regarding whether my marriage will ever get to where “I” want it to be. Of course, I have been convicted that it needs to be what God wants it to be first and foremost. Yet how amazing it is that God’s promises give hope to those with self-doubt, hope to those with doubts regarding situations changing, or people changing. His promises are not limited by our situation and are all-encompassing. How amazing!
“self doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” I’ve known for a long time that I was the reason that I wasn’t making real progress in my spiritual growth. I just didn’t really understand what was blocking me. While I am sure there may be multiple things I need to work on to move forward in my walk, this so resonated with me today. Ironically my best friend brought up something from my past this weekend that I had no desire to ever recall. The self-doubt hit me like a ton of bricks and my weekend was ruined with all of my bad decisions and actions in high school invading my every thought. I signed up for this study not really knowing what it was about but Satan sure did. I realize now he was on full alert and wanted me to crumble and not even start this study. Every word of this chapter spoke to me and was eye opening. I can’t wait to see what God does for all of us over these next weeks. Thank you Renee for following God’s purpose and blessing us with this.
This chapter starts out with “Don’t throw away your confidence”. I started the book when I got the free version, and have been wondering how to get back the confidence that I haven’t had in years. Today, rereading this chapter, and then skimming through my highlighted parts, I see this: “THIS is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14) I may have lost confidence in myself, but I have confidence in Christ!
I read the book when it first came out…before the initial study. It was awesome and helped me alot. I fully intended to do the study with everyone; then, holidays etc. got in the way and I never did that study. Since that time, each study offer has touched my heart and I have intended to take it…but have not done it once. My good intentions have been sideswiped each time.
Now I have tons of time and for some reason unknown to me, I have lost all interest in taking the study. I can’t seem to get myself up and motivated.
I see only one reason for this, and we all know who he is.
I am asking for prayer please. I need prayer so that I can pick myself up and get reading. I initially bought the book on my ereader so I have the ability to read it anywhere I go….and I have appointments this week…many of them. Three for my truck and three for me. Tons of time to read while I sit in waiting areas.
Please pray for me.
Thank you.
I will pray for you Judi. I always have good intentions as well and then sometimes never get started or make it through a study. And you are right about who steals our joy and takes our minds off the things of Christ. I don’t want to give him any credit….but he will make us feel defeated and that we won’t make it though this study. But I am praying for you and myself that we will do it!!! With Christ all things are possible!
Robin, thank you for your prayers. I very much appreciate them. I will pray for you as well.
I did bring up my book on my ereader last night and I have a pen along with a sheet of paper for comments or questions I might want to jot down while in waiting rooms this week. Your prayers are working! :0)
Praise the Lord! I will keep praying. Also praying for your truck and for the appointments for yourself & the reasons you are in waiting rooms! Hang in there and be strong! I have your name written in my notebook and I will be praying for you!
I will pray for you, Robin, and us all that we are able to stay focused on the Lord and that we are kept from distractions.
Wow! I can feel God tugging at me even just as we are starting. I can also feel doubt tugging too. 🙁
Some of the sentence that resonate with me are… “Shouldn’t self -assurance be part of God’ equiping?” I know this is satan trying to turn my heart from God. Why should I doubt what God is saying/ asking of me yet I do.
Also the two situations described in the book ring true for me. I have always wanted to be a mother and now that it has finally happened I doubt my abilities to take care of this child. And now I doubt myself that I can take care of a second child even though I want another baby so bad.
And the job situation is true as well. I was miserable in my job but I knew the commute, the routine, etc. I was scared of the change. But I am so glad that my husband finally pushed me just to put my resume out there because now 2 jobs & 7 years later, I am happy and I really enjoy my current job.
I am doing this study because I feel paralyzed in big situations but also every day decisions. My husband tells me over & over, you just can’t make a decision. You are stuck. This goes for everything, what to have for dinner, what to wear, how to organize my house. I can’t even tweak a recipe for fear that it will fail. 🙂
I plan to “give up” reading secular books and devote my personal reading time to this book & the study.
I cannot make decisions either! Including what to have for dinner, what to wear, how to organize or decorate my house! I doubt every decision I do make and I ask everyone’s opinions which of course when you do that, you will get a different opinion from each person and then I am more confused! I think I need to pray and really listen to God’s answers. Sometimes I pray but don’t take time to listen. I pray we both grow in confidence throught this study!
The sentence that resonates with me is God whispering to your heart: You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back towards the light. So many times I feel this is the truth in my life and what is going wrong is I have stepped out of the light and begin to believe the lies again. I thank you so much for writing this book, I feel you know me personally and are telling my story too. Thanks for your faithfulness I am so excited to see what God does in my heart and life! I will spend less time mindlessly sitting at this computer on facebook , or watching TV and dig into what God has for me, I know he has great plans for my life and I am ready to chase after what he wants for me and let him lead me and truly be Lord of my life!!! I want to live with a confident heart I am tired of feeling like I am not enough and always doubting that I don’t have what it takes!!
I am so excited to be starting this study. I received the book free on Kindle, and thank you so much for it. It came to me at exactly the time I needed it most, and feel like it is a gift from God. As I was reading the first and second chapters, I cried so much. I felt that Jesus was telling me that he sent this message to me because I was at a place where I was ashamed to seek Him as much because I wasn’t being obedient. This book is reminding me how much He loves us and wants us to be a new creation in Him, ridding us of the self-doubt that we receive by believing what the world tells us. I choose to believe in His promises, which are true.
The part of Chapter 1 that spoke loudly to me was: “He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.”
Also, “When I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart.”
When I remember that we are His and that He loves us and has a good plan for our lives, it helps me to let go of what the world tells me and really soak in the truth of His Word. It helps me to believe His promises and feel His love for me.
I love the Scripture Jeremiah 17:7 from the chapter, but read on to 17:8 as well, which really spoke to my heart:
“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8
God bless!
Kim, I also loved Jeremiah 17:7-8. YOU HAVE TO CHECK OUT Proverbs 31 Ministries’ website where it has “freebies.” It has a BEAUTIFUL picture of a stream with the verse Jeremiah 17:7-8 that you can save as on your computer as your desktop background. I read this over and over at work to remind me of His truth. Since you liked that verse I know you’ll like the picture! Thanks Proverbs 31 Ministries for your beautiful desktop background freebies!
I am very thankful to doing through this study! I know that I am not the only one that worries too much or compares what I think, do, or look like with others. Those are the big things for myself. I am having a hard time know who I am and what I am going to be for the rest of my life. I have a hard time just giving it all to God and letting Him take care of things and to show me the way on His terms and perfect timing. I want to be able to put Him first before anything else. I would like what I do for a living to glorify Him! So I will praise the Lord knowing that I am not alone in my journey! God Bless everyone!
Michelle, I too have had some of the same experiences as you. I desire each day to be pleasing to the Lord, to witness to others with my words and actions. I do fall short on days, but I then I pray to Lord, acknowledge my short comings and ask for help in the days to come. It is very hard not to compare, not worry and not to think about others think about a situation, but it is the Lords desire for us to be confident and to have peace with each day of our lives. I have experience many different difficulties in my life and the hardest thing for me to accomplish was to forgive myself when I made a mistake. Giving everything to God is also hard because we are ladies, mothers, wives, daughters and friends to so many, we feel that we should be able to take care of everything, but we must all remember the without the Lord we have nothing and would be nothing, All the glory and praise is to the Lord. I will pray that is study will touch you deep in your heart and that with sharing with other Christian women of the Lord, you will find what you need to fully give everything to the Lord and that confidence strengthens in all that you do. God Bless
The phrases “God doesn’t want us struck in a cycle of defeat”. Yet, doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time. Having conversations about where you are, how you got here, and where you really long to be. These phrases really hit home with me. The next thing that spoke to my heart was the questions at the end. It brought me back to my abusive days as a child didn’t realize that some things where still bothering me. I thought I let all that go through the years. Ouch! The good news God brings promise I look forward to changing my routine in the mornings and spending more time studying this book. Thank you Renee for taking time out of your schedule and spending it with us.
Ok….correction. “stuck in a cycle of defeat”. Although sometimes you can feel your struck to be stuck. ;0)
God, thank you for shining Renee and bringing her study into my life. Her truths and self struggles Lord speak to many and allow them to come forward and pursue YOU lord. We all know deep in our hearts that WE have NO control and all the control is in YOU LORD! I pray that we are all able to LET GO and trust fully in YOU and your Word. Lord I pray that you will call to me when I am weak and lead me to your teachings and speak to me in ways that change my heart and mind. I pray these things in your name, Amen.
Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you knows the paralyzing power they have on your life…… WOW could this not be more true for me. I find myself trying to have that confidence and full belief and in reality it is just weighing on my heart. I would rather people not see that weakness in me and hide in my shadow. But The God of all hope is calling ME out of the shadow of your doubts, so you can have a confident heart….. he truly is and he is calling us ALL. That is why we are here and I hope and pray that at the end of 10 weeks we have all grown in confidence and/or found the tools that will help us to continue and pursue that confidence. The biggest thing for me is knowing I AM NOT ALONE! I always feel that everyone else has it all put together and so much stronger than I. I just want to be that person. I want to make HIM proud. I look forward to doing less of media in the morning while my son is napping and devote time to reading God’s word and fully participating in the study to help me grow and put HIM first.
Renee, I too want to thank you for your obedience to God in this labor of love. It is all too easy to justify and rationalize our actions that are based on our feelings, especially as women. The “gems” you shared on your own personal journey certainly “stood out” to me….”He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” My prayer during this study is that “we” will MAKE time for the quiet moments, as God whispers and the world is loud.
Page 23 – “‘See, I am doing a new thing!’ ‘I am worrying all things together for good, because you love me and are called according to my purpose.’ ‘All things are possible to [her] to believes'”
I was raised in church. I am a Christian. I know (in the sense of being educated about) God. However, I want my knowing God to be more. I don’t want to doubt. To think things can’t get or be better. I don’t want to worry. I have been taught all my life to believe the verses from page 23. I can say I know them and believe them, but I want to truly believe them down deep in my heart. I want to apply them to my life every single day. I want to live like the royalty I know I am as a daughter of the King.
Page 22 – “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.”
A closer, deeper relationship with my savior is what I need. To turn back toward the light.
I am single and have no children. I am not currently in a relationship. I read a great deal. I basically have promised myself and my Lord I will devote no less than 30 minutes a day to the book study. This will be my reflection time. Time spent posting in the online community and/or writing in my journal. I am re-reading the book for the second time as I go through the online study.
What spoke to me was to “rely on the power of His Words and live like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” Along with that was the promise that “those who hope in Me will never be disappointed” (Isa. 49:23).
These words spoke to me also. Our feelings can get in the way of what we know is right. So having these words in my head will help to live a more righteous life. I recently completed Beth Moore study and the things learned from Genesis were amazing to me. It is all there in the Bible for us to learn and live by.
I hear you Kayse, I also thought that I am a fairly confident woman- the problem for me is that it lies in myself too. When I read. “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” 1 John 5:14. I realized that I am not sure I am acting IN HIS WILL as often as I should.
Today I pray, Thank you for this Bible study and all the women who are a part of it. Lord go before me, before my thoughts, words, and deads. Open my eyes and change my heart. Please guide me on this incredible journey so that in the end I am the woman you designed me to be and that I learn to rely on you completely. That I would be filled with YOUR confidence. In Jesus’ name I pray Amen
Hi Renee! I cannot even express to you how excited I am about this study! I am so overwhelmed right now with excitement because I am so multifaceted when it comes to issues in my life that to know that someone else has felt the same way I have or has uttered some of the same crazy things that say is encouraging to say the least! I wasn’t exactly sure what this study had in store for me but after reading chapter 1 & your story I’m convinced that this is just what I need. I am very confident outwardly, but the inward struggle not many know about nor can they believe it when I share it. I made a mistake this summer that has totally erased everything I thought I ever knew, ever overcome, & who I thought I was or who I thought God wanted me to be! Satan has had a blast with me for too many months now & I am trying to reclaim, rebuild, & renew all that I am in Christ for myself & my family! There were alot of things that touched me in ch. 1 but these are the words that gave me comfort to know I’m not really that off or crazy for having said or thought this, “The unknown is too scary. Although you’ve been miserable, at least the misery is familiar where you are now.” How many times I have said that to describe how I feel & why I get stuck! To the optimist that is the craziest thing they’ve ever heard! LOL! Anyway, I am so looking forward to getting unstuck from this sea of doubt! Thank you so much for sharing who you are & where you’ve been! God Bless!
Hi Stephanie, Your post really touched my heart and the Lord has impressed on me to write a note to you and to pray for you. I love the term ‘multifaceted’ that you used to describe the issues in your life. I think many of us here can relate to that. I know that I can. When I look back at some bad choices that I’ve made and realize that God brought me through it all, it is amazing! I’m excited to be doing this journey with all of you, and hope that we can all be an encouragement to each other. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Know that God loves you right where you are and He’s going to guide you through to reclaim, rebuild and renew!
I’m looking forward to hearing the stories of others as we journey together to a more confident heart!
Thank you Mary for obeying the Lord’s call to write to me! You have no idea how special that made me feel! Literally squeezed my heart & brought tears to my eyes! It hurt & felt good at the same time. I have often wondered why God impresses others upon my heart but doesn’t seem sometimes that I am impressed upon theirs. So, thank you~I was watching the Hallmark movie Firelight last night & one scene really stuck in my heart & mind. A girl was being bullyed by other girls in prison mostly because they were jealous & trying to prove they were top dog & when the girl decided to defend herself she ended up being put in isolation for 2 days & as they slammed the door she was beating on it, crying “It’s not my fault, it’s not my fault!” This of course was a loaded statement, but my heart broke into because I want to cry that but won’t allow it because I did make choices on my own but I was also deceived & used & left to suffer in my pain with no remorse from the other person. I got so much out of that movie. I realize I have alot of work to do but I believe for the next 10 weeks it starts here! Not sure why I’m sharing this except that I felt led to. Confession empties the soul of darkness & pain. Thank you so much for your prayers & your obedience to God’s call!
The sentences that really resonated with me were “Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” then “Yet, doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.”
As many have said in previous comments, we must more than believe in the promises but actually BELIEVE Him and His promises. Reminded me of James 1:5-8 , paraphrasing – the one who doubts is like a wave tossed by the sea and will not receive what he asks of God because he is doubleminded.
Renee, thank you so much for offering this study and for helping us grow towards having Confident Hearts.
Loving Father, I pray blessings on all the women taking this study and on Renee and her leadership. Thank you for making this available at this time in our lives.
My prayer has been that God will teach me what I need at the right time for me to receive it. He is faithful and my hope is in Him. I will be meditating in His word all throughout the day/week. Thank you for making a difference by your obedience! I will be getting up a bit earlier and commit to applying myself to this study that God has brought me to! Blessings!
Renee, thank you so much for this study! God knows exactly what is needed and sent it through you dear one. I stand in awe of His power!
Hard to choose just one sentence as they all hit home for me but this one is so very important:
“”God doesn’t want us stuck in a cycle of defeat or living in the shadows of doubt. He reminds us in
Isaiah 49:23 “Then you will know that I am the Lord,. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
Yet doubt and hope CANNOT live in our hearts at the same time. “”
Wow, I must learn to fill my heart with hope and get rid of the doubt!
I will be giving up some computer time and sewing projects as I follow this study…..willingly, as the gain will be tremendous!
Sue, you pretty much summed it up for me! DITTO!!