Hi friends! I am so excited to start this “Confident Heart” journey with you!
We have just about 3500, from around the US and the world signed up! I’ve been closing my eyes and picturing us gathering together in small groups (cause I’m a small group kinda girl). Anyhow, it’s so amazing to be here with YOU learning how we can live beyond our doubts by finding our security and confidence in the power of God’s loves and promises for us!
The first thing I want you to remember is: This is YOUR journey.
You’ll be reading the chapters. You will be asking and listening for God to speak to your heart. You’ll be the one who takes time to highlight sentences, promises and quotes you want to remember. You’ll be looking for ways to apply and live what you are learning. You’ll be answering reflection questions and interacting with the group.
You’ll be doing the faith-work of not only believing in God, but really believing God.
I’ll be shepherding, leading, praying, encouraging, connecting and pacing us. I’ll be sharing more of my story – and inviting others who have to share theirs — so that we can see again and again that we are not alone in this journey and struggle towards a confident heart.
I’ll be praying for you, encouraging you, believing in you and challenging you – but you will make the heart investment and be the one who gets out pretty close to as much as you put in.
So, what’s my best advice?? Each time I do something new like this, I ask the Lord what I need to give up – so I can give more to Him. And this time is no different. I’m cutting back on checking emails all throughout my day (which I love to do) and saying no to some fun projects and other time-consumers so I can give more of me TO HIM and to you (for the next 10 weeks)!
Will you pray and block out at least 5 to 10 to 15 minutes every day to let HIM give you all that He has for you?! You are worth it….but more than anything…. JESUS is worth it, right? Are you ready? Here we go:
(Day 1) Assignment
Please Read the Acknowledgements. This will just give you a peak into more of my current personal life. I think that’s an important part of building community and I’ll be asking you to share more about you later this week 🙂
Please Read Chapter 1. Please highlight verses and sentences that grab your attention or tug on your heart. What is God saying to you though this chapter? Write down what you sense God speaking to your heart in the margins of your book and/or in a journal/notebook that you’ll use throughout this study.
Let’s Connect: What sentences in Chapter 1 connect with you or resonate with your heart? What might you cut back on to make time for Him and yourself these next several weeks?
Click “Share Your Thoughts” below and do just that. {If you’re reading this via email, click here to return to my website/blog and connect with us in community.
Please Check Your Inbox: Our first Online Study Email was sent and in it I explain how our online study will work. Just want to make sure you know it’s there. If you can’t find it, here’s a link to it online.
Are you on Facebook or Twitter? If so, be sure to join our Confident Heart Facebook Page and follow along on Twitter (@reneesswope) – using the hashtag #AConfidentHeart so we can find each others tweets.
Thank you Renee for writing this book and putting together this study. Thank you also to my friend Jennifer who convinced me to read this book. This is definitely something that I need in my life right now. I recently found out that I am losing my job due to downsizing, and I am lacking the confidence that I desperately need to believe that I can find another job and excel at it.
Here is the quote that jumped out at me: “He’s led me to beyond believing in Him to REALLY believing Him by relying on the power of His Word and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” I need to believe that God will lead me through this time in my life, despite what my lack of confidence is telling me.
I am cutting back on TV and online “surfing” to make time for this study. I look forward to reading your comments and interacting with you during this study.
He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing in Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.
This statement really resonated with me because I have just recently become aware of what is really become aware of my thoughts and how I let them guide my emotions without thinking about whether they are actually true or not.
A goal that I have throughout this study is to find out more about the character of God and the promises of the bible.
I am currently living in China 12 to 15 hours ahead of most of the people participating so I have made a commitment to stay up a bit later and prioritizing my reading as the first thing I do when I get home. I have also given myself an interesting challenge to combat my addiction to “wasting my life” on Facebook. I can only spend 20 percent of the time I spend reading the bible, studying and/or praying on FB or Pinterest. For example if I spend 40 minutes praying and reading I earn 8 minutes on Facebook.
I, too, and here because of the free Amazon book! Extras are not in the budget right now, so the free book for my kindle is a huge blessing!
I feel led to do this study, but at first I was confused. Most of the time, I like to think of myself as a pretty confident woman. But in reading through the first chapter and spending some time reflecting, I am realizing that my confidence only lies in myself. My confidence in God is shaky. And self confidence (self dependence?) is nothing to be proud of. I want to be a woman who relies fully on the Lord, knowing His promises and trusting in Him. I love the idea of a promise book. I think I’ll try and find a notebook around the house just for that. 🙂
The question that jumped out at me was this: “Are you ready to let His Word change the way you think, which will determine the way you feel and eventually transform the way you live (Rom. 12:2)?” I’m already struggling with confidence that this is even possible, but it is what I want. 🙂
I’ll be limiting my Facebook time as well – 30 minutes only for working on my blog page. In the time I normally go waste on Facebook, I’ll work through the prayers and questions in the end of each chapter. I have a little one, so sitting down to do it all at once just isn’t a reality these days!
Thank you Renee!
I am looking forward to this study to help me be more confident in my relationships. I know that as my relationship with God grows, this will help me with my friendships!
I am so thankful for a friend that invited me to do this study! In the reading one of the first statements that resonated with me most was “My doubt was distorting my thoughts and overpowering my emotions with confusion and questions.” As far back as I can remember(literally) I have always been haunted by this overpowering sense of doubt, especially when I commit to something, when I want to believe in good, when I want to have a positive expectation of things. As a Christian, I have hope, I have help, that is Jesus. He is more powerful than I am on my own, and more powerful than the doubt that has had more power in my mind than it should. In my past, I have created confidence in my own strength, knowledge, etc. Lets change that!
I want to live in God’s Promises. I am so thankful for the scriptures:
Isaiah 49:23- “Then you will know that I am the Lord. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
Isaiah 43:19-“See I am doing a new thing.”
Roman 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. This has been marked in my Bible. I know in my heart this verse is meant to be read over and over again.
What stuck out for me is “blessed is the man who trusts in the lord, whose confidence is in him.” I am not trusting right now.
I agree. I think I thought I was trusting God, but after reading the chapter I’m not. I’m focused on the shadows. My biggest issue is that nothing I ever do is good enough – I completely doubt my abilities.
OK I just have to say that this study is perfect right now. I am doubting everything and have gone through some very hard times and things do not seem to be improving. I feel I am running on a hamster wheel with no end is sight. I just read chapter one and I am excited to do this study. Thank you!!
I am so thankful for this free version of this book on Amazon. I am a poor student and up to my eyeballs in debt with more to go. I must say that I have been struggling with trust in God and even belief. The sentence that really stuck out to me in Chapter 1 was “You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.” WOW! Yes I have turned away from the light. It has been almost 6 years of trying to go it alone and the further away I get from God the worse off I have been. I have never had anxiety before and now it has developed into severe anxiety. Self confidence (and self-esteem) have been my biggest problem all of my life. I have limited myself in so many ways because of it. I need to turn back to God again (and slowly I am) because going it alone doesn’t work. I plan to give up TV. I have two weeks left of this semester and will have more time after that, but I definitely need this study for finals week (talk about lack of confidence!). I also have a blog that I will be writing in since I have not done that in a while and it definitely has been healing in the past. It’s been hard to get back. Talk about spiritual warfare!
I have read this book before, but somehow it didn’t stick! I think this on line study is what God will use to make these truths sink deep into my soul. I have been divorced for 10 years and sttuggle with my singleness. I know these truths will help me re define my worth not by what any man thinks, but what my Lord thinks of me. 🙂
What stood out to me was the phrase: “Self doubt blocks the promise of God’s Power & Truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” When we believe Satan’s lies of self doubt who are we believing and trusting? We need to be believing the God of Truth who we are Blessed to put our trust, hope & confidence in. The One who works ALL things to good and the One that all things are possible through!
I spend my first waking moments in prayer for the day, releasing everything that comes to mind, my future, my schedule and my family etc. to my Lord and I am committing the first 30+ minutes of quiet time after all the kids leave for school each day to time with the Lord through this study and whatever else He has for me in His Word.
God said, “Trust ME”
The Lord has brought me through some amazing things. I know that He is trust worth and that He keeps his promises. He took my dreams and turned them into reality. I know He can do anything, that nothing is impossible for him. But that doesn’t mean that I’m confident, fear and doubt mess with my confidence more often than I’d like to admit. I’ve often wondered how to change this; I do trust Him, but sometimes thoughts of s of fear and doubt sneak in, just a little at first and before I know it they are spinning around and around in my head. I want to trust Him so completely that doubt can’t even find a crack to enter my mind. I take him at his word, “Trust Me” and am holding on to his promise that, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13
Thank you Diane for sharing what God has spoken to you. I too heard God say “Trust Me” when my world came crashing down, when I thought all hope was gone. I’ve had to work on developing a relationship with Him as a loving God and not as a punishing God. I’m so glad that He reached down to me and that He cares to see me grow into the woman He has created me to be. This is an ongoing journey but I know that nothing is impossible for God.
“take me beyond believing in you to believing You. Help me to rely on the power of your promises and live like they are true…”
This was confirmation for me this morning! I have always felt confident I knew and believed in Jesus Christ but if honest depending on how serious my problem was I was praying for decided if I beleived God would do what He said He would! I have had many modern day miracles throughout my life and witnessed His promises firsthand. I do not know why when I face adversity I choose to hear the voice in my head say,” your need is not that important, He only answers those types of prayers for other people, or how dare you ask God for help, you haven’t done what He’s asked!!! Today I choose to believe we have a Jesus that is not keeping score, we have a Jesus that through grace and truth asks us to believe Him when he says “Oh my sweet daughter, believe and trust what I say, because I won’t disappoint you!”
I pray for those of you that read this and will also choose to hear our Heavenly Father’s voice and His promises……Renee, thank you for being His appointed messenger today!
Renee thank you for your obedience and leading yet another online study. After reading chapter one what stuck with me was the scripture verse Mark 9:23, which states “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Doubt over powers my belief many times but now I have my sword of the spirit to combat doubt everytime. I am looking forward to completing this study and I will be giving up TV to spend more time in the Word.
Doubt is one of the things I am finding that I struggle the most with – I want to trust that things will be okay in a certain situation (and they usually are), but I find myself getting caught up in the doubts and what-ifs instead! I am excited to begin this study – recommended by my sister, who loaned me her copy of “A Confident Heart,” complete with underlining and highlight marks, which I love 🙂 – and I’m ready to get started! 🙂
One sentence that resonated with me in chapter one is “I’ve found that when i choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart.” I’m going to apply that on my job. I often doubt myself when it comes to the task of my new position……Can I do this? Do I have what it takes? Do I have enough knowledge. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!!
“Doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time. ” p.23 stood out to me because I feel as though I have given myself over to doubt most of the time. Although, God puts little rays of sunshiny hope in my heart, I tend to let doubt rule. Thank you for showing me this does not need to be the case and encouraging me to let God’s light overwhelm the darkness.
I have just finished my writing course and this has freed up a lot of time for me but I also plan to cut back on my facebook time.
I’m soo excited about this study. I’ve been good at hiding my doubts, I’ve been paralyzed by my fears and worries!!! Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. I’m giving up some computer and tv time during this study. God bless you all 🙂
I’m so thankful that God has orchestrated this opportunity to study A Confident Heart with all of you! With the free Ebook coming available and the timing of this Bible Study, I believe this is the direction in which God is nudging me. Having had a verbally abusive and manipulative father, I have struggled with self-doubt all my life. God has been merciful and taught me a lot over the years but I still find myself struggling with nagging self-doubts about my worth and usefulness. I’m so thankful for another opportunity to learn something from the Word that could change my life. My favorite quote from Chapter One: “As God’s girls, we need to know and believe that change is possible. We need to hope that life can be different. Otherwise, doubt will win every time and our hearts will be eroded by attitudes and emotions of defeat—but it is not supposed to be this way.” I especially like the sound of the phrase “God’s girls”, having never felt loved like a daddy’s girl.
Oh Barbara, I can so relate to your story…I pray that through this study you find your self confidence and realize how much you are loved, valued and loved by your Daddy – you are His precious girl!! I will be praying for you through out the study.
Thanks so much, Veronica. I know this study is going to be very good for me. I appreciate your prayers.
I also downloaded the book on my kindle free from amazon. Then I saw the post from prov31 about the online Bible study last night. I jumped on it quickly. I believe God had his hand in this.
What jumped out for me today was the verse from Isaiah 49…I am the Lord, those who hope in me won’t be disappointed. Wow…that just makes me excited. Not that there won’t be times of conflict, but that we won’t be disappointed with what God does in our lives.
My first time reading this book, I read that verse (Isaiah 49:23) and felt such a peace come over me. What a powerful promise! At the same time I thought “why have I NEVER noticed that verse before?!” A new life verse for me for certain.
One of my weakeness is comparing myself with others. I know we are created by God with individually gifts designed by Him. I know I shouldn’t care what other people think of me because those who may have everything, may not be happy. Also, one of the verses is Romans 10:17 is that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Chirst. In addition, from Joyce Meyer Ministries thought of the day is If you truly love the Word of God—if you hear it, receive it, and obey it—you will have freedom and live “at ease.”
Shanon I love Joyce Myers! I really sense God speaking to my heart through her words! I struggle with self doubt and worry and Renee thank youso muchy for providing this study! Thank you!
The more I seek God’s word, the more exposed I become.
The sentences in Chapter 1 that most resonates with me are…”When we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them in our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth as our faith grows and we are transformed from the inside out!”
I do not tweet or facebook but I will redirect the time spent on the computer towards this study and become a better steward of my time. I am so thankful to God for providing the avenue in which to participate in this study and Renee for responding to your heart to reach so many with His truths!
In His richest blessings…
Kandise, I thought of the attached song as I read your post.
Thanks for sharing!
I am limiting my time on the computer to focus more on prayer, and Gods Presence. This chapter spoke to me in the sense I feel God calling me to be bold for Him, yet I let my insecurities get to me and keep me from doing the things I know He wants me to do, I need to choose to focus on “whose I am and who I am in Him” so that I can have that confidence!!!!! Thank you Renee for doing this study, and I look forward to growing in my faith and confidence IN HIM …..and all the blessings that will come too! Praying for all who are on this journey with us!
I am so looking forward to walking through this book with y’all! I actually had purchased the kindle version and was halfway through it when I saw the study getting ready to start! So I am going to go back and start over and dig deeper! Self Doubt is a HUGE struggle for me and has been for a very long time; but it is a private battle! All my life I’ve been a leader, on fire for God, willing to serve, successful, blessed with various talents and giftings; family, friends and church memembers have looked up to me! And all I could think is “If they only knew!” They don’t know the times that I’ve felt I’ve just not been good enough, and how crushing that can be. I think the very first verse you shared was most powerful…Heb. 10:35-36 Especially the phrase “So do not throw away your confidence…” So many times, I know what God want me to do, I know He’s equipped me, I know His heart on the matter…and then one person’s differing opinion (including my own) comes along and I”throw away my confidence”. Well I am ready for some security, steadiness…for confidence in Him!
He HAS equipped you! Love that you are not throwing it away. 🙂
This is my second time going through this study. I am so thankful you are offering it again. I learned a lot the first time, I want to see how much I have grown so far. I realize that the “shadow of doubt” can come upon me like a lead balloon. I want to be able to look at my notes that I have taken often, to know really know that I can have a “Confident Heart”. Thank you Renee!
Dear Lord I will persevere so that when I have done Your Will, I can receive what You have promised (Heb:35-36) In Jesus’ name. Amen.
It’s my third time around with the study, I enjoy it that much, plus I find some new “nugget” each time that I missed before b/c I was so focused on a different issue at that time. I love to go back and see my notes and how different of a person I am on the inside and out. Enjoy your 2nd go around 🙂
I am so thankful for this Bible study and am so excited to see what God has planned! On April 1 I turned my disordered eating over to God and am recovering. Through the process of recovery I am learning that confidence is something I have been lacking for several years. I have tried to be what I thought everyone wanted me to be – rather than who God designed me to be. I haven’t even had confidence in God’s design and plan for my life – I thought I did, but when it comes down to it I didn’t. I “stumbled” upon the free book & the Bible study sign up….I think I can safely say God lead me it! I believe that God is transforming me right now & am so blessed!
Page 23 really stuck out to me when it says “As God’s girls, we need to know and believe that change is possible. We need to hope that life can be different. Otherwise, doubt will win every time and our hearts will be eroded by attitudes and emotions of defeat – but it is not supposed to be this way.”
I will be cutting back on facebook during these next 10 weeks. I look so forward to this time with Him and all of you!!!
Anna, I am so glad you found your way to this study and pray that through the next ten weeks you will find your confidence in who God made you to be – you are His beloved, His PRINCESS, His treasure!!! At the end of the study I pray that you will believe that!!!!
I echo the prayers and comments of my sisters in Christ. I am so thankful for God giving Renee the strength, perseverence, and obedience to Him to write this book. One theme that I have noticed in this book and throughout my life is that Satan wants us to think that we are along on this journey and that we are the only ones who are facing certain issues. I praise God that first of all HE is ALWAYS there. He will never leave us or forsake us. I am also thankful for the godly community of women that God has placed in my life and during this study.
The sentence that really resonated with me was You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light. Swope, Renee (2011-08-01). Confident Heart, A (Kindle Locations 228-229). Baker Book Group. Kindle Edition. For me the shadow represents Satan’s lies and my lack of confidence in myself and trust in God. I focus everything that is wrong instead of the truth. The shadow represents fear, lack of trust, disbelief. The light is God and His truth. His light of life and salvation can overpower any darkness. You just have to turn towards it.
In addition to completing this study, I would recommend Renee’s 7 day – Doubt Diet. It is an amazing book, and truly spoke to my heart. May God continue to bless and grow each of you throughout this study.
Jessica, that is SO true- about women struggling because we think we are alone, or think we are ‘crazy’ for having these negative self-talk patterns going on in our minds. We struggle, and then ‘pretend’ as Renee says that everything is fine. We don’t open up to others, and miss out on opportunities to realize we are not alone in our struggles!
Thanks for the comment. 🙂
My husband and I were talking about my doubts and lack of contentment this weekend. Then this morning I have a facebook update this morning from a friend referencing this book and study. So I down loaded it to my kindle and read the first week. Wow, is all I can say! Will post more after I finish my journal about chapter 1.
AWESOME, I am so glad you are here and will be journeying with us through the next 10 weeks. It’s an amazing study. Praying for you.
I read the chapter earlier and then again yesterday! Today I was rereading and what popped out for me was on p. 22 at the top. “God whispering to my heart: You can only see the shadow because you have turned away from the light. Turn back toward the light.”.
That is so powerful. If we are focused on the shadows then how can we do what we need to do ? How can we be who God wants us to be?I need to stay focused in God’s word moving toward the light. I have been lurking in the shadows too long. Thank you for the opportunity to share in this awesome study.
I, too, read the chapter yesterday and again today and the same sentence got to me about the shadow. When I visualize this and see the shadow, I realized it doesn’t have a hold on me. I do have a choice to turn around and focus on the light.
The other was a group of statements. ” I can’t do this. It’s too hard. I might as well quit.” I have lived by these “mottos” for too many years and have missed so much. These printed words make me feel determined to break free (turn around) and seek the freedom God has promised.
I will make time for this by getting up earlier, when all is quiet, before the day starts.
Thank you so much, Renee, for the study and for offering the study free.
I agree with what Kathy says about not letting the shadow take over but to turn to the light and focus on it. I have had a lot of depression and I realize now that a lot of it is from ME letting others stand between me and the light. My problem is not so much that I think that i can’t do things but having other people put me down and tell me that I can’t do things. i have found that I have put too much trust in other people and their opinions throughout my life and I have gotten to the point that I have no faith in myself or trust in other people. I have had people that I thought were my ‘friends’ But i found out they were the furtherest thing from a friend. Also, have some family members like that too. I have learned that giving my problems to God and believe in Him but sometimes I guess I want things done in my time and not His so I start worry and tryting to fix things and then have to remember that my taking back the problem is getting in God’s way!! I thank God that I was able to get a Kindle and for the free copy of this book and the opportunity to be involved with this study and the other free Christian books that I have been able to get. I am learning that I was looking for the love and approval of man and I already have what I really neded – God’s love!! I am seeing changes in my life eveyday and even though I do backslide, I praise God for the change that He is making in my life!
Thak you Renee for providing the book for free online and also for taking your time to provide this study for all of us! I have read through the book once but things do not always stick the first reading so I am so glad to be doing this study!
These sentences really touched me too. “Self-doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.” and “Yet, doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time.”
I know that God answers prayers and I have believed in God as long as I can remember but Now I am learning to believe God. I have learned that there is a differencce in the two. Stress can really bring on the doubt and destroy my confidence. There are times that a phone call or someone saying something when I am eating will make my throat close up and my food will hang in my throat and I will not be able to swallow it and I throw it up. I have turned this over to God but then I still have this doubt down inside because everytime I go into a new place to eat, I have to find out where the restrooms are in case I get choked instead of believing that God will get me through the meal without me throwing up.
I will give up other computer time, other reading, TV and just wasted time to put my whole heart and mind into this study and into praying and praising God!
I have also realized that I have control over what I let people do to me and if I let them hurt me! I have to take that control and not allow them the power over me. God is my strength now. I will be confident in what I can do because of Him! I praise God for each new baby step or giant step that I take toward Him and with Him!!
Jan, my heart hurts for you. I too have had far too many ‘friends’, and family let me down too. I too have, “no faith in myself or trust in other people”. I need to give more to God, and trust in His timing too. You are also not alone in your suffering from depression, I do too.
On a side note, and to no one in particular, may I please ask that those who feel that depression is a lack of faith, or a spiritual condition not comment on that? It really hurts to feel even more poorly about myself due to such comments. I feel God will eventually even use my depression, if I let Him, to do good things. I’m not trying to be negative in anyway in asking this. I have just been hurt by those types of statements in the past, and am already hurting enough 🙁 Thanks in advance for being understanding of this in my case everyone.
Kyrie, thank you for your understanding. It seems like a lot of the time people that have not been through some of the same problems do not understand and do make judgements. But they should realize that their judging is not what God wants them to do. I believe that God will take everything that we have been through and let us use it to help other people and ourselves. thanks again for your words of understanding!
Thank you so much for opening up ad taking the risk of being hurt again. I pray that this would be a safe space for you to share your thoughts and concerns. I pray that it would be an encouragement as well. I am grateful for all the support that has been showwn to you this far.. I wanted to let you know that I also struggle with God’s promises for me. Something I have learned is that you haven’t to keep saying what God says about you over and over again until it becomes truth for you. In addition,ly helped me. Sorry for all the tp I would recommend doing Renee ‘s 7 day doubt diet. It is alit is free on amazon.. Well, the ehook version is. It has greatly. Sorry for all the typos. I am responding using my phone. Please let me know if there is anything else I fcan do to hel. My email is [email protected]. PRAYING FOR U.
I too have the same thoughts, “too hard, I can’t” but I have to believe that I can. One of the things that has resonated with me is that I need to change my thoughts, words & actions not just for my benefit but also for my daughter. She is not even two yet but she has already started to say “I can’t” I don’t want her to go throughout life not believing in herself. I see her parrot me in so many ways. I don’t want her to learn to self doubt. I want her to grow up knowing she CAN with God’s help.
I have seen so many of my same self-doubts in my daughter and my granddaughter! I wish that I had changed my way of believing before I passed this on to them! One of the thngs that all three of us do is saying i’m sorry when we did not do anything wrong!!
It is wonderful that with God you can help change the way your daughter’s thoughts, words and actions before the self-doubt and low self-esteem can be learned!
Jenna, What a sobering and truthful reflection- I have a daughter who is just one. Thank you for giving me yet another motivation to stick with this study and not give up if I get a little behind (what happened the first time around).
Lydia is my daughters middle name. 🙂 Even if you get behind God will use what you have learned. I know it is a challenge to even find time to breathe with a little one. Lets make a plan to stick together & learn a lot for our daughters.
Blessings, Jenna
I found this blog today and I thought it had great ideas on how to teach our little ones more about God.
Thank you Jenna! I occasionally look at MomLife, but I had missed this one. I also have a three year old son, and I just this week started scripture memorization with him (Deut. 6:5). Oh, praying for yourself throughout the day… HUGE. Thank you for the encouragement! I am looking forward to interacting with you more throughout the study.
The same phrase struck me and made me realize how something so small looks so big as a shadow. It’s completely distorted and we need to turn back to the light.
Cathy and all, this is my second time through the first few chapters of the book, and that sentence about turning towards the light struck me deeply the first time. Looking back it is always so apparent to me that when I am spending time in God’s Word and meditating on things of him, I do not struggle as much with my many insecurities. However, when I am in the middle of them, it is so hard to see/remember the simple answer: “turn back toward the LIGHT.”
I liked that imagery as well. I don’t always look at it that way. I have lately felt like there was a shadow over me. While I know that I have not been as faithful in my prayer time or study time, I never really thought about the darkness coming from not turning towards the light.
Last year I was called into mission work. I’ve quit my full time teaching position and am now struggling month to month. While I don’t doubt this decision, it’s been more challenging than I anticipated. It can be a bit disheartening, and I know I need to turn to God for a bit of a confidence booster. That is why I chose this study. He gives me confidence, and I am lacking that right now. I so desperately need to rely on Him for everything in my life.
The parts of chapter 1 that spoke to me were to many to put here. LOL. The part that spoke the most was we have to stay in God’s word. That is what we have to have on our hearts day and night. When I don’t read my Bible I struggle more then when I do. When we dig down deep in his word we learn more about him and his promises. At this time in my life I know i am meant to be here because he has called me to change my job and do a Women’s bible study at my church in the evening. I am scared to death but I do trust him that if he is leading me to it he will lead me through it.
I will be giving up time on my computer. I am in several groups in my email so I left some good things so I can get the best things that are offered in this study.
Beth- I’m learning that we do have to stay in the word. A lady at church has shared from the scriptures that we suffer from the lack of knowledge, That resonated with me along with “it doesn’t have to be this way”. I’m also using the scripture in Jer “But let him that glory-glory in this-that he understandeth and knoweth me.
I have such a problem with worry, trusting and believing that God is in control. I dwell on issues.The thing that hinders me is Faith & Trust/. What I need to do this week is Believe
Mary Ann
I so understand your feelings. I am in the same place. Although I realize I need to move from this place to letting God handle the issues in my life. I long to be completely confident in God. Thanks for sharing.
I agree, I am struggling with self image and struggling knowing that God should be all that matters with these types of issues. It’s a tough place to get out of..
I am there with you Mary Ann, hopefully we both leave this study trusting and believing He is in control and surrender ourselves to Him.
Mary Ann,
I just wanted to say that I too struggle with the same things. I recently finished a bible study and during that I opened my eyes and God showed me how he is in control and even things we don’t like are proven to be part of his plan. So I suggest keeping your eyes open for improve in situations. And remember prayer for God’s will not your own. The greatest thing I have learned is patience. And with this study I hope to continue trusting in God’s will.
Hi Mary Ann,
I know exactly what you are talking about. Several years ago all I had was anxiety that was making me physically ill. I realized the negative thoughts were from Satan and I could stop them with prayer and imagining armor going up around my mind and those thoughts bouncing off. I wrote Ephesians 6:10-20 on an index card and carried it around with me. I learned that with God’s help I could fend off the negative thoughts. Another great book to read on battling negative thoughts is Joyce Meyers “Battlefield of the Mind.” We can take control and don’t have to be victims of our thoughts. I’m praying for you Mary Ann. You are on the right path.
I also got the free knidle version from Amazon for this study. It was a HUGE BLESSING to me since we have a tight budget.
I am looking forward to the next ten weeks. I am planning on going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. Once the family starts to get up, there goes my quiet time with God.
Isaiah 49:23 says “you will know that I am Lord. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
My verse God has given me states it like this
“May all those who seek you be happy (confident) and rejoice in you!
May those who love to experience your deliverance say continually,
“May God be praised!”
I am oppressed and needy!
O God, hurry to me!
You are my helper and my deliverer!
O Lord, do not delay! (Psalm 70:4, 5 NET)
SO looking forward to what God is going to show me!
One of my favorites – although I say that about each of the Psalms. It’s hard to pick my favorite b/c they have all been there throughout different parts of my life when I so needed them.
Praying for you (and all the other lovely ladies) during the next 10 weeks.
Thank you for sharing that awesome Psalm! 🙂
The sentence in Chapter 1 that connects with and resonates with my heart is on page 23 It’s not supposed to be this way. And I so need the verse that follows Isaiah 49:23….Although being aware of the thought I now have this scripture to focus on when those thoughts need to be captured by God instread of my mind where the batle is. .I plan on cutting back on getting to busy with distractions that I can use that time to spend with Him and in this study for the next several weeks. Looking forward to what God is going to reveal to me so that I can overcome doubt and worry in my life.
I almost did not do this bible study or read the book even though God keeps leading me too it. My area of insecurity is in my ability to live a life that reflects Jesus. Notice the wors “my inability”. God knows my deepest thoughts and prayers. He knows I cant change me but only He can. He wants me to know this also. In my deepest self, I am not confident. God and God alone can show me this. I think this book and bible study are meant to teach me many things But the biggest is that God can mold this puddle of clay into simething beautiful to be used for His Kingdom.
You are exactly right, only God can change you. He is our potter. the first step though is asking God to come in and begin the process. I think by signing up for the study you have did just that. Good luck through this study, stay strong and don’t give up.
Will be praying for you throughout the next 10 weeks.
“when I choose to dwell in the assurance of Whose I am and who I am in Him, I have a confident heart.” This is the sentences in Chapter 1 that connect with and spoke to my heart.
For I know when I have been asked to speak, or to share a devotional program with a small group of women, I need to let God take complete control. For in my weakness, He makes me strong.
Thank you Renee. Your words have been a blessing to me. I pray that God will continue to keep you as you share of youself with us through this study, for God knows our every need! and He blessed us with you.
Thanks again
Sister in Christ, Betty
I am just moving into my study, I need this to give me direction. Thanks!
So thrilled you are participating! God bless!
Like many others, I will be going to bed a little earlier and getting up a little earlier in order to complete this study. Many thanks to you Renee for being obedient to Christ and spending your time with us.
The free Amazon download of the book got me here & I praise God for all
the resources He uses to speak to those who seek Him. I started reading the book
the day I got it & have been so blessed! Thank you Renee for obeying God and
sharing with others. I really look forward to being part of this study & sharing this with others.
It’s an awesome study that has such life changing effects, the biggest and best is a relationship with Jesus like never before :0 )
Will be praying for you through the next ten weeks.
I have decided to give up playing games, and less time on FB for socializing to be able to make time for the study and for Jesus. Also, less time watching TV in the morning and focus on Jesus and in the evening or any other time of day that I feel Jesus is calling me to pray or listen.
I relate to your being told you are “normal” when you know you are not, I feel the same way. The biggest impact was putting confidence in Jesus. I have put a post it on my work desk that states: I have faith God, God has faith in me, therefore, I have must have faith in myself. I think I will post one that states: Jesus is my confidence!
Look forward to the next ten weeks!
Marcie, I love the “stuff” you are giving up to spend more time with Jesus, that is awesome!!!! I also, LOVE your post it note…..I will pray for you as you go through these next ten weeks!
I am so grateful for this book. God brought this to me through a friend who was going to use it to teach. My friend had a death in the family and asked me to step in and teach. My first thought was– confidence– no problem. Then I began reading and realized my confidence was displaced and focused on worldly matters! I love Isaiah 49:23 that says, “Then you will know that I am the Lord. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” I had been allowing my failures to dictate my thinking and had been validating myself by worldly standards.
Isn’t that so easy to do? “Validate by worldly standards.” Great verse you are reminding yourself with!
Thank you for doing this study! What a blessing it has been already! Being able to download a free copy from Amazon was the first “open door” and God’s urging in my heart the past several weeks to read and be a part of this online Bible study has prepared my heart, mind and soul for this journey He will walk me through the next several weeks.
The sentence that I highlighted was “He led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His word and living like they are true no mater what my feelings tell me.”
My feelings do get in the way of God’s leading. He has been showing me this through my relationships with others. Also, the concept of “know/believing IN Him to believing Him” has been a part of a couple of devotions and my Life Group lesson in the past week. God has a way of making clear what He wants us to hear and learn to grow deeper in Him. I am excited to open my heart to His leading and make changes in my life in order to grow closer and deeper in my walk with God.
I will be giving up tv time and limit checking Facebook and Twitter 🙂
how did you all get the free download from Amazon? Is there a code I need? I can’t afford the book right now, but feel called to this study. Thanks. mj
Renee’s publisher offered the free ebook a several weeks ago. I have a couple of extra paper back books, so if you will email me your address, I can stick one in the mail to to you. My email address is [email protected]. It’s an amazing study and would love to have join us. And as you wait on the book, you can download Chapter 1 under her free resources tab. Have a great day!
Thank you so much Donna! I just emailed you my information. Have a wonderfully blessed day!
that is so sweet! <3
First I want to thank God for giving me the desire to spend time in Him getting to know and believe Him. I want to thank Renee for being obedient and vulnerable as she spent time writing a book about her heart. I have decided to give up time to sit and be at the feet of our Father. I will be going to bed earlier and getting up earlier in order that I have time and energy to focus on what God wants me to glean and apply through His Holy Spirit. I, too, feel an overwhelming sense of relief ts the prospect of going beyond knowing God and believing that His promises are for me too, as well as a sense of trepidation at what that actually might mean because it means giving total control to our Lord and Saviour. Just writing here on this blog is a step of commitment and faith since it means that we, too, are willing to be vulnerable. Thank you precious Jesus for being the first to be vulnerable.
Thank you for this study. I resonated with Kamilah. I give off the image that I am confident but inside I am ever doubting myself and do much of what I do for the approval of others. I will pray for God’s guidance and often He speaks loud and clear as to what I am to do, but the whole time I do it, doubt will be whispering in my ear that I am no good at this. It often takes all the joy out of the journey and rather than be glad at the work I have done for Him when I am finished, I am glad that it is over.
I pray that you will be able to block out the doubt wisperer. I hope that you will be better able to enjoy the journey and the work.
Kept your chin up!
I am also thankful for the free Amazon version – although I am a die hard paperback girl! I am so grateful to join in- I am sharing additionally on my Blog (and Blog Facebook Page) and when I announced this I was blessed that a number of various friends from near and far said they would be joining in with me in joining you! So excited that you shared and allowed me to share in the blessing!
Wow, I want to just stop a moment and say thank you. Thank you for following through with God’s urging and doing this study with us. I had heard about your book and wanted to read it but kept putting it off and then you blessed us with a FREE copies via Amazon! Wow if that wasn’t a sign for me to do this study then I don’t know what is! There were several things that jumped out at me and caught my attention as I was reading last night, but what really jumped out was “The God of all hope is calling you out of the shadow of doubts so you can live with a confident heart! Are you ready to let His Word change the way you think, which will determine the way you feel and eventually transform the way you live?” Yes I am ready to let his word change me.
I must admit that I don’t watch TV (I don’t subscribe to cable or satellite services), I have already weaned myself from checking facebook every 5 minutes :), so that leaves getting up a tad bit earlier to do Bible Study in the mornings. I feel when I do this it will give me a jump start on my day. I have really been struggling lately with putting God first and foremost and trusting in His will and timing. Again, thank you for this study and allowing us to be a part of this journey!
Thank you Renee for the free online book. I started reading it and couldn’t put it down. I can so relate to Kamilah and Karen this morning. They have spoken what I carry in my heart. I am looking forward to growing in God’s promises and not be stuck by the negative tapes that play in my head. With a hectic schedule, I have never been able to do a bible study outside the home, so this such a blessing to me. I have challenged some friends to join me here to see how God will grow us. Thank you ladies for sharing you hearts this morning.
I also felt that the following statement spoke to me the most in chapter 1: “He’s led me beyond believing in Him to really believing Him by relying on the power of His words and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.” I am so good at letting my feelings dominate my thoughts. And being a busy working mom, I’m often tired and stressed which means I get pretty emotional, so my thoughts are often negative. I was actually at a church conference this weekend where the difference between believing in God and believing God was discussed. I am determined to grow in this area over the next 10 weeks!
I will be giving up Facebook. Not only is it a time suck for me, but it can cause my thought life to go out of control. I start to compare my life to others and fill my mind with much useless information. I think getting away from Facebook will make a big difference in my life and of course it will give me much more time for God 🙂
Thank you so much for your transparency. I too deal with comparing myself against others especially after reading other people’s face book statuses. Something I have done that has helped me a lot is to hide the post of the people I compare myself against the most. That way I can still connect with others. In addition, I have also tried to use the times that I compare myself against others to thank God for what He is doing in my life, and to show me what He is doing in my life. 🙂
Thanks Jessica for the suggestion to hide people I may compare myself with the most. That is a great idea! For the next 10 weeks I’m going to avoid FB completely, but then I may start doing that. It sounds like a practical way for me to balance the pros and cons of Facebook!
Great suggestions Jessica. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who would compare myself to others via facebook. I would leave fb feeling disapointed that my life wasn’t going the way I wanted to in comparison to these other people. I reacted by spending less time on fb but I find that there are people who I like to connect with, life family living out of the country for example. I am going to use ur idea to hide the post of people I compare myself to and remind myself of Jeremiah 29:11, God has a special plan and purpose for MY life that will be diff than those whose posts i’m reading.
I also highlighted the same statement. I too want to move from believing in God to believing God. One of many reasons I chose to participate in the study.
You and Jessica both touched on important points we all need to be aware of. I worry to much. Not just comparing myself to others and feeling like I have failed, but worry in general.
Thanks to both of you for sharing.
I have also struggled ALOT with Facebook and have found myself in a real “bind” because I see my failures and all of my imperfections–because I am comparing myself to others. I am a SERIOUS perfectionist by nature and by upbringing so anytime anything makes me feel like I am not “measuring up” can really “throw me under the bus.” My husband (and my biggest support!) actually calls it “Fakebook” and has been helpful in helping me avoid the “trap” of Facebook and also has had to help me out of the “pit” of Facebook when I’ve fallen, but more than anything –I’ve completely taken myself off when I needed to, because the negative self-talk and beliefs about who I was were louder than what my heavenly Father was telling me. Getting away from it completely was the ONLY way I found to hear God’s truth about me. I am on now, but am VERY cautious with how I use it…only once or twice a day and only for a few minutes. I am a mom of 3 teenagers and so I have an obligation to be on—to supervise my kiddos, but it is amazing to me how Satan sneaks in and finds where I am weak and uses something like Facebook to convince me I am unloveable, worthless, a failure and hopeless, when my Father believes none of those things about me–He believes just the opposite!
Amen Sister! Satan will use whatever he can. What a blessing to have your husband supporting you so fully!
Two sentences that resonated with me and caused me to be completely honest with God and myself.
1.) Pg. 23 — “Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you knows the paralyzing power they have on your life.
[I read this and realized that I have mastered the art of appearing confident and strong on the outside, but far from it on the inside. In fact, most people might use those adjectives to describe me. It’s almost as though the more other people believe it and the more I hear it…the easier it is to play if off. However, I’ve never been able to mask it with people who am close to or in relationships. It comes out and tends to negatively affect the relationship. I’m now learning to draw strength in Christ and find confidence in the promises of His holy Word.
2.) Pg. 23-24 — “He’s lead me to beyond believing in Him to REALLY believing Him by relying on the power of His Word and living like they are true no matter what my feelings tell me.”
[Wow…this is where I need to be! I’ve bewalk believe for some time now and I know God and His Word. I’ll be honest and say that I realized that I was only believing God to a point. I believed Him more for others than for my own life as. This passage has inspired me to go thru the scriptures and eight down His specific promises in a small journal I’ll label “God’s Promise”. I’ll read and proclaim them daily. I will rebuke my feeling when they are not in line w/God’s promises.
Lastly, I will spend less time watching TV and procrastinating to have more focused time for prayer, reading, and studying God’s Word and this resource inspired by Him!
Thank you Renee for your love, encouragement, prayers, faithfulness and obedience to God. May He sustain and bless throughout this journey and beyond. May He use you in a grand way that others will be inspired, challenges, built-up and restored in Jesus name.
g’morning! kamilah, i love your idea: “This passage has inspired me to go thru the scriptures and write down His specific promises in a small journal I’ll label “God’s Promise”. I’ll read and proclaim them daily. I will rebuke my feeling when they are not in line w/God’s promises.” great idea! <3
Great idea Coleen! I have a scripture notebook to encourage me and because I just can’t seem to memorize scripture.
“Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you knows the paralyzing power they have on your life
I know this feeling because I was afraid to open up due to fear of getting hurt. However, I have been opening up to even strangers about Jesus. I even start talking about Jesus in where I work which was a gym. I didn’t realize it until the next day or my what you hear of others people struggles is amazing. They even talked about their concerns.One of the managers called me the Christian girl at first I did care but than I said to myself Yes, I am a Christian girl. Another thing I have to work on if someone doesn’t like me I shouldn’t care because I have Jesus and that’s all I need. So hard to do sometimes.
“Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you knows the paralyzing power they have on your life
This is also something I highlighted when I read the chapter. I am similar to you in that many people view me as a very confident person from what I show them, but on the inside it’s not how I feel and it’s definitely not how I think. I have created a cycle in my life where I push people away when I feel them getting to close to that insecurity or doubt that I have inside. I am praying that this book and this study will be a tool in my journey to defeat the thoughts that are hindering me in my development as a woman of God.
I too like the sentence about not just believing in God but believing God. Many times we let our circumstances speak louder than God’s Word. I am looking forward to this study.
“Perhaps you are good at hiding your doubts and no one but you knows the paralyzing power they have on your life'”
I have become so good at hiding my doubts, that is just one more way of them having the hold. This will be such a good reminder to let them go…Just because no one can see them, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
@ Tatiyana: Me too, in Jesus name!
I so understand the fear of opening up. I am even under an alias here, as I am afraid of opening up and someone I know seeing my heart and using my words to hurt me. I have been hurt by so many people in my life it is almost impossible for me to trust, and when I have opened up it has been used to hurt me in the end 🙁 I don’t try and make friends anymore lately, I’m to afraid of being hurt. The friends I have had, every single one, has used or hurt me. I don’t know why. I am trying to be friends with this one girl of a different faith, and want to minister to her, but am afraid to talk to others about Jesus, and afraid to lose yet another friend 🙁 She promised not to try and convert me, nor I her. It was our understanding. But I know God wants more from me. He wants me to lead her away from this false religion, and to Him. I think like you, that if I just go about it in a natural way, talking about Him in a matter of fact way regarding what He is in my life, I think the Holy Spirit could plant a seed there. I wonder though, could God use a broken Christian like me to do this? What do you think?
Hi Kyrie – your message reminded me so much of a topic that came up when I was studying the Book of Jonah at my church. There was a woman in the class with the same dilemma as you having a friend of a different faith and she was not sure how to speak to her about it. To make a long story short, speak to her through how you live and love. Let her see the Jesus in you – more powerful than any words you can say to her.
I will keep you in my prayers
Kyrie! You are so sweet! I can hear the pain & suffering in your words & it makes me sad! First I want to say to you that depression is not a lack of faith! I have dealt many years on & off with depression & suicide attempts. Satan is always whispering into our dark areas because he knows we will hear him there! Listen God can use your depression now, not eventually, but now! Please stop hiding my friend! Claim it & kick satans butt to the curb! You have no reason to hide behind a fake name, God loves you Kyrie & there is absolutely nothing that can change that! Romans 8:38-39. I understand your struggle with trust, doubt, self love, self confidence, faith, etc. I am soo like you alot of the time! Dig into the psalms! Holy cow the confirmation & comfort I have found there! Also Isaiah is great. Remember God’s promises are for all who believe in him! Even me & u! Couple more things: don’t try to put yourself in situations or carry burdens that God never asked u to carry. I know ur heart wants to do so much good but be sure that where you’re doing good is where God Wants u to be! Also, God died to use Broken christians like us! Go back to your Bible & look at the ones he chose to follow him. look at the disciples. Three books other than this one come to mind, God Loves Broken People & those who think they’re not by Shelia Walsh & Boundaries by Henry Cloud & John Townsend The 4:8 Principle(Philipians 4:8) by Tommy Newberry. You would benefit greatly from understanding God’s great, & unfathomable love for you & learning how to set boundaries so others cannot hurt you & also learn how to change your thinking. For me, I have found that alot of my problems stem from the fact that I’m not being totally obedient to God’s word so the struggle makes me doubt. I self inflict! I can tell u that God can & will use u like u are just as he does with me even when I doubt he shows up! I am in brokenness too but its hearts like ours that feel the most compassion when someone else hurts. Don’t give up honey! Here’s some good reading for you: I love 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 18-ur gona love this, Isaiah 40:28-29, & Psalm 143:8-Use this for a prayer-Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go for to you I lift up my soul! Check out the message version-Love it! If you click on my name it should take you to my blog. Maybe there is something there that can lift you! or go to http://www.thewildflowerswords.blogspot.com. Maybe u should consider blogging or journaling if u aren’t already doing so! All my love! Sorry I wrote you a book but my heart broke for you! We are in this together!
Bless you! Thank you so much for your words of comfort, support, the scriptures, books that might help, and most of all for understanding how I feel as a person who is a bit broken due past hurts, and depression. It’s good to know someone out there knows how I feel. Our depression manifestations may be different, our pain from it is the same. I know we are both going to get amazing understanding about our Lord, His promises to us, and His love for us through this study. It sounds like you already use so many other wonderful tools and know just where to go in the Bible for help. Although I am not a ‘baby Christian’, but an ‘old’ one, I feel I have never quite understood how to use the Bible. I know I need to read and absorb it, but how to put it into my life when the verses, or chapters are not obvious, is something I struggle with. I use the New Century Bible and really enjoy it, but am looking to get The Message Bible as well. I loved it when I heard a girl at a gathering reading a passage in hers! Again, thank you so very much. I love that you wrote a book, so please don’t say you are sorry. You told me what I know God laid on your heart for me to hear, and again thank you! God bless you!
Hi Kyrie,
I can relate with you on the friend front! I give so much of myself for them and feel like I get nothing in return or be used for their purposes. I just want to reach out and give you a hug and just thinking, I will be your friend!
It is when you feel broken that God is carrying you and may be using you!
I am touched as I hear your story… I think all of us at times in our lives experience fears of rejection. The best book that you can give to your friend to help her is your life. Show her your love not only by your words, but by your actions. You seem to have such a good heart, and I can tell that through your words you’ve spoke. God loves you so much, and he is always willing to use his children if they are wanting to be used. From the sounds of it, you want to be used… so just ask God and the Holy Spirit to just give you the words to say to your friend. Every morning I pray Lord, give me the wisdom to face whatever situations may come to me today… one thing we all could use more of is Wisdom in Christ. Hold to wisdom, and don’t let it go. God bless you and I’ll be praying that God would use you, and let his light shine bright even more in you!
Thank you so much for your kind compliments, and wonderful advice. You sound like a wonderful person too! I forget sometimes that if I only ask, I will receive, another of God’s promises. Although, as I confessed, I am afraid sometimes that I am not as dedicated as I should be in my Christian walk (or maybe that is just guilt, as I never seem to feel I am doing things right, especially in my walk with God), and that the promise isn’t for me, but for the ‘strong’ Christians. I am slowly opening up to the idea that it is indeed for me. I am determined that by the end of this study that I will have full faith that those promises are for less than perfect Christians like me.
I have to remember just what you said too, “Hold on to wisdom”. His wisdom is perfect. I can’t remember the chapter (sorry, I am famous for paraphrasing and never knowing chapter and verse), but I was very fascinated by how wisdom was talked about metaphorically, in one part as a woman, in another riches, and it stressed how very important wisdom was. I always thought of it as some other type of wisdom for some reason (silly I know), perhaps just a general, making good decisions, sort of wisdom, or just general Biblical knowledge. But now that you have talked about it this way, I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it before. It is the wisdom of the Holy Spirit! The wisdom of God’s promises. The wisdom of seeking out Christ each day in prayer. That wisdom is in His Word, but it isn’t about “knowledge” really per se, it is about following Christ, listening to the Holy Spirit, and believing with your heart, not just the mind, in God’s promises.
Thank you for helping me to see what should have been obvious. I sadly admit though that sometimes I read the Bible more as a school book, and not the love note to His children it was meant to be. I need to read more, and believe more, with my heart, and less with just my head.
God bless you, and again, thank you, for taking the time out of your day to impart all of this to me, and to help me, and in turn help me to help my friend. God sent you to give me this message, and it really helped. I hope we will get the chance to talk more in the future. I have already been blessed by two people (you are one of them) and their wisdom. The Bible study has hardly begun, and yet I am learning so much in, and out (here) of the book! God bless you!
Right now I need that due to that this past week on Thursday at work when I tripped over a cot, than got kicked in the stomach by a child. In addition, pinched and the boss didn’t do anything didn’t say are you ok. You can’t put children in time out you have to redirect them. It’s hard to keep control of 12 children ages 2-5 by yourself. I think its insane so Friday said this job is not for me for I have to be honest with myself. My boss said I don’t know what to say…… maybe I’m judging here but I think that is a clear answer. However, what I’m trying and not succeeding right now is that I’m afraid to go to zumba because those people prayed so hard for me to get a job and I feel like I have let them down but if they are true friends they will understand. So trying to find another job and pay bills but one thing I know teaching children these day isn’t easy so I’m unemployed again but will persevere for when one door closes another door opens. It’s just going to be tough on Wednesday if anyone asks. Thanks
Hi Shannon……so sorry this has happened. Glad you aren’t going to back out of your zumba class! Maybe instead of waiting for someone to ask, you should just go in and share honestly that you have a new request (or put your old request of a job back on the list) and have confidence that they will understand. I know confidence is the subject of this study and it is difficult, but if they are your friends, they will understand. Just reading what you have been through this past week and also the fact that I think that is normally against daycare policy for that ratio of 1 teacher to 12 children, you didn’t need that “abuse” or responsibility. If I was the parent of 1 of those 12 children, I would not want my child in that situation! I think that is not safe and usually in that age group, it should be 1 teacher to only 5 (or maybe 6) so that is wrong. I will pray for you to find another job and that your friends will understand. I think they will if they know you were dealing with 12 children by yourself. Pray and God will answer your prayers and give you peace.
Believing In him…..Believing Him….what a difference in mind set.
Thank you for the encouragement sister. God is TRULY amazing and I thank Him for a forum such as this where we can shame the enemy by sharing our hurts, failures, dreams, etc. and not keep them buried deep inside to be used to keep us isolated from one another. Praise God for the ministry He’s given Renee and the one He’s given to us. I LOVE HIM!
Good for you Shannon! Keep up the good work.
Kamilah, I can completely feel where you’re coming from when it comes to “mastering the art of appearing confident”. “Oh well” and “never mind” have been my go to words when I’m a mess inside and need to turn on the “outer me”. This week, my prayer for you is to draw strength on HIM daily. And for me … I WILL NOT use those “deceiving” words! My husband won’t know what to do! 😉
I receive that prayer and stand in agreement with you sister. Thank you for the love.
I feel the same way about that first statement. I have definitely learned to hide my doubts over the years. All too often I feel the pressure to come across as confident and as though I have it all together. This pressure does not necessarily come from others but from within. A few years ago I completely fell apart because of that perceived pressure of perfection. While I feel like I am not in that same place of just losing it, I feel like I always cycle around back to doubting. I hate that! I know who my Savior is. I know His love for me and that He only wants the best for me. Why does my mind slump back to doubting the plans He has for my future? Does anyone else find that happening?
“I know who my Savior is. I know His love for me and that He only wants the best for me. Why does my mind slump back to doubting the plans He has for my future?”
I am right there with you on that one, and the more doubt I have the more guilty I feel, and the less worthy of Him I feel. So I feel like until I get my Christian life together, His promises will never be for me.
Right! It’s so hard to get that guilt to go away. Guilt does not come from God but from Satan. I am convinced of that. That feeling does still penetrate my thoughts though.
I agree Lindsey. Thanks for reminding me of that too! Hopefully as I grow during this study that guilt will become a thing of the past, or at least something I can more easily brush away when it comes into my thoughts.
Lindsey, I love your “perceived pressure of perfection.” that happened to me a few years ago, the realization that perfectionism was keeping me from being real, it only generated fear in my relationships and left me exhausted. I need to continue on that journey of stopping the people pleasing and instead find my identity in Christ.
Lindsey! I am so guilty of that same problem. As you read through the book, you’ll have more hints from Renee on coping with this issue, but I cling to Jeremiah 29:11!! For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Peace to you!!
@ Lindsey….my God YES! What you said is exactly where I am and how I feel.
I perceive myself very differently than others. I lack confidence, others see me as confident. This bible study has already impacted me and I want a true and deeper relationship with My Father. I want to “know Him”. I don’t want to live in the shadow of insecurity and doubt. I want to rest in the arms of God and let go of worry.
Thank you Renee for helping me to see how much I want and need a confident heart
I can also relate to what Kamilah stated, I also highlighted being good at hiding my doubts and no one but myself knows the paralyzing power they have on my life. I am the master of hiding my doubts and acting as if I am confident to the point that sometimes I believe it. I have been struggling with having cofidence my whole life, from childhood where I was trying to gain confidence but always having someone tell you that you can’t do it. When you are told that on a daily basis you tend to believe it and let the doubt creep in your thoughts and stay there. I am praying that this study will help me to gain the confidence I know that I have but have always been to afraid to express it. I am going to spend more time in God’s word and less time watching TV. I have been trying to get up earlier each morning to do just that but I have to tell you it has been dififcult. I think I set myself up for failure sometimes and give myself expectations that are hard to keep. I am going to take it one day at a time and do a little more each day. This study has come at the most perfect time, I have had the book for several months but never seemed to get around to reading it and now I am making time. Renee thank you for your encouragement and support, and to all the ladies who are joining me on this journey. God Bless.
I will not be watching tv all week and will set 1 hr a day in my schedule since I will be leading this studies with a group of lovely ladies on tues. Nights. Also I will only do 1/2 hr a day on Facebook.
I will be cutting back the time I spend reading secular books as well as playing with apps on my phone to make time for what God wants to teach me through this study. Oh, and definitely cutting back on Pinterest! Pinning only motivational Christian things….only 20 minutes a day. I’m so excited!
There are not too many obligations per se that I can cut back on in this season of life. But one “habit” I would like to overcome is “worry.” This definitely saps my time through misplaced use of energy.
I can relate to this comment. I have been learning through the last few months to let go and let God control this area in my life. This is not easy and at times, I find I revert back in attempt to control my surroundings when I begin to worry but continue to pray for God’s strength.
I have heard “let go and let God” used as a phrase. I love it. It reminds me a control freak to let go of my control and let God control my life. This is my first book study ever. I’m so excited and couldn’t have picked a better book. I really struggle in this area. I would love to do so much more but my doubt holds me back. I’ve read the first chapter and will be getting out my journal to pray and answer the questions. Thank you so much for thus study!
I really can relate to this. Ive been worrying about a lot of issues that seem to keep popping up in my life to make me doubt my strength. I too revert back to the saying” Let go and Let God”. I am my biggest obstacle as I too am a control freak.
I thought I was doing “let go and let God” but I realized I was saying the words but not really doing it. Letting go means letting go of the outcome. I said I’d “let God” but insisted on an outcome, which was basically just telling Him what to do. I had to learn to give up the outcome and accept it may not turn out the way I want it. That’s truly letting go.
wow! great truths! I hadn’t realized I was doing the same thing until reading your comment. “let go and let God” means letting go of the outcome ! I need to let go of the outcomes. Plus, it will be a better and bigger outcome God’s way than mine anyways since he says he gives us exceedingly and abundantly more! I’m stubborn and guess and still want my small way! Thanks for showing me I need to let go of the outcome!
This is where I struggle the most too. I am a perpetual worrier, and overanalyze everything, even when there is nothing wrong, to the point that it is destroying my relationships, both with my boyfriend and friends. It is a daily struggle, but I am giving it my all.
I have to agree. There have been some significant changes from what is/was familiar to all kinds of “unknown” in my life and without realizing it I’ve become “beat down” by worry. It slowly, almost unknowingly crept in and somehow, I’ve become convinced to going back to the way things were is the only answer. The truth is trusting HIM for what’s to come is the ONLY way to be free from the worry and anxiety.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I Worry about everything. I have to caught myself sometimes, I clench my teeth when I get anxious about something. Then I pray and ask God to calm my fears and I just give it to Him. But them sometimes I take it back. I know I just have to learn to trust him more and lean on HIs strenght not my on. Bcause He is willing and able to do the impossible.So today I will put my trust totally on God.
I am in that boat with you ladies. I am the person who always sees the glass half empty. In any situation, good or bad, my focus tends to gravitate toward the negatives…..the worries. I have tried and tried to overcome this type attitude, but it always seems to creep back in. Maybe that is the problem, “I” have tried. Time to let go and let God! I am looking forward to a new me by the end of this study.
I am not very good at putting what my heart feels into words. Let me just start by saying that I am so looking forward to this study. I know that I am right in there with the worry I do way to much of it. This study could not have come at a better time for me. I want to spend more time learning what Gods plan is for my life. Love that quote let go and let God!!!! Thats what I need to do! Thanks for the invite sis!
I am thrilled to be doing this study with y’all I love you Renee…..I am giving up my normal morning routine which is sad to say sooooo backwards I START with making sure I have my coffee FIRST so selfish right lol then oops I am ashamed to admit I check e-mail and facebook first yikes not good then I go to my time with God not sure where it got all turned around but I am going back to placing Him first even before my coffee coffee can be brewing as I am reading lol and everything else will wait for my time with God. I cant wait to hear from Him and not be so rushed because I have placed Him second or third but instead 1st where He belongs!! 🙂
Same struggle here Cindy. Email and FB have dominated not only my mornings but other quiet times in my day. I am relying on that immediate feedback from friends and family to “fill me up” and it never does so its a vicious cycle. I am trying to learn to be still in God’s presence and look to Him FIRST.
I do the same thing. It used to be escaping from reality by watching TV, now it’s more social media, and using it to distract me and fill myself with people. I am going to fast from media and feast on the Word! Or at least fast from SO MUCH media! Thanks for admitting how much you use it for connection. I’m not alone!
OOH i love the word choices! “fast from media and feast on the Word”! Nice!
Hello ladies, I am a total FB tv addict! I can sit in front of the television for hours when I get home from work & in between those times I’m facebooking. Before I know it It’s time to get myself ready for bed for work the next day & do the same routine all over again. When I saw this book study was starting today & signed up I started trying to work my tv/fb schedule into the reading plan. What’s more is that I’m on vacation so that would give me more than enough time to watch tv, fb & read. Well as God would have it, I turned on the tv & was disinterested in flicking channels I facebooked & it didn’t soothe my need to be noticed. PRAISE GOD! And so I decided to write a journal just as Renee suggested we answer the questions after every chapter. And so here I am writing to you all & blessed to be a part of this great journey with you. Let’s keep up the good work because God has already begun it!
Thanks Kris Ray for pointing out that it’s the immediate satisfaction of being acknowledged by friends that gets me addicted to FB! And with the easy access to it through my phone, I’m on it way too much. Next time I’ll realize the selfishness of the action and let it go.
I agree with Cindy that I too don’t take time out of my day to day to read the word as I should. I get up at 3:00 to start my day but I don’t drink coffee. I get to work and then get on the computer and check both my email accounts and other accounts that I have before I even start to pray in the morning. I get to work by 5 and am alone for the first hour and from now on will devote my time to A confident heart instead of the computer.
I am guilty of this as well. I shamefully admit that my priorities have gotten off-track due to my “obsession” with facebook and other social media. It is so easy sometimes to just immerse myself in mindless things as a way of distracting me from the oftentimes overwhelming worries of daily life. I am so happy that God led me here so that I can begin my journey of reprioritizing my life and experiencing a deeper relationship with HIM. God bless!!
Oh yes…to give up worrying…to stop feeling like I’m going through the motions…to feel closer to God….no, for me to feel His closeness to me more fully.
This is a definition of worry my pastor has given me. “Paying interested on something you may not owe” I love this definition because we don’t know what is going to happen in our lives in the next minute/hour/day. Just take each moment as a gift from God whether good, bad or other. God is the artist of our lives he sees the big picture even though we can’t. I know that it is hard to be the blank canvas God wants us to be in order for Him to paint the Masterpiece called our life. Not all the brushstrokes are easy to withstand. But someday we will be able to stand back and see the masterpiece and say Wow! He did make something beautiful.
Thank you for such an awesome definition of worry. I needed to read that!
In chp 1 the sentence that ministered to me was…the God of all hope is calling you out of the shadow of your doubts, so you can have a confident heart. This is what He is calling me out of. Love it!!! I will be giving up less media during these next 10 weeks. My sleeping time…go to bed a little earlier wake up a Lil earlier. And whatever spare time I have to digg deeper. Heavenly Father thank you for Renee and this amazing, life changing study. Would you bless her beyond measure, multiply her efforts and lead, guide and direct her Lord. Lord would you give her the words, and teachings every week. Help us to stay diligent in reading your word and doing this study. In Jesus name I pray Amen
in His grace,
Adrienne Reina
God bless you sister!
I am so thrilled you signed up, Adrienne! 🙂
Your doing this study too Adrienne that is so awesome me to can’t wait to dig deeper still into His word as we walk alongside of Renee and her amazing book!! 🙂
I’m also going to be giving up media and going to bed early and wake up early. This is definitely what I needed in my life at this point. God is good always! God bless everyone!
me too!
Not listening to the weaseling whispers of doubts, give me ample time to choose to get into this study. The truth has a way of blasting my over-thinking brain with Jesus and how He is with me all the time.
Jeremiah 17:7 is awesome as it reminded me that the Lord is my trust.
Amy… so true! When I force myself not to doubt, I have more time for praising God and do stuff!
That is so true! I have been spending so much time focusing on my circumstances & doubting they’ll ever change. Just shifting my focus away from it will free up so much of my time and energy. I can’t wait to see what new truths God will share with me!
Glad to hear of another sister with “over-thinking” brain.
I am also an over thinker and believe there are probably more than just us. Praise our Awesome God for this study!
There are times i worry about my husband and also i have habit of worry about thing that i shouldn’t be and also my self worth.
This week i will cut that worry out of my vocabulary.
Wow! Where do I even begin… I had read this book whenever it first came out, and read it in less than a week. God spoke to my heart through it so much. But this week, I had decided to commit myself to doing this study… that’s one word God has been giving me a lot (Commitment) I am already to do the next week’s assignment. This is so helpful!! I’m just 24 years old, but like a lot of women I’ve struggled a lot with insecurities and doubts. I always think of this… we are either planting seeds of doubt or seeds of faith (confidence) to others by what we say to them on a daily basis.
These parts in Chapter 1 really stood out to me for this season in my life: “The unknown is too scary.” We as Christians like to be comfortable, in ease… which eventually leads to becoming complacent. But when God tells us to do or say something, it’s not always comfortable or even convenient. Another one was, “my doubt was distorting my thoughts and overpowering my emotions with confusion and questions.” and that is so true. The battle starts in the mind, that may be why God put it at the top of our bodies. What you allow in your mind, and dwell on enough, will eventually fall into your heart, and like my past experience deceive you. Satan is the number one deceiver (liar) and he’ll start with your mind. (He’s the doubt whispering.)
I wrote a book, I apologize.. it’s just going to be nice to connect to other women about God and what he’s doing. I don’t have a lot of people my age that I can talk to or relate to. Looking forward to this study!!! Already has been a blessing!
I absolutely agree with you Kimberly and thank you for your thoughts!
God Bless!
Hi everyone, joining in late, I do apologize for that. By the time I get home I sit to rest and wake up the next morning. I haven’t read all of the post as of yet, but Kimberly yours just spoke to me. You are so right, we either plant seeds of doubt or faith; I find that I can plant the seeds of faith to others, and plant seeds of doubt for myself. I was raised by a grandmother who believed that GOD would be angry at a person if we did anything wrong, I’ve lived my whole life believing that. What struck me, page 23: ‘Don’t listen to those thoughts…. See, I am doing a new thing!’ Unlike you, I didn’t read the book first, my daughter introduced me to it and I felt that I was okay and didn’t need it. How wrong was I. For such a long time now, I wanted the seeds of confidence to bloom in my life, I didn’t want to stop encouraging others, but I wanted, needed the same encouragement in my life, there is such a burning inside of me saying that there is more for me. Hope I’m making some sense, I’m a bit tired and I ramble when I get this way.At any rate, thank you for your post Kimberly. GOD Bless! Lynda
Hello my sisters,
I am so thrilled to be starting this great adventure with all of you and so grateful to have such as an awesome woman of God, Renee Swope, as our coach and guide. These are the some of the statements that resonated with my spirit in Chapter 1. “Self- doubt blocks the promise of God’s power and truth to change us from the inside out so that we can live with a confident heart.”(p.22). It caused me to reflect upon the thought that true change does have to take place from the inside out to be authentic. The other statement that I wanted to mention is ” We will take the first steps out of the shadows of doubt as we choose to embrace the reality of His measureless grace, unconditional love, and redeeming hope. (p.24).
The word choice just confirms for me that I need to be intentional and deliberate as I discover how to be self confident because of who I am in Him. I am looking forward to walking out of the shadows and turning toward the light.
I am planning to find a special place in my home free of noise and other distractions and I am planning to study and seek Him there and I am also going to get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning. I also am going to really work on just focusing on each day that the Lord gives me instead of concerning myself with the entire week. I am going to trust Him for the daily manna which will be more than enough to sustain me.
Renee’s online study came at just the right time!
What most resonates in this chapter is bringing awareness of my feelings that things will never change in my life. Learning to rely on His Word no matter how I feel, what I am thinking, or how busy I am. In order to do this, I know I need to dig deeper into His word, so much so that I speak His Word more than any other words that come from my mouth. I am very excited about this study because the Lord is faithful in answering our cries for help in EVERY situation. I have also just started reading My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen and with this book the Lord has given me one word to work on for 2013. It is PERSEVERE. It is not an accident that one of the scriptures I chose to represent perseverance is Hebrews 10:35-36 mentioned in this chapter of Renee’s book! Heb. 10:35-36 Do not throw away confident trust in the Lord. Perseverance is what you need to continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all He has promised. (NLT)
Thank you, Lord for sending help, through your Holy Spirit. Thank you for these obedient Christian authors and bless them abundantly.