It’s late Wednesday night and you’re on my heart. I’m wondering how you’re doing, and if maybe you are feeling weighed down by self-doubt. God nudged me to pull away from what I was doing (working on preparation for a retreat this weekend) to write a note from my heart. It was totally unplanned, but I wanted to ask if the heaviness of discouragement or a lack of confidence is burdening you ?
If so, I want to invite you to join me on The 7-day Doubt Diet – as we work together to lose the weight of self-doubt – maybe for the first time or maybe a second time for some of you. This is spontaneous too, but I’m really excited about it.
Starting next week, I’ve decided to offer the 7-day Doubt Diet devotions on my website and weave in short stories from my current life circumstances to let you see that I’m on a journey, too. Replacing our lack of self-confidence with lasting God-fidence is a process for each of us, a daily turning towards truth in each and every circumstance that cause us to doubt ourselves or God’s promises in the midst of the unexpected.
And this time, I want us to do the 7-day Doubt Diet – TOGETHER!!
To join me and other women God calls to walk with us, all you need to do is sign up for “Email Updates” so you can receive them each day in your inbox for convenience. There is a small little brown box at the top of my website with a white x in the top right corner. Please sign up there for “email updates” before Sunday – so you will receive the first day’s assignment with everyone else on Sunday. (If you are already signed up, you’ll automatically receive these next week.)
I’m looking forward to really connecting our hearts and praying for each other through this time. If you’re going to join me and sign up, I’d love for you to leave a comment by clicking on “share your thoughts” just below this post. (optional) But, I’d love to know your in, read your name and see your face if you have profile with a headshot (no big deal if you don’t), but this way we can start praying for each other.
Blessings, prayers and big ‘ole hugs,
At half a century, and boy that sounds ancient, I know I sense a real freshness from the Lord as I have been seeking Him for help.
I still deal with self-doubt as I enter this new season of my life. After 18 years of women’s ministry, through Bible studies, homeschooling, and leading co-ops He is transitioning our family and calling us into different areas.
I am so excited to have been able to meet you and the timing of God is amazing. I know this book will free all of us who really want to be free from ourselves as we let go and let God do a new thing.
Bless you for your obedience and looking forward to breakthrough stories in the lives of many.
She speaks Graduate:)
I’ve recently been selected to be on a pastor search committee. This is my first time to do this, and I know Satan will be attacking with words of inferiority. I am looking forward to these seven days. Thank you!
I am already signed up to receive your emails. I really need this right now because of circumstances in my life. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for inviting me to participate once again. I definitely need it! I am having a hard time at work and just feel so overwhelmed!
Looking forward to joining in!
God Bless you and all that you do for us!
Thanks for posting this now. I have really been struggling with my mom being in the hospital and all. Thankfully she is out and doing so much better. I am doing a shame study, but I have really gotten alot from this study. I am reading the book and doing the questions and ironically your story sounds alot like mine. My dad was a perfectionist and I had alot of verbal abuse in my family. Your story and study has really gotten me thinking of getting out of the shame study and sticking with this one. It has helped me so much. I have gotten a handle on how much God really cares for me and how he wants to be in everything I do. It is truly amazing how God works. Please pray for me as I begin the transition. I am doing this study, the shame study and David A Heart Like His on Tuesday’s. It is a Beth Moore study. Thanks again for the study.
As so many women have already said… this email came at just the right time tonight. I’m new to online study, and I sadly let the last 7DD slide right by. Thanks so much for doing this again, and for following God’s gentle nudge to pull away from what you were doing tonight to send us all the note of invitation, It means so much!
I am excited about being a part of your audience. I know I am nothing without God and his daily help and I am so thankful for the gifts He has given to me!!! I realize we all need encouragement and a deeper walk as we go along. This is what I am looking forward to receiving through your ministry via e-mail.
Blessing to YOU!! 🙂 <
I’m sitting at my computer listening to Pandora (Word of God Speak by Mercy Me is on right now), playing mindless games, contemplating throwing in the towel in leading my ladies class on Sunday morning. Lately I have felt to defeated. You know… you get a bunch of ladies together and you can get a wide variety of emotions and thoughts. I have been wondering if God is telling me that He just can’t use me there or if it’s me thinking how tired I am with the internal struggle I feel. You can’t please peoples ears and please God at the same time.
Anyway, I decided to check my emails and there your invite was…. isn’t God just the greatest! I look forward to reading every word. Hearing every word from God.
So don’t lose your confidence. It will bring you a great reward. You need endurance so that after you have done what God wants you to do, you can receive what he has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36
Don’t lose heart – if God called you to teach this class, he will see you through!! And don’t worry about pleasing the ears of others, we are only called to truthfully proclaim Gods word – it is then the work of the holy spirit will continue to work in the other person and hopefully open their ears to truth – whether it’s something if they want to hear or not – if we are always pleased with Gods word, we would never experience conviction!! Hope things get better – I’ll be praying for you!!
Dear Renee,
Thank you so much for offering this opportunity available again. I had previously planned on participating but ended up not being able to do so.
Satan is really messing with me right now, so much so that my only prayer of late has been “Save me, Jesus”.
This is an answered prayer and I thank you for allowing God to use you is such glorious ways.
Sincerely, Stacy
Hello Renee
Yes I’d like to join You again.
I Thank God for Women like You–Renee– that come along and encourage others.
We so Need to Walk and Stay Firm in our Faith,,and We need each
other to Help keep Us strong…
To fully know that there are others that are also struggling, with Life.
May God Bless Each and Every Women, and May We willingly Obey
and Follow,,The Way Jesus wants Us to…
Blessings to All of You–Your Christian Sister –Tina
Tonight I was questioning myself again and wondering why I feel so inferior. It is a constant struggle for me. Then i opened this email and all I can say is Perfect Timing! God is so good. Thank you, Renee, for being obedient!
Thank-you so much I did the first one and it helped tremendously, so I look forward to this one as well, just recieved news that my sister Sabrina was found to have two sist on her lung and I am prayerful also waiting and trusting to see just how He works this in and out of our lives. So God bless u and thanks again.
Excited to share together next week 🙂
Oh my goodness! God certainly uses you in a powerful way. In fact, I have been losing my confidence this past week. When I opened my e-mail tonight and there your invitation was for 7 DD I knew it was a direct message from God. I will definitely sign up~I can’t wait to get started!! Most days I do pretty good with the confidence and then life gets me down and it’s hard to crawl back up again. I wonder will I ever have full confidence about who I am in Christ? I am doing Melissa’s online Bible Study and absolutely loving it!! God bless you, Renee!
Hi Renee,
You are such a blessing and I will defimitely be following you again. Looking forward to doing the DD with you and all the other gals.. I am doing good mostly but do have my times of feeling alone and discouraged as my family are all in Canada and I am living in Florida.. Take care and God bless you as you continue to serve Him this way.. you are loved by me but most by Jesus
In His service Flora
i praise and thank God for the opportunity of getting connected with other women around the globe, who just like me are not perfect but desires to live a life pleasing before God. thanks renee for your efforts in making it possible. thanks for your insights and your desire to help other women live a confident Godly lives. May you continue to be His channel of blessings. more power to you!
Yes Renee I will join you on this journey thanks for your faithfulness
Hi Renee-I’m looking forward to changing, growing, becoming…you are a blessing!
I will be joining you on this 7 day journey…looking forward to it! 🙂
Count me in – I so need it!
Your email has come at just the right time! I am very excited to do the 7DD again with you! <3
I have been reading your book and it has been so helpful and just what I have been praying for. Thank you so much for it. I thank God for you and can’t wait to do the seven day doubt diet with you. I am praying that God will really speak to me through your words.
I followed my husband’s direction and quit a job that was taking me away from our family too much and very stressful. This I am very thankful for his support and encouragement but the doubt comes in that I have not been able to replace the pay and our insurance is not very good now so there are times that I doubt that we made the correct dicission. I am trusting God to provide and of course He has not let us down but Satan is happy to stress me out and cause me to doubt. I enjoyed this study before and look forward to meeting with you and God each morning.
Carol…. I just quit my job to help take care of my first grand child. What a treat it has been! But I also doubt that I did the right thing. Not having that extra income has been a shocker to my lifestyle…. We have been lead to this study for a reason…..
Oh Renee, when I opened your e-mail and read it, I’ve just cried! God surely does know what we need and when we need it, and I surely do need some help in this area right now! Thanks so much and am looking forward to it!
I needed a confident heart today to deal with a confrontational issue and I prayed that God would give me the words to say so that I could deal with the issue in a patient, caring Christian manner. He did and I received thanks and appreciation for bringing it to their attention. One of the scriptures I read before the meeting was 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all of your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Sometimes it is really difficult to remember that. Thanks for caring.
Hello Renee!!
Thank you so much for the re-invite 🙂 I was just asking my girlfriend did she want to do this with me because we never went thru w it the first time it was presented. So thank you :)I I really do need this self doubt diet and I look forward to sharing the journey w my fellow sisters in Christ. GOD BLESS U ALL AND GREAT NIGHT!!**:’)
Can I just tell you how AWESOME God is???? I have had such a discouraging day and when I’m anxious to get in bed, so that today’s trouble will be done, your email pops up!!! I sure look forward to His truth coming via your study!!! Thank you Renee, for being obedient!!!
This is something I really am committed to. Good things happen, prayers will be answered and I will tell myself if God does all this why should I doubt Him or myself? And then thoughts run through my mind and Satan tries to get me down. Exactly what I needed at this moment!
Your email came at just the right time. My sweet sister in law was diagnosed with breast cancer just a couple of hours ago. She’s only 35 and engaged for the first time- getting married in May.
So glad to see this email tonight – tough day and this is just what I needed. Thanks for sharing this wonderful ministry.
The lord really put you on my heart tonight. I just got back in from picking my son up from my absive husband.I am in process of leaving him and he is so vebally absive and controling. Please pray because I am having so much doubt if I can win because my husband has all the finase in his name.
Hang in there and keep praying and I will too. God is good and he is always on time. We will give him praise.
God is blessing you with many talents that, in turn, I am so blessed to reap the benefits of!!! Thank you for the email tonight. I was just praying that God would send an answer to some problems I’ve been dealing with. You are the answer!!!! So thank you, God too! Looking forward to working through the 7DD with you. I so need this right now. I’m having lots of self-doubt that only God can show me the way. May He bless your efforts.
Thanks again,
Hi Renee,
I want to join you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers, sweet friend. So looking forward to walking through the DD with you and the rest of the girls here.
Hi Renee!
I hope you are doing well! I love your work and I have signed up for your doubt diet in the past (and signed up a few of my girl friends as well) and I loved it! I am looking forward to doing the doubt diet again, with the personal twist. Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine.
Love and Blessings,
Xenia Wright
My struggle right now is in knowing how to handle my 13-year-old daughter’s feelings of insecurity. I got your email after listening to her share her frustrations over feeling like everyone thinks she’s “weird” while tucking her into bed tonight. So thank you for your timely note and we look forward to joining you to hear what God has to share.
Hi Renee!
I missed the first time around of the DD. I want to commit to it this time and really put my heart and soul into it and pray for the others doing it as well. I need to NOT doubt in so many areas! I sooo appreciate your willingness to do this again and to do it with us! THANK YOU RENEE! You are in my prayers!
~Mippy 🙂
Looking forward to going through this again with others. Satan attacks and leads me right down the self doubt road. Defeating! Didn’t see a place to put pic.
Thanks for the invite Renee. I am looking forward to the new journey!!
No such thing as coincidence, right? 😉
Renee, I believe God has put certain people at different times in my life to lead me, guide me, protect me, heal me. I believe you are one of these persons. Thank you for caring.
Thanks so much Renee! God Bless you as much as you are a blessing to me which is HUGE!
This comes at a perfect Time!! Looking forward to this.
Excited to begin this journey…
Would love to join you , thanks for asking. Your book is GREAT.
You can’t believe how timely this is! I will be presenting a workshop at the RefresHER conference next Saturday and yes, in the grand scheme of things that can be done, this isn’t that huge, in my faith walk (as well as ministry) it is a pretty giant step. To have a whole week on focusing on my confidence in Christ right before will be great! I truly believe that God will not allow me to mess up his message, but that doesn’t mean I won’t spend next week nervous as all get-out! On top of that, life just has a way of making you feel less than confident on a daily basis.
Looking forward to this, and seeing you a week from Saturday!
Your email really spoke to me tonight. I am struggling with some doubt as I get ready to welcome our second baby girl. Our first is just 14 months! You provide much encouragement and comfort in my life. Thank you!
We have children that are 14 months apart. They are now 18 and 19 years old. It’s hard at first, but it gets easier and they are the best of friends:)
Thank you for the encouragement!
Renee! I think God told you to do this just for me 🙂 I came home from She Speaks so fired up and confident of what God had called me to do. And now I am completely doubting my abilities to do it. Looking forward to walking through this with you and the other ladies.
Renee, thank you for the opportunity to work through this 7DD with you and others. I am really looking forward to seeing what God is going to do.
Email arrived with perfect timing.
I second that.
Renee, I will be joining u once again in this up close & personal series of 7DD !! 😀 .. Can’t wait!
God is using you in my life. He and Satan are battling right now and while I know He has won the ultimate fight I’m still struggling. Thank you for your invitation.
Oh this is good! I too have been battling with this whole weight issue for most of my life. I am 64 years old and need to lose about 60-65 pounds. I have been a Christian for 30 years and have done all the diets, secular and Christian programs, and still can’t seem to get on board with anything to get healthy and lose the weight.
I pray all the time for healing and this morning I prayed (as i have many times before) that God would show me what to do to get going and stop this craziness that goes with being overweight and trying to lose. So, I am excited to join the 7day program and give it all I have. I thank you too for doing this Renee. I need help so badly and I know that God is the answer to everything. I will be praying for us that have taken the challenge that is before us. God you are so good! All the time!
Thanks again, Sheila from Colorado
Oh my Renee it is sooooo absolutely sooooo good to know that I’m NOT the only woman that has such self doubt and who, like you throws my confidence in the Lord away sometimes on a daily basis. Praise God for this journey. Thank you dear sister I will be praying for you and all the other ladies taking this journey w/us. Love in Jesus Christy