What if this week, every time we look in the mirror and think … “Uggh, I need to ______ {lose weight, do something about these wrinkles, get rid of those dark circles under my eyes, etc.} you say this out loud:
“He calls me Beautiful.”
Because it’s true. He does!
What if we surrounded our hearts with truth seekers and truth-speakers, who told us these truths again and again? Friends who point us back to the One who calls us Beloved, Known and Valuable.
This week I’m honored to be joining a community of women that do just that, everyday. Speaking courage, truth and Hope into the hearts of women around the world through their words, blog posts, community groups and more. Oh how I’d love for you to join (me) there as I join the contributing writers team of:
Perhaps (in)courage is a place you already know? Or maybe it’s a community waiting for you? I’ll be sharing more in the weeks to come. But I hope you’ll hop on over this week, and find out more about (in)courage, see me with bed-head (in my favorite place on earth), and meet the other new writers here. BUT BEFORE YOU GO be sure to ENTER TO WIN (Sorry, the giveaway is over, but would still love to hear from you)!
To celebrate the (in)courage-ment, and the fact that this week will be different because we’re going to tell ourselves the truth every time we look in the mirror… I’m giving away Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval and Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes, by my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee. Jennifer is also a newbie (in)courage writer along with several others and me who joined the (in)courage team today!
Jennifer wrote “Love Idol” for women like us—who’ve had “enough of the not-enoughs.” This book is her journey toward freedom from the approval-seeking-cycle where she invites us to a place where we can lay down every mirror, every tally sheet, every report card — everything that tells us we aren’t (____) enough.
ENTER TO WIN by leaving a comment sharing one area of your life where you would love to see yourself as God sees you: loved and pre approved. (Sorry, the giveaway is over, but would still love to hear from you)
Jessica Brevard says
There are many areas of my life where I would love to see myself as God sees me, but I think the biggest area I struggle with is not being able to be pleasing to people. I have always strived to be a people pleaser. If I fail or disappoint someone, or they are not happy for some reason I blame myself. I feel unworthy, useless and an enormous failure. I know God sees me differently and His Word says that I should not be a man pleaser but a servant of God. I would love to win this book. I struggle with this area of my life and I want to change this attribute of myself and be fully submitted to Jesus. Thank you for your service to Jesus and to all women.
Amanda Evans says
Body image and focusing too much on my inadequacies versus trusting God and allowing Him to change me.
C says
Looks like a good read.Accepted & not rejected I would like to see myself through God’s eyes.
Alice Redmond says
My mother-in-law, who is paranoid schizophrenic, lives with us; she is very negative towards me although before the disease took over we were the best of friends. However, if though she is literally crazy, I find myself still seeking her approval, which I am never going to get! This book may well be the answers to my prayers for seeking God’s approval only!
Linda says
I’d love to see myself as God sees me in my value of just being me. I rarely think of myself as a person of worth and err on the side of people’s opinion of me for my identity. It is something I’m working on and taking baby steps forward. But I am going forward not backwards or standing still, so I’m hopeful.
Cecily R Bornemann says
I struggle with my weight so I need help seeing God’s preapproval on my body image.
diki b. says
Oh my there are so many areas of my life I don’t like. I guess the biggest area right now would be my weight. Every time I look in the mirror I see this fat, ugly person. I’m not very good at taking care of me and I kept trying to figure out why, then it finally dawned on me. I don’t like myself let alone love myself. I know God loves me but it doesn’t seem to even matter, I just don’t know how to fix this. I sure would love to win this book, but even if I don’t I appreciate the chance to try for it.
Pat says
I struggle with being “good enough” and not always making mistakes. There is always the fear that God will tire of forgiving am and loving me. I try so hard sometimes to be her daughter, but other humans seem to expect so much at times and want me to change who I am.
Monica says
The enemy continues to haunt me telling me I am not pretty enough, skinny enough or good enough. When I look in the mirror I see someone who is ugly and not attractive. I know God thinks I’m beautiful but why don’t I see myself the same way? Please pray for me.
Loresa says
I struggle in all areas of my life” in being good enough” and never measuring up. I believe God sees me as all the above mentioned because He sees me through The Blood and His Grace with eyes of love. But in reality I am not those things and I can not see myself that way.
Tristine Barry says
Thank you for this Renee. I am a people pleaser and while working with God and other supports to get away from this awful tendency. The most challenging thing for me, actually heartbreaking, is living with an amazing man of 48 years old. Two years ago he had a massive ischemic stroke that hit the right side. It us a miracle he is alive and functioning.
This type of stroke has now caused seizures, sleep walking, and behavioral issues, not to mention loss of motor skill sometimes. Long story short, experiencing all of the hospitalizations which arise out of the blue, has forced me into the caregiver position which loves to people please. My emotions become overwhelming and of course the fear that comes each time that I might lose him
I am seeking how God sees me but through these trials I lose focus but always know God is with me. This new endeavor and book sounds wonderful. Thank you for letting me share. Tristine
Jessica F says
Thanks for reminding me that I am pre approved! That HE loves me no matter what. I struggle so much in this area that I wish I could see myself the way God sees me.
Lorrie Bechtel says
thanks for reminding me that I am pre approved. I need help with this area of my life
Sharon Yoder says
I would like to become more God conscious than self conscious. Often in decision-making I tend to worry what others might think of me.
Angel says
My weight . I’m 53 and still struggle with my appearance . The number on a scale , my pants size . Not being good enough . I’m so thankful that God loves me no matter what size I am .
Beverly Wright says
That I can be the wife and daughter that God wants me to me. I do not need to be insecure about others love to me. I know that God always sees me exactly as He as intended me to be and never changes His love for me. I have been “pre-approved” for many things by God!!
Stephanie M says
I struggle daily with need for approval and self worth. I love the idea of being “pre-approved”! It is so easy to forget God’s love is truly unconditional, because in our relationships here on Earth, they often times seem “conditional”. I have a hard time grasping the love God has for each and every one of us. As everyone has, I’ve made some pretty poor choices in my life — and the fact that God loves me anyway — is just amazing. I need that daily reminder of His love for me — because for me it is so much easier to believe that He is disappointed in me.
daria says
I would love to see myself as a successful writer. I have something to say that I think would be of benefit of the Kingdom of God but, and their it goes, but I can’t seem to get it out of me.
KIM says
We are usually weighted down by our own thoughts of comparison or trapped by what we “think” others are thinking. Its’ crazy. Thank you for reminding us to view ourselves through God’s eyes & like God tells us- Words for building up- we consider this when speaking to others; however, it must be said that we have to apply that to ourselves / our self talk:)
Melinda Hembrough says
Seeking approval of others! Need only God’s approval, but still worry about what others think!
Melissa says
I go through times of feeling inadequate and not doing enough to further God’s Kingdom. I try to remind myself to serve and do whatever I can for the Lord, but sometimes that is not enough to overcome my feelings of unworthiness.
Debbie says
Thanks for reminding me I am pre approved. I need to be reminded how God sees me and not that I’m overweight.
Sheala says
I AM PRE-APPROVED. NO make over needed.
Janet Lobdell says
I struggle with questioning so many things. My role as a wife and mother, my abilities. What God wants me to do. Would love this book!
Allison M. says
Thank you…I needed this today. I don’t often feel valued or approved.
Margaret Gentile says
All my life I have been told if only you lost more weight, were like your sister, etc. etc. etc. then I would be accepted and good enough. I would like to believe that God does love me just the way I am and I don’t have to lose weight, be like my sister or change in any way. I just want to see how God loves me everyday and how I am special to Him.
Michelle Wells says
In the area of chronic illness. Have believed since diagnosis 17 years ago, for that divine healing spoke of in the word of God. Over the years, have sought the reason behind baring it for so long…knowing that God see’s me in my full potential according to His promises…yet my faith chipped away year after year…feelings of not being worthy enough to receive those promises have over shadowed my faith. Overwhelming unworthiness I deal with daily.
Kelly G says
I would love to win this book for my daughter. She is a 20 something and struggles with this issue everyday! She also mentors a group of high school girls that this book would be perfect for 🙂 I am excited to hear of this book and can’t wait to read it.
Lori Bearden says
I struggle with feeling accepted. At work I feel inadequate.
Janice says
I need that reminder daily. Since I was a child I struggled with wanting to be loved , and excerpted by my friend’s. I take one day at a time.
Kathryn Ross says
Blessings, Renee! So blessed to enter the give-away of Jennifer’s book! I want to know that in my mid-50’s I’m not a spent force and that I still have my most fruitful seasons ahead in my art and writing for His glory! Thanks so much for your encouraging posts on FB – always blessed!
Elaine Segstro says
I struggle with approval – my appearance and what I do with my life, now that I’m in “semi-retirement”. I am a child of the king – lovely, desired, and “pre-approved”. I don’t need to prove anything – oh to believe this, and live it.
Catherine says
Redeemed how God saw me before I was born, redeemed as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend! I struggled with acceptance of who I am and need to be. I often tell my self I have no regrets but my gut says otherwise. I struggle with the thought of being pre-approved.
Paige says
Wow! What timing! I am really in a struggling season of feeling like I’m on hold. God has been pruning like crazy and causing me to analyze my motivation for fear, worry and judgment in my life and the life of my family. Almost every decision or stress comes with me having to ask, is this something that matters, or am I worried what others think? Is this something God wants me to do, or am I trying to impress others (ouch, that one hurts!). I pray that God help me see me and my life through His eyes and not what the world says it ought to be like. Help me to accept the simple life He is leading me to and find contentment in it. That not everyone’s platform is a stage, a book or an established ministry. He keeps leading me to the word “simple.” And keeps engraving 1 Samuel 16:7 on my heart. “God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Jesus help me have a willing heart!
Bobby Gonzales says
I love this!
I know that I am beautifully and wonderfully made. A perfect piece of art, that may seem imperfect in this world.
God made me for His purpose. His perfect design.
I pray more people understand that. But through free will, we have not honored God’s property, God’s instrument for His Kingdom. This is where we fall short and need to do a “180” or for a better biblical term, “repent”.
I don’t want the book. If I win this book, I will pay it forward and give it away. Not because I’m proud and perfect (which I am far from), but because I know to whom I belong and where my focus should be. And, I need to remind myself about that A LOT. 🙂
Rebecca says
I am so (in)couraged to be reminded that I am pre-approved. I look in the mirror everyday looking at myself thinking of what i dislike rather than what I like. I would like to overcome verbally beating myself up about all my faults and listening to the negative comments of my loved one. I know God doesn’t see or think of me that way. Thank you for all you do!
patricia says
Thank you for this e-mail. I really needed it and especially at this time.. GOD KNEW!!! I have struggled off and on with my emotions of acceptance. Am I good enough, smart enough, nice enough etc…. I know God loves me as I am, but sometimes I just need that assurance and confidence to not wither…..I am very blessed to be in HIS FAMILY… SO with this e-mail it does remind me that I am loved and preapproved…. THANK YOU
Shanna D says
One area I would change is how I feel about myself. Seeking affirmation in everything can be hard because you want positive response and yet at times you get negative ones, which can make me feel like I am not good enough.
Aveline says
I used to think that my worth is defined by what I do and what I achieve. I kept on filling my schedule with tons and tons of work until it came to a point when I was left with no joy and peace. I believed in Satan lies telling me how worthless I am when I fail to accomplish something the world regards as “great.” But God, in His love, mercy, and faithfulness, made me realize that I am valued not for what I do but for who I am and whose I am. I still struggle with my identity in Christ, and I know I must get intentional each and every day about resting in His love and fixing my eyes only on Him whose love endures forever.
Greta says
At 58 years of age, I have endured a lifetime of emotional abuse from my mother who, among many other things, regularly tells me that she never wanted me; I’m a rotten daughter. Add to that the past 17 years of being married to an emotionally and verbally abusive man; I’m a lousy wife. I KNOW that God sees beauty in me through His eyes; I KNOW that Jesus is the Lover of my soul. I KNOW that I am a daughter of the King. But wow…..sometimes the weight of my world just overwhelms me and His voice fades into the background of the louder voices. I do need to hear and truly listen to encouraging voices, reminding me of who I am in The Lord.
Brenda S says
Oh Greta……..you and I have shared many things. I had a Mom who told me she didn’t want me and treated me that way most of my life and an ex husband who was horrible. I had panic attacks for years. Please know that no matter what anyone says to you……..God loves you, God values you. You were born because He wanted you here and you are a treasure to Him. I know how hard it is to not listen to the voices saying otherwise but those voices are satan trying to tear you down and hinder your witness for the Lord….but through Christ you have the power to silence them. I use to suffer greatly from those voices until I started saying, out loud where ever I was “I am the daughter of the King. Go away, satan! You have no power here. In Jesus’ name I tell you to go and leave me alone!” Satan must flee at the name of Jesus. Sometimes I had to do this several times a day. I was well trained and he is persistent and will return but if you are consistent with your stance as a child of God, eventually the voices will lessen and lessen and fade away. They are replace by a sense of well being……….even if the situations in your life don’t change………you have the peace of God and the knowledge that you are valuable to Him. Every time you do this is a victory for you. Really, that is all that matters in this life and how you shine your life for Him. It’s possible that through your changed demeanor that you could make a change in your mother and husband treatment of you but if not, you will have the peace that only Jesus can give. I pray that through this study you can see that you are truly beautiful.
Greta says
Thank you, Brenda, for your most encouraging words. Kindred spirits, are we? I too experience panic attacks, as well as intestinal issues, sleepless nights….all brought on by stress, so my docs say. I will now start to use your declaration to rid my mind of the voice of the evil one. Thanks again for sharing! I will pray that your light will continue to shine hope and encouragement to others!
Debra Jean says
I long for the rejection I have felt, on so many levels to be removed from my DNA.
Once and for all claiming the VICTORY of God’ seeing me as Loved & Preapproved; this would be the final healing balm to the uncertainty in me; one which no one else sees.
Pamela says
As I consider leaving work to pur into my daughter in her high school years I’m wrestling with worth and purpose apart from my part-time paycheck. I know who I am in Christ and live in that, but wrestling a bit as a woman, just the same.
Carol says
Ha! I thought you were going to offer a credit card or similar credit based offer! 🙂
I’m glad to know that my debt has been paid and my value is not based on how I look, my performance, or other limiting notion that keeps me from seeing things through God’s eyes.
Tracy E says
I know God loves me and finds me beautiful, but I have been thru so many set backs in my life (relationships that have failed) that my self esteem is rock bottom. I do not see myself thru God’s eyes…..I see myself thru my eyes. I see every failure, every fault, every “less than perfect” flaw and every hurt that sets me back. It is a journey that I am struggling to get thru. Thank you for your post in my email that reminds me of God’s unfailing love
Sherri Smith says
I’ve never thought of it as being “pre-approved!” What a great reminder!
Nina says
Married 9 years, 31 yrs old, 3 daughters and I’m not where I feel I should be with God. Alot of it has to do with my confidence and being shy. I would love to see myself “Pre-Approved” wtih GODS boldness to be the “ME” he destined “ME” to be!! Our girls are watching and I have to take a stand especially in todays society….Amen
Kathy says
WOW. needed this reminder badly. The feelings of self worthlessness… am I doing what needs to be done in many areas of my life… witness, wife, mother, taking care of myself. THANKS!!
Kelley Wallace says
I woke up this morning feeling dragged down by the same old stuff. Never enough. Never enough. Then I saw your FB post, Renee. Thank you so much for the reminder that in Christ I am enough. I’d love to read your friend’s new book. I read “A Confident Heart” last year and found it so encouraging. I guess I need some serious encouragement every spring!
Brenda W. says
I try to stay positive even through the problem and all that I am going through right now because of my 22 year old daughter. Beautiful young lady who have had a bad experience in life with a guy who told her he loved her and broke her heart it causes her to self doubt herself a lot. I would love to win this book to give to her so she could really see who she is in the eyes of God. She has a beautiful spirit. She’s an awesome praise dancer in church. But the Am I Good Enough To…. always get in the way. I ask for your prayers for my daughter, Krystal.
Renee says
I love this title! I need this reminder EVERY day! Being married to a man who tore me down at every opportunity, it is hard to keep in mind that God loves me anyway. I constantly find myself seeking approval from those around me. Am I doing this right? Am I wearing the right outfit? Am I saying the right words? But God has already pre-approved all my actions, words and yes probably even my outfits. 😀 I would love to dig deeper into this book! Thanks for the opportunity with contests like these (since I’m out of a job and slow to find one, but God will open that door when it’s time, it’s hard to buy new books). Thank you again for this reminder!