What if this week, every time we look in the mirror and think … “Uggh, I need to ______ {lose weight, do something about these wrinkles, get rid of those dark circles under my eyes, etc.} you say this out loud:
“He calls me Beautiful.”
Because it’s true. He does!
What if we surrounded our hearts with truth seekers and truth-speakers, who told us these truths again and again? Friends who point us back to the One who calls us Beloved, Known and Valuable.
This week I’m honored to be joining a community of women that do just that, everyday. Speaking courage, truth and Hope into the hearts of women around the world through their words, blog posts, community groups and more. Oh how I’d love for you to join (me) there as I join the contributing writers team of:
Perhaps (in)courage is a place you already know? Or maybe it’s a community waiting for you? I’ll be sharing more in the weeks to come. But I hope you’ll hop on over this week, and find out more about (in)courage, see me with bed-head (in my favorite place on earth), and meet the other new writers here. BUT BEFORE YOU GO be sure to ENTER TO WIN (Sorry, the giveaway is over, but would still love to hear from you)!
To celebrate the (in)courage-ment, and the fact that this week will be different because we’re going to tell ourselves the truth every time we look in the mirror… I’m giving away Love Idol: Letting Go of Your Need for Approval and Seeing Yourself through God’s Eyes, by my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee. Jennifer is also a newbie (in)courage writer along with several others and me who joined the (in)courage team today!
Jennifer wrote “Love Idol” for women like us—who’ve had “enough of the not-enoughs.” This book is her journey toward freedom from the approval-seeking-cycle where she invites us to a place where we can lay down every mirror, every tally sheet, every report card — everything that tells us we aren’t (____) enough.
ENTER TO WIN by leaving a comment sharing one area of your life where you would love to see yourself as God sees you: loved and pre approved. (Sorry, the giveaway is over, but would still love to hear from you)
Linda says
I was raised by an over the top critical parent and needless to say the disapproval has unfortunately been a struggle for me as an adult . I know GOD loves me and all my imperfections but I need to find a way to let that thought sink way down into my soul.
Thank you Renee for being such a blessing and encouragement to myself and so many others !
GOD BLESS you Sister 😉
Lynn L Favor Cole says
This is an area The Lord has been dealing with me about. Thanks.
Debbie Dee says
I would love to see my past the way God does, as part and parcel of a plan working for my good.
Katie Reid says
I would love to look in the mirror and see what He sees, instead of criticizing what He as Creator loving made.
Lisa Rettig says
I always hold something back because of my weight. I would love to just be able to be me and not be so self-conscious.
Annie says
Thank you for reminding me that I need to live for an audience of One. Not good enough is an “AM” thought I struggle with a lot. esp. when the house never seems to get cleaned and I just can’t get the kids to listen, in limbo w/job search and lack of confidence…just feeling overwhelmed.
Amanda Langston says
Bless God! I am thankful that God makes me worthy.
Leaon Star says
Needed to hear this reminder today…. preapproved and valuable…. thankyou!
Cheryl Keller says
Just what I needed to read for confirmation and reconfirmation of seeing myself through God’s Eyes.
I am a mother of 6, a grandmother, have been married 3 times(almost4), was brought up with alcoholism, verbal abuse and my parents were separated when I was 9 and my mother verbal abused me blaming me for the brokenness and discouraged everything I did. I ended up being an extremely rebellious teen, an alcoholic and drug user, and looked for love and to be love with anyone willing to give it.
God has moved so much in my life, and looking back with new sight I see where He was throughout.
Now in what seemingly is another failing marriage having experienced verbal abuse, emotional & mental infidelity, being denied intimacy including sex, told I’m overweight, being ignored, disregarded, avoided, blamed, resented, disrespected, and the list goes on. I Praise God through it all, seeing myself through His eyes is what pulled me through it all and continues to pull me through it all, especially with His Divine appointments of affirmation and confirmation through other people, blogs, emails, Devotionals, etc. He is such a GREAT Father, God, Savior, Friend, King, my everything.
Tammy says
I am not sure that I can pick just one area where I wish I could see me as He sees me. Like so many women, I tend to see myself differently than those around me do. I find myself wondering if I am good enough as a mother or wife. I wish I had a beautiful smile so I could take pictures with my kids. I wish my hair wasn’t thinning at such a rapid pace that a wig doesn’t sound ideal. I feel fat and out of shape simply because of a few pounds I put on while nursing a broken foot and broken collarbone. However, those around me keep telling me that I do not need to worry about those few pounds as they will shed. I would just like to look in the mirror and see what He sees.
Lisa says
I want to walk boldly in God’s word to break free from my doubts and insecurities about myself from weight issues, looks etc! To let my heart become so filled with God’s words and promises that it fills the next person and the next!!
Jessie says
Pre-Approved sounds amazing! I have always battled with my self-image and this book would be a blessing! I also battle with not feeling I could possibly be good enough for God to love me and also use me in furthering His Kingdom!! I would love to win this giveaway!! Thank you, Renee, for telling me about this book! To Cod Be The Glory!!!!
Beverly Aiwohi says
Talk about confirmation! This is the 4th time in less than a week I have read something about how I am beautiful. It is so easy to look in the mirror and see a flaw or two, something which we would like to see differently. We must know that we are made in God’s image: fearfully and wonderfully made. Amen? Amen!!!
Julie E. says
I have always struggled with self-esteem issues ever since I was a kid. I’ve never felt good enough or pretty enough. I didn’t finish college when I started years ago and now have daily regret about that because if I had finished, I would have a much better job (better pay, benefits, etc.). I am always comparing myself to others and now seem to find myself in the middle of a mid-life crisis. I am in a constant state of panic over not so much growing older as looking older. I am uncomfortable around others as I feel like I never fit in. I’m just not where I thought I would be by now in my life and its very disheartening.
I appreciate your message today as this is something I really need to focus on. Thank you!
michelle says
Would like to see myself as beautiful as I know God sees me as beautiful… Thanks for the this opportunity to win the book.
Lana Miller says
I want to learn to be secure in God alone and not keep thinking that what I do, how much I know, what I know, how much I do… that those things will ultimately make me feel important! A lie from the past with which I wrestle to this day!
Terri says
good enough in my Dad’s eyes.
ez says
I’m a new wife, and a fairly new Christian, happy and hopeful, but scared to death that I will fall short. With no role model of healthy relationships, I’m pre-approved to be a godly wife to this husband who chose me? Oh, Lord, I want to believe that.
Kelly C says
This is just what I needed today! Thank you! My biggest struggle is truly seeing what God says about who I am. Battling with depression since my teens, I am having a hard time believing it. I tend to feel like I am not good enough in my mothering/homeschooling and as a wife. The more I study His Word, the more I can see who He says I am; now I just need to believe it.
Tammy says
I would like to be reminded of my worth and value to Him. Reminded that He finds me beautiful. After 25 years of living with a verbally abusive alcoholic and raising 3 kids in that environment I don’t feel that way about myself and am second guessing everything I do now that we divorced add another woman as the icing on that cake and enough was enough. Now I’m still living with parents and feel pretty useless most of the time.
Krista says
One area….wow. I am a perfectionist and I am also my own worst critic. Yes, lets start with the circles under my eyes.lol
Debbie says
Struggling sometimes with feeling rather socially dysfunctional.
Tracy Estelle says
Love love love this reminder! I struggle with the way my body looks now after having 3 kids in 3 years. (Wouldn’t trade it for the world though) I will be telling myself “He calls me beautiful” when these thoughts creep up on me!
Miss Mary T says
Renee, I do feel loved by God always and often when I am “beating myself up” it is because I have made choices or behaved badly because I have lost my focus on Him. It is definitely like moving and losing my balance. I either stumble or fall. Asking for forgiveness is automatic but feeling forgiven can sometimes be another story. So I would say my greatest area of struggle is remembering that I am forgiven. My Jesus gave His life in place of mine. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that all who believe in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life!” I would love to read this book. Thx for sharing!
Abbie wells says
I would love to be enough in my own family. Just like God sees me as enough & chosen in His family.
Cheryl Olsthoorn says
Thanks for reminding me that I have been pre approved.
Sara Snatchko says
I would love to see myself as God sees me in the area of my weight. It’s so hard to not love the person I see in the mirror because of how I look and feel. Even when I know GOD LOVES ME FOR ME!
Anna says
I would like to see myself as good sees me in relationship. Relationship is a struggle for me.
Esther says
It always feels like I’m not enough.
Becky Soto says
It’s really hard to just pick one area about myself that I seek approval for. Unfortunately it seems like I seek approval for everything I say, do or even the way I look. I try not to show how insecure I am or how hurt I feel that I don’t have any true close friends. Many people tell me that I’m a sweet person but then I ask myself if I’m so sweet then why can’t I make and keep a really close girlfriend. I ask myself what is wrong with me? Did I do something wrong or say something wrong? My sister-in-law told me one time for somebody who is so insecure about them self you sure hide it very well and all I could do is agree with her and tell her you are absolutely right. I beat myself up enough that I can’t afford for others to beat me up too. So I have to appear strong. Then my sister and I were talking and I was telling her that I wish I had a close girlfriend and she said but you’ve always liked being alone why are things different now. That comment hurt because I told her I have never liked being alone but I had no choice but to be alone because I could never make and keep a close friend and I didn’t want to appear needy because people don’t like that either. Still till this day these are things I battle with and I ask God to change in me because I have a daughter and she says a lot of things that I used to think but have never said to her. I don’t know where she gets that from. Well I think I will stop there I could just keep going and going but I won’t because God is working on me.
Kristy says
I’d love to feel as strong as God says that I am. Have confidence in myself and my abilities.
LaNette says
I struggle with always missing the mark. There is much I get in my head that hasn’t settled into my heart.
Nancy says
Reading through the comments above- mine echo what so many have already said!! My biggest is my weight and being seen for who I am- not how big my body is/ isn’t. Also being a good wife and mother- Satan attacks those hard- like it’s never enough. Redeemed-
Chosen- Inconditionally loved daughter of God! Thanks!!
Kathie H says
I carry self-doubt around almost every day. I have a history of depression which I wish would become a real history and not poke it’s ugly face in my life on a fairly regular basis. I live in fear when I don’t know if I will have enough money to pay bills, rent and purchase food some days. I have been blessed with one true friend who reminds me that the Lord made me and he knows and believes in me; he made me beautiful in his eyes. She is so encouraging to me and it helps on my really down days. I sit and read his Word and tears flow sometimes. This is when I am truly blessed knowing that he is reaching out to me himself because the words I am reading at that time are the words I need to make it through a day.
Megan B. says
there are many areas I would love to see myself as God sees me!! but if I had to pick one it would be the confidence God has in me!!
lauren says
I want to see myself as God does when it comes to raising my daughters. I am a Navy wife and have three beautiful daughters. There are many days like I’m failing as a mom and wife. I would love to know how God sees in doing at the job He gave me!
Katelyn says
To pick one area is quite hard when you are struggling with deep depression. When you are barely keeping your head above water it’s hard to remember that God loves me and His is the only approval I need. I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety since I was middle school. I am now 28 years and going through the worst depression I’ve ever dealt with. I actually just went back to work after being on medical leave for about 2 1/2 months. By the grace of God I am still here and 3 weeks clean of self harm and doing better with my eating disorder. I know that God loves me and will always be there however when the pit is deep and dark it’s difficult to see the light. I am a people pleaser and will do anything to help another no matter the cost (financially, emotionally etc.) to me. I want to see myself like God sees me and tell Satan to take a hike! I DESPERATELY want freedom from my depression. I would love to win a copy of this book however I’ll be super excited for whomever you choose. Thank you for reminding this very broken heart that I am loved. God Bless you and your ministry!
Chelle Renee says
I have been overweight my whole life. Ever after losing about 200lbs I still see my self as fat and unwanted. I have been pre-approved
LaTosha says
If I had to choose one area I would like to see myself transformed when it comes to insecurities is the notion of being “fit,” fit to carry out the duties that God requires of me. I undermine my strength and my abilities. I sometimes wonder if who I am or what I have to offer is enough. Though, I know God can use anyone I still wonder if I’m a vessel that He can be glorified through.
Annie says
Parenting, I need only see myself through God’s eyes in my parenting, toughest job ever.
April says
I would love to see myself as a good role-model for my children.
Suzanne Culpepper says
I lost my leg above the knee a few years ago and it is very hard to see myself other than maimed.
I fell asleep at the wheel and hit a tree head on. I was lucky to have survived as I was in the hospital for 6 months. There are many days I wish I had just die in car accident because life is so hard living it from a wheelchair.
I struggle with my amputation defining who I am because it already defines what I can and can’t do. Life is not easy but no one ever said it would be. I find myself at a low point in my life trying to figure out suffering vs. the sovereignty of God! That is a hard topic to conquer when your healthy let alone when you know that the rest of your life will include pain and suffering.
I will hush….I’ve said more than enough. If anyone has tidbits or big bigs for that matter of encouragement – I would welcome your ideas and encouragement. Here is my email: [email protected].
Thanks for listening and reading.
Chasidy says
My heart breaks for you! Jesus loves you and will use even this, if you will allow him too. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4….says Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. I pray that you receive God’s comfort and then go and comfort others in such a mighty way. I too, have had a rough life, my dad was murdered when I was 14, I lost a brother in a car wreck at the age of 31, and another brother was paralyzed from the chest down in a shallow diving accident at the age of 25…..Some might think it would be easy for me to become bitter or angry. But, I try not to allow any of those things to define who I am, because God tells us “His grace is sufficient for us, his power is made perfect in our weakness” I pray that you will allow him to be strong in you. So that you can do all that he created you to do. Jesus loves you!!
Love in Christ,
Holly says
Definitely needed this reminder. Really struggling right now due to physical limitations, weight gain, not sleeping, etc.
Joyce Bencomo says
To Learn,,Renew and Own the Truth Regardless The Outside Voices..(Corporate perform base work & Single Motherhood ).. Perfect Timing …Yes!!
JR says
As a single Mother it seems like lately everyday is a constant struggle. I live paycheck to paycheck and am so tired of just scraping by each month. My dream is to buy my own house….my answer…”You don’t make enough or I’m sorry we cant help you.” Its heartbreaking each time I hear those words and it really starts to wear on you in every area of your life. Same thing when it comes to dating…I haven’t had a date in over three years and I wonder “What’s wrong with me. Why am I not enough?” I find myself envious of my friends who seem to have it all. Many of them are married to their best friend, have their dream homes, can pay all of their bills each month and still be able to get by until the next paycheck comes. I know that we cant compare our lives to others lives because nobody has a perfect life but its really hard not to be envious and wish we had what they do.
There are a lot of days that I really struggle with my faith and I wonder if God hears my prayers at all.
Michelle says
I would say truly knowing I am loved… self esteem is definitely a struggle.
Tracy says
I would love to remember that I simply am good enough, period! That I need no ones approval but God’s!
Amy says
Trust the God in me
forgotten says
I was as bused, neglected and forgotten at an early age. I spent my life trying to be accepted by my family. At early age I received attention in wrong ways, sexual abuse started at 5yrs old. I spent 2yrs n foster home to grow up being handed back n forth to aunts and reminded I wasn’t there child. At 15 I left home and married 10yrs ended in divorce. Now, im blessed with a wonderful husband who loves God. I still find myself asking why? My family still doesn’t love me. I have no contact with any of my relatives. Forgotten!
Chasidy says
Dear God,
I pray right now, that you will wrap your loving arms around this person, that feels forgotten. Please let her know that you have not forgotten her. You knit her together in her mothers womb, she is fearfully and wonderfully made, her frame was not hidden from you…you knew exactly what you wanted her to look like and exactly where you wanted to use her. And I pray that you will do just that, allow her to love herself the way that you do. Help her to focus on the family/husband you have given her right now, and to love him with all her heart. Knowing that you are able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. In Jesus Sweet Name, I Pray!
Niki says
One area of my life where I would love to see myself as God sees me is as a mom.