Do you ever feel like those you care about most tend
to get “less” of you instead of the “best” of you?
I often do. Yet, I long with all my heart to put my head on my pillow each night with a smile on my face, knowing I lived and loved that day with no regrets.
Sounds impossible doesn’t it? Living with no regrets…
- No regrets about the time I spent with my family or the time I spent at work.
- No regrets about the commitments I said “yes” to or the ones I “passed” on.
- No regrets about the way I did or didn’t spend my soul seeking and serving God.
But how? How can we give more of our “best” than our “less” to those we love? How can we recapture the {us} in the midst of our rush? I’m finally learning how.
Not perfectly. Not even consistently. But I’m learning… Slowly learning.
Page by page. Chapter by chapter. Decision by decision as I read my new all-time favorite book, written by one of my closest friends: The Best Yes by Lysa TerKeurst. And, did you know Lysa invited us to her house to hang out and talk about all of this….and more during #TheBestYes Dinner webcast. You, me and a few friends from Proverbs 31 Ministries! I hope you’ll join us.
I’m giving away 5 signed copies of #TheBestYes here on my blog this week! All you need to do is WATCH the webcast and ANSWER a question or two about the webcast in the comments below this post.1. Look at the questions below and then watch the webcast at
2. Come back, click “Share Your Thoughts” and answer one of the questions in the comments.
- Q1. How many of us were at Lysa’s house for dinner, and how many children did we {collectively} leave at home to be together?
- Q2. I shared on the webcast how Jesus didn’t see interruptions as interruptions, but instead He saw them as ________________. {Fill in the blank}
- Q3. Lysa shared the three D’s that help her realize her “people-pleasing” tendency is kicking in when she _________ saying yes, but feels powerless to say no. What are the 3 Ds? Hint: The first D fills in the blank and completes Lysa’s statement.
- Q4. What is one thing we hope you’ll do after watching the webcast?
I can’t wait to read your responses! I’ll be back with more giveaways on Friday and next week to announce these 5 book winners too.
There were 7 of you with 26 children. I loved watching you all. I wish I had girlfriends to hang out with like you. Someone to encourage you to stay the course and uplift you as needed. I have 4 children with the baby in his first year of college. Now I am in a new stage of life wondering what to do. I have worked odds and end jobs taking care of people. God has given me short term jobs as we needed the extra money and I needed a new experience. I just had knee surgery and am stuck in a chair. I loved the conversation and all your beautiful faces.
There were 7 of you and 26 kids between you…..the three D’s were dread, disappointment and drama. would LOVE to win this book as it would fit in with a workshop I am doing in Nov
Thank you so much for sharing your hearts with us, helping us to strive to be that Proverbs 31 woman. Lisa’s 3Ds were dread, disappointment, and drama. I am so looking forward to the Bible study starting on the 22nd!
Hi Lysa,
I have to admit that I honestly thought my life was pretty un-rushed. That should have been my first clue that I was wrong! I am a military wife, mother of 4-ages 12-3. Yes, I was delusional. But, I am so glad I took the time to watch the video because it gives me a new perspective on how I should live my life and that is with intention. I have often struggled with the fact that I want God to give me those directional signs, but I’ve found peace in realizing that I need to just pay attention; to quiet myself and listen to the still small voice. I have quite often found myself in the three D’s of dread, disappointment and even the drama but it is my intent to take a pause from the rush and let the us emerge 🙂
Q3 the three D’s:
Dread saying no but powerless to say yes.
Disappointment- ask who I am disappointing?
Enjoyed the webcast!
There are 7 ladies around the table and you have 26 children collectively. I love the story of Ken. I am a divorced mother of two kids, 10 and 14 years old. Life with these two different age groups can get kind of chaotic and noisy, and I’m grateful for that, but at night when they are in bed and I’m alone in my living room the silence is deafening. These are the times when I long for someone to reach out to me and say “hey, how are you doing?”. These are also the times when I lean on Jesus very heavily. It doesn’t always make my loneliness go away – only physical presence and conversation with an actual adult can do that, but it does relieve my fear of being alone. So, I’m grateful for my Savior who understands my thoughts, my feelings, and my grief.
Is it too late for us? They are grown & gone. I probably don’t deserve “us” time.But it is a new thought to me & I desire it. There is no better news than to hear your children walk with God…
Love Lysa and all the Proverbs 31 ladies! There were 7 at the table and y’all left 26 kids at home.
I already got the book and started reading it. It is great so far. That answer to the questions as follows.
1: There was 7 including you Lysa and between 6 of you there is 26 children with their fathers during the dinner.
2: Take the interruptions as invitations so that we can see the blessings in our lives that Good gives us.
3: The 3 D’s are sense the dread, weighing out the disappointments and drama.
4: I hope since I purchased the book already is to be able to continue reading and being a part of the study.
Lysa thank you for another great book so that I can continue to be in God’s word.
There are 7 of us at our little church that is already doing this study, actually started it the night of the Dinner webcast. I’m so excited to see what God has in store for all of us.
The answer to Q3 is dreads; the 3 D’s are Dread (after you’ve said yes), Disappointment – weighing it out, & Drama.
I really enjoyed the dinner webcast. It just added more to the experience of getting ready for the Bible Study!!
Thanks to all of you at Proverbs 31 for all your inspiration & information!! God has truly blessed you all!!
I love these videos…. Ok the 3 d’s are dread disappointment and drama and boy is that me!!! I’ll stop there…. But it needed thank you!!!
7 Beautiful ladies sat at the table with a total of 26 kids! WOW is all I can say. Enjoyed the webcast tremendously. Signing up for the OBS NOW! 🙂
26 kids
dread, disappointment, drama
Join the Bible study webcast, order the book.
I really enjoyed being a part of a little girl time today. The kindness and honesty that came from each woman was refreshing. Your conversation left me wondering how many more harried women there are out there and would they stop to take even an hour of “me time”. The most encouraging part of the conversation was the reminder Lysa gave to remember this is not about saying no but about finding the best yes for you and your family. I love that glass half full approach to planning my life.
Thanks so much for all of you participating in the webcast. It was such a blessing!!
1. There were 7 of you with a total of 26 children.
2. Interruptions as invitations and for us to be intentional in our lives, so we don’t miss the blessing He has for us.
3. Dread, disappointment & drama
4.Find US in the middle of the RUSH. Be intentional in our everyday lives.
I’m looking forward to the bible study on the 22nd.
Q1. How many of us were at Lysa’s house for dinner, and how many children did we {collectively} leave at home to be together? 7 of you with 26 Kids between all of you
Q2. I shared on the webcast how Jesus didn’t see interruptions as interruptions, but instead He saw them as invitations. {Fill in the blank}
Q3. Lysa shared the three D’s that help her realize her “people-pleasing” tendency is kicking in when she dreads saying yes, but feels powerless to say no. What are the 3 Ds? Hint: The first D fills in the blank and completes Lysa’s statement. Dread, Disappointment, Drama
Q4. What is one thing we hope you’ll do after watching the webcast? Sign up for the online Bible Study and get the book The Best Yes, join the webcast on 9/22, join the conversation on Twitter #thebestyes
Dear Renee,
The webcast was just what I needed and I’m sure the book will be too! I have a hard time saying no to everything, but this opened my eyes! I need to say no to some things because I HAVE to have time to say yes to be BIG things, like,: family, friends, hubby, kids, and especially God! I wanted to answer this question because it is so true and the more I study about encounters Jesus has along the way in His life, the more I realize this is true! Jesus didn’t see interruptions as interruptions, but He saw them as invitations! We have invitations every day, we may just not see them as invitations, but they are; and they are important ones too! Thanks for sharing!
Renee just wanted to say I so loved the video, it was inspiring…Thank you all. As for the questions:
There were 7 ladies, 26 children left with their dads, Invitations, Dread-Disappointment-Drama, I came away with knowing that it’s ok to say NO, and choose the best times to say Yes…I can slow down and smell the sweetness Jesus has for me, and He will lead me as to how I can share it with others.
Thank you, have all been such a blessing in my life.
The entry song (Oceans by Hillsong) at the beginning is a favorite of mine and I brightened at hearing the first notes, even before the lyrics began! 🙂 The entry video was very touching – And the wisdom shared in the discussion between the 7 of you was wonderful. I felt like I was sitting among you. Putting the Best Yes into daily practice will no doubt be a blessing to the 26 children you all have collectively!
I like the 3Ds – Dread, Disappointment and Drama. Those are very good indicators of people pleasing and things I have experienced for sure. Remembering to look for those 3Ds will be a help in the future.
Love you ladies,
Thank you so much for writing the Best Yes. I so much need to be intentional in my life for serving God and for living in the world, but not being of this world. We all do need to be reminded to ask ourselves “How can I find an “us” in the middle of the rush” and look back at what God has done for us so that we keep the faith and trust in God. I so often need to pause and be still and know that God is God and He is in control! I need to intentionally leave room for the unexpected, to know what my Best Yes is moment by moment. Jesus does not look at interruptions as interruptions but as invitations to take a blessed journey for and with Him. God wants to bless us through obeying Him and I need to look for those Best Yes’s. I have a challenge to be a people pleaser, now I will question the 3 D’s; Dread, Disappointment, and Drama before saying Yes and know that it is okay to say No. I like what you said that you teach your children; Pre-decide what you will say Yes to. It was a blessing to be with all 7 of you ladies.
Q1. 7,26
Q2. Invitations
Q3. Dread, Disappointment, Drama
Q4. To know that when I say Yes it is my Best Yes that gives me hope, that it is what I want my life to be and what does my Best Yes life look like, to have daily intentional moments.
I am just amazed by what I have just heard, I honestly didn’t know what the book was about, but as a ” people pleaser” this speaks to my heart. I am currently working on learning to set healthy boundaries.
I love Liza’s comparison in Ruth with the gleaning.. I also clean to the edges, its OK to leave some behind. This allows my kids to pick up and help more, if I do it all they learn nothing and I’m wore down.
The 3 D’s is the question I chose because it spoke great volumes to me and its a great tool I can now use! They are Dread, Disappointment, and Drama.
Thank you for sharing this video, I am definitely going to sign up for this study, and bring some friends!
Q1. 7,26
Q2. Invitations
Q3. Dread, Disappointment, Drama.
Q4. seek/find peace and balance
The 3 D’s
I’ve already listened to the webcast twice at work and planning on watching it again. Love the message and want to share the message with others.
Loved the webcast – and thank you for making things like that available! 7 ladies, 26 kids, not interruptions but INVITATIONS, dread/disappointment/drama and I’m doing the bible study in January with a group of ladies from different churches! Can’t wait!
Interruptions are invitations from God.
Thank You
What a great webcast! I felt like I was sitting right there with all you wonderful ladies. I so enjoyed all the great points that were brought out about how to decide what was the best ‘yes’ for each of us. I know many women that are overscheduled and ‘rushing’ to each thing that they are involved in. I am retired and now much less rushing, but Lysa’s book can still help us in our everyday life to be more intentional in the time we are given each day. To spend that time on what God would have us to spend it on. And we know that time would usually be time spent with Him or family and friends. 🙂
I loved that there was (Q1) 7 ladies (6 married) and 26 kidlets at home! 😉
and (Q2) that our ‘interruptions’ most usually are ‘invitations’ from God.
Thanks for this wonderful webcast and hope to see another one in the future!
May God richly bless you all!
I have so thrilled that Lysa is bringing this well needed message! Thank you for being genuine godly women and giving me the humble opportunity to learn and be encouraged.
The Three D’s that Lysa mentioned are:
There were 7 women around the table, 6 who were Moms. A grand total of 26 children.
Jesus doesn’t see things as interruptions but as invitations.
Three D’s: Dread, disappointment and drama.
I can’t wait for the book and the study!! You ladies are such a blessing, God bless you!!
7 of you in attendance with 26 children collectively! Wow!
Great Web cast
God sees the interruptions as invitations
7 women with 26 children left home Jesus didn’t see things as interruptions but as invitations Oh how I wish I was better able to discern in this area. Great video thanks for sharing every woman should see this!!!
7 mommas; 26 kids – an average of 3.71 kids per lady.
LOVED watching this webcast. We are doing The Best Yes study with a group of ladies from church. We are all so excited!
There were six of you who are moms and one who is not just yet and twenty six children,
I enjoyed this webcast and can’t wait to read the book. I love that you ladies are real and honest about yourselves and share the journey’s of your life. Thank you for the comforting words and encouragements. God bless you all.
Seven Super Sisters; TWENTY SIX children!!!!!
3 D’s: Dread, Disappointment, Drama!
I’ve already bought my book, but would love to win one for my friend/co-worker/neighbor so she can do the OBS with me!!! (she could use a little LESS dread, disappointment, and drama!!)
You are all such a blessing; I was with you on the made to crave journey and I am looking forward to this new study!!!
I really enjoyed the webcast, it gave me suggestions on how I can “recapture the us in the midst of the rush”. There were 7 ladies at Lysa’s and 26 children were left at home. Also, Jesus did not see interruptions as interruptions but as invitations. I also enjoyed how Lysa explained the 3 D’s – Dread, Disappointment and Drama. I’m looking forward to joining the Bible Study on the 22nd
I am so looking forward to this new study! I am entering a new bittersweet season in my life. My husband left me 5 years ago and my last child at home leaves in 5 days to join the Army. For the first time in my life I will be alone. Sad to close the chapter of raising children but so excited to see what God has in store for me with more time to focus on loving him and serving him.
There were 7 women around the table, 6 who were Moms. A grand total of 26 children. Quite a prolific group.
Loved how you spoke of Jesus not seeing things as interruptions but as invitations. So glad he did not view me as an interruption.
As far as the three D’s of people pleasing I know them all too well! Dread,disappointment and drama. Looking forward to another great online study.
Loved it! Made me want to be in a circle of friends….happens rarely to this mom of 7! So there were 7 of you there and 26 kids amongst you. Jesus views interruptions as invitations! Love that!
Thanks for sharing your Monday night dinner with me on Tuesday night. Amazing that there are 26 kids for 6 of the 7 women at the table. That can make for some noisy fun homes. Thanks again for sharing.
1.There were 7 of you there and 26 children at home being watched by their dads.
2. I shared on the webcast how Jesus didn’t see interruptions as interruptions, but instead He saw them as invitations.
I would love to win a copy of this book. It is what I need right now.
There were 7 of you and you left 26 kids home with your husbands. But one of you was single. No kids 🙂
This was an awesome webcast. The three D’s Lysa talks about are dread, disappointment, and drama. In this season of my life I don’t have too much problem with this because I am free to say “yes” to my granddaughters when they want to come to my house and spend time with me. I am so thankful to be able to do this now. God is so good.
7 friends had dinner together, leaving 26 children at home with their daddy. Jesus saw things not as interruptions but rather as invitations. The 3 D’s of people pleasing that Lysa shared are Dread, Disappointment, and Drama. The hope after watching the webcast is for me to sign up for Bible Study….did that some time ago… much to learn with The Best Yes.
Instead He saw them as invitations! I love this video and this book sounds so good!! I would love to win this! Thank you! 🙂
Just watched the recast and enjoyed it. My kids are grown and gone but the comments about people expecting you can do whatever, simply because you don’t have children at home. You had 7 friends and 26 kids. Jesus saw things as an invitation (awesome thing to remember). Lysa told us abut her Dread, Disappointment, and Drama. Certainly makes sense. I do believe I will sign up for the bible study as is your hope for us after seeing this webcast.
I watched last night, and loved it! There were 7 of you with 26 children. Loved Lysa’s 3 D’s of people pleasing (dread, disappointment, and drama). I’m learning to say No more so I can give my best yes to more important things.
I always love watching all of you from Proverbs31!!! There were 7 of you around the table with 26 kids between you all!! I have trouble saying no and being okay with it. I am excited about this book!
Our dear Lord Jesus looked at interruptions as invitations. This is what I desire to learn to do from this study. I so enjoyed hearing from such a Godly group of sisters!
Great webcast! the 3 D’s are dread, disappointment and drama. I love the talk about finding moments to be intentional….my word for the year is actually Intentional. 🙂
Hi Renee,
Thanks for sharing the webcast. All of you ladies are amazing and genuine. I wanted to answer the question about the 3 D’s when making decisions. They were Dread, Disappointment, and Drama.
I especially appreciated your comment about Jesus seeing interruptions as invitations and the discussion on being intentional. Thanks again for sharing from your hearts. I wish I could meet all of you.
Including Lysa, there were 7 of you at the table and you wisely left 26 kids home! Yeah you! I love the thought that Jesus looked at interruptions as invitations. I need to think that way more often!
I just watched the reply of the broadcast. It was so good!!! And it does give you hope that change is possible.
Jesus didn’t view interruptions as interruptions, he viewed them as invitations. (And we definitely need margin to do the same.)
Thanks, Renee for all you do.