Praying God’s promises — it’s changed me.
That’s why I included a prayer, at the end of each chapter, weaving together Scriptures from that chapter and others I sensed God wanted us to engrave on our hearts.
“Praying God’s Word has been one of the most life-changing ways I’ve learned to live in the security of His promises…and isn’t that what we all want?
“One way God tells us that confidence will come is when we ask Him for what is already part of His will. ‘This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us’ (1 John 5:14 NASB). So there you go: we can be confident we are praying God’s will when we pray God’s Word!” p.25
But that’s not all.
Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” so let’s pray these promises out loud again and again.
Out loud. Yes, even if it seems weird. Find somewhere you can be alone to speak these truths where you can hear them, and let them echo in your heart
Trust me, it makes a difference.
“When we pray God’s words out loud, and hear them, the Holy Spirit engraves them on our hearts and writes them in our thoughts. We internalize God’s truth and our faith grows as we are transformed from the inside out!” p.25
Let’s pray this week’s prayer {together}:
Lord, I pray that You would give me a confident heart in Christ. Take me beyond believing in You to truly believing You. Help me rely on the power of Your promises and live like they are true. You say blessed is the one who trusts in You and whose hope and confidence are found in You. Those who hope in You will not be disappointed, because You work all things together for good for those who love You and are called according to Your purpose.
When self-doubt tells me I can’t overcome my insecurities, I will believe Your promise that all things are possible to whoever believes. I will not throw away my confidence, because You say it will be richly rewarded. I will persevere so that when I have done the will of God, I will receive what You have promised. My confidence is in Christ and I am no longer one who shrinks back and is destroyed, but one who believes and is saved! In Jesus’ name, Amen. {See Jeremiah 17:7; Isaiah 49:23; Romans 8:28; Mark 9:23; Hebrews 10:35–36, 39}
{Special Gift & GiveAway}
Chad Lawson, my friend, award-winning composer and pianist , has graciously shared his beautiful, Spirit-filled Song of Prayer below. Watch and listen below for FREE. {If you’re reading this via email please click here to visit my website to watch}.Friend, you don’t want to miss this – trust me.
Even though it will probably be hard at first, please pause to soak in this God-gift that was filmed while Chad listened to the Holy Spirit. Chad simply played what God laid on his heart. You’ll see the joy of Christ in Chad’s smile but more than anything, you’ll experience the peace of God’s presence through his music.
You can find and download A Song of Prayer on Itunes ($1.99) or Amazon ($.89)
{Today’s Give-Away}
3 Special Order Song of Prayer CDs
To enter to win one: Click “share your thoughts” below this post and describe how you felt or what you sensed God whisper as you listened to Chad’s Song of Prayer. Also share one or two of your answers to questions you feel comfortable sharing about from the end of Chapter 1.
Remember, if you’re reading this via email please click here to visit my website and participate. All entries must be put in the “share your thoughts” section.
As I listened to this music, my first thought was how fitting it was to receive this gift today, on my Dad’s birthday! You see, my Dad passed away in January, 2011. He had such a love for music of all kinds …. classical, blue grass, gospel, Big Band. Our best connection came through music, so in a way, listening to the music today helped me recall all those precious memories God blessed me with through music and in other ways. I can just picture him listening to this music and delighting in it! I am confident he has been enjoying heavenly music, but tonight I got to experience it with him as I listened to Chad! So thank you from the depths of my heart for sharing this music today.
In answer to a couple of questions from chapter 1:
#1 One of my earliest memories of doubting myself would be in junior high school. I was a bit disorganized, clumsy, accident prone, and not very coordinated. I remember peers calling attention to my clumsiness and lack of grace, and was on the receiving end of many unkind and intimidating remarks from girls during PE who were more athletic and self-assured. Needless to say, PE was not my favorite class and I don’t have many good memories about school dances! 🙂
#6 I would describe a woman with a confident heart as someone who doesn’t just believe IN GOD, but believes God …. she lives, breathes, and walks in the security of God’s Word.
It brought peace. I want to listen to it when I am going to sleep. I got a taste of putting my hope in God and not in humans. I had an experiance that could have destroyed my hope, but my hope and confidence is not in humans, but in God.
The piano blesses me beyond measure…I heard a cord that sounded like “nothing but the blood of Jesus” & I was humbled…I have been running in circles for so long, spinning 15 plates in the air & 1 by 1 they are falling down now- interestingly, I am a leader in every aspect of my life- work, family, friends, ministry…but on the inside I am so very empty without God’s love. Chad’s music calmed my soul & gave me insight into the sin of omission in my life- not seeking Him daily to fill my emptiness- the blood of Jesus has already washed away my sins! This is my 2nd time to read your book- chapter 1 is awesome- a few answers to share- my parents divorced when I was 3- I have sought my father’s love & acceptance my whole 35 years. So I can remember being as young as 6 or 7 and my dad not giving me the “time of day.” He remarried, had another child, and I was no longer important it seemed. I still struggle with this insecurity. I began stuttering when I was that same age- I still stutter or can’t talk at all in social situations- I am an introvert. I guess still very insecure- most think I am a well educated, beautiful young woman, succeeding in every area of my life. But it’s much deeper. I wear a great mask! Answers- here is my BIGGEST problem with #4 & #5- I KNOW God has great plans & created me in His image, ect- what I don’t trust in is myself. I don’t have faith that I will ever get out of this cycle of insecurity to ALLOW God to fulfill His plans for me. But, as Stormie Omartian says in Power of a Praying Woman p. 29- with continued daily prayer & Bible study, He will speak to me. She puts it like this “It takes a while to get the enormous ocean liner of your life turned around and headed in a different direction.” & “Giving up is not an option.” “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9- Bless you Renee!
I sit with eyes closed listening to Chad play. With tears falling I see myself in a field running and jumping and the Lord letting me know that I can be free. Free to do all the things that I have longed for. Free to be free in HIM. I have always been very quiet and shy. Afraid to do anything that makes me stand out. Always just being in the background. The Lord is telling me to break loose. Let Him help me to feel…really feel and be free! He wants to heal me of all the broken places all the hurts in my life. He wants to give me the peace, the reassurance and the confidence I need to really be free!!
Insecurity has kept me from just being me. I have always wanted to just be able to walk into a room of people, that I know care about me, and give them a hug and just say I love you without those people doing it first. I say most every week, to myself, this is the week I am going to walk in with confidence and say Hi, and hug them all! Insecurity has kept me from just about everything good my whole life.
My earliest memory of self doubt and feeling insecure was my first day in kindergarten. I cried from the time I got on the school grounds. I was scared to death and knew I would never live through it.
Listening to this song I am reminded that I am my Fathers daughter. I am reminded that God loves me even when I “fail Him” or let him down. My earthly father has hurt me deeply in life and turned his back on me when I let him down….my Heavenly Father loves me unconditionaly. I often have doubts in myself and abilities due to my abusive childhood. Its reassuring to know that my Heavenly Father never doubts me or my abilities. He knows that He has planned in my life and “pushes” me to see what He sees….I see through my friends, my family, songs such as this and sometimes even complete strangers. Problem is sometimes I close my eyes and ears to what He is telling me….this song reminds me to be still and listen to His “still small voice”. Many have abused me, left me, lied to me or hurt me in life but He will never do any of the previous things to me….He loves me and will not leave me. I need to remember these things when I am feeling alone or feeling a lack of confidence in myself. I am so good at helping others through their insecurities and “problems” but not good at helping myself. I dont open up to those around me easy or trust many….but I am slowely learning to trust in God with my wounds and feelings. I will make it one day and God will be there cheering me on saying “good job my beautiful daughter….I knew you could do it. I never lost faith in you”
My first memory of feeling low on myself and doubting myself or those around me was when I was 5 years old. Thats when the abuse started and I felt so alone….I started thinking that no one cared so why should I at a very early age. I was abused in so many ways and by so many people growing up and eventually started to abuse myself. I have since forgiven those that had abused me and know that God carried me during those times. I have since turned my pain into a way of helping women and young girls who go through abuse such as mine….but there are times that I still sit back and mourn for that little girl who at 5 years old learned what pain and suffereing is…who grew up way before her time and lost her childhood. I dont feel sorry for myself by any means but I hurt for the 5 year old in me who to this day still doesnt trust easy.
This music is definitely God given and inspired. I am overwhelmed right now with an unexpected move; an inability to take off work and am totally distracted. However I am able to relax with this; my mind is completely on the music . My book has been ordered but not recieved yet so I do hope that I can still participate in the drawing; I would be honored to recieve this CD. Thank you for sharing your precious gift and being open and vulnerable.
As the music began very slow and deliberate, I equated that with hesitancy and doubt. As it continued with the more fast movement, I felt a sense of conflict and doubt. As the music progressed into a more melodic movement, I felt a sense of peace and contentment which should be in the heart of a confident woman whose hope and confidence is in the Lord. Music speaks to my heart in ways that human words cannot. Thanks for sharing. My first feeling of insecurity came as a little girl when I would overhear my parents argue as I now know all spouses do. I would become very scared and insecure and fear that every argument would result in my parents splitting up and I would be forced to make a decision about which parent I wanted to live with. I knew that would be a difficult decision because I loved them both for different reasons and in different ways. My parents had a happy marriage and never split up, but I remember feeling very insecure and fearful that this would happen. A confident woman is one who believes and trusts God’s promises fully.
As I listen to the piano music it calmed my soul and the whole atmosphere in my living room with my son and my husband, it is such beautiful music to listen to. God has blessed Chad with such a talent and he is sharing it with all of us inspired by the Holy Spirit. I always think of King David and his love for music and knowing he praised God with his music. Chads playing is very calming to your soul~~~thank you for the gift of his music to us. I am not musically inclined but I love to sing even if it is off key so when I sing outloud to God I feel so close to Him like when you pray outloud.
My first memory of doubting myself and feeling insecure was when I had to walk to kindergarten by myself because there were other little ones at home, soon the neighbor girl would go with me but when she didn’t I was feeling very unsure of myself~~~also when I was held back in second grade, I had to leave my friends and go on to another class I didn’t know, it was awful, I remember it as if it was yesterday. Also the last day of school when I found out I didn’t pass was on my birthday, June 10th and I thought all day that I was not going to get a birthday present, but I did, my first Barbie doll.
Renee, have a beautiful weekend~~~~~Sue
I needed to be reminded that praying God’s Word is where it’s at.
Thank you.
Have a lovely weekend!
– Kate 🙂
Awesome!! So peaceful and calming. Listening to this piece with closed eyes, I could feel God’s arms around me telling me everything will be alright. My husband recently passed away and I am so lost. I felt like I was floating on clouds and God was reassuring me of His love for me. I know my husband is with the Lord and one day we will be together again. But until then, God has plans for me and I can’t give up. I first felt insecure at the age of 5 when my mother became very ill. She had my baby bother , he came home from the hospital but Moma didn’t. She was hospitalized for over a month before coming home but her sickness remained. I watched my mother struggle everyday of her life for over 30 years before the Lord called her home. I pray that this study will help me have more confidence and thank you renee for sharing this study and chad’s beautiful music. I look forward to a “confident me.”
Simply “Be still and know that I am God” Thank you Chad
The sweet spirit of this music makes me feel that all the cares of the day, all the worries, and yes….the insecurities in my life just slipped away…took flight….and left a deep peace in their wake.
One of the questions in ch. 1 asked if a lack of confidence ever kept you from doing something. About 25 years ago, I was asked to do the devotion at our women’s meeting. I was so excited and pleased that these Godly ladies wanted me to share. It just felt great. However as the day approached, I too saw that huge shadow of doubt which made me feel so small and unworthy. I just couldn’t do it. I called the ladies leader to decline, but she wouldn’t let me. Her words, “Are you saying that God can not help you do this. That he is not sufficient?” Funny how I still remember that. Yes, that is what I was saying…..believe it our not, I actually pretty much called in sick to a friend and had them do it for me and I missed the meeting. I was so ashamed of myself. I have become a bit more confident over the years, but nowhere near where I should be. Father, help me realize whose I am and who I am!
Wow is all I can say. I definitely felt God’s presence when I was listening to this. It brought me to tears. Overwhelmed by God’s love. I sense he was telling me to stop feeling afraid. To just let go of my fears and be free. I felt joy but some sorrow. Sorrow probably because I’ve never felt confident in myself, probably ever since kindergarten. I’m always full of doubt. God is telling me to be confident in who I am in Him. Stop doubting myself. Trust in Him. I am His child and he loves me and will never leave me.
i l-o-v-e that part about praying God’s promises out loud! so effective, renee; thanks for that reminder! it works so well–with my “style” of learning–to SEE and SPEAK and HEAR God’s promises. thankful, too, for these incredible brains that the Almighty has created for us His humans.
oh! and thanks to you for sharing with us, and to mr. lawson for using his gift of music, and to our wonderful God for inspiring this beautiful music! <3
The music is beautiful and calming in midst of my current storm. My answer to question 1 is “Starting school and not knowing how to play 4 square–I walked away embarrassed.” I still remember that moment like it was yesterday–I am 43 and a grandmother now.
What beautiful music! I feel such a sense of peace listening to Chad’s music. I think that’s what I love the most about it. All my life, I have struggled with confidence. As an infant, just two weeks old, my body went into convulsions and I was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy. I am very blessed, as it is only an extremely mild case. I remember the first time I prayed to the Lord. I was about twelve, I think. I was scared. I didn’t want any harm to come to my father, who had been drinking, and wanted to get in the car and drive. I remember my parents yelling in the darkness of the night, and there was mention of divorce. I prayed so hard that God watch over my dad, and also that he not leave my mother and I. He answered my prayers. I kept praying from that point on. I know I am a child of God and that He loves me. But I have always felt such a need to please everyone. I’ve always been very hard on myself when I don’t live up to my own expectations. I am learning that my expectations don’t matter, nor do those people I surround myself with. The only One whose expectations I must live up to are my Lord Jesus, who loves me so much that He gave His only begotten Son, that we should not perish, but have everlasting life! Thank you for sharing this wonderful bible study with all of us, Renee. I already feel more confident, and we’ve barely begun!
I felt a sense of God asking me to just “rest”… it’s a Friday and I’ve been so busy running around all week – and He’s asking me to just sit here – close my eyes…. and rest….
The question at the end of chapter one: What do you think hinders you most from living with God-confidence on a consistent basis? Is there a promise listed above that speaks to your greatest need right now?
It gets hard to live with a God confidence on a consistent basis because I so easily listen to the lies that the world feeds me about what it means to be a confident woman. The verse above I most resonate with now is “See, I am doing a new thing!”… I want to be made new, better – more confident in Him than I have ever been before. I look to the past and see who I use to be – so confident and I get so disheartened that I have lost that person – but the verse reminds me that this is something new – not a repeat of the old, even far better than I was in the past. It gives me hope that things are getting better.
What came to my mind as I listened is that beauty, excellence and rest exist with calmness rather than in the rush of things. Thanks for sharing.
I saw Chad’s lip quiver as the song began, it was if there was something heavy on his heart, or perhaps it was just the awe of being in God’s presence as he put what was inside of him into the notes. The notes too had a heaviness to them, like he was laying his burdens out before God. Then the notes instead of being able to be heard predominately individually, became a melody, as if the laying down of his burdens had lifted his heart and he was feeling the joy of being in harmony with God. However, there were also ups and downs in the music, as if there were questions he was asking of the Lord. But again the music would become less somber, and more joyful, as if he had heard the Lord and understood what to do.
I felt what Chad played was a prayer in the form of music. It reminded me a lot of what we are doing now, tossing away our burden or doubt, and how much joy it can bring us to instead put our faith in Christ’s promises, His word. How when we do this we too have harmony in our relationship with Christ. That’s not to say we will not still experience doubt, or ups and downs, but in the end it forms something beautiful, again like Chad’s song, and in our case a closer and more intimate relationship with the Lord, and not just believing in what He says, but feeling it, living it.
I will also tell you what I answered for the first question. When I was about five years old my baby sister was born. At this time my parents marriage was ending, silence was the norm for our home. The silence was so loud it was deafening actually. My parents wouldn’t talk to each other, and my dad, wanted my mom’s attention, but she was beyond angry due what was now out in the open, his infidelities. She was only staying in the marriage for her children, and wanted nothing to do with him she was so hurt. One day I went to go see my baby sister as my dad held her. He pushed me away saying, “Get away!”. I thought I had done something wrong, so I left. Then later that day as I stood near my dad he reached out and grabbed my ponytail, pulling it hard, making me cry. He had wanted to get my mom’s attention in doing this, and oh boy did he! They got in a huge fight. I also starting doubting that I was loveable. Before that my dad had made me his world. I was his girl, and we did everything together. I always felt his love, and we were very close. Now he was pushing me away, and he hurt me… There had to be something wrong with me. Not too long after that my parents divorced, and I was convinced it was my fault. If only I hadn’t made them fight, if only my dad found me more loveable, everything would be OK. But it was never “OK” again, and thus began my cycle of feeling undeserving of love, and feeling insecure.
Hey Kyrie. I just listened to this awesome podcast and I wanted to share it with you. Hope it encourages you. 🙂
Wow. Your impression of the the song was really deep Kryie. I am so sorry for what you had to deal with growing up as child. Something I heard and learned is that people often see God the way that they see their early father. This could be why you so doubt that God loves you. I mean really loves you. Something to remember is from Psalm 139. God created you in his image. He made you exactly the way he wanted you to be. When he formed the earth, he had you in mind, and He knew every joy and sorrow that you would face. God could have taken you out of this world, but He chose to keep you here. He is not done with you. 🙂 He still has big plans for you. I am very thankful for what Satan does for evil God can take and make it good. As you continue to grow in character and closer to God, you will have a great testimony to share with the world of how God helped to move from being hopeless to hopeful, fearful to faithful, and have victory in Christ. 🙂 Thanks for sharing and opening up. I am sure it was hard for you to do, but God has your back. 🙂
Thank you so much Jessica! You are such an encouragement to me. You know, I never thought about the comparison between my earthly father and my Heavenly Father. I think you are right in thinking that perhaps this is where my inability to fully believe in God’s promises, and His love for me stems from. Thank you for pointing that out. I really want to put my past in the past, and live a future free of that hurt, and the impact it has on my life today.
Your advice to grow closer to God, and let that hurt become something good in my through God is wise. God is sure laying some great things to impart to me on your heart 🙂 How are you though? How is school? The issue with your friend? I know you were hurting a lot last week, and I have prayed for you. You are such an encouragement to me, and others, but I want to be able to be here for you too. I may not be as wise in Christ as you are, but I do know that God wants to take all of the pressure you put on yourself and put it on Himself. He wants you to know He thinks you are already a success in school just for trying, and he has felt the hurt of losing a friend and will comfort your heart in that situation. I think one of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that we serve a God who came in the form of a man, a human being, just like us! He can truly say he has felt everything we have. It has been hard for me to believe that someone so wonderful could love someone like me, who isn’t good about disciplining herself in so many aspects of her Christian life. I still seem to believe acts equal love, and although I know that flies in the face of the crucifixion, it is hard for me to rest in the fact that despite my faults, and feeling like I never do the Christian life ‘right’, that He could still love me.
It has been hard for me to open up here, to risk rejection (in my mind, and as a result of my own insecurities), but it has also helped me realize so much about what is going on with my doubt of God’s love, and His promises. I still fall back into those old ways of thinking, but am learning with everyone here, and Renee’s great book, how to counter that, and I hope one day the “old ways”, will come to me less and less, and my first thoughts will be of God’s promises and love.
Thanks again for being there Jessica, and I look forward to hearing that podcast! 🙂 Thanks for that too! Take care, God bless you!
Oh, Kyrie- I know you may not get this since I am behind… but what a hurt to endure! Little girls need their Daddy’s love! Had I read this sooner, I would have said the same as Jessica- it is hard to feel loved by God the Father if your own Father did not model this love in a tangible way. I grew up feeling that love was to earned through my performance (not intentional on my parent’s part, just what happened)… and projected that on to God. I struggle with a fear of failure and not wanting to be a disappointment to others… and to God. Being able to make that connection between the two was the beginning of my healing- and I hope that it will be for you as well.
OH, You have all just blessed the socks off me today!! Renee, I just love your post and the wonderful reminder… the song wonderful… the whole posts and replies, priceless!! Love you and your ministry!!!
As a pianist myself, I truly appreciate his talent. I felt an immediate sense of relaxation listening to him, as if God himself was coming over me. Thanks for sharing this, Renee.
1. Insecurity set in about high school 2. Yes insecurity has kept me from doing things 3. I feel like nothing or a nobody when doubt whispers in my ear. 4. I’m so very encouraged by God’s Word…Rom 8:28, Is 43:19, & Mk 9:23 I hold onto dearly! 5. Shame & guilt from my past hold me back from living God-confidence consistently 6. A woman with a confident heart is one who may be afraid to do something, but doesn’t let that stop her. Instead she settles in deeper into God’s Word and continues moving forward without letting her fear stop her. 7. I am BLESSED!
Elizabeth….keep encouraging yourself through God’s Word and let Him fill in any gaps you may feel in your life. I love what you said “she settles in deeper into God’s Word”. Yes, my friend…settle in and believe the truths He says about you! 🙂
Very beautiful and relaxing. I would love to listen to this when I especially those hard days happen. Love it.
As I am listening to this beautiful music, I am feeling God lifting me up and making me soar. Flying above all distractions, troubles, and worries. Then quietly setting me down, with a gentle nudge to go forth with a renewed vigor and confidence to serve Him and live.
My earliest memory of feeling a lack of confidence was elementary school. Just as Amanda said, I to, am afraid of making mistakes, and am very uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations. I have been deeply hurt by others words and actions, which make this very difficult to trust myself and others. I am hoping this book and study will help me to regain some of what I have lost and allow me to live better and serve Him better.
I hope we both regain confidence together. Praying for you during this study!
What did I feel as I listned to the song? Overwhelmed with His love. I often close my eyes and go to Jesus in my mind, usually when I go there and I lay on his lap and look at him and he looks back. He can see in my eyes my hurts and my insecure nature( there are no words necessary). He usually holds me and He just knows. Today as I listened to that beautiful musical piece I closed my eyes and went to my sweet Jesus and Idanced for him. I laughed and he delighted in me. I am usually a little girl when I go to Jesus in my mind. I think that its because this is when my insecurities began. I can not pinpoint the moment in which I felt a lack of confidence. I have lived lacking confidence and insecure for as long as I can remember. A woman with a confident heart is one that can admit they are not confident in themselves and can openly disclose that…but they are confident because of God. A confidant woman can admits to their errors and apoligize. A confident woman knows the word of God.
The first word I think of is PEACE. The music is flowing and peaceful. My first thought was “Is it really 32 minutes long?’ I thought I do not have time for that right now; but if I wait to listen then I might lose the blessing from it. While listening I realized that I tend to hurry though one thing to get to the next thing. I just do not find the time to relax. In so doing I think I miss something along the way. Thanks Chad and Renee, as I would not of stopped to think about this if you had not shared this song. I remember the saying to stop and smell the roses along the way. I will consciously slow down as I do my bible studies and try to hear what Jesus is saying to me.
I find much hope in the verses in question #4. “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This is my second time around with this study. I have clung to these verses in several circumstances in the past few weeks. I worried that I was not going to do well enough. In fact, I was so worried that I almost did not go to this new job. I had much more confidence knowing that the Lord was with me; helping me to do the best that I could. I went and I did fantastic!!! The Lord was with me in so many ways. I give thanks to the Lord for his faithfulness.
I took time after a busy week to relax and to review the chapter and lesson as a Friday Night Date with God upon a friend’s advice. God always gives us what we need when we need it! The song was a beautiful way to meditate on His Word 🙂 PERFECT!!
How beautiful! Thank you Chad for being obedient to God’s voice to share you gift. Thanks Renee for allowing us this hear this blessing.
The music was beautiful and touched me. My anxiety at the time I began listening was high and by the end I felt at peace or at least had less anxiety. It made me feel that God loves me with all my flaws, not be afraid and to come and walk and be by his side that he is with me and I am worth it.
The first recollection of feeling insecure was around 5 years old when I was called names such as accident prone, klutz due to falling or tripping and then making feel more like it was my fault or I was bad due to the fact I was adopted. They then found out I had a form of MD that I was born with and continues to progress. I see a someone who is confident as someone who is authentic in all areas of life and when interacting with others , grateful, courageous and believing God and his will. This study is beginning to help me begin this journey. This past week I have seen some changes in how I am handling comments or situations and really trying to focus on “God loves me and has plans for me”.
I can relate as I had various childhood ailments. I was diagnosed with a hearing loss when i was 6. You know how cruel kids can be when another kid is different.
This was an amazing video and song. Thank you so much for sharing it. My earliest memory of feeling insecure is honestly in 1st grade. I’ve always been insecure in new situations and have a hard time gaining confidence in these situations to this day.
I am right there with you.!
I’m right there with you, too. I don’t remember a time that I didn’t feel insecure, and I still don’t like new situations. I watch my young boys feel confident at home and I want them to stay that way. But then we go out into new situations or with new people and they are shy and quiet until they warm up. I don’t know if personality and temperament plays into the “shy” factor. I assume it does, and that is fine – there are all types of personalities in the world and we need them all. I just don’t want them to be insecure like I am – worrying about what other people think and second guessing themselves. I want them to be free to be who they were created to be. As I am writing that, I am feeling the Lord saying to me that He wants me to be who He created ME to be. Wow.
This is beautiful! I play the piano & organ. I would love to do something like this. It is also so relaxing, peaceful & soothing. The Lord speaks through this. Beautiful!
This is what obedience looks like. He inhabits the praise of His people. The song brought peace, the comfort of a throw around the shoulders for warmth, and the image of a moving brook with tinkling water moving and pulsing down a mountain. I have trouble sitting very long in one place. Truly enjoyed one of God’s creations♥
such an emotional song. cried through most of it as I pondered where I have been, where I am at and where I am going. Chad put such inspiration into this piece and every woman in the world needs to hear this piece and keep it with them constantly even if they are only able to listen to it a little at a time. Wonderful thank you so much for sharing.
AMAZING! I was moved to tears of joy for the love of our Father. It made me feel loved beyond measure, peaceful and GOD just saying come sit with me, rest in me, I AM HERE!
Thanks so much for sharing! What a way to end my work day!
What a beautiful way to express prayer!!!! It gives me comfort and peace as I listen to it. I feel that no matter the trials of my day, week, month, year, it’s all going to be okay. Thank you for posting this beautiful song!!!
Wow. This is a great song. I am listening to it right now. God is showing me that is hard for me to just quietly sit in his presence and do nothing. It was okay for the first couple minutes, but then my mind starts racing through all the things I should be doing or all the things that are on my to do list. Why is it so hard to just sit at the feet of Jesus? This reminds me of the story of Martha and Mary. It is hard to just sit at Jesus feet. As I listen the song has different tempos throughout it. It reminds me of the racing thoughts that are going through my head that are from my flesh, and the slower pace of the song represents the time when I am just listening. Not trying to make the song go faster so I can move onto the next thing I do, but isn’t thing how life is. When we finish one task, we move right into the next one. Not even taking the time to enjoy the accomplishment. This reminds me of prayer also. When I pray, I am usually giving a list of things that I want God to do for me. When instead, I should be thanking God for all the things He has already done. If He never does anything else for me, what He has already done should already be enough. Jesus gave me His life, and sometimes I don’t even take 5 minutes a day to spend in fellowship, prayer, or Bible study because I have to get through the things that are due that day. The least I can do is to sit as his feet for this time and just worship Him. To tell Him how awesome He is. Wow, I didn’t realize all this would come out of this song. When I saw the 32 minutes, I was thinking I don’t have 32 minutes, that is a really long time to sit here and do nothing but listen. This all goes back to my point. How important is Jesus and God and my relationship with them? They were both willing to sacrifice the most precious thing, life. The least I can do is that this time to just be with them.
I totally resonate with how you felt too! I’m always so tempted to “go go go go go”
That is interesting. I am not a go, go, go person, but I feel like I should be. I feel like everyone else is so busy, and I am so not. lol
Jessica, I can totally relate: “I am not a go, go, go person, but I feel like I should be.” I do feel busy, but I also feel like it only feels busy to me, and that other people could do the things that I do without thinking about it, but to me it seems like so much. So I have a hard time sitting still too, but the song definitely made it easier, once I just sat back and relaxed and let the music pour over me.
What beautiful piano “soaking” music. Thank you, Chad (& Renee), for that gift. I had to watch him play for a bit, first, because it was precious. I could see his lips move, & felt he was praying, listening, & then putting both into his fingers & onto the keyboard. Lovely! Then I was able to close my eyes, get into the Father’s presence, & just stay there. As I listened, & became still, I could hear the still, small voice, ebbing & flowing with the music, saying, “I’m here, Daughter. Wherever you are, whatever is happening, I’m here.”
That’s an important message for me. My earliest memory is that of feeling insecure, cowering in my bed at night, wondering if “he” would sneak into my room again. It was so horrible, & went on for so long. I was so young, & while I have forgiven him, I still haven’t worked through the emotions & questions about my Heavenly Father. I was young & innocent, so why did He allow that to happen (for example). When I read Isaiah 49:23, that “Those who hope in me will not be disappointed,” even though I do not want to feel disappointed, I do feel that. It makes me sad…& insecure, once again. I do love Him; I just don’t understand.
Mary, I’m so sorry you experienced that abuse. Know that I understand, because I, too, was abused by a grandfather for years, as were most of the females in his family, I am now finding out many years later. And, yes, I can’t even remember when it started, but I know that is when my feelings of insecurity began, too. We can’t understand it, but I just know that my heavenly father loves me, and us, more than I can even imagine. Though we were so deeply wounded in our childhood, we will not be disappointed in spending eternity with Him.
Thank you, Vicky. You’re so right…there will be no disappointment once we reach the other side & see Him. I’m so thankful for that.
I am so sorry to hear that you went through such a life changing event at an early age. I can totaly relate to you because i too went through a similar pain that wounded my childhood, teenage years and into my adulthood. I spent many many years hating and mistrusting everyone but also blaming God for “allowing” it to happen to me. It wasnt until a few years ago that God placed something upon my heart….he didnt allow it to happen to me…he didnt put me through it but he was there holding me and keeping me strong so that one day I could use my story to help others. I realized that every bad thing in my life has happened for a reason but I needed to turn the negative into a positive for his glory. I have since become a Social Worker and am currently working on my Masters degree to do Christian Counseling with the hopes of help other women. Since I learned to use my “test” and turned it into my testemony…God has helped heal my pains. My advice to you is figure for yourself how to use your pain for His glory and Kingdom….its really worth it in the end. Best wishes to you as you figure where you journey can and will lead you.
Blessings, I love music from small like i mention before so does my youngest and Dj,
for some reason i cant get to hear it i am waiting for it to upload on youtube hear it, however listen to some of it it reminds me of the Lords Prayer (letting His will be done on earth as it is in heaven) just trusting Him to do His will, if each of us knows to meaning of His true love for us, how He meets our needs always, Christian or not, but most imporantly the intimitcy with Him. for me its when i write songs then i can feel that intimitcy with Him.
My challenge right now is loosing a baby and not knowing what and when it happen, I had two baby showers one at work and the other at church, i have been home from work for almost two months and no one checks up on me even though the knows of loosing the baby, church it hurts to see that you request prayer from your pastor and never once call to do so, yes i got pregnant out of marrige but the most i can say is my timing and Gods timing is not the same. after all this i stop wanting to be out in public i did not want to go church, still he (pasot) never call to see if i was ok or that its all going to be ok, i started to here God speaking to me to work on a empty appartment and set it up His way, i have no money no job how am i going to do so. one Sunday morning i got up start cleaning out the room wash the walls remove all the tiles off the floor a done deal, slowly he provides what needed again His timing and mine is not the same. both myself and the girls was woundering what color to paint the room i told them cream and brown so i turn and said Lord that was my baby colors what You think all of a sounding i hear purple, so i said ok a soft purple with white and gold, but guess what i dont have nothing to buy them. as i was reading the bible later in the day i heard His voice saying go on the northside dumpster so i did (i never went there before not even to throw trash) as we (with my girls) got there it was so clean a car pull up in front of me. Now being that it looked so clean from the front i went towards the back again clean i looked up and said no please tell me what You send me for is not in the trash, so i started back to the car as i walk pass where the one car had pull up earlier there was 2 boxes on the floor one had dishes (which i did not need) and the other one had 5 small cans of white paint 4 fill and 1 half, we thank God for them and went home and painted the roof white with the 4, the next day i wanted more of this hearing God voice but not until 1pm is when He send me by a brother from the church more like a dad, but i had no idea why He sent me to him. when i got there the geentleman said to me for some reason every moring when he shaves and for some reason he see my face in the mirror, he was hoping all was well with me and the delivery but did not know how to reach me, he said here i had this for you, when i looked he gave me $100.00, i wanted to cry. Dj called and i told him all that was happening (some people says because the lost of the baby i think i am talking to God) i told him if you dont believe please dont say it but he surprise me when he said he saw a purple room but royal in his dreams once but i told him no this room carries a soft purple, anyway we only have home depot and paint depot here so i research on line the color that when he go buy it, it will be the correct one. listen he call three times telling me it dont have his color nor mine, but if i trust him he will but a nice own. i wanted to take control and tell him forget it i will look for it myself but Gods voice said tell him ok bring it, when i see the color i was not happy but we painted half the room with it then called it a day, as the morning was coming on i could not sleep i went down to see the room to see how the color look, it was pretty but not what i understood it to be so i start telling God i am sorry for not giving Him what He wanted as i sat there looking at the wall i hear God saying my child you did great you still have the small half can of white paint get it pore the purple in it till i say stop, and i did until He said stop. now close it and shake it till I say stop again i did, when i open the can i started to cry the soft purple that we could not find, at that time i finished painting the wall, when Dj came over he asked where did i get the paint and i told him, all he said was God is working with you He has a plan for you just listen and trust Him and i always whated a woman that will be obiedent to Gods voice, thank you for showing me that there is still one that can listen. honestly i dont know why i am writing you this, there is much more to be done in the appartment, the bath / kitchen / living & dinning room yea there is much more. but what i learn from all this is its not only negative things gives one a confedent heart, see i lossed a baby i could have walk away from God because He did not save me from that pain, i remember asking Him why did He hate me, knowing that i want to serve Him, as i was crying in my room refusing to come out i saw His tears and it hit me His tears of when He had to watch His Son hurting for all of us. yes i dont have it to finish the room but i have God to lead me each step of the way, His timing and mine is not the same all we need is a confident heart. Thanks Renee & Chad, God Blessing to all.
Dear Angie,
I’m praying for you. “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you can hide. His truth will be your shield and protection” Psalm 91:4 blessings to you.
It’s so easy to believe that God doesn’t love you, when His people (the church) are not there for you. But keep believing that He does love you. I too have been hurt without help from the church. But I have learned to depend on GOD, not people. He will always provide more than we need or could even imagine.
As I listen to the beautiful music notes of “Song of Prayer” I hear a calm and peaceful melody with the a lively spirit winding through to show us all that life itself is a wonderful journey full o peace w God along our side and with Him close to our hearts. As I listened closely with my eyes closed, I could hear God whispering to me, you are my child, I will take care of what is needed according to my will for I have a planned journey for you, my child. This in turn brought tears of joy to know that God loves me flaws and all. For Chapter #1, my earliest memory of doubt and insecurity was in 3rd grade: from always being chosen last in PE for team games,due to my weight and when I need glasses (reason being remarks made by my teacher). So I know now that doubt and insecurities in my life have keep me from trying different things (activities/adventures) all through my life. Me description of a woman with a confident heart: she is a women of faith even through ups and downs, not afraid to share her growth with the Lord, she shares her testimonial too all, opens her home to all with a glad heart, she never loses hope, friends are just like family to her no matter what color, size, or age, not afraid to pray aloud, and this to me shows her love for Christ and shows her confident heart…..
Amazing! The first word that comes to mind is “peace”. Thank you for sharing!
Healing from the inside…what peace
God gives…very thankful for the hope He gives
Ah, I so love the music–it is such a blessing! I felt God saying, “Come to me, and I will give you rest . . . and so much more.”
When doubts flood my mind, I feel helpless, lonely (especially since I became a sudden widow several years ago at the age of 55), and somewhat afraid. I believe God’s promises are true, but sometimes it’s difficult to believe they are true for ME. I hinder myself by not staying consistently in God’s Word!
I hear God telling me that I’m worth it, that I matter, that this icky phase I’m going through will pass and make me stronger….Tears are okay!
my earliest memory of doubting myself, kindergarten…it’s been with me ever since….I’m 44
Bless you, Gail! He will make you stronger.
The music was beautiful. I felt peaceful and sensed that I’m loved and am special. I sensed God telling me-don’t be afraid-i have plans for your life.
One of my gifts is that I’m an encourager. however, it’s hard to enourage myself and i second quess myself alot. i tend to be a people pleaser. It seems that i can be anxious and lose confidence in myself. I’m really looking forward to the rest of this study.
Dallena, its like you were writing the words in my head! I too am an encourager who struggles to encourage herself, who second guesses herself a lot, am anxious and lose confidence in myself.
We are not alone and the Lord is reaching to us through this study and other means to encourage us! I am looking forward to Him transforming me, US, from self-doubting, anxious persons to confident women of in Christ!
Wow! I truly enjoyed the quiet nature of the song and time with God. He was wispering to me that I am worthy, loved and beauty. I need to start speaking my prayers out loud so I can hear them and when am talking to God. Your are right Renee, it does sound weird. But I know if it has helped you so much, I would be foolish not to listen to your guideance. Thank you so much for this study. You have come to mean so much to me just listen to your understanding and confidence in Christ that it gives me hope that one day I will have that as well. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart! Travel safe and enjoy your weekend! ~ Erin
Erin, Praying out loud is a great way to gain confindence, it is a way to find our voice. I have had fear of praying out loud in public, when asked to pray. I couldn’t. So I started practicing by praying alone out loud, alot. God is so good, He builds us up, gives us everything we need.
The song is beautiful, I too felt the Holy Spirit washing over me, as I listen. Thank you for sharing this amazing piece.
” The Peace of God” This timely instrumental is just what I needed to hear as I seek God for direction. Thank you for obeying the Holy Spirit.
I’m still currently listening to it, but as it built and faded, built and faded, I pondered about how my confidence does that. Slowly but surely God’s confidence builds in my heart. I start to act hesitantly just playing a few notes of the song he is wanting me to play or sing but as that confidence builds I slowly get lost in the song he’s playing in me and it’s a beautiful thing that I never want to stop.
As for the questions from chapter 1. I initially started reading/working through this book a few weeks ago. It’s interesting to look back at those questions and see what God has been building in me since then. I’ve especially been clinging to Jeremiah 17:5-8 as reminders in the first few verses that when I depend on and draw strength from mere flesh, it’s always lacking, but as I depend on God, I am blessed more than I can imagine.
Beautiful, Bekah!
Oh my. Just beautiful. The peace of God washing over me. Thank you Chad, and Renee for the opportunity to listen.
My biggest hindrance is my tendency toward self-sufficiency–the illusion that I’m in control of my life so that everything must be planned and scheduled.
A woman who has a confident heart is courageous, optimistic, grateful, joyous and gracious.
Love the music.
I am right with you. This control thing is such a huge HINDERANCE. But our God is bigger if I would just let Him!!!!
I so agree. I love to help people, but I am not great at accepting help from others.
Please practice accepting help from others graciously. We know we are blessed when we help others and we are depriving someone else of that blessing if we don’t accept graciously 🙂 I had to learn how to do this too!
Mary- this is the same struggle I have. It’s great to know you’re not alone & our precious Savior is working out His plan for our lives!
Wow! Beautiful God certainly speaks through Chad with his music doing the talking. Thank you for sharing!
I am sitting listening to the this beautiful song. I have my eyes closed and am thinking of my father in law who went to be with the Lord Sunday evening. He was a godly man and loved the Lord. I can only imagine him being swept away into the clouds and now seeing his loved ones. The music seems like it is being played on the clouds. Oh I thank you Lord for dad and what a legacy he has left for us to see. Thank you Lord.
Prayers for you and your family, Shelia.
praying, also, for your family, sheila. “grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God” (2 corinthians 1:2-4).”
What did I feel as I listned to the song? Overwhelmed with His love. I often close my eyes and go to Jesus in my mind, usually when I go there and I lay on his lap and look at him and he looks back. He can see in my eyes my hurts and my insecure nature( there are no words necessary). He usually holds me and He just knows. Today as I listened to that beautiful musical piece I closed my eyes and went to my sweet Jesus and Idanced for him. I laughed and he delighted in me. I am usually a little girl when I go to Jesus in my mind. I think that its because this is when my insecurities began. I can not pinpoint the moment in which I felt a lack of confidence. I have lived lacking confidence and insecure for as long as I can remember. A woman with a confident heart is one that can admit they are not confident in themselves and can openly disclose that…but they are confident because of God. A confidant woman can admits to their errors and apoligize. A confident woman knows the word of God.
I really wanted to comment on your post, but all I can say is WOW! Your comment leaves me speechless. It is awesome to hear about your amazing and intimate relationship with God. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. 🙂
I too have lacked confidence my whole life and cannot remember when I first felt this way. I pray that this study will help me to be a confident person and that I will learn to trust God and know the plans that he has for my life. I need to remember that he is in control. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. May we all grow in Christ through this study and become the confident women that he wants us to be.
Diana, I too have envisioned myself as the little girl at her Daddy’s feet. Then, to his lap where he loves me through. Now, as I sing to him and worship him, we dance. And it is so filled with love and laughter that I can’t help but smile and feel such joy in him. It really is amazing to draw confidence from our One True Love, Jesus, my King!
Your words ” I am usually a little girl when I go to Jesus in my mind. I think that its because this is when my insecurities began. I can not pinpoint the moment in which I felt a lack of confidence. I have lived lacking confidence and insecure for as long as I can remember” are exactly how I feel. I don’t remember when my insecurities and lack of confidence began. But I have blocked out the first 5 1/2 years of my life. Thank you for sharing that and I am looking forward to A CONFIDENT HEART IN JESUS AND WHO I AM IN JESUS! 🙂
I blocked alot of my childhood out due to all the things I should have not saw and have done to me and my siblings. Your words Diana brings joy and tears to my eyes. I have always felt like I was nothing but reading the end of your comment makes my heart sore! I no longer feel I’m the only women who feels this way. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
Chad’s music is soothing, peaceful and comforting. I would love to listen to it over and over again. He is very talented.
total peace and serenity, and calmness!
What a soothing melodic sound, and on a day when I really need it.. As I close my eyes and listen I feel relaxed and at total peace. Thank you Lord for your anointing on Chad’s life and allowing him to share his gift with us.
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful song of prayer that really touched and spoke to the deepest part of my inner being. It was not hard at all to listen to this anointed music and I became deeply engrossed it in it very quickly. It was alluring, soothing and I experienced the peace and the presence of God in the room as I was listening to Chad playing. It also brought many images and scenes to my mind as I was listening to the subtle transitions in the music. For example , in one part, I was taken back to my childhood days when I used to twirl around and dance in the rain. In another spot, I felt as though I was laying in a verdant, green pasture with my eyes closed feeling the warmth of the sunshine on my face and also listening to the rippling brook at edge of the pasture. It was also a beautiful mixture of the prophetic leading of the Holy Spirit intertwined with some familiar hymns in certain places. It made me feel lighthearted and carefree and I am so blessed that you share your friend’s amazing gift with us and I will pray that all that He poured out will be multiplied back to him a thousandfold. You and He both are truly an inspiration to me and I pray that I will learn to be pliable in His hands as both of you are so that I can fulfill the His plan for my life and not mine own. Thank you and God bless you Chad and Renee!!!