Happy Easter weekend! I wanted to share a video with you that our family watches every Easter. I thought you’d enjoy watching it too as we prepare to celebrate and worship our risen King!! If you’ve never seen it, you’ll be so glad you did today!
That’s My King! from Albert Martin on Vimeo.
Resurrection Blessings,
Dear Renee,
Thank you for taking the time to share this inspiring and spirit-filled message with all of us.
I too hope that you and your family enjoy a blessed, powerful Easter weekend.
I’ll be sharing this with my daughters and other family members instead of a card this year.
thanks again,
Powerful video! Jesus is so worthy to be exalted!! Thanks for sharing it with me! Bless you Renee. 🙂
I love this – our pastor played this for our congregation 2 weeks ago…And it keeps resounding … Bless your for sharing!!
Thank you Renee!! My heart is overflowing because you took the time to share this family tradition with me. May God continue to bless you and extend your reach!
Thank you for sharing. He is Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God. He is our rock and our fortress and my deliverer.
Truly our meger words cannot do Him justice, but praise God He left us some words to use that describe Who He is and can be in our life if we let Him! Thank you for sharing!
Thank You for sharing the video……truly awesome….
Thank you for sharing. Powerful message!
Amen, thank you for sharing this. How blest we are!!
Thank you for sharing this video,awsome God bless
How absolutely perfect for Easter weekend. Powerful!
Thank you for sending out this video Renee. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight.
Thanks for the cross, thanks for loving us so much. Thanks for sharing, and now I to will pass it on.
Wow!!! Thank you for sharing this awesome video! This is a blessing! God bless you as we celebrate our Risen Lord!!! Debbie herdreams.org
Thank You so much The King Is Coming!
Love the video!
Thank you Renee!Loved the video,and He is my King and Lord of my life and heart.Felicia
Thanks for posting this video. It’s a great reminder. I am gonna show it to my small group Easter morning and share the 4 Spiritual Laws. I’ve GOT to be sure they have had the opportunity to hear the good news!
This is so amazing. He is truly my King!
Thank you Renee!!!
I Love My King with all my heart ♥ \(^o^)/
Hallelujah! Praise God. Thanks, Renee, for sharing this. This is awesome.
Renee, Thanks you for sharing this….Love it…He is Risen, Yes he has Risen. He is my King! I think Sunday (Easter) there will be alot of praising his holy name. Prayers and many blessings to you.
Thaank you so very much for that video, I do beleive and I know he died on the Cross for sinners like me
Thank you for sharing Renee. My church played it last year before services and it was so heartwarming to see it again, since we moved away last November and still haven’t found a home church. I was also able to share it on FB. Thanks again, it was a wonderful surprise and nice start for our Easter weekend. Happy Easter to you and yours!
This is perfect to start our Easter week end. May everyone have a Blessed Easter!
Thank you so much, Renee, for posting this! Although I saw it last year, it is so powerful and brought me to tears (again!) Hallelujah! Have an awesome Resurrection Sunday!
I’m really looking forward to chatting with other Christian women~Happy Easter everyone! God Bless you!Sherri
Thank you very much for share this video and clipart Jesus is Risen as we are alive in Christ!
I’m glad I watched this video with lyrics I read becuz I’m hearing impaired, though! 🙂
God Bless!
Have a Resurrection Blessing weekend,
This brought tears to my eyes to see such a powerful reminder of My King! Thank you Renee for sharing!
Everyone have a blessed Easter!
Thank you for sharing this amazing video. How humbling is that!
Thank you Renee…Awesome video…..I know Him and that video makes me want to know more of Him and know Him more. He Lives!!!! He Reigns!!! He’s Coming Back!!!!!
LOVED the video…made my heart flutter!
Blessings, Joanne
Thank you for sharing this video!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I love this and love the passion in it.. He is my King, and I am so grateful
Thank you
Thank you for this powerful reminder of who Jesus is!
THAT IS MY KING!!!!! Today I have spend the day in quiet reflection, prayer and fasting… Thanks for sharing…
Beautiful, thank you!
Thank you for sharing this. I loved this. On Easter Sunday I will dance at my church to “Give Me Jesus.” To me the most powerful part of the song is in the chorus, “Give me Jesus, give me Jesus. You can have all this world, just give me Jesus.” He truly is everything. He is all that and more. Easter Blessings dear sisters. laura
love the vedio he is truly King of kings” He is my king” be bless Renee.
Thanks for sharing this, Renee. How profound, how glorious, how GREAT is our SAVIOUR!!! Blessings to you,precious sister!!
Renee–thank you so much for sharing this video—I have passed it on to our Pastor knowing that he will enjoy it also. How powerful this way…It surely brought tears to my eyes..Thank you and have Easter Blessings with your family.
I had just remembered this video a couple of days ago and wished I could find it!!! Thanks SO much…I’m forwarding it to some of my family and friends.
SO Powerful…that’s JESUS! : )
Thank you Renee for posting this. It brought tears to my eye and warmth to my heart. I agree that it is hard to describe Jesus, but LOVE is one of the ways. Have a great Resurrection weekend.
Thank you so much for sharing this video. Whew! This is a perfect time to see this video. WHAT A SAVIOR!!
God bless you richly!
Happy Easter! enjoyed the video
This gives me goosebumps! Love it!!!
AWESOME video! That’s MY KING! ♥
Thank you for sharing this video. i’m just about to retire to my room for a devotional on this Good Friday and seeing this was a wonderful start.!
Happy Easter!
Thank you so much for sharing this video