Happy Easter weekend! I wanted to share a video with you that our family watches every Easter. I thought you’d enjoy watching it too as we prepare to celebrate and worship our risen King!! If you’ve never seen it, you’ll be so glad you did today!
That’s My King! from Albert Martin on Vimeo.
Resurrection Blessings,
Hi! Renee, I was deleting some emails on my phone today, because I have way too many and I came across this! What a powerful message to be reminded of today! After reading the prayer
ACH message today!
Thank You!
Janet Daniel
Awesome video…Great Truth!
Love the video. It is very touching. I was truly blessed!
The video made me want to jump out of my chair and start preaching….
Thank you for sharing! Very inspiring!
All I can think to say is “Thank you Jesus” for loving me so much! Thank you Renee for sharing this.
This is one awesome video. The truth always wins out over unbelief.
That is the most powerful video I have ever watched and I would love to have a copy of it. I agree it went too fast but it was so powerful I almost started to cry. I know he is king and I firmly believe he is alive and has risen- happy Easter to all and I praise him in all his glory. I have been reborn and have the gift of his healing. I pray and meditate every day and if any wants to contact me feel free to do so. I am a widow and have lost all family and husband. I have been reborn and had back surgery due to pulling on people for over 38 yrs of nursing. I have been given a new life and I am thankful he has given me another chance. Praise the Lord for he is the King.
Your comment was so touching to me. I am also reborn and waiting for a healing of my leg. I have been in bed for 6 1/2 months now (except for 3 weeks in Feb, 2013) when I had a set back. I had a Titanium Ankle Replacement in Sept 2012. It went well until I had a setback from a person that worked on my ankle at a Physical Therapy office. He was not even certified to be working on me. Now I had to stop all therapy and remain in bed again. Waiting on it to heal. I believe that God can heal me and get me out of this bed. I have the faith and HIS word! Thank you for your beautiful comment. It blessed me!
That is Wonderful all those names of My Lord Jesus, i wish i could write them all down:) Goes too fast.
Renee, thank you for sharing this video, it is awesome. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!!!!
Awesome video!! I can’t wait for the book study tomorrow!! Happy Easter to you and your family!!
Renee, this was awesome! I had to share it on Facebook, especially because it’s Easter. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed Easter along with your Family!
I love it and I thank God, that I could watch this once again. bless you renee for posting it,That’s my savior and Praise God My King,King Jesus. Amen. and Happy Easter.
Awesome! It made tears of joy come to my eyes. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this video!!!!!! It’s awesome!!!
I love the video. I love Jesus.thank u
Thank you. Have a wonderful and Blessed Easter.
I am so thankful He is my King!
Thanks Renee for sharing this Video.
God Bless you all for sharing and for been close to each other.
Janet says
That Is a very special viedo to see right before Easter. I’m so glad I decided to watch it!
Thank-You! And May god Bless you!
Janet 🙂