Our 2011 She Speaks conference registration is underway! Each year the conference fills up and we’re already a third full. But there is still room for you, so keep reading!
As Director of the Women’s Ministry Leadership track at She Speaks, I’ve been given the amazing opportunity to give away one of several Cecil Murphey Scholarship that he so generously donated to our ministry. If you haven’t heard of Cecil Murphey’s amazing newsletters, you’ll want toclick here to subscribe for free!
Karen True from WomensMinistry.net is co-leading the Women’s Ministry Leadership track with me this year and we’ve got several great guest speakers, too. Maybe you are hopping over from Karen’s WMnet email announcing this give-away, and I’m so glad you did! If you want to know more about our annual She Speaks Conference for Leaders, Speakers and Writers click here. If you want to know how to enter to win, keep reading.
The purpose of this scholarship is to bless and encourage a women’s ministry leader who needs renewed vision, great training, meaningful connections and intentional networking with other women’s ministry leaders from across the country. The purpose of Women’s Ministry Leaders Track is to provide all of this so that hearts are refreshed, callings are confirmed and women grow in their passion and ability to lead women closer to the heart of God and!
Are you a woman who leads a women’s ministry, as a volunteer or paid staff? Or, do you lead a women’s Bible study and want to grow in leadership development.
Perhaps you know a women’s ministry leader you’d like to nominate for this scholarship. Well, here’s a little more about our She Speaks Womens Ministry track:
For Women’s Ministry Leaders
You know first hand the unique opportunities and challenges that present themselves when you lead a ministry in your church for women. You give and serve all year long — now is your chance to get filled back up with encouragement and training. You’ll have the opportunity to attend a Pre-Conference Intensive as well as the women’s ministry leadership track where you’ll learn how to:
- Build a multi-generational ministry
- Plan events with excellence
- Handle conflict in ministry
- Become an EXTRAordinary leader
- Determine the best curriculum for your groups
- Develop a dynamic ministry for moms
- Discover God’s dream for your ministry team
- Do the Little Things that Make a Big Difference in Leadership…..and more
And now, here are the rules for my She Speaks Leadership Scholarship Contest:
1. If you have a blog or facebook page, write a post on your blog or a note on your FB wall that tells others a little about the She Speaks Conference and why you would like to win this scholarship.
2. Be sure to include a link to my facebook page using @reneeswope (if post on FB) or to this scholarship opportunity post if you post on your blog.
3. If you did the above, be sure to also leave a comment under this post telling me you did.
4. If you do not have a blog or facebook page, leave a comment under this post describing why you would like to win this scholarship. Have your post up by Sunday, March 20th, 2011.
5. I’d love for you to visit Cecil Murphey’s blog and thank him for this wonderfully generous opportunity. He’s got a heart like Jesus and so much wisdom to share!
VERY IMPORTANT: The winner of this contest will be awarded a scholarship for the cost of one person’s registration for the 2011 She Speaks main conference.
The value of this scholarship is $595 which includes your conference materials, conference registration, 2 nights at the conference hotel and meals associated with the conference. Please note it does not include any travel expenses. Also, you will be assigned a room mate or you have the option to pay the extra charge for a private room. This scholarship is non-transferable and can not be traded for cash.
Oh, I hope to see many of you at She Speaks this year, whether you attend as a women’s ministry leader, speaker or writer!! It will be so fun to see your face and hug your neck. And I’ll get to introduce to you to my baby/book “A Confident Heart.” She’s being released at She
I also have some wonderful friends within P31 giving away some more scholarships this week!
- Writers, visit my friend Glynnis..
- Speakers, visit my friend Karen.
- Event Planners, visit my friend LeAnn.
Renee, I just linked the She Speaks Conference and your blogspot on my FB page asking for prayers to win this scholarship. I am the 'volunteer' women's ministry leader at my church because no one else would take it on. We have so many women in need of the confidence and love that Christ can give, and my desire is to lead women down the path to seeing Christ as their everything. Having gone through two overseas deployments with my husband has 'taught' me that Christ truly can be our everything. Thank you for your radio spots that encourage me and make me look at my world with spiritual eyes. Sharmen Oswald
I would like win the She Speaks scholarship because I believe God has been expediting His calling most especially this year. I am overflowing from my heart to my head and to my hands to share what God is giving to me in words and ideas for encouragement of other women. I continuously write articles and short examples, yet I have no medium to share these with others. I do not really have a clue how to go about writing it just pours out. I felt like Abraham's Sarah when God called me to this work, I nearly laughed out loud. Yet the affirmations continue, and I have a huge learning curve ahead of me. I am so grateful Proverbs 31 and for Cecil Murphy's blog, there are invaluable resources generously presented for all willing to visit his site. I truly believe if it is God's will I will be chosen, if not I will celebrate with the one who is chosen. Thank you for the opportunity. May God richly bless your ministry and the winner's calling. Thank you for all you do!
Renee, I have posted another blog after the She Speaks entry, so please go here:
Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity.
I am a women’s ministry leader in our church. This is the first time I've heard of the She Speaks conference. I hope to attend one day.
I know that He has placed a passion in me for woman and service, I would love the opportunity to be able grow in this area and continue to develop the skills necessary to become a confident leader.
I would love to make connections and find the resources to bring back to my church to help build our women's ministry into a team that is reaching women and connecting them on a deeper level.
I don't blog but I have posted a link to this site on my facebook but don't know how to link you to it!
Thank you again for this amazing opportunity! And blessings to whoever wins!
Be God's, Penny Sprinkle
Thank you, Renee for this opportunity.
I have spent most of my life overseas (first a missionary kid, then a missionary, then the wife of an international business man) have have been deeply involved in women's ministry all over the world. However, we are now back in the US as of three years.
I am now a pastor's wife at a rather large church and deeply involved in the women's ministry. Upon returning the the States, it seemed natural I would be involved in the missions department but God has laid on my heart that He wants me to continue serving in the way I have always done: ministering to and teaching woman.
I would love to win a scholarship to She Speaks. As I get more and more involved at my church, I see so many areas that we need to improve on and this would help me with ideas and trends of working in a mega church. We have many spiritually mature and talented women just waiting to be used and this would give me the opportunity to learn and also share with other women in ministry.
Presently, my husband and three kids are all in university and, without some help, I do not have the funds to do this on my own. So I humbly as that I be considered for this scholarship. I know our whole womens ministry would be blessed as well as I would if I could attend the conference,
God bless you in your ministry,
Here's the link to my post on my blog: http://christyjohnson.org/tissuesforyourissues
I honestly don't know how you will choose! Everyone's comments are so worthy!
What a great opportunity!
For some time now, I know that the Lord wants me to start something with our younger women. We really do not have anything for them and that concerns me.
We (The Leadership Team) have been looking at ways to reach these precious women. Coming to this Conference would be such a blessing.
Hi Renee, thanks so much for the opportunity to tell you my story and why I'd love a chance to attend the She Speaks Conference. Please check out my blog when you get a chance.
I posted this on my Facebook and tagged link to my posting.
I have been setting up teas at assisted living homes. I share tea with them, have a devotion, talk a bit about tea and do Tea Bingo. I bring tea baskets for prizes that a few of my friends have been doing for a couple of years- a tea basket ministry and had shared baskets with different groups and now we assemble baskets for prizes at assisted living homes. Thank you for givine us an opportunity to win a scholarship.
http://www.travelingteawithJesus.blogspot.com and also facebook Tea Travels
Hi Renee,
Wow, what an awesome opportunity and how timely I might add! I started a Women's ministry at our church in Monroe, NC 2 years ago with no previous experience just a calling from the Holy Spirit to go. So, off we went.
My heart's desire is to see women go beyond salvation and basic Bible stories to doing life with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Wish someone had shared this with me when I was younger. It just makes life so much sweeter and so much easier with dependable, reliable guidance from the Master.
We have seen women come to know Christ, find that intimate relationship, find prayer partners and dig deeper into God's word. Now, it's time to take it to the next level – HELP! There are so few women's ministry leadership conferences and networking opportunities with experienced leaders of growing churches.I would be so blessed to have this opportunity.Thank you!
I would LOVE to attend this conference! Thank you for offering us such an incredible opportunity!
Here is my blog post:
Thank You Renee for allowing us the opportunity to apply for this scholarship to attend your She Speaks-Women Conference. As a seminary student and a Women's ministry leader within my church, I would very much like to attend your conference. I feel led by God to reach out to women who are in need and would like to grow in their wlak with Christ. I am in my first year at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio and am working towards my MDiv and would like to serve God by working with women. He hasnt opened the doors yet but I continue to pray for guidance and discernment for his call for my life.
Thank You for this opportunity.
In God's Love and Service,
Sharon Harpest
I am the pastor's wife and Women's Ministry Director of our small church. We have been meeting in our home for many years, but, praise to God, are anticipating holding our first service in our newly constructed building on Easter Sunday. God has allowed me to begin a women's ministry in our community that is very much needed, since I learned that sadly other churches in our area do not have women's groups. God has blessed our efforts and some women participate in our group and our Bible studies, but attend their churches for other services. With our new building, a whole untapped area of women await and although I am not shy and have spoke and sung before large churches, etc. in my life, I do not want to attempt to grow this Women's Ministry in MY power and plan, but want to rely on God and those He has spoken to before me and would welcome any assistance, guidance and even cautions from attending "She Speaks." My husband is bi-vocational and our church funds are limited, especially in light of the construction, so for me to attend this awesome conference and gleen valuable information would otherwise be prohibited for me. God is faithful and I feel resolute in my call from Him regarding Women's ministry…but that's another story! Thank you for making this scholarship available and I know God will bless and use whomever receives such a blessing.
In His love,
Vicki Michener
[email protected]
You are such a blessing to give someone this opportunity!
I have always felt I had a call to help women, but since November 2008 it has been something I think about daily. Recently, I became a certified lay speaker to assist me in this call. I also started a women's group called Her Blessed Life (our first meeting is March 27th). Through this group I hope to help women overcome their past and know that they are a loved child of God regardless of what their past includes. I am just starting to write devotions that I hope to share with my group and possibly elsewhere, but I really need help with how to write! I LOVE LOVE to read and I am a total book/reading nerd, but the writing part doesn't come as naturally. I have a lot of ideas in my head, I just do not know how to pull it all together on paper and to speak it.
I feel God is calling me to speak to women – possibly about being a Christian woman who has gone through divorce and generally on the topic of overcoming our pasts.
I know there will be many wonderful applicants, but I would like you to choose me because I have so much respect for all the women of Proverbs 31. I read the blogs, look at the facebook pages, read the books that have been written, read the articles and have attended a conference of Lysa TerKeurst, and I think all of you are wonderful women! I rely so much on all of you daily to assist me in my walk and call and I know that if I attended your conference, I would be learning from the best Jesus girls out there!
Thank you for your consideration.
Heather Eads
Angela Kelley – 39
I am a single mother of three teenagers. I have been involved in women's ministry for over 10 years now. I have so much to give and now that my youngest child is soon to be off to college God has laid a huge burden on my heart to get into women's ministry more and more. I have a lot to give back to women both spiritually, emotionally. I have a great sense of humor and feel very comfortable in a leadership role as well as speaking before large groups of people. I have gone through and lead women's alcohol recovery groups through my church. I have lead various Bible studies over the years with emphasis on women as single parents or women in abusive relationships. I am involved with our praise and worship team and currently our pastor has put me in charge of finding volunteer work for us to do as a church body out in our local community. I also have a lot to learn about leading and caring and nurturing women. Money is very tight on one income and a scholarship would be an amazing blessing.
I will post your link on my Facebook page.
Thank you for your part in this ministry.
Angela Kelley
Me again! I can't access my google account. I need to include my e-mail:
Julie Donahue
[email protected]
I have been wanting to attend this conference since I first heard about it 3 years ago.
My "kingdom purpose" (what I am here for) is:
To connect women in intimate relationships for accountability, mentoring, fellowship and discipleship.
I have been working with my church's women's ministry program for a couple of years, but I just did not have the skills I needed to build up a team. (And we all know that doing it alone is the fastest way to burn out!)
I would love to make connections and find the resources to bring back to my church to help build our women's ministry into a team that is reaching women and connecting them on a deeper level.
Julie Donahue
Roswell, NM
(I posted on Facebook too, but since I just requested you as a friend, I don't know if it will post to your wall.)
I would be very interested in the scholarship because I know that when God calls us to Kingdom work it is never accomplished alone. There is strength and wisdom to having other believers coming alongside of us, encouraging us to take hold of every ounce of purpose to which we were called. As scripture says, "Woe to the person who is alone."
It is good to be salted with fire and that is what She Speaks provides. A contageous fire to do the will of God.
This I know: Those God calls, He also equips. This conference will undoubtably equip ladies to serve more effectively. The Bible says if you see that you lack wisdom then ask for it. Well, I'm asking.
I'm a stay at home mom of 6 that is called to write Bible studies. I work with a impoverished children that are desperate and hungry for discipleship. There is an audience before me of youths and parents that I need to muster up my resources to serve a higher quality of spiritual nourishment.
A lot of the children I work with are one step away from homelessness. The odds are against them in so many ways but God's favor over them is so rich. He truly has chosen the poor of the earth to be rich in faith.
Most the kids live in a motel near our church. There is so much crime at the motel that the city recently tried shutting it down through a lawsuit. It was a big story in these parts as the drama unfolded in the courtroom. Drugs,lice and bed bugs are rampent. And yet their favorite thing is church.
Recently, one of the girls died in a car accident and I committed to her mom to start Redeem(h)er in her honor. A Bible club for kids in the community. Our first Bible study is suppose to be "Spot Light: God Wants to Use You! Can You Take the Heat?"
It's a study about the glory of serving Christ….. and the cost that is attached to it.
Anyway, I am certain the potential is there. So much so that it is almost painful. I just need practical help in developing it. So please prayerfully consider me.
For Him,
Kara Akins
I am working on spreading the word and my enthusiasm about the She Speaks conference. I have put links to your blog, the confernce web page and the Proverbs 31 web page on my FB page. Thank you Renee for the opportunity to reflect and share my desire and spreading the word about Cecil Murphey and his generous scholarships.
Living with passion, Melody
Wow what an awsome opportunity! Thank you. I've posted on my blog thanks again!
Hi Renee,
I posted on my FB page both about the conference, and the scholarship. I pray that if God wants me at this conference, He'll open the door.
Many blessings~
Julia Charleston
Hi, Renee!
Thanks for the opportunity to attend She Speaks! My entry is posted at http://anestintherocks.blogspot.com/2011/03/womens-ministry-she-speaks-2011.html.
I posted my entry in a Facebook note. I tagged you in it! Thank you!!!
Sherry Wolfe
hello Rennee, I am a womens ministry leader in our church. I would love to attend the conference. While in NC last year I ran into one of the speakers. We were in town for my husband to preach and stayed at the Embassy. We were checking out as the conference was checking in. The lady was so inspiring to me at that moment that if I had the finances to stay a few days to attend the conference I would have. I even sent you an email a few months ago and asked if you could bring the conference to the PA area. I am a mother of 5, my oldest will be attending college soon and just don't have the finances to travel. If I am unable to win this contest please pray that the Lord will send a blessing my way so that I can at least hear the classes.
Praying for you and all who are in your ministry. Be blessed
I am so very interested in this conference and thank you for offering a scholarship. I am praying on it and also praying for others that are attending! I am due to give birth to my 2nd child any day now and the timing is perfect for the dates of the conference. However I need to find help with someone to care for my children (as I have no family near and my hubby works crazy on call hours) if I am able to attend, but I believe if it is God's will it will happen. The reason I feel I need this Leadership training is because this month I started a mother's Bible study at our church. I want to feel more confident about sharing His word and how to best lead. There were no Bible studies just for mom's and it is something I feel passionate about and feel the community I live in needs. I have attended several Bible studies over the last couple years and I know from experience how much it has helped me spirituality to be a better person and a more faithful servant. I have no past experience in leading and do feel this is what I need in order to be better and to offer the best study I am able to do. I am also a part of MOPS, which is something I also feel has helped me in my faith walk. I hope to learn more GOD, myself, and to learn how to help others and be the best leader I can be to other's to help them on their faith walk.
Also I am interested in learning to write and share His word with those through my blog, but do not know how to start to go about it.
In addition this year I became the Membership/Guest Ministries Coordinator at our church. Part of my duty is to help our new guests connect to church while providing information to new members on different ministry areas in our church. I appreciate your time and offering the scholarship. Looking forward to possibly meeting amazing woman at the conference. Blessings, Jennie
I'm so grateful for all the scholarship opportunities! Thank you! I have posted on my Facebook Fan Page (Carey Scott Talks) and added @reneeswope in the post.
Thank you and bless you! Carey Scott
Hello Renee!
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. I am amazed at how wonderfully and beautifully God is working through Cecil Murphy and you.
You both are such Godly and generous people. Thank you for allowing Him to use your resources in this way.
Please take the time to review my submission with the appropriate links at:
The finished blog post.
God bless for this AWESOME opportunity! 🙂
YAY She Speaks! 😉
I posted the opportunity on my blog (www.identityingod.blogspot.com). This is the first time I've heard of the She Speaks conference. I hope to attend one day.
I posted on my blog.http://momonamission.me/?p=1184 and asked you to be my friend on Facebook. I've posted a link on my facebook as well. Blessings.
I forgot to put that I have put an article about the Scholarship's on my blog. jagette.blogspot.com and comented on Renee's Facebook page.
I work with the Ladies Bible Studies at our church. I help with the odd jobs that need to be done so the facilitator can lead the class–roll, prayer sheets, coffee, water, turn video equipment on, etc.
I call myself the "Goofor" or the Heinz 57 variety person.
I also work with the facilitator's, when they are selecting the current Bible studies.
I set up the room by arranging tables, chairs, video equipment, DVD's out and ready, be sure there is plenty of coffee made, have ice water. I do get to hear some of the discussion. I enjoy what I do and when I can do something for the Lord, I want to do it.
I am very excited for this opportunity! I looked into the conference the other day and knew we could not afford it at this time as we are on the Dave Ramsey plan! I have been a facilitator in Women's Bible study at our church for several years. I have also served in Mops as a table leader/service coordinator. I have recently felt God calling me out of both of these ministries, not understanding why. He was so good to take me to Job and remind me that I may not understand but I cannot let that overwhelm me. I just need trust Him and be obedient to what He is asking of me. I know that He is continuing to grow me in areas of leadership and perhaps my character, trust, skills need to catch up. I also know that He has placed a passion in me for woman and service, especially leadership development combined with service opportunities. I believe that whether we are leader's in our home, work or church we need to know who we are in Christ and have confidence in that above all else. I have also felt a strong leading into writing and I have no idea where even to begin! I have written a couple things and have recently looked into submitting them to Proverbs 31. I would love the opportunity to be able grow in this area and continue to develop the skills necessary to become a confident leader in the areas I feel God calling me to. I am not a blogger and rarely go on facebook, I will attempt to put a link on! LOL I hope my ineptness with computers will not hinder the possibility for me! Thank you again for this amazing opportunity!
Monica Turley [email protected]
What a great opportunity! Thanks for offering it to us and I hope all of you who desire to go will be able to do so.
I posted about the opportunity on my blog here:
~heather king~
I have written a blog about She Speaks, you, and the scholarship at http://www.myfaithfulliving.com. thak you and Cecil for this wonderful opportunity to further our ministry.
Thank you for the opportunity Renee.
I would love to win this scholarship for so many reasons. The main reason being that I loved She Speaks last year and have learned so much from all of you. Last year was my first event and I have taken the Next Step classes as well. Amy was my leader. I am the women's ministry leader at a small church in Florida. We don't have any extra funds for women's ministry so I find myself pulling from my own pocket very often to supply the extras needed for our women. I don't say this to be a downer it is just that I paid out a lot of money last year on growth opportunities for myself and our ministry. This year my son is getting married and all of my extra money will be going toward helping him get set up in his new home and with wedding details. A scholarship would be a tremendous blessing. I love bringing the new ideas and thoughts back to our team and our ladies at HBC.
Thanks again for the opportunity.
I posted on my personal facebook profile (Tammy Clough Sinclair) and on my ministry page (LET Ministries). I would cherish the opportunity and use what I learn to further the Kingdom work! = )
So I totally have a knot in my stomach as I write this, because even signing up for the possibility to win a scholarship to this conference scares the living daylights out of me. I want to attend this conference to learn more about how to be the woman and leader God wants me to be. I am also going through a spiritual desert, and need to drink His Living Water to get His strength back.
I am a 28 year old woman who is the Woman's Ministry Leader of my church. I'm leading women who are my mom's age–one of them IS my mom! I know that age isn't everything, and that God equips those He calls, and I know I have a strong calling to be in this position, but yet…it's still intimidating. I've been on the team for 4 years–maybe 5, and have been the leader now for 2 1/2 years, but the whole leadership thing is intense, and I don't think I'm doing a very good job at it. I know I could be doing so much more to serve HIM, and thus the women in my church body. The chance to learn more, so I can best lead my Sisters in Christ, is one I can't pass up.
In the last week, one of my dear friends and fellow Women's Ministry Team members spoke with me about her calling in changing the focus of our team to one not of service to women of our body, but one where our body of women serves! As I'm really feeling parched right now, and unsure where to go next with our ministry, I know this is God calling us through her. When I first became the leader of our group, it was established and already going strong. I've been okay at keeping status quo, but to change into a new, God-led direction is something I don't feel completely equipped for. I'm decent at planning social events, but when it comes to leading these women in service for Christ, I am scared.
Thank you for considering me for this scholarship–and a chance to help revitalize our Women's Ministry!
I just want to THANK YOU for this scholarship opportunity. 🙂
I do not FB anymore, however I do blog.
My post is scheduled until tomorrow.
I know whomever is chosen, God will use to bless others! 😉
With Thanksgiving,
Jaime Rafferty
I tried to tag you on my Facebook (triciapoo) but I don't know if it's showing.
I just posted on Facebook! Thank you for the opportunity to attend the conference.
Hi Renee,
I have posted regarding the scholarship on my blog:
Thank you for considering my entry!
I have posted an article on my blog
I have been very thankful these past two years for the training and networking at She Speaks. I am led to attend this years Women's Ministry Leadership track. I truly believe God has messages stored up for me and am beginning to make plans for how I can attend financially but more importantly, how I can attend knowing my daughter will be well-cared for in my absence. Your prayers that He will take care of the many details necessary in order for me to be where He desires is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you again!
I would like to have this opportunity.
My name is Ambar, and I am a leader of a bible study group in church also me and my husband are leaders of our youth group in church as well. I have been looking and reading about the conference and I would like to be part of one.
I know that God had call me to work with Women and I know that God is getting me ready with all the tools that I need.
Thanks for your consideration.
Renee-I have posted here: http://inhisgraces.blogspot.com/2011/03/she-speaks-scholarship-contest.html
Thank you for this opportunity!!
Believing Him~Pamela
I do have a facebook account but I am not very savvy at using it. I will try to post but I hope I can leave my entry here. I am an unofficial ladies ministry leader at the small bible church I attend. We currently do not have a Pastor, nor do we have any youth groups. You see, to the world or even to other churches-it may seem like we are "dying". But just like the life hidden in the vine during the winter, there IS life in our little church. It is my deep desire to continue to foster fellowship among the women, teaching them on Sundays, and spurring them on to pour themselves out for the great God we serve. We sing a hymn that proclaims "little is much when God is in it". I believe that with all my being. So, I hope you will consider me, not so much for me-but for them too. Thank you for your consideration.
In Him,
Thank you once again for this opportunity. I have posted on my blog regarding this conference. You can view my blog at http://sistersofhonor.blogspot.com
Hi Renee,
My name is Alyssa, and I am currently a sophomore at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. Here's why I would like to go to She Speaks in the women's ministry track:
1.) Next fall, I will be leading a Bible study/discipleship group of first-year women, and
2.) I'm a new(ish) Christian, so I have little experience as the object of a women's ministry, let alone leading one! I really want to honor God and the girls in my group, but I definitely need some intense training.
And, here's why I want to win a scholarship to go:
1.) I'm a college student (enough said? haha), and I'm hesitant to take an extra loan to pay the registration fee.
2.) I would love to raise support to fund myself, but I'm currently raising support for a two-month service trip to an orphanage in Johannesburg, South Africa.
I decided to post a comment, to reserve my blog for updates to those who are sponsoring my trip to South Africa, but I've linked to it and you're more than welcome to check it out 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing this scholarship opportunity!
Thank you for the great opportunity, Renee!
I have done as asked on Facebook and tagged you to the link to my posting.
Marni Arnold