Once again She Speaks is more than we could have asked for or imagined! I can see God’s answer to every prayer and His activity in every detail and thought that went into planning the conference. What an incredible team we have at Proverbs 31 Ministries. God’s girls and God’s plans are in motion this weekend!
I think this might be the best She Speaks ever, but then again, I feel that way every year. The women who come are just incredible. I met with two publishers today who went on and on about the women they have met and their stories. They are super impressed!!
Thank you so much for your prayers as I prepared last week. And your continual encouragement now as I speak and serve this wekeend. My sessions have gone well from what I can tell.
I am living on adrenaline and Jesus! It’s been sooo hard to sleep. Just too much excitement and anticipation for my heart to handle. The first night I went to bed at 11:30pm and woke up at 4am. The second night I went to bed at 2:30am and woke up at 6am. That night I was up reviewing and revising my Friday morning opening message about “Seeking Vision and Not Position.” Once the conference really started I was able to settle a little so last night I slept from 11:30 – 7am.
Today I met with three publishers about my book proposal. Once told me that their editorial board wasn’t interested but that she wasn’t going to give up. Another said she loved it and is very interested. And the third said she really liked it and is presenting it to her editorial board next week. Yaaayyyy!!! I also have another publisher who told my agent that they are interested but they aren’t here so I haven’t met with them personally since they got my proposal. Let’s just keep praying and see what God does.
I won’t be blogging much (as you can see) but I am tweeting and putting regular updates on my facebook page if you’d like to “be here” with us but weren’t able to this year. You can follow along on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/renee.swope or on Twitter at http://twitter.com/ReneeSwope
Would love to stay connected!
I miss you already!!! Wish I were there with you and Cris. On second thougt, I would have never got up to run this morning with the gang. Someone would of had to pull me along from behind in a wagon.
Loved doing ministry with you last week!
big hugs,
SO glad that you got some sleep!! Thank you again for everything!! Your talk was amazing!! I left you a comment on Facebook!! Need to paint!!
How exciting Renee! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
I am sad that you are not going to blog as much as you use to 🙁 I don't do facebook nor twit. I am praying for your little girl hope that is going well. Blessings & peace. Mary
When you said it was the best She Speaks ever I was about to jump in my car and come find you in NC and remind you about last summer, Sister, but then you saved yourself when you said you feel that way every year. LOL… 🙂 I wish I could've joined you all this year, but Lord willing next summer I will be there and hopefully will be able to see you in October in Iowa! Although, my husband & I just started reading Marybeth & Curt's financial book, so the Lord may not let me go anywhere for awhile as we try to line up this part of our lives with what God says.
Oh Renee, I can't wait to hear the testimonies and changed lives of all the women that attended. I know what God has done in my life over the last few years and He is just amazing. I'm definitely not the same woman I was since He introduced P31 into my life.
Okay, get some rest and can't wait to hear what God did with you this weekend.
I'm enjoying those Facebook updates, Renee. 🙂 Wish I could've been there for myself, but am thankful to be getting "the scoop" via Facebook.
Pray the day is going well at She Speaks!