If you are just joining today me for the mini-study on the woman at the well, please scroll down and read part one first, then return to today’s post for reflections. The WINNER of today’s drawing for my Searching for Satisfaction CD is Rebecca (a.k.a [email protected]). Congratulations!
Jesus could have chosen to be anywhere else that day – but He was there, waiting for her in one of the hardest and loneliest parts of her day.
In the same way, He is there waiting for us in those hard parts of our day: when we wake up and feel overwhelmed by all that we face each day; when we get to work and wonder why we’re even there; while we change diapers and do laundry over and over again and wonder if we’ll ever find meaning in the monotony of motherhood; when we come home in the evening to a lonely house and wonder why God hasn’t given us a husband or a family; when we come home to a teenager who belittles us or a husband who abuses…
Wherever you are – He is waiting there for you and He asks you to simply turn your eyes and ears towards Him. He asked her for a drink because he wanted to intersect His life with hers. He wanted to talk with her. He wanted to show her that He knew what she really need and He’d give it to her if only she’d ask.
Sam could have easily gotten her water and headed back home – back into her busy day. But she stopped, she listened, she let Him get close and before she knew it, things were about to get very personal…
- Is it hard to believe that Jesus would go out of His way to be with you today?
- Do you know that there is nothing that could keep Him from wanting to be with you? He never makes His way around you – He comes straight to you and invites you to come straight to Him instead of all the other wells in your life you look for for satisfaction?
- Has something happened in your life that caused you to pull away – from your friends, your family and even God?
- Do you believe that no matter what you have done of how far you have wandered away, that Jesus is right there waiting to spend time with you?
- What are some of the things that keep you from stopping to be with Jesus in the midst of your busy life?
- What will you do today and tomorrow and the next day to meet with Jesus and respond to His initiation to have an up close and personal conversation with Him?
© 2008, Renee Swope. All rights reserved.
Wow Renee, wow!! God is really doing somethings here on your blog, especially in the hearts of the women leaving comments…loved reading them all.
I’m so late on reading this, but this is just so good.
I haven’t thought about it much until now…you ask, is there something that has happened that has caused me to pull away from everyone, even God. I guess in a sense it is pulling away…I just feel so numb…I have had several BIG blows in the last two years and the latest is my 17 yr. old son turning into a prodical and leaving home because he didn’t want to follow our “God given” rules of the home….it has been such a blow to every part of me…I guess I have just been surviving, but not really wanting to feel “those” feelings anymore…so yes, I guess I have pulled away….Lord, forgive me and help me find my way back to you…afterall we are the ones that move, not you. (praise you Jesus)—Heartbroke Mom….
Amen- as Angela said “it’s real and not Hollywood.” A real relationship with Him takes us through some real hard times and real good times. But He’s our ultimate reality, the Truth and the Way. Thanks for pointing us to Him, Renee.
Just what I needed to hear today. Life at our house had been exceedingly busy lately, trips to the ER, eye doctor’s appointments, field trips, (today) landscaping projects and grocery stores in the midst of it all. All of this with no hubby around to assist or take up the slack.
I feel too busy to even speak to anyone let alone actually spend quiet time with my Lord.
I do read His word daily and I find I need that daily dose of scripture, but it isn’t the same as actual time spent with Him.
It is good to know that He meets us right where we are, He comes along for the ride so to speak. I’m so glad He is with me through all the craziness, and I know that He will be there for when things settle down and resume the normalcy, (will that ever come back?) I’m praying it will.
Thanks for your message today and yesterday, Renee.
All I can say is that God has an incredible sense of timing. I forgot you were going to do this study. I have had a busy weekend, with a lot of anxiety about my counseling appt. today. I popped onto your blog literally a half hour before my friend came over to drive me to my appt. I read today’s and yesterdays posts.
I didn’t think any more of it, until I was in the middle of counseling. She was asking me some questions and guiding me through some painful lies I was believing, and all of a sudden, I cried, because I could almost HEAR Jesus asking ME for a cup of water. I remember saying over and over, “how can he be asking me?!”
When I am able to work through it a little more, I will put up a post about it on my blog, but I wanted to thank you for following God’s leading in the questions, and in the way you re-told the story of Sam. To think that He sees value in me, that I can give Him something and it isn’t what other men have wanted from me…
I pray that God will let that sink in, so that it is no longer only in my head, but in my heart… that the two finally get connected.
God bless you,
It was interesting to read the part of how Jesus HAD to come to Samaria. Isn’t it funny how we can miss the little details when we read the word. It had never occurred to me that Jesus new she was there and that His purpose was to meet her that day. It is something that I am now dwelling on. That it’s possible that Jesus HAS to meet with me today and tomorrow and probably yesterday. Unfortunately sometimes (and all to often) I don’t go to the well. I try to make it all week from the water I drew on Sunday or add a little bit more during the week.
Thank you for the devotional. It has really made me think.
What a blessing to read about the woman at the well again. There is a new perspective to be seen each time we look at her interactions with Jesus. I love the email devotionals and connecting with you once again. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Rest,Renew and Receive.
Hi Renee,
I’ve continued to reflect on this story. I’ve read different accounts, a few commentaries…and I found something interesting. Not being “Miss Geography” I assumed that when the story begins in John 4 saying, “Now He had to go through Samaria” – I believed Samaria was actually on Christ’s way – in the same direction where He was heading…but it wasn’t. Apparently Samaria was way out of His way – not a direct path at all. He went there for her…for a nameless woman with no friends, who only had an empty jar, a symbol of her empty life. WOW.
I’ve also reflected that I have this living water within me, yet how often do I go searching for other things to fill my life? It seems completely unbelievable that someone who has received living water from Christ could drink from another well, but I have lowered my cup in other places only to come up empty.
Praying today that He alone will satisfy the thirsting of my soul.
Lifting my empty water jug for Him to fill,
I just popped in today and this has really blessed me. I just love this story. It is those kind of stories that our hearts desire. The fact that it is real not Hollywood is what makes it even better! Jesus is the one who woes us and meets us where we are. He loves us beyond anything we can ever imagine. This is such a testimony to that. Thanks for your beautiful insights!
Whoo-Hoo! Whoo-Hoo! Whoo-Hoo! 🙂 Thanks for the cd, Renee!
The woman at the well. So many women find themselves at the well for a plethora of different reasons. Whatever the reason, we find ourselves secluded from others, from God…and it’s our own doing. We have pulled away. But unlike most of friends, family, etc., God is there. He is making a way to find us. But in order for us to meet, we must draw near unto Him. We must choose to let Him come close, let Him come in to our lives. Oh how hard that can be sometimes when we’ve found ourselves in a position we didn’t even want to be in; a position in which we are painfully ashamed. However, if we could get past the shame, the embarassment, He will lift us up. He will give us living water! He will restoreth our soul! Hallelujah, Amen! Why, oh why, don’t we listen to His calling from the very beginning? Why don’t we rush to Him right from the start? Why do we allow the devil and our flesh to consume our thoughts and seclude us into a tiny bubble filled with shame and guilt and embarassment? The devil is a liar and a master deceiver. We should never believe his lies, yet on a daily basis it seems as though we hear what he has for us more than we hear the words God has for us. I challenge each of us (definitely myself included) to really listen to God. God’s voice will be true and provable; the devil’s voice will just tear us down and tell us we are not worthy. Who’s voice do we want to listen to?
I hope I didn’t sound preachy, but this has been something I’ve been battling lately and I wanted to share my thoughts.
I love you ladies! Prayers and Blessings!
[email protected]
Thank you for your great devotional. It is, unfortunately very easy for me to forget that Jesus seeks me out and cares about my day to day life. This story of Sam is very helpful to me and I thank you for taking the time to write about it. It is a real blessing to me.
Connie Jo
I really needed to read this today. Thank you for this devo. I am going to think on the questions. Have a great day!
What a great reminder that He seeks me out and wants to spend time with me. I am in a place of knowing it in my head but am having trouble letting go and being still. Today was a hard day and I have been supercritical of myself.
The deep level of conversation is missing in all areas of my life it seems.
My question lately is why do I feel like I am back in middle school when it comes to women and relationships? I have appreciated what you have shared lately. Thank you.
Oh Renee, thank you for allowing God to touch so many hearts through you. What a wonderful application. God has been using so many things to draw me closer to Him, including you! Although I was raised in a Christian home, the overriding sense was God was too busy to be involved in the intimate day-to-day details of our lives. Between that and the strict earthly dad I had, I still struggle with trying not to “bother” God. Devotions like this are so good for me.
Thanks Renee!
What a blessing your writings are. It sure can be hard sometimes knowing that we are going through certain circumstances because God is testing our faith. We have to remember that He brings good out of every situation. I’m currently doing the Beth Moore study, Stepping Up and its very good. Learning a lot.. Most importantly, that whatever valley we are in right now, we are not staying there. He’s moving us up!!
For me it is the tyranny of the urgent. What ever is in front of me will get my attention first. Everything else gets put on the back burner. Thankfully my back burner doesn’t heat right or a ton of stuff would be on fire!
It is easier than ever for other things in my life to take priority over my relationship with Jesus.
We are in a difficult church environment right now and are really struggling wanting to even be at church. We worship and study better at home right now but we know we shouldn’t forsake the assemblying of ourselves because that assemblying is not just for us but for those God wants us to minister to. We’re plowing on hard dry ground.
I think my lesson is to see that Jesus knew where she would be and He went there. He went right to her. I’m secure in knowing that my Lord knows me, finds me, and loves me. I need to be just as intentional as He is in who He is sending me to. I need to see with His eyes and with His vision of seeing the world. Who or where is that I HAVE to go to today?
Thanks Renee. I love reading a familiar passage and seeing a fresh perspective.
The past several months have been very difficult for me, and for my family. My husband and I both served on a church staff that literally consumed our lives. When I was forced to stay home, we realized how consumed our lives were in ministry, not living out the call we both felt to building a relationship with Jesus, and helping others to do the same. At first, I was angry about the entire situation. I blamed everyone, including myself. The anger mainly surfaced from the massive amounts of pain medicine I was taking, but as we began the painful journey of evaluating our situation, we realized that our jobs were more than either of us bargained for. Our family life suffered, our marriage was suffering, and we knew we had to do something about it. After seeking God’s face, and getting to the point where we could face the future with trust alone, I am now at home, and my husband is returning to his former life before ministry. We know that this is a step that God was urging us to take for right now. One day, we know that we will be in ministry again … and that day will come sooner than later!
Thanks for your words, Renee. Jesus does indeed come straight for you, and when you aren’t ready for Him, you will change your course to miss Him. Sometimes, He forces you to make decisions because you haven’t been listening. My husband and I both have faced this situation over the past several months. It’s been painful for both of us to experience it, but now that we are on the other side, it is refreshing and calming to experience God’s protection, His love, and His open arms that welcomed us back into His lap.
I love the way you retold the story of Sam. It was beautiful.
Your questions cause me great pause. Yes, I have a hard time believing Jesus would go out of his way to meet with me. I know it on an intellecutal level, but I struggle with it on an emotional level.
I think so much of it is that so much of my life I’ve felt invisible. Even now, I feel that way. Part of it was learned growing up. I just haven’t been able to shake it.
I am what I term, “Easy to walk away from.” I’ll watch people have lengthy conversations, for example at church. When I finally get my turn to break in, the conversation ends in two minutes or less.
While I know Jesus is different, still I wonder at times. I think, like most people, we assume on some level Jesus will respond the same way as others do to us. The hope is that he doesn’t.
Thanks for sharing.